Single-header mesh traversal library using tetgen.
This library provides functions for traversing tetrahedral meshes generated with the Tetgen software by Hang Si (Si, 2015). Functions implemented include loading tetgen .face/.edge/.ele/.node/.neigh/.t2f files, locating the tetrahedra containing the ray origin, traversing the mesh until a constrained triangle face is found and mesh traversal until a tetrahedra containing a specific point is found.
The library is particularly useful for applications using tetrahedral meshes for rendering (Lagae & Dutré, 2008) or seismic processing.
- This library only works with the beta version of Tetgen: 1.5.1-beta1 (in previous versions no tetrahedra-face relations as .t2f files were stored)
- When generating the mesh with Tetgen, ensure the switches -n -nn -f -z are used. A typical example might be:
tetgen -pq1.4 -n -nn -f -z cornellbox.stl
- Use the loader functions provided in the class tetrahedramesh to load the single tetgen files. Load order should be ele->neigh->node->face->t2f->edge.
- At the beginning, the tetrahedron containing the starting point has to be located with the function GetTetrahedraFromPoint. This has to be done only once. If the position changes later on, adjacency information of the tetrahedra can be exploited to keep track the movement of the starting point.
- Mesh traversal is done with the function traverse_ray, which takes the mesh, ray origin/direction and index of the starting tetrahedron as input. The rayhit structure stores the indices of the intersected face and tetrahedron.
Example code:
tetrahedra_mesh tetmesh;
// get starting tetrahedron
float4 start_tet = GetTetrahedraFromPoint(tetmesh, camera_position);
// stores the hit information
rayhit hitpoint;
// ray traversal
traverse_ray(tetmesh, camera_position, camera_direction, start_tet,hitpoint);
For a full working implementation of this library, have a look at:
Hang Si (2015). TetGen, a Delaunay-Based Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generator. ACM Trans. on Mathematical Software. 41 (2), Article 11 (February 2015), 36 pages.
Lagae, A. and Dutré, P. (2008). Accelerating Ray Tracing using Constrained Tetrahedralizations. Computer Graphics Forum, 27: 1303–1312.
Sanzenbacher, S. (2010) Darstellung von Kaustiken und Lichtstreuung in Interaktiven Anwendungen. Unpublished diploma thesis, Institut für Visualisierung und Interaktive Systeme, University Stuttgart.