Visualize FA's by imputing their code in a .dfa / .nfa file and compiling it using this program.
DFA / NFA Graphic Visualization Tool
First line: "--" Followed by a short description of your DFA.
Second line: The start state.
Following lines: The FA instructions, being of the format:
Last line: The accepts states, separated by spaces.
Example of dfa code:
--Even Binary Number Tester
init 0 even
init 1 odd
even 0 even
even 1 odd
odd 0 even
odd 1 even
- The name of the states to be at most 6 characters.
- Each member of the alphabet to be at most 3 characters (Mostly applies when having 7+ states).
- The number of states to be at most 14.
You can play around with different FA's locatated in the tests folder and see how they are going to be rendered.
- an animation showing the different states the DFA goes through processing a string.
- add dark mode.
- increase the limit of states by making the window slidable.
- add support for NFA's.