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Releases: geteso/eso

1.0.0 delta 2

12 May 23:12
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1.0.0d2 contains several bug fixes, new features and updates to the software—most namely compatibility with the latest release of PHP, 8.2.5. It is recommended that you update your forum, as many forum-breaking bugs have been fixed in this version. Instructions on how to update your forum can be found here.


  1. Fix members tab save settings button #15
  2. Fix reference to missing language string a29fc72
  3. Use a left and right avatar for both alignments 3f0cc96
  4. Fix generating the sitemap and web manifest #17, #18
  5. Create new config setting changeAvatar 01fa3d2
  6. Fetch a list of unvalidated members in the dashboard 8cc5970, 804baeb
  7. Add advanced settings to the dashboard a0b2045, 85e0070
  8. Add setting for members to disable emoticons fc35dc3
  9. Fixed where selecting 0 as a profile color creates a glitched profile a12c82d
  10. Include hardcoded version in installer a229d8c
  11. Add languages to the dashboard with an uploader 20455e2, b83938e
  12. Allow moderators to access some parts of the dashboard f6474d8, 6009019
  13. Remove basePath config setting 6009019
  14. Add https to suggestBaseUrl() (install with https) 6009019
  15. Define constants for directories 6009019, a9b4d18
  16. Add hooks postFooter, profileInfo and settingsPageEnd 28c1515
  17. Add PHP 7 compatibility to software and lexer #27, 5dd7404, 31487ea
  18. Add MySQL character set to config with setting characterEncoding e6c2d7d
  19. Fixed where members could not restore their deleted posts upon refresh of the page 7cd10c4
  20. Add "delete forever" to deleted posts that can permanently delete them and update the conversation's lastPostMember and lastPostTime 7cd10c4
  21. Use new hashing algorithm for generating passwords (bcrypt, PHP 5.5) b6c4952
  22. Get members' 'real' IP address and store in cookieIp as a hash value b6c4952, 01694d3
  23. Include $this->bar["right"] (right hand side nav buttons) in footer b6c4952
  24. Use flood control measures to prevent mass sign up attempts (counted as logins per minute) 01694d3
  25. Select between hashing algorithms bcrypt/md5 during forum setup 01694d3
  26. Use MySQLi (mysql improved) database driver over the old one ad016b4
  27. Redirect deadlinks to the search controller as queries ad016b4
  28. Add PHP 8 compatibility to software ad016b4, 44105ba, ca8f363, 43a6a31, 49ae8a6
  29. Config setting usePrettyURLs should now make a difference in whether slugs are included 2c33c2a
  30. Allow username change for capitalization of member's name 2c33c2a
  31. More elegant redirects for forgot-password and join controllers 2c33c2a
  32. Hide certain navbar buttons based on config settings 2c33c2a
  33. Member verification e-mails now use resetPassword column for increased security 49ae8a6
  34. Config setting onlineMembers set to false will now count all members in the header instead of counting online members 49ae8a6

New contributors

  1. @andromeda-Z
  2. @b-rd

1.0.0 delta 1

18 Jan 01:59
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Bump version to 1.0.0d1, format statistics

1.0.0 pre 1

19 Mar 23:49
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1.0.0 pre 1 Pre-release

This is the first pre-release of eso, the web forum software created for geteso.

Read more about the project here.