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Releases: getcarina/carina

Classy Cassiopeia

17 Dec 17:07
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  • Updates for Windows Installation process
  • Release fixes - now you can install latest easily, following README instructions


Downloads are now hosted just like dvm, using

Carinate Carina

09 Dec 20:53
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  • carina rm now removes credentials from disk
  • document the existence of the $CARINA_HOME environment variable
  • switched over to the dvm release pattern
  • carina get and carina rebuild now have an optional --wait flag
  • carina grow now uses --by as the --nodes parameter to signify growth by a number of nodes
  • much needed Windows experience improvements
  • carina env verifies that the credentials match the cluster
  • grow and create now have header columns


Downloads are now hosted just like dvm, using

Capital Capricornus

11 Nov 20:47
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  • Fixed the --wait flag on all commands using --wait (create, rebuild)

Canicular Canis Major

02 Nov 18:28
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The Carina Command Line Client

  • Brand new carina env command! No more downloading credentials when you already have them. This cuts your time to hero down quite a bit. (#52, #53) Note the poor wifi connection:
$ time eval "$( carina env mycluster )"

real    0m0.028s
user    0m0.004s
sys 0m0.040s
$ time eval "$( carina credentials mycluster )"

real    0m5.047s
user    0m0.046s
sys 0m0.200s

This also matches the docker-machine semantics better. Yay!

$ eval "$( carina env mycluster )"
$ # instead of
$ eval "$( carina credentials mycluster )"
  • If you have GITHUB_TOKEN set, carina will rely on that when checking for updates (#50)
  • carina ls is a sneaky hidden command that does carina list (#48)
  • Tokens for Carina are now cached in your carina config folder (OS X uses ~/.carina/cache.json). Turn this off using --no-cache. This ends up saving about a second on my machine. Your results may vary. (#56)

Canescent Canes Venatici

27 Oct 22:20
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Table output now matches that of the docker CLI.

Canceled Cancer

27 Oct 07:10
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The Carina Command Line Client

Camelback Camelopardalis

27 Oct 06:40
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The Carina Command Line Client

  • Updated to latest version of libcarina
  • carina now checks to see if a later release is available

Caesious Caelum

26 Oct 09:14
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This marks the first "real" release of carina, the command line client for Carina.

  • List clusters
  • Get information about clusters
  • Delete clusters
  • Create new clusters, specifying the number of nodes and whether autoscale is set
  • Download credentials
  • Grow clusters
  • Rebuild clusters

Hidden bash and zsh completion mode (hint: --bash-completion) - try it out, oh bash users

BoötBoöt Boötes

23 Oct 20:48
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BoötBoöt Boötes Pre-release

Prototypal release of the Carina CLI

Aureous Auriga

23 Oct 15:20
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Aureous Auriga Pre-release

Only change, a fairly big one, is where credentials are downloaded to now!

The default download path for credentials has changed. On every OS, there is a base directory ~/.carina for OS X, %HOME\carina on Windows, and either ~/.carina or $XDG_DATA_HOME/carina. Nested within is a filesystem layout for all your clusters. For example on OS X, ~/.carina/cluster/{username}/{clustername} has the credential files for cluster clustername.

The base directory can be overridden with environment variable CARINA_CREDENTIALS_DIR. That takes precedence over all of the above.