A collection of resources for girls in tech to get involved including summer programs, meet-ups and hackathons. Feel free to submit a pull request if you find anything new!
- Geek Girls Carrots
- Women’s Technology Program at MIT
- Girls Who Code
- Black Girls Code
- Attend a Hackathon
- Grace Hopper Conference
- Girls in Tech
- National Center for Women and Information Technology
- Built By Girls
- Girls Develop It
- Django Girls
- Tech Girlz
- The Women in Tech Summit
- Chicago Women in Tech
- San Francisco Women in Tech
- Girls Teaching Girls to Code
- Anita Borg
- ChickTech
- Association for Women in Science
- Codess
- Girls Teaching Girls to Code
- Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship
- Made with Code
- PyLadies
- She++
- Stanford Women in Computer Science
- AirBnBNerds Taking Flight
- Ladies Learning Code
- Write/Speak/Code
- Rewriting the Code Fellowship