4.1.5 (2017-11-10)
4.1.4 (2017-10-31)
4.1.3 (2017-10-11)
4.1.2 (2017-10-11)
4.1.1 (2017-10-10)
- super-tabs: fix lifecycle events (1a7a8ee), closes #175
- super-tabs: onTabChange firing twice if page was not changed (2c19ab4)
4.1.0 (2017-09-04)
- super-tabs: fire tabSelect when buttons are clicked (611f5cd), closes #103
- super-tabs: support manually updating the segment button widths(#121) (8d2d678)
4.0.1 (2017-08-06)
4.0.0 (2017-07-14)
- super-tab: add goToRoot method (5865c18), closes #102
- super-tabs: add getActiveChildNavs method (a803cb9), closes #117
- super-tabs: remove first param from linker.navChange calls (7c5cc0b)
- super-tabs: update to (8338656), closes #115
3.0.1 (2017-07-03)
- super-tabs: fire events when calling slideTo (8b64bd2), closes #100
- super-tabs: fix view controller issues (3750e54), closes #29
3.0.0 (2017-07-02)
2.6.3 (2017-06-20)
2.6.2 (2017-05-21)
- fix height calculation to match new tab button dimensions (015c237)
- fix issues caused when resizing view (3cb2ebc), closes #53
- super-tabs: check if view exists before firing events (9e7c3a7)
- toolbar: align buttons propertly when enlarging window (3e4eda1), closes #40
- set max indicator position on orientation change and resize events (cf0eb01)
2.5.1 (2017-05-02)
- check dimensions on parent view enter (438b1f3)
2.5.0 (2017-05-01)
- super-tabs: fire view events (78b7bc7)
2.4.1 (2017-04-30)
2.4.0 (2017-04-30)
- super-tab: detect changes when set to active (809ad90)
- super-tab: fix change detection issues (c95d480), closes #36
- super-tab: update to match ionic 3.1 (af5fcfd)
- toolbar: do not wrap text (a1c7cd8)
- toolbar: fix issue with scrollTabs option enabled (667ea8b)
- lazy load tabs (b0eecba)
2.3.0 (2017-04-24)
- super-tab: add swipeBackEnabled input (1fc754c)
- super-tab: pause change detection when tab is not active (198937a)
- animations: improve animations (26580a9)
2.2.2 (2017-04-19)
- fix deep linking with no titles (b113008)
2.2.1 (2017-04-19)
- super-tabs: wait for view init before setting indicator position (07240cf), closes #23
- toolbar: indicator width is 0 on init (a826da8)
- integrate deeplinking (2941ce9)
2.1.0 (2017-04-18)
- super-tabs: add slideTo method (a847cc6)
2.0.0 (2017-04-18)
- fix selectedTabIndex input (0f4db70)
- ability to pass params to tabs (9262a46)