An analysis of variance (ANOVA) can be conceived of as a generalization of a
to more than 2 groups and multiple factors (conditions). ANOVA makes
the following assumptions about your data distribution:
- Observations are independent
- The sample data have a normal distribution
- Homogenity of variance: data variance is equal in all groups
Repeated-measures ANOVA (RM-ANOVA) vs conventional/independent ANOVA
- In an independent design, all levels of all factors are different groups consisting of different subjects.
- In a repeated-measures design, all subjects participated in all condition (ie each subject was measured repeatedly).
- A design with both repeated and independent factors is called mixed design
and you can implement it yourself using
- Sphericity: Difference scores between levels have equal variance for all levels. If sphericity is violated, one can resort to Greenhouse-Geisser correction of the degress-of-freedom. Strictly speaking, you have to evaluate the sphericity assumption before you do a RM ANOVA, eg using Mauchly's test of sphericity. If sphericity is violated, you can still perform ANOVA if you correct the df's, eg using Greenhouse-Geisser correction, but somebody should implement this first ...
If the ANOVA omnibus test yielded a significant result, you can proceed
comparing the different levels of each factor by means of multiple comparisons.
For this, the MATLAB function multcompare
is used.
- Wikipage
- general introduction into statistical statistical hypothesis testing
- Wikipage on ANOVA
- Cohen H. Explaining Psychological Statistics (BBCI library)
To perform an ANOVA or RM ANOVA, you can use the BBCI function rmanova
. It
takes as first input argument dat
which is a (K+1)
-dimensional matrix where
is the number of different factors (conditions). Two sample visualizations
of the data matrix:
In other words, the first dimension (rows) lists the subjects. The second
dimension represents the levels of the first factor, the third dimension the
levels of the second factor, and so on. For instance, taking the rightmost data
structure in the illustration, then dat(10,3,2)
would access the 10th
subject, the 3rd
level of the first factor and the 2nd
level of the second
If your data contains multiple factors but
the factors are nested in the columns instead of being arranged in a
dimensional matrix, you can use the function nested2multidata
to convert the
data to the desired format.
% Load ERP data
l=load([DATA_DIR 'results/studies/onlineVisualSpeller/erp_components']);
% The three factors are embedded in the 2nd dimension, need to be un-nested
nlevels = [3 2 3]; % Specify fastest varying levels first (Electrode)
dat = nested2multidata(l.amp,nlevels);
% Perform 3-way repeated-measures ANOVA
[p,t,stats,terms,arg] = rmanova(dat,{'Electrode' 'Status' 'Speller'});
The result is also displayed in a pop-up figure where Prob>F
gives the
An easy way to extract ERP amplitudes and
latencies is the BBCI function
After an omnibus test such as ANOVA yielded significant results, one can proceed using post-hoc tests. When your factor has more than 2 levels, ANOVA tells you that there is a difference somewhere. With post-hoc tests, multiple pair-wise comparisons are performed in order to find out which levels are different from each other. Technically, post-hoc tests are similar to a t-test but with a correction in order to prevent an inflation of the Type I error. Tukey-Kramer, Dunn-Sidak, Bonferroni, and Scheffe are some well-known post-hoc tests.
% Tukey-Kramer post-hoc test
comp = multcompare(stats,'estimate','anovan','dimension',[4 ]);
where dimension
specifies over which dimension (factor) the means should be
calculated. Multiple dimensions can be specified. Note that Subject
is now the
first dimension, so if you want to specify the first factor, dimension should be
. The result is a pop-up window, with the different levels on the y-axis and
the corresponding means on the x-axis. By clicking on a level you can see
whether or not it is significantly different from the other levels.
Matthias Treder