[Website] (http://speakability.andrewraynes.com) | [GitHub] (http://github.com/raynesandrew) | [Twitter] (http://twitter.com/speakability1) | [Download] (https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/speakability/id784509467?mt=8)
Speakability was an iOS application I developed for my final year project in university. The application was shortlisted at the [Big Chip Awards 2014] (http://www.bigchipawards.com/Shortlist2014) and most recently I sold the application to a leading university education agency in London - [Winning Education] (https://winningeducation.com). I am sad to see the application go, but its gone to a great home and I am now developing more apps including; Gradey and Domainey.
You can watch some [videos] (http://project-speakability.andrewraynes.com) and [read] (http://speakability.tumblr.com) some stuff on the build [here] (http://project-speakability.andrewraynes.com).
- Current Version: 2.0.1
- Available on; iPhone
- Works with iOS 7 or greater
- All Speakability versions developed by me (before the sale) are documented within the [change log] (https://github.com/raynesandrew/Speakability/blob/master/Changelog.markdown).
Please contact [Winning Education] (https://winningeducation.com) the owners of the application.