ODK Web Forms CI #1278
3 errors
Run yarn workspace @getodk/web-forms test:types
File '/home/runner/work/web-forms/web-forms/packages/web-forms/src/shared-state/form-state.ts' is not listed within the file list of project '/home/runner/work/web-forms/web-forms/packages/web-forms/tsconfig.vitest.json'. Projects must list all files or use an 'include' pattern.
Run yarn workspace @getodk/web-forms test:types
File '/home/runner/work/web-forms/web-forms/packages/web-forms/src/shared-state/instance-cache-state.ts' is not listed within the file list of project '/home/runner/work/web-forms/web-forms/packages/web-forms/tsconfig.vitest.json'. Projects must list all files or use an 'include' pattern.
Run yarn workspace @getodk/web-forms test:types
Process completed with exit code 1.