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File metadata and controls

161 lines (121 loc) · 5.03 KB


Ring-bake is a Clojure library for creating static websites. It is built on Ring and sends requests to a Ring handler function to build the content that will be saved as static files.

Intended Use

Let's say you want to create a static web site for either the simplicity of hosting, the speed of serving static content, or some other reason. However, you also want to build the site using all of the Clojure web libraries you're used to. Ring-bake let's you do both.

Create the site as you normally would, using a local Jetty server to develop it interactively. When you're happy with the results, take the same Ring handler function that Jetty is using and pass it to ring-bake's bake function. It will send mock http requests to the handler and combine the resulting response bodies with static files from a specified directory to create the static site that you can then copy to your web host.


The main entry point is the function ring.bake.bake/bake (TODO: That's a lot of "bake"! Reorganize things?).

(defn app [req]
  ;; a Ring handler function
(bake/bake app "output" :input-dir "input")

The above will copy all static content from directory input to directory output and also save the dynamic content returned by the handler. By default, the first request URI used is "/".

Sometimes it is useful to have a static site where all of the internal links are relative. Such a site can be opened directly by a browser and doesn't need a web server. Passing the option :force-relative true to the bake function will make all of the local links relative. Ring-bake does not parse the resulting HTML, so to modify the links, you must use the local-uri function, described below.

Local Links

Ring-bake needs a hook into the site creation process to discover what URIs need to be requested.

(bake/local-uri path)

Informs ring-bake of the path to another page within the site. This also returns a possibly modified version of the path which should be used in the resulting page.

Call the function local-uri as you are building the response pages in the context of calls to the Ring handler.


Here is a simple but complete example:

(ns ring.bake.ex
  (:require [ring.bake [bake :as bake]])
  (:require [ring.util.response :as response])
  (:use net.cgrand.moustache))

(defn a [uri body] 
  (str "<a href=\"" (bake/local-uri uri) "\">" body "</a>"))

(def routes
   (fn [req]
       (a "/1/page.html" "link") "<br>"
       (a "/2/page.html" "other link")

   [param "page.html"]
   (fn [req]
       "<html><header><title>Page " param
       (a "/" "main page")

    (defn bake []
      (bake/bake routes "output")
      (bake/bake routes "output-rel" :force-relative true))

I've tried to minimize the dependencies so the example is creating the string bodies by hand. In a real application you would want to use a library like Hiccup or Enlive. The one additional dependency is on moustache for routing, which requires adding [net.cgrand/moustache "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"] to project.clj although you could use Compojure instead.

If you call the bake function, the site will be baked twice. After baking, look in the directories output and output-rel. Both should contain the files


To see the effect of the :force-relative option. Compare the href of the link in output/other/1/page.html

<a href="/">main page</a>

with the href in output-rel/1/page.html

<a href="../index.html">main page</a>

You can open the output of baking with force-relative in a browser and the paths to the pages, style sheets and images will be valid as long as you passed them through bake/local-uri when building the page.


Ring-bake helps with resizing images. When building the site content, call

(bake/image path & options)

which returns a vector [src width height] which you can put straight into the img tag. The options :w and :h will scale the image down to fit within the specified dimensions.

For example, if image.jpg is a 1000x600 image then (bake/image "image.jpg" :w 200) would return ["image.w=200.jpg" 200 120]. As you can see, the height is decreased to 120 to maintain and the option is encoded in the new path as w=200. To serve these resized images use the ring middleware

(bake/wrap-resize-img app img-dir)

In addition to calling this middleware with the same static input directory that you pass to bake/bake, you can call wrap-resize-img with other directories containing large images. The resized versions of the images will appear in your baked output, but the originals will not.


Copyright (c) 2012 Geoffrey Salmon

Distributed under the Expat License