I am a Full Stack Developer
from England.
- 🔭 I’m working as a Full Stack Developer and contributing to frontend and backend for building web/mobile applications.
- 🌱 I enjoy working in JavaScript and using framewoks such as React, React Native and Angular. Also, I have an interest in Firebase, Node.js, Express.js and API architecture. Finally, I also use database technologies like MongoDB, FirebaseDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLlite.
- ⚡ In my free time, I solve problems on GeeksforGeeks and read about full stack technologies.
- 📫 How to reach me:
Here are some of the projects I've worked on:
- CRUD Website for Web Development Module: A PHP-based bank website with CRUD functionalities. View Repository
- GUI Coffee Shop Program: A Java application with a graphical user interface for managing a coffee shop. View Repository
- Data Analysis using Python: Analyzing data with Python and Jupyter Notebook.
- React Native Cross-Platform Social Activity Mobile App: My MSc project, a cross-platform mobile app developed using React Native. View Repository
- E-commerce Site Collaboration: A collaborative project to develop an e-commerce site. View Repository
- Simple React Bug Tracker: A bug tracking tool built with React. View Repository