Clean up vestigial parts of data structures
Clean up vestigial parts of data structures
Error check puzzle number, streamline usage/err calls
Error check puzzle number, streamline usage/err calls
Web site's response changed so adapt script to handle it
Web site's response changed so adapt script to handle it
Make it behave if given trc=NA (like kenken-logic.R args)
Make it behave if given trc=NA (like kenken-logic.R args)
Implement rule applying to groups in a single row or column
Implement rule applying to groups in a single row or column
Label rule counts for user understanding
Label rule counts for user understanding
Heuristic: 3- and 4-sized groups solving
Heuristic: 3- and 4-sized groups solving
Gather counts of rule applications; use to order rules for efficient …
Gather counts of rule applications; use to order rules for efficient …
Add another solving link to the README
Add another solving link to the README
Add cross-row elimination rule to logic solver
Add cross-row elimination rule to logic solver
Implement odo option to control odometer like brute-force does
Implement odo option to control odometer like brute-force does
Use the simpler, more general "Union rule," removing "Naked group" rule
Use the simpler, more general "Union rule," removing "Naked group" rule
Add pointer to Caleb Sander's solving rules
Add pointer to Caleb Sander's solving rules
Shorten text to fit in scroll window
Shorten text to fit in scroll window
Remove silly copyright notice - it doesn't really apply to the puzzle…
Remove silly copyright notice - it doesn't really apply to the puzzle…
Rewrite div operation function to use table lookup for speed
Rewrite div operation function to use table lookup for speed
Reorganize README text slightly to keep the section focus
Reorganize README text slightly to keep the section focus
Add in remote usage instructions to README
Add in remote usage instructions to README
Don't try adjusting text next to grids to reduce error messages
Don't try adjusting text next to grids to reduce error messages
Use trial-grids in README examples; expand summary.
Use trial-grids in README examples; expand summary.
Tidy up code, handle format failures more gracefully
Tidy up code, handle format failures more gracefully