Distributing products globally should not be a one price fits all strategy. Get started with Mage to scale your products worldwide!
Please note that our SDK currently just works with min SDK Version 16.
Mage is available through JitPack. To install it, simply do the following two steps:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.getmageio:mage-android-sdk:1.1.0'
import io.getmage.android.Mage;
We recommend initializing the Mage SDK after the app start. That way, there are no delays as soon as you want to show an in-app purchase to your user, as the current price levels are already cached in the background.
try {
Mage.setOptions(getApplicationContext(), new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
// Set your API key
put("apiKey", "YOUR_API_KEY");
// Optional: strict mode. The SDK will crash when errors occur.
// This way you can test if you set up the SDK correctly!
// Default: false
put("isStrict", true);
// Indicate if your app is running on a consumer device.
// Please note that production should not be set to true if your app runs on real testing devices!
// Default: false
put("isProduction", true);
} catch (Exception e) {
// this will never be thrown except your config was wrong and isStrict is set to true
Wherever you show in-app purchases, call getIdFromProductName
to get the in-app purchase ID for the pricing Mage recommends. This could be, for example, somewhere in your ViewController for your store view/popup. As an additional safety layer, you need to set a fallback ID. Simply use your default product as fallback ID. The fallback will recover you in case some unexpected error during the transmission might happen, so getIdFromProductName
will always return an in-app purchase ID.
Mage.getIdFromProductName("myProduct", "com.myapp.myFallbackID");
In some cases, you might want to know what the user bought so you can send it to a CRM,
your own backend or for some custom logic inside your app. getProductNameFromId
will help you out!
// Get the correct in app purchase id to show to the user
// This method will return null if no product was found for the provided ID
String someProductName = Mage.getProductNameFromId("com.myapp.someIapID");
if (someProductName) {
// do stuff..
Auto-purchase tracking is not yet implemented in our Android Java SDK. Whenever a user makes a purchase you need to report it.
Subscription status tracking is essential to adequately track the durations of your subscriptions and identify free trial and introductory price offer conversion rates. To make this feature work, you need to implement the setUserIdentifier
method so that we can identify the calls from your backend. Set the user identifier as soon as you have generated the identifier in your app.
Usually, Subscription status tracking is done on your backend or by some third party service. Apple or Google sends real-time subscription status updates that you interpret and take action on. This is why we provide a simple Web API to enable subscription lifetime value tracking for Mage. Apple or Google contacts your backend, your backend contacts Mage. Learn more about our Subscription Lifetime Value Tracking Feature.
Mage is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.