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openhab3 pihole Integration


  1. Working openhab3 setup
  2. HTTP-Binding installed
  3. JSON-Path-Transormation installed

How To

  1. Add a new HTTP-Thing and configure it like shown in the image below thing_config.png
  2. Add a pihole.things file to your openHab3 config
  3. Add all paths you later want to display in a sitemap as a channel
    • an example can be found here
  4. Add a pihole.items file to your openHab3 config
  5. Create an item for each value you want to display or use in openHab
    • an example can be found here
  6. Create a Sitemap and display the pihole values like shown in the image below
    • an example for the sitemap below can be found here


PiHole Authentication

If your PiHole instance uses a web interface password, further authentication is required in pihole.things file.
Original PiHole BlogPost: PiHole BLog Announcement

How to add Authentication

  1. Get your API Token from PiHole Instance: {piHoleUrl}/admin/settings.php?tab=api


  2. Change your baseUrl in pihole.things file in your openHab3 config.

Thing http:url:piholenew "PiHole" [ baseURL="http://{piHoleUrl}/admin/api.php?summary&auth={RawApiToken}", refresh=36000] {
        Type string : DomainsBlocked        "Domains Blocked"          [ stateTransformation="JSONPATH:$.domains_being_blocked" ]
        Type string : QueriesToday          "Queries Today"            [ stateTransformation="JSONPATH:$.dns_queries_today" ]
        Type string : AdsBlockedToday       "ADS Blocked Today"        [ stateTransformation="JSONPATH:$.ads_blocked_today" ]
        Type string : AdsPercentageToday    "ADS Percentage Today"     [ stateTransformation="JSONPATH:$.ads_percentage_today" ]
        Type string : UniqueDomains         "Unique Domains"           [ stateTransformation="JSONPATH:$.unique_domains" ]
        Type string : QueriesForwarded      "Queries QueriesForwarded" [ stateTransformation="JSONPATH:$.queries_forwarded" ]
        Type string : QueriesCached         "Queries Cached"           [ stateTransformation="JSONPATH:$.queries_cached" ]
        Type string : UniqueClients         "Unique Clients"           [ stateTransformation="JSONPATH:$.unique_clients" ]
        Type string : ClientsEverSeen       "Clients ever seen"        [ stateTransformation="JSONPATH:$.clients_ever_seen" ]
        Type string : DomainsBlocked        "DNS Queries all Types"    [ stateTransformation="JSONPATH:$.domains_being_blocked" ]
        Type string : Status                "Status"                   [ stateTransformation="JSONPATH:$.status" ]

{RawApiToken} is copied from Step1 using the 'Show API Token' Button.

Please note: Add ?summary as an additional query parameter to query the PiHole endpoint for the configured json structure from your pihole.things configuration.


Integrate pihole into openhab3




