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MBORE: Multi-objective Bayesian Optimisation by Density-Ratio Estimation

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MBORE: Multi-objective Bayesian Optimisation by Density-Ratio Estimation

This repository contains the Python3 code for the MBORE method presented in:

George De Ath, Tinkle Chugh, and Alma A. M. Rahat. 2022. MBORE: Multi-objective Bayesian Optimisation by Density-Ratio Estimation. In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO ’22), July 9–13, 2022, Boston, MA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages.
> Paper: (to appear)
> Preprint:
> Optimisation results: (13 GB)

The repository also contains all training data used for the initialisation of the optimisation runs carried out, as well as Jupyter notebooks to generate the figures and tables in the paper and its supplement are also included. Due to GitHub space constraints, the optimisation results cannot be included in the repository. However, they have been hosted externally and can be downloaded optimisation results link above. Each zip file must be extracted to a folder with the same name as the zip file, e.g., the contents of must be extracted a folder named final_results in the repository folder. Each zip file prefixed with results_ contains results for the named test problems, and processed_results and final_results contain combined results that include hypervolume and IGD+ calculations, and statistical test results respectively. Only these latter two files need to be downloaded to reproduce the plots created in the notebooks discussed below.


If you use any part of this code in your work, please cite:

    author = {George {De Ath} and Tinkle Chugh and Alma A. M. Rahat},
    title = {MBORE: Multi-objective Bayesian Optimisation by Density-Ratio Estimation},
    year = {2022},
    pages = {776–785},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1145/3512290.3528769},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference},

Installation instructions (Anaconda)

The following commands should create an Anaconda environment that contains all the packages required to carry out the experiments. Note that the "cpuonly" option can be omitted from the PyTorch install line if you have a GPU and that Python version 3.7 is needed to install pygmo via pip on Windows.

conda create --name mbore python=3.7 matplotlib numpy scipy ipykernel tqdm joblib scikit-learn statsmodels -y

conda activate mbore

conda install pytorch==1.9 cpuonly botorch gpytorch -c pytorch -c gpytorch -y

pip install pygmo==2.13 pymoo pyDOE2 xgboost tensorflow docopt tueplots

pip install -U git+

Reproduction of experiments

The python file provides a convenient way to reproduce an individual experimental evaluation carried out the paper. It has the following syntax:

> conda activate mbore
> python --help
MBORE Experiment Runner
Usage: <problem_name> <problem_id> <problem_dim> <problem_fdim> <run_no>
               <scalarization> <classifier> <optimizer> <gamma_start>
               [--gamma_end=<gamma_end>] [--gamma_schedule=<gamma_schedule>]
               [--budget=<budget>] [--verbose] [--allcores]

    <problem_name>   Type of problem to be optimised, e.g. DTLZ.
    <problem_id>     Version of the problem, e.g. 1.
    <problem_dim>    Dimensionality of the problem (decision space).
    <problem_fdim>   Number of objectives.
    <run_no>         Run number, typically 1 to 51 -- training data must exist
                     for this.
    <scalarization>  Method used to convert objective values to scalar, e.g.
                     HypI or DomRank.
    <classifier>     Type of <classifier>, either XGB or FCNet.
    <optimizer>      Optimization method for the <classifier>, choose from:
                     Sobol, CMAES or Grad (Grad only avaliable for FCNet).
    <gamma_start>    Starting gamma value.

    --gamma_end=<ge>       Ending gamma value (only for use with schedule)
                           [default: Unused]
    --gamma_schedule=<gs>  Scheduler for changing gamma values over time.
                           [default Unused]
    --budget=<b>           Number of function values to optimise for
                           [default: 300]
    --verbose              Print the status of the optimisation.
    --allcores             Use all processor cores on the machine.

Training data

The initial training locations for each of the 21 sets of Latin hypercube samples for each combination of test problem, problem dimensionality and number of objectives is stored in the data directory. Files are named with the scheme {problem_suite}{problem_id}_d={dim}_o={n_obj}_{run_no}.npz, where problem_suite and problem_id corresponds to the specific test problem the data is for, e.g. DTLZ and 1, and dim and n_obj correspond to the problem's dimensionality and number of objectives respectively, and run_no corresponds to the run number. For example, the file DTLZ1_d=2_o=3_15.npz contains data for the DTLZ1 test problem with 2 input dimensions and 3 objectives, and is the 15th run. Each training data file contains two arrays, named Xtr and Ytr, which contain the dim-dimensional decision vectors and their corresponding n_obj objective values:

> python
>>> import numpy as np
>>> # here, we load the 15th set of training examples for
>>> # the 2-dimensional DTLZ1 problem with 3 objectives:
>>> with np.load("data/DTLZ1_d=2_o=3_15.npz") as d:
        Xtr, Ytr = d['Xtr'], d['Ytr']
>>> Xtr.shape, Ytr.shape
((20, 2), (20, 3))

The folder pareto_fronts contains the estimated Pareto fronts for each evaluated test problem and number of objectives. Each file is named using the convention {problem_suite}{problem_id}_obj_{n_obj}.csv, and contains comma-separated rows of objective values on the front. For example, DTLZ3_obj_6.csv contains the Pareto front for the 6-objective DTLZ3 test problem. The fronts for the DTLZ and WFG test problems were found using PlatEMO framework. The fronts for the real-world test problems (prefixed with RW) were taken from the benchmark's GitHub repository.

Optimisation results files

Saved results files are initially stored in the results_* folders, and are named with the naming convention {problem_suite}{problem_id}_d={dim}_o={n_obj}_{run_no}_{scalariser}_{model}_{optimiser}_g={gamma}.npz, and, in the case of those optimisation runs using a GP model, {model}_{optimiser}_g={gamma}.npz is replaced with GP_EI.npz. For example, WFG1_d=20_o=10_1_DomRank_FCNet_Grad_g=0.33.npz contains the results for the 10-dimensional WFG1 test problem with 10 objectives using the DomRank scalarisation method with a neural net classifier (FCNet), with new locations selected via gradient-based optimisation, and gamma set to 0.33. Each of these numpy files contain the same variables as in the training data, i.e. Xtr and Ytr -- all the evaluated input locations and their corresponding objective evaluations.

The results of the hypervolume and IGD+ calculations are carried out via the included script. This stores its results in the processed_results folder and contains files named similarly to above: {problem_suite}{problem_id}_d={dim}_o={n_obj}_{scalariser}_{model}_{optimiser}_g={gamma}.npz. Each file contains the evaluated input locations (Xtrs, shape (n_runs, n_evaluations, n_dims)) and their corresponding objective values (Ytrs, shape (n_runs, n_evaluations, n_objectives)), as well as the hypervolume and IGD+ calculations (hvs and igds, both shape (n_runs, n_evaluations)). The computational cost of each iteration of the evaluated algorithm is also included (timing, shape (n_runs, n_evaluations)).

> python
>>> import numpy as np
>>> filepath = r"processed_results/DTLZ1_d=2_o=2_DomRank_FCNet_Grad_g=0.33.npz"
>>> with np.load(filepath) as d:
        Xtrs = data['Xtrs']
        Ytrs = data['Ytrs']
        timing = data['timing']
        hvs = data['hvs']
        igds = data['igds']
>>> Xtrs.shape, Ytrs.shape, timing.shape, hvs.shape, igds.shape
((21, 320, 2), (21, 320, 2), (21, 300), (21, 301), (21, 301))

Reproduction of figures and tables in the paper

Results_gathering.ipynb takes the results files from the folder preprocessed_results and extracts the performance indicator results and computation time information, saving these results to the final_results directory. It also carries out the statistical testing detailed in the paper and saves these results to the same folder. Note that these files are included in the repository.

Results_plotting.ipynb contains the code to load the results summaries and statistical testing from the final_results directory, and produces all the figures and tables shown in the paper.


MBORE: Multi-objective Bayesian Optimisation by Density-Ratio Estimation






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