diff --git a/.config.exemple.txt b/.config.exemple.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f790f42 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config.exemple.txt @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +OPENSHIFT_POSTGRESQL_DB_USERNAME=adminq5rfje9 +OPENSHIFT_POSTGRESQL_DB_PASSWORD=BASQLElK9YaA diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 7fef474..0000000 --- a/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -/target/ -target -.settings/* -!.settings/.jsdtscope -.project -.classpath diff --git a/.settings/.jsdtscope b/.settings/.jsdtscope deleted file mode 100644 index 2418123..0000000 --- a/.settings/.jsdtscope +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/backup.sql b/backup.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f3443a --- /dev/null +++ b/backup.sql @@ -0,0 +1,1266 @@ +-- +-- PostgreSQL database dump +-- + +SET statement_timeout = 0; +SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; +SET standard_conforming_strings = on; +SET check_function_bodies = false; +SET client_min_messages = warning; + +-- +-- Name: plpgsql; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner: +-- + +CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS plpgsql WITH SCHEMA pg_catalog; + + +-- +-- Name: EXTENSION plpgsql; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: +-- + +COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language'; + + +SET search_path = public, pg_catalog; + +SET default_tablespace = ''; + +SET default_with_oids = false; + +-- +-- Name: answers; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9; Tablespace: +-- + +CREATE TABLE answers ( + id integer NOT NULL, + text text NOT NULL +); + + +ALTER TABLE public.answers OWNER TO adminq5rfje9; + +-- +-- Name: cards; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9; Tablespace: +-- + +CREATE TABLE cards ( + id integer NOT NULL, + question_id integer, + attack integer, + defense integer, + life integer +); + + +ALTER TABLE public.cards OWNER TO adminq5rfje9; + +-- +-- Name: chars; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9; Tablespace: +-- + +CREATE TABLE chars ( + id integer NOT NULL, + deck_id integer, + name character varying(50) NOT NULL +); + + +ALTER TABLE public.chars OWNER TO adminq5rfje9; + +-- +-- Name: decks; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9; Tablespace: +-- + +CREATE TABLE decks ( + id integer NOT NULL +); + + +ALTER TABLE public.decks OWNER TO adminq5rfje9; + +-- +-- Name: decks_cards; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9; Tablespace: +-- + +CREATE TABLE decks_cards ( + id integer NOT NULL, + deck_id integer, + card_id integer +); + + +ALTER TABLE public.decks_cards OWNER TO adminq5rfje9; + +-- +-- Name: questions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9; Tablespace: +-- + +CREATE TABLE questions ( + id integer NOT NULL, + text text, + subject_id integer, + answer1_id integer, + answer2_id integer, + answer3_id integer, + answer4_id integer, + correct_answer_id integer +); + + +ALTER TABLE public.questions OWNER TO adminq5rfje9; + +-- +-- Name: subjects; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9; Tablespace: +-- + +CREATE TABLE subjects ( + id integer NOT NULL, + name character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying +); + + +ALTER TABLE public.subjects OWNER TO adminq5rfje9; + +-- +-- Name: users; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9; Tablespace: +-- + +CREATE TABLE users ( + id integer NOT NULL, + char_id integer, + username character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying, + password character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying, + wins_count integer, + lost_count integer +); + + +ALTER TABLE public.users OWNER TO adminq5rfje9; + +-- +-- Data for Name: answers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +COPY answers (id, text) FROM stdin; +1 AR ATMOSFÉRICO +2 REFRIGERANTE +3 AÇO +4 ÁGUA PURA +5 LUZ +6 CARGA ELÉTRICA +7 PRÓTONS +8 NÊUTRONS +9 UMA PILHA +10 UMA TV +11 UM RÁDIO +12 UMA CALCULADORA +13 LORDOSE +14 GARIMPO +15 CRIOSCOPIA +16 OSMOSE +17 SUBLIMAÇÃO +18 DESTILAÇÃO +19 CONDENSAÇÃO +20 EVAPORAÇÃO +21 500 MMHG +22 600 mmHG +23 760 mmHG +24 1000 MMHG +25 DILUIÇÃO +26 DISSOLUÇÃO +27 DISTRAÇÃO +28 DISTORÇÃO +29 FERRO E ZINCO +30 ZINCO E COBRE +31 OURO E PRATA +32 ESTANHO E COBRE +33 AR ATMOSFÉRICO +34 REFRIGERANTE +35 AÇO +36 ÁGUA PURA +37 FERRO E ZINCO +38 ZINCO E COBRE +39 OURO E PRATA +40 ESTANHO E COBRE +41 ZÊNITE +42 EQUINÓCIO +43 AZIMUTE +44 PERIÉLIO +45 ANO-LUZ +46 QUILÔMETRO +47 DISTÂNCIA-LUZ +48 DIA-LUZ +49 LEI DE KEPLER +50 LEI DE COULOMB +51 LEI DE LENZ +52 LEI DE FARADAY-NEUMANN +53 LEI DE KEPLER +54 LEI DE COULOMB +55 LEI DE LENZ +56 LEI DE FARADAY-NEUMANN +57 FARAD +58 OHM +59 TESLA +60 VOLT +61 ISÓGONAS +62 FERROMAGNÉTICAS +63 DIAMAGNÉTICAS +64 ISÓCLINAS +65 PARAMAGNÉTICAS +66 DIAMAGNÉTICAS +67 ISÓGONAS +68 ISÓCLINAS +69 AGÔNICAS +70 ISÓGONAS +71 ISÓCLINAS +72 DIAMAGNÉTICAS +73 AR ATMOSFÉRICO +74 REFRIGERANTE +75 AÇO +76 ÁGUA PURA +77 SUBLIMAÇÃO +78 VAPORIZAÇÃO +79 CONDENSAÇÃO +80 FUSÃO +81 NÊUTRON +82 ELÉTRON +83 PRÓTON +84 ANGSTRÖM +85 NÊUTRON +86 ELÉTRON +87 PRÓTON +88 ANGSTRÖM +89 NÊUTRON +90 ELÉTRON +91 PRÓTON +92 ANGSTRÖM +93 CALCULISTAS +94 FUNDAMENTAIS +95 PONDERAIS +96 GERAIS +97 VENTILAÇÃO +98 FILTRAÇÃO +99 DESTILAÇÃO +100 EVAPORAÇÃO +101 QUAL A MOEDA OFICIAL DA ÁFRICA DO SUL? +102 RAND +103 TAKA +104 LEMPIRA +105 TOCANTINS +106 SOLIMÕES +107 PARANAPANEMA +108 PARAGUAI +109 MAMONA +110 ÂMBAR +111 PETRÓLEO +112 CARVÃO MINERAL +113 DE STEELE +114 DE MOHS +115 DE RICHTER +116 DE YELLOWSTONE +117 DE MOHS +118 DE MORGAN +119 DE WEGENER +120 DE RICHTER +121 BAFÔMETRO +122 ANEMÔMETRO +123 PLUVIÔMETRO +124 HIDRÔMETRO +125 NORTE +126 CENTRO-OESTE +127 NORDESTE +128 SUL +129 DO PAÍS BASCO +130 DAS MALVINAS +131 DO TIMOR LESTE +132 DA FRANÇA +133 HIDROVIÁRIO +134 RODOVIÁRIO +135 FERROVIÁRIO +136 AEROVIÁRIO +137 LATERIZAÇÃO +138 DESMORONAMENTO +139 LIXIVIAÇÃO +140 DESBARRANCAMENTO +141 BALANÇA DE MERCADO +142 BALANÇA COMERCIAL +143 BALANÇA FINANCEIRA +144 BALANÇA DE TROCAS +145 CORRENTE DO GOLFO +146 CORRENTE DO JAPÃO +147 CORRENTE DE BENGUELA +148 CORRENTE DA GROENLÂNDIA +149 CONVECTIVA +150 FRONTAL +151 OROGRÁFICA +152 INVERTIDA +153 EQUATORIAL +154 TROPICAL +155 SEMI-ÁRIDO +156 SUBTROPICAL +157 TRANSUMÂNCIA +158 ÊXODO RURAL +159 NOMADISMO +160 ÊXODO URBANO +161 ESTADOS UNIDOS +162 ALEMANHA +163 ALBÂNIA +164 INGLATERRA +165 ANÊMONAS +166 CARNAÚBAS +167 BABAÇUAIS +168 MANGUES +169 PAMPAS +170 MATA ATLÂNTICA +171 CERRADO +172 CAATINGA +173 CERRADO +174 TUNDRA +175 CAATINGA +176 FLORESTAS EQUATORIAIS +177 ESCRAVISMO +178 COMUNISMO +179 CAPITALISMO +180 FEUDALISMO +181 OZÔNIO +182 METANO +183 CLORÍDRICO +184 CARBÔNICO +185 MONTANHAS ALTAS +186 ÚLTIMAS MODERNAS +187 CURVAS MODERNAS +188 DOBRAMENTOS MODERNOS +189 PESO DOS GASES +190 PRESSÃO DA TERRA +191 PRESSÃO ATMOSFÉRICA +192 PRESSÃO DO OZÔNIO +193 PRADARIAS +194 TUNDRAS +195 CONÍFERAS +196 FLORESTAS +197 PRATA +198 URÂNIO +199 COBRE +200 MERCÚRIO +201 AMIENS +202 POLTIER +203 WATERLOO +204 LYON +205 DESCARTES +206 PLATÃO +207 MARQUÊS DE POMBAL +208 MOLIÈRE +209 1832 +210 1830 +211 1821 +212 1819 +213 SOLANO LOPEZ +214 AGUSTIN ITURBIDE +215 SIMÓN BOLÍVAR +216 ANGEL JIMENEZ +217 ALSÁCIA E PARIS +218 LYON E MARSELHA +219 LORENA E LYON +220 ALSÁCIA E LORENA +221 CARLOS MAZZINI +222 CAVOUR +223 REI VÍTOR JOSÉ II +224 GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI +225 BAKUNIN +226 HITLER +227 MUSSOLINI +228 KARL MARX +229 MANIFESTO COMUNISTA +230 O CAPITAL +231 A DIALÉTICA +232 O SOCIALISMO +233 1840 +234 1850 +235 1820 +236 1830 +237 ROBERT OWEN +238 KARL MARX +239 SAINT SIMÓN +240 CHARLES FOURIER +241 1830 +242 1820 +243 1810 +244 1800 +245 CECÍLIA +246 SANTA HELENA +247 ELBA +248 IBIZA +249 INGLATERRA +250 RÚSSIA +251 ESPANHA +252 ÁUSTRIA +253 18 DE TERMIDOR +254 9 DE TERMIDOR +255 18 DE BRUMÁRIO +256 9 DE BRUMÁRIO +257 PAZ SILENCIOSA +258 PERÍODO DO TERROR +259 PAZ EXTREMA +260 PAZ ARMADA +261 THOMAS EDISON +262 THOMAS JEFFERSON +263 JOHN LOCKE +264 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN +265 1777 +266 1786 +267 1771 +268 1776 +269 ESPANHA E FRANÇA +270 FRANÇA E INGLATERRA +271 ESPANHA E INGLATERRA +272 FRANÇA E PRÚSSIA +273 DIA X +274 DIA FATAL +275 DIA D +276 DIA N +277 ENGELS +278 HEGEL +279 BAKUNIN +280 PROUDHON +281 1878 +282 1875 +283 1898 +284 1892 +285 SMALL +286 BIG MAN +287 DUCE +288 FÜHRER +289 FÜHRER +290 DUCE +291 PAI DOS POBRES +292 AMICI +293 HOOVER +294 ROOSEVELT +295 NIXON +296 CARTER +297 PLANO MARSHALL +298 PLANO DE METAS +299 NEW DEAL +300 NEW DOG +301 25 +302 35 +303 30 +304 40 +305 6 +306 8 +307 10 +308 12 +309 25 +310 50 +311 75 +312 100 +313 11 +314 10 +315 9 +316 8 +317 18 +318 17 +319 16 +320 15 +321 UMA VEZ +322 DUAS VEZES +323 TRÊS VEZES +324 NENHUMA VEZ +325 25 ANOS +326 26 ANOS +327 28 ANOS +328 30 ANOS +329 135 REAIS +330 140 REAIS +331 145 REAIS +332 150 REAIS +333 14 +334 13 +335 12 +336 11 +337 60 REAIS +338 30 REAIS +339 120 REAIS +340 100 REAIS +341 21 +342 15 +343 5 +344 10 +345 VINTE POR CENTO +346 VIGÉSIMO +347 UM VINTE AVOS +348 VINTE +349 TERCEIRO +350 TRÊS +351 TERÇO +352 UM TERÇO +353 QUINZE +354 VIGÉSIMO +355 TRIPLO +356 TERÇO +357 QUÁDRUPLO +358 MEIO +359 TERÇO +360 SEXTO +361 SÉTIMO +362 DOIS +363 QUÁDRUPLO +364 TERÇO +365 SEIS +366 TRIPLO +367 VIGÉSIMA +368 QUARTO +369 32.5 +370 325 +371 3.25 +372 3025 +373 37 +374 36 +375 35 +376 34 +377 14 +378 7 +379 28 +380 1 +381 50 +382 52 +383 54 +384 56 +385 2 HORAS +386 3 HORAS +387 4 HORAS +388 5 HORAS +389 64 +390 16 +391 24 +392 32 +393 104 cm +394 108 cm +395 110 cm +396 112 cm +397 40 +398 50 +399 60 +400 70 +401 LOBO +402 BANANA-MAÇÃ +403 VELHICE +404 TELEFONEMA +405 FOME E BRUXA +406 SONO E BONDADE +407 ONÇA E ÁRVORE +408 ESPERANÇA E TELEFONE +409 XINGAR +410 XORAR +411 CHINGAR +412 CHAMPU +413 POUCA +414 GENTE +415 MENINO +416 RIU +417 AS +418 ÁRVORES +419 DO +420 QUINTAL +421 ROBINSON +422 ROBINSON +423 O NAVIO DE ROBINSON +424 O +425 DUAS - NOITE +426 PÕE - CÃIBRA +427 PÕE - LEVOU +428 VOGAIS - MÃE +429 LOBO +430 BANANA-MAÇÃ +431 VELHICE +432 TELEFONEMA +433 FOME E BRUXA +434 SONO E BONDADE +435 ONÇA E ÁRVORE +436 ESPERANÇA E TELEFONE +437 CIDADÕES +438 CIDADÃES +439 CIDADÃOS +440 CIDADAENS +441 BOIS +442 CÃES +443 LOBOS +444 CARNEIROS +445 CISNES +446 CASAS +447 CÃES +448 CAMELOS +449 HINÁRIO +450 RAMALHETE +451 PENCA +452 RÉSTIA +453 VARA +454 PENCA +455 FEIXE +456 RAMALHETE +457 HÍFEN +458 HIFENS +459 ÂNCIA +460 CINQÜENTA +461 XAFARIZ +462 FAXINA +463 PUXAR +464 XINGAR +465 ESSÊNSIA +466 ECÊNSIA +467 ESSÊNCIA +468 ECÊNCIA +469 5 +470 10 +471 50 +472 100 +473 TU +474 VÓS +475 NÓS +476 EU +477 EU +478 ELES +479 NÓS +480 TU +481 EU +482 TU +483 NÓS +484 ELES +485 ANDEI +486 FAÇO +487 COMIA +488 JOGAREI +489 AR +490 ER +491 IR +492 OR +493 AR +494 IR +495 ER E OR +496 AR E ER +497 DAR +498 CANTAR +499 GANHAR +500 FALAR +\. + + +-- +-- Data for Name: cards; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +COPY cards (id, question_id, attack, defense, life) FROM stdin; +1 1 2 2 1 +2 2 4 1 1 +3 3 1 2 3 +4 4 1 2 1 +5 5 4 3 2 +6 6 2 1 3 +7 7 1 2 4 +8 8 3 3 3 +9 9 4 4 2 +10 10 2 3 1 +11 11 3 2 2 +12 12 1 1 3 +13 13 4 2 4 +14 14 2 3 3 +15 15 1 3 2 +16 16 3 2 1 +17 17 4 1 2 +18 18 2 3 3 +19 19 3 2 4 +20 20 1 1 3 +21 21 4 3 2 +22 22 2 2 1 +23 23 1 1 2 +24 24 3 3 3 +25 25 4 4 4 +26 26 2 3 3 +27 27 3 2 2 +28 28 1 1 1 +29 29 4 3 2 +30 30 2 2 3 +31 31 1 4 4 +32 32 3 3 3 +33 33 4 2 2 +34 34 2 1 1 +35 35 3 3 2 +36 36 1 2 3 +37 37 4 3 4 +38 38 2 1 3 +39 39 1 4 2 +40 40 3 3 1 +41 41 4 2 2 +42 42 2 1 3 +43 43 3 3 4 +44 44 1 2 3 +45 45 4 4 2 +46 46 2 3 1 +47 47 1 2 2 +48 48 3 1 3 +49 49 4 3 4 +50 50 2 2 3 +51 51 3 3 2 +52 52 1 1 1 +53 53 4 3 2 +54 54 2 2 3 +55 55 1 4 4 +56 56 3 2 3 +57 57 4 3 2 +58 58 2 2 1 +59 59 3 4 2 +60 60 1 3 3 +61 61 4 2 3 +62 62 2 3 4 +63 63 1 4 3 +64 64 3 3 2 +65 65 4 2 1 +66 66 2 3 2 +67 67 3 3 3 +68 68 1 2 4 +69 69 4 3 3 +70 70 2 4 2 +71 71 1 3 1 +72 72 3 2 2 +73 73 4 1 3 +74 74 2 1 4 +75 75 3 2 2 +76 76 1 3 3 +77 77 4 1 2 +78 78 2 1 1 +79 79 1 2 2 +80 80 3 3 3 +81 81 4 2 4 +82 82 2 1 2 +83 83 3 2 3 +84 84 1 3 3 +85 85 4 4 1 +86 86 2 3 2 +87 87 1 2 3 +88 88 3 1 4 +89 89 4 2 3 +90 90 2 3 2 +91 91 3 4 1 +92 92 1 3 2 +93 93 4 2 3 +94 94 2 1 4 +95 95 1 2 3 +96 96 3 3 2 +97 97 4 4 1 +98 98 2 3 2 +99 99 3 2 3 +100 100 1 1 4 +101 101 4 3 3 +102 102 2 2 2 +103 103 1 1 1 +104 104 3 3 2 +105 105 4 2 3 +106 106 2 4 4 +107 107 3 3 3 +108 108 1 1 2 +109 109 4 2 1 +110 110 2 3 3 +111 111 1 4 2 +112 112 3 3 1 +113 113 4 2 2 +114 114 2 1 2 +115 115 3 2 3 +116 116 1 3 2 +117 117 4 4 1 +118 118 2 3 2 +119 119 1 2 3 +120 120 3 1 4 +121 121 4 3 2 +122 122 2 2 2 +123 123 3 1 3 +124 124 1 3 1 +125 125 4 2 3 +\. + + +-- +-- Data for Name: chars; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +COPY chars (id, deck_id, name) FROM stdin; +1 1 Mago +2 2 Knight +3 3 Rogue +4 4 Warrior +5 5 Elfo +\. + + +-- +-- Data for Name: decks; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +COPY decks (id) FROM stdin; +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +\. + + +-- +-- Data for Name: decks_cards; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +COPY decks_cards (id, deck_id, card_id) FROM stdin; +1 1 1 +2 1 2 +3 1 3 +4 1 4 +5 1 5 +6 1 6 +7 1 7 +8 1 8 +9 1 9 +10 1 10 +11 1 11 +12 1 12 +13 1 13 +14 1 14 +15 1 15 +16 1 16 +17 1 17 +18 1 18 +19 1 19 +20 1 20 +21 1 21 +22 1 22 +23 1 23 +24 1 24 +25 1 25 +26 2 26 +27 2 27 +28 2 28 +29 2 29 +30 2 30 +31 2 31 +32 2 32 +33 2 33 +34 2 34 +35 2 35 +36 2 36 +37 2 37 +38 2 38 +39 2 39 +40 2 40 +41 2 41 +42 2 42 +43 2 43 +44 2 44 +45 2 45 +46 2 46 +47 2 47 +48 2 48 +49 2 49 +50 2 50 +51 3 51 +52 3 52 +53 3 53 +54 3 54 +55 3 55 +56 3 56 +57 3 57 +58 3 58 +59 3 59 +60 3 60 +61 3 61 +62 3 62 +63 3 63 +64 3 64 +65 3 65 +66 3 66 +67 3 67 +68 3 68 +69 3 69 +70 3 70 +71 3 71 +72 3 72 +73 3 73 +74 3 74 +75 3 75 +76 4 76 +77 4 77 +78 4 78 +79 4 79 +80 4 80 +81 4 81 +82 4 82 +83 4 83 +84 4 84 +85 4 85 +86 4 86 +87 4 87 +88 4 88 +89 4 89 +90 4 90 +91 4 91 +92 4 92 +93 4 93 +94 4 94 +95 4 95 +96 4 96 +97 4 97 +98 4 98 +99 4 99 +100 4 100 +101 5 101 +102 5 102 +103 5 103 +104 5 104 +105 5 105 +106 5 106 +107 5 107 +108 5 108 +109 5 109 +110 5 110 +111 5 111 +112 5 112 +113 5 113 +114 5 114 +115 5 115 +116 5 116 +117 5 117 +118 5 118 +119 5 119 +120 5 120 +121 5 121 +122 5 122 +123 5 123 +124 5 124 +125 5 125 +\. + + +-- +-- Data for Name: questions; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +COPY questions (id, text, subject_id, answer1_id, answer2_id, answer3_id, answer4_id, correct_answer_id) FROM stdin; +1 É EXEMPLO DE UMA MISTURA HOMOGÊNEA SÓLIDA: 1 1 2 3 4 3 +2 CORRENTE ELÉTRICA É O MOVIMENTO ORDENADO DE: 1 5 6 7 8 6 +3 UM SISTEMA QUÍMICO CAPAZ DE PRODUZIR ENERGIA ELÉTRICA É: 1 9 10 11 12 9 +4 PASSAGEM DE ÁGUA POR UMA MEMBRANA SEMIPERMEÁVEL: 1 13 14 15 16 16 +5 A PASSAGEM DO ESTADO SÓLIDO DIRETAMENTE PARA O GASOSO É A: 1 17 18 19 20 17 +6 A PRESSÃO ATMOSFÉRICA AO NÍVEL DO MAR É: 1 21 22 23 24 23 +7 NO PREPARO DE UM REFRESCO A PARTIR DO SUCO CONCENTRADO, FAZEMOS UMA: 1 25 26 27 28 25 +8 O BRONZE É UMA LIGA METÁLICA CONSTITUÍDA DE: 1 29 30 31 32 32 +9 É EXEMPLO DE UMA MISTURA HOMOGÊNEA LÍQUIDA: 1 33 34 35 36 34 +10 O LATÃO É UMA LIGA METÁLICA CONSTITUÍDA DE: 1 37 38 39 40 38 +11 QUE NOME RECEBE O PONTO SOBRE A CABEÇA DE UM OBSERVADOR CELESTE? 1 41 42 43 44 41 +12 DISTÂNCIA MÉDIA ENTRE A TERRA E O SOL, USADA COMO UNIDADE DE DISTÂNCIAS NA ASTRONOMIA: 1 45 46 47 48 46 +13 LEI FÍSICA QUE PERMITE DETERMINAR A FORÇA ELETROMOTRIZ INDUZIDA: 1 49 50 51 52 52 +14 LEI FÍSICA QUE PERMITE DETERMINAR O SENTIDO DA CORRENTE ELÉTRICA INDUZIDA: 1 53 54 55 56 55 +15 QUAL A UNIDADE DE POTENCIAL ELÉTRICO NO SISTEMA INTERNACIONAL? 1 57 58 59 60 60 +16 QUE SUBSTÂNCIAS, AO SEREM COLOCADAS NO NÚCLEO DE UM SOLENÓIDE, GERAM UM GRANDE AUMENTO NA INTENSIDADE DO CAMPO MAGNÉTICO? 1 61 62 63 64 62 +17 QUE SUBSTÂNCIAS, AO SEREM COLOCADAS NO NÚCLEO DE UM SOLENÓIDE, QUASE NÃO INTERFEREM NO CAMPO MAGNÉTICO, GERANDO UM LEVE AUMENTO? 1 65 66 67 68 65 +18 QUE SUBSTÂNCIAS, AO SEREM COLOCADAS NO NÚCLEO DE UM SOLENÓIDE, ENFRAQUECEM O CAMPO MAGNÉTICO ORIGINADO PELO SOLENÓIDE? 1 69 70 71 72 72 +19 É EXEMPLO DE UMA MISTURA HOMOGÊNEA GASOSA: 1 73 74 75 76 73 +20 QUAL O NOME DADO À PASSAGEM DO ESTADO SÓLIDO PARA O ESTADO GASOSO? 1 77 78 79 80 77 +21 COMO É CHAMADA A PARTÍCULA SUBATÔMICA DOTADA DE CARGA POSITIVA? 1 81 82 83 84 83 +22 COMO É CHAMADA A PARTÍCULA SUBATÔMICA SEM CARGA? 1 85 86 87 88 85 +23 COMO É CHAMADA A PARTÍCULA SUBATÔMICA DOTADA DE CARGA NEGATIVA? 1 89 90 91 92 90 +24 QUE LEIS RELACIONAM AS MASSAS DAS SUBSTÂNCIAS EM UMA REAÇÃO QUÍMICA? 1 93 94 95 96 95 +25 QUAL O NOME DA TÉCNICA DE SEPARAÇÃO UTILIZADA NAS SALINAS? 1 97 98 99 100 100 +26 QUAL A MOEDA OFICIAL DA ÁFRICA DO SUL? 2 101 102 103 104 101 +27 A BACIA PLATINA É FORMADA POR TRÊS RIOS PRINCIPAIS: O URUGUAI, O PARANÁ E O: 2 105 106 107 108 108 +28 SUBSTÂNCIA OLEOSA CONSTITUÍDA BASICAMENTE DA COMBINAÇÃO DE CARBONO E HIDROGÊNIO: 2 109 110 111 112 111 +29 QUE ESCALA MEDE A INTENSIDADE DOS ABALOS SÍSMICOS? 2 113 114 115 116 115 +30 A DUREZA DOS MINERAIS PODE SER MEDIDA PELA ESCALA: 2 117 118 119 120 117 +31 QUE APARELHO MEDE A QUANTIDADE DE CHUVAS DE UM LUGAR? 2 121 122 123 124 123 +32 EM QUE REGIÃO DO BRASIL HÁ OCORRÊNCIA DE FREQÜENTES GEADAS DURANTE O INVERNO? 2 125 126 127 128 128 +33 LOCALIZADOS ENTRE A ESPANHA E A FRANÇA, OS SEPARATISTAS LUTAM PELA INDEPENDÊNCIA: 2 129 130 131 132 129 +34 TIPO DE TRANSPORTE MAIS UTILIZADO NO DESLOCAMENTO DE CARGAS E PESSOAS NOS PAÍSES RICOS: 2 133 134 135 136 135 +35 PROCESSO PELO QUAL A ÁGUA LAVA OS SAIS MINERAIS HIDROSSOLÚVEIS DO SOLO: 2 137 138 139 140 139 +36 A RELAÇÃO ENTRE EXPORTAÇÕES E IMPORTAÇÕES DE UM PAÍS RECEBE O NOME DE: 2 141 142 143 144 142 +37 CORRENTE MARÍTIMA QUENTE QUE IMPEDE O CONGELAMENTO DO MAR DO NORTE E SUAVIZA O INVERNO LOCAL: 2 145 146 147 148 145 +38 QUE CHUVA RESULTA DO ENCONTRO DE DUAS MASSAS DE AR DIFERENTES (QUENTE E FRIA)? 2 149 150 151 152 150 +39 O TIPO CLIMÁTICO DOS 8% DO TERRITÓRIO NACIONAL ABAIXO DO TRÓPICO DE CAPRICÓRNIO É: 2 153 154 155 156 156 +40 DESLOCAMENTO CONSTANTE DE GRUPOS DE PESSOAS EM BUSCA DE ALIMENTOS E PASTAGENS: 2 157 158 159 160 159 +41 PRIMEIRO PAÍS DO MUNDO A SE URBANIZAR, TENDO EM 1850 MAIS DE 50% DA POPULAÇÃO URBANA: 2 161 162 163 164 164 +42 VEGETAÇÃO TÍPICA DE AMBIENTES LITORÂNEOS BAIXOS: 2 165 166 167 168 168 +43 VEGETAÇÃO TÍPICA DA REGIÃO CENTRO-OESTE DO BRASIL: 2 169 170 171 172 171 +44 VEGETAÇÃO ENCONTRADA EM LOCAIS FRIOS: 2 173 174 175 176 174 +45 NOVO MODO DE PRODUÇÃO SURGIDO NA IDADE MÉDIA: 2 177 178 179 180 180 +46 QUE GÁS DA ATMOSFERA FILTRA ATÉ 90% DOS RAIOS ULTRAVIOLETA? 2 181 182 183 184 181 +47 NA ERA CENOZÓICA SOERGUERAM ALGUMAS CADEIAS DE MONTANHAS, QUE FICARAM CONHECIDAS COMO: 2 185 186 187 188 188 +48 CORRESPONDE À FORÇA PROVOCADA PELO PESO DO AR: 2 189 190 191 192 191 +49 QUE VEGETAÇÃO RASTEIRA SE ENCONTRA NAS REGIÕES POLARES? 2 193 194 195 196 194 +50 QUE METAL É UTILIZADO NOS GARIMPOS PARA SEPARAR O OURO DO CASCALHO? 2 197 198 199 200 200 +51 EM QUE BATALHA NAPOLEÃO FOI DEFINITIVAMENTE DERROTADO PELA INGLATERRA? 3 201 202 203 204 203 +52 QUEM FOI O PRECURSOR DO ILUMINISMO? 3 205 206 207 208 205 +53 ANO DA INDEPENDÊNCIA DO PERU: 3 209 210 211 212 211 +54 UM DOS PRINCIPAIS LÍDERES DA INDEPENDÊNCIA DAS COLÔNIAS NA AMÉRICA: 3 213 214 215 216 215 +55 TERRITÓRIOS ANEXADOS PELA PRÚSSIA NA GUERRA FRANCO-PRUSSIANA: 3 217 218 219 220 220 +56 PRINCIPAL LÍDER DA UNIFICAÇÃO ITALIANA: 3 221 222 223 224 224 +57 AUTOR DA FRASE - PROLETÁRIOS DE TODOS OS PAÍSES, UNI-VOS!: 3 225 226 227 228 228 +58 PRINCIPAL LIVRO DE KARL MARX: 3 229 230 231 232 230 +59 ANO DA INDEPENDÊNCIA DA COLÔMBIA: 3 233 234 235 236 236 +60 PRINCIPAL IDEALIZADOR DO SOCIALISMO CIENTÍFICO: 3 237 238 239 240 238 +61 ANO DA INDEPENDÊNCIA DA VENEZUELA: 3 241 242 243 244 241 +62 EM QUE ILHA MORREU NAPOLEÃO BONAPARTE? 3 245 246 247 248 246 +63 QUE PAÍS NÃO FEZ PARTE DA SEXTA COLIGAÇÃO CONTRA NAPOLEÃO BONAPARTE? 3 249 250 251 252 251 +64 GOLPE DADO POR NAPOLEÃO BONAPARTE PARA FORMAR O CONSULADO: 3 253 254 255 256 255 +65 COMO FICOU CONHECIDO O PERÍODO ENTRE 1870 E 1914? 3 257 258 259 260 260 +66 QUEM ELABOROU A DECLARAÇÃO DE INDEPENDÊNCIA DOS EUA? 3 261 262 263 264 262 +67 QUAL O ANO DA DECLARAÇÃO DE INDEPENDÊNCIA DOS EUA? 3 265 266 267 268 268 +68 ENTRE QUE PAÍSES SE DESENVOLVEU A GUERRA DOS 7 ANOS? 3 269 270 271 272 270 +69 COMO FICOU CONHECIDO O DESEMBARQUE DAS TROPAS ALIADAS NA NORMANDIA? 3 273 274 275 276 274 +70 PRINCIPAL COLORABORADOR DE MARX EM SUAS OBRAS: 3 277 278 279 280 277 +71 ANO DA INDEPENDÊNCIA DE PORTO RICO: 3 281 282 283 284 283 +72 COMO HITLER ERA CONHECIDO? 3 285 286 287 288 288 +73 COMO MUSSOLINI ERA CONHECIDO? 3 289 290 291 292 290 +74 QUE PRESIDENTE NORTE-AMERICANO REVOGOU A LEI SECA? 3 293 294 295 296 294 +75 POLÍTICA IMPLANTADA POR ROOSEVELT PARA TIRAR OS EUA DA CRISE ECONÔMICA: 3 297 298 299 300 299 +76 MEU PAI É 5 ANOS MAIS VELHO QUE MINHA MÃE, QUE TEM O TRIPLO DA MINHA IDADE. SE EU TENHO 10 ANOS, QUAL É A IDADE DO MEU PAI? 4 301 302 303 304 302 +77 UM CAMPEONATO FOI DISPUTADO POR 4 TIMES. SE TODOS JOGAM CONTRA TODOS DUAS VEZES, QUANTOS JOGOS FORAM NO TOTAL? 4 305 306 307 308 308 +78 NO CAMPEONATO BRASILEIRO, VITÓRIA VALE 3 PONTOS, EMPATE VALE 1 PONTO E DERROTA NÃO MARCA PONTO. QUANTOS PONTOS MARCARÍAMOS SE VENCÊSSEMOS TODOS OS 25 JOGOS 4 309 310 311 312 311 +79 EM UM CAMPEONATO, VITÓRIA VALE 3 PONTOS, EMPATE VALE 1 PONTO E DERROTA NÃO MARCA PONTO. QUANTOS PONTOS MARCARÍAMOS SE VENCÊSSEMOS 2 JOGOS E EMPATÁSSEMOS 5? 4 313 314 315 316 313 +80 EM UM CAMPEONATO, VITÓRIA VALE 3 PONTOS, EMPATE VALE 1 PONTO E DERROTA NÃO MARCA PONTO. QUANTOS PONTOS MARCARÍAMOS SE VENCÊSSEMOS 5 JOGOS E EMPATÁSSEMOS 2? 4 317 318 319 320 318 +81 MEU TIME JOGOU 3 VEZES. CADA VITÓRIA VALE 3 PONTOS, EMPATE VALE 1 PONTO E DERROTA NÃO MARCA PONTO. SE TEMOS 5 PONTOS, QUANTAS VEZES GANHAMOS? 4 321 322 323 324 321 +82 SOMANDO MINHA IDADE COM A DE MEU IRMÃO, OBTENHO 22 ANOS. QUANTO DARÁ A SOMA DE NOSSAS IDADES DAQUI A 3 ANOS? 4 325 326 327 328 327 +83 COMPREI UM PAR DE TÊNIS POR 125 REAIS E DOIS PARES DE MEIAS POR 10 REAIS CADA UM. SE GASTEI TUDO O QUE TINHA, QUANTO EU TINHA ANTES DAS COMPRAS? 4 329 330 331 332 331 +84 EU SOU 3 ANOS MAIS VELHO QUE MEU IRMÃO. SE A SOMA DA MINHA IDADE COM A DELE É 25, QUAL É A IDADE DE MEU IRMÃO? 4 333 334 335 336 336 +85 COM A MINHA MESADA CONSIGO COMPRAR 60 CANETAS. SE CADA CANETA CUSTA 50 CENTAVOS, QUAL É O VALOR DA MINHA MESADA? 4 337 338 339 340 338 +86 FIQUEI DOIS DIAS SEM COMER EM UMA SEMANA. SE FAÇO 3 REFEIÇÕES POR DIA, QUANTAS EU FIZ DURANTE ESSA SEMANA? 4 341 342 343 344 342 +87 COMO SE LÊ 20% 4 345 346 347 348 345 +88 COMO SE LÊ 3º 4 349 350 351 352 349 +89 É EXEMPLO DE NÚMERO FRACIONÁRIO: 4 353 354 355 356 356 +90 É EXEMPLO DE NÚMERO MULTIPLICATIVO: 4 357 358 359 360 357 +91 É EXEMPLO DE NÚMERO ORDINAL: 4 361 362 363 364 361 +92 É EXEMPLO DE NÚMERO CARDINAL: 4 365 366 367 368 365 +93 QUAL O NÚMERO FORMADO POR 3 CENTENAS, 2 DEZENAS E 5 UNIDADES? 4 369 370 371 372 370 +94 MEU PAI E MINHA MÃE NASCERAM NO MESMO DIA E NO MESMO ANO. SE A SOMA DAS IDADES DELES É 74, QUAL É A IDADE DE CADA UM? 4 373 374 375 376 373 +95 QUANTOS CAFÉS DA MANHÃ EU TOMO EM DUAS SEMANAS? 4 377 378 379 380 377 +96 TINHA 64 FIGURINHAS. PERDI 26 PARA UM COLEGA, MAS GANHEI 18 DE OUTRO. COM QUANTAS FIGURINHAS FIQUEI? 4 381 382 383 384 384 +97 PRECISO PINTAR 20 FIGURAS. SE EM UMA HORA CONSIGO PINTAR 5, QUANTO TEMPO LEVAREI PARA PINTAR TODAS AS FIGURAS? 4 385 386 387 388 387 +98 UMA MULHER TEVE 8 FILHOS. SE CADA FILHO TAMBÉM TIVESSE 8 FILHOS, QUANTOS NETOS ESSA MULHER TERIA? 4 389 390 391 392 389 +99 DO NASCIMENTO ATÉ 5 ANOS, UMA CRIANÇA CRESCEU EM MÉDIA 12 cm POR ANO. SE ELA NASCEU COM 48 cm, QUAL É SUA ALTURA AOS 5 ANOS? 4 393 394 395 396 394 +100 UMA CRIANÇA NASCEU COM 50 cm. AOS SEIS ANOS ELA TINHA 120 cm. QUANTOS CENTÍMETROS ELA CRESCEU? 4 397 398 399 400 400 +101 EM QUAL ALTERNATIVA O SUBSTANTIVO É COMUM, CONCRETO E SIMPLES? 5 401 402 403 404 401 +102 QUAL ALTERNATIVA SÓ TEM SUBSTANTIVOS ABSTRATOS? 5 405 406 407 408 406 +103 EM QUAL ALTERNATIVA A PALAVRA ESTÁ ESCRITA CORRETAMENTE: 5 409 410 411 412 409 +104 QUAL O NÚCLEO DO SUJEITO EM - POUCA GENTE RIU DO MENINO? 5 413 414 415 416 414 +105 QUAL É O NÚCLEO DO SUJEITO EM - AS ÁVORES DO QUINTAL SÃO LINDAS? 5 417 418 419 420 418 +106 QUAL O SUJEITO EM - O NAVIO DE ROBINSON NAUFRAGOU? 5 421 422 423 424 423 +107 EM QUAL ALTERNATIVA SÓ HÁ DITONGO NASAL? 5 425 426 427 428 426 +108 EM QUAL ALTERNATIVA O SUBSTANTIVO É COMUM, CONCRETO E COMPOSTO? 5 429 430 431 432 430 +109 QUAL ALTERNATIVA SÓ TEM SUBSTANTIVOS CONCRETOS? 5 433 434 435 436 435 +110 O PLURAL DE CIDADÃO É: 5 437 438 439 440 439 +111 MATILHA É COLETIVO DE: 5 441 442 443 444 442 +112 CÁFILA É COLETIVO DE: 5 445 446 447 448 448 +113 QUAL O COLETIVO DE FLORES? 5 449 450 451 452 450 +114 QUAL O COLETIVO DE LENHAS? 5 453 454 455 456 455 +115 QUAL O VOCÁBULO DE GRAFIA ERRADA? 5 457 458 459 460 459 +116 NÃO SE ESCREVE COM X: 5 461 462 463 464 461 +117 QUAL A FORMA CORRETA DE ESCREVER: 5 465 466 467 468 467 +118 ENTRE OS ALGARISMOS ROMANOS, A LETRA V REPRESENTA QUE NÚMERO? 5 469 470 471 472 469 +119 QUAL É A PRIMEIA PESSOA DO PLURAL? 5 473 474 475 476 475 +120 QUAL É A TERCEIRA PESSOA DO PLURAL? 5 477 478 479 480 478 +121 QUAL É A PRIMEIRA PESSOA DO SINGULAR? 5 481 482 483 484 481 +122 QUAL VERBO SE ENCONTRA NO PRESENTE DO INDICATIVO? 5 485 486 487 488 486 +123 OS VERBOS DA TERCEIRA CONJUGAÇÃO SÃO TERMINADOS EM: 5 489 490 491 492 491 +124 OS VERBOS DA SEGUNDA CONJUGAÇÃO SÃO TERMINADOS EM: 5 493 494 495 496 495 +125 QUAL DOS VERBOS A SEGUIR É IRREGULAR? 5 497 498 499 500 497 +\. + + +-- +-- Data for Name: subjects; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +COPY subjects (id, name) FROM stdin; +1 Ciências +2 Geografia +3 História +4 Matemática +5 Portugues +\. + + +-- +-- Data for Name: users; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +COPY users (id, char_id, username, password, wins_count, lost_count) FROM stdin; +1 1 Paulo 1234 \N \N +2 2 Guilherme 1234 \N \N +3 3 Derick 1234 \N \N +4 4 Sylvio 1234 \N \N +5 5 Jorge 1234 \N \N +6 1 tj 1234 \N \N +\. + + +-- +-- Name: answers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9; Tablespace: +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY answers + ADD CONSTRAINT answers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); + + +-- +-- Name: cards_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9; Tablespace: +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY cards + ADD CONSTRAINT cards_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); + + +-- +-- Name: chars_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9; Tablespace: +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY chars + ADD CONSTRAINT chars_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); + + +-- +-- Name: decks_cards_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9; Tablespace: +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY decks_cards + ADD CONSTRAINT decks_cards_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); + + +-- +-- Name: decks_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9; Tablespace: +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY decks + ADD CONSTRAINT decks_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); + + +-- +-- Name: questions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9; Tablespace: +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY questions + ADD CONSTRAINT questions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); + + +-- +-- Name: subjects_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9; Tablespace: +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY subjects + ADD CONSTRAINT subjects_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); + + +-- +-- Name: users_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9; Tablespace: +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY users + ADD CONSTRAINT users_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); + + +-- +-- Name: cards_question_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY cards + ADD CONSTRAINT cards_question_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES questions(id); + + +-- +-- Name: chars_deck_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY chars + ADD CONSTRAINT chars_deck_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (deck_id) REFERENCES decks(id); + + +-- +-- Name: decks_cards_card_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY decks_cards + ADD CONSTRAINT decks_cards_card_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (card_id) REFERENCES cards(id); + + +-- +-- Name: decks_cards_deck_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY decks_cards + ADD CONSTRAINT decks_cards_deck_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (deck_id) REFERENCES decks(id); + + +-- +-- Name: questions_answer1_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY questions + ADD CONSTRAINT questions_answer1_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (answer1_id) REFERENCES answers(id); + + +-- +-- Name: questions_answer2_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY questions + ADD CONSTRAINT questions_answer2_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (answer2_id) REFERENCES answers(id); + + +-- +-- Name: questions_answer3_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY questions + ADD CONSTRAINT questions_answer3_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (answer3_id) REFERENCES answers(id); + + +-- +-- Name: questions_answer4_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY questions + ADD CONSTRAINT questions_answer4_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (answer4_id) REFERENCES answers(id); + + +-- +-- Name: questions_correct_answer_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY questions + ADD CONSTRAINT questions_correct_answer_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (correct_answer_id) REFERENCES answers(id); + + +-- +-- Name: questions_subject_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY questions + ADD CONSTRAINT questions_subject_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (subject_id) REFERENCES subjects(id); + + +-- +-- Name: users_char_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: adminq5rfje9 +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY users + ADD CONSTRAINT users_char_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (char_id) REFERENCES chars(id); + + +-- +-- Name: public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: postgres +-- + +REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; +REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM postgres; +GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres; +GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO PUBLIC; + + +-- +-- PostgreSQL database dump complete +-- + diff --git a/deployments/ROOT.war b/deployments/ROOT.war index b1cdcb8..67c9922 100644 Binary files a/deployments/ROOT.war and b/deployments/ROOT.war differ diff --git a/lib/unknown/binary/hibernate-jpamodelgen-4.3.1.Final/SNAPSHOT/hibernate-jpamodelgen-4.3.1.Final-SNAPSHOT.jar b/lib/unknown/binary/hibernate-jpamodelgen-4.3.1.Final/SNAPSHOT/hibernate-jpamodelgen-4.3.1.Final-SNAPSHOT.jar deleted file mode 100644 index e55130b..0000000 Binary files a/lib/unknown/binary/hibernate-jpamodelgen-4.3.1.Final/SNAPSHOT/hibernate-jpamodelgen-4.3.1.Final-SNAPSHOT.jar and /dev/null differ diff --git a/nb-configuration.xml b/nb-configuration.xml index 112081f..3c24853 100644 --- a/nb-configuration.xml +++ b/nb-configuration.xml @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ The configuration is intended to be shared among all the users of project and therefore it is assumed to be part of version control checkout. Without this configuration present, some functionality in the IDE may be limited or fail altogether. --> - ide - /less:/css - false - false - - - /scss:/css - WildFly - true - js/libs false diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml index 921fa6c..2dcaa7b 100644 --- a/pom.xml +++ b/pom.xml @@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ cardgame - UTF-8 + UTF-8 - + javax javaee-api 7.0 - provided + provided @@ -26,13 +26,37 @@ jjwt 0.6.0 - + org.hibernate hibernate-entitymanager 5.1.0.Final provided - - + + + + + + + + + openshift + + helloword + + + org.apache.maven.plugins + maven-war-plugin + 2.3 + + false + deployments + ROOT + + + + + + diff --git a/src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml b/src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml index ec06309..d8bad95 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml +++ b/src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - java:/postgre/cardgame + java:/jboss/datasources/PostgreSQLDS false - + diff --git a/src/main/webapp/css/bootstrap.min.css b/src/main/webapp/css/bootstrap.min.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b94f9b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/css/bootstrap.min.css @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +/*! + * Bootstrap v3.3.6 (http://getbootstrap.com) + * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc. + * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE) + *//*! normalize.css v3.0.3 | MIT License | github.com/necolas/normalize.css */ + .nav, .pagination, .carousel, .panel-title a { cursor: pointer; } + html{font-family:sans-serif;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;-ms-text-size-adjust:100%}body{margin:0}article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,menu,nav,section,summary{display:block}audio,canvas,progress,video{display:inline-block;vertical-align:baseline}audio:not([controls]){display:none;height:0}[hidden],template{display:none}a{background-color:transparent}a:active,a:hover{outline:0}abbr[title]{border-bottom:1px dotted}b,strong{font-weight:700}dfn{font-style:italic}h1{margin:.67em 0;font-size:2em}mark{color:#000;background:#ff0}small{font-size:80%}sub,sup{position:relative;font-size:75%;line-height:0;vertical-align:baseline}sup{top:-.5em}sub{bottom:-.25em}img{border:0}svg:not(:root){overflow:hidden}figure{margin:1em 40px}hr{height:0;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box}pre{overflow:auto}code,kbd,pre,samp{font-family:monospace,monospace;font-size:1em}button,input,optgroup,select,textarea{margin:0;font:inherit;color:inherit}button{overflow:visible}button,select{text-transform:none}button,html input[type=button],input[type=reset],input[type=submit]{-webkit-appearance:button;cursor:pointer}button[disabled],html input[disabled]{cursor:default}button::-moz-focus-inner,input::-moz-focus-inner{padding:0;border:0}input{line-height:normal}input[type=checkbox],input[type=radio]{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0}input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button{height:auto}input[type=search]{-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;-webkit-appearance:textfield}input[type=search]::-webkit-search-cancel-button,input[type=search]::-webkit-search-decoration{-webkit-appearance:none}fieldset{padding:.35em .625em .75em;margin:0 2px;border:1px solid silver}legend{padding:0;border:0}textarea{overflow:auto}optgroup{font-weight:700}table{border-spacing:0;border-collapse:collapse}td,th{padding:0}/*! 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b/src/main/webapp/img/cardHistory.png new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a126153 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/webapp/img/cardHistory.png differ diff --git a/src/main/webapp/img/cardMath.png b/src/main/webapp/img/cardMath.png new file mode 100755 index 0000000..89f6e44 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/webapp/img/cardMath.png differ diff --git a/src/main/webapp/img/cardPortuguese.png b/src/main/webapp/img/cardPortuguese.png new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f9e25d1 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/webapp/img/cardPortuguese.png differ diff --git a/src/main/webapp/img/cardScience.png b/src/main/webapp/img/cardScience.png new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a187e77 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/webapp/img/cardScience.png differ diff --git a/src/main/webapp/img/cardgamex6.png b/src/main/webapp/img/cardgamex6.png new file mode 100755 index 0000000..1b5b011 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/webapp/img/cardgamex6.png differ diff --git a/src/main/webapp/img/deck.png b/src/main/webapp/img/deck.png new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ab2cd1d Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/webapp/img/deck.png differ diff --git a/src/main/webapp/img/fighter.png b/src/main/webapp/img/fighter.png new file mode 100755 index 0000000..864261e Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/webapp/img/fighter.png differ diff --git a/src/main/webapp/img/gladiator.png b/src/main/webapp/img/gladiator.png new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b1c4ca2 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/webapp/img/gladiator.png differ diff --git a/src/main/webapp/img/knight.png b/src/main/webapp/img/knight.png new file mode 100755 index 0000000..332a2d2 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/webapp/img/knight.png differ diff --git a/src/main/webapp/img/magician.png b/src/main/webapp/img/magician.png new file mode 100755 index 0000000..1f9b163 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/webapp/img/magician.png differ diff --git a/src/main/webapp/index.html b/src/main/webapp/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e43f5dd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + diff --git a/src/main/webapp/js/alertController.js b/src/main/webapp/js/alertController.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..572bc6c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/js/alertController.js @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +angular.module('cgApp').controller('alertCtrl', ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$localStorage', '$location', 'data', +function ModalController ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $localStorage, $location, data){ + $scope.message = data.message + + $scope.ok = function () { + if(data.message === 'Game over') { + $localStorage.$reset(); + $location.path('/join'); + } + $uibModalInstance.dismiss(); + } +}]); diff --git a/src/main/webapp/js/angular-ui-router.js b/src/main/webapp/js/angular-ui-router.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26f7657 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/js/angular-ui-router.js @@ -0,0 +1,4539 @@ +/** + * State-based routing for AngularJS + * @version v0.2.18 + * @link http://angular-ui.github.com/ + * @license MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT + */ + +/* commonjs package manager support (eg componentjs) */ +if (typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof exports !== "undefined" && module.exports === exports){ + module.exports = 'ui.router'; +} + +(function (window, angular, undefined) { +/*jshint globalstrict:true*/ +/*global angular:false*/ +'use strict'; + +var isDefined = angular.isDefined, + isFunction = angular.isFunction, + isString = angular.isString, + isObject = angular.isObject, + isArray = angular.isArray, + forEach = angular.forEach, + extend = angular.extend, + copy = angular.copy, + toJson = angular.toJson; + +function inherit(parent, extra) { + return extend(new (extend(function() {}, { prototype: parent }))(), extra); +} + +function merge(dst) { + forEach(arguments, function(obj) { + if (obj !== dst) { + forEach(obj, function(value, key) { + if (!dst.hasOwnProperty(key)) dst[key] = value; + }); + } + }); + return dst; +} + +/** + * Finds the common ancestor path between two states. + * + * @param {Object} first The first state. + * @param {Object} second The second state. + * @return {Array} Returns an array of state names in descending order, not including the root. + */ +function ancestors(first, second) { + var path = []; + + for (var n in first.path) { + if (first.path[n] !== second.path[n]) break; + path.push(first.path[n]); + } + return path; +} + +/** + * IE8-safe wrapper for `Object.keys()`. + * + * @param {Object} object A JavaScript object. + * @return {Array} Returns the keys of the object as an array. + */ +function objectKeys(object) { + if (Object.keys) { + return Object.keys(object); + } + var result = []; + + forEach(object, function(val, key) { + result.push(key); + }); + return result; +} + +/** + * IE8-safe wrapper for `Array.prototype.indexOf()`. + * + * @param {Array} array A JavaScript array. + * @param {*} value A value to search the array for. + * @return {Number} Returns the array index value of `value`, or `-1` if not present. + */ +function indexOf(array, value) { + if (Array.prototype.indexOf) { + return array.indexOf(value, Number(arguments[2]) || 0); + } + var len = array.length >>> 0, from = Number(arguments[2]) || 0; + from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from); + + if (from < 0) from += len; + + for (; from < len; from++) { + if (from in array && array[from] === value) return from; + } + return -1; +} + +/** + * Merges a set of parameters with all parameters inherited between the common parents of the + * current state and a given destination state. + * + * @param {Object} currentParams The value of the current state parameters ($stateParams). + * @param {Object} newParams The set of parameters which will be composited with inherited params. + * @param {Object} $current Internal definition of object representing the current state. + * @param {Object} $to Internal definition of object representing state to transition to. + */ +function inheritParams(currentParams, newParams, $current, $to) { + var parents = ancestors($current, $to), parentParams, inherited = {}, inheritList = []; + + for (var i in parents) { + if (!parents[i] || !parents[i].params) continue; + parentParams = objectKeys(parents[i].params); + if (!parentParams.length) continue; + + for (var j in parentParams) { + if (indexOf(inheritList, parentParams[j]) >= 0) continue; + inheritList.push(parentParams[j]); + inherited[parentParams[j]] = currentParams[parentParams[j]]; + } + } + return extend({}, inherited, newParams); +} + +/** + * Performs a non-strict comparison of the subset of two objects, defined by a list of keys. + * + * @param {Object} a The first object. + * @param {Object} b The second object. + * @param {Array} keys The list of keys within each object to compare. If the list is empty or not specified, + * it defaults to the list of keys in `a`. + * @return {Boolean} Returns `true` if the keys match, otherwise `false`. + */ +function equalForKeys(a, b, keys) { + if (!keys) { + keys = []; + for (var n in a) keys.push(n); // Used instead of Object.keys() for IE8 compatibility + } + + for (var i=0; i + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + */ +angular.module('ui.router', ['ui.router.state']); + +angular.module('ui.router.compat', ['ui.router']); + +/** + * @ngdoc object + * @name ui.router.util.$resolve + * + * @requires $q + * @requires $injector + * + * @description + * Manages resolution of (acyclic) graphs of promises. + */ +$Resolve.$inject = ['$q', '$injector']; +function $Resolve( $q, $injector) { + + var VISIT_IN_PROGRESS = 1, + VISIT_DONE = 2, + NOTHING = {}, + NO_DEPENDENCIES = [], + NO_LOCALS = NOTHING, + NO_PARENT = extend($q.when(NOTHING), { $$promises: NOTHING, $$values: NOTHING }); + + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.$resolve#study + * @methodOf ui.router.util.$resolve + * + * @description + * Studies a set of invocables that are likely to be used multiple times. + *
+   * $resolve.study(invocables)(locals, parent, self)
+   * 
+ * is equivalent to + *
+   * $resolve.resolve(invocables, locals, parent, self)
+   * 
+ * but the former is more efficient (in fact `resolve` just calls `study` + * internally). + * + * @param {object} invocables Invocable objects + * @return {function} a function to pass in locals, parent and self + */ + this.study = function (invocables) { + if (!isObject(invocables)) throw new Error("'invocables' must be an object"); + var invocableKeys = objectKeys(invocables || {}); + + // Perform a topological sort of invocables to build an ordered plan + var plan = [], cycle = [], visited = {}; + function visit(value, key) { + if (visited[key] === VISIT_DONE) return; + + cycle.push(key); + if (visited[key] === VISIT_IN_PROGRESS) { + cycle.splice(0, indexOf(cycle, key)); + throw new Error("Cyclic dependency: " + cycle.join(" -> ")); + } + visited[key] = VISIT_IN_PROGRESS; + + if (isString(value)) { + plan.push(key, [ function() { return $injector.get(value); }], NO_DEPENDENCIES); + } else { + var params = $injector.annotate(value); + forEach(params, function (param) { + if (param !== key && invocables.hasOwnProperty(param)) visit(invocables[param], param); + }); + plan.push(key, value, params); + } + + cycle.pop(); + visited[key] = VISIT_DONE; + } + forEach(invocables, visit); + invocables = cycle = visited = null; // plan is all that's required + + function isResolve(value) { + return isObject(value) && value.then && value.$$promises; + } + + return function (locals, parent, self) { + if (isResolve(locals) && self === undefined) { + self = parent; parent = locals; locals = null; + } + if (!locals) locals = NO_LOCALS; + else if (!isObject(locals)) { + throw new Error("'locals' must be an object"); + } + if (!parent) parent = NO_PARENT; + else if (!isResolve(parent)) { + throw new Error("'parent' must be a promise returned by $resolve.resolve()"); + } + + // To complete the overall resolution, we have to wait for the parent + // promise and for the promise for each invokable in our plan. + var resolution = $q.defer(), + result = resolution.promise, + promises = result.$$promises = {}, + values = extend({}, locals), + wait = 1 + plan.length/3, + merged = false; + + function done() { + // Merge parent values we haven't got yet and publish our own $$values + if (!--wait) { + if (!merged) merge(values, parent.$$values); + result.$$values = values; + result.$$promises = result.$$promises || true; // keep for isResolve() + delete result.$$inheritedValues; + resolution.resolve(values); + } + } + + function fail(reason) { + result.$$failure = reason; + resolution.reject(reason); + } + + // Short-circuit if parent has already failed + if (isDefined(parent.$$failure)) { + fail(parent.$$failure); + return result; + } + + if (parent.$$inheritedValues) { + merge(values, omit(parent.$$inheritedValues, invocableKeys)); + } + + // Merge parent values if the parent has already resolved, or merge + // parent promises and wait if the parent resolve is still in progress. + extend(promises, parent.$$promises); + if (parent.$$values) { + merged = merge(values, omit(parent.$$values, invocableKeys)); + result.$$inheritedValues = omit(parent.$$values, invocableKeys); + done(); + } else { + if (parent.$$inheritedValues) { + result.$$inheritedValues = omit(parent.$$inheritedValues, invocableKeys); + } + parent.then(done, fail); + } + + // Process each invocable in the plan, but ignore any where a local of the same name exists. + for (var i=0, ii=plan.length; i} The template html as a string, or a promise + * for that string. + */ + this.fromUrl = function (url, params) { + if (isFunction(url)) url = url(params); + if (url == null) return null; + else return $http + .get(url, { cache: $templateCache, headers: { Accept: 'text/html' }}) + .then(function(response) { return response.data; }); + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.$templateFactory#fromProvider + * @methodOf ui.router.util.$templateFactory + * + * @description + * Creates a template by invoking an injectable provider function. + * + * @param {Function} provider Function to invoke via `$injector.invoke` + * @param {Object} params Parameters for the template. + * @param {Object} locals Locals to pass to `invoke`. Defaults to + * `{ params: params }`. + * @return {string|Promise.} The template html as a string, or a promise + * for that string. + */ + this.fromProvider = function (provider, params, locals) { + return $injector.invoke(provider, null, locals || { params: params }); + }; +} + +angular.module('ui.router.util').service('$templateFactory', $TemplateFactory); + +var $$UMFP; // reference to $UrlMatcherFactoryProvider + +/** + * @ngdoc object + * @name ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher + * + * @description + * Matches URLs against patterns and extracts named parameters from the path or the search + * part of the URL. A URL pattern consists of a path pattern, optionally followed by '?' and a list + * of search parameters. Multiple search parameter names are separated by '&'. Search parameters + * do not influence whether or not a URL is matched, but their values are passed through into + * the matched parameters returned by {@link ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher#methods_exec exec}. + * + * Path parameter placeholders can be specified using simple colon/catch-all syntax or curly brace + * syntax, which optionally allows a regular expression for the parameter to be specified: + * + * * `':'` name - colon placeholder + * * `'*'` name - catch-all placeholder + * * `'{' name '}'` - curly placeholder + * * `'{' name ':' regexp|type '}'` - curly placeholder with regexp or type name. Should the + * regexp itself contain curly braces, they must be in matched pairs or escaped with a backslash. + * + * Parameter names may contain only word characters (latin letters, digits, and underscore) and + * must be unique within the pattern (across both path and search parameters). For colon + * placeholders or curly placeholders without an explicit regexp, a path parameter matches any + * number of characters other than '/'. For catch-all placeholders the path parameter matches + * any number of characters. + * + * Examples: + * + * * `'/hello/'` - Matches only if the path is exactly '/hello/'. There is no special treatment for + * trailing slashes, and patterns have to match the entire path, not just a prefix. + * * `'/user/:id'` - Matches '/user/bob' or '/user/1234!!!' or even '/user/' but not '/user' or + * '/user/bob/details'. The second path segment will be captured as the parameter 'id'. + * * `'/user/{id}'` - Same as the previous example, but using curly brace syntax. + * * `'/user/{id:[^/]*}'` - Same as the previous example. + * * `'/user/{id:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,8}}'` - Similar to the previous example, but only matches if the id + * parameter consists of 1 to 8 hex digits. + * * `'/files/{path:.*}'` - Matches any URL starting with '/files/' and captures the rest of the + * path into the parameter 'path'. + * * `'/files/*path'` - ditto. + * * `'/calendar/{start:date}'` - Matches "/calendar/2014-11-12" (because the pattern defined + * in the built-in `date` Type matches `2014-11-12`) and provides a Date object in $stateParams.start + * + * @param {string} pattern The pattern to compile into a matcher. + * @param {Object} config A configuration object hash: + * @param {Object=} parentMatcher Used to concatenate the pattern/config onto + * an existing UrlMatcher + * + * * `caseInsensitive` - `true` if URL matching should be case insensitive, otherwise `false`, the default value (for backward compatibility) is `false`. + * * `strict` - `false` if matching against a URL with a trailing slash should be treated as equivalent to a URL without a trailing slash, the default value is `true`. + * + * @property {string} prefix A static prefix of this pattern. The matcher guarantees that any + * URL matching this matcher (i.e. any string for which {@link ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher#methods_exec exec()} returns + * non-null) will start with this prefix. + * + * @property {string} source The pattern that was passed into the constructor + * + * @property {string} sourcePath The path portion of the source property + * + * @property {string} sourceSearch The search portion of the source property + * + * @property {string} regex The constructed regex that will be used to match against the url when + * it is time to determine which url will match. + * + * @returns {Object} New `UrlMatcher` object + */ +function UrlMatcher(pattern, config, parentMatcher) { + config = extend({ params: {} }, isObject(config) ? config : {}); + + // Find all placeholders and create a compiled pattern, using either classic or curly syntax: + // '*' name + // ':' name + // '{' name '}' + // '{' name ':' regexp '}' + // The regular expression is somewhat complicated due to the need to allow curly braces + // inside the regular expression. The placeholder regexp breaks down as follows: + // ([:*])([\w\[\]]+) - classic placeholder ($1 / $2) (search version has - for snake-case) + // \{([\w\[\]]+)(?:\:\s*( ... ))?\} - curly brace placeholder ($3) with optional regexp/type ... ($4) (search version has - for snake-case + // (?: ... | ... | ... )+ - the regexp consists of any number of atoms, an atom being either + // [^{}\\]+ - anything other than curly braces or backslash + // \\. - a backslash escape + // \{(?:[^{}\\]+|\\.)*\} - a matched set of curly braces containing other atoms + var placeholder = /([:*])([\w\[\]]+)|\{([\w\[\]]+)(?:\:\s*((?:[^{}\\]+|\\.|\{(?:[^{}\\]+|\\.)*\})+))?\}/g, + searchPlaceholder = /([:]?)([\w\[\].-]+)|\{([\w\[\].-]+)(?:\:\s*((?:[^{}\\]+|\\.|\{(?:[^{}\\]+|\\.)*\})+))?\}/g, + compiled = '^', last = 0, m, + segments = this.segments = [], + parentParams = parentMatcher ? parentMatcher.params : {}, + params = this.params = parentMatcher ? parentMatcher.params.$$new() : new $$UMFP.ParamSet(), + paramNames = []; + + function addParameter(id, type, config, location) { + paramNames.push(id); + if (parentParams[id]) return parentParams[id]; + if (!/^\w+([-.]+\w+)*(?:\[\])?$/.test(id)) throw new Error("Invalid parameter name '" + id + "' in pattern '" + pattern + "'"); + if (params[id]) throw new Error("Duplicate parameter name '" + id + "' in pattern '" + pattern + "'"); + params[id] = new $$UMFP.Param(id, type, config, location); + return params[id]; + } + + function quoteRegExp(string, pattern, squash, optional) { + var surroundPattern = ['',''], result = string.replace(/[\\\[\]\^$*+?.()|{}]/g, "\\$&"); + if (!pattern) return result; + switch(squash) { + case false: surroundPattern = ['(', ')' + (optional ? "?" : "")]; break; + case true: + result = result.replace(/\/$/, ''); + surroundPattern = ['(?:\/(', ')|\/)?']; + break; + default: surroundPattern = ['(' + squash + "|", ')?']; break; + } + return result + surroundPattern[0] + pattern + surroundPattern[1]; + } + + this.source = pattern; + + // Split into static segments separated by path parameter placeholders. + // The number of segments is always 1 more than the number of parameters. + function matchDetails(m, isSearch) { + var id, regexp, segment, type, cfg, arrayMode; + id = m[2] || m[3]; // IE[78] returns '' for unmatched groups instead of null + cfg = config.params[id]; + segment = pattern.substring(last, m.index); + regexp = isSearch ? m[4] : m[4] || (m[1] == '*' ? '.*' : null); + + if (regexp) { + type = $$UMFP.type(regexp) || inherit($$UMFP.type("string"), { pattern: new RegExp(regexp, config.caseInsensitive ? 'i' : undefined) }); + } + + return { + id: id, regexp: regexp, segment: segment, type: type, cfg: cfg + }; + } + + var p, param, segment; + while ((m = placeholder.exec(pattern))) { + p = matchDetails(m, false); + if (p.segment.indexOf('?') >= 0) break; // we're into the search part + + param = addParameter(p.id, p.type, p.cfg, "path"); + compiled += quoteRegExp(p.segment, param.type.pattern.source, param.squash, param.isOptional); + segments.push(p.segment); + last = placeholder.lastIndex; + } + segment = pattern.substring(last); + + // Find any search parameter names and remove them from the last segment + var i = segment.indexOf('?'); + + if (i >= 0) { + var search = this.sourceSearch = segment.substring(i); + segment = segment.substring(0, i); + this.sourcePath = pattern.substring(0, last + i); + + if (search.length > 0) { + last = 0; + while ((m = searchPlaceholder.exec(search))) { + p = matchDetails(m, true); + param = addParameter(p.id, p.type, p.cfg, "search"); + last = placeholder.lastIndex; + // check if ?& + } + } + } else { + this.sourcePath = pattern; + this.sourceSearch = ''; + } + + compiled += quoteRegExp(segment) + (config.strict === false ? '\/?' : '') + '$'; + segments.push(segment); + + this.regexp = new RegExp(compiled, config.caseInsensitive ? 'i' : undefined); + this.prefix = segments[0]; + this.$$paramNames = paramNames; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher#concat + * @methodOf ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher + * + * @description + * Returns a new matcher for a pattern constructed by appending the path part and adding the + * search parameters of the specified pattern to this pattern. The current pattern is not + * modified. This can be understood as creating a pattern for URLs that are relative to (or + * suffixes of) the current pattern. + * + * @example + * The following two matchers are equivalent: + *
+ * new UrlMatcher('/user/{id}?q').concat('/details?date');
+ * new UrlMatcher('/user/{id}/details?q&date');
+ * 
+ * + * @param {string} pattern The pattern to append. + * @param {Object} config An object hash of the configuration for the matcher. + * @returns {UrlMatcher} A matcher for the concatenated pattern. + */ +UrlMatcher.prototype.concat = function (pattern, config) { + // Because order of search parameters is irrelevant, we can add our own search + // parameters to the end of the new pattern. Parse the new pattern by itself + // and then join the bits together, but it's much easier to do this on a string level. + var defaultConfig = { + caseInsensitive: $$UMFP.caseInsensitive(), + strict: $$UMFP.strictMode(), + squash: $$UMFP.defaultSquashPolicy() + }; + return new UrlMatcher(this.sourcePath + pattern + this.sourceSearch, extend(defaultConfig, config), this); +}; + +UrlMatcher.prototype.toString = function () { + return this.source; +}; + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher#exec + * @methodOf ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher + * + * @description + * Tests the specified path against this matcher, and returns an object containing the captured + * parameter values, or null if the path does not match. The returned object contains the values + * of any search parameters that are mentioned in the pattern, but their value may be null if + * they are not present in `searchParams`. This means that search parameters are always treated + * as optional. + * + * @example + *
+ * new UrlMatcher('/user/{id}?q&r').exec('/user/bob', {
+ *   x: '1', q: 'hello'
+ * });
+ * // returns { id: 'bob', q: 'hello', r: null }
+ * 
+ * + * @param {string} path The URL path to match, e.g. `$location.path()`. + * @param {Object} searchParams URL search parameters, e.g. `$location.search()`. + * @returns {Object} The captured parameter values. + */ +UrlMatcher.prototype.exec = function (path, searchParams) { + var m = this.regexp.exec(path); + if (!m) return null; + searchParams = searchParams || {}; + + var paramNames = this.parameters(), nTotal = paramNames.length, + nPath = this.segments.length - 1, + values = {}, i, j, cfg, paramName; + + if (nPath !== m.length - 1) throw new Error("Unbalanced capture group in route '" + this.source + "'"); + + function decodePathArray(string) { + function reverseString(str) { return str.split("").reverse().join(""); } + function unquoteDashes(str) { return str.replace(/\\-/g, "-"); } + + var split = reverseString(string).split(/-(?!\\)/); + var allReversed = map(split, reverseString); + return map(allReversed, unquoteDashes).reverse(); + } + + var param, paramVal; + for (i = 0; i < nPath; i++) { + paramName = paramNames[i]; + param = this.params[paramName]; + paramVal = m[i+1]; + // if the param value matches a pre-replace pair, replace the value before decoding. + for (j = 0; j < param.replace.length; j++) { + if (param.replace[j].from === paramVal) paramVal = param.replace[j].to; + } + if (paramVal && param.array === true) paramVal = decodePathArray(paramVal); + if (isDefined(paramVal)) paramVal = param.type.decode(paramVal); + values[paramName] = param.value(paramVal); + } + for (/**/; i < nTotal; i++) { + paramName = paramNames[i]; + values[paramName] = this.params[paramName].value(searchParams[paramName]); + param = this.params[paramName]; + paramVal = searchParams[paramName]; + for (j = 0; j < param.replace.length; j++) { + if (param.replace[j].from === paramVal) paramVal = param.replace[j].to; + } + if (isDefined(paramVal)) paramVal = param.type.decode(paramVal); + values[paramName] = param.value(paramVal); + } + + return values; +}; + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher#parameters + * @methodOf ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher + * + * @description + * Returns the names of all path and search parameters of this pattern in an unspecified order. + * + * @returns {Array.} An array of parameter names. Must be treated as read-only. If the + * pattern has no parameters, an empty array is returned. + */ +UrlMatcher.prototype.parameters = function (param) { + if (!isDefined(param)) return this.$$paramNames; + return this.params[param] || null; +}; + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher#validates + * @methodOf ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher + * + * @description + * Checks an object hash of parameters to validate their correctness according to the parameter + * types of this `UrlMatcher`. + * + * @param {Object} params The object hash of parameters to validate. + * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `params` validates, otherwise `false`. + */ +UrlMatcher.prototype.validates = function (params) { + return this.params.$$validates(params); +}; + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher#format + * @methodOf ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher + * + * @description + * Creates a URL that matches this pattern by substituting the specified values + * for the path and search parameters. Null values for path parameters are + * treated as empty strings. + * + * @example + *
+ * new UrlMatcher('/user/{id}?q').format({ id:'bob', q:'yes' });
+ * // returns '/user/bob?q=yes'
+ * 
+ * + * @param {Object} values the values to substitute for the parameters in this pattern. + * @returns {string} the formatted URL (path and optionally search part). + */ +UrlMatcher.prototype.format = function (values) { + values = values || {}; + var segments = this.segments, params = this.parameters(), paramset = this.params; + if (!this.validates(values)) return null; + + var i, search = false, nPath = segments.length - 1, nTotal = params.length, result = segments[0]; + + function encodeDashes(str) { // Replace dashes with encoded "\-" + return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/-/g, function(c) { return '%5C%' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase(); }); + } + + for (i = 0; i < nTotal; i++) { + var isPathParam = i < nPath; + var name = params[i], param = paramset[name], value = param.value(values[name]); + var isDefaultValue = param.isOptional && param.type.equals(param.value(), value); + var squash = isDefaultValue ? param.squash : false; + var encoded = param.type.encode(value); + + if (isPathParam) { + var nextSegment = segments[i + 1]; + var isFinalPathParam = i + 1 === nPath; + + if (squash === false) { + if (encoded != null) { + if (isArray(encoded)) { + result += map(encoded, encodeDashes).join("-"); + } else { + result += encodeURIComponent(encoded); + } + } + result += nextSegment; + } else if (squash === true) { + var capture = result.match(/\/$/) ? /\/?(.*)/ : /(.*)/; + result += nextSegment.match(capture)[1]; + } else if (isString(squash)) { + result += squash + nextSegment; + } + + if (isFinalPathParam && param.squash === true && result.slice(-1) === '/') result = result.slice(0, -1); + } else { + if (encoded == null || (isDefaultValue && squash !== false)) continue; + if (!isArray(encoded)) encoded = [ encoded ]; + if (encoded.length === 0) continue; + encoded = map(encoded, encodeURIComponent).join('&' + name + '='); + result += (search ? '&' : '?') + (name + '=' + encoded); + search = true; + } + } + + return result; +}; + +/** + * @ngdoc object + * @name ui.router.util.type:Type + * + * @description + * Implements an interface to define custom parameter types that can be decoded from and encoded to + * string parameters matched in a URL. Used by {@link ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher `UrlMatcher`} + * objects when matching or formatting URLs, or comparing or validating parameter values. + * + * See {@link ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactory#methods_type `$urlMatcherFactory#type()`} for more + * information on registering custom types. + * + * @param {Object} config A configuration object which contains the custom type definition. The object's + * properties will override the default methods and/or pattern in `Type`'s public interface. + * @example + *
+ * {
+ *   decode: function(val) { return parseInt(val, 10); },
+ *   encode: function(val) { return val && val.toString(); },
+ *   equals: function(a, b) { return this.is(a) && a === b; },
+ *   is: function(val) { return angular.isNumber(val) isFinite(val) && val % 1 === 0; },
+ *   pattern: /\d+/
+ * }
+ * 
+ * + * @property {RegExp} pattern The regular expression pattern used to match values of this type when + * coming from a substring of a URL. + * + * @returns {Object} Returns a new `Type` object. + */ +function Type(config) { + extend(this, config); +} + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.type:Type#is + * @methodOf ui.router.util.type:Type + * + * @description + * Detects whether a value is of a particular type. Accepts a native (decoded) value + * and determines whether it matches the current `Type` object. + * + * @param {*} val The value to check. + * @param {string} key Optional. If the type check is happening in the context of a specific + * {@link ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher `UrlMatcher`} object, this is the name of the + * parameter in which `val` is stored. Can be used for meta-programming of `Type` objects. + * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if the value matches the type, otherwise `false`. + */ +Type.prototype.is = function(val, key) { + return true; +}; + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.type:Type#encode + * @methodOf ui.router.util.type:Type + * + * @description + * Encodes a custom/native type value to a string that can be embedded in a URL. Note that the + * return value does *not* need to be URL-safe (i.e. passed through `encodeURIComponent()`), it + * only needs to be a representation of `val` that has been coerced to a string. + * + * @param {*} val The value to encode. + * @param {string} key The name of the parameter in which `val` is stored. Can be used for + * meta-programming of `Type` objects. + * @returns {string} Returns a string representation of `val` that can be encoded in a URL. + */ +Type.prototype.encode = function(val, key) { + return val; +}; + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.type:Type#decode + * @methodOf ui.router.util.type:Type + * + * @description + * Converts a parameter value (from URL string or transition param) to a custom/native value. + * + * @param {string} val The URL parameter value to decode. + * @param {string} key The name of the parameter in which `val` is stored. Can be used for + * meta-programming of `Type` objects. + * @returns {*} Returns a custom representation of the URL parameter value. + */ +Type.prototype.decode = function(val, key) { + return val; +}; + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.type:Type#equals + * @methodOf ui.router.util.type:Type + * + * @description + * Determines whether two decoded values are equivalent. + * + * @param {*} a A value to compare against. + * @param {*} b A value to compare against. + * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent/equal, otherwise `false`. + */ +Type.prototype.equals = function(a, b) { + return a == b; +}; + +Type.prototype.$subPattern = function() { + var sub = this.pattern.toString(); + return sub.substr(1, sub.length - 2); +}; + +Type.prototype.pattern = /.*/; + +Type.prototype.toString = function() { return "{Type:" + this.name + "}"; }; + +/** Given an encoded string, or a decoded object, returns a decoded object */ +Type.prototype.$normalize = function(val) { + return this.is(val) ? val : this.decode(val); +}; + +/* + * Wraps an existing custom Type as an array of Type, depending on 'mode'. + * e.g.: + * - urlmatcher pattern "/path?{queryParam[]:int}" + * - url: "/path?queryParam=1&queryParam=2 + * - $stateParams.queryParam will be [1, 2] + * if `mode` is "auto", then + * - url: "/path?queryParam=1 will create $stateParams.queryParam: 1 + * - url: "/path?queryParam=1&queryParam=2 will create $stateParams.queryParam: [1, 2] + */ +Type.prototype.$asArray = function(mode, isSearch) { + if (!mode) return this; + if (mode === "auto" && !isSearch) throw new Error("'auto' array mode is for query parameters only"); + + function ArrayType(type, mode) { + function bindTo(type, callbackName) { + return function() { + return type[callbackName].apply(type, arguments); + }; + } + + // Wrap non-array value as array + function arrayWrap(val) { return isArray(val) ? val : (isDefined(val) ? [ val ] : []); } + // Unwrap array value for "auto" mode. Return undefined for empty array. + function arrayUnwrap(val) { + switch(val.length) { + case 0: return undefined; + case 1: return mode === "auto" ? val[0] : val; + default: return val; + } + } + function falsey(val) { return !val; } + + // Wraps type (.is/.encode/.decode) functions to operate on each value of an array + function arrayHandler(callback, allTruthyMode) { + return function handleArray(val) { + if (isArray(val) && val.length === 0) return val; + val = arrayWrap(val); + var result = map(val, callback); + if (allTruthyMode === true) + return filter(result, falsey).length === 0; + return arrayUnwrap(result); + }; + } + + // Wraps type (.equals) functions to operate on each value of an array + function arrayEqualsHandler(callback) { + return function handleArray(val1, val2) { + var left = arrayWrap(val1), right = arrayWrap(val2); + if (left.length !== right.length) return false; + for (var i = 0; i < left.length; i++) { + if (!callback(left[i], right[i])) return false; + } + return true; + }; + } + + this.encode = arrayHandler(bindTo(type, 'encode')); + this.decode = arrayHandler(bindTo(type, 'decode')); + this.is = arrayHandler(bindTo(type, 'is'), true); + this.equals = arrayEqualsHandler(bindTo(type, 'equals')); + this.pattern = type.pattern; + this.$normalize = arrayHandler(bindTo(type, '$normalize')); + this.name = type.name; + this.$arrayMode = mode; + } + + return new ArrayType(this, mode); +}; + + + +/** + * @ngdoc object + * @name ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactory + * + * @description + * Factory for {@link ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher `UrlMatcher`} instances. The factory + * is also available to providers under the name `$urlMatcherFactoryProvider`. + */ +function $UrlMatcherFactory() { + $$UMFP = this; + + var isCaseInsensitive = false, isStrictMode = true, defaultSquashPolicy = false; + + // Use tildes to pre-encode slashes. + // If the slashes are simply URLEncoded, the browser can choose to pre-decode them, + // and bidirectional encoding/decoding fails. + // Tilde was chosen because it's not a RFC 3986 section 2.2 Reserved Character + function valToString(val) { return val != null ? val.toString().replace(/~/g, "~~").replace(/\//g, "~2F") : val; } + function valFromString(val) { return val != null ? val.toString().replace(/~2F/g, "/").replace(/~~/g, "~") : val; } + + var $types = {}, enqueue = true, typeQueue = [], injector, defaultTypes = { + "string": { + encode: valToString, + decode: valFromString, + // TODO: in 1.0, make string .is() return false if value is undefined/null by default. + // In 0.2.x, string params are optional by default for backwards compat + is: function(val) { return val == null || !isDefined(val) || typeof val === "string"; }, + pattern: /[^/]*/ + }, + "int": { + encode: valToString, + decode: function(val) { return parseInt(val, 10); }, + is: function(val) { return isDefined(val) && this.decode(val.toString()) === val; }, + pattern: /\d+/ + }, + "bool": { + encode: function(val) { return val ? 1 : 0; }, + decode: function(val) { return parseInt(val, 10) !== 0; }, + is: function(val) { return val === true || val === false; }, + pattern: /0|1/ + }, + "date": { + encode: function (val) { + if (!this.is(val)) + return undefined; + return [ val.getFullYear(), + ('0' + (val.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2), + ('0' + val.getDate()).slice(-2) + ].join("-"); + }, + decode: function (val) { + if (this.is(val)) return val; + var match = this.capture.exec(val); + return match ? new Date(match[1], match[2] - 1, match[3]) : undefined; + }, + is: function(val) { return val instanceof Date && !isNaN(val.valueOf()); }, + equals: function (a, b) { return this.is(a) && this.is(b) && a.toISOString() === b.toISOString(); }, + pattern: /[0-9]{4}-(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])/, + capture: /([0-9]{4})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])/ + }, + "json": { + encode: angular.toJson, + decode: angular.fromJson, + is: angular.isObject, + equals: angular.equals, + pattern: /[^/]*/ + }, + "any": { // does not encode/decode + encode: angular.identity, + decode: angular.identity, + equals: angular.equals, + pattern: /.*/ + } + }; + + function getDefaultConfig() { + return { + strict: isStrictMode, + caseInsensitive: isCaseInsensitive + }; + } + + function isInjectable(value) { + return (isFunction(value) || (isArray(value) && isFunction(value[value.length - 1]))); + } + + /** + * [Internal] Get the default value of a parameter, which may be an injectable function. + */ + $UrlMatcherFactory.$$getDefaultValue = function(config) { + if (!isInjectable(config.value)) return config.value; + if (!injector) throw new Error("Injectable functions cannot be called at configuration time"); + return injector.invoke(config.value); + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactory#caseInsensitive + * @methodOf ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactory + * + * @description + * Defines whether URL matching should be case sensitive (the default behavior), or not. + * + * @param {boolean} value `false` to match URL in a case sensitive manner; otherwise `true`; + * @returns {boolean} the current value of caseInsensitive + */ + this.caseInsensitive = function(value) { + if (isDefined(value)) + isCaseInsensitive = value; + return isCaseInsensitive; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactory#strictMode + * @methodOf ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactory + * + * @description + * Defines whether URLs should match trailing slashes, or not (the default behavior). + * + * @param {boolean=} value `false` to match trailing slashes in URLs, otherwise `true`. + * @returns {boolean} the current value of strictMode + */ + this.strictMode = function(value) { + if (isDefined(value)) + isStrictMode = value; + return isStrictMode; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactory#defaultSquashPolicy + * @methodOf ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactory + * + * @description + * Sets the default behavior when generating or matching URLs with default parameter values. + * + * @param {string} value A string that defines the default parameter URL squashing behavior. + * `nosquash`: When generating an href with a default parameter value, do not squash the parameter value from the URL + * `slash`: When generating an href with a default parameter value, squash (remove) the parameter value, and, if the + * parameter is surrounded by slashes, squash (remove) one slash from the URL + * any other string, e.g. "~": When generating an href with a default parameter value, squash (remove) + * the parameter value from the URL and replace it with this string. + */ + this.defaultSquashPolicy = function(value) { + if (!isDefined(value)) return defaultSquashPolicy; + if (value !== true && value !== false && !isString(value)) + throw new Error("Invalid squash policy: " + value + ". Valid policies: false, true, arbitrary-string"); + defaultSquashPolicy = value; + return value; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactory#compile + * @methodOf ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactory + * + * @description + * Creates a {@link ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher `UrlMatcher`} for the specified pattern. + * + * @param {string} pattern The URL pattern. + * @param {Object} config The config object hash. + * @returns {UrlMatcher} The UrlMatcher. + */ + this.compile = function (pattern, config) { + return new UrlMatcher(pattern, extend(getDefaultConfig(), config)); + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactory#isMatcher + * @methodOf ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactory + * + * @description + * Returns true if the specified object is a `UrlMatcher`, or false otherwise. + * + * @param {Object} object The object to perform the type check against. + * @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if the object matches the `UrlMatcher` interface, by + * implementing all the same methods. + */ + this.isMatcher = function (o) { + if (!isObject(o)) return false; + var result = true; + + forEach(UrlMatcher.prototype, function(val, name) { + if (isFunction(val)) { + result = result && (isDefined(o[name]) && isFunction(o[name])); + } + }); + return result; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactory#type + * @methodOf ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactory + * + * @description + * Registers a custom {@link ui.router.util.type:Type `Type`} object that can be used to + * generate URLs with typed parameters. + * + * @param {string} name The type name. + * @param {Object|Function} definition The type definition. See + * {@link ui.router.util.type:Type `Type`} for information on the values accepted. + * @param {Object|Function} definitionFn (optional) A function that is injected before the app + * runtime starts. The result of this function is merged into the existing `definition`. + * See {@link ui.router.util.type:Type `Type`} for information on the values accepted. + * + * @returns {Object} Returns `$urlMatcherFactoryProvider`. + * + * @example + * This is a simple example of a custom type that encodes and decodes items from an + * array, using the array index as the URL-encoded value: + * + *
+   * var list = ['John', 'Paul', 'George', 'Ringo'];
+   *
+   * $urlMatcherFactoryProvider.type('listItem', {
+   *   encode: function(item) {
+   *     // Represent the list item in the URL using its corresponding index
+   *     return list.indexOf(item);
+   *   },
+   *   decode: function(item) {
+   *     // Look up the list item by index
+   *     return list[parseInt(item, 10)];
+   *   },
+   *   is: function(item) {
+   *     // Ensure the item is valid by checking to see that it appears
+   *     // in the list
+   *     return list.indexOf(item) > -1;
+   *   }
+   * });
+   *
+   * $stateProvider.state('list', {
+   *   url: "/list/{item:listItem}",
+   *   controller: function($scope, $stateParams) {
+   *     console.log($stateParams.item);
+   *   }
+   * });
+   *
+   * // ...
+   *
+   * // Changes URL to '/list/3', logs "Ringo" to the console
+   * $state.go('list', { item: "Ringo" });
+   * 
+ * + * This is a more complex example of a type that relies on dependency injection to + * interact with services, and uses the parameter name from the URL to infer how to + * handle encoding and decoding parameter values: + * + *
+   * // Defines a custom type that gets a value from a service,
+   * // where each service gets different types of values from
+   * // a backend API:
+   * $urlMatcherFactoryProvider.type('dbObject', {}, function(Users, Posts) {
+   *
+   *   // Matches up services to URL parameter names
+   *   var services = {
+   *     user: Users,
+   *     post: Posts
+   *   };
+   *
+   *   return {
+   *     encode: function(object) {
+   *       // Represent the object in the URL using its unique ID
+   *       return object.id;
+   *     },
+   *     decode: function(value, key) {
+   *       // Look up the object by ID, using the parameter
+   *       // name (key) to call the correct service
+   *       return services[key].findById(value);
+   *     },
+   *     is: function(object, key) {
+   *       // Check that object is a valid dbObject
+   *       return angular.isObject(object) && object.id && services[key];
+   *     }
+   *     equals: function(a, b) {
+   *       // Check the equality of decoded objects by comparing
+   *       // their unique IDs
+   *       return a.id === b.id;
+   *     }
+   *   };
+   * });
+   *
+   * // In a config() block, you can then attach URLs with
+   * // type-annotated parameters:
+   * $stateProvider.state('users', {
+   *   url: "/users",
+   *   // ...
+   * }).state('users.item', {
+   *   url: "/{user:dbObject}",
+   *   controller: function($scope, $stateParams) {
+   *     // $stateParams.user will now be an object returned from
+   *     // the Users service
+   *   },
+   *   // ...
+   * });
+   * 
+ */ + this.type = function (name, definition, definitionFn) { + if (!isDefined(definition)) return $types[name]; + if ($types.hasOwnProperty(name)) throw new Error("A type named '" + name + "' has already been defined."); + + $types[name] = new Type(extend({ name: name }, definition)); + if (definitionFn) { + typeQueue.push({ name: name, def: definitionFn }); + if (!enqueue) flushTypeQueue(); + } + return this; + }; + + // `flushTypeQueue()` waits until `$urlMatcherFactory` is injected before invoking the queued `definitionFn`s + function flushTypeQueue() { + while(typeQueue.length) { + var type = typeQueue.shift(); + if (type.pattern) throw new Error("You cannot override a type's .pattern at runtime."); + angular.extend($types[type.name], injector.invoke(type.def)); + } + } + + // Register default types. Store them in the prototype of $types. + forEach(defaultTypes, function(type, name) { $types[name] = new Type(extend({name: name}, type)); }); + $types = inherit($types, {}); + + /* No need to document $get, since it returns this */ + this.$get = ['$injector', function ($injector) { + injector = $injector; + enqueue = false; + flushTypeQueue(); + + forEach(defaultTypes, function(type, name) { + if (!$types[name]) $types[name] = new Type(type); + }); + return this; + }]; + + this.Param = function Param(id, type, config, location) { + var self = this; + config = unwrapShorthand(config); + type = getType(config, type, location); + var arrayMode = getArrayMode(); + type = arrayMode ? type.$asArray(arrayMode, location === "search") : type; + if (type.name === "string" && !arrayMode && location === "path" && config.value === undefined) + config.value = ""; // for 0.2.x; in 0.3.0+ do not automatically default to "" + var isOptional = config.value !== undefined; + var squash = getSquashPolicy(config, isOptional); + var replace = getReplace(config, arrayMode, isOptional, squash); + + function unwrapShorthand(config) { + var keys = isObject(config) ? objectKeys(config) : []; + var isShorthand = indexOf(keys, "value") === -1 && indexOf(keys, "type") === -1 && + indexOf(keys, "squash") === -1 && indexOf(keys, "array") === -1; + if (isShorthand) config = { value: config }; + config.$$fn = isInjectable(config.value) ? config.value : function () { return config.value; }; + return config; + } + + function getType(config, urlType, location) { + if (config.type && urlType) throw new Error("Param '"+id+"' has two type configurations."); + if (urlType) return urlType; + if (!config.type) return (location === "config" ? $types.any : $types.string); + + if (angular.isString(config.type)) + return $types[config.type]; + if (config.type instanceof Type) + return config.type; + return new Type(config.type); + } + + // array config: param name (param[]) overrides default settings. explicit config overrides param name. + function getArrayMode() { + var arrayDefaults = { array: (location === "search" ? "auto" : false) }; + var arrayParamNomenclature = id.match(/\[\]$/) ? { array: true } : {}; + return extend(arrayDefaults, arrayParamNomenclature, config).array; + } + + /** + * returns false, true, or the squash value to indicate the "default parameter url squash policy". + */ + function getSquashPolicy(config, isOptional) { + var squash = config.squash; + if (!isOptional || squash === false) return false; + if (!isDefined(squash) || squash == null) return defaultSquashPolicy; + if (squash === true || isString(squash)) return squash; + throw new Error("Invalid squash policy: '" + squash + "'. Valid policies: false, true, or arbitrary string"); + } + + function getReplace(config, arrayMode, isOptional, squash) { + var replace, configuredKeys, defaultPolicy = [ + { from: "", to: (isOptional || arrayMode ? undefined : "") }, + { from: null, to: (isOptional || arrayMode ? undefined : "") } + ]; + replace = isArray(config.replace) ? config.replace : []; + if (isString(squash)) + replace.push({ from: squash, to: undefined }); + configuredKeys = map(replace, function(item) { return item.from; } ); + return filter(defaultPolicy, function(item) { return indexOf(configuredKeys, item.from) === -1; }).concat(replace); + } + + /** + * [Internal] Get the default value of a parameter, which may be an injectable function. + */ + function $$getDefaultValue() { + if (!injector) throw new Error("Injectable functions cannot be called at configuration time"); + var defaultValue = injector.invoke(config.$$fn); + if (defaultValue !== null && defaultValue !== undefined && !self.type.is(defaultValue)) + throw new Error("Default value (" + defaultValue + ") for parameter '" + self.id + "' is not an instance of Type (" + self.type.name + ")"); + return defaultValue; + } + + /** + * [Internal] Gets the decoded representation of a value if the value is defined, otherwise, returns the + * default value, which may be the result of an injectable function. + */ + function $value(value) { + function hasReplaceVal(val) { return function(obj) { return obj.from === val; }; } + function $replace(value) { + var replacement = map(filter(self.replace, hasReplaceVal(value)), function(obj) { return obj.to; }); + return replacement.length ? replacement[0] : value; + } + value = $replace(value); + return !isDefined(value) ? $$getDefaultValue() : self.type.$normalize(value); + } + + function toString() { return "{Param:" + id + " " + type + " squash: '" + squash + "' optional: " + isOptional + "}"; } + + extend(this, { + id: id, + type: type, + location: location, + array: arrayMode, + squash: squash, + replace: replace, + isOptional: isOptional, + value: $value, + dynamic: undefined, + config: config, + toString: toString + }); + }; + + function ParamSet(params) { + extend(this, params || {}); + } + + ParamSet.prototype = { + $$new: function() { + return inherit(this, extend(new ParamSet(), { $$parent: this})); + }, + $$keys: function () { + var keys = [], chain = [], parent = this, + ignore = objectKeys(ParamSet.prototype); + while (parent) { chain.push(parent); parent = parent.$$parent; } + chain.reverse(); + forEach(chain, function(paramset) { + forEach(objectKeys(paramset), function(key) { + if (indexOf(keys, key) === -1 && indexOf(ignore, key) === -1) keys.push(key); + }); + }); + return keys; + }, + $$values: function(paramValues) { + var values = {}, self = this; + forEach(self.$$keys(), function(key) { + values[key] = self[key].value(paramValues && paramValues[key]); + }); + return values; + }, + $$equals: function(paramValues1, paramValues2) { + var equal = true, self = this; + forEach(self.$$keys(), function(key) { + var left = paramValues1 && paramValues1[key], right = paramValues2 && paramValues2[key]; + if (!self[key].type.equals(left, right)) equal = false; + }); + return equal; + }, + $$validates: function $$validate(paramValues) { + var keys = this.$$keys(), i, param, rawVal, normalized, encoded; + for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + param = this[keys[i]]; + rawVal = paramValues[keys[i]]; + if ((rawVal === undefined || rawVal === null) && param.isOptional) + break; // There was no parameter value, but the param is optional + normalized = param.type.$normalize(rawVal); + if (!param.type.is(normalized)) + return false; // The value was not of the correct Type, and could not be decoded to the correct Type + encoded = param.type.encode(normalized); + if (angular.isString(encoded) && !param.type.pattern.exec(encoded)) + return false; // The value was of the correct type, but when encoded, did not match the Type's regexp + } + return true; + }, + $$parent: undefined + }; + + this.ParamSet = ParamSet; +} + +// Register as a provider so it's available to other providers +angular.module('ui.router.util').provider('$urlMatcherFactory', $UrlMatcherFactory); +angular.module('ui.router.util').run(['$urlMatcherFactory', function($urlMatcherFactory) { }]); + +/** + * @ngdoc object + * @name ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider + * + * @requires ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactoryProvider + * @requires $locationProvider + * + * @description + * `$urlRouterProvider` has the responsibility of watching `$location`. + * When `$location` changes it runs through a list of rules one by one until a + * match is found. `$urlRouterProvider` is used behind the scenes anytime you specify + * a url in a state configuration. All urls are compiled into a UrlMatcher object. + * + * There are several methods on `$urlRouterProvider` that make it useful to use directly + * in your module config. + */ +$UrlRouterProvider.$inject = ['$locationProvider', '$urlMatcherFactoryProvider']; +function $UrlRouterProvider( $locationProvider, $urlMatcherFactory) { + var rules = [], otherwise = null, interceptDeferred = false, listener; + + // Returns a string that is a prefix of all strings matching the RegExp + function regExpPrefix(re) { + var prefix = /^\^((?:\\[^a-zA-Z0-9]|[^\\\[\]\^$*+?.()|{}]+)*)/.exec(re.source); + return (prefix != null) ? prefix[1].replace(/\\(.)/g, "$1") : ''; + } + + // Interpolates matched values into a String.replace()-style pattern + function interpolate(pattern, match) { + return pattern.replace(/\$(\$|\d{1,2})/, function (m, what) { + return match[what === '$' ? 0 : Number(what)]; + }); + } + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider#rule + * @methodOf ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider + * + * @description + * Defines rules that are used by `$urlRouterProvider` to find matches for + * specific URLs. + * + * @example + *
+   * var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router.router']);
+   *
+   * app.config(function ($urlRouterProvider) {
+   *   // Here's an example of how you might allow case insensitive urls
+   *   $urlRouterProvider.rule(function ($injector, $location) {
+   *     var path = $location.path(),
+   *         normalized = path.toLowerCase();
+   *
+   *     if (path !== normalized) {
+   *       return normalized;
+   *     }
+   *   });
+   * });
+   * 
+ * + * @param {function} rule Handler function that takes `$injector` and `$location` + * services as arguments. You can use them to return a valid path as a string. + * + * @return {object} `$urlRouterProvider` - `$urlRouterProvider` instance + */ + this.rule = function (rule) { + if (!isFunction(rule)) throw new Error("'rule' must be a function"); + rules.push(rule); + return this; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc object + * @name ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider#otherwise + * @methodOf ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider + * + * @description + * Defines a path that is used when an invalid route is requested. + * + * @example + *
+   * var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router.router']);
+   *
+   * app.config(function ($urlRouterProvider) {
+   *   // if the path doesn't match any of the urls you configured
+   *   // otherwise will take care of routing the user to the
+   *   // specified url
+   *   $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/index');
+   *
+   *   // Example of using function rule as param
+   *   $urlRouterProvider.otherwise(function ($injector, $location) {
+   *     return '/a/valid/url';
+   *   });
+   * });
+   * 
+ * + * @param {string|function} rule The url path you want to redirect to or a function + * rule that returns the url path. The function version is passed two params: + * `$injector` and `$location` services, and must return a url string. + * + * @return {object} `$urlRouterProvider` - `$urlRouterProvider` instance + */ + this.otherwise = function (rule) { + if (isString(rule)) { + var redirect = rule; + rule = function () { return redirect; }; + } + else if (!isFunction(rule)) throw new Error("'rule' must be a function"); + otherwise = rule; + return this; + }; + + + function handleIfMatch($injector, handler, match) { + if (!match) return false; + var result = $injector.invoke(handler, handler, { $match: match }); + return isDefined(result) ? result : true; + } + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider#when + * @methodOf ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider + * + * @description + * Registers a handler for a given url matching. + * + * If the handler is a string, it is + * treated as a redirect, and is interpolated according to the syntax of match + * (i.e. like `String.replace()` for `RegExp`, or like a `UrlMatcher` pattern otherwise). + * + * If the handler is a function, it is injectable. It gets invoked if `$location` + * matches. You have the option of inject the match object as `$match`. + * + * The handler can return + * + * - **falsy** to indicate that the rule didn't match after all, then `$urlRouter` + * will continue trying to find another one that matches. + * - **string** which is treated as a redirect and passed to `$location.url()` + * - **void** or any **truthy** value tells `$urlRouter` that the url was handled. + * + * @example + *
+   * var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router.router']);
+   *
+   * app.config(function ($urlRouterProvider) {
+   *   $urlRouterProvider.when($state.url, function ($match, $stateParams) {
+   *     if ($state.$current.navigable !== state ||
+   *         !equalForKeys($match, $stateParams) {
+   *      $state.transitionTo(state, $match, false);
+   *     }
+   *   });
+   * });
+   * 
+ * + * @param {string|object} what The incoming path that you want to redirect. + * @param {string|function} handler The path you want to redirect your user to. + */ + this.when = function (what, handler) { + var redirect, handlerIsString = isString(handler); + if (isString(what)) what = $urlMatcherFactory.compile(what); + + if (!handlerIsString && !isFunction(handler) && !isArray(handler)) + throw new Error("invalid 'handler' in when()"); + + var strategies = { + matcher: function (what, handler) { + if (handlerIsString) { + redirect = $urlMatcherFactory.compile(handler); + handler = ['$match', function ($match) { return redirect.format($match); }]; + } + return extend(function ($injector, $location) { + return handleIfMatch($injector, handler, what.exec($location.path(), $location.search())); + }, { + prefix: isString(what.prefix) ? what.prefix : '' + }); + }, + regex: function (what, handler) { + if (what.global || what.sticky) throw new Error("when() RegExp must not be global or sticky"); + + if (handlerIsString) { + redirect = handler; + handler = ['$match', function ($match) { return interpolate(redirect, $match); }]; + } + return extend(function ($injector, $location) { + return handleIfMatch($injector, handler, what.exec($location.path())); + }, { + prefix: regExpPrefix(what) + }); + } + }; + + var check = { matcher: $urlMatcherFactory.isMatcher(what), regex: what instanceof RegExp }; + + for (var n in check) { + if (check[n]) return this.rule(strategies[n](what, handler)); + } + + throw new Error("invalid 'what' in when()"); + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider#deferIntercept + * @methodOf ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider + * + * @description + * Disables (or enables) deferring location change interception. + * + * If you wish to customize the behavior of syncing the URL (for example, if you wish to + * defer a transition but maintain the current URL), call this method at configuration time. + * Then, at run time, call `$urlRouter.listen()` after you have configured your own + * `$locationChangeSuccess` event handler. + * + * @example + *
+   * var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router.router']);
+   *
+   * app.config(function ($urlRouterProvider) {
+   *
+   *   // Prevent $urlRouter from automatically intercepting URL changes;
+   *   // this allows you to configure custom behavior in between
+   *   // location changes and route synchronization:
+   *   $urlRouterProvider.deferIntercept();
+   *
+   * }).run(function ($rootScope, $urlRouter, UserService) {
+   *
+   *   $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function(e) {
+   *     // UserService is an example service for managing user state
+   *     if (UserService.isLoggedIn()) return;
+   *
+   *     // Prevent $urlRouter's default handler from firing
+   *     e.preventDefault();
+   *
+   *     UserService.handleLogin().then(function() {
+   *       // Once the user has logged in, sync the current URL
+   *       // to the router:
+   *       $urlRouter.sync();
+   *     });
+   *   });
+   *
+   *   // Configures $urlRouter's listener *after* your custom listener
+   *   $urlRouter.listen();
+   * });
+   * 
+ * + * @param {boolean} defer Indicates whether to defer location change interception. Passing + no parameter is equivalent to `true`. + */ + this.deferIntercept = function (defer) { + if (defer === undefined) defer = true; + interceptDeferred = defer; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc object + * @name ui.router.router.$urlRouter + * + * @requires $location + * @requires $rootScope + * @requires $injector + * @requires $browser + * + * @description + * + */ + this.$get = $get; + $get.$inject = ['$location', '$rootScope', '$injector', '$browser', '$sniffer']; + function $get( $location, $rootScope, $injector, $browser, $sniffer) { + + var baseHref = $browser.baseHref(), location = $location.url(), lastPushedUrl; + + function appendBasePath(url, isHtml5, absolute) { + if (baseHref === '/') return url; + if (isHtml5) return baseHref.slice(0, -1) + url; + if (absolute) return baseHref.slice(1) + url; + return url; + } + + // TODO: Optimize groups of rules with non-empty prefix into some sort of decision tree + function update(evt) { + if (evt && evt.defaultPrevented) return; + var ignoreUpdate = lastPushedUrl && $location.url() === lastPushedUrl; + lastPushedUrl = undefined; + // TODO: Re-implement this in 1.0 for https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/issues/1573 + //if (ignoreUpdate) return true; + + function check(rule) { + var handled = rule($injector, $location); + + if (!handled) return false; + if (isString(handled)) $location.replace().url(handled); + return true; + } + var n = rules.length, i; + + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { + if (check(rules[i])) return; + } + // always check otherwise last to allow dynamic updates to the set of rules + if (otherwise) check(otherwise); + } + + function listen() { + listener = listener || $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', update); + return listener; + } + + if (!interceptDeferred) listen(); + + return { + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.router.$urlRouter#sync + * @methodOf ui.router.router.$urlRouter + * + * @description + * Triggers an update; the same update that happens when the address bar url changes, aka `$locationChangeSuccess`. + * This method is useful when you need to use `preventDefault()` on the `$locationChangeSuccess` event, + * perform some custom logic (route protection, auth, config, redirection, etc) and then finally proceed + * with the transition by calling `$urlRouter.sync()`. + * + * @example + *
+       * angular.module('app', ['ui.router'])
+       *   .run(function($rootScope, $urlRouter) {
+       *     $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function(evt) {
+       *       // Halt state change from even starting
+       *       evt.preventDefault();
+       *       // Perform custom logic
+       *       var meetsRequirement = ...
+       *       // Continue with the update and state transition if logic allows
+       *       if (meetsRequirement) $urlRouter.sync();
+       *     });
+       * });
+       * 
+ */ + sync: function() { + update(); + }, + + listen: function() { + return listen(); + }, + + update: function(read) { + if (read) { + location = $location.url(); + return; + } + if ($location.url() === location) return; + + $location.url(location); + $location.replace(); + }, + + push: function(urlMatcher, params, options) { + var url = urlMatcher.format(params || {}); + + // Handle the special hash param, if needed + if (url !== null && params && params['#']) { + url += '#' + params['#']; + } + + $location.url(url); + lastPushedUrl = options && options.$$avoidResync ? $location.url() : undefined; + if (options && options.replace) $location.replace(); + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.router.$urlRouter#href + * @methodOf ui.router.router.$urlRouter + * + * @description + * A URL generation method that returns the compiled URL for a given + * {@link ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher `UrlMatcher`}, populated with the provided parameters. + * + * @example + *
+       * $bob = $urlRouter.href(new UrlMatcher("/about/:person"), {
+       *   person: "bob"
+       * });
+       * // $bob == "/about/bob";
+       * 
+ * + * @param {UrlMatcher} urlMatcher The `UrlMatcher` object which is used as the template of the URL to generate. + * @param {object=} params An object of parameter values to fill the matcher's required parameters. + * @param {object=} options Options object. The options are: + * + * - **`absolute`** - {boolean=false}, If true will generate an absolute url, e.g. "http://www.example.com/fullurl". + * + * @returns {string} Returns the fully compiled URL, or `null` if `params` fail validation against `urlMatcher` + */ + href: function(urlMatcher, params, options) { + if (!urlMatcher.validates(params)) return null; + + var isHtml5 = $locationProvider.html5Mode(); + if (angular.isObject(isHtml5)) { + isHtml5 = isHtml5.enabled; + } + + isHtml5 = isHtml5 && $sniffer.history; + + var url = urlMatcher.format(params); + options = options || {}; + + if (!isHtml5 && url !== null) { + url = "#" + $locationProvider.hashPrefix() + url; + } + + // Handle special hash param, if needed + if (url !== null && params && params['#']) { + url += '#' + params['#']; + } + + url = appendBasePath(url, isHtml5, options.absolute); + + if (!options.absolute || !url) { + return url; + } + + var slash = (!isHtml5 && url ? '/' : ''), port = $location.port(); + port = (port === 80 || port === 443 ? '' : ':' + port); + + return [$location.protocol(), '://', $location.host(), port, slash, url].join(''); + } + }; + } +} + +angular.module('ui.router.router').provider('$urlRouter', $UrlRouterProvider); + +/** + * @ngdoc object + * @name ui.router.state.$stateProvider + * + * @requires ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider + * @requires ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactoryProvider + * + * @description + * The new `$stateProvider` works similar to Angular's v1 router, but it focuses purely + * on state. + * + * A state corresponds to a "place" in the application in terms of the overall UI and + * navigation. A state describes (via the controller / template / view properties) what + * the UI looks like and does at that place. + * + * States often have things in common, and the primary way of factoring out these + * commonalities in this model is via the state hierarchy, i.e. parent/child states aka + * nested states. + * + * The `$stateProvider` provides interfaces to declare these states for your app. + */ +$StateProvider.$inject = ['$urlRouterProvider', '$urlMatcherFactoryProvider']; +function $StateProvider( $urlRouterProvider, $urlMatcherFactory) { + + var root, states = {}, $state, queue = {}, abstractKey = 'abstract'; + + // Builds state properties from definition passed to registerState() + var stateBuilder = { + + // Derive parent state from a hierarchical name only if 'parent' is not explicitly defined. + // state.children = []; + // if (parent) parent.children.push(state); + parent: function(state) { + if (isDefined(state.parent) && state.parent) return findState(state.parent); + // regex matches any valid composite state name + // would match "contact.list" but not "contacts" + var compositeName = /^(.+)\.[^.]+$/.exec(state.name); + return compositeName ? findState(compositeName[1]) : root; + }, + + // inherit 'data' from parent and override by own values (if any) + data: function(state) { + if (state.parent && state.parent.data) { + state.data = state.self.data = inherit(state.parent.data, state.data); + } + return state.data; + }, + + // Build a URLMatcher if necessary, either via a relative or absolute URL + url: function(state) { + var url = state.url, config = { params: state.params || {} }; + + if (isString(url)) { + if (url.charAt(0) == '^') return $urlMatcherFactory.compile(url.substring(1), config); + return (state.parent.navigable || root).url.concat(url, config); + } + + if (!url || $urlMatcherFactory.isMatcher(url)) return url; + throw new Error("Invalid url '" + url + "' in state '" + state + "'"); + }, + + // Keep track of the closest ancestor state that has a URL (i.e. is navigable) + navigable: function(state) { + return state.url ? state : (state.parent ? state.parent.navigable : null); + }, + + // Own parameters for this state. state.url.params is already built at this point. Create and add non-url params + ownParams: function(state) { + var params = state.url && state.url.params || new $$UMFP.ParamSet(); + forEach(state.params || {}, function(config, id) { + if (!params[id]) params[id] = new $$UMFP.Param(id, null, config, "config"); + }); + return params; + }, + + // Derive parameters for this state and ensure they're a super-set of parent's parameters + params: function(state) { + var ownParams = pick(state.ownParams, state.ownParams.$$keys()); + return state.parent && state.parent.params ? extend(state.parent.params.$$new(), ownParams) : new $$UMFP.ParamSet(); + }, + + // If there is no explicit multi-view configuration, make one up so we don't have + // to handle both cases in the view directive later. Note that having an explicit + // 'views' property will mean the default unnamed view properties are ignored. This + // is also a good time to resolve view names to absolute names, so everything is a + // straight lookup at link time. + views: function(state) { + var views = {}; + + forEach(isDefined(state.views) ? state.views : { '': state }, function (view, name) { + if (name.indexOf('@') < 0) name += '@' + state.parent.name; + views[name] = view; + }); + return views; + }, + + // Keep a full path from the root down to this state as this is needed for state activation. + path: function(state) { + return state.parent ? state.parent.path.concat(state) : []; // exclude root from path + }, + + // Speed up $state.contains() as it's used a lot + includes: function(state) { + var includes = state.parent ? extend({}, state.parent.includes) : {}; + includes[state.name] = true; + return includes; + }, + + $delegates: {} + }; + + function isRelative(stateName) { + return stateName.indexOf(".") === 0 || stateName.indexOf("^") === 0; + } + + function findState(stateOrName, base) { + if (!stateOrName) return undefined; + + var isStr = isString(stateOrName), + name = isStr ? stateOrName : stateOrName.name, + path = isRelative(name); + + if (path) { + if (!base) throw new Error("No reference point given for path '" + name + "'"); + base = findState(base); + + var rel = name.split("."), i = 0, pathLength = rel.length, current = base; + + for (; i < pathLength; i++) { + if (rel[i] === "" && i === 0) { + current = base; + continue; + } + if (rel[i] === "^") { + if (!current.parent) throw new Error("Path '" + name + "' not valid for state '" + base.name + "'"); + current = current.parent; + continue; + } + break; + } + rel = rel.slice(i).join("."); + name = current.name + (current.name && rel ? "." : "") + rel; + } + var state = states[name]; + + if (state && (isStr || (!isStr && (state === stateOrName || state.self === stateOrName)))) { + return state; + } + return undefined; + } + + function queueState(parentName, state) { + if (!queue[parentName]) { + queue[parentName] = []; + } + queue[parentName].push(state); + } + + function flushQueuedChildren(parentName) { + var queued = queue[parentName] || []; + while(queued.length) { + registerState(queued.shift()); + } + } + + function registerState(state) { + // Wrap a new object around the state so we can store our private details easily. + state = inherit(state, { + self: state, + resolve: state.resolve || {}, + toString: function() { return this.name; } + }); + + var name = state.name; + if (!isString(name) || name.indexOf('@') >= 0) throw new Error("State must have a valid name"); + if (states.hasOwnProperty(name)) throw new Error("State '" + name + "' is already defined"); + + // Get parent name + var parentName = (name.indexOf('.') !== -1) ? name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.')) + : (isString(state.parent)) ? state.parent + : (isObject(state.parent) && isString(state.parent.name)) ? state.parent.name + : ''; + + // If parent is not registered yet, add state to queue and register later + if (parentName && !states[parentName]) { + return queueState(parentName, state.self); + } + + for (var key in stateBuilder) { + if (isFunction(stateBuilder[key])) state[key] = stateBuilder[key](state, stateBuilder.$delegates[key]); + } + states[name] = state; + + // Register the state in the global state list and with $urlRouter if necessary. + if (!state[abstractKey] && state.url) { + $urlRouterProvider.when(state.url, ['$match', '$stateParams', function ($match, $stateParams) { + if ($state.$current.navigable != state || !equalForKeys($match, $stateParams)) { + $state.transitionTo(state, $match, { inherit: true, location: false }); + } + }]); + } + + // Register any queued children + flushQueuedChildren(name); + + return state; + } + + // Checks text to see if it looks like a glob. + function isGlob (text) { + return text.indexOf('*') > -1; + } + + // Returns true if glob matches current $state name. + function doesStateMatchGlob (glob) { + var globSegments = glob.split('.'), + segments = $state.$current.name.split('.'); + + //match single stars + for (var i = 0, l = globSegments.length; i < l; i++) { + if (globSegments[i] === '*') { + segments[i] = '*'; + } + } + + //match greedy starts + if (globSegments[0] === '**') { + segments = segments.slice(indexOf(segments, globSegments[1])); + segments.unshift('**'); + } + //match greedy ends + if (globSegments[globSegments.length - 1] === '**') { + segments.splice(indexOf(segments, globSegments[globSegments.length - 2]) + 1, Number.MAX_VALUE); + segments.push('**'); + } + + if (globSegments.length != segments.length) { + return false; + } + + return segments.join('') === globSegments.join(''); + } + + + // Implicit root state that is always active + root = registerState({ + name: '', + url: '^', + views: null, + 'abstract': true + }); + root.navigable = null; + + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.state.$stateProvider#decorator + * @methodOf ui.router.state.$stateProvider + * + * @description + * Allows you to extend (carefully) or override (at your own peril) the + * `stateBuilder` object used internally by `$stateProvider`. This can be used + * to add custom functionality to ui-router, for example inferring templateUrl + * based on the state name. + * + * When passing only a name, it returns the current (original or decorated) builder + * function that matches `name`. + * + * The builder functions that can be decorated are listed below. Though not all + * necessarily have a good use case for decoration, that is up to you to decide. + * + * In addition, users can attach custom decorators, which will generate new + * properties within the state's internal definition. There is currently no clear + * use-case for this beyond accessing internal states (i.e. $state.$current), + * however, expect this to become increasingly relevant as we introduce additional + * meta-programming features. + * + * **Warning**: Decorators should not be interdependent because the order of + * execution of the builder functions in non-deterministic. Builder functions + * should only be dependent on the state definition object and super function. + * + * + * Existing builder functions and current return values: + * + * - **parent** `{object}` - returns the parent state object. + * - **data** `{object}` - returns state data, including any inherited data that is not + * overridden by own values (if any). + * - **url** `{object}` - returns a {@link ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher UrlMatcher} + * or `null`. + * - **navigable** `{object}` - returns closest ancestor state that has a URL (aka is + * navigable). + * - **params** `{object}` - returns an array of state params that are ensured to + * be a super-set of parent's params. + * - **views** `{object}` - returns a views object where each key is an absolute view + * name (i.e. "viewName@stateName") and each value is the config object + * (template, controller) for the view. Even when you don't use the views object + * explicitly on a state config, one is still created for you internally. + * So by decorating this builder function you have access to decorating template + * and controller properties. + * - **ownParams** `{object}` - returns an array of params that belong to the state, + * not including any params defined by ancestor states. + * - **path** `{string}` - returns the full path from the root down to this state. + * Needed for state activation. + * - **includes** `{object}` - returns an object that includes every state that + * would pass a `$state.includes()` test. + * + * @example + *
+   * // Override the internal 'views' builder with a function that takes the state
+   * // definition, and a reference to the internal function being overridden:
+   * $stateProvider.decorator('views', function (state, parent) {
+   *   var result = {},
+   *       views = parent(state);
+   *
+   *   angular.forEach(views, function (config, name) {
+   *     var autoName = (state.name + '.' + name).replace('.', '/');
+   *     config.templateUrl = config.templateUrl || '/partials/' + autoName + '.html';
+   *     result[name] = config;
+   *   });
+   *   return result;
+   * });
+   *
+   * $stateProvider.state('home', {
+   *   views: {
+   *     'contact.list': { controller: 'ListController' },
+   *     'contact.item': { controller: 'ItemController' }
+   *   }
+   * });
+   *
+   * // ...
+   *
+   * $state.go('home');
+   * // Auto-populates list and item views with /partials/home/contact/list.html,
+   * // and /partials/home/contact/item.html, respectively.
+   * 
+ * + * @param {string} name The name of the builder function to decorate. + * @param {object} func A function that is responsible for decorating the original + * builder function. The function receives two parameters: + * + * - `{object}` - state - The state config object. + * - `{object}` - super - The original builder function. + * + * @return {object} $stateProvider - $stateProvider instance + */ + this.decorator = decorator; + function decorator(name, func) { + /*jshint validthis: true */ + if (isString(name) && !isDefined(func)) { + return stateBuilder[name]; + } + if (!isFunction(func) || !isString(name)) { + return this; + } + if (stateBuilder[name] && !stateBuilder.$delegates[name]) { + stateBuilder.$delegates[name] = stateBuilder[name]; + } + stateBuilder[name] = func; + return this; + } + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.state.$stateProvider#state + * @methodOf ui.router.state.$stateProvider + * + * @description + * Registers a state configuration under a given state name. The stateConfig object + * has the following acceptable properties. + * + * @param {string} name A unique state name, e.g. "home", "about", "contacts". + * To create a parent/child state use a dot, e.g. "about.sales", "home.newest". + * @param {object} stateConfig State configuration object. + * @param {string|function=} stateConfig.template + * + * html template as a string or a function that returns + * an html template as a string which should be used by the uiView directives. This property + * takes precedence over templateUrl. + * + * If `template` is a function, it will be called with the following parameters: + * + * - {array.<object>} - state parameters extracted from the current $location.path() by + * applying the current state + * + *
+   *   "

inline template definition

" + + * "
+ *
template: function(params) {
+   *       return "

generated template

"; }
+ * + * + * @param {string|function=} stateConfig.templateUrl + * + * + * path or function that returns a path to an html + * template that should be used by uiView. + * + * If `templateUrl` is a function, it will be called with the following parameters: + * + * - {array.<object>} - state parameters extracted from the current $location.path() by + * applying the current state + * + *
templateUrl: "home.html"
+ *
templateUrl: function(params) {
+   *     return myTemplates[params.pageId]; }
+ * + * @param {function=} stateConfig.templateProvider + * + * Provider function that returns HTML content string. + *
+   *       function(MyTemplateService, params) {
+   *         return MyTemplateService.getTemplate(params.pageId);
+   *       }
+ * + * @param {string|function=} stateConfig.controller + * + * + * Controller fn that should be associated with newly + * related scope or the name of a registered controller if passed as a string. + * Optionally, the ControllerAs may be declared here. + *
controller: "MyRegisteredController"
+ *
+   *     "MyRegisteredController as fooCtrl"}
+ *
controller: function($scope, MyService) {
+   *     $scope.data = MyService.getData(); }
+ * + * @param {function=} stateConfig.controllerProvider + * + * + * Injectable provider function that returns the actual controller or string. + *
+   *   function(MyResolveData) {
+   *     if (MyResolveData.foo)
+   *       return "FooCtrl"
+   *     else if (MyResolveData.bar)
+   *       return "BarCtrl";
+   *     else return function($scope) {
+   *       $scope.baz = "Qux";
+   *     }
+   *   }
+ * + * @param {string=} stateConfig.controllerAs + * + * + * A controller alias name. If present the controller will be + * published to scope under the controllerAs name. + *
controllerAs: "myCtrl"
+ * + * @param {string|object=} stateConfig.parent + * + * Optionally specifies the parent state of this state. + * + *
parent: 'parentState'
+ *
parent: parentState // JS variable
+ * + * @param {object=} stateConfig.resolve + * + * + * An optional map<string, function> of dependencies which + * should be injected into the controller. If any of these dependencies are promises, + * the router will wait for them all to be resolved before the controller is instantiated. + * If all the promises are resolved successfully, the $stateChangeSuccess event is fired + * and the values of the resolved promises are injected into any controllers that reference them. + * If any of the promises are rejected the $stateChangeError event is fired. + * + * The map object is: + * + * - key - {string}: name of dependency to be injected into controller + * - factory - {string|function}: If string then it is alias for service. Otherwise if function, + * it is injected and return value it treated as dependency. If result is a promise, it is + * resolved before its value is injected into controller. + * + *
resolve: {
+   *     myResolve1:
+   *       function($http, $stateParams) {
+   *         return $http.get("/api/foos/"+stateParams.fooID);
+   *       }
+   *     }
+ * + * @param {string=} stateConfig.url + * + * + * A url fragment with optional parameters. When a state is navigated or + * transitioned to, the `$stateParams` service will be populated with any + * parameters that were passed. + * + * (See {@link ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher UrlMatcher} `UrlMatcher`} for + * more details on acceptable patterns ) + * + * examples: + *
url: "/home"
+   * url: "/users/:userid"
+   * url: "/books/{bookid:[a-zA-Z_-]}"
+   * url: "/books/{categoryid:int}"
+   * url: "/books/{publishername:string}/{categoryid:int}"
+   * url: "/messages?before&after"
+   * url: "/messages?{before:date}&{after:date}"
+   * url: "/messages/:mailboxid?{before:date}&{after:date}"
+   * 
+ * + * @param {object=} stateConfig.views + * + * an optional map<string, object> which defined multiple views, or targets views + * manually/explicitly. + * + * Examples: + * + * Targets three named `ui-view`s in the parent state's template + *
views: {
+   *     header: {
+   *       controller: "headerCtrl",
+   *       templateUrl: "header.html"
+   *     }, body: {
+   *       controller: "bodyCtrl",
+   *       templateUrl: "body.html"
+   *     }, footer: {
+   *       controller: "footCtrl",
+   *       templateUrl: "footer.html"
+   *     }
+   *   }
+ * + * Targets named `ui-view="header"` from grandparent state 'top''s template, and named `ui-view="body" from parent state's template. + *
views: {
+   *     'header@top': {
+   *       controller: "msgHeaderCtrl",
+   *       templateUrl: "msgHeader.html"
+   *     }, 'body': {
+   *       controller: "messagesCtrl",
+   *       templateUrl: "messages.html"
+   *     }
+   *   }
+ * + * @param {boolean=} [stateConfig.abstract=false] + * + * An abstract state will never be directly activated, + * but can provide inherited properties to its common children states. + *
abstract: true
+ * + * @param {function=} stateConfig.onEnter + * + * + * Callback function for when a state is entered. Good way + * to trigger an action or dispatch an event, such as opening a dialog. + * If minifying your scripts, make sure to explicitly annotate this function, + * because it won't be automatically annotated by your build tools. + * + *
onEnter: function(MyService, $stateParams) {
+   *     MyService.foo($stateParams.myParam);
+   * }
+ * + * @param {function=} stateConfig.onExit + * + * + * Callback function for when a state is exited. Good way to + * trigger an action or dispatch an event, such as opening a dialog. + * If minifying your scripts, make sure to explicitly annotate this function, + * because it won't be automatically annotated by your build tools. + * + *
onExit: function(MyService, $stateParams) {
+   *     MyService.cleanup($stateParams.myParam);
+   * }
+ * + * @param {boolean=} [stateConfig.reloadOnSearch=true] + * + * + * If `false`, will not retrigger the same state + * just because a search/query parameter has changed (via $location.search() or $location.hash()). + * Useful for when you'd like to modify $location.search() without triggering a reload. + *
reloadOnSearch: false
+ * + * @param {object=} stateConfig.data + * + * + * Arbitrary data object, useful for custom configuration. The parent state's `data` is + * prototypally inherited. In other words, adding a data property to a state adds it to + * the entire subtree via prototypal inheritance. + * + *
data: {
+   *     requiredRole: 'foo'
+   * } 
+ * + * @param {object=} stateConfig.params + * + * + * A map which optionally configures parameters declared in the `url`, or + * defines additional non-url parameters. For each parameter being + * configured, add a configuration object keyed to the name of the parameter. + * + * Each parameter configuration object may contain the following properties: + * + * - ** value ** - {object|function=}: specifies the default value for this + * parameter. This implicitly sets this parameter as optional. + * + * When UI-Router routes to a state and no value is + * specified for this parameter in the URL or transition, the + * default value will be used instead. If `value` is a function, + * it will be injected and invoked, and the return value used. + * + * *Note*: `undefined` is treated as "no default value" while `null` + * is treated as "the default value is `null`". + * + * *Shorthand*: If you only need to configure the default value of the + * parameter, you may use a shorthand syntax. In the **`params`** + * map, instead mapping the param name to a full parameter configuration + * object, simply set map it to the default parameter value, e.g.: + * + *
// define a parameter's default value
+   * params: {
+   *     param1: { value: "defaultValue" }
+   * }
+   * // shorthand default values
+   * params: {
+   *     param1: "defaultValue",
+   *     param2: "param2Default"
+   * }
+ * + * - ** array ** - {boolean=}: *(default: false)* If true, the param value will be + * treated as an array of values. If you specified a Type, the value will be + * treated as an array of the specified Type. Note: query parameter values + * default to a special `"auto"` mode. + * + * For query parameters in `"auto"` mode, if multiple values for a single parameter + * are present in the URL (e.g.: `/foo?bar=1&bar=2&bar=3`) then the values + * are mapped to an array (e.g.: `{ foo: [ '1', '2', '3' ] }`). However, if + * only one value is present (e.g.: `/foo?bar=1`) then the value is treated as single + * value (e.g.: `{ foo: '1' }`). + * + *
params: {
+   *     param1: { array: true }
+   * }
+ * + * - ** squash ** - {bool|string=}: `squash` configures how a default parameter value is represented in the URL when + * the current parameter value is the same as the default value. If `squash` is not set, it uses the + * configured default squash policy. + * (See {@link ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactory#methods_defaultSquashPolicy `defaultSquashPolicy()`}) + * + * There are three squash settings: + * + * - false: The parameter's default value is not squashed. It is encoded and included in the URL + * - true: The parameter's default value is omitted from the URL. If the parameter is preceeded and followed + * by slashes in the state's `url` declaration, then one of those slashes are omitted. + * This can allow for cleaner looking URLs. + * - `""`: The parameter's default value is replaced with an arbitrary placeholder of your choice. + * + *
params: {
+   *     param1: {
+   *       value: "defaultId",
+   *       squash: true
+   * } }
+   * // squash "defaultValue" to "~"
+   * params: {
+   *     param1: {
+   *       value: "defaultValue",
+   *       squash: "~"
+   * } }
+   * 
+ * + * + * @example + *
+   * // Some state name examples
+   *
+   * // stateName can be a single top-level name (must be unique).
+   * $stateProvider.state("home", {});
+   *
+   * // Or it can be a nested state name. This state is a child of the
+   * // above "home" state.
+   * $stateProvider.state("home.newest", {});
+   *
+   * // Nest states as deeply as needed.
+   * $stateProvider.state("home.newest.abc.xyz.inception", {});
+   *
+   * // state() returns $stateProvider, so you can chain state declarations.
+   * $stateProvider
+   *   .state("home", {})
+   *   .state("about", {})
+   *   .state("contacts", {});
+   * 
+ * + */ + this.state = state; + function state(name, definition) { + /*jshint validthis: true */ + if (isObject(name)) definition = name; + else definition.name = name; + registerState(definition); + return this; + } + + /** + * @ngdoc object + * @name ui.router.state.$state + * + * @requires $rootScope + * @requires $q + * @requires ui.router.state.$view + * @requires $injector + * @requires ui.router.util.$resolve + * @requires ui.router.state.$stateParams + * @requires ui.router.router.$urlRouter + * + * @property {object} params A param object, e.g. {sectionId: section.id)}, that + * you'd like to test against the current active state. + * @property {object} current A reference to the state's config object. However + * you passed it in. Useful for accessing custom data. + * @property {object} transition Currently pending transition. A promise that'll + * resolve or reject. + * + * @description + * `$state` service is responsible for representing states as well as transitioning + * between them. It also provides interfaces to ask for current state or even states + * you're coming from. + */ + this.$get = $get; + $get.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$q', '$view', '$injector', '$resolve', '$stateParams', '$urlRouter', '$location', '$urlMatcherFactory']; + function $get( $rootScope, $q, $view, $injector, $resolve, $stateParams, $urlRouter, $location, $urlMatcherFactory) { + + var TransitionSuperseded = $q.reject(new Error('transition superseded')); + var TransitionPrevented = $q.reject(new Error('transition prevented')); + var TransitionAborted = $q.reject(new Error('transition aborted')); + var TransitionFailed = $q.reject(new Error('transition failed')); + + // Handles the case where a state which is the target of a transition is not found, and the user + // can optionally retry or defer the transition + function handleRedirect(redirect, state, params, options) { + /** + * @ngdoc event + * @name ui.router.state.$state#$stateNotFound + * @eventOf ui.router.state.$state + * @eventType broadcast on root scope + * @description + * Fired when a requested state **cannot be found** using the provided state name during transition. + * The event is broadcast allowing any handlers a single chance to deal with the error (usually by + * lazy-loading the unfound state). A special `unfoundState` object is passed to the listener handler, + * you can see its three properties in the example. You can use `event.preventDefault()` to abort the + * transition and the promise returned from `go` will be rejected with a `'transition aborted'` value. + * + * @param {Object} event Event object. + * @param {Object} unfoundState Unfound State information. Contains: `to, toParams, options` properties. + * @param {State} fromState Current state object. + * @param {Object} fromParams Current state params. + * + * @example + * + *
+       * // somewhere, assume lazy.state has not been defined
+       * $state.go("lazy.state", {a:1, b:2}, {inherit:false});
+       *
+       * // somewhere else
+       * $scope.$on('$stateNotFound',
+       * function(event, unfoundState, fromState, fromParams){
+       *     console.log(unfoundState.to); // "lazy.state"
+       *     console.log(unfoundState.toParams); // {a:1, b:2}
+       *     console.log(unfoundState.options); // {inherit:false} + default options
+       * })
+       * 
+ */ + var evt = $rootScope.$broadcast('$stateNotFound', redirect, state, params); + + if (evt.defaultPrevented) { + $urlRouter.update(); + return TransitionAborted; + } + + if (!evt.retry) { + return null; + } + + // Allow the handler to return a promise to defer state lookup retry + if (options.$retry) { + $urlRouter.update(); + return TransitionFailed; + } + var retryTransition = $state.transition = $q.when(evt.retry); + + retryTransition.then(function() { + if (retryTransition !== $state.transition) return TransitionSuperseded; + redirect.options.$retry = true; + return $state.transitionTo(redirect.to, redirect.toParams, redirect.options); + }, function() { + return TransitionAborted; + }); + $urlRouter.update(); + + return retryTransition; + } + + root.locals = { resolve: null, globals: { $stateParams: {} } }; + + $state = { + params: {}, + current: root.self, + $current: root, + transition: null + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.state.$state#reload + * @methodOf ui.router.state.$state + * + * @description + * A method that force reloads the current state. All resolves are re-resolved, + * controllers reinstantiated, and events re-fired. + * + * @example + *
+     * var app angular.module('app', ['ui.router']);
+     *
+     * app.controller('ctrl', function ($scope, $state) {
+     *   $scope.reload = function(){
+     *     $state.reload();
+     *   }
+     * });
+     * 
+ * + * `reload()` is just an alias for: + *
+     * $state.transitionTo($state.current, $stateParams, { 
+     *   reload: true, inherit: false, notify: true
+     * });
+     * 
+ * + * @param {string=|object=} state - A state name or a state object, which is the root of the resolves to be re-resolved. + * @example + *
+     * //assuming app application consists of 3 states: 'contacts', 'contacts.detail', 'contacts.detail.item' 
+     * //and current state is 'contacts.detail.item'
+     * var app angular.module('app', ['ui.router']);
+     *
+     * app.controller('ctrl', function ($scope, $state) {
+     *   $scope.reload = function(){
+     *     //will reload 'contact.detail' and 'contact.detail.item' states
+     *     $state.reload('contact.detail');
+     *   }
+     * });
+     * 
+ * + * `reload()` is just an alias for: + *
+     * $state.transitionTo($state.current, $stateParams, { 
+     *   reload: true, inherit: false, notify: true
+     * });
+     * 
+ + * @returns {promise} A promise representing the state of the new transition. See + * {@link ui.router.state.$state#methods_go $state.go}. + */ + $state.reload = function reload(state) { + return $state.transitionTo($state.current, $stateParams, { reload: state || true, inherit: false, notify: true}); + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.state.$state#go + * @methodOf ui.router.state.$state + * + * @description + * Convenience method for transitioning to a new state. `$state.go` calls + * `$state.transitionTo` internally but automatically sets options to + * `{ location: true, inherit: true, relative: $state.$current, notify: true }`. + * This allows you to easily use an absolute or relative to path and specify + * only the parameters you'd like to update (while letting unspecified parameters + * inherit from the currently active ancestor states). + * + * @example + *
+     * var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router']);
+     *
+     * app.controller('ctrl', function ($scope, $state) {
+     *   $scope.changeState = function () {
+     *     $state.go('contact.detail');
+     *   };
+     * });
+     * 
+ * + * + * @param {string} to Absolute state name or relative state path. Some examples: + * + * - `$state.go('contact.detail')` - will go to the `contact.detail` state + * - `$state.go('^')` - will go to a parent state + * - `$state.go('^.sibling')` - will go to a sibling state + * - `$state.go('.child.grandchild')` - will go to grandchild state + * + * @param {object=} params A map of the parameters that will be sent to the state, + * will populate $stateParams. Any parameters that are not specified will be inherited from currently + * defined parameters. Only parameters specified in the state definition can be overridden, new + * parameters will be ignored. This allows, for example, going to a sibling state that shares parameters + * specified in a parent state. Parameter inheritance only works between common ancestor states, I.e. + * transitioning to a sibling will get you the parameters for all parents, transitioning to a child + * will get you all current parameters, etc. + * @param {object=} options Options object. The options are: + * + * - **`location`** - {boolean=true|string=} - If `true` will update the url in the location bar, if `false` + * will not. If string, must be `"replace"`, which will update url and also replace last history record. + * - **`inherit`** - {boolean=true}, If `true` will inherit url parameters from current url. + * - **`relative`** - {object=$state.$current}, When transitioning with relative path (e.g '^'), + * defines which state to be relative from. + * - **`notify`** - {boolean=true}, If `true` will broadcast $stateChangeStart and $stateChangeSuccess events. + * - **`reload`** (v0.2.5) - {boolean=false|string|object}, If `true` will force transition even if no state or params + * have changed. It will reload the resolves and views of the current state and parent states. + * If `reload` is a string (or state object), the state object is fetched (by name, or object reference); and \ + * the transition reloads the resolves and views for that matched state, and all its children states. + * + * @returns {promise} A promise representing the state of the new transition. + * + * Possible success values: + * + * - $state.current + * + *
Possible rejection values: + * + * - 'transition superseded' - when a newer transition has been started after this one + * - 'transition prevented' - when `event.preventDefault()` has been called in a `$stateChangeStart` listener + * - 'transition aborted' - when `event.preventDefault()` has been called in a `$stateNotFound` listener or + * when a `$stateNotFound` `event.retry` promise errors. + * - 'transition failed' - when a state has been unsuccessfully found after 2 tries. + * - *resolve error* - when an error has occurred with a `resolve` + * + */ + $state.go = function go(to, params, options) { + return $state.transitionTo(to, params, extend({ inherit: true, relative: $state.$current }, options)); + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.state.$state#transitionTo + * @methodOf ui.router.state.$state + * + * @description + * Low-level method for transitioning to a new state. {@link ui.router.state.$state#methods_go $state.go} + * uses `transitionTo` internally. `$state.go` is recommended in most situations. + * + * @example + *
+     * var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router']);
+     *
+     * app.controller('ctrl', function ($scope, $state) {
+     *   $scope.changeState = function () {
+     *     $state.transitionTo('contact.detail');
+     *   };
+     * });
+     * 
+ * + * @param {string} to State name. + * @param {object=} toParams A map of the parameters that will be sent to the state, + * will populate $stateParams. + * @param {object=} options Options object. The options are: + * + * - **`location`** - {boolean=true|string=} - If `true` will update the url in the location bar, if `false` + * will not. If string, must be `"replace"`, which will update url and also replace last history record. + * - **`inherit`** - {boolean=false}, If `true` will inherit url parameters from current url. + * - **`relative`** - {object=}, When transitioning with relative path (e.g '^'), + * defines which state to be relative from. + * - **`notify`** - {boolean=true}, If `true` will broadcast $stateChangeStart and $stateChangeSuccess events. + * - **`reload`** (v0.2.5) - {boolean=false|string=|object=}, If `true` will force transition even if the state or params + * have not changed, aka a reload of the same state. It differs from reloadOnSearch because you'd + * use this when you want to force a reload when *everything* is the same, including search params. + * if String, then will reload the state with the name given in reload, and any children. + * if Object, then a stateObj is expected, will reload the state found in stateObj, and any children. + * + * @returns {promise} A promise representing the state of the new transition. See + * {@link ui.router.state.$state#methods_go $state.go}. + */ + $state.transitionTo = function transitionTo(to, toParams, options) { + toParams = toParams || {}; + options = extend({ + location: true, inherit: false, relative: null, notify: true, reload: false, $retry: false + }, options || {}); + + var from = $state.$current, fromParams = $state.params, fromPath = from.path; + var evt, toState = findState(to, options.relative); + + // Store the hash param for later (since it will be stripped out by various methods) + var hash = toParams['#']; + + if (!isDefined(toState)) { + var redirect = { to: to, toParams: toParams, options: options }; + var redirectResult = handleRedirect(redirect, from.self, fromParams, options); + + if (redirectResult) { + return redirectResult; + } + + // Always retry once if the $stateNotFound was not prevented + // (handles either redirect changed or state lazy-definition) + to = redirect.to; + toParams = redirect.toParams; + options = redirect.options; + toState = findState(to, options.relative); + + if (!isDefined(toState)) { + if (!options.relative) throw new Error("No such state '" + to + "'"); + throw new Error("Could not resolve '" + to + "' from state '" + options.relative + "'"); + } + } + if (toState[abstractKey]) throw new Error("Cannot transition to abstract state '" + to + "'"); + if (options.inherit) toParams = inheritParams($stateParams, toParams || {}, $state.$current, toState); + if (!toState.params.$$validates(toParams)) return TransitionFailed; + + toParams = toState.params.$$values(toParams); + to = toState; + + var toPath = to.path; + + // Starting from the root of the path, keep all levels that haven't changed + var keep = 0, state = toPath[keep], locals = root.locals, toLocals = []; + + if (!options.reload) { + while (state && state === fromPath[keep] && state.ownParams.$$equals(toParams, fromParams)) { + locals = toLocals[keep] = state.locals; + keep++; + state = toPath[keep]; + } + } else if (isString(options.reload) || isObject(options.reload)) { + if (isObject(options.reload) && !options.reload.name) { + throw new Error('Invalid reload state object'); + } + + var reloadState = options.reload === true ? fromPath[0] : findState(options.reload); + if (options.reload && !reloadState) { + throw new Error("No such reload state '" + (isString(options.reload) ? options.reload : options.reload.name) + "'"); + } + + while (state && state === fromPath[keep] && state !== reloadState) { + locals = toLocals[keep] = state.locals; + keep++; + state = toPath[keep]; + } + } + + // If we're going to the same state and all locals are kept, we've got nothing to do. + // But clear 'transition', as we still want to cancel any other pending transitions. + // TODO: We may not want to bump 'transition' if we're called from a location change + // that we've initiated ourselves, because we might accidentally abort a legitimate + // transition initiated from code? + if (shouldSkipReload(to, toParams, from, fromParams, locals, options)) { + if (hash) toParams['#'] = hash; + $state.params = toParams; + copy($state.params, $stateParams); + copy(filterByKeys(to.params.$$keys(), $stateParams), to.locals.globals.$stateParams); + if (options.location && to.navigable && to.navigable.url) { + $urlRouter.push(to.navigable.url, toParams, { + $$avoidResync: true, replace: options.location === 'replace' + }); + $urlRouter.update(true); + } + $state.transition = null; + return $q.when($state.current); + } + + // Filter parameters before we pass them to event handlers etc. + toParams = filterByKeys(to.params.$$keys(), toParams || {}); + + // Re-add the saved hash before we start returning things or broadcasting $stateChangeStart + if (hash) toParams['#'] = hash; + + // Broadcast start event and cancel the transition if requested + if (options.notify) { + /** + * @ngdoc event + * @name ui.router.state.$state#$stateChangeStart + * @eventOf ui.router.state.$state + * @eventType broadcast on root scope + * @description + * Fired when the state transition **begins**. You can use `event.preventDefault()` + * to prevent the transition from happening and then the transition promise will be + * rejected with a `'transition prevented'` value. + * + * @param {Object} event Event object. + * @param {State} toState The state being transitioned to. + * @param {Object} toParams The params supplied to the `toState`. + * @param {State} fromState The current state, pre-transition. + * @param {Object} fromParams The params supplied to the `fromState`. + * + * @example + * + *
+         * $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart',
+         * function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams){
+         *     event.preventDefault();
+         *     // transitionTo() promise will be rejected with
+         *     // a 'transition prevented' error
+         * })
+         * 
+ */ + if ($rootScope.$broadcast('$stateChangeStart', to.self, toParams, from.self, fromParams, options).defaultPrevented) { + $rootScope.$broadcast('$stateChangeCancel', to.self, toParams, from.self, fromParams); + //Don't update and resync url if there's been a new transition started. see issue #2238, #600 + if ($state.transition == null) $urlRouter.update(); + return TransitionPrevented; + } + } + + // Resolve locals for the remaining states, but don't update any global state just + // yet -- if anything fails to resolve the current state needs to remain untouched. + // We also set up an inheritance chain for the locals here. This allows the view directive + // to quickly look up the correct definition for each view in the current state. Even + // though we create the locals object itself outside resolveState(), it is initially + // empty and gets filled asynchronously. We need to keep track of the promise for the + // (fully resolved) current locals, and pass this down the chain. + var resolved = $q.when(locals); + + for (var l = keep; l < toPath.length; l++, state = toPath[l]) { + locals = toLocals[l] = inherit(locals); + resolved = resolveState(state, toParams, state === to, resolved, locals, options); + } + + // Once everything is resolved, we are ready to perform the actual transition + // and return a promise for the new state. We also keep track of what the + // current promise is, so that we can detect overlapping transitions and + // keep only the outcome of the last transition. + var transition = $state.transition = resolved.then(function () { + var l, entering, exiting; + + if ($state.transition !== transition) return TransitionSuperseded; + + // Exit 'from' states not kept + for (l = fromPath.length - 1; l >= keep; l--) { + exiting = fromPath[l]; + if (exiting.self.onExit) { + $injector.invoke(exiting.self.onExit, exiting.self, exiting.locals.globals); + } + exiting.locals = null; + } + + // Enter 'to' states not kept + for (l = keep; l < toPath.length; l++) { + entering = toPath[l]; + entering.locals = toLocals[l]; + if (entering.self.onEnter) { + $injector.invoke(entering.self.onEnter, entering.self, entering.locals.globals); + } + } + + // Run it again, to catch any transitions in callbacks + if ($state.transition !== transition) return TransitionSuperseded; + + // Update globals in $state + $state.$current = to; + $state.current = to.self; + $state.params = toParams; + copy($state.params, $stateParams); + $state.transition = null; + + if (options.location && to.navigable) { + $urlRouter.push(to.navigable.url, to.navigable.locals.globals.$stateParams, { + $$avoidResync: true, replace: options.location === 'replace' + }); + } + + if (options.notify) { + /** + * @ngdoc event + * @name ui.router.state.$state#$stateChangeSuccess + * @eventOf ui.router.state.$state + * @eventType broadcast on root scope + * @description + * Fired once the state transition is **complete**. + * + * @param {Object} event Event object. + * @param {State} toState The state being transitioned to. + * @param {Object} toParams The params supplied to the `toState`. + * @param {State} fromState The current state, pre-transition. + * @param {Object} fromParams The params supplied to the `fromState`. + */ + $rootScope.$broadcast('$stateChangeSuccess', to.self, toParams, from.self, fromParams); + } + $urlRouter.update(true); + + return $state.current; + }, function (error) { + if ($state.transition !== transition) return TransitionSuperseded; + + $state.transition = null; + /** + * @ngdoc event + * @name ui.router.state.$state#$stateChangeError + * @eventOf ui.router.state.$state + * @eventType broadcast on root scope + * @description + * Fired when an **error occurs** during transition. It's important to note that if you + * have any errors in your resolve functions (javascript errors, non-existent services, etc) + * they will not throw traditionally. You must listen for this $stateChangeError event to + * catch **ALL** errors. + * + * @param {Object} event Event object. + * @param {State} toState The state being transitioned to. + * @param {Object} toParams The params supplied to the `toState`. + * @param {State} fromState The current state, pre-transition. + * @param {Object} fromParams The params supplied to the `fromState`. + * @param {Error} error The resolve error object. + */ + evt = $rootScope.$broadcast('$stateChangeError', to.self, toParams, from.self, fromParams, error); + + if (!evt.defaultPrevented) { + $urlRouter.update(); + } + + return $q.reject(error); + }); + + return transition; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.state.$state#is + * @methodOf ui.router.state.$state + * + * @description + * Similar to {@link ui.router.state.$state#methods_includes $state.includes}, + * but only checks for the full state name. If params is supplied then it will be + * tested for strict equality against the current active params object, so all params + * must match with none missing and no extras. + * + * @example + *
+     * $state.$current.name = 'contacts.details.item';
+     *
+     * // absolute name
+     * $state.is('contact.details.item'); // returns true
+     * $state.is(contactDetailItemStateObject); // returns true
+     *
+     * // relative name (. and ^), typically from a template
+     * // E.g. from the 'contacts.details' template
+     * 
+ *
+ * + * @param {string|object} stateOrName The state name (absolute or relative) or state object you'd like to check. + * @param {object=} params A param object, e.g. `{sectionId: section.id}`, that you'd like + * to test against the current active state. + * @param {object=} options An options object. The options are: + * + * - **`relative`** - {string|object} - If `stateOrName` is a relative state name and `options.relative` is set, .is will + * test relative to `options.relative` state (or name). + * + * @returns {boolean} Returns true if it is the state. + */ + $state.is = function is(stateOrName, params, options) { + options = extend({ relative: $state.$current }, options || {}); + var state = findState(stateOrName, options.relative); + + if (!isDefined(state)) { return undefined; } + if ($state.$current !== state) { return false; } + return params ? equalForKeys(state.params.$$values(params), $stateParams) : true; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.state.$state#includes + * @methodOf ui.router.state.$state + * + * @description + * A method to determine if the current active state is equal to or is the child of the + * state stateName. If any params are passed then they will be tested for a match as well. + * Not all the parameters need to be passed, just the ones you'd like to test for equality. + * + * @example + * Partial and relative names + *
+     * $state.$current.name = 'contacts.details.item';
+     *
+     * // Using partial names
+     * $state.includes("contacts"); // returns true
+     * $state.includes("contacts.details"); // returns true
+     * $state.includes("contacts.details.item"); // returns true
+     * $state.includes("contacts.list"); // returns false
+     * $state.includes("about"); // returns false
+     *
+     * // Using relative names (. and ^), typically from a template
+     * // E.g. from the 'contacts.details' template
+     * 
+ *
+ * + * Basic globbing patterns + *
+     * $state.$current.name = 'contacts.details.item.url';
+     *
+     * $state.includes("*.details.*.*"); // returns true
+     * $state.includes("*.details.**"); // returns true
+     * $state.includes("**.item.**"); // returns true
+     * $state.includes("*.details.item.url"); // returns true
+     * $state.includes("*.details.*.url"); // returns true
+     * $state.includes("*.details.*"); // returns false
+     * $state.includes("item.**"); // returns false
+     * 
+ * + * @param {string} stateOrName A partial name, relative name, or glob pattern + * to be searched for within the current state name. + * @param {object=} params A param object, e.g. `{sectionId: section.id}`, + * that you'd like to test against the current active state. + * @param {object=} options An options object. The options are: + * + * - **`relative`** - {string|object=} - If `stateOrName` is a relative state reference and `options.relative` is set, + * .includes will test relative to `options.relative` state (or name). + * + * @returns {boolean} Returns true if it does include the state + */ + $state.includes = function includes(stateOrName, params, options) { + options = extend({ relative: $state.$current }, options || {}); + if (isString(stateOrName) && isGlob(stateOrName)) { + if (!doesStateMatchGlob(stateOrName)) { + return false; + } + stateOrName = $state.$current.name; + } + + var state = findState(stateOrName, options.relative); + if (!isDefined(state)) { return undefined; } + if (!isDefined($state.$current.includes[state.name])) { return false; } + return params ? equalForKeys(state.params.$$values(params), $stateParams, objectKeys(params)) : true; + }; + + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.state.$state#href + * @methodOf ui.router.state.$state + * + * @description + * A url generation method that returns the compiled url for the given state populated with the given params. + * + * @example + *
+     * expect($state.href("about.person", { person: "bob" })).toEqual("/about/bob");
+     * 
+ * + * @param {string|object} stateOrName The state name or state object you'd like to generate a url from. + * @param {object=} params An object of parameter values to fill the state's required parameters. + * @param {object=} options Options object. The options are: + * + * - **`lossy`** - {boolean=true} - If true, and if there is no url associated with the state provided in the + * first parameter, then the constructed href url will be built from the first navigable ancestor (aka + * ancestor with a valid url). + * - **`inherit`** - {boolean=true}, If `true` will inherit url parameters from current url. + * - **`relative`** - {object=$state.$current}, When transitioning with relative path (e.g '^'), + * defines which state to be relative from. + * - **`absolute`** - {boolean=false}, If true will generate an absolute url, e.g. "http://www.example.com/fullurl". + * + * @returns {string} compiled state url + */ + $state.href = function href(stateOrName, params, options) { + options = extend({ + lossy: true, + inherit: true, + absolute: false, + relative: $state.$current + }, options || {}); + + var state = findState(stateOrName, options.relative); + + if (!isDefined(state)) return null; + if (options.inherit) params = inheritParams($stateParams, params || {}, $state.$current, state); + + var nav = (state && options.lossy) ? state.navigable : state; + + if (!nav || nav.url === undefined || nav.url === null) { + return null; + } + return $urlRouter.href(nav.url, filterByKeys(state.params.$$keys().concat('#'), params || {}), { + absolute: options.absolute + }); + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.state.$state#get + * @methodOf ui.router.state.$state + * + * @description + * Returns the state configuration object for any specific state or all states. + * + * @param {string|object=} stateOrName (absolute or relative) If provided, will only get the config for + * the requested state. If not provided, returns an array of ALL state configs. + * @param {string|object=} context When stateOrName is a relative state reference, the state will be retrieved relative to context. + * @returns {Object|Array} State configuration object or array of all objects. + */ + $state.get = function (stateOrName, context) { + if (arguments.length === 0) return map(objectKeys(states), function(name) { return states[name].self; }); + var state = findState(stateOrName, context || $state.$current); + return (state && state.self) ? state.self : null; + }; + + function resolveState(state, params, paramsAreFiltered, inherited, dst, options) { + // Make a restricted $stateParams with only the parameters that apply to this state if + // necessary. In addition to being available to the controller and onEnter/onExit callbacks, + // we also need $stateParams to be available for any $injector calls we make during the + // dependency resolution process. + var $stateParams = (paramsAreFiltered) ? params : filterByKeys(state.params.$$keys(), params); + var locals = { $stateParams: $stateParams }; + + // Resolve 'global' dependencies for the state, i.e. those not specific to a view. + // We're also including $stateParams in this; that way the parameters are restricted + // to the set that should be visible to the state, and are independent of when we update + // the global $state and $stateParams values. + dst.resolve = $resolve.resolve(state.resolve, locals, dst.resolve, state); + var promises = [dst.resolve.then(function (globals) { + dst.globals = globals; + })]; + if (inherited) promises.push(inherited); + + function resolveViews() { + var viewsPromises = []; + + // Resolve template and dependencies for all views. + forEach(state.views, function (view, name) { + var injectables = (view.resolve && view.resolve !== state.resolve ? view.resolve : {}); + injectables.$template = [ function () { + return $view.load(name, { view: view, locals: dst.globals, params: $stateParams, notify: options.notify }) || ''; + }]; + + viewsPromises.push($resolve.resolve(injectables, dst.globals, dst.resolve, state).then(function (result) { + // References to the controller (only instantiated at link time) + if (isFunction(view.controllerProvider) || isArray(view.controllerProvider)) { + var injectLocals = angular.extend({}, injectables, dst.globals); + result.$$controller = $injector.invoke(view.controllerProvider, null, injectLocals); + } else { + result.$$controller = view.controller; + } + // Provide access to the state itself for internal use + result.$$state = state; + result.$$controllerAs = view.controllerAs; + dst[name] = result; + })); + }); + + return $q.all(viewsPromises).then(function(){ + return dst.globals; + }); + } + + // Wait for all the promises and then return the activation object + return $q.all(promises).then(resolveViews).then(function (values) { + return dst; + }); + } + + return $state; + } + + function shouldSkipReload(to, toParams, from, fromParams, locals, options) { + // Return true if there are no differences in non-search (path/object) params, false if there are differences + function nonSearchParamsEqual(fromAndToState, fromParams, toParams) { + // Identify whether all the parameters that differ between `fromParams` and `toParams` were search params. + function notSearchParam(key) { + return fromAndToState.params[key].location != "search"; + } + var nonQueryParamKeys = fromAndToState.params.$$keys().filter(notSearchParam); + var nonQueryParams = pick.apply({}, [fromAndToState.params].concat(nonQueryParamKeys)); + var nonQueryParamSet = new $$UMFP.ParamSet(nonQueryParams); + return nonQueryParamSet.$$equals(fromParams, toParams); + } + + // If reload was not explicitly requested + // and we're transitioning to the same state we're already in + // and the locals didn't change + // or they changed in a way that doesn't merit reloading + // (reloadOnParams:false, or reloadOnSearch.false and only search params changed) + // Then return true. + if (!options.reload && to === from && + (locals === from.locals || (to.self.reloadOnSearch === false && nonSearchParamsEqual(from, fromParams, toParams)))) { + return true; + } + } +} + +angular.module('ui.router.state') + .factory('$stateParams', function () { return {}; }) + .provider('$state', $StateProvider); + + +$ViewProvider.$inject = []; +function $ViewProvider() { + + this.$get = $get; + /** + * @ngdoc object + * @name ui.router.state.$view + * + * @requires ui.router.util.$templateFactory + * @requires $rootScope + * + * @description + * + */ + $get.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$templateFactory']; + function $get( $rootScope, $templateFactory) { + return { + // $view.load('full.viewName', { template: ..., controller: ..., resolve: ..., async: false, params: ... }) + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.state.$view#load + * @methodOf ui.router.state.$view + * + * @description + * + * @param {string} name name + * @param {object} options option object. + */ + load: function load(name, options) { + var result, defaults = { + template: null, controller: null, view: null, locals: null, notify: true, async: true, params: {} + }; + options = extend(defaults, options); + + if (options.view) { + result = $templateFactory.fromConfig(options.view, options.params, options.locals); + } + return result; + } + }; + } +} + +angular.module('ui.router.state').provider('$view', $ViewProvider); + +/** + * @ngdoc object + * @name ui.router.state.$uiViewScrollProvider + * + * @description + * Provider that returns the {@link ui.router.state.$uiViewScroll} service function. + */ +function $ViewScrollProvider() { + + var useAnchorScroll = false; + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name ui.router.state.$uiViewScrollProvider#useAnchorScroll + * @methodOf ui.router.state.$uiViewScrollProvider + * + * @description + * Reverts back to using the core [`$anchorScroll`](http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$anchorScroll) service for + * scrolling based on the url anchor. + */ + this.useAnchorScroll = function () { + useAnchorScroll = true; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc object + * @name ui.router.state.$uiViewScroll + * + * @requires $anchorScroll + * @requires $timeout + * + * @description + * When called with a jqLite element, it scrolls the element into view (after a + * `$timeout` so the DOM has time to refresh). + * + * If you prefer to rely on `$anchorScroll` to scroll the view to the anchor, + * this can be enabled by calling {@link ui.router.state.$uiViewScrollProvider#methods_useAnchorScroll `$uiViewScrollProvider.useAnchorScroll()`}. + */ + this.$get = ['$anchorScroll', '$timeout', function ($anchorScroll, $timeout) { + if (useAnchorScroll) { + return $anchorScroll; + } + + return function ($element) { + return $timeout(function () { + $element[0].scrollIntoView(); + }, 0, false); + }; + }]; +} + +angular.module('ui.router.state').provider('$uiViewScroll', $ViewScrollProvider); + +var ngMajorVer = angular.version.major; +var ngMinorVer = angular.version.minor; +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ui.router.state.directive:ui-view + * + * @requires ui.router.state.$state + * @requires $compile + * @requires $controller + * @requires $injector + * @requires ui.router.state.$uiViewScroll + * @requires $document + * + * @restrict ECA + * + * @description + * The ui-view directive tells $state where to place your templates. + * + * @param {string=} name A view name. The name should be unique amongst the other views in the + * same state. You can have views of the same name that live in different states. + * + * @param {string=} autoscroll It allows you to set the scroll behavior of the browser window + * when a view is populated. By default, $anchorScroll is overridden by ui-router's custom scroll + * service, {@link ui.router.state.$uiViewScroll}. This custom service let's you + * scroll ui-view elements into view when they are populated during a state activation. + * + * @param {string=} noanimation If truthy, the non-animated renderer will be selected (no animations + * will be applied to the ui-view) + * + * *Note: To revert back to old [`$anchorScroll`](http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$anchorScroll) + * functionality, call `$uiViewScrollProvider.useAnchorScroll()`.* + * + * @param {string=} onload Expression to evaluate whenever the view updates. + * + * @example + * A view can be unnamed or named. + *
+ * 
+ * 
+ * + * + *
+ *
+ * + * You can only have one unnamed view within any template (or root html). If you are only using a + * single view and it is unnamed then you can populate it like so: + *
+ * 
+ * $stateProvider.state("home", { + * template: "


" + * }) + *
+ * + * The above is a convenient shortcut equivalent to specifying your view explicitly with the {@link ui.router.state.$stateProvider#views `views`} + * config property, by name, in this case an empty name: + *
+ * $stateProvider.state("home", {
+ *   views: {
+ *     "": {
+ *       template: "


" + * } + * } + * }) + *
+ * + * But typically you'll only use the views property if you name your view or have more than one view + * in the same template. There's not really a compelling reason to name a view if its the only one, + * but you could if you wanted, like so: + *
+ * 
+ *
+ *
+ * $stateProvider.state("home", {
+ *   views: {
+ *     "main": {
+ *       template: "


" + * } + * } + * }) + *
+ * + * Really though, you'll use views to set up multiple views: + *
+ * 
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * + *
+ * $stateProvider.state("home", {
+ *   views: {
+ *     "": {
+ *       template: "


" + * }, + * "chart": { + * template: "" + * }, + * "data": { + * template: "" + * } + * } + * }) + *
+ * + * Examples for `autoscroll`: + * + *
+ * 
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+ * 
+ */ +$ViewDirective.$inject = ['$state', '$injector', '$uiViewScroll', '$interpolate']; +function $ViewDirective( $state, $injector, $uiViewScroll, $interpolate) { + + function getService() { + return ($injector.has) ? function(service) { + return $injector.has(service) ? $injector.get(service) : null; + } : function(service) { + try { + return $injector.get(service); + } catch (e) { + return null; + } + }; + } + + var service = getService(), + $animator = service('$animator'), + $animate = service('$animate'); + + // Returns a set of DOM manipulation functions based on which Angular version + // it should use + function getRenderer(attrs, scope) { + var statics = { + enter: function (element, target, cb) { target.after(element); cb(); }, + leave: function (element, cb) { element.remove(); cb(); } + }; + + if (!!attrs.noanimation) return statics; + + function animEnabled(element) { + if (ngMajorVer === 1 && ngMinorVer >= 4) return !!$animate.enabled(element); + if (ngMajorVer === 1 && ngMinorVer >= 2) return !!$animate.enabled(); + return (!!$animator); + } + + // ng 1.2+ + if ($animate) { + return { + enter: function(element, target, cb) { + if (!animEnabled(element)) { + statics.enter(element, target, cb); + } else if (angular.version.minor > 2) { + $animate.enter(element, null, target).then(cb); + } else { + $animate.enter(element, null, target, cb); + } + }, + leave: function(element, cb) { + if (!animEnabled(element)) { + statics.leave(element, cb); + } else if (angular.version.minor > 2) { + $animate.leave(element).then(cb); + } else { + $animate.leave(element, cb); + } + } + }; + } + + // ng 1.1.5 + if ($animator) { + var animate = $animator && $animator(scope, attrs); + + return { + enter: function(element, target, cb) {animate.enter(element, null, target); cb(); }, + leave: function(element, cb) { animate.leave(element); cb(); } + }; + } + + return statics; + } + + var directive = { + restrict: 'ECA', + terminal: true, + priority: 400, + transclude: 'element', + compile: function (tElement, tAttrs, $transclude) { + return function (scope, $element, attrs) { + var previousEl, currentEl, currentScope, latestLocals, + onloadExp = attrs.onload || '', + autoScrollExp = attrs.autoscroll, + renderer = getRenderer(attrs, scope); + + scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function() { + updateView(false); + }); + + updateView(true); + + function cleanupLastView() { + var _previousEl = previousEl; + var _currentScope = currentScope; + + if (_currentScope) { + _currentScope._willBeDestroyed = true; + } + + function cleanOld() { + if (_previousEl) { + _previousEl.remove(); + } + + if (_currentScope) { + _currentScope.$destroy(); + } + } + + if (currentEl) { + renderer.leave(currentEl, function() { + cleanOld(); + previousEl = null; + }); + + previousEl = currentEl; + } else { + cleanOld(); + previousEl = null; + } + + currentEl = null; + currentScope = null; + } + + function updateView(firstTime) { + var newScope, + name = getUiViewName(scope, attrs, $element, $interpolate), + previousLocals = name && $state.$current && $state.$current.locals[name]; + + if (!firstTime && previousLocals === latestLocals || scope._willBeDestroyed) return; // nothing to do + newScope = scope.$new(); + latestLocals = $state.$current.locals[name]; + + /** + * @ngdoc event + * @name ui.router.state.directive:ui-view#$viewContentLoading + * @eventOf ui.router.state.directive:ui-view + * @eventType emits on ui-view directive scope + * @description + * + * Fired once the view **begins loading**, *before* the DOM is rendered. + * + * @param {Object} event Event object. + * @param {string} viewName Name of the view. + */ + newScope.$emit('$viewContentLoading', name); + + var clone = $transclude(newScope, function(clone) { + renderer.enter(clone, $element, function onUiViewEnter() { + if(currentScope) { + currentScope.$emit('$viewContentAnimationEnded'); + } + + if (angular.isDefined(autoScrollExp) && !autoScrollExp || scope.$eval(autoScrollExp)) { + $uiViewScroll(clone); + } + }); + cleanupLastView(); + }); + + currentEl = clone; + currentScope = newScope; + /** + * @ngdoc event + * @name ui.router.state.directive:ui-view#$viewContentLoaded + * @eventOf ui.router.state.directive:ui-view + * @eventType emits on ui-view directive scope + * @description + * Fired once the view is **loaded**, *after* the DOM is rendered. + * + * @param {Object} event Event object. + * @param {string} viewName Name of the view. + */ + currentScope.$emit('$viewContentLoaded', name); + currentScope.$eval(onloadExp); + } + }; + } + }; + + return directive; +} + +$ViewDirectiveFill.$inject = ['$compile', '$controller', '$state', '$interpolate']; +function $ViewDirectiveFill ( $compile, $controller, $state, $interpolate) { + return { + restrict: 'ECA', + priority: -400, + compile: function (tElement) { + var initial = tElement.html(); + return function (scope, $element, attrs) { + var current = $state.$current, + name = getUiViewName(scope, attrs, $element, $interpolate), + locals = current && current.locals[name]; + + if (! locals) { + return; + } + + $element.data('$uiView', { name: name, state: locals.$$state }); + $element.html(locals.$template ? locals.$template : initial); + + var link = $compile($element.contents()); + + if (locals.$$controller) { + locals.$scope = scope; + locals.$element = $element; + var controller = $controller(locals.$$controller, locals); + if (locals.$$controllerAs) { + scope[locals.$$controllerAs] = controller; + } + $element.data('$ngControllerController', controller); + $element.children().data('$ngControllerController', controller); + } + + link(scope); + }; + } + }; +} + +/** + * Shared ui-view code for both directives: + * Given scope, element, and its attributes, return the view's name + */ +function getUiViewName(scope, attrs, element, $interpolate) { + var name = $interpolate(attrs.uiView || attrs.name || '')(scope); + var inherited = element.inheritedData('$uiView'); + return name.indexOf('@') >= 0 ? name : (name + '@' + (inherited ? inherited.state.name : '')); +} + +angular.module('ui.router.state').directive('uiView', $ViewDirective); +angular.module('ui.router.state').directive('uiView', $ViewDirectiveFill); + +function parseStateRef(ref, current) { + var preparsed = ref.match(/^\s*({[^}]*})\s*$/), parsed; + if (preparsed) ref = current + '(' + preparsed[1] + ')'; + parsed = ref.replace(/\n/g, " ").match(/^([^(]+?)\s*(\((.*)\))?$/); + if (!parsed || parsed.length !== 4) throw new Error("Invalid state ref '" + ref + "'"); + return { state: parsed[1], paramExpr: parsed[3] || null }; +} + +function stateContext(el) { + var stateData = el.parent().inheritedData('$uiView'); + + if (stateData && stateData.state && stateData.state.name) { + return stateData.state; + } +} + +function getTypeInfo(el) { + // SVGAElement does not use the href attribute, but rather the 'xlinkHref' attribute. + var isSvg = Object.prototype.toString.call(el.prop('href')) === '[object SVGAnimatedString]'; + var isForm = el[0].nodeName === "FORM"; + + return { + attr: isForm ? "action" : (isSvg ? 'xlink:href' : 'href'), + isAnchor: el.prop("tagName").toUpperCase() === "A", + clickable: !isForm + }; +} + +function clickHook(el, $state, $timeout, type, current) { + return function(e) { + var button = e.which || e.button, target = current(); + + if (!(button > 1 || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey || el.attr('target'))) { + // HACK: This is to allow ng-clicks to be processed before the transition is initiated: + var transition = $timeout(function() { + $state.go(target.state, target.params, target.options); + }); + e.preventDefault(); + + // if the state has no URL, ignore one preventDefault from the directive. + var ignorePreventDefaultCount = type.isAnchor && !target.href ? 1: 0; + + e.preventDefault = function() { + if (ignorePreventDefaultCount-- <= 0) $timeout.cancel(transition); + }; + } + }; +} + +function defaultOpts(el, $state) { + return { relative: stateContext(el) || $state.$current, inherit: true }; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ui.router.state.directive:ui-sref + * + * @requires ui.router.state.$state + * @requires $timeout + * + * @restrict A + * + * @description + * A directive that binds a link (`` tag) to a state. If the state has an associated + * URL, the directive will automatically generate & update the `href` attribute via + * the {@link ui.router.state.$state#methods_href $state.href()} method. Clicking + * the link will trigger a state transition with optional parameters. + * + * Also middle-clicking, right-clicking, and ctrl-clicking on the link will be + * handled natively by the browser. + * + * You can also use relative state paths within ui-sref, just like the relative + * paths passed to `$state.go()`. You just need to be aware that the path is relative + * to the state that the link lives in, in other words the state that loaded the + * template containing the link. + * + * You can specify options to pass to {@link ui.router.state.$state#go $state.go()} + * using the `ui-sref-opts` attribute. Options are restricted to `location`, `inherit`, + * and `reload`. + * + * @example + * Here's an example of how you'd use ui-sref and how it would compile. If you have the + * following template: + *
+ * Home | About | Next page
+ *
+ * 
+ * 
+ * + * Then the compiled html would be (assuming Html5Mode is off and current state is contacts): + *
+ * Home | About | Next page
+ *
+ * 
    + *
  • + * Joe + *
  • + *
  • + * Alice + *
  • + *
  • + * Bob + *
  • + *
+ * + * Home + *
+ * + * @param {string} ui-sref 'stateName' can be any valid absolute or relative state + * @param {Object} ui-sref-opts options to pass to {@link ui.router.state.$state#go $state.go()} + */ +$StateRefDirective.$inject = ['$state', '$timeout']; +function $StateRefDirective($state, $timeout) { + return { + restrict: 'A', + require: ['?^uiSrefActive', '?^uiSrefActiveEq'], + link: function(scope, element, attrs, uiSrefActive) { + var ref = parseStateRef(attrs.uiSref, $state.current.name); + var def = { state: ref.state, href: null, params: null }; + var type = getTypeInfo(element); + var active = uiSrefActive[1] || uiSrefActive[0]; + + def.options = extend(defaultOpts(element, $state), attrs.uiSrefOpts ? scope.$eval(attrs.uiSrefOpts) : {}); + + var update = function(val) { + if (val) def.params = angular.copy(val); + def.href = $state.href(ref.state, def.params, def.options); + + if (active) active.$$addStateInfo(ref.state, def.params); + if (def.href !== null) attrs.$set(type.attr, def.href); + }; + + if (ref.paramExpr) { + scope.$watch(ref.paramExpr, function(val) { if (val !== def.params) update(val); }, true); + def.params = angular.copy(scope.$eval(ref.paramExpr)); + } + update(); + + if (!type.clickable) return; + element.bind("click", clickHook(element, $state, $timeout, type, function() { return def; })); + } + }; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ui.router.state.directive:ui-state + * + * @requires ui.router.state.uiSref + * + * @restrict A + * + * @description + * Much like ui-sref, but will accept named $scope properties to evaluate for a state definition, + * params and override options. + * + * @param {string} ui-state 'stateName' can be any valid absolute or relative state + * @param {Object} ui-state-params params to pass to {@link ui.router.state.$state#href $state.href()} + * @param {Object} ui-state-opts options to pass to {@link ui.router.state.$state#go $state.go()} + */ +$StateRefDynamicDirective.$inject = ['$state', '$timeout']; +function $StateRefDynamicDirective($state, $timeout) { + return { + restrict: 'A', + require: ['?^uiSrefActive', '?^uiSrefActiveEq'], + link: function(scope, element, attrs, uiSrefActive) { + var type = getTypeInfo(element); + var active = uiSrefActive[1] || uiSrefActive[0]; + var group = [attrs.uiState, attrs.uiStateParams || null, attrs.uiStateOpts || null]; + var watch = '[' + group.map(function(val) { return val || 'null'; }).join(', ') + ']'; + var def = { state: null, params: null, options: null, href: null }; + + function runStateRefLink (group) { + def.state = group[0]; def.params = group[1]; def.options = group[2]; + def.href = $state.href(def.state, def.params, def.options); + + if (active) active.$$addStateInfo(def.state, def.params); + if (def.href) attrs.$set(type.attr, def.href); + } + + scope.$watch(watch, runStateRefLink, true); + runStateRefLink(scope.$eval(watch)); + + if (!type.clickable) return; + element.bind("click", clickHook(element, $state, $timeout, type, function() { return def; })); + } + }; +} + + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ui.router.state.directive:ui-sref-active + * + * @requires ui.router.state.$state + * @requires ui.router.state.$stateParams + * @requires $interpolate + * + * @restrict A + * + * @description + * A directive working alongside ui-sref to add classes to an element when the + * related ui-sref directive's state is active, and removing them when it is inactive. + * The primary use-case is to simplify the special appearance of navigation menus + * relying on `ui-sref`, by having the "active" state's menu button appear different, + * distinguishing it from the inactive menu items. + * + * ui-sref-active can live on the same element as ui-sref or on a parent element. The first + * ui-sref-active found at the same level or above the ui-sref will be used. + * + * Will activate when the ui-sref's target state or any child state is active. If you + * need to activate only when the ui-sref target state is active and *not* any of + * it's children, then you will use + * {@link ui.router.state.directive:ui-sref-active-eq ui-sref-active-eq} + * + * @example + * Given the following template: + *
+ * 
+ * 
+ * + * + * When the app state is "app.user" (or any children states), and contains the state parameter "user" with value "bilbobaggins", + * the resulting HTML will appear as (note the 'active' class): + *
+ * 
+ * 
+ * + * The class name is interpolated **once** during the directives link time (any further changes to the + * interpolated value are ignored). + * + * Multiple classes may be specified in a space-separated format: + *
+ * 
    + *
  • + * link + *
  • + *
+ *
+ * + * It is also possible to pass ui-sref-active an expression that evaluates + * to an object hash, whose keys represent active class names and whose + * values represent the respective state names/globs. + * ui-sref-active will match if the current active state **includes** any of + * the specified state names/globs, even the abstract ones. + * + * @Example + * Given the following template, with "admin" being an abstract state: + *
+ * 
+ * Roles + *
+ *
+ * + * When the current state is "admin.roles" the "active" class will be applied + * to both the
and elements. It is important to note that the state + * names/globs passed to ui-sref-active shadow the state provided by ui-sref. + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ui.router.state.directive:ui-sref-active-eq + * + * @requires ui.router.state.$state + * @requires ui.router.state.$stateParams + * @requires $interpolate + * + * @restrict A + * + * @description + * The same as {@link ui.router.state.directive:ui-sref-active ui-sref-active} but will only activate + * when the exact target state used in the `ui-sref` is active; no child states. + * + */ +$StateRefActiveDirective.$inject = ['$state', '$stateParams', '$interpolate']; +function $StateRefActiveDirective($state, $stateParams, $interpolate) { + return { + restrict: "A", + controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', '$timeout', function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $timeout) { + var states = [], activeClasses = {}, activeEqClass, uiSrefActive; + + // There probably isn't much point in $observing this + // uiSrefActive and uiSrefActiveEq share the same directive object with some + // slight difference in logic routing + activeEqClass = $interpolate($attrs.uiSrefActiveEq || '', false)($scope); + + try { + uiSrefActive = $scope.$eval($attrs.uiSrefActive); + } catch (e) { + // Do nothing. uiSrefActive is not a valid expression. + // Fall back to using $interpolate below + } + uiSrefActive = uiSrefActive || $interpolate($attrs.uiSrefActive || '', false)($scope); + if (isObject(uiSrefActive)) { + forEach(uiSrefActive, function(stateOrName, activeClass) { + if (isString(stateOrName)) { + var ref = parseStateRef(stateOrName, $state.current.name); + addState(ref.state, $scope.$eval(ref.paramExpr), activeClass); + } + }); + } + + // Allow uiSref to communicate with uiSrefActive[Equals] + this.$$addStateInfo = function (newState, newParams) { + // we already got an explicit state provided by ui-sref-active, so we + // shadow the one that comes from ui-sref + if (isObject(uiSrefActive) && states.length > 0) { + return; + } + addState(newState, newParams, uiSrefActive); + update(); + }; + + $scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', update); + + function addState(stateName, stateParams, activeClass) { + var state = $state.get(stateName, stateContext($element)); + var stateHash = createStateHash(stateName, stateParams); + + states.push({ + state: state || { name: stateName }, + params: stateParams, + hash: stateHash + }); + + activeClasses[stateHash] = activeClass; + } + + /** + * @param {string} state + * @param {Object|string} [params] + * @return {string} + */ + function createStateHash(state, params) { + if (!isString(state)) { + throw new Error('state should be a string'); + } + if (isObject(params)) { + return state + toJson(params); + } + params = $scope.$eval(params); + if (isObject(params)) { + return state + toJson(params); + } + return state; + } + + // Update route state + function update() { + for (var i = 0; i < states.length; i++) { + if (anyMatch(states[i].state, states[i].params)) { + addClass($element, activeClasses[states[i].hash]); + } else { + removeClass($element, activeClasses[states[i].hash]); + } + + if (exactMatch(states[i].state, states[i].params)) { + addClass($element, activeEqClass); + } else { + removeClass($element, activeEqClass); + } + } + } + + function addClass(el, className) { $timeout(function () { el.addClass(className); }); } + function removeClass(el, className) { el.removeClass(className); } + function anyMatch(state, params) { return $state.includes(state.name, params); } + function exactMatch(state, params) { return $state.is(state.name, params); } + + update(); + }] + }; +} + +angular.module('ui.router.state') + .directive('uiSref', $StateRefDirective) + .directive('uiSrefActive', $StateRefActiveDirective) + .directive('uiSrefActiveEq', $StateRefActiveDirective) + .directive('uiState', $StateRefDynamicDirective); + +/** + * @ngdoc filter + * @name ui.router.state.filter:isState + * + * @requires ui.router.state.$state + * + * @description + * Translates to {@link ui.router.state.$state#methods_is $state.is("stateName")}. + */ +$IsStateFilter.$inject = ['$state']; +function $IsStateFilter($state) { + var isFilter = function (state, params) { + return $state.is(state, params); + }; + isFilter.$stateful = true; + return isFilter; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc filter + * @name ui.router.state.filter:includedByState + * + * @requires ui.router.state.$state + * + * @description + * Translates to {@link ui.router.state.$state#methods_includes $state.includes('fullOrPartialStateName')}. + */ +$IncludedByStateFilter.$inject = ['$state']; +function $IncludedByStateFilter($state) { + var includesFilter = function (state, params, options) { + return $state.includes(state, params, options); + }; + includesFilter.$stateful = true; + return includesFilter; +} + +angular.module('ui.router.state') + .filter('isState', $IsStateFilter) + .filter('includedByState', $IncludedByStateFilter); +})(window, window.angular); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/webapp/js/app.js b/src/main/webapp/js/app.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e9cb7f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/js/app.js @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +(function() { + + 'use strict'; + + angular.module('cgApp', ['ui.router', 'ui.bootstrap', 'ngTouch', 'ngAnimate', 'ngStorage']); + + angular.module('cgApp').config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) { + + $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/join'); + + $stateProvider.state("dashboard", { + url: "/dashboard", + templateUrl: "templates/dashboard.html", + controller: "dashboardCtrl" + }); + + $stateProvider.state("join", { + url: "/join", + templateUrl: "templates/join.html", + controller: "joinController" + }); + + $stateProvider.state("logout", { + url: "/logout", + templateUrl: "", + controller: "logoutController" + }); + + }); + + angular.module('cgApp').service('dataService', function() { + var token; + + this.setData = function(data){ + token = data; + }; + + this.getData = function(){ + return 'Bearer ' + token; + }; + }); + +})(); diff --git a/src/main/webapp/js/dashboardCtrl.js b/src/main/webapp/js/dashboardCtrl.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4525f64 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/js/dashboardCtrl.js @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +(function() { + 'use strict'; + let interval + let loop + var token + var uibModal + var baseUrl = '/cardgame/api' + var statusMessage = false; + + angular.module('cgApp').controller('dashboardCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', '$uibModal', '$log', '$interval', '$rootScope', '$location', '$localStorage', 'dataService', + function DashBoardController ($scope, $http, $uibModal, $log, $interval, $rootScope, $location, $localStorage, dataService) { + token = dataService.getData(); + if(token == '' || typeof token == 'undefined' ){ + $location.path('/join'); + return; + } + + $localStorage.token = token + if(!$http.defaults.headers.post.Authorization){ + $http.defaults.headers.post.Authorization = token; + } + var vm = this + $http.defaults.useXDomain = true + $scope.works = [] + $scope.animationsEnabled = true + + interval = $interval + uibModal = $uibModal + + $scope.init = function () { + reloadData($http, $scope); + loop = $interval(function() { + reloadData($http, $scope); + }, 3000) + + }; + + $scope.getCardSubject = function(card) { + if(!card) return {} + return { + geography: card.questionId.subjectId.name == 'Geografia', + history: card.questionId.subjectId.name == 'História', + math: card.questionId.subjectId.name == 'Matemática', + portuguese: card.questionId.subjectId.name == 'Portugues', + science: card.questionId.subjectId.name == 'Ciências' + } + } + + $scope.move = function(index) { + let params = { + position: index + } + if($scope.player1.timeToPlay) { + moveRequest($http, $scope, params); + } + } + $scope.open = function(card) { + var modalInstance = $uibModal.open({ + animation: $scope.animationsEnabled, + templateUrl: 'templates/cardQuestion.html', + controller: 'modalCtrl', + size: 'lg', + resolve: { + data: function () { + return { + card: card, + play: function($scope, params) { + playRequest($http, $scope, params) + } + } + } + } + }) + } + + $scope.toggleAnimation = function () { + $scope.animationsEnabled = !$scope.animationsEnabled; + } + + }]); + + angular.module('cgApp').controller('modalCtrl', ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', 'data', + function ModalController ($scope, $uibModalInstance, data){ + if(data.card) { + $scope.cardQuestionText = data.card.questionId.text + $scope.cardPossibleAnswers = [{ + text: data.card.questionId.answer1Id.text, + id: data.card.questionId.answer1Id.id + }, { + text: data.card.questionId.answer2Id.text, + id: data.card.questionId.answer2Id.id + }, { + text: data.card.questionId.answer3Id.text, + id: data.card.questionId.answer3Id.id + }, { + text: data.card.questionId.answer4Id.text, + id: data.card.questionId.answer4Id.id + }] + $scope.button = "confirmar"; + } + + $scope.confirmar = function (answer) { + let params = { + answer_id: answer + } + data.play($scope, params) + } + + $scope.atacar = function () { + $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); + } + + $scope.ok = function () { + $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); + } + }]); + + function alert($scope, message) { + statusMessage = true + var modalInstance = uibModal.open({ + animation: $scope.animationsEnabled, + templateUrl: 'templates/messageAlert.html', + controller: 'alertCtrl', + size: 'sm', + resolve: { + data: function () { + return { + message: message + } + } + } + }) + } + + + function moveRequest($http, $scope, params) { + $http.post(baseUrl + '/move', params).success(function(data, status) { + console.log('move: ',data); + reloadData($http, $scope, params.username) + }); + } + + function playRequest($http, $scope, params) { + $http.post(baseUrl + '/play', params).success(function(data, status) { + console.log(data); + $scope.response = data.msg; + $scope.button = "atacar"; + if(statusMessage === false && data.code == 1011 ){ + alert($scope, data.msg) + } + }); + } + + function leaveGame($http, $scope, params) { + $http.post(baseUrl + '/leave', params).success(function(data, status) { + }); + } + + function reloadData($http, $scope) { + $http.post(baseUrl + '/status').success(function(data, status) { + console.log('reload: ', data); + $scope.player1 = data.msg.player1; + $scope.player2 = data.msg.player2; + $scope.onlinePlayers = data.msg.audience; + if(statusMessage === false && data.code == 1017) { + alert($scope, data.msg) + } + }) + + } + + +})(); diff --git a/src/main/webapp/js/joinController.js b/src/main/webapp/js/joinController.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad7550b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/js/joinController.js @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +(function () { + 'use strict'; + + angular.module('cgApp').controller('joinController', JoinController); + + JoinController.$inject = ['$scope', '$http', '$location', '$rootScope', '$localStorage', '$uibModal', 'dataService']; + function JoinController($scope, $http, $location, $rootScope, $localStorage, $uibModal, dataService) { + + if(typeof $localStorage.token !== 'undefined' ){ + dataService.setData($localStorage.token); + $location.path('/dashboard'); + return; + } + + + function join() { + $http.post('/cardgame/api/join').success(function(data, status) { + if(data.code === 1002 || data.code === 1001) return alert(data.msg); + $location.path('/dashboard'); + }).catch(function(err) { + if(err.status == 401){ + alert("Login Invalido"); + } + else{ + alert("Alguma coisa deu errado") + } + }) + } + + function login(username, password) { + let params = { + username: username, + password: password + } + + $http.post('/cardgame/api/login', params).success(function(data, status) { + $localStorage.token = data.token; + $http.defaults.headers.post.Authorization = "Bearer " + data.token; + join(); + dataService.setData(data.token); + }).catch(function(err) { + if(err.status == 401){ + alert("Login Invalido"); + } + else{ + alert("Alguma coisa deu errado") + } + }) + }; + + function alert(message) { + var modalInstance = $uibModal.open({ + animation: $scope.animationsEnabled, + templateUrl: 'templates/messageAlert.html', + controller: 'alertCtrl', + size: 'sm', + resolve: { + data: function () { + return { + message: message + } + } + } + }) + + modalInstance.result.then(function() { + }, function() { + $location.path('/dashboard'); + }) + } + + $scope.login = login; + } + +})(); diff --git a/src/main/webapp/js/logoutController.js b/src/main/webapp/js/logoutController.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5bedae0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/js/logoutController.js @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +(function () { + 'use strict'; + var baseUrl = '/cardgame/api' + + angular.module('cgApp').controller('logoutController', LogoutController); + + LogoutController.$inject = ['$http', '$location', '$localStorage']; + function LogoutController($http, $location, $localStorage) { + + $localStorage.$reset(); + $location.path('/join'); + + $http.post(baseUrl + '/leave').success(function(data, status) { + }); + } + +})(); diff --git a/src/main/webapp/js/modalCtrl.js b/src/main/webapp/js/modalCtrl.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..421355e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/js/modalCtrl.js @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +'use strict'; + +(function() { + + angular.module('cgApp').controller('modalCtrl', ModalController); + + ModalController.$inject = ['$scope', '$uibModal', 'item']; + + function ModalController ($scope, $uibModal, item){ + $scope.button = "Save data"; + $scope.item = item; + + $scope.selected = { + item: $scope.item + }; + + $scope.ok = function () { + $uibModal.close($scope.selected.item); + }; + + $scope.cancel = function () { + $uibModal.dismiss('cancel'); + }; + + } + +})(); diff --git a/src/main/webapp/js/ui-bootstrap-tpls-1.2.2.min.js b/src/main/webapp/js/ui-bootstrap-tpls-1.2.2.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a05a91c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/js/ui-bootstrap-tpls-1.2.2.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +/* + * 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l=c(g.expanding),m=c(g.expanded),n=c(g.collapsing),o=c(g.collapsed);d.$eval(g.uibCollapse)||f.addClass("in").addClass("collapse").attr("aria-expanded",!0).attr("aria-hidden",!1).css({height:"auto"}),d.$watch(g.uibCollapse,function(a){a?j():h()})}}}]),angular.module("ui.bootstrap.accordion",["ui.bootstrap.collapse"]).constant("uibAccordionConfig",{closeOthers:!0}).controller("UibAccordionController",["$scope","$attrs","uibAccordionConfig",function(a,b,c){this.groups=[],this.closeOthers=function(d){var e=angular.isDefined(b.closeOthers)?a.$eval(b.closeOthers):c.closeOthers;e&&angular.forEach(this.groups,function(a){a!==d&&(a.isOpen=!1)})},this.addGroup=function(a){var b=this;this.groups.push(a),a.$on("$destroy",function(c){b.removeGroup(a)})},this.removeGroup=function(a){var b=this.groups.indexOf(a);-1!==b&&this.groups.splice(b,1)}}]).directive("uibAccordion",function(){return{controller:"UibAccordionController",controllerAs:"accordion",transclude:!0,templateUrl:function(a,b){return b.templateUrl||"uib/template/accordion/accordion.html"}}}).directive("uibAccordionGroup",function(){return{require:"^uibAccordion",transclude:!0,replace:!0,templateUrl:function(a,b){return b.templateUrl||"uib/template/accordion/accordion-group.html"},scope:{heading:"@",isOpen:"=?",isDisabled:"=?"},controller:function(){this.setHeading=function(a){this.heading=a}},link:function(a,b,c,d){d.addGroup(a),a.openClass=c.openClass||"panel-open",a.panelClass=c.panelClass||"panel-default",a.$watch("isOpen",function(c){b.toggleClass(a.openClass,!!c),c&&d.closeOthers(a)}),a.toggleOpen=function(b){a.isDisabled||b&&32!==b.which||(a.isOpen=!a.isOpen)};var 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j=p.getCurrentIndex();angular.isNumber(j)&&q[j].element&&q[j].element.data(r,c.direction),a.$currentTransition=!0,e.on("addClass",q[d].element,function(b,c){if("close"===c&&(a.$currentTransition=null,e.off("addClass",b),t.length)){var d=t.pop().slide,g=d.index,i=g>p.getCurrentIndex()?"next":"prev";f(),h(d,g,i)}})}a.active=c.index,s=c.index,g(d),l()}}function i(a){for(var b=0;b0&&(n=c(m,b))}function m(){var b=+a.interval;o&&!isNaN(b)&&b>0&&q.length?a.next():a.pause()}var n,o,p=this,q=p.slides=a.slides=[],r="uib-slideDirection",s=a.active,t=[],u=!1;p.addSlide=function(b,c){q.push({slide:b,element:c}),q.sort(function(a,b){return+a.slide.index>+b.slide.index}),(b.index===a.active||1===q.length&&!angular.isNumber(a.active))&&(a.$currentTransition&&(a.$currentTransition=null),s=b.index,a.active=b.index,g(s),p.select(q[i(b)]),1===q.length&&a.play())},p.getCurrentIndex=function(){for(var a=0;a0&&s===c?c>=q.length?(s=q.length-1,a.active=s,g(s),p.select(q[q.length-1])):(s=c,a.active=s,g(s),p.select(q[c])):s>c&&(s--,a.active=s),0===q.length&&(s=null,a.active=null,f())},p.select=a.select=function(b,c){var d=i(b.slide);void 0===c&&(c=d>p.getCurrentIndex()?"next":"prev"),b.slide.index===s||a.$currentTransition?b&&b.slide.index!==s&&a.$currentTransition&&t.push(q[d]):h(b.slide,d,c)},a.indexOfSlide=function(a){return+a.slide.index},a.isActive=function(b){return a.active===b.slide.index},a.pause=function(){a.noPause||(o=!1,j())},a.play=function(){o||(o=!0,l())},a.$on("$destroy",function(){u=!0,j()}),a.$watch("noTransition",function(a){e.enabled(b,!a)}),a.$watch("interval",l),a.$watchCollection("slides",k),a.$watch("active",function(a){if(angular.isNumber(a)&&s!==a){for(var b=0;b-1){var g=!1;a=a.split("");for(var h=f;h-1){a=a.split(""),e[f]="("+d.regex+")",a[f]="$";for(var g=f+1,h=f+d.key.length;h>g;g++)e[g]="",a[g]="$";a=a.join(""),c.push({index:f,key:d.key,apply:d[b],matcher:d.regex})}}),{regex:new RegExp("^"+e.join("")+"$"),map:d(c,"index")}}function f(a,b,c){return 1>c?!1:1===b&&c>28?29===c&&(a%4===0&&a%100!==0||a%400===0):3===b||5===b||8===b||10===b?31>c:!0}function g(a){return parseInt(a,10)}function h(a,b){return a&&b?l(a,b):a}function i(a,b){return a&&b?l(a,b,!0):a}function j(a,b){var c=Date.parse("Jan 01, 1970 00:00:00 "+a)/6e4;return isNaN(c)?b:c}function k(a,b){return a=new Date(a.getTime()),a.setMinutes(a.getMinutes()+b),a}function l(a,b,c){c=c?-1:1;var d=j(b,a.getTimezoneOffset());return k(a,c*(d-a.getTimezoneOffset()))}var m,n,o=/[\\\^\$\*\+\?\|\[\]\(\)\.\{\}]/g;this.init=function(){m=b.id,this.parsers={},this.formatters={},n=[{key:"yyyy",regex:"\\d{4}",apply:function(a){this.year=+a},formatter:function(a){var b=new Date;return 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b=m.activeDate.getFullYear()+a*(m.step.years||0),c=m.activeDate.getMonth()+a*(m.step.months||0);m.activeDate.setFullYear(b,c,1),m.refreshView()},a.toggleMode=function(b){b=b||1,a.datepickerMode===m.maxMode&&1===b||a.datepickerMode===m.minMode&&-1===b||(l(m.modes[m.modes.indexOf(a.datepickerMode)+b]),a.$emit("uib:datepicker.mode"))},a.keys={13:"enter",32:"space",33:"pageup",34:"pagedown",35:"end",36:"home",37:"left",38:"up",39:"right",40:"down"};var s=function(){m.element[0].focus()};a.$on("uib:datepicker.focus",s),a.keydown=function(b){var 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c=this.activeDate.getDate();if("left"===a)c-=1;else if("up"===a)c-=7;else if("right"===a)c+=1;else if("down"===a)c+=7;else if("pageup"===a||"pagedown"===a){var e=this.activeDate.getMonth()+("pageup"===a?-1:1);this.activeDate.setMonth(e,1),c=Math.min(d(this.activeDate.getFullYear(),this.activeDate.getMonth()),c)}else"home"===a?c=1:"end"===a&&(c=d(this.activeDate.getFullYear(),this.activeDate.getMonth()));this.activeDate.setDate(c)}}]).controller("UibMonthpickerController",["$scope","$element","dateFilter",function(a,b,c){this.step={years:1},this.element=b,this.init=function(a){angular.extend(a,this),a.refreshView()},this._refreshView=function(){for(var b,d=new Array(12),e=this.activeDate.getFullYear(),f=0;12>f;f++)b=new Date(this.activeDate),b.setFullYear(e,f,1),d[f]=angular.extend(this.createDateObject(b,this.formatMonth),{uid:a.uniqueId+"-"+f});a.title=c(this.activeDate,this.formatMonthTitle),a.rows=this.split(d,3)},this.compare=function(a,b){var c=new Date(a.getFullYear(),a.getMonth()),d=new Date(b.getFullYear(),b.getMonth());return c.setFullYear(a.getFullYear()),d.setFullYear(b.getFullYear()),c-d},this.handleKeyDown=function(a,b){var c=this.activeDate.getMonth();if("left"===a)c-=1;else if("up"===a)c-=3;else if("right"===a)c+=1;else if("down"===a)c+=3;else if("pageup"===a||"pagedown"===a){var d=this.activeDate.getFullYear()+("pageup"===a?-1:1);this.activeDate.setFullYear(d)}else"home"===a?c=0:"end"===a&&(c=11);this.activeDate.setMonth(c)}}]).controller("UibYearpickerController",["$scope","$element","dateFilter",function(a,b,c){function d(a){return parseInt((a-1)/f,10)*f+1}var e,f;this.element=b,this.yearpickerInit=function(){e=this.yearColumns,f=this.yearRows*e,this.step={years:f}},this._refreshView=function(){for(var b,c=new Array(f),g=0,h=d(this.activeDate.getFullYear());f>g;g++)b=new Date(this.activeDate),b.setFullYear(h+g,0,1),c[g]=angular.extend(this.createDateObject(b,this.formatYear),{uid:a.uniqueId+"-"+g});a.title=[c[0].label,c[f-1].label].join(" - "),a.rows=this.split(c,e),a.columns=e},this.compare=function(a,b){return a.getFullYear()-b.getFullYear()},this.handleKeyDown=function(a,b){var c=this.activeDate.getFullYear();"left"===a?c-=1:"up"===a?c-=e:"right"===a?c+=1:"down"===a?c+=e:"pageup"===a||"pagedown"===a?c+=("pageup"===a?-1:1)*f:"home"===a?c=d(this.activeDate.getFullYear()):"end"===a&&(c=d(this.activeDate.getFullYear())+f-1),this.activeDate.setFullYear(c)}}]).directive("uibDatepicker",function(){return{replace:!0,templateUrl:function(a,b){return b.templateUrl||"uib/template/datepicker/datepicker.html"},scope:{datepickerMode:"=?",datepickerOptions:"=?",dateDisabled:"&",customClass:"&",shortcutPropagation:"&?"},require:["uibDatepicker","^ngModel"],controller:"UibDatepickerController",controllerAs:"datepicker",link:function(a,b,c,d){var e=d[0],f=d[1];e.init(f)}}}).directive("uibDaypicker",function(){return{replace:!0,templateUrl:function(a,b){return b.templateUrl||"uib/template/datepicker/day.html"},require:["^uibDatepicker","uibDaypicker"],controller:"UibDaypickerController",link:function(a,b,c,d){var e=d[0],f=d[1];f.init(e)}}}).directive("uibMonthpicker",function(){return{replace:!0,templateUrl:function(a,b){return b.templateUrl||"uib/template/datepicker/month.html"},require:["^uibDatepicker","uibMonthpicker"],controller:"UibMonthpickerController",link:function(a,b,c,d){var e=d[0],f=d[1];f.init(e)}}}).directive("uibYearpicker",function(){return{replace:!0,templateUrl:function(a,b){return b.templateUrl||"uib/template/datepicker/year.html"},require:["^uibDatepicker","uibYearpicker"],controller:"UibYearpickerController",link:function(a,b,c,d){var e=d[0];angular.extend(e,d[1]),e.yearpickerInit(),e.refreshView()}}}).value("uibDatepickerPopupAttributeWarning",!0).constant("uibDatepickerPopupConfig",{altInputFormats:[],appendToBody:!1,clearText:"Clear",closeOnDateSelection:!0,closeText:"Done",currentText:"Today",datepickerPopup:"yyyy-MM-dd",datepickerPopupTemplateUrl:"uib/template/datepicker/popup.html",datepickerTemplateUrl:"uib/template/datepicker/datepicker.html",html5Types:{date:"yyyy-MM-dd","datetime-local":"yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sss",month:"yyyy-MM"},onOpenFocus:!0,showButtonBar:!0,placement:"auto bottom-left"}).controller("UibDatepickerPopupController",["$scope","$element","$attrs","$compile","$log","$parse","$window","$document","$rootScope","$uibPosition","dateFilter","uibDateParser","uibDatepickerPopupConfig","$timeout","uibDatepickerConfig","uibDatepickerPopupAttributeWarning",function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p){function q(a){return a.replace(/([A-Z])/g,function(a){return"-"+a.toLowerCase()})}function r(b){var c=l.parse(b,x,a.date);if(isNaN(c))for(var d=0;d
"),a.ngModelOptions=angular.copy(H),a.ngModelOptions.timezone=null,a.ngModelOptions.updateOnDefault===!0&&(a.ngModelOptions.updateOn=a.ngModelOptions.updateOn?a.ngModelOptions.updateOn+" default":"default"),D.attr({"ng-model":"date","ng-model-options":"ngModelOptions","ng-change":"dateSelection(date)","template-url":B}),E=angular.element(D.children()[0]),E.attr("template-url",C),L&&"month"===c.type&&(E.attr("datepicker-mode",'"month"'),E.attr("min-mode","month")),a.datepickerOptions&&E.attr("datepicker-options","datepickerOptions"),angular.forEach(["minMode","maxMode","datepickerMode","shortcutPropagation"],function(b){if(c[b]){p&&e.warn("uib-datepicker settings via uib-datepicker-popup attributes are deprecated and will be removed in UI Bootstrap 1.3, use datepicker-options attribute instead");var d=f(c[b]),g={get:function(){return d(a.$parent)}};if(E.attr(q(b),"watchData."+b),"datepickerMode"===b){var h=d.assign;g.set=function(b){h(a.$parent,b)}}Object.defineProperty(a.watchData,b,g)}}),angular.forEach(["minDate","maxDate","initDate"],function(b){if(c[b]){p&&e.warn("uib-datepicker settings via uib-datepicker-popup attributes are deprecated and will be removed in UI Bootstrap 1.3, use datepicker-options attribute instead");var d=f(c[b]);M.push(a.$parent.$watch(d,function(c){if("minDate"===b||"maxDate"===b)null===c?K[b]=null:angular.isDate(c)?K[b]=l.fromTimezone(new Date(c),H.timezone):K[b]=new Date(k(c,"medium")),a.watchData[b]=null===c?null:K[b];else{var d=c?new Date(c):new Date;a.watchData[b]=l.fromTimezone(d,H.timezone)}})),E.attr(q(b),"watchData."+b)}}),c.dateDisabled&&(p&&e.warn("uib-datepicker settings via uib-datepicker-popup attributes are deprecated and will be removed in UI Bootstrap 1.3, use datepicker-options attribute instead"),E.attr("date-disabled","dateDisabled({ date: date, mode: mode 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Date(a.date)),l.filter(a.date,x))})),G.$viewChangeListeners.push(function(){a.date=r(G.$viewValue)}),b.on("keydown",v),I=d(D)(a),D.remove(),z?h.find("body").append(I):b.after(I),a.$on("$destroy",function(){for(a.isOpen===!0&&(i.$$phase||a.$apply(function(){a.isOpen=!1})),I.remove(),b.off("keydown",v),h.off("click",u),F&&F.off("scroll",w),angular.element(g).off("resize",w);M.length;)M.shift()()})},a.getText=function(b){return a[b+"Text"]||m[b+"Text"]},a.isDisabled=function(b){return"today"===b&&(b=new Date),a.watchData.minDate&&a.compare(b,K.minDate)<0||a.watchData.maxDate&&a.compare(b,K.maxDate)>0},a.compare=function(a,b){return new Date(a.getFullYear(),a.getMonth(),a.getDate())-new Date(b.getFullYear(),b.getMonth(),b.getDate())},a.dateSelection=function(c){angular.isDefined(c)&&(a.date=c);var 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deps: mime-db@~1.18.0 + +1.2.12 / 2015-07-30 +=================== + + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.4 + - deps: mime-db@~1.16.0 + +1.2.11 / 2015-07-16 +=================== + + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.3 + - deps: mime-db@~1.15.0 + +1.2.10 / 2015-07-01 +=================== + + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.2 + - deps: mime-db@~1.14.0 + +1.2.9 / 2015-06-08 +================== + + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.1 + - perf: fix deopt during mapping + +1.2.8 / 2015-06-07 +================== + + * deps: mime-types@~2.1.0 + - deps: mime-db@~1.13.0 + * perf: avoid argument reassignment & argument slice + * perf: avoid negotiator recursive construction + * perf: enable strict mode + * perf: remove unnecessary bitwise operator + +1.2.7 / 2015-05-10 +================== + + * deps: negotiator@0.5.3 + - Fix media type parameter matching to be case-insensitive + +1.2.6 / 2015-05-07 +================== + + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.11 + - deps: mime-db@~1.9.1 + * deps: negotiator@0.5.2 + - Fix comparing media types with quoted values + - Fix splitting media types with quoted commas + +1.2.5 / 2015-03-13 +================== + + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.10 + - deps: mime-db@~1.8.0 + +1.2.4 / 2015-02-14 +================== + + * Support Node.js 0.6 + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.9 + - deps: mime-db@~1.7.0 + * deps: negotiator@0.5.1 + - Fix preference sorting to be stable for long acceptable lists + +1.2.3 / 2015-01-31 +================== + + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.8 + - deps: mime-db@~1.6.0 + +1.2.2 / 2014-12-30 +================== + + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.7 + - deps: mime-db@~1.5.0 + +1.2.1 / 2014-12-30 +================== + + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.5 + - deps: mime-db@~1.3.1 + +1.2.0 / 2014-12-19 +================== + + * deps: negotiator@0.5.0 + - Fix list return order when large accepted list + - Fix missing identity encoding when q=0 exists + - Remove dynamic building of Negotiator class + +1.1.4 / 2014-12-10 +================== + + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.4 + - deps: mime-db@~1.3.0 + +1.1.3 / 2014-11-09 +================== + + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.3 + - deps: mime-db@~1.2.0 + +1.1.2 / 2014-10-14 +================== + + * deps: negotiator@0.4.9 + - Fix error when media type has invalid parameter + +1.1.1 / 2014-09-28 +================== + + * deps: mime-types@~2.0.2 + - deps: mime-db@~1.1.0 + * deps: negotiator@0.4.8 + - Fix all negotiations to be case-insensitive + - Stable sort preferences of same quality according to client order + +1.1.0 / 2014-09-02 +================== + + * update `mime-types` + +1.0.7 / 2014-07-04 +================== + + * Fix wrong type returned from `type` when match after unknown extension + +1.0.6 / 2014-06-24 +================== + + * deps: negotiator@0.4.7 + +1.0.5 / 2014-06-20 +================== + + * fix crash when unknown extension given + +1.0.4 / 2014-06-19 +================== + + * use `mime-types` + +1.0.3 / 2014-06-11 +================== + + * deps: negotiator@0.4.6 + - Order by specificity when quality is the same + +1.0.2 / 2014-05-29 +================== + + * Fix interpretation when header not in request + * deps: pin negotiator@0.4.5 + +1.0.1 / 2014-01-18 +================== + + * Identity encoding isn't always acceptable + * deps: negotiator@~0.4.0 + +1.0.0 / 2013-12-27 +================== + + * Genesis diff --git a/src/main/webapp/node_modules/accepts/LICENSE b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/accepts/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0616607 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/accepts/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +(The MIT License) + +Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Ong +Copyright (c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. +IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY +CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, +TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE +SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/src/main/webapp/node_modules/accepts/README.md b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/accepts/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae36676 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/accepts/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +# accepts + +[![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] +[![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] +[![Node.js Version][node-version-image]][node-version-url] +[![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] +[![Test Coverage][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url] + +Higher level content negotiation based on [negotiator](https://www.npmjs.com/package/negotiator). Extracted from [koa](https://www.npmjs.com/package/koa) for general use. + +In addition to negotiator, it allows: + +- Allows types as an array or arguments list, ie `(['text/html', 'application/json'])` as well as `('text/html', 'application/json')`. +- Allows type shorthands such as `json`. +- Returns `false` when no types match +- Treats non-existent headers as `*` + +## Installation + +```sh +npm install accepts +``` + +## API + +```js +var accepts = require('accepts') +``` + +### accepts(req) + +Create a new `Accepts` object for the given `req`. + +#### .charset(charsets) + +Return the first accepted charset. If nothing in `charsets` is accepted, +then `false` is returned. + +#### .charsets() + +Return the charsets that the request accepts, in the order of the client's +preference (most preferred first). + +#### .encoding(encodings) + +Return the first accepted encoding. If nothing in `encodings` is accepted, +then `false` is returned. + +#### .encodings() + +Return the encodings that the request accepts, in the order of the client's +preference (most preferred first). + +#### .language(languages) + +Return the first accepted language. If nothing in `languages` is accepted, +then `false` is returned. + +#### .languages() + +Return the languages that the request accepts, in the order of the client's +preference (most preferred first). + +#### .type(types) + +Return the first accepted type (and it is returned as the same text as what +appears in the `types` array). If nothing in `types` is accepted, then `false` +is returned. + +The `types` array can contain full MIME types or file extensions. Any value +that is not a full MIME types is passed to `require('mime-types').lookup`. + +#### .types() + +Return the types that the request accepts, in the order of the client's +preference (most preferred first). + +## Examples + +### Simple type negotiation + +This simple example shows how to use `accepts` to return a different typed +respond body based on what the client wants to accept. The server lists it's +preferences in order and will get back the best match between the client and +server. + +```js +var accepts = require('accepts') +var http = require('http') + +function app(req, res) { + var accept = accepts(req) + + // the order of this list is significant; should be server preferred order + switch(accept.type(['json', 'html'])) { + case 'json': + res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') + res.write('{"hello":"world!"}') + break + case 'html': + res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html') + res.write('hello, world!') + break + default: + // the fallback is text/plain, so no need to specify it above + res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain') + res.write('hello, world!') + break + } + + res.end() +} + +http.createServer(app).listen(3000) +``` + +You can test this out with the cURL program: +```sh +curl -I -H'Accept: text/html' http://localhost:3000/ +``` + +## License + +[MIT](LICENSE) + +[npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/accepts.svg +[npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/accepts +[node-version-image]: https://img.shields.io/node/v/accepts.svg +[node-version-url]: http://nodejs.org/download/ +[travis-image]: https://img.shields.io/travis/jshttp/accepts/master.svg +[travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/jshttp/accepts +[coveralls-image]: https://img.shields.io/coveralls/jshttp/accepts/master.svg +[coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/jshttp/accepts +[downloads-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/accepts.svg +[downloads-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/accepts diff --git a/src/main/webapp/node_modules/accepts/index.js b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/accepts/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e80192a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/accepts/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +/*! + * accepts + * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong + * Copyright(c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson + * MIT Licensed + */ + +'use strict' + +/** + * Module dependencies. + * @private + */ + +var Negotiator = require('negotiator') +var mime = require('mime-types') + +/** + * Module exports. + * @public + */ + +module.exports = Accepts + +/** + * Create a new Accepts object for the given req. + * + * @param {object} req + * @public + */ + +function Accepts(req) { + if (!(this instanceof Accepts)) + return new Accepts(req) + + this.headers = req.headers + this.negotiator = new Negotiator(req) +} + +/** + * Check if the given `type(s)` is acceptable, returning + * the best match when true, otherwise `undefined`, in which + * case you should respond with 406 "Not Acceptable". + * + * The `type` value may be a single mime type string + * such as "application/json", the extension name + * such as "json" or an array `["json", "html", "text/plain"]`. When a list + * or array is given the _best_ match, if any is returned. + * + * Examples: + * + * // Accept: text/html + * this.types('html'); + * // => "html" + * + * // Accept: text/*, application/json + * this.types('html'); + * // => "html" + * this.types('text/html'); + * // => "text/html" + * this.types('json', 'text'); + * // => "json" + * this.types('application/json'); + * // => "application/json" + * + * // Accept: text/*, application/json + * this.types('image/png'); + * this.types('png'); + * // => undefined + * + * // Accept: text/*;q=.5, application/json + * this.types(['html', 'json']); + * this.types('html', 'json'); + * // => "json" + * + * @param {String|Array} types... + * @return {String|Array|Boolean} + * @public + */ + +Accepts.prototype.type = +Accepts.prototype.types = function (types_) { + var types = types_ + + // support flattened arguments + if (types && !Array.isArray(types)) { + types = new Array(arguments.length) + for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { + types[i] = arguments[i] + } + } + + // no types, return all requested types + if (!types || types.length === 0) { + return this.negotiator.mediaTypes() + } + + if (!this.headers.accept) return types[0]; + var mimes = types.map(extToMime); + var accepts = this.negotiator.mediaTypes(mimes.filter(validMime)); + var first = accepts[0]; + if (!first) return false; + return types[mimes.indexOf(first)]; +} + +/** + * Return accepted encodings or best fit based on `encodings`. + * + * Given `Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate` + * an array sorted by quality is returned: + * + * ['gzip', 'deflate'] + * + * @param {String|Array} encodings... + * @return {String|Array} + * @public + */ + +Accepts.prototype.encoding = +Accepts.prototype.encodings = function (encodings_) { + var encodings = encodings_ + + // support flattened arguments + if (encodings && !Array.isArray(encodings)) { + encodings = new Array(arguments.length) + for (var i = 0; i < encodings.length; i++) { + encodings[i] = arguments[i] + } + } + + // no encodings, return all requested encodings + if (!encodings || encodings.length === 0) { + return this.negotiator.encodings() + } + + return this.negotiator.encodings(encodings)[0] || false +} + +/** + * Return accepted charsets or best fit based on `charsets`. + * + * Given `Accept-Charset: utf-8, iso-8859-1;q=0.2, utf-7;q=0.5` + * an array sorted by quality is returned: + * + * ['utf-8', 'utf-7', 'iso-8859-1'] + * + * @param {String|Array} charsets... + * @return {String|Array} + * @public + */ + +Accepts.prototype.charset = +Accepts.prototype.charsets = function (charsets_) { + var charsets = charsets_ + + // support flattened arguments + if (charsets && !Array.isArray(charsets)) { + charsets = new Array(arguments.length) + for (var i = 0; i < charsets.length; i++) { + charsets[i] = arguments[i] + } + } + + // no charsets, return all requested charsets + if (!charsets || charsets.length === 0) { + return this.negotiator.charsets() + } + + return this.negotiator.charsets(charsets)[0] || false +} + +/** + * Return accepted languages or best fit based on `langs`. + * + * Given `Accept-Language: en;q=0.8, es, pt` + * an array sorted by quality is returned: + * + * ['es', 'pt', 'en'] + * + * @param {String|Array} langs... + * @return {Array|String} + * @public + */ + +Accepts.prototype.lang = +Accepts.prototype.langs = +Accepts.prototype.language = +Accepts.prototype.languages = function (languages_) { + var languages = languages_ + + // support flattened arguments + if (languages && !Array.isArray(languages)) { + languages = new Array(arguments.length) + for (var i = 0; i < languages.length; i++) { + languages[i] = arguments[i] + } + } + + // no languages, return all requested languages + if (!languages || languages.length === 0) { + return this.negotiator.languages() + } + + return this.negotiator.languages(languages)[0] || false +} + +/** + * Convert extnames to mime. + * + * @param {String} type + * @return {String} + * @private + */ + +function extToMime(type) { + return type.indexOf('/') === -1 + ? mime.lookup(type) + : type +} + +/** + * Check if mime is valid. + * + * @param {String} type + * @return {String} + * @private + */ + +function validMime(type) { + return typeof type === 'string'; +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/node_modules/accepts/package.json b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/accepts/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c36649 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/accepts/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +{ + "_args": [ + [ + "accepts@~1.2.12", + "/Users/gcaraciolo/Documents/workspace/cardgame-webclient/node_modules/express" + ] + ], + "_from": "accepts@>=1.2.12 <1.3.0", + "_id": "accepts@1.2.13", + "_inCache": true, + "_installable": true, + "_location": "/accepts", + "_npmUser": { + "email": "doug@somethingdoug.com", + "name": "dougwilson" + }, + "_npmVersion": "1.4.28", + "_phantomChildren": {}, + "_requested": { + "name": "accepts", + "raw": "accepts@~1.2.12", + "rawSpec": "~1.2.12", + "scope": null, + "spec": ">=1.2.12 <1.3.0", + "type": "range" + }, + "_requiredBy": [ + "/express" + ], + "_resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/accepts/-/accepts-1.2.13.tgz", + "_shasum": "e5f1f3928c6d95fd96558c36ec3d9d0de4a6ecea", + "_shrinkwrap": null, + "_spec": "accepts@~1.2.12", + "_where": "/Users/gcaraciolo/Documents/workspace/cardgame-webclient/node_modules/express", + "bugs": { + "url": "https://github.com/jshttp/accepts/issues" + }, + "contributors": [ + { + "name": "Douglas Christopher Wilson", + "email": "doug@somethingdoug.com" + }, + { + "name": "Jonathan Ong", + "email": "me@jongleberry.com", + "url": "http://jongleberry.com" + } + ], + "dependencies": { + "mime-types": "~2.1.6", + "negotiator": "0.5.3" + }, + "description": "Higher-level content negotiation", + "devDependencies": { + "istanbul": "0.3.19", + "mocha": "~1.21.5" + }, + "directories": {}, + "dist": { + "shasum": "e5f1f3928c6d95fd96558c36ec3d9d0de4a6ecea", + "tarball": "http://registry.npmjs.org/accepts/-/accepts-1.2.13.tgz" + }, + "engines": { + "node": ">= 0.6" + }, + "files": [ + "HISTORY.md", + "LICENSE", + "index.js" + ], + "gitHead": "b7e15ecb25dacc0b2133ed0553d64f8a79537e01", + "homepage": "https://github.com/jshttp/accepts", + "keywords": [ + "accept", + "accepts", + "content", + "negotiation" + ], + "license": "MIT", + "maintainers": [ + { + "name": "jongleberry", + "email": "jonathanrichardong@gmail.com" + }, + { + "name": "federomero", + "email": "federomero@gmail.com" + }, + { + "name": "dougwilson", + "email": "doug@somethingdoug.com" + }, + { + "name": "fishrock123", + "email": "fishrock123@rocketmail.com" + }, + { + "name": "tjholowaychuk", + "email": "tj@vision-media.ca" + }, + { + "name": "mscdex", + "email": "mscdex@mscdex.net" + }, + { + "name": "defunctzombie", + "email": "shtylman@gmail.com" + } + ], + "name": "accepts", + "optionalDependencies": {}, + "readme": "ERROR: No README data found!", + "repository": { + "type": "git", + "url": "git+https://github.com/jshttp/accepts.git" + }, + "scripts": { + "test": "mocha --reporter spec --check-leaks --bail test/", + "test-cov": "istanbul cover node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha -- --reporter dot --check-leaks test/", + "test-travis": "istanbul cover node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha --report lcovonly -- --reporter spec --check-leaks test/" + }, + "version": "1.2.13" +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-animate/README.md b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-animate/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8313da6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-animate/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +# packaged angular-animate + +This repo is for distribution on `npm` and `bower`. The source for this module is in the +[main AngularJS repo](https://github.com/angular/angular.js/tree/master/src/ngAnimate). +Please file issues and pull requests against that repo. + +## Install + +You can install this package either with `npm` or with `bower`. + +### npm + +```shell +npm install angular-animate +``` + +Then add `ngAnimate` as a dependency for your app: + +```javascript +angular.module('myApp', [require('angular-animate')]); +``` + +### bower + +```shell +bower install angular-animate +``` + +Then add a ` +``` + +Then add `ngAnimate` as a dependency for your app: + +```javascript +angular.module('myApp', ['ngAnimate']); +``` + +## Documentation + +Documentation is available on the +[AngularJS docs site](http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngAnimate). + +## License + +The MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-animate/angular-animate.js b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-animate/angular-animate.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1aa4ed8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-animate/angular-animate.js @@ -0,0 +1,4147 @@ +/** + * @license AngularJS v1.5.5 + * (c) 2010-2016 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org + * License: MIT + */ +(function(window, angular) {'use strict'; + +/* jshint ignore:start */ +var noop = angular.noop; +var copy = angular.copy; +var extend = angular.extend; +var jqLite = angular.element; +var forEach = angular.forEach; +var isArray = angular.isArray; +var isString = angular.isString; +var isObject = angular.isObject; +var isUndefined = angular.isUndefined; +var isDefined = angular.isDefined; +var isFunction = angular.isFunction; +var isElement = angular.isElement; + +var ELEMENT_NODE = 1; +var COMMENT_NODE = 8; + +var ADD_CLASS_SUFFIX = '-add'; +var REMOVE_CLASS_SUFFIX = '-remove'; +var EVENT_CLASS_PREFIX = 'ng-'; +var ACTIVE_CLASS_SUFFIX = '-active'; +var PREPARE_CLASS_SUFFIX = '-prepare'; + +var NG_ANIMATE_CLASSNAME = 'ng-animate'; +var NG_ANIMATE_CHILDREN_DATA = '$$ngAnimateChildren'; + +// Detect proper transitionend/animationend event names. +var CSS_PREFIX = '', TRANSITION_PROP, TRANSITIONEND_EVENT, ANIMATION_PROP, ANIMATIONEND_EVENT; + +// If unprefixed events are not supported but webkit-prefixed are, use the latter. +// Otherwise, just use W3C names, browsers not supporting them at all will just ignore them. +// Note: Chrome implements `window.onwebkitanimationend` and doesn't implement `window.onanimationend` +// but at the same time dispatches the `animationend` event and not `webkitAnimationEnd`. +// Register both events in case `window.onanimationend` is not supported because of that, +// do the same for `transitionend` as Safari is likely to exhibit similar behavior. +// Also, the only modern browser that uses vendor prefixes for transitions/keyframes is webkit +// therefore there is no reason to test anymore for other vendor prefixes: +// http://caniuse.com/#search=transition +if (isUndefined(window.ontransitionend) && isDefined(window.onwebkittransitionend)) { + CSS_PREFIX = '-webkit-'; + TRANSITION_PROP = 'WebkitTransition'; + TRANSITIONEND_EVENT = 'webkitTransitionEnd transitionend'; +} else { + TRANSITION_PROP = 'transition'; + TRANSITIONEND_EVENT = 'transitionend'; +} + +if (isUndefined(window.onanimationend) && isDefined(window.onwebkitanimationend)) { + CSS_PREFIX = '-webkit-'; + ANIMATION_PROP = 'WebkitAnimation'; + ANIMATIONEND_EVENT = 'webkitAnimationEnd animationend'; +} else { + ANIMATION_PROP = 'animation'; + ANIMATIONEND_EVENT = 'animationend'; +} + +var DURATION_KEY = 'Duration'; +var PROPERTY_KEY = 'Property'; +var DELAY_KEY = 'Delay'; +var TIMING_KEY = 'TimingFunction'; +var ANIMATION_ITERATION_COUNT_KEY = 'IterationCount'; +var ANIMATION_PLAYSTATE_KEY = 'PlayState'; +var SAFE_FAST_FORWARD_DURATION_VALUE = 9999; + +var ANIMATION_DELAY_PROP = ANIMATION_PROP + DELAY_KEY; +var ANIMATION_DURATION_PROP = ANIMATION_PROP + DURATION_KEY; +var TRANSITION_DELAY_PROP = TRANSITION_PROP + DELAY_KEY; +var TRANSITION_DURATION_PROP = TRANSITION_PROP + DURATION_KEY; + +var isPromiseLike = function(p) { + return p && p.then ? true : false; +}; + +var ngMinErr = angular.$$minErr('ng'); +function assertArg(arg, name, reason) { + if (!arg) { + throw ngMinErr('areq', "Argument '{0}' is {1}", (name || '?'), (reason || "required")); + } + return arg; +} + +function mergeClasses(a,b) { + if (!a && !b) return ''; + if (!a) return b; + if (!b) return a; + if (isArray(a)) a = a.join(' '); + if (isArray(b)) b = b.join(' '); + return a + ' ' + b; +} + +function packageStyles(options) { + var styles = {}; + if (options && (options.to || options.from)) { + styles.to = options.to; + styles.from = options.from; + } + return styles; +} + +function pendClasses(classes, fix, isPrefix) { + var className = ''; + classes = isArray(classes) + ? classes + : classes && isString(classes) && classes.length + ? classes.split(/\s+/) + : []; + forEach(classes, function(klass, i) { + if (klass && klass.length > 0) { + className += (i > 0) ? ' ' : ''; + className += isPrefix ? fix + klass + : klass + fix; + } + }); + return className; +} + +function removeFromArray(arr, val) { + var index = arr.indexOf(val); + if (val >= 0) { + arr.splice(index, 1); + } +} + +function stripCommentsFromElement(element) { + if (element instanceof jqLite) { + switch (element.length) { + case 0: + return []; + break; + + case 1: + // there is no point of stripping anything if the element + // is the only element within the jqLite wrapper. + // (it's important that we retain the element instance.) + if (element[0].nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) { + return element; + } + break; + + default: + return jqLite(extractElementNode(element)); + break; + } + } + + if (element.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) { + return jqLite(element); + } +} + +function extractElementNode(element) { + if (!element[0]) return element; + for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) { + var elm = element[i]; + if (elm.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) { + return elm; + } + } +} + +function $$addClass($$jqLite, element, className) { + forEach(element, function(elm) { + $$jqLite.addClass(elm, className); + }); +} + +function $$removeClass($$jqLite, element, className) { + forEach(element, function(elm) { + $$jqLite.removeClass(elm, className); + }); +} + +function applyAnimationClassesFactory($$jqLite) { + return function(element, options) { + if (options.addClass) { + $$addClass($$jqLite, element, options.addClass); + options.addClass = null; + } + if (options.removeClass) { + $$removeClass($$jqLite, element, options.removeClass); + options.removeClass = null; + } + } +} + +function prepareAnimationOptions(options) { + options = options || {}; + if (!options.$$prepared) { + var domOperation = options.domOperation || noop; + options.domOperation = function() { + options.$$domOperationFired = true; + domOperation(); + domOperation = noop; + }; + options.$$prepared = true; + } + return options; +} + +function applyAnimationStyles(element, options) { + applyAnimationFromStyles(element, options); + applyAnimationToStyles(element, options); +} + +function applyAnimationFromStyles(element, options) { + if (options.from) { + element.css(options.from); + options.from = null; + } +} + +function applyAnimationToStyles(element, options) { + if (options.to) { + element.css(options.to); + options.to = null; + } +} + +function mergeAnimationDetails(element, oldAnimation, newAnimation) { + var target = oldAnimation.options || {}; + var newOptions = newAnimation.options || {}; + + var toAdd = (target.addClass || '') + ' ' + (newOptions.addClass || ''); + var toRemove = (target.removeClass || '') + ' ' + (newOptions.removeClass || ''); + var classes = resolveElementClasses(element.attr('class'), toAdd, toRemove); + + if (newOptions.preparationClasses) { + target.preparationClasses = concatWithSpace(newOptions.preparationClasses, target.preparationClasses); + delete newOptions.preparationClasses; + } + + // noop is basically when there is no callback; otherwise something has been set + var realDomOperation = target.domOperation !== noop ? target.domOperation : null; + + extend(target, newOptions); + + // TODO(matsko or sreeramu): proper fix is to maintain all animation callback in array and call at last,but now only leave has the callback so no issue with this. + if (realDomOperation) { + target.domOperation = realDomOperation; + } + + if (classes.addClass) { + target.addClass = classes.addClass; + } else { + target.addClass = null; + } + + if (classes.removeClass) { + target.removeClass = classes.removeClass; + } else { + target.removeClass = null; + } + + oldAnimation.addClass = target.addClass; + oldAnimation.removeClass = target.removeClass; + + return target; +} + +function resolveElementClasses(existing, toAdd, toRemove) { + var ADD_CLASS = 1; + var REMOVE_CLASS = -1; + + var flags = {}; + existing = splitClassesToLookup(existing); + + toAdd = splitClassesToLookup(toAdd); + forEach(toAdd, function(value, key) { + flags[key] = ADD_CLASS; + }); + + toRemove = splitClassesToLookup(toRemove); + forEach(toRemove, function(value, key) { + flags[key] = flags[key] === ADD_CLASS ? null : REMOVE_CLASS; + }); + + var classes = { + addClass: '', + removeClass: '' + }; + + forEach(flags, function(val, klass) { + var prop, allow; + if (val === ADD_CLASS) { + prop = 'addClass'; + allow = !existing[klass]; + } else if (val === REMOVE_CLASS) { + prop = 'removeClass'; + allow = existing[klass]; + } + if (allow) { + if (classes[prop].length) { + classes[prop] += ' '; + } + classes[prop] += klass; + } + }); + + function splitClassesToLookup(classes) { + if (isString(classes)) { + classes = classes.split(' '); + } + + var obj = {}; + forEach(classes, function(klass) { + // sometimes the split leaves empty string values + // incase extra spaces were applied to the options + if (klass.length) { + obj[klass] = true; + } + }); + return obj; + } + + return classes; +} + +function getDomNode(element) { + return (element instanceof angular.element) ? element[0] : element; +} + +function applyGeneratedPreparationClasses(element, event, options) { + var classes = ''; + if (event) { + classes = pendClasses(event, EVENT_CLASS_PREFIX, true); + } + if (options.addClass) { + classes = concatWithSpace(classes, pendClasses(options.addClass, ADD_CLASS_SUFFIX)); + } + if (options.removeClass) { + classes = concatWithSpace(classes, pendClasses(options.removeClass, REMOVE_CLASS_SUFFIX)); + } + if (classes.length) { + options.preparationClasses = classes; + element.addClass(classes); + } +} + +function clearGeneratedClasses(element, options) { + if (options.preparationClasses) { + element.removeClass(options.preparationClasses); + options.preparationClasses = null; + } + if (options.activeClasses) { + element.removeClass(options.activeClasses); + options.activeClasses = null; + } +} + +function blockTransitions(node, duration) { + // we use a negative delay value since it performs blocking + // yet it doesn't kill any existing transitions running on the + // same element which makes this safe for class-based animations + var value = duration ? '-' + duration + 's' : ''; + applyInlineStyle(node, [TRANSITION_DELAY_PROP, value]); + return [TRANSITION_DELAY_PROP, value]; +} + +function blockKeyframeAnimations(node, applyBlock) { + var value = applyBlock ? 'paused' : ''; + var key = ANIMATION_PROP + ANIMATION_PLAYSTATE_KEY; + applyInlineStyle(node, [key, value]); + return [key, value]; +} + +function applyInlineStyle(node, styleTuple) { + var prop = styleTuple[0]; + var value = styleTuple[1]; + node.style[prop] = value; +} + +function concatWithSpace(a,b) { + if (!a) return b; + if (!b) return a; + return a + ' ' + b; +} + +var $$rAFSchedulerFactory = ['$$rAF', function($$rAF) { + var queue, cancelFn; + + function scheduler(tasks) { + // we make a copy since RAFScheduler mutates the state + // of the passed in array variable and this would be difficult + // to track down on the outside code + queue = queue.concat(tasks); + nextTick(); + } + + queue = scheduler.queue = []; + + /* waitUntilQuiet does two things: + * 1. It will run the FINAL `fn` value only when an uncanceled RAF has passed through + * 2. It will delay the next wave of tasks from running until the quiet `fn` has run. + * + * The motivation here is that animation code can request more time from the scheduler + * before the next wave runs. This allows for certain DOM properties such as classes to + * be resolved in time for the next animation to run. + */ + scheduler.waitUntilQuiet = function(fn) { + if (cancelFn) cancelFn(); + + cancelFn = $$rAF(function() { + cancelFn = null; + fn(); + nextTick(); + }); + }; + + return scheduler; + + function nextTick() { + if (!queue.length) return; + + var items = queue.shift(); + for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { + items[i](); + } + + if (!cancelFn) { + $$rAF(function() { + if (!cancelFn) nextTick(); + }); + } + } +}]; + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ngAnimateChildren + * @restrict AE + * @element ANY + * + * @description + * + * ngAnimateChildren allows you to specify that children of this element should animate even if any + * of the children's parents are currently animating. By default, when an element has an active `enter`, `leave`, or `move` + * (structural) animation, child elements that also have an active structural animation are not animated. + * + * Note that even if `ngAnimteChildren` is set, no child animations will run when the parent element is removed from the DOM (`leave` animation). + * + * + * @param {string} ngAnimateChildren If the value is empty, `true` or `on`, + * then child animations are allowed. If the value is `false`, child animations are not allowed. + * + * @example + * + +
+ + +
+ List of items: +
Item {{item}}
+ + + .container.ng-enter, + .container.ng-leave { + transition: all ease 1.5s; + } + + .container.ng-enter, + .container.ng-leave-active { + opacity: 0; + } + + .container.ng-leave, + .container.ng-enter-active { + opacity: 1; + } + + .item { + background: firebrick; + color: #FFF; + margin-bottom: 10px; + } + + .item.ng-enter, + .item.ng-leave { + transition: transform 1.5s ease; + } + + .item.ng-enter { + transform: translateX(50px); + } + + .item.ng-enter-active { + transform: translateX(0); + } + + + angular.module('ngAnimateChildren', ['ngAnimate']) + .controller('mainController', function() { + this.animateChildren = false; + this.enterElement = false; + }); + +
+ */ +var $$AnimateChildrenDirective = ['$interpolate', function($interpolate) { + return { + link: function(scope, element, attrs) { + var val = attrs.ngAnimateChildren; + if (angular.isString(val) && val.length === 0) { //empty attribute + element.data(NG_ANIMATE_CHILDREN_DATA, true); + } else { + // Interpolate and set the value, so that it is available to + // animations that run right after compilation + setData($interpolate(val)(scope)); + attrs.$observe('ngAnimateChildren', setData); + } + + function setData(value) { + value = value === 'on' || value === 'true'; + element.data(NG_ANIMATE_CHILDREN_DATA, value); + } + } + }; +}]; + +var ANIMATE_TIMER_KEY = '$$animateCss'; + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $animateCss + * @kind object + * + * @description + * The `$animateCss` service is a useful utility to trigger customized CSS-based transitions/keyframes + * from a JavaScript-based animation or directly from a directive. The purpose of `$animateCss` is NOT + * to side-step how `$animate` and ngAnimate work, but the goal is to allow pre-existing animations or + * directives to create more complex animations that can be purely driven using CSS code. + * + * Note that only browsers that support CSS transitions and/or keyframe animations are capable of + * rendering animations triggered via `$animateCss` (bad news for IE9 and lower). + * + * ## Usage + * Once again, `$animateCss` is designed to be used inside of a registered JavaScript animation that + * is powered by ngAnimate. It is possible to use `$animateCss` directly inside of a directive, however, + * any automatic control over cancelling animations and/or preventing animations from being run on + * child elements will not be handled by Angular. For this to work as expected, please use `$animate` to + * trigger the animation and then setup a JavaScript animation that injects `$animateCss` to trigger + * the CSS animation. + * + * The example below shows how we can create a folding animation on an element using `ng-if`: + * + * ```html + * + *
+ * This element will go BOOM + *
+ * + * ``` + * + * Now we create the **JavaScript animation** that will trigger the CSS transition: + * + * ```js + * ngModule.animation('.fold-animation', ['$animateCss', function($animateCss) { + * return { + * enter: function(element, doneFn) { + * var height = element[0].offsetHeight; + * return $animateCss(element, { + * from: { height:'0px' }, + * to: { height:height + 'px' }, + * duration: 1 // one second + * }); + * } + * } + * }]); + * ``` + * + * ## More Advanced Uses + * + * `$animateCss` is the underlying code that ngAnimate uses to power **CSS-based animations** behind the scenes. Therefore CSS hooks + * like `.ng-EVENT`, `.ng-EVENT-active`, `.ng-EVENT-stagger` are all features that can be triggered using `$animateCss` via JavaScript code. + * + * This also means that just about any combination of adding classes, removing classes, setting styles, dynamically setting a keyframe animation, + * applying a hardcoded duration or delay value, changing the animation easing or applying a stagger animation are all options that work with + * `$animateCss`. The service itself is smart enough to figure out the combination of options and examine the element styling properties in order + * to provide a working animation that will run in CSS. + * + * The example below showcases a more advanced version of the `.fold-animation` from the example above: + * + * ```js + * ngModule.animation('.fold-animation', ['$animateCss', function($animateCss) { + * return { + * enter: function(element, doneFn) { + * var height = element[0].offsetHeight; + * return $animateCss(element, { + * addClass: 'red large-text pulse-twice', + * easing: 'ease-out', + * from: { height:'0px' }, + * to: { height:height + 'px' }, + * duration: 1 // one second + * }); + * } + * } + * }]); + * ``` + * + * Since we're adding/removing CSS classes then the CSS transition will also pick those up: + * + * ```css + * /* since a hardcoded duration value of 1 was provided in the JavaScript animation code, + * the CSS classes below will be transitioned despite them being defined as regular CSS classes */ + * .red { background:red; } + * .large-text { font-size:20px; } + * + * /* we can also use a keyframe animation and $animateCss will make it work alongside the transition */ + * .pulse-twice { + * animation: 0.5s pulse linear 2; + * -webkit-animation: 0.5s pulse linear 2; + * } + * + * @keyframes pulse { + * from { transform: scale(0.5); } + * to { transform: scale(1.5); } + * } + * + * @-webkit-keyframes pulse { + * from { -webkit-transform: scale(0.5); } + * to { -webkit-transform: scale(1.5); } + * } + * ``` + * + * Given this complex combination of CSS classes, styles and options, `$animateCss` will figure everything out and make the animation happen. + * + * ## How the Options are handled + * + * `$animateCss` is very versatile and intelligent when it comes to figuring out what configurations to apply to the element to ensure the animation + * works with the options provided. Say for example we were adding a class that contained a keyframe value and we wanted to also animate some inline + * styles using the `from` and `to` properties. + * + * ```js + * var animator = $animateCss(element, { + * from: { background:'red' }, + * to: { background:'blue' } + * }); + * animator.start(); + * ``` + * + * ```css + * .rotating-animation { + * animation:0.5s rotate linear; + * -webkit-animation:0.5s rotate linear; + * } + * + * @keyframes rotate { + * from { transform: rotate(0deg); } + * to { transform: rotate(360deg); } + * } + * + * @-webkit-keyframes rotate { + * from { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); } + * to { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); } + * } + * ``` + * + * The missing pieces here are that we do not have a transition set (within the CSS code nor within the `$animateCss` options) and the duration of the animation is + * going to be detected from what the keyframe styles on the CSS class are. In this event, `$animateCss` will automatically create an inline transition + * style matching the duration detected from the keyframe style (which is present in the CSS class that is being added) and then prepare both the transition + * and keyframe animations to run in parallel on the element. Then when the animation is underway the provided `from` and `to` CSS styles will be applied + * and spread across the transition and keyframe animation. + * + * ## What is returned + * + * `$animateCss` works in two stages: a preparation phase and an animation phase. Therefore when `$animateCss` is first called it will NOT actually + * start the animation. All that is going on here is that the element is being prepared for the animation (which means that the generated CSS classes are + * added and removed on the element). Once `$animateCss` is called it will return an object with the following properties: + * + * ```js + * var animator = $animateCss(element, { ... }); + * ``` + * + * Now what do the contents of our `animator` variable look like: + * + * ```js + * { + * // starts the animation + * start: Function, + * + * // ends (aborts) the animation + * end: Function + * } + * ``` + * + * To actually start the animation we need to run `animation.start()` which will then return a promise that we can hook into to detect when the animation ends. + * If we choose not to run the animation then we MUST run `animation.end()` to perform a cleanup on the element (since some CSS classes and styles may have been + * applied to the element during the preparation phase). Note that all other properties such as duration, delay, transitions and keyframes are just properties + * and that changing them will not reconfigure the parameters of the animation. + * + * ### runner.done() vs runner.then() + * It is documented that `animation.start()` will return a promise object and this is true, however, there is also an additional method available on the + * runner called `.done(callbackFn)`. The done method works the same as `.finally(callbackFn)`, however, it does **not trigger a digest to occur**. + * Therefore, for performance reasons, it's always best to use `runner.done(callback)` instead of `runner.then()`, `runner.catch()` or `runner.finally()` + * unless you really need a digest to kick off afterwards. + * + * Keep in mind that, to make this easier, ngAnimate has tweaked the JS animations API to recognize when a runner instance is returned from $animateCss + * (so there is no need to call `runner.done(doneFn)` inside of your JavaScript animation code). + * Check the {@link ngAnimate.$animateCss#usage animation code above} to see how this works. + * + * @param {DOMElement} element the element that will be animated + * @param {object} options the animation-related options that will be applied during the animation + * + * * `event` - The DOM event (e.g. enter, leave, move). When used, a generated CSS class of `ng-EVENT` and `ng-EVENT-active` will be applied + * to the element during the animation. Multiple events can be provided when spaces are used as a separator. (Note that this will not perform any DOM operation.) + * * `structural` - Indicates that the `ng-` prefix will be added to the event class. Setting to `false` or omitting will turn `ng-EVENT` and + * `ng-EVENT-active` in `EVENT` and `EVENT-active`. Unused if `event` is omitted. + * * `easing` - The CSS easing value that will be applied to the transition or keyframe animation (or both). + * * `transitionStyle` - The raw CSS transition style that will be used (e.g. `1s linear all`). + * * `keyframeStyle` - The raw CSS keyframe animation style that will be used (e.g. `1s my_animation linear`). + * * `from` - The starting CSS styles (a key/value object) that will be applied at the start of the animation. + * * `to` - The ending CSS styles (a key/value object) that will be applied across the animation via a CSS transition. + * * `addClass` - A space separated list of CSS classes that will be added to the element and spread across the animation. + * * `removeClass` - A space separated list of CSS classes that will be removed from the element and spread across the animation. + * * `duration` - A number value representing the total duration of the transition and/or keyframe (note that a value of 1 is 1000ms). If a value of `0` + * is provided then the animation will be skipped entirely. + * * `delay` - A number value representing the total delay of the transition and/or keyframe (note that a value of 1 is 1000ms). If a value of `true` is + * used then whatever delay value is detected from the CSS classes will be mirrored on the elements styles (e.g. by setting delay true then the style value + * of the element will be `transition-delay: DETECTED_VALUE`). Using `true` is useful when you want the CSS classes and inline styles to all share the same + * CSS delay value. + * * `stagger` - A numeric time value representing the delay between successively animated elements + * ({@link ngAnimate#css-staggering-animations Click here to learn how CSS-based staggering works in ngAnimate.}) + * * `staggerIndex` - The numeric index representing the stagger item (e.g. a value of 5 is equal to the sixth item in the stagger; therefore when a + * `stagger` option value of `0.1` is used then there will be a stagger delay of `600ms`) + * * `applyClassesEarly` - Whether or not the classes being added or removed will be used when detecting the animation. This is set by `$animate` when enter/leave/move animations are fired to ensure that the CSS classes are resolved in time. (Note that this will prevent any transitions from occurring on the classes being added and removed.) + * * `cleanupStyles` - Whether or not the provided `from` and `to` styles will be removed once + * the animation is closed. This is useful for when the styles are used purely for the sake of + * the animation and do not have a lasting visual effect on the element (e.g. a collapse and open animation). + * By default this value is set to `false`. + * + * @return {object} an object with start and end methods and details about the animation. + * + * * `start` - The method to start the animation. This will return a `Promise` when called. + * * `end` - This method will cancel the animation and remove all applied CSS classes and styles. + */ +var ONE_SECOND = 1000; +var BASE_TEN = 10; + +var ELAPSED_TIME_MAX_DECIMAL_PLACES = 3; +var CLOSING_TIME_BUFFER = 1.5; + +var DETECT_CSS_PROPERTIES = { + transitionDuration: TRANSITION_DURATION_PROP, + transitionDelay: TRANSITION_DELAY_PROP, + transitionProperty: TRANSITION_PROP + PROPERTY_KEY, + animationDuration: ANIMATION_DURATION_PROP, + animationDelay: ANIMATION_DELAY_PROP, + animationIterationCount: ANIMATION_PROP + ANIMATION_ITERATION_COUNT_KEY +}; + +var DETECT_STAGGER_CSS_PROPERTIES = { + transitionDuration: TRANSITION_DURATION_PROP, + transitionDelay: TRANSITION_DELAY_PROP, + animationDuration: ANIMATION_DURATION_PROP, + animationDelay: ANIMATION_DELAY_PROP +}; + +function getCssKeyframeDurationStyle(duration) { + return [ANIMATION_DURATION_PROP, duration + 's']; +} + +function getCssDelayStyle(delay, isKeyframeAnimation) { + var prop = isKeyframeAnimation ? ANIMATION_DELAY_PROP : TRANSITION_DELAY_PROP; + return [prop, delay + 's']; +} + +function computeCssStyles($window, element, properties) { + var styles = Object.create(null); + var detectedStyles = $window.getComputedStyle(element) || {}; + forEach(properties, function(formalStyleName, actualStyleName) { + var val = detectedStyles[formalStyleName]; + if (val) { + var c = val.charAt(0); + + // only numerical-based values have a negative sign or digit as the first value + if (c === '-' || c === '+' || c >= 0) { + val = parseMaxTime(val); + } + + // by setting this to null in the event that the delay is not set or is set directly as 0 + // then we can still allow for negative values to be used later on and not mistake this + // value for being greater than any other negative value. + if (val === 0) { + val = null; + } + styles[actualStyleName] = val; + } + }); + + return styles; +} + +function parseMaxTime(str) { + var maxValue = 0; + var values = str.split(/\s*,\s*/); + forEach(values, function(value) { + // it's always safe to consider only second values and omit `ms` values since + // getComputedStyle will always handle the conversion for us + if (value.charAt(value.length - 1) == 's') { + value = value.substring(0, value.length - 1); + } + value = parseFloat(value) || 0; + maxValue = maxValue ? Math.max(value, maxValue) : value; + }); + return maxValue; +} + +function truthyTimingValue(val) { + return val === 0 || val != null; +} + +function getCssTransitionDurationStyle(duration, applyOnlyDuration) { + var style = TRANSITION_PROP; + var value = duration + 's'; + if (applyOnlyDuration) { + style += DURATION_KEY; + } else { + value += ' linear all'; + } + return [style, value]; +} + +function createLocalCacheLookup() { + var cache = Object.create(null); + return { + flush: function() { + cache = Object.create(null); + }, + + count: function(key) { + var entry = cache[key]; + return entry ? entry.total : 0; + }, + + get: function(key) { + var entry = cache[key]; + return entry && entry.value; + }, + + put: function(key, value) { + if (!cache[key]) { + cache[key] = { total: 1, value: value }; + } else { + cache[key].total++; + } + } + }; +} + +// we do not reassign an already present style value since +// if we detect the style property value again we may be +// detecting styles that were added via the `from` styles. +// We make use of `isDefined` here since an empty string +// or null value (which is what getPropertyValue will return +// for a non-existing style) will still be marked as a valid +// value for the style (a falsy value implies that the style +// is to be removed at the end of the animation). If we had a simple +// "OR" statement then it would not be enough to catch that. +function registerRestorableStyles(backup, node, properties) { + forEach(properties, function(prop) { + backup[prop] = isDefined(backup[prop]) + ? backup[prop] + : node.style.getPropertyValue(prop); + }); +} + +var $AnimateCssProvider = ['$animateProvider', function($animateProvider) { + var gcsLookup = createLocalCacheLookup(); + var gcsStaggerLookup = createLocalCacheLookup(); + + this.$get = ['$window', '$$jqLite', '$$AnimateRunner', '$timeout', + '$$forceReflow', '$sniffer', '$$rAFScheduler', '$$animateQueue', + function($window, $$jqLite, $$AnimateRunner, $timeout, + $$forceReflow, $sniffer, $$rAFScheduler, $$animateQueue) { + + var applyAnimationClasses = applyAnimationClassesFactory($$jqLite); + + var parentCounter = 0; + function gcsHashFn(node, extraClasses) { + var KEY = "$$ngAnimateParentKey"; + var parentNode = node.parentNode; + var parentID = parentNode[KEY] || (parentNode[KEY] = ++parentCounter); + return parentID + '-' + node.getAttribute('class') + '-' + extraClasses; + } + + function computeCachedCssStyles(node, className, cacheKey, properties) { + var timings = gcsLookup.get(cacheKey); + + if (!timings) { + timings = computeCssStyles($window, node, properties); + if (timings.animationIterationCount === 'infinite') { + timings.animationIterationCount = 1; + } + } + + // we keep putting this in multiple times even though the value and the cacheKey are the same + // because we're keeping an internal tally of how many duplicate animations are detected. + gcsLookup.put(cacheKey, timings); + return timings; + } + + function computeCachedCssStaggerStyles(node, className, cacheKey, properties) { + var stagger; + + // if we have one or more existing matches of matching elements + // containing the same parent + CSS styles (which is how cacheKey works) + // then staggering is possible + if (gcsLookup.count(cacheKey) > 0) { + stagger = gcsStaggerLookup.get(cacheKey); + + if (!stagger) { + var staggerClassName = pendClasses(className, '-stagger'); + + $$jqLite.addClass(node, staggerClassName); + + stagger = computeCssStyles($window, node, properties); + + // force the conversion of a null value to zero incase not set + stagger.animationDuration = Math.max(stagger.animationDuration, 0); + stagger.transitionDuration = Math.max(stagger.transitionDuration, 0); + + $$jqLite.removeClass(node, staggerClassName); + + gcsStaggerLookup.put(cacheKey, stagger); + } + } + + return stagger || {}; + } + + var cancelLastRAFRequest; + var rafWaitQueue = []; + function waitUntilQuiet(callback) { + rafWaitQueue.push(callback); + $$rAFScheduler.waitUntilQuiet(function() { + gcsLookup.flush(); + gcsStaggerLookup.flush(); + + // DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE OR REFACTOR OUT THE `pageWidth` variable. + // PLEASE EXAMINE THE `$$forceReflow` service to understand why. + var pageWidth = $$forceReflow(); + + // we use a for loop to ensure that if the queue is changed + // during this looping then it will consider new requests + for (var i = 0; i < rafWaitQueue.length; i++) { + rafWaitQueue[i](pageWidth); + } + rafWaitQueue.length = 0; + }); + } + + function computeTimings(node, className, cacheKey) { + var timings = computeCachedCssStyles(node, className, cacheKey, DETECT_CSS_PROPERTIES); + var aD = timings.animationDelay; + var tD = timings.transitionDelay; + timings.maxDelay = aD && tD + ? Math.max(aD, tD) + : (aD || tD); + timings.maxDuration = Math.max( + timings.animationDuration * timings.animationIterationCount, + timings.transitionDuration); + + return timings; + } + + return function init(element, initialOptions) { + // all of the animation functions should create + // a copy of the options data, however, if a + // parent service has already created a copy then + // we should stick to using that + var options = initialOptions || {}; + if (!options.$$prepared) { + options = prepareAnimationOptions(copy(options)); + } + + var restoreStyles = {}; + var node = getDomNode(element); + if (!node + || !node.parentNode + || !$$animateQueue.enabled()) { + return closeAndReturnNoopAnimator(); + } + + var temporaryStyles = []; + var classes = element.attr('class'); + var styles = packageStyles(options); + var animationClosed; + var animationPaused; + var animationCompleted; + var runner; + var runnerHost; + var maxDelay; + var maxDelayTime; + var maxDuration; + var maxDurationTime; + var startTime; + var events = []; + + if (options.duration === 0 || (!$sniffer.animations && !$sniffer.transitions)) { + return closeAndReturnNoopAnimator(); + } + + var method = options.event && isArray(options.event) + ? options.event.join(' ') + : options.event; + + var isStructural = method && options.structural; + var structuralClassName = ''; + var addRemoveClassName = ''; + + if (isStructural) { + structuralClassName = pendClasses(method, EVENT_CLASS_PREFIX, true); + } else if (method) { + structuralClassName = method; + } + + if (options.addClass) { + addRemoveClassName += pendClasses(options.addClass, ADD_CLASS_SUFFIX); + } + + if (options.removeClass) { + if (addRemoveClassName.length) { + addRemoveClassName += ' '; + } + addRemoveClassName += pendClasses(options.removeClass, REMOVE_CLASS_SUFFIX); + } + + // there may be a situation where a structural animation is combined together + // with CSS classes that need to resolve before the animation is computed. + // However this means that there is no explicit CSS code to block the animation + // from happening (by setting 0s none in the class name). If this is the case + // we need to apply the classes before the first rAF so we know to continue if + // there actually is a detected transition or keyframe animation + if (options.applyClassesEarly && addRemoveClassName.length) { + applyAnimationClasses(element, options); + } + + var preparationClasses = [structuralClassName, addRemoveClassName].join(' ').trim(); + var fullClassName = classes + ' ' + preparationClasses; + var activeClasses = pendClasses(preparationClasses, ACTIVE_CLASS_SUFFIX); + var hasToStyles = styles.to && Object.keys(styles.to).length > 0; + var containsKeyframeAnimation = (options.keyframeStyle || '').length > 0; + + // there is no way we can trigger an animation if no styles and + // no classes are being applied which would then trigger a transition, + // unless there a is raw keyframe value that is applied to the element. + if (!containsKeyframeAnimation + && !hasToStyles + && !preparationClasses) { + return closeAndReturnNoopAnimator(); + } + + var cacheKey, stagger; + if (options.stagger > 0) { + var staggerVal = parseFloat(options.stagger); + stagger = { + transitionDelay: staggerVal, + animationDelay: staggerVal, + transitionDuration: 0, + animationDuration: 0 + }; + } else { + cacheKey = gcsHashFn(node, fullClassName); + stagger = computeCachedCssStaggerStyles(node, preparationClasses, cacheKey, DETECT_STAGGER_CSS_PROPERTIES); + } + + if (!options.$$skipPreparationClasses) { + $$jqLite.addClass(element, preparationClasses); + } + + var applyOnlyDuration; + + if (options.transitionStyle) { + var transitionStyle = [TRANSITION_PROP, options.transitionStyle]; + applyInlineStyle(node, transitionStyle); + temporaryStyles.push(transitionStyle); + } + + if (options.duration >= 0) { + applyOnlyDuration = node.style[TRANSITION_PROP].length > 0; + var durationStyle = getCssTransitionDurationStyle(options.duration, applyOnlyDuration); + + // we set the duration so that it will be picked up by getComputedStyle later + applyInlineStyle(node, durationStyle); + temporaryStyles.push(durationStyle); + } + + if (options.keyframeStyle) { + var keyframeStyle = [ANIMATION_PROP, options.keyframeStyle]; + applyInlineStyle(node, keyframeStyle); + temporaryStyles.push(keyframeStyle); + } + + var itemIndex = stagger + ? options.staggerIndex >= 0 + ? options.staggerIndex + : gcsLookup.count(cacheKey) + : 0; + + var isFirst = itemIndex === 0; + + // this is a pre-emptive way of forcing the setup classes to be added and applied INSTANTLY + // without causing any combination of transitions to kick in. By adding a negative delay value + // it forces the setup class' transition to end immediately. We later then remove the negative + // transition delay to allow for the transition to naturally do it's thing. The beauty here is + // that if there is no transition defined then nothing will happen and this will also allow + // other transitions to be stacked on top of each other without any chopping them out. + if (isFirst && !options.skipBlocking) { + blockTransitions(node, SAFE_FAST_FORWARD_DURATION_VALUE); + } + + var timings = computeTimings(node, fullClassName, cacheKey); + var relativeDelay = timings.maxDelay; + maxDelay = Math.max(relativeDelay, 0); + maxDuration = timings.maxDuration; + + var flags = {}; + flags.hasTransitions = timings.transitionDuration > 0; + flags.hasAnimations = timings.animationDuration > 0; + flags.hasTransitionAll = flags.hasTransitions && timings.transitionProperty == 'all'; + flags.applyTransitionDuration = hasToStyles && ( + (flags.hasTransitions && !flags.hasTransitionAll) + || (flags.hasAnimations && !flags.hasTransitions)); + flags.applyAnimationDuration = options.duration && flags.hasAnimations; + flags.applyTransitionDelay = truthyTimingValue(options.delay) && (flags.applyTransitionDuration || flags.hasTransitions); + flags.applyAnimationDelay = truthyTimingValue(options.delay) && flags.hasAnimations; + flags.recalculateTimingStyles = addRemoveClassName.length > 0; + + if (flags.applyTransitionDuration || flags.applyAnimationDuration) { + maxDuration = options.duration ? parseFloat(options.duration) : maxDuration; + + if (flags.applyTransitionDuration) { + flags.hasTransitions = true; + timings.transitionDuration = maxDuration; + applyOnlyDuration = node.style[TRANSITION_PROP + PROPERTY_KEY].length > 0; + temporaryStyles.push(getCssTransitionDurationStyle(maxDuration, applyOnlyDuration)); + } + + if (flags.applyAnimationDuration) { + flags.hasAnimations = true; + timings.animationDuration = maxDuration; + temporaryStyles.push(getCssKeyframeDurationStyle(maxDuration)); + } + } + + if (maxDuration === 0 && !flags.recalculateTimingStyles) { + return closeAndReturnNoopAnimator(); + } + + if (options.delay != null) { + var delayStyle; + if (typeof options.delay !== "boolean") { + delayStyle = parseFloat(options.delay); + // number in options.delay means we have to recalculate the delay for the closing timeout + maxDelay = Math.max(delayStyle, 0); + } + + if (flags.applyTransitionDelay) { + temporaryStyles.push(getCssDelayStyle(delayStyle)); + } + + if (flags.applyAnimationDelay) { + temporaryStyles.push(getCssDelayStyle(delayStyle, true)); + } + } + + // we need to recalculate the delay value since we used a pre-emptive negative + // delay value and the delay value is required for the final event checking. This + // property will ensure that this will happen after the RAF phase has passed. + if (options.duration == null && timings.transitionDuration > 0) { + flags.recalculateTimingStyles = flags.recalculateTimingStyles || isFirst; + } + + maxDelayTime = maxDelay * ONE_SECOND; + maxDurationTime = maxDuration * ONE_SECOND; + if (!options.skipBlocking) { + flags.blockTransition = timings.transitionDuration > 0; + flags.blockKeyframeAnimation = timings.animationDuration > 0 && + stagger.animationDelay > 0 && + stagger.animationDuration === 0; + } + + if (options.from) { + if (options.cleanupStyles) { + registerRestorableStyles(restoreStyles, node, Object.keys(options.from)); + } + applyAnimationFromStyles(element, options); + } + + if (flags.blockTransition || flags.blockKeyframeAnimation) { + applyBlocking(maxDuration); + } else if (!options.skipBlocking) { + blockTransitions(node, false); + } + + // TODO(matsko): for 1.5 change this code to have an animator object for better debugging + return { + $$willAnimate: true, + end: endFn, + start: function() { + if (animationClosed) return; + + runnerHost = { + end: endFn, + cancel: cancelFn, + resume: null, //this will be set during the start() phase + pause: null + }; + + runner = new $$AnimateRunner(runnerHost); + + waitUntilQuiet(start); + + // we don't have access to pause/resume the animation + // since it hasn't run yet. AnimateRunner will therefore + // set noop functions for resume and pause and they will + // later be overridden once the animation is triggered + return runner; + } + }; + + function endFn() { + close(); + } + + function cancelFn() { + close(true); + } + + function close(rejected) { // jshint ignore:line + // if the promise has been called already then we shouldn't close + // the animation again + if (animationClosed || (animationCompleted && animationPaused)) return; + animationClosed = true; + animationPaused = false; + + if (!options.$$skipPreparationClasses) { + $$jqLite.removeClass(element, preparationClasses); + } + $$jqLite.removeClass(element, activeClasses); + + blockKeyframeAnimations(node, false); + blockTransitions(node, false); + + forEach(temporaryStyles, function(entry) { + // There is only one way to remove inline style properties entirely from elements. + // By using `removeProperty` this works, but we need to convert camel-cased CSS + // styles down to hyphenated values. + node.style[entry[0]] = ''; + }); + + applyAnimationClasses(element, options); + applyAnimationStyles(element, options); + + if (Object.keys(restoreStyles).length) { + forEach(restoreStyles, function(value, prop) { + value ? node.style.setProperty(prop, value) + : node.style.removeProperty(prop); + }); + } + + // the reason why we have this option is to allow a synchronous closing callback + // that is fired as SOON as the animation ends (when the CSS is removed) or if + // the animation never takes off at all. A good example is a leave animation since + // the element must be removed just after the animation is over or else the element + // will appear on screen for one animation frame causing an overbearing flicker. + if (options.onDone) { + options.onDone(); + } + + if (events && events.length) { + // Remove the transitionend / animationend listener(s) + element.off(events.join(' '), onAnimationProgress); + } + + //Cancel the fallback closing timeout and remove the timer data + var animationTimerData = element.data(ANIMATE_TIMER_KEY); + if (animationTimerData) { + $timeout.cancel(animationTimerData[0].timer); + element.removeData(ANIMATE_TIMER_KEY); + } + + // if the preparation function fails then the promise is not setup + if (runner) { + runner.complete(!rejected); + } + } + + function applyBlocking(duration) { + if (flags.blockTransition) { + blockTransitions(node, duration); + } + + if (flags.blockKeyframeAnimation) { + blockKeyframeAnimations(node, !!duration); + } + } + + function closeAndReturnNoopAnimator() { + runner = new $$AnimateRunner({ + end: endFn, + cancel: cancelFn + }); + + // should flush the cache animation + waitUntilQuiet(noop); + close(); + + return { + $$willAnimate: false, + start: function() { + return runner; + }, + end: endFn + }; + } + + function onAnimationProgress(event) { + event.stopPropagation(); + var ev = event.originalEvent || event; + + // we now always use `Date.now()` due to the recent changes with + // event.timeStamp in Firefox, Webkit and Chrome (see #13494 for more info) + var timeStamp = ev.$manualTimeStamp || Date.now(); + + /* Firefox (or possibly just Gecko) likes to not round values up + * when a ms measurement is used for the animation */ + var elapsedTime = parseFloat(ev.elapsedTime.toFixed(ELAPSED_TIME_MAX_DECIMAL_PLACES)); + + /* $manualTimeStamp is a mocked timeStamp value which is set + * within browserTrigger(). This is only here so that tests can + * mock animations properly. Real events fallback to event.timeStamp, + * or, if they don't, then a timeStamp is automatically created for them. + * We're checking to see if the timeStamp surpasses the expected delay, + * but we're using elapsedTime instead of the timeStamp on the 2nd + * pre-condition since animationPauseds sometimes close off early */ + if (Math.max(timeStamp - startTime, 0) >= maxDelayTime && elapsedTime >= maxDuration) { + // we set this flag to ensure that if the transition is paused then, when resumed, + // the animation will automatically close itself since transitions cannot be paused. + animationCompleted = true; + close(); + } + } + + function start() { + if (animationClosed) return; + if (!node.parentNode) { + close(); + return; + } + + // even though we only pause keyframe animations here the pause flag + // will still happen when transitions are used. Only the transition will + // not be paused since that is not possible. If the animation ends when + // paused then it will not complete until unpaused or cancelled. + var playPause = function(playAnimation) { + if (!animationCompleted) { + animationPaused = !playAnimation; + if (timings.animationDuration) { + var value = blockKeyframeAnimations(node, animationPaused); + animationPaused + ? temporaryStyles.push(value) + : removeFromArray(temporaryStyles, value); + } + } else if (animationPaused && playAnimation) { + animationPaused = false; + close(); + } + }; + + // checking the stagger duration prevents an accidentally cascade of the CSS delay style + // being inherited from the parent. If the transition duration is zero then we can safely + // rely that the delay value is an intentional stagger delay style. + var maxStagger = itemIndex > 0 + && ((timings.transitionDuration && stagger.transitionDuration === 0) || + (timings.animationDuration && stagger.animationDuration === 0)) + && Math.max(stagger.animationDelay, stagger.transitionDelay); + if (maxStagger) { + $timeout(triggerAnimationStart, + Math.floor(maxStagger * itemIndex * ONE_SECOND), + false); + } else { + triggerAnimationStart(); + } + + // this will decorate the existing promise runner with pause/resume methods + runnerHost.resume = function() { + playPause(true); + }; + + runnerHost.pause = function() { + playPause(false); + }; + + function triggerAnimationStart() { + // just incase a stagger animation kicks in when the animation + // itself was cancelled entirely + if (animationClosed) return; + + applyBlocking(false); + + forEach(temporaryStyles, function(entry) { + var key = entry[0]; + var value = entry[1]; + node.style[key] = value; + }); + + applyAnimationClasses(element, options); + $$jqLite.addClass(element, activeClasses); + + if (flags.recalculateTimingStyles) { + fullClassName = node.className + ' ' + preparationClasses; + cacheKey = gcsHashFn(node, fullClassName); + + timings = computeTimings(node, fullClassName, cacheKey); + relativeDelay = timings.maxDelay; + maxDelay = Math.max(relativeDelay, 0); + maxDuration = timings.maxDuration; + + if (maxDuration === 0) { + close(); + return; + } + + flags.hasTransitions = timings.transitionDuration > 0; + flags.hasAnimations = timings.animationDuration > 0; + } + + if (flags.applyAnimationDelay) { + relativeDelay = typeof options.delay !== "boolean" && truthyTimingValue(options.delay) + ? parseFloat(options.delay) + : relativeDelay; + + maxDelay = Math.max(relativeDelay, 0); + timings.animationDelay = relativeDelay; + delayStyle = getCssDelayStyle(relativeDelay, true); + temporaryStyles.push(delayStyle); + node.style[delayStyle[0]] = delayStyle[1]; + } + + maxDelayTime = maxDelay * ONE_SECOND; + maxDurationTime = maxDuration * ONE_SECOND; + + if (options.easing) { + var easeProp, easeVal = options.easing; + if (flags.hasTransitions) { + easeProp = TRANSITION_PROP + TIMING_KEY; + temporaryStyles.push([easeProp, easeVal]); + node.style[easeProp] = easeVal; + } + if (flags.hasAnimations) { + easeProp = ANIMATION_PROP + TIMING_KEY; + temporaryStyles.push([easeProp, easeVal]); + node.style[easeProp] = easeVal; + } + } + + if (timings.transitionDuration) { + events.push(TRANSITIONEND_EVENT); + } + + if (timings.animationDuration) { + events.push(ANIMATIONEND_EVENT); + } + + startTime = Date.now(); + var timerTime = maxDelayTime + CLOSING_TIME_BUFFER * maxDurationTime; + var endTime = startTime + timerTime; + + var animationsData = element.data(ANIMATE_TIMER_KEY) || []; + var setupFallbackTimer = true; + if (animationsData.length) { + var currentTimerData = animationsData[0]; + setupFallbackTimer = endTime > currentTimerData.expectedEndTime; + if (setupFallbackTimer) { + $timeout.cancel(currentTimerData.timer); + } else { + animationsData.push(close); + } + } + + if (setupFallbackTimer) { + var timer = $timeout(onAnimationExpired, timerTime, false); + animationsData[0] = { + timer: timer, + expectedEndTime: endTime + }; + animationsData.push(close); + element.data(ANIMATE_TIMER_KEY, animationsData); + } + + if (events.length) { + element.on(events.join(' '), onAnimationProgress); + } + + if (options.to) { + if (options.cleanupStyles) { + registerRestorableStyles(restoreStyles, node, Object.keys(options.to)); + } + applyAnimationToStyles(element, options); + } + } + + function onAnimationExpired() { + var animationsData = element.data(ANIMATE_TIMER_KEY); + + // this will be false in the event that the element was + // removed from the DOM (via a leave animation or something + // similar) + if (animationsData) { + for (var i = 1; i < animationsData.length; i++) { + animationsData[i](); + } + element.removeData(ANIMATE_TIMER_KEY); + } + } + } + }; + }]; +}]; + +var $$AnimateCssDriverProvider = ['$$animationProvider', function($$animationProvider) { + $$animationProvider.drivers.push('$$animateCssDriver'); + + var NG_ANIMATE_SHIM_CLASS_NAME = 'ng-animate-shim'; + var NG_ANIMATE_ANCHOR_CLASS_NAME = 'ng-anchor'; + + var NG_OUT_ANCHOR_CLASS_NAME = 'ng-anchor-out'; + var NG_IN_ANCHOR_CLASS_NAME = 'ng-anchor-in'; + + function isDocumentFragment(node) { + return node.parentNode && node.parentNode.nodeType === 11; + } + + this.$get = ['$animateCss', '$rootScope', '$$AnimateRunner', '$rootElement', '$sniffer', '$$jqLite', '$document', + function($animateCss, $rootScope, $$AnimateRunner, $rootElement, $sniffer, $$jqLite, $document) { + + // only browsers that support these properties can render animations + if (!$sniffer.animations && !$sniffer.transitions) return noop; + + var bodyNode = $document[0].body; + var rootNode = getDomNode($rootElement); + + var rootBodyElement = jqLite( + // this is to avoid using something that exists outside of the body + // we also special case the doc fragment case because our unit test code + // appends the $rootElement to the body after the app has been bootstrapped + isDocumentFragment(rootNode) || bodyNode.contains(rootNode) ? rootNode : bodyNode + ); + + var applyAnimationClasses = applyAnimationClassesFactory($$jqLite); + + return function initDriverFn(animationDetails) { + return animationDetails.from && animationDetails.to + ? prepareFromToAnchorAnimation(animationDetails.from, + animationDetails.to, + animationDetails.classes, + animationDetails.anchors) + : prepareRegularAnimation(animationDetails); + }; + + function filterCssClasses(classes) { + //remove all the `ng-` stuff + return classes.replace(/\bng-\S+\b/g, ''); + } + + function getUniqueValues(a, b) { + if (isString(a)) a = a.split(' '); + if (isString(b)) b = b.split(' '); + return a.filter(function(val) { + return b.indexOf(val) === -1; + }).join(' '); + } + + function prepareAnchoredAnimation(classes, outAnchor, inAnchor) { + var clone = jqLite(getDomNode(outAnchor).cloneNode(true)); + var startingClasses = filterCssClasses(getClassVal(clone)); + + outAnchor.addClass(NG_ANIMATE_SHIM_CLASS_NAME); + inAnchor.addClass(NG_ANIMATE_SHIM_CLASS_NAME); + + clone.addClass(NG_ANIMATE_ANCHOR_CLASS_NAME); + + rootBodyElement.append(clone); + + var animatorIn, animatorOut = prepareOutAnimation(); + + // the user may not end up using the `out` animation and + // only making use of the `in` animation or vice-versa. + // In either case we should allow this and not assume the + // animation is over unless both animations are not used. + if (!animatorOut) { + animatorIn = prepareInAnimation(); + if (!animatorIn) { + return end(); + } + } + + var startingAnimator = animatorOut || animatorIn; + + return { + start: function() { + var runner; + + var currentAnimation = startingAnimator.start(); + currentAnimation.done(function() { + currentAnimation = null; + if (!animatorIn) { + animatorIn = prepareInAnimation(); + if (animatorIn) { + currentAnimation = animatorIn.start(); + currentAnimation.done(function() { + currentAnimation = null; + end(); + runner.complete(); + }); + return currentAnimation; + } + } + // in the event that there is no `in` animation + end(); + runner.complete(); + }); + + runner = new $$AnimateRunner({ + end: endFn, + cancel: endFn + }); + + return runner; + + function endFn() { + if (currentAnimation) { + currentAnimation.end(); + } + } + } + }; + + function calculateAnchorStyles(anchor) { + var styles = {}; + + var coords = getDomNode(anchor).getBoundingClientRect(); + + // we iterate directly since safari messes up and doesn't return + // all the keys for the coords object when iterated + forEach(['width','height','top','left'], function(key) { + var value = coords[key]; + switch (key) { + case 'top': + value += bodyNode.scrollTop; + break; + case 'left': + value += bodyNode.scrollLeft; + break; + } + styles[key] = Math.floor(value) + 'px'; + }); + return styles; + } + + function prepareOutAnimation() { + var animator = $animateCss(clone, { + addClass: NG_OUT_ANCHOR_CLASS_NAME, + delay: true, + from: calculateAnchorStyles(outAnchor) + }); + + // read the comment within `prepareRegularAnimation` to understand + // why this check is necessary + return animator.$$willAnimate ? animator : null; + } + + function getClassVal(element) { + return element.attr('class') || ''; + } + + function prepareInAnimation() { + var endingClasses = filterCssClasses(getClassVal(inAnchor)); + var toAdd = getUniqueValues(endingClasses, startingClasses); + var toRemove = getUniqueValues(startingClasses, endingClasses); + + var animator = $animateCss(clone, { + to: calculateAnchorStyles(inAnchor), + addClass: NG_IN_ANCHOR_CLASS_NAME + ' ' + toAdd, + removeClass: NG_OUT_ANCHOR_CLASS_NAME + ' ' + toRemove, + delay: true + }); + + // read the comment within `prepareRegularAnimation` to understand + // why this check is necessary + return animator.$$willAnimate ? animator : null; + } + + function end() { + clone.remove(); + outAnchor.removeClass(NG_ANIMATE_SHIM_CLASS_NAME); + inAnchor.removeClass(NG_ANIMATE_SHIM_CLASS_NAME); + } + } + + function prepareFromToAnchorAnimation(from, to, classes, anchors) { + var fromAnimation = prepareRegularAnimation(from, noop); + var toAnimation = prepareRegularAnimation(to, noop); + + var anchorAnimations = []; + forEach(anchors, function(anchor) { + var outElement = anchor['out']; + var inElement = anchor['in']; + var animator = prepareAnchoredAnimation(classes, outElement, inElement); + if (animator) { + anchorAnimations.push(animator); + } + }); + + // no point in doing anything when there are no elements to animate + if (!fromAnimation && !toAnimation && anchorAnimations.length === 0) return; + + return { + start: function() { + var animationRunners = []; + + if (fromAnimation) { + animationRunners.push(fromAnimation.start()); + } + + if (toAnimation) { + animationRunners.push(toAnimation.start()); + } + + forEach(anchorAnimations, function(animation) { + animationRunners.push(animation.start()); + }); + + var runner = new $$AnimateRunner({ + end: endFn, + cancel: endFn // CSS-driven animations cannot be cancelled, only ended + }); + + $$AnimateRunner.all(animationRunners, function(status) { + runner.complete(status); + }); + + return runner; + + function endFn() { + forEach(animationRunners, function(runner) { + runner.end(); + }); + } + } + }; + } + + function prepareRegularAnimation(animationDetails) { + var element = animationDetails.element; + var options = animationDetails.options || {}; + + if (animationDetails.structural) { + options.event = animationDetails.event; + options.structural = true; + options.applyClassesEarly = true; + + // we special case the leave animation since we want to ensure that + // the element is removed as soon as the animation is over. Otherwise + // a flicker might appear or the element may not be removed at all + if (animationDetails.event === 'leave') { + options.onDone = options.domOperation; + } + } + + // We assign the preparationClasses as the actual animation event since + // the internals of $animateCss will just suffix the event token values + // with `-active` to trigger the animation. + if (options.preparationClasses) { + options.event = concatWithSpace(options.event, options.preparationClasses); + } + + var animator = $animateCss(element, options); + + // the driver lookup code inside of $$animation attempts to spawn a + // driver one by one until a driver returns a.$$willAnimate animator object. + // $animateCss will always return an object, however, it will pass in + // a flag as a hint as to whether an animation was detected or not + return animator.$$willAnimate ? animator : null; + } + }]; +}]; + +// TODO(matsko): use caching here to speed things up for detection +// TODO(matsko): add documentation +// by the time... + +var $$AnimateJsProvider = ['$animateProvider', function($animateProvider) { + this.$get = ['$injector', '$$AnimateRunner', '$$jqLite', + function($injector, $$AnimateRunner, $$jqLite) { + + var applyAnimationClasses = applyAnimationClassesFactory($$jqLite); + // $animateJs(element, 'enter'); + return function(element, event, classes, options) { + var animationClosed = false; + + // the `classes` argument is optional and if it is not used + // then the classes will be resolved from the element's className + // property as well as options.addClass/options.removeClass. + if (arguments.length === 3 && isObject(classes)) { + options = classes; + classes = null; + } + + options = prepareAnimationOptions(options); + if (!classes) { + classes = element.attr('class') || ''; + if (options.addClass) { + classes += ' ' + options.addClass; + } + if (options.removeClass) { + classes += ' ' + options.removeClass; + } + } + + var classesToAdd = options.addClass; + var classesToRemove = options.removeClass; + + // the lookupAnimations function returns a series of animation objects that are + // matched up with one or more of the CSS classes. These animation objects are + // defined via the module.animation factory function. If nothing is detected then + // we don't return anything which then makes $animation query the next driver. + var animations = lookupAnimations(classes); + var before, after; + if (animations.length) { + var afterFn, beforeFn; + if (event == 'leave') { + beforeFn = 'leave'; + afterFn = 'afterLeave'; // TODO(matsko): get rid of this + } else { + beforeFn = 'before' + event.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + event.substr(1); + afterFn = event; + } + + if (event !== 'enter' && event !== 'move') { + before = packageAnimations(element, event, options, animations, beforeFn); + } + after = packageAnimations(element, event, options, animations, afterFn); + } + + // no matching animations + if (!before && !after) return; + + function applyOptions() { + options.domOperation(); + applyAnimationClasses(element, options); + } + + function close() { + animationClosed = true; + applyOptions(); + applyAnimationStyles(element, options); + } + + var runner; + + return { + $$willAnimate: true, + end: function() { + if (runner) { + runner.end(); + } else { + close(); + runner = new $$AnimateRunner(); + runner.complete(true); + } + return runner; + }, + start: function() { + if (runner) { + return runner; + } + + runner = new $$AnimateRunner(); + var closeActiveAnimations; + var chain = []; + + if (before) { + chain.push(function(fn) { + closeActiveAnimations = before(fn); + }); + } + + if (chain.length) { + chain.push(function(fn) { + applyOptions(); + fn(true); + }); + } else { + applyOptions(); + } + + if (after) { + chain.push(function(fn) { + closeActiveAnimations = after(fn); + }); + } + + runner.setHost({ + end: function() { + endAnimations(); + }, + cancel: function() { + endAnimations(true); + } + }); + + $$AnimateRunner.chain(chain, onComplete); + return runner; + + function onComplete(success) { + close(success); + runner.complete(success); + } + + function endAnimations(cancelled) { + if (!animationClosed) { + (closeActiveAnimations || noop)(cancelled); + onComplete(cancelled); + } + } + } + }; + + function executeAnimationFn(fn, element, event, options, onDone) { + var args; + switch (event) { + case 'animate': + args = [element, options.from, options.to, onDone]; + break; + + case 'setClass': + args = [element, classesToAdd, classesToRemove, onDone]; + break; + + case 'addClass': + args = [element, classesToAdd, onDone]; + break; + + case 'removeClass': + args = [element, classesToRemove, onDone]; + break; + + default: + args = [element, onDone]; + break; + } + + args.push(options); + + var value = fn.apply(fn, args); + if (value) { + if (isFunction(value.start)) { + value = value.start(); + } + + if (value instanceof $$AnimateRunner) { + value.done(onDone); + } else if (isFunction(value)) { + // optional onEnd / onCancel callback + return value; + } + } + + return noop; + } + + function groupEventedAnimations(element, event, options, animations, fnName) { + var operations = []; + forEach(animations, function(ani) { + var animation = ani[fnName]; + if (!animation) return; + + // note that all of these animations will run in parallel + operations.push(function() { + var runner; + var endProgressCb; + + var resolved = false; + var onAnimationComplete = function(rejected) { + if (!resolved) { + resolved = true; + (endProgressCb || noop)(rejected); + runner.complete(!rejected); + } + }; + + runner = new $$AnimateRunner({ + end: function() { + onAnimationComplete(); + }, + cancel: function() { + onAnimationComplete(true); + } + }); + + endProgressCb = executeAnimationFn(animation, element, event, options, function(result) { + var cancelled = result === false; + onAnimationComplete(cancelled); + }); + + return runner; + }); + }); + + return operations; + } + + function packageAnimations(element, event, options, animations, fnName) { + var operations = groupEventedAnimations(element, event, options, animations, fnName); + if (operations.length === 0) { + var a,b; + if (fnName === 'beforeSetClass') { + a = groupEventedAnimations(element, 'removeClass', options, animations, 'beforeRemoveClass'); + b = groupEventedAnimations(element, 'addClass', options, animations, 'beforeAddClass'); + } else if (fnName === 'setClass') { + a = groupEventedAnimations(element, 'removeClass', options, animations, 'removeClass'); + b = groupEventedAnimations(element, 'addClass', options, animations, 'addClass'); + } + + if (a) { + operations = operations.concat(a); + } + if (b) { + operations = operations.concat(b); + } + } + + if (operations.length === 0) return; + + // TODO(matsko): add documentation + return function startAnimation(callback) { + var runners = []; + if (operations.length) { + forEach(operations, function(animateFn) { + runners.push(animateFn()); + }); + } + + runners.length ? $$AnimateRunner.all(runners, callback) : callback(); + + return function endFn(reject) { + forEach(runners, function(runner) { + reject ? runner.cancel() : runner.end(); + }); + }; + }; + } + }; + + function lookupAnimations(classes) { + classes = isArray(classes) ? classes : classes.split(' '); + var matches = [], flagMap = {}; + for (var i=0; i < classes.length; i++) { + var klass = classes[i], + animationFactory = $animateProvider.$$registeredAnimations[klass]; + if (animationFactory && !flagMap[klass]) { + matches.push($injector.get(animationFactory)); + flagMap[klass] = true; + } + } + return matches; + } + }]; +}]; + +var $$AnimateJsDriverProvider = ['$$animationProvider', function($$animationProvider) { + $$animationProvider.drivers.push('$$animateJsDriver'); + this.$get = ['$$animateJs', '$$AnimateRunner', function($$animateJs, $$AnimateRunner) { + return function initDriverFn(animationDetails) { + if (animationDetails.from && animationDetails.to) { + var fromAnimation = prepareAnimation(animationDetails.from); + var toAnimation = prepareAnimation(animationDetails.to); + if (!fromAnimation && !toAnimation) return; + + return { + start: function() { + var animationRunners = []; + + if (fromAnimation) { + animationRunners.push(fromAnimation.start()); + } + + if (toAnimation) { + animationRunners.push(toAnimation.start()); + } + + $$AnimateRunner.all(animationRunners, done); + + var runner = new $$AnimateRunner({ + end: endFnFactory(), + cancel: endFnFactory() + }); + + return runner; + + function endFnFactory() { + return function() { + forEach(animationRunners, function(runner) { + // at this point we cannot cancel animations for groups just yet. 1.5+ + runner.end(); + }); + }; + } + + function done(status) { + runner.complete(status); + } + } + }; + } else { + return prepareAnimation(animationDetails); + } + }; + + function prepareAnimation(animationDetails) { + // TODO(matsko): make sure to check for grouped animations and delegate down to normal animations + var element = animationDetails.element; + var event = animationDetails.event; + var options = animationDetails.options; + var classes = animationDetails.classes; + return $$animateJs(element, event, classes, options); + } + }]; +}]; + +var NG_ANIMATE_ATTR_NAME = 'data-ng-animate'; +var NG_ANIMATE_PIN_DATA = '$ngAnimatePin'; +var $$AnimateQueueProvider = ['$animateProvider', function($animateProvider) { + var PRE_DIGEST_STATE = 1; + var RUNNING_STATE = 2; + var ONE_SPACE = ' '; + + var rules = this.rules = { + skip: [], + cancel: [], + join: [] + }; + + function makeTruthyCssClassMap(classString) { + if (!classString) { + return null; + } + + var keys = classString.split(ONE_SPACE); + var map = Object.create(null); + + forEach(keys, function(key) { + map[key] = true; + }); + return map; + } + + function hasMatchingClasses(newClassString, currentClassString) { + if (newClassString && currentClassString) { + var currentClassMap = makeTruthyCssClassMap(currentClassString); + return newClassString.split(ONE_SPACE).some(function(className) { + return currentClassMap[className]; + }); + } + } + + function isAllowed(ruleType, element, currentAnimation, previousAnimation) { + return rules[ruleType].some(function(fn) { + return fn(element, currentAnimation, previousAnimation); + }); + } + + function hasAnimationClasses(animation, and) { + var a = (animation.addClass || '').length > 0; + var b = (animation.removeClass || '').length > 0; + return and ? a && b : a || b; + } + + rules.join.push(function(element, newAnimation, currentAnimation) { + // if the new animation is class-based then we can just tack that on + return !newAnimation.structural && hasAnimationClasses(newAnimation); + }); + + rules.skip.push(function(element, newAnimation, currentAnimation) { + // there is no need to animate anything if no classes are being added and + // there is no structural animation that will be triggered + return !newAnimation.structural && !hasAnimationClasses(newAnimation); + }); + + rules.skip.push(function(element, newAnimation, currentAnimation) { + // why should we trigger a new structural animation if the element will + // be removed from the DOM anyway? + return currentAnimation.event == 'leave' && newAnimation.structural; + }); + + rules.skip.push(function(element, newAnimation, currentAnimation) { + // if there is an ongoing current animation then don't even bother running the class-based animation + return currentAnimation.structural && currentAnimation.state === RUNNING_STATE && !newAnimation.structural; + }); + + rules.cancel.push(function(element, newAnimation, currentAnimation) { + // there can never be two structural animations running at the same time + return currentAnimation.structural && newAnimation.structural; + }); + + rules.cancel.push(function(element, newAnimation, currentAnimation) { + // if the previous animation is already running, but the new animation will + // be triggered, but the new animation is structural + return currentAnimation.state === RUNNING_STATE && newAnimation.structural; + }); + + rules.cancel.push(function(element, newAnimation, currentAnimation) { + // cancel the animation if classes added / removed in both animation cancel each other out, + // but only if the current animation isn't structural + + if (currentAnimation.structural) return false; + + var nA = newAnimation.addClass; + var nR = newAnimation.removeClass; + var cA = currentAnimation.addClass; + var cR = currentAnimation.removeClass; + + // early detection to save the global CPU shortage :) + if ((isUndefined(nA) && isUndefined(nR)) || (isUndefined(cA) && isUndefined(cR))) { + return false; + } + + return hasMatchingClasses(nA, cR) || hasMatchingClasses(nR, cA); + }); + + this.$get = ['$$rAF', '$rootScope', '$rootElement', '$document', '$$HashMap', + '$$animation', '$$AnimateRunner', '$templateRequest', '$$jqLite', '$$forceReflow', + function($$rAF, $rootScope, $rootElement, $document, $$HashMap, + $$animation, $$AnimateRunner, $templateRequest, $$jqLite, $$forceReflow) { + + var activeAnimationsLookup = new $$HashMap(); + var disabledElementsLookup = new $$HashMap(); + var animationsEnabled = null; + + function postDigestTaskFactory() { + var postDigestCalled = false; + return function(fn) { + // we only issue a call to postDigest before + // it has first passed. This prevents any callbacks + // from not firing once the animation has completed + // since it will be out of the digest cycle. + if (postDigestCalled) { + fn(); + } else { + $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() { + postDigestCalled = true; + fn(); + }); + } + }; + } + + // Wait until all directive and route-related templates are downloaded and + // compiled. The $templateRequest.totalPendingRequests variable keeps track of + // all of the remote templates being currently downloaded. If there are no + // templates currently downloading then the watcher will still fire anyway. + var deregisterWatch = $rootScope.$watch( + function() { return $templateRequest.totalPendingRequests === 0; }, + function(isEmpty) { + if (!isEmpty) return; + deregisterWatch(); + + // Now that all templates have been downloaded, $animate will wait until + // the post digest queue is empty before enabling animations. By having two + // calls to $postDigest calls we can ensure that the flag is enabled at the + // very end of the post digest queue. Since all of the animations in $animate + // use $postDigest, it's important that the code below executes at the end. + // This basically means that the page is fully downloaded and compiled before + // any animations are triggered. + $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() { + $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() { + // we check for null directly in the event that the application already called + // .enabled() with whatever arguments that it provided it with + if (animationsEnabled === null) { + animationsEnabled = true; + } + }); + }); + } + ); + + var callbackRegistry = {}; + + // remember that the classNameFilter is set during the provider/config + // stage therefore we can optimize here and setup a helper function + var classNameFilter = $animateProvider.classNameFilter(); + var isAnimatableClassName = !classNameFilter + ? function() { return true; } + : function(className) { + return classNameFilter.test(className); + }; + + var applyAnimationClasses = applyAnimationClassesFactory($$jqLite); + + function normalizeAnimationDetails(element, animation) { + return mergeAnimationDetails(element, animation, {}); + } + + // IE9-11 has no method "contains" in SVG element and in Node.prototype. Bug #10259. + var contains = window.Node.prototype.contains || function(arg) { + // jshint bitwise: false + return this === arg || !!(this.compareDocumentPosition(arg) & 16); + // jshint bitwise: true + }; + + function findCallbacks(parent, element, event) { + var targetNode = getDomNode(element); + var targetParentNode = getDomNode(parent); + + var matches = []; + var entries = callbackRegistry[event]; + if (entries) { + forEach(entries, function(entry) { + if (contains.call(entry.node, targetNode)) { + matches.push(entry.callback); + } else if (event === 'leave' && contains.call(entry.node, targetParentNode)) { + matches.push(entry.callback); + } + }); + } + + return matches; + } + + function filterFromRegistry(list, matchContainer, matchCallback) { + var containerNode = extractElementNode(matchContainer); + return list.filter(function(entry) { + var isMatch = entry.node === containerNode && + (!matchCallback || entry.callback === matchCallback); + return !isMatch; + }); + } + + function cleanupEventListeners(phase, element) { + if (phase === 'close' && !element[0].parentNode) { + // If the element is not attached to a parentNode, it has been removed by + // the domOperation, and we can safely remove the event callbacks + $animate.off(element); + } + } + + var $animate = { + on: function(event, container, callback) { + var node = extractElementNode(container); + callbackRegistry[event] = callbackRegistry[event] || []; + callbackRegistry[event].push({ + node: node, + callback: callback + }); + + // Remove the callback when the element is removed from the DOM + jqLite(container).on('$destroy', function() { + var animationDetails = activeAnimationsLookup.get(node); + + if (!animationDetails) { + // If there's an animation ongoing, the callback calling code will remove + // the event listeners. If we'd remove here, the callbacks would be removed + // before the animation ends + $animate.off(event, container, callback); + } + }); + }, + + off: function(event, container, callback) { + if (arguments.length === 1 && !angular.isString(arguments[0])) { + container = arguments[0]; + for (var eventType in callbackRegistry) { + callbackRegistry[eventType] = filterFromRegistry(callbackRegistry[eventType], container); + } + + return; + } + + var entries = callbackRegistry[event]; + if (!entries) return; + + callbackRegistry[event] = arguments.length === 1 + ? null + : filterFromRegistry(entries, container, callback); + }, + + pin: function(element, parentElement) { + assertArg(isElement(element), 'element', 'not an element'); + assertArg(isElement(parentElement), 'parentElement', 'not an element'); + element.data(NG_ANIMATE_PIN_DATA, parentElement); + }, + + push: function(element, event, options, domOperation) { + options = options || {}; + options.domOperation = domOperation; + return queueAnimation(element, event, options); + }, + + // this method has four signatures: + // () - global getter + // (bool) - global setter + // (element) - element getter + // (element, bool) - element setter + enabled: function(element, bool) { + var argCount = arguments.length; + + if (argCount === 0) { + // () - Global getter + bool = !!animationsEnabled; + } else { + var hasElement = isElement(element); + + if (!hasElement) { + // (bool) - Global setter + bool = animationsEnabled = !!element; + } else { + var node = getDomNode(element); + var recordExists = disabledElementsLookup.get(node); + + if (argCount === 1) { + // (element) - Element getter + bool = !recordExists; + } else { + // (element, bool) - Element setter + disabledElementsLookup.put(node, !bool); + } + } + } + + return bool; + } + }; + + return $animate; + + function queueAnimation(element, event, initialOptions) { + // we always make a copy of the options since + // there should never be any side effects on + // the input data when running `$animateCss`. + var options = copy(initialOptions); + + var node, parent; + element = stripCommentsFromElement(element); + if (element) { + node = getDomNode(element); + parent = element.parent(); + } + + options = prepareAnimationOptions(options); + + // we create a fake runner with a working promise. + // These methods will become available after the digest has passed + var runner = new $$AnimateRunner(); + + // this is used to trigger callbacks in postDigest mode + var runInNextPostDigestOrNow = postDigestTaskFactory(); + + if (isArray(options.addClass)) { + options.addClass = options.addClass.join(' '); + } + + if (options.addClass && !isString(options.addClass)) { + options.addClass = null; + } + + if (isArray(options.removeClass)) { + options.removeClass = options.removeClass.join(' '); + } + + if (options.removeClass && !isString(options.removeClass)) { + options.removeClass = null; + } + + if (options.from && !isObject(options.from)) { + options.from = null; + } + + if (options.to && !isObject(options.to)) { + options.to = null; + } + + // there are situations where a directive issues an animation for + // a jqLite wrapper that contains only comment nodes... If this + // happens then there is no way we can perform an animation + if (!node) { + close(); + return runner; + } + + var className = [node.className, options.addClass, options.removeClass].join(' '); + if (!isAnimatableClassName(className)) { + close(); + return runner; + } + + var isStructural = ['enter', 'move', 'leave'].indexOf(event) >= 0; + + var documentHidden = $document[0].hidden; + + // this is a hard disable of all animations for the application or on + // the element itself, therefore there is no need to continue further + // past this point if not enabled + // Animations are also disabled if the document is currently hidden (page is not visible + // to the user), because browsers slow down or do not flush calls to requestAnimationFrame + var skipAnimations = !animationsEnabled || documentHidden || disabledElementsLookup.get(node); + var existingAnimation = (!skipAnimations && activeAnimationsLookup.get(node)) || {}; + var hasExistingAnimation = !!existingAnimation.state; + + // there is no point in traversing the same collection of parent ancestors if a followup + // animation will be run on the same element that already did all that checking work + if (!skipAnimations && (!hasExistingAnimation || existingAnimation.state != PRE_DIGEST_STATE)) { + skipAnimations = !areAnimationsAllowed(element, parent, event); + } + + if (skipAnimations) { + // Callbacks should fire even if the document is hidden (regression fix for issue #14120) + if (documentHidden) notifyProgress(runner, event, 'start'); + close(); + if (documentHidden) notifyProgress(runner, event, 'close'); + return runner; + } + + if (isStructural) { + closeChildAnimations(element); + } + + var newAnimation = { + structural: isStructural, + element: element, + event: event, + addClass: options.addClass, + removeClass: options.removeClass, + close: close, + options: options, + runner: runner + }; + + if (hasExistingAnimation) { + var skipAnimationFlag = isAllowed('skip', element, newAnimation, existingAnimation); + if (skipAnimationFlag) { + if (existingAnimation.state === RUNNING_STATE) { + close(); + return runner; + } else { + mergeAnimationDetails(element, existingAnimation, newAnimation); + return existingAnimation.runner; + } + } + var cancelAnimationFlag = isAllowed('cancel', element, newAnimation, existingAnimation); + if (cancelAnimationFlag) { + if (existingAnimation.state === RUNNING_STATE) { + // this will end the animation right away and it is safe + // to do so since the animation is already running and the + // runner callback code will run in async + existingAnimation.runner.end(); + } else if (existingAnimation.structural) { + // this means that the animation is queued into a digest, but + // hasn't started yet. Therefore it is safe to run the close + // method which will call the runner methods in async. + existingAnimation.close(); + } else { + // this will merge the new animation options into existing animation options + mergeAnimationDetails(element, existingAnimation, newAnimation); + + return existingAnimation.runner; + } + } else { + // a joined animation means that this animation will take over the existing one + // so an example would involve a leave animation taking over an enter. Then when + // the postDigest kicks in the enter will be ignored. + var joinAnimationFlag = isAllowed('join', element, newAnimation, existingAnimation); + if (joinAnimationFlag) { + if (existingAnimation.state === RUNNING_STATE) { + normalizeAnimationDetails(element, newAnimation); + } else { + applyGeneratedPreparationClasses(element, isStructural ? event : null, options); + + event = newAnimation.event = existingAnimation.event; + options = mergeAnimationDetails(element, existingAnimation, newAnimation); + + //we return the same runner since only the option values of this animation will + //be fed into the `existingAnimation`. + return existingAnimation.runner; + } + } + } + } else { + // normalization in this case means that it removes redundant CSS classes that + // already exist (addClass) or do not exist (removeClass) on the element + normalizeAnimationDetails(element, newAnimation); + } + + // when the options are merged and cleaned up we may end up not having to do + // an animation at all, therefore we should check this before issuing a post + // digest callback. Structural animations will always run no matter what. + var isValidAnimation = newAnimation.structural; + if (!isValidAnimation) { + // animate (from/to) can be quickly checked first, otherwise we check if any classes are present + isValidAnimation = (newAnimation.event === 'animate' && Object.keys(newAnimation.options.to || {}).length > 0) + || hasAnimationClasses(newAnimation); + } + + if (!isValidAnimation) { + close(); + clearElementAnimationState(element); + return runner; + } + + // the counter keeps track of cancelled animations + var counter = (existingAnimation.counter || 0) + 1; + newAnimation.counter = counter; + + markElementAnimationState(element, PRE_DIGEST_STATE, newAnimation); + + $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() { + var animationDetails = activeAnimationsLookup.get(node); + var animationCancelled = !animationDetails; + animationDetails = animationDetails || {}; + + // if addClass/removeClass is called before something like enter then the + // registered parent element may not be present. The code below will ensure + // that a final value for parent element is obtained + var parentElement = element.parent() || []; + + // animate/structural/class-based animations all have requirements. Otherwise there + // is no point in performing an animation. The parent node must also be set. + var isValidAnimation = parentElement.length > 0 + && (animationDetails.event === 'animate' + || animationDetails.structural + || hasAnimationClasses(animationDetails)); + + // this means that the previous animation was cancelled + // even if the follow-up animation is the same event + if (animationCancelled || animationDetails.counter !== counter || !isValidAnimation) { + // if another animation did not take over then we need + // to make sure that the domOperation and options are + // handled accordingly + if (animationCancelled) { + applyAnimationClasses(element, options); + applyAnimationStyles(element, options); + } + + // if the event changed from something like enter to leave then we do + // it, otherwise if it's the same then the end result will be the same too + if (animationCancelled || (isStructural && animationDetails.event !== event)) { + options.domOperation(); + runner.end(); + } + + // in the event that the element animation was not cancelled or a follow-up animation + // isn't allowed to animate from here then we need to clear the state of the element + // so that any future animations won't read the expired animation data. + if (!isValidAnimation) { + clearElementAnimationState(element); + } + + return; + } + + // this combined multiple class to addClass / removeClass into a setClass event + // so long as a structural event did not take over the animation + event = !animationDetails.structural && hasAnimationClasses(animationDetails, true) + ? 'setClass' + : animationDetails.event; + + markElementAnimationState(element, RUNNING_STATE); + var realRunner = $$animation(element, event, animationDetails.options); + + // this will update the runner's flow-control events based on + // the `realRunner` object. + runner.setHost(realRunner); + notifyProgress(runner, event, 'start', {}); + + realRunner.done(function(status) { + close(!status); + var animationDetails = activeAnimationsLookup.get(node); + if (animationDetails && animationDetails.counter === counter) { + clearElementAnimationState(getDomNode(element)); + } + notifyProgress(runner, event, 'close', {}); + }); + }); + + return runner; + + function notifyProgress(runner, event, phase, data) { + runInNextPostDigestOrNow(function() { + var callbacks = findCallbacks(parent, element, event); + if (callbacks.length) { + // do not optimize this call here to RAF because + // we don't know how heavy the callback code here will + // be and if this code is buffered then this can + // lead to a performance regression. + $$rAF(function() { + forEach(callbacks, function(callback) { + callback(element, phase, data); + }); + cleanupEventListeners(phase, element); + }); + } else { + cleanupEventListeners(phase, element); + } + }); + runner.progress(event, phase, data); + } + + function close(reject) { // jshint ignore:line + clearGeneratedClasses(element, options); + applyAnimationClasses(element, options); + applyAnimationStyles(element, options); + options.domOperation(); + runner.complete(!reject); + } + } + + function closeChildAnimations(element) { + var node = getDomNode(element); + var children = node.querySelectorAll('[' + NG_ANIMATE_ATTR_NAME + ']'); + forEach(children, function(child) { + var state = parseInt(child.getAttribute(NG_ANIMATE_ATTR_NAME)); + var animationDetails = activeAnimationsLookup.get(child); + if (animationDetails) { + switch (state) { + case RUNNING_STATE: + animationDetails.runner.end(); + /* falls through */ + case PRE_DIGEST_STATE: + activeAnimationsLookup.remove(child); + break; + } + } + }); + } + + function clearElementAnimationState(element) { + var node = getDomNode(element); + node.removeAttribute(NG_ANIMATE_ATTR_NAME); + activeAnimationsLookup.remove(node); + } + + function isMatchingElement(nodeOrElmA, nodeOrElmB) { + return getDomNode(nodeOrElmA) === getDomNode(nodeOrElmB); + } + + /** + * This fn returns false if any of the following is true: + * a) animations on any parent element are disabled, and animations on the element aren't explicitly allowed + * b) a parent element has an ongoing structural animation, and animateChildren is false + * c) the element is not a child of the body + * d) the element is not a child of the $rootElement + */ + function areAnimationsAllowed(element, parentElement, event) { + var bodyElement = jqLite($document[0].body); + var bodyElementDetected = isMatchingElement(element, bodyElement) || element[0].nodeName === 'HTML'; + var rootElementDetected = isMatchingElement(element, $rootElement); + var parentAnimationDetected = false; + var animateChildren; + var elementDisabled = disabledElementsLookup.get(getDomNode(element)); + + var parentHost = jqLite.data(element[0], NG_ANIMATE_PIN_DATA); + if (parentHost) { + parentElement = parentHost; + } + + parentElement = getDomNode(parentElement); + + while (parentElement) { + if (!rootElementDetected) { + // angular doesn't want to attempt to animate elements outside of the application + // therefore we need to ensure that the rootElement is an ancestor of the current element + rootElementDetected = isMatchingElement(parentElement, $rootElement); + } + + if (parentElement.nodeType !== ELEMENT_NODE) { + // no point in inspecting the #document element + break; + } + + var details = activeAnimationsLookup.get(parentElement) || {}; + // either an enter, leave or move animation will commence + // therefore we can't allow any animations to take place + // but if a parent animation is class-based then that's ok + if (!parentAnimationDetected) { + var parentElementDisabled = disabledElementsLookup.get(parentElement); + + if (parentElementDisabled === true && elementDisabled !== false) { + // disable animations if the user hasn't explicitly enabled animations on the + // current element + elementDisabled = true; + // element is disabled via parent element, no need to check anything else + break; + } else if (parentElementDisabled === false) { + elementDisabled = false; + } + parentAnimationDetected = details.structural; + } + + if (isUndefined(animateChildren) || animateChildren === true) { + var value = jqLite.data(parentElement, NG_ANIMATE_CHILDREN_DATA); + if (isDefined(value)) { + animateChildren = value; + } + } + + // there is no need to continue traversing at this point + if (parentAnimationDetected && animateChildren === false) break; + + if (!bodyElementDetected) { + // we also need to ensure that the element is or will be a part of the body element + // otherwise it is pointless to even issue an animation to be rendered + bodyElementDetected = isMatchingElement(parentElement, bodyElement); + } + + if (bodyElementDetected && rootElementDetected) { + // If both body and root have been found, any other checks are pointless, + // as no animation data should live outside the application + break; + } + + if (!rootElementDetected) { + // If no rootElement is detected, check if the parentElement is pinned to another element + parentHost = jqLite.data(parentElement, NG_ANIMATE_PIN_DATA); + if (parentHost) { + // The pin target element becomes the next parent element + parentElement = getDomNode(parentHost); + continue; + } + } + + parentElement = parentElement.parentNode; + } + + var allowAnimation = (!parentAnimationDetected || animateChildren) && elementDisabled !== true; + return allowAnimation && rootElementDetected && bodyElementDetected; + } + + function markElementAnimationState(element, state, details) { + details = details || {}; + details.state = state; + + var node = getDomNode(element); + node.setAttribute(NG_ANIMATE_ATTR_NAME, state); + + var oldValue = activeAnimationsLookup.get(node); + var newValue = oldValue + ? extend(oldValue, details) + : details; + activeAnimationsLookup.put(node, newValue); + } + }]; +}]; + +var $$AnimationProvider = ['$animateProvider', function($animateProvider) { + var NG_ANIMATE_REF_ATTR = 'ng-animate-ref'; + + var drivers = this.drivers = []; + + var RUNNER_STORAGE_KEY = '$$animationRunner'; + + function setRunner(element, runner) { + element.data(RUNNER_STORAGE_KEY, runner); + } + + function removeRunner(element) { + element.removeData(RUNNER_STORAGE_KEY); + } + + function getRunner(element) { + return element.data(RUNNER_STORAGE_KEY); + } + + this.$get = ['$$jqLite', '$rootScope', '$injector', '$$AnimateRunner', '$$HashMap', '$$rAFScheduler', + function($$jqLite, $rootScope, $injector, $$AnimateRunner, $$HashMap, $$rAFScheduler) { + + var animationQueue = []; + var applyAnimationClasses = applyAnimationClassesFactory($$jqLite); + + function sortAnimations(animations) { + var tree = { children: [] }; + var i, lookup = new $$HashMap(); + + // this is done first beforehand so that the hashmap + // is filled with a list of the elements that will be animated + for (i = 0; i < animations.length; i++) { + var animation = animations[i]; + lookup.put(animation.domNode, animations[i] = { + domNode: animation.domNode, + fn: animation.fn, + children: [] + }); + } + + for (i = 0; i < animations.length; i++) { + processNode(animations[i]); + } + + return flatten(tree); + + function processNode(entry) { + if (entry.processed) return entry; + entry.processed = true; + + var elementNode = entry.domNode; + var parentNode = elementNode.parentNode; + lookup.put(elementNode, entry); + + var parentEntry; + while (parentNode) { + parentEntry = lookup.get(parentNode); + if (parentEntry) { + if (!parentEntry.processed) { + parentEntry = processNode(parentEntry); + } + break; + } + parentNode = parentNode.parentNode; + } + + (parentEntry || tree).children.push(entry); + return entry; + } + + function flatten(tree) { + var result = []; + var queue = []; + var i; + + for (i = 0; i < tree.children.length; i++) { + queue.push(tree.children[i]); + } + + var remainingLevelEntries = queue.length; + var nextLevelEntries = 0; + var row = []; + + for (i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) { + var entry = queue[i]; + if (remainingLevelEntries <= 0) { + remainingLevelEntries = nextLevelEntries; + nextLevelEntries = 0; + result.push(row); + row = []; + } + row.push(entry.fn); + entry.children.forEach(function(childEntry) { + nextLevelEntries++; + queue.push(childEntry); + }); + remainingLevelEntries--; + } + + if (row.length) { + result.push(row); + } + + return result; + } + } + + // TODO(matsko): document the signature in a better way + return function(element, event, options) { + options = prepareAnimationOptions(options); + var isStructural = ['enter', 'move', 'leave'].indexOf(event) >= 0; + + // there is no animation at the current moment, however + // these runner methods will get later updated with the + // methods leading into the driver's end/cancel methods + // for now they just stop the animation from starting + var runner = new $$AnimateRunner({ + end: function() { close(); }, + cancel: function() { close(true); } + }); + + if (!drivers.length) { + close(); + return runner; + } + + setRunner(element, runner); + + var classes = mergeClasses(element.attr('class'), mergeClasses(options.addClass, options.removeClass)); + var tempClasses = options.tempClasses; + if (tempClasses) { + classes += ' ' + tempClasses; + options.tempClasses = null; + } + + var prepareClassName; + if (isStructural) { + prepareClassName = 'ng-' + event + PREPARE_CLASS_SUFFIX; + $$jqLite.addClass(element, prepareClassName); + } + + animationQueue.push({ + // this data is used by the postDigest code and passed into + // the driver step function + element: element, + classes: classes, + event: event, + structural: isStructural, + options: options, + beforeStart: beforeStart, + close: close + }); + + element.on('$destroy', handleDestroyedElement); + + // we only want there to be one function called within the post digest + // block. This way we can group animations for all the animations that + // were apart of the same postDigest flush call. + if (animationQueue.length > 1) return runner; + + $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() { + var animations = []; + forEach(animationQueue, function(entry) { + // the element was destroyed early on which removed the runner + // form its storage. This means we can't animate this element + // at all and it already has been closed due to destruction. + if (getRunner(entry.element)) { + animations.push(entry); + } else { + entry.close(); + } + }); + + // now any future animations will be in another postDigest + animationQueue.length = 0; + + var groupedAnimations = groupAnimations(animations); + var toBeSortedAnimations = []; + + forEach(groupedAnimations, function(animationEntry) { + toBeSortedAnimations.push({ + domNode: getDomNode(animationEntry.from ? animationEntry.from.element : animationEntry.element), + fn: function triggerAnimationStart() { + // it's important that we apply the `ng-animate` CSS class and the + // temporary classes before we do any driver invoking since these + // CSS classes may be required for proper CSS detection. + animationEntry.beforeStart(); + + var startAnimationFn, closeFn = animationEntry.close; + + // in the event that the element was removed before the digest runs or + // during the RAF sequencing then we should not trigger the animation. + var targetElement = animationEntry.anchors + ? (animationEntry.from.element || animationEntry.to.element) + : animationEntry.element; + + if (getRunner(targetElement)) { + var operation = invokeFirstDriver(animationEntry); + if (operation) { + startAnimationFn = operation.start; + } + } + + if (!startAnimationFn) { + closeFn(); + } else { + var animationRunner = startAnimationFn(); + animationRunner.done(function(status) { + closeFn(!status); + }); + updateAnimationRunners(animationEntry, animationRunner); + } + } + }); + }); + + // we need to sort each of the animations in order of parent to child + // relationships. This ensures that the child classes are applied at the + // right time. + $$rAFScheduler(sortAnimations(toBeSortedAnimations)); + }); + + return runner; + + // TODO(matsko): change to reference nodes + function getAnchorNodes(node) { + var SELECTOR = '[' + NG_ANIMATE_REF_ATTR + ']'; + var items = node.hasAttribute(NG_ANIMATE_REF_ATTR) + ? [node] + : node.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR); + var anchors = []; + forEach(items, function(node) { + var attr = node.getAttribute(NG_ANIMATE_REF_ATTR); + if (attr && attr.length) { + anchors.push(node); + } + }); + return anchors; + } + + function groupAnimations(animations) { + var preparedAnimations = []; + var refLookup = {}; + forEach(animations, function(animation, index) { + var element = animation.element; + var node = getDomNode(element); + var event = animation.event; + var enterOrMove = ['enter', 'move'].indexOf(event) >= 0; + var anchorNodes = animation.structural ? getAnchorNodes(node) : []; + + if (anchorNodes.length) { + var direction = enterOrMove ? 'to' : 'from'; + + forEach(anchorNodes, function(anchor) { + var key = anchor.getAttribute(NG_ANIMATE_REF_ATTR); + refLookup[key] = refLookup[key] || {}; + refLookup[key][direction] = { + animationID: index, + element: jqLite(anchor) + }; + }); + } else { + preparedAnimations.push(animation); + } + }); + + var usedIndicesLookup = {}; + var anchorGroups = {}; + forEach(refLookup, function(operations, key) { + var from = operations.from; + var to = operations.to; + + if (!from || !to) { + // only one of these is set therefore we can't have an + // anchor animation since all three pieces are required + var index = from ? from.animationID : to.animationID; + var indexKey = index.toString(); + if (!usedIndicesLookup[indexKey]) { + usedIndicesLookup[indexKey] = true; + preparedAnimations.push(animations[index]); + } + return; + } + + var fromAnimation = animations[from.animationID]; + var toAnimation = animations[to.animationID]; + var lookupKey = from.animationID.toString(); + if (!anchorGroups[lookupKey]) { + var group = anchorGroups[lookupKey] = { + structural: true, + beforeStart: function() { + fromAnimation.beforeStart(); + toAnimation.beforeStart(); + }, + close: function() { + fromAnimation.close(); + toAnimation.close(); + }, + classes: cssClassesIntersection(fromAnimation.classes, toAnimation.classes), + from: fromAnimation, + to: toAnimation, + anchors: [] // TODO(matsko): change to reference nodes + }; + + // the anchor animations require that the from and to elements both have at least + // one shared CSS class which effectively marries the two elements together to use + // the same animation driver and to properly sequence the anchor animation. + if (group.classes.length) { + preparedAnimations.push(group); + } else { + preparedAnimations.push(fromAnimation); + preparedAnimations.push(toAnimation); + } + } + + anchorGroups[lookupKey].anchors.push({ + 'out': from.element, 'in': to.element + }); + }); + + return preparedAnimations; + } + + function cssClassesIntersection(a,b) { + a = a.split(' '); + b = b.split(' '); + var matches = []; + + for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { + var aa = a[i]; + if (aa.substring(0,3) === 'ng-') continue; + + for (var j = 0; j < b.length; j++) { + if (aa === b[j]) { + matches.push(aa); + break; + } + } + } + + return matches.join(' '); + } + + function invokeFirstDriver(animationDetails) { + // we loop in reverse order since the more general drivers (like CSS and JS) + // may attempt more elements, but custom drivers are more particular + for (var i = drivers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + var driverName = drivers[i]; + if (!$injector.has(driverName)) continue; // TODO(matsko): remove this check + + var factory = $injector.get(driverName); + var driver = factory(animationDetails); + if (driver) { + return driver; + } + } + } + + function beforeStart() { + element.addClass(NG_ANIMATE_CLASSNAME); + if (tempClasses) { + $$jqLite.addClass(element, tempClasses); + } + if (prepareClassName) { + $$jqLite.removeClass(element, prepareClassName); + prepareClassName = null; + } + } + + function updateAnimationRunners(animation, newRunner) { + if (animation.from && animation.to) { + update(animation.from.element); + update(animation.to.element); + } else { + update(animation.element); + } + + function update(element) { + getRunner(element).setHost(newRunner); + } + } + + function handleDestroyedElement() { + var runner = getRunner(element); + if (runner && (event !== 'leave' || !options.$$domOperationFired)) { + runner.end(); + } + } + + function close(rejected) { // jshint ignore:line + element.off('$destroy', handleDestroyedElement); + removeRunner(element); + + applyAnimationClasses(element, options); + applyAnimationStyles(element, options); + options.domOperation(); + + if (tempClasses) { + $$jqLite.removeClass(element, tempClasses); + } + + element.removeClass(NG_ANIMATE_CLASSNAME); + runner.complete(!rejected); + } + }; + }]; +}]; + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ngAnimateSwap + * @restrict A + * @scope + * + * @description + * + * ngAnimateSwap is a animation-oriented directive that allows for the container to + * be removed and entered in whenever the associated expression changes. A + * common usecase for this directive is a rotating banner or slider component which + * contains one image being present at a time. When the active image changes + * then the old image will perform a `leave` animation and the new element + * will be inserted via an `enter` animation. + * + * @animations + * | Animation | Occurs | + * |----------------------------------|--------------------------------------| + * | {@link ng.$animate#enter enter} | when the new element is inserted to the DOM | + * | {@link ng.$animate#leave leave} | when the old element is removed from the DOM | + * + * @example + * + * + *
+ *
+ * {{ number }} + *
+ *
+ *
+ * + * angular.module('ngAnimateSwapExample', ['ngAnimate']) + * .controller('AppCtrl', ['$scope', '$interval', function($scope, $interval) { + * $scope.number = 0; + * $interval(function() { + * $scope.number++; + * }, 1000); + * + * var colors = ['red','blue','green','yellow','orange']; + * $scope.colorClass = function(number) { + * return colors[number % colors.length]; + * }; + * }]); + * + * + * .container { + * height:250px; + * width:250px; + * position:relative; + * overflow:hidden; + * border:2px solid black; + * } + * .container .cell { + * font-size:150px; + * text-align:center; + * line-height:250px; + * position:absolute; + * top:0; + * left:0; + * right:0; + * border-bottom:2px solid black; + * } + * .swap-animation.ng-enter, .swap-animation.ng-leave { + * transition:0.5s linear all; + * } + * .swap-animation.ng-enter { + * top:-250px; + * } + * .swap-animation.ng-enter-active { + * top:0px; + * } + * .swap-animation.ng-leave { + * top:0px; + * } + * .swap-animation.ng-leave-active { + * top:250px; + * } + * .red { background:red; } + * .green { background:green; } + * .blue { background:blue; } + * .yellow { background:yellow; } + * .orange { background:orange; } + * + *
+ */ +var ngAnimateSwapDirective = ['$animate', '$rootScope', function($animate, $rootScope) { + return { + restrict: 'A', + transclude: 'element', + terminal: true, + priority: 600, // we use 600 here to ensure that the directive is caught before others + link: function(scope, $element, attrs, ctrl, $transclude) { + var previousElement, previousScope; + scope.$watchCollection(attrs.ngAnimateSwap || attrs['for'], function(value) { + if (previousElement) { + $animate.leave(previousElement); + } + if (previousScope) { + previousScope.$destroy(); + previousScope = null; + } + if (value || value === 0) { + previousScope = scope.$new(); + $transclude(previousScope, function(element) { + previousElement = element; + $animate.enter(element, null, $element); + }); + } + }); + } + }; +}]; + +/* global angularAnimateModule: true, + + ngAnimateSwapDirective, + $$AnimateAsyncRunFactory, + $$rAFSchedulerFactory, + $$AnimateChildrenDirective, + $$AnimateQueueProvider, + $$AnimationProvider, + $AnimateCssProvider, + $$AnimateCssDriverProvider, + $$AnimateJsProvider, + $$AnimateJsDriverProvider, +*/ + +/** + * @ngdoc module + * @name ngAnimate + * @description + * + * The `ngAnimate` module provides support for CSS-based animations (keyframes and transitions) as well as JavaScript-based animations via + * callback hooks. Animations are not enabled by default, however, by including `ngAnimate` the animation hooks are enabled for an Angular app. + * + *
+ * + * # Usage + * Simply put, there are two ways to make use of animations when ngAnimate is used: by using **CSS** and **JavaScript**. The former works purely based + * using CSS (by using matching CSS selectors/styles) and the latter triggers animations that are registered via `module.animation()`. For + * both CSS and JS animations the sole requirement is to have a matching `CSS class` that exists both in the registered animation and within + * the HTML element that the animation will be triggered on. + * + * ## Directive Support + * The following directives are "animation aware": + * + * | Directive | Supported Animations | + * |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| + * | {@link ng.directive:ngRepeat#animations ngRepeat} | enter, leave and move | + * | {@link ngRoute.directive:ngView#animations ngView} | enter and leave | + * | {@link ng.directive:ngInclude#animations ngInclude} | enter and leave | + * | {@link ng.directive:ngSwitch#animations ngSwitch} | enter and leave | + * | {@link ng.directive:ngIf#animations ngIf} | enter and leave | + * | {@link ng.directive:ngClass#animations ngClass} | add and remove (the CSS class(es) present) | + * | {@link ng.directive:ngShow#animations ngShow} & {@link ng.directive:ngHide#animations ngHide} | add and remove (the ng-hide class value) | + * | {@link ng.directive:form#animation-hooks form} & {@link ng.directive:ngModel#animation-hooks ngModel} | add and remove (dirty, pristine, valid, invalid & all other validations) | + * | {@link module:ngMessages#animations ngMessages} | add and remove (ng-active & ng-inactive) | + * | {@link module:ngMessages#animations ngMessage} | enter and leave | + * + * (More information can be found by visiting each the documentation associated with each directive.) + * + * ## CSS-based Animations + * + * CSS-based animations with ngAnimate are unique since they require no JavaScript code at all. By using a CSS class that we reference between our HTML + * and CSS code we can create an animation that will be picked up by Angular when an the underlying directive performs an operation. + * + * The example below shows how an `enter` animation can be made possible on an element using `ng-if`: + * + * ```html + *
+ * Fade me in out + *
+ * + * + * ``` + * + * Notice the CSS class **fade**? We can now create the CSS transition code that references this class: + * + * ```css + * /* The starting CSS styles for the enter animation */ + * .fade.ng-enter { + * transition:0.5s linear all; + * opacity:0; + * } + * + * /* The finishing CSS styles for the enter animation */ + * .fade.ng-enter.ng-enter-active { + * opacity:1; + * } + * ``` + * + * The key thing to remember here is that, depending on the animation event (which each of the directives above trigger depending on what's going on) two + * generated CSS classes will be applied to the element; in the example above we have `.ng-enter` and `.ng-enter-active`. For CSS transitions, the transition + * code **must** be defined within the starting CSS class (in this case `.ng-enter`). The destination class is what the transition will animate towards. + * + * If for example we wanted to create animations for `leave` and `move` (ngRepeat triggers move) then we can do so using the same CSS naming conventions: + * + * ```css + * /* now the element will fade out before it is removed from the DOM */ + * .fade.ng-leave { + * transition:0.5s linear all; + * opacity:1; + * } + * .fade.ng-leave.ng-leave-active { + * opacity:0; + * } + * ``` + * + * We can also make use of **CSS Keyframes** by referencing the keyframe animation within the starting CSS class: + * + * ```css + * /* there is no need to define anything inside of the destination + * CSS class since the keyframe will take charge of the animation */ + * .fade.ng-leave { + * animation: my_fade_animation 0.5s linear; + * -webkit-animation: my_fade_animation 0.5s linear; + * } + * + * @keyframes my_fade_animation { + * from { opacity:1; } + * to { opacity:0; } + * } + * + * @-webkit-keyframes my_fade_animation { + * from { opacity:1; } + * to { opacity:0; } + * } + * ``` + * + * Feel free also mix transitions and keyframes together as well as any other CSS classes on the same element. + * + * ### CSS Class-based Animations + * + * Class-based animations (animations that are triggered via `ngClass`, `ngShow`, `ngHide` and some other directives) have a slightly different + * naming convention. Class-based animations are basic enough that a standard transition or keyframe can be referenced on the class being added + * and removed. + * + * For example if we wanted to do a CSS animation for `ngHide` then we place an animation on the `.ng-hide` CSS class: + * + * ```html + *
+ * Show and hide me + *
+ * + * + * + * ``` + * + * All that is going on here with ngShow/ngHide behind the scenes is the `.ng-hide` class is added/removed (when the hidden state is valid). Since + * ngShow and ngHide are animation aware then we can match up a transition and ngAnimate handles the rest. + * + * In addition the addition and removal of the CSS class, ngAnimate also provides two helper methods that we can use to further decorate the animation + * with CSS styles. + * + * ```html + *
+ * Highlight this box + *
+ * + * + * + * ``` + * + * We can also make use of CSS keyframes by placing them within the CSS classes. + * + * + * ### CSS Staggering Animations + * A Staggering animation is a collection of animations that are issued with a slight delay in between each successive operation resulting in a + * curtain-like effect. The ngAnimate module (versions >=1.2) supports staggering animations and the stagger effect can be + * performed by creating a **ng-EVENT-stagger** CSS class and attaching that class to the base CSS class used for + * the animation. The style property expected within the stagger class can either be a **transition-delay** or an + * **animation-delay** property (or both if your animation contains both transitions and keyframe animations). + * + * ```css + * .my-animation.ng-enter { + * /* standard transition code */ + * transition: 1s linear all; + * opacity:0; + * } + * .my-animation.ng-enter-stagger { + * /* this will have a 100ms delay between each successive leave animation */ + * transition-delay: 0.1s; + * + * /* As of 1.4.4, this must always be set: it signals ngAnimate + * to not accidentally inherit a delay property from another CSS class */ + * transition-duration: 0s; + * } + * .my-animation.ng-enter.ng-enter-active { + * /* standard transition styles */ + * opacity:1; + * } + * ``` + * + * Staggering animations work by default in ngRepeat (so long as the CSS class is defined). Outside of ngRepeat, to use staggering animations + * on your own, they can be triggered by firing multiple calls to the same event on $animate. However, the restrictions surrounding this + * are that each of the elements must have the same CSS className value as well as the same parent element. A stagger operation + * will also be reset if one or more animation frames have passed since the multiple calls to `$animate` were fired. + * + * The following code will issue the **ng-leave-stagger** event on the element provided: + * + * ```js + * var kids = parent.children(); + * + * $animate.leave(kids[0]); //stagger index=0 + * $animate.leave(kids[1]); //stagger index=1 + * $animate.leave(kids[2]); //stagger index=2 + * $animate.leave(kids[3]); //stagger index=3 + * $animate.leave(kids[4]); //stagger index=4 + * + * window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { + * //stagger has reset itself + * $animate.leave(kids[5]); //stagger index=0 + * $animate.leave(kids[6]); //stagger index=1 + * + * $scope.$digest(); + * }); + * ``` + * + * Stagger animations are currently only supported within CSS-defined animations. + * + * ### The `ng-animate` CSS class + * + * When ngAnimate is animating an element it will apply the `ng-animate` CSS class to the element for the duration of the animation. + * This is a temporary CSS class and it will be removed once the animation is over (for both JavaScript and CSS-based animations). + * + * Therefore, animations can be applied to an element using this temporary class directly via CSS. + * + * ```css + * .zipper.ng-animate { + * transition:0.5s linear all; + * } + * .zipper.ng-enter { + * opacity:0; + * } + * .zipper.ng-enter.ng-enter-active { + * opacity:1; + * } + * .zipper.ng-leave { + * opacity:1; + * } + * .zipper.ng-leave.ng-leave-active { + * opacity:0; + * } + * ``` + * + * (Note that the `ng-animate` CSS class is reserved and it cannot be applied on an element directly since ngAnimate will always remove + * the CSS class once an animation has completed.) + * + * + * ### The `ng-[event]-prepare` class + * + * This is a special class that can be used to prevent unwanted flickering / flash of content before + * the actual animation starts. The class is added as soon as an animation is initialized, but removed + * before the actual animation starts (after waiting for a $digest). + * It is also only added for *structural* animations (`enter`, `move`, and `leave`). + * + * In practice, flickering can appear when nesting elements with structural animations such as `ngIf` + * into elements that have class-based animations such as `ngClass`. + * + * ```html + *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * ``` + * + * It is possible that during the `enter` animation, the `.message` div will be briefly visible before it starts animating. + * In that case, you can add styles to the CSS that make sure the element stays hidden before the animation starts: + * + * ```css + * .message.ng-enter-prepare { + * opacity: 0; + * } + * + * ``` + * + * ## JavaScript-based Animations + * + * ngAnimate also allows for animations to be consumed by JavaScript code. The approach is similar to CSS-based animations (where there is a shared + * CSS class that is referenced in our HTML code) but in addition we need to register the JavaScript animation on the module. By making use of the + * `module.animation()` module function we can register the animation. + * + * Let's see an example of a enter/leave animation using `ngRepeat`: + * + * ```html + *
+ * {{ item }} + *
+ * ``` + * + * See the **slide** CSS class? Let's use that class to define an animation that we'll structure in our module code by using `module.animation`: + * + * ```js + * myModule.animation('.slide', [function() { + * return { + * // make note that other events (like addClass/removeClass) + * // have different function input parameters + * enter: function(element, doneFn) { + * jQuery(element).fadeIn(1000, doneFn); + * + * // remember to call doneFn so that angular + * // knows that the animation has concluded + * }, + * + * move: function(element, doneFn) { + * jQuery(element).fadeIn(1000, doneFn); + * }, + * + * leave: function(element, doneFn) { + * jQuery(element).fadeOut(1000, doneFn); + * } + * } + * }]); + * ``` + * + * The nice thing about JS-based animations is that we can inject other services and make use of advanced animation libraries such as + * greensock.js and velocity.js. + * + * If our animation code class-based (meaning that something like `ngClass`, `ngHide` and `ngShow` triggers it) then we can still define + * our animations inside of the same registered animation, however, the function input arguments are a bit different: + * + * ```html + *
+ * this box is moody + *
+ * + * + * + * ``` + * + * ```js + * myModule.animation('.colorful', [function() { + * return { + * addClass: function(element, className, doneFn) { + * // do some cool animation and call the doneFn + * }, + * removeClass: function(element, className, doneFn) { + * // do some cool animation and call the doneFn + * }, + * setClass: function(element, addedClass, removedClass, doneFn) { + * // do some cool animation and call the doneFn + * } + * } + * }]); + * ``` + * + * ## CSS + JS Animations Together + * + * AngularJS 1.4 and higher has taken steps to make the amalgamation of CSS and JS animations more flexible. However, unlike earlier versions of Angular, + * defining CSS and JS animations to work off of the same CSS class will not work anymore. Therefore the example below will only result in **JS animations taking + * charge of the animation**: + * + * ```html + *
+ * Slide in and out + *
+ * ``` + * + * ```js + * myModule.animation('.slide', [function() { + * return { + * enter: function(element, doneFn) { + * jQuery(element).slideIn(1000, doneFn); + * } + * } + * }]); + * ``` + * + * ```css + * .slide.ng-enter { + * transition:0.5s linear all; + * transform:translateY(-100px); + * } + * .slide.ng-enter.ng-enter-active { + * transform:translateY(0); + * } + * ``` + * + * Does this mean that CSS and JS animations cannot be used together? Do JS-based animations always have higher priority? We can make up for the + * lack of CSS animations by using the `$animateCss` service to trigger our own tweaked-out, CSS-based animations directly from + * our own JS-based animation code: + * + * ```js + * myModule.animation('.slide', ['$animateCss', function($animateCss) { + * return { + * enter: function(element) { +* // this will trigger `.slide.ng-enter` and `.slide.ng-enter-active`. + * return $animateCss(element, { + * event: 'enter', + * structural: true + * }); + * } + * } + * }]); + * ``` + * + * The nice thing here is that we can save bandwidth by sticking to our CSS-based animation code and we don't need to rely on a 3rd-party animation framework. + * + * The `$animateCss` service is very powerful since we can feed in all kinds of extra properties that will be evaluated and fed into a CSS transition or + * keyframe animation. For example if we wanted to animate the height of an element while adding and removing classes then we can do so by providing that + * data into `$animateCss` directly: + * + * ```js + * myModule.animation('.slide', ['$animateCss', function($animateCss) { + * return { + * enter: function(element) { + * return $animateCss(element, { + * event: 'enter', + * structural: true, + * addClass: 'maroon-setting', + * from: { height:0 }, + * to: { height: 200 } + * }); + * } + * } + * }]); + * ``` + * + * Now we can fill in the rest via our transition CSS code: + * + * ```css + * /* the transition tells ngAnimate to make the animation happen */ + * .slide.ng-enter { transition:0.5s linear all; } + * + * /* this extra CSS class will be absorbed into the transition + * since the $animateCss code is adding the class */ + * .maroon-setting { background:red; } + * ``` + * + * And `$animateCss` will figure out the rest. Just make sure to have the `done()` callback fire the `doneFn` function to signal when the animation is over. + * + * To learn more about what's possible be sure to visit the {@link ngAnimate.$animateCss $animateCss service}. + * + * ## Animation Anchoring (via `ng-animate-ref`) + * + * ngAnimate in AngularJS 1.4 comes packed with the ability to cross-animate elements between + * structural areas of an application (like views) by pairing up elements using an attribute + * called `ng-animate-ref`. + * + * Let's say for example we have two views that are managed by `ng-view` and we want to show + * that there is a relationship between two components situated in within these views. By using the + * `ng-animate-ref` attribute we can identify that the two components are paired together and we + * can then attach an animation, which is triggered when the view changes. + * + * Say for example we have the following template code: + * + * ```html + * + *
+ *
+ * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * ``` + * + * Now, when the view changes (once the link is clicked), ngAnimate will examine the + * HTML contents to see if there is a match reference between any components in the view + * that is leaving and the view that is entering. It will scan both the view which is being + * removed (leave) and inserted (enter) to see if there are any paired DOM elements that + * contain a matching ref value. + * + * The two images match since they share the same ref value. ngAnimate will now create a + * transport element (which is a clone of the first image element) and it will then attempt + * to animate to the position of the second image element in the next view. For the animation to + * work a special CSS class called `ng-anchor` will be added to the transported element. + * + * We can now attach a transition onto the `.banner.ng-anchor` CSS class and then + * ngAnimate will handle the entire transition for us as well as the addition and removal of + * any changes of CSS classes between the elements: + * + * ```css + * .banner.ng-anchor { + * /* this animation will last for 1 second since there are + * two phases to the animation (an `in` and an `out` phase) */ + * transition:0.5s linear all; + * } + * ``` + * + * We also **must** include animations for the views that are being entered and removed + * (otherwise anchoring wouldn't be possible since the new view would be inserted right away). + * + * ```css + * .view-animation.ng-enter, .view-animation.ng-leave { + * transition:0.5s linear all; + * position:fixed; + * left:0; + * top:0; + * width:100%; + * } + * .view-animation.ng-enter { + * transform:translateX(100%); + * } + * .view-animation.ng-leave, + * .view-animation.ng-enter.ng-enter-active { + * transform:translateX(0%); + * } + * .view-animation.ng-leave.ng-leave-active { + * transform:translateX(-100%); + * } + * ``` + * + * Now we can jump back to the anchor animation. When the animation happens, there are two stages that occur: + * an `out` and an `in` stage. The `out` stage happens first and that is when the element is animated away + * from its origin. Once that animation is over then the `in` stage occurs which animates the + * element to its destination. The reason why there are two animations is to give enough time + * for the enter animation on the new element to be ready. + * + * The example above sets up a transition for both the in and out phases, but we can also target the out or + * in phases directly via `ng-anchor-out` and `ng-anchor-in`. + * + * ```css + * .banner.ng-anchor-out { + * transition: 0.5s linear all; + * + * /* the scale will be applied during the out animation, + * but will be animated away when the in animation runs */ + * transform: scale(1.2); + * } + * + * .banner.ng-anchor-in { + * transition: 1s linear all; + * } + * ``` + * + * + * + * + * ### Anchoring Demo + * + + + Home +
+ + angular.module('anchoringExample', ['ngAnimate', 'ngRoute']) + .config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) { + $routeProvider.when('/', { + templateUrl: 'home.html', + controller: 'HomeController as home' + }); + $routeProvider.when('/profile/:id', { + templateUrl: 'profile.html', + controller: 'ProfileController as profile' + }); + }]) + .run(['$rootScope', function($rootScope) { + $rootScope.records = [ + { id:1, title: "Miss Beulah Roob" }, + { id:2, title: "Trent Morissette" }, + { id:3, title: "Miss Ava Pouros" }, + { id:4, title: "Rod Pouros" }, + { id:5, title: "Abdul Rice" }, + { id:6, title: "Laurie Rutherford Sr." }, + { id:7, title: "Nakia McLaughlin" }, + { id:8, title: "Jordon Blanda DVM" }, + { id:9, title: "Rhoda Hand" }, + { id:10, title: "Alexandrea Sauer" } + ]; + }]) + .controller('HomeController', [function() { + //empty + }]) + .controller('ProfileController', ['$rootScope', '$routeParams', function($rootScope, $routeParams) { + var index = parseInt($routeParams.id, 10); + var record = $rootScope.records[index - 1]; + + this.title = record.title; + this.id = record.id; + }]); + + +

Welcome to the home page


Please click on an element

+ + {{ record.title }} + +
+ +
+ {{ profile.title }} +
+ + .record { + display:block; + font-size:20px; + } + .profile { + background:black; + color:white; + font-size:100px; + } + .view-container { + position:relative; + } + .view-container > .view.ng-animate { + position:absolute; + top:0; + left:0; + width:100%; + min-height:500px; + } + .view.ng-enter, .view.ng-leave, + .record.ng-anchor { + transition:0.5s linear all; + } + .view.ng-enter { + transform:translateX(100%); + } + .view.ng-enter.ng-enter-active, .view.ng-leave { + transform:translateX(0%); + } + .view.ng-leave.ng-leave-active { + transform:translateX(-100%); + } + .record.ng-anchor-out { + background:red; + } + +
+ * + * ### How is the element transported? + * + * When an anchor animation occurs, ngAnimate will clone the starting element and position it exactly where the starting + * element is located on screen via absolute positioning. The cloned element will be placed inside of the root element + * of the application (where ng-app was defined) and all of the CSS classes of the starting element will be applied. The + * element will then animate into the `out` and `in` animations and will eventually reach the coordinates and match + * the dimensions of the destination element. During the entire animation a CSS class of `.ng-animate-shim` will be applied + * to both the starting and destination elements in order to hide them from being visible (the CSS styling for the class + * is: `visibility:hidden`). Once the anchor reaches its destination then it will be removed and the destination element + * will become visible since the shim class will be removed. + * + * ### How is the morphing handled? + * + * CSS Anchoring relies on transitions and keyframes and the internal code is intelligent enough to figure out + * what CSS classes differ between the starting element and the destination element. These different CSS classes + * will be added/removed on the anchor element and a transition will be applied (the transition that is provided + * in the anchor class). Long story short, ngAnimate will figure out what classes to add and remove which will + * make the transition of the element as smooth and automatic as possible. Be sure to use simple CSS classes that + * do not rely on DOM nesting structure so that the anchor element appears the same as the starting element (since + * the cloned element is placed inside of root element which is likely close to the body element). + * + * Note that if the root element is on the `` element then the cloned node will be placed inside of body. + * + * + * ## Using $animate in your directive code + * + * So far we've explored how to feed in animations into an Angular application, but how do we trigger animations within our own directives in our application? + * By injecting the `$animate` service into our directive code, we can trigger structural and class-based hooks which can then be consumed by animations. Let's + * imagine we have a greeting box that shows and hides itself when the data changes + * + * ```html + * Hi there + * ``` + * + * ```js + * ngModule.directive('greetingBox', ['$animate', function($animate) { + * return function(scope, element, attrs) { + * attrs.$observe('active', function(value) { + * value ? $animate.addClass(element, 'on') : $animate.removeClass(element, 'on'); + * }); + * }); + * }]); + * ``` + * + * Now the `on` CSS class is added and removed on the greeting box component. Now if we add a CSS class on top of the greeting box element + * in our HTML code then we can trigger a CSS or JS animation to happen. + * + * ```css + * /* normally we would create a CSS class to reference on the element */ + * greeting-box.on { transition:0.5s linear all; background:green; color:white; } + * ``` + * + * The `$animate` service contains a variety of other methods like `enter`, `leave`, `animate` and `setClass`. To learn more about what's + * possible be sure to visit the {@link ng.$animate $animate service API page}. + * + * + * ## Callbacks and Promises + * + * When `$animate` is called it returns a promise that can be used to capture when the animation has ended. Therefore if we were to trigger + * an animation (within our directive code) then we can continue performing directive and scope related activities after the animation has + * ended by chaining onto the returned promise that animation method returns. + * + * ```js + * // somewhere within the depths of the directive + * $animate.enter(element, parent).then(function() { + * //the animation has completed + * }); + * ``` + * + * (Note that earlier versions of Angular prior to v1.4 required the promise code to be wrapped using `$scope.$apply(...)`. This is not the case + * anymore.) + * + * In addition to the animation promise, we can also make use of animation-related callbacks within our directives and controller code by registering + * an event listener using the `$animate` service. Let's say for example that an animation was triggered on our view + * routing controller to hook into that: + * + * ```js + * ngModule.controller('HomePageController', ['$animate', function($animate) { + * $animate.on('enter', ngViewElement, function(element) { + * // the animation for this route has completed + * }]); + * }]) + * ``` + * + * (Note that you will need to trigger a digest within the callback to get angular to notice any scope-related changes.) + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $animate + * @kind object + * + * @description + * The ngAnimate `$animate` service documentation is the same for the core `$animate` service. + * + * Click here {@link ng.$animate to learn more about animations with `$animate`}. + */ +angular.module('ngAnimate', []) + .directive('ngAnimateSwap', ngAnimateSwapDirective) + + .directive('ngAnimateChildren', $$AnimateChildrenDirective) + .factory('$$rAFScheduler', $$rAFSchedulerFactory) + + .provider('$$animateQueue', $$AnimateQueueProvider) + .provider('$$animation', $$AnimationProvider) + + .provider('$animateCss', $AnimateCssProvider) + .provider('$$animateCssDriver', $$AnimateCssDriverProvider) + + .provider('$$animateJs', $$AnimateJsProvider) + .provider('$$animateJsDriver', $$AnimateJsDriverProvider); + + +})(window, window.angular); diff --git a/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-animate/angular-animate.min.js b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-animate/angular-animate.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7d2f27 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-animate/angular-animate.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + AngularJS v1.5.5 + (c) 2010-2016 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org + License: MIT +*/ +(function(S,q){'use strict';function Aa(a,b,c){if(!a)throw Ma("areq",b||"?",c||"required");return a}function Ba(a,b){if(!a&&!b)return"";if(!a)return b;if(!b)return a;ba(a)&&(a=a.join(" "));ba(b)&&(b=b.join(" "));return a+" "+b}function Na(a){var b={};a&&(a.to||a.from)&&(b.to=a.to,b.from=a.from);return b}function X(a,b,c){var d="";a=ba(a)?a:a&&P(a)&&a.length?a.split(/\s+/):[];r(a,function(a,f){a&&0=a&&(a=e,e=0,b.push(f),f=[]);f.push(x.fn);x.children.forEach(function(a){e++;c.push(a)});a--}f.length&&b.push(f);return b}(c)}var I=[],q=U(a);return function(u,B,w){function x(a){a=a.hasAttribute("ng-animate-ref")?[a]:a.querySelectorAll("[ng-animate-ref]");var b=[];r(a,function(a){var c= +a.getAttribute("ng-animate-ref");c&&c.length&&b.push(a)});return b}function R(a){var b=[],c={};r(a,function(a,g){var d=D(a.element),e=0<=["enter","move"].indexOf(a.event),d=a.structural?x(d):[];if(d.length){var k=e?"to":"from";r(d,function(a){var b=a.getAttribute("ng-animate-ref");c[b]=c[b]||{};c[b][k]={animationID:g,element:G(a)}})}else b.push(a)});var d={},e={};r(c,function(c,h){var k=c.from,f=c.to;if(k&&f){var p=a[k.animationID],y=a[f.animationID],l=k.animationID.toString();if(!e[l]){var x=e[l]= +{structural:!0,beforeStart:function(){p.beforeStart();y.beforeStart()},close:function(){p.close();y.close()},classes:J(p.classes,y.classes),from:p,to:y,anchors:[]};x.classes.length?b.push(x):(b.push(p),b.push(y))}e[l].anchors.push({out:k.element,"in":f.element})}else k=k?k.animationID:f.animationID,f=k.toString(),d[f]||(d[f]=!0,b.push(a[k]))});return b}function J(a,b){a=a.split(" ");b=b.split(" ");for(var c=[],d=0;d=S&&b>=m&&(G=!0,l())}function H(){function b(){if(!R){K(!1);r(A,function(a){h.style[a[0]]=a[1]});x(a,g);e.addClass(a,da);if(n.recalculateTimingStyles){na=h.className+" "+fa;ja=q(h,na);E=w(h,na,ja);$=E.maxDelay;ha=Math.max($,0);m=E.maxDuration;if(0===m){l();return}n.hasTransitions= +0p.expectedEndTime)?z.cancel(p.timer):f.push(l)}s&&(H=z(c,H,!1),f[0]={timer:H,expectedEndTime:d},f.push(l),a.data("$$animateCss",f));if(ea.length)a.on(ea.join(" "),y);g.to&&(g.cleanupStyles&&Ia(J,h,Object.keys(g.to)),Da(a,g))}}function c(){var b=a.data("$$animateCss");if(b){for(var d=1;d=1.5.0 <2.0.0", + "_id": "angular-animate@1.5.5", + "_inCache": true, + "_installable": true, + "_location": "/angular-animate", + "_nodeVersion": "4.4.3", + "_npmOperationalInternal": { + "host": "packages-12-west.internal.npmjs.com", + "tmp": "tmp/angular-animate-1.5.5.tgz_1460972857526_0.7723738502245396" + }, + "_npmUser": { + "email": "angular-core+npm@google.com", + "name": "angularcore" + }, + "_npmVersion": "2.15.1", + "_phantomChildren": {}, + "_requested": { + "name": "angular-animate", + "raw": "angular-animate@^1.5.0", + "rawSpec": "^1.5.0", + "scope": null, + "spec": ">=1.5.0 <2.0.0", + "type": "range" + }, + "_requiredBy": [ + "/" + ], + "_resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/angular-animate/-/angular-animate-1.5.5.tgz", + "_shasum": "6641ba517d37b8158578d99178e1e9a6bed19b75", + "_shrinkwrap": null, + "_spec": "angular-animate@^1.5.0", + "_where": "/Users/gcaraciolo/Documents/workspace/cardgame-webclient", + "author": { + "email": "angular-core+npm@google.com", + "name": "Angular Core Team" + }, + "bugs": { + "url": "https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues" + }, + "dependencies": {}, + "description": "AngularJS module for animations", + "devDependencies": {}, + "directories": {}, + "dist": { + "shasum": "6641ba517d37b8158578d99178e1e9a6bed19b75", + "tarball": "https://registry.npmjs.org/angular-animate/-/angular-animate-1.5.5.tgz" + }, + "gitHead": "39c4ea7a81ed05b09229f5961e31e1d9dc251bf8", + "homepage": "http://angularjs.org", + "keywords": [ + "angular", + "animation", + "browser", + "client-side", + "framework" + ], + "license": "MIT", + "main": "index.js", + "maintainers": [ + { + "name": "akalinovski", + "email": "a.kalinovski@gmail.com" + }, + { + "name": "angularcore", + "email": "angular-core+npm@google.com" + }, + { + "name": "petebd", + "email": "pete@bacondarwin.com" + } + ], + "name": "angular-animate", + "optionalDependencies": {}, + "readme": "ERROR: No README data found!", + "repository": { + "type": "git", + "url": "git+https://github.com/angular/angular.js.git" + }, + "scripts": { + "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" + }, + "version": "1.5.5" +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-touch/README.md b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-touch/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..58933ba --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-touch/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +# packaged angular-touch + +This repo is for distribution on `npm` and `bower`. The source for this module is in the +[main AngularJS repo](https://github.com/angular/angular.js/tree/master/src/ngTouch). +Please file issues and pull requests against that repo. + +## Install + +You can install this package either with `npm` or with `bower`. + +### npm + +```shell +npm install angular-touch +``` + +Then add `ngTouch` as a dependency for your app: + +```javascript +angular.module('myApp', [require('angular-touch')]); +``` + +### bower + +```shell +bower install angular-touch +``` + +Add a ` +``` + +Then add `ngTouch` as a dependency for your app: + +```javascript +angular.module('myApp', ['ngTouch']); +``` + +## Documentation + +Documentation is available on the +[AngularJS docs site](http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngTouch). + +## License + +The MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-touch/angular-touch.js b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-touch/angular-touch.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4630897 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-touch/angular-touch.js @@ -0,0 +1,729 @@ +/** + * @license AngularJS v1.5.5 + * (c) 2010-2016 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org + * License: MIT + */ +(function(window, angular) {'use strict'; + +/* global ngTouchClickDirectiveFactory: false, + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc module + * @name ngTouch + * @description + * + * # ngTouch + * + * The `ngTouch` module provides touch events and other helpers for touch-enabled devices. + * The implementation is based on jQuery Mobile touch event handling + * ([jquerymobile.com](http://jquerymobile.com/)). + * + * + * See {@link ngTouch.$swipe `$swipe`} for usage. + * + *
+ * + */ + +// define ngTouch module +/* global -ngTouch */ +var ngTouch = angular.module('ngTouch', []); + +ngTouch.provider('$touch', $TouchProvider); + +function nodeName_(element) { + return angular.lowercase(element.nodeName || (element[0] && element[0].nodeName)); +} + +/** + * @ngdoc provider + * @name $touchProvider + * + * @description + * The `$touchProvider` allows enabling / disabling {@link ngTouch.ngClick ngTouch's ngClick directive}. + */ +$TouchProvider.$inject = ['$provide', '$compileProvider']; +function $TouchProvider($provide, $compileProvider) { + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $touchProvider#ngClickOverrideEnabled + * + * @param {boolean=} enabled update the ngClickOverrideEnabled state if provided, otherwise just return the + * current ngClickOverrideEnabled state + * @returns {*} current value if used as getter or itself (chaining) if used as setter + * + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Call this method to enable/disable {@link ngTouch.ngClick ngTouch's ngClick directive}. If enabled, + * the default ngClick directive will be replaced by a version that eliminates the 300ms delay for + * click events on browser for touch-devices. + * + * The default is `false`. + * + */ + var ngClickOverrideEnabled = false; + var ngClickDirectiveAdded = false; + this.ngClickOverrideEnabled = function(enabled) { + if (angular.isDefined(enabled)) { + + if (enabled && !ngClickDirectiveAdded) { + ngClickDirectiveAdded = true; + + // Use this to identify the correct directive in the delegate + ngTouchClickDirectiveFactory.$$moduleName = 'ngTouch'; + $compileProvider.directive('ngClick', ngTouchClickDirectiveFactory); + + $provide.decorator('ngClickDirective', ['$delegate', function($delegate) { + if (ngClickOverrideEnabled) { + // drop the default ngClick directive + $delegate.shift(); + } else { + // drop the ngTouch ngClick directive if the override has been re-disabled (because + // we cannot de-register added directives) + var i = $delegate.length - 1; + while (i >= 0) { + if ($delegate[i].$$moduleName === 'ngTouch') { + $delegate.splice(i, 1); + break; + } + i--; + } + } + + return $delegate; + }]); + } + + ngClickOverrideEnabled = enabled; + return this; + } + + return ngClickOverrideEnabled; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $touch + * @kind object + * + * @description + * Provides the {@link ngTouch.$touch#ngClickOverrideEnabled `ngClickOverrideEnabled`} method. + * + */ + this.$get = function() { + return { + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $touch#ngClickOverrideEnabled + * + * @returns {*} current value of `ngClickOverrideEnabled` set in the {@link ngTouch.$touchProvider $touchProvider}, + * i.e. if {@link ngTouch.ngClick ngTouch's ngClick} directive is enabled. + * + * @kind function + */ + ngClickOverrideEnabled: function() { + return ngClickOverrideEnabled; + } + }; + }; + +} + +/* global ngTouch: false */ + + /** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $swipe + * + * @description + * The `$swipe` service is a service that abstracts the messier details of hold-and-drag swipe + * behavior, to make implementing swipe-related directives more convenient. + * + * Requires the {@link ngTouch `ngTouch`} module to be installed. + * + * `$swipe` is used by the `ngSwipeLeft` and `ngSwipeRight` directives in `ngTouch`. + * + * # Usage + * The `$swipe` service is an object with a single method: `bind`. `bind` takes an element + * which is to be watched for swipes, and an object with four handler functions. See the + * documentation for `bind` below. + */ + +ngTouch.factory('$swipe', [function() { + // The total distance in any direction before we make the call on swipe vs. scroll. + var MOVE_BUFFER_RADIUS = 10; + + var POINTER_EVENTS = { + 'mouse': { + start: 'mousedown', + move: 'mousemove', + end: 'mouseup' + }, + 'touch': { + start: 'touchstart', + move: 'touchmove', + end: 'touchend', + cancel: 'touchcancel' + } + }; + + function getCoordinates(event) { + var originalEvent = event.originalEvent || event; + var touches = originalEvent.touches && originalEvent.touches.length ? originalEvent.touches : [originalEvent]; + var e = (originalEvent.changedTouches && originalEvent.changedTouches[0]) || touches[0]; + + return { + x: e.clientX, + y: e.clientY + }; + } + + function getEvents(pointerTypes, eventType) { + var res = []; + angular.forEach(pointerTypes, function(pointerType) { + var eventName = POINTER_EVENTS[pointerType][eventType]; + if (eventName) { + res.push(eventName); + } + }); + return res.join(' '); + } + + return { + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $swipe#bind + * + * @description + * The main method of `$swipe`. It takes an element to be watched for swipe motions, and an + * object containing event handlers. + * The pointer types that should be used can be specified via the optional + * third argument, which is an array of strings `'mouse'` and `'touch'`. By default, + * `$swipe` will listen for `mouse` and `touch` events. + * + * The four events are `start`, `move`, `end`, and `cancel`. `start`, `move`, and `end` + * receive as a parameter a coordinates object of the form `{ x: 150, y: 310 }` and the raw + * `event`. `cancel` receives the raw `event` as its single parameter. + * + * `start` is called on either `mousedown` or `touchstart`. After this event, `$swipe` is + * watching for `touchmove` or `mousemove` events. These events are ignored until the total + * distance moved in either dimension exceeds a small threshold. + * + * Once this threshold is exceeded, either the horizontal or vertical delta is greater. + * - If the horizontal distance is greater, this is a swipe and `move` and `end` events follow. + * - If the vertical distance is greater, this is a scroll, and we let the browser take over. + * A `cancel` event is sent. + * + * `move` is called on `mousemove` and `touchmove` after the above logic has determined that + * a swipe is in progress. + * + * `end` is called when a swipe is successfully completed with a `touchend` or `mouseup`. + * + * `cancel` is called either on a `touchcancel` from the browser, or when we begin scrolling + * as described above. + * + */ + bind: function(element, eventHandlers, pointerTypes) { + // Absolute total movement, used to control swipe vs. scroll. + var totalX, totalY; + // Coordinates of the start position. + var startCoords; + // Last event's position. + var lastPos; + // Whether a swipe is active. + var active = false; + + pointerTypes = pointerTypes || ['mouse', 'touch']; + element.on(getEvents(pointerTypes, 'start'), function(event) { + startCoords = getCoordinates(event); + active = true; + totalX = 0; + totalY = 0; + lastPos = startCoords; + eventHandlers['start'] && eventHandlers['start'](startCoords, event); + }); + var events = getEvents(pointerTypes, 'cancel'); + if (events) { + element.on(events, function(event) { + active = false; + eventHandlers['cancel'] && eventHandlers['cancel'](event); + }); + } + + element.on(getEvents(pointerTypes, 'move'), function(event) { + if (!active) return; + + // Android will send a touchcancel if it thinks we're starting to scroll. + // So when the total distance (+ or - or both) exceeds 10px in either direction, + // we either: + // - On totalX > totalY, we send preventDefault() and treat this as a swipe. + // - On totalY > totalX, we let the browser handle it as a scroll. + + if (!startCoords) return; + var coords = getCoordinates(event); + + totalX += Math.abs(coords.x - lastPos.x); + totalY += Math.abs(coords.y - lastPos.y); + + lastPos = coords; + + if (totalX < MOVE_BUFFER_RADIUS && totalY < MOVE_BUFFER_RADIUS) { + return; + } + + // One of totalX or totalY has exceeded the buffer, so decide on swipe vs. scroll. + if (totalY > totalX) { + // Allow native scrolling to take over. + active = false; + eventHandlers['cancel'] && eventHandlers['cancel'](event); + return; + } else { + // Prevent the browser from scrolling. + event.preventDefault(); + eventHandlers['move'] && eventHandlers['move'](coords, event); + } + }); + + element.on(getEvents(pointerTypes, 'end'), function(event) { + if (!active) return; + active = false; + eventHandlers['end'] && eventHandlers['end'](getCoordinates(event), event); + }); + } + }; +}]); + +/* global ngTouch: false, + nodeName_: false +*/ + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ngClick + * @deprecated + * + * @description + *
+ * **DEPRECATION NOTICE**: Beginning with Angular 1.5, this directive is deprecated and by default **disabled**. + * The directive will receive no further support and might be removed from future releases. + * If you need the directive, you can enable it with the {@link ngTouch.$touchProvider $touchProvider#ngClickOverrideEnabled} + * function. We also recommend that you migrate to [FastClick](https://github.com/ftlabs/fastclick). + * To learn more about the 300ms delay, this [Telerik article](http://developer.telerik.com/featured/300-ms-click-delay-ios-8/) + * gives a good overview. + *
+ * A more powerful replacement for the default ngClick designed to be used on touchscreen + * devices. Most mobile browsers wait about 300ms after a tap-and-release before sending + * the click event. This version handles them immediately, and then prevents the + * following click event from propagating. + * + * Requires the {@link ngTouch `ngTouch`} module to be installed. + * + * This directive can fall back to using an ordinary click event, and so works on desktop + * browsers as well as mobile. + * + * This directive also sets the CSS class `ng-click-active` while the element is being held + * down (by a mouse click or touch) so you can restyle the depressed element if you wish. + * + * @element ANY + * @param {expression} ngClick {@link guide/expression Expression} to evaluate + * upon tap. (Event object is available as `$event`) + * + * @example + + + + count: {{ count }} + + + angular.module('ngClickExample', ['ngTouch']); + + + */ + +var ngTouchClickDirectiveFactory = ['$parse', '$timeout', '$rootElement', + function($parse, $timeout, $rootElement) { + var TAP_DURATION = 750; // Shorter than 750ms is a tap, longer is a taphold or drag. + var MOVE_TOLERANCE = 12; // 12px seems to work in most mobile browsers. + var PREVENT_DURATION = 2500; // 2.5 seconds maximum from preventGhostClick call to click + var CLICKBUSTER_THRESHOLD = 25; // 25 pixels in any dimension is the limit for busting clicks. + + var ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME = 'ng-click-active'; + var lastPreventedTime; + var touchCoordinates; + var lastLabelClickCoordinates; + + + // TAP EVENTS AND GHOST CLICKS + // + // Why tap events? + // Mobile browsers detect a tap, then wait a moment (usually ~300ms) to see if you're + // double-tapping, and then fire a click event. + // + // This delay sucks and makes mobile apps feel unresponsive. + // So we detect touchstart, touchcancel and touchend ourselves and determine when + // the user has tapped on something. + // + // What happens when the browser then generates a click event? + // The browser, of course, also detects the tap and fires a click after a delay. This results in + // tapping/clicking twice. We do "clickbusting" to prevent it. + // + // How does it work? + // We attach global touchstart and click handlers, that run during the capture (early) phase. + // So the sequence for a tap is: + // - global touchstart: Sets an "allowable region" at the point touched. + // - element's touchstart: Starts a touch + // (- touchcancel ends the touch, no click follows) + // - element's touchend: Determines if the tap is valid (didn't move too far away, didn't hold + // too long) and fires the user's tap handler. The touchend also calls preventGhostClick(). + // - preventGhostClick() removes the allowable region the global touchstart created. + // - The browser generates a click event. + // - The global click handler catches the click, and checks whether it was in an allowable region. + // - If preventGhostClick was called, the region will have been removed, the click is busted. + // - If the region is still there, the click proceeds normally. Therefore clicks on links and + // other elements without ngTap on them work normally. + // + // This is an ugly, terrible hack! + // Yeah, tell me about it. The alternatives are using the slow click events, or making our users + // deal with the ghost clicks, so I consider this the least of evils. Fortunately Angular + // encapsulates this ugly logic away from the user. + // + // Why not just put click handlers on the element? + // We do that too, just to be sure. If the tap event caused the DOM to change, + // it is possible another element is now in that position. To take account for these possibly + // distinct elements, the handlers are global and care only about coordinates. + + // Checks if the coordinates are close enough to be within the region. + function hit(x1, y1, x2, y2) { + return Math.abs(x1 - x2) < CLICKBUSTER_THRESHOLD && Math.abs(y1 - y2) < CLICKBUSTER_THRESHOLD; + } + + // Checks a list of allowable regions against a click location. + // Returns true if the click should be allowed. + // Splices out the allowable region from the list after it has been used. + function checkAllowableRegions(touchCoordinates, x, y) { + for (var i = 0; i < touchCoordinates.length; i += 2) { + if (hit(touchCoordinates[i], touchCoordinates[i + 1], x, y)) { + touchCoordinates.splice(i, i + 2); + return true; // allowable region + } + } + return false; // No allowable region; bust it. + } + + // Global click handler that prevents the click if it's in a bustable zone and preventGhostClick + // was called recently. + function onClick(event) { + if (Date.now() - lastPreventedTime > PREVENT_DURATION) { + return; // Too old. + } + + var touches = event.touches && event.touches.length ? event.touches : [event]; + var x = touches[0].clientX; + var y = touches[0].clientY; + // Work around desktop Webkit quirk where clicking a label will fire two clicks (on the label + // and on the input element). Depending on the exact browser, this second click we don't want + // to bust has either (0,0), negative coordinates, or coordinates equal to triggering label + // click event + if (x < 1 && y < 1) { + return; // offscreen + } + if (lastLabelClickCoordinates && + lastLabelClickCoordinates[0] === x && lastLabelClickCoordinates[1] === y) { + return; // input click triggered by label click + } + // reset label click coordinates on first subsequent click + if (lastLabelClickCoordinates) { + lastLabelClickCoordinates = null; + } + // remember label click coordinates to prevent click busting of trigger click event on input + if (nodeName_(event.target) === 'label') { + lastLabelClickCoordinates = [x, y]; + } + + // Look for an allowable region containing this click. + // If we find one, that means it was created by touchstart and not removed by + // preventGhostClick, so we don't bust it. + if (checkAllowableRegions(touchCoordinates, x, y)) { + return; + } + + // If we didn't find an allowable region, bust the click. + event.stopPropagation(); + event.preventDefault(); + + // Blur focused form elements + event.target && event.target.blur && event.target.blur(); + } + + + // Global touchstart handler that creates an allowable region for a click event. + // This allowable region can be removed by preventGhostClick if we want to bust it. + function onTouchStart(event) { + var touches = event.touches && event.touches.length ? event.touches : [event]; + var x = touches[0].clientX; + var y = touches[0].clientY; + touchCoordinates.push(x, y); + + $timeout(function() { + // Remove the allowable region. + for (var i = 0; i < touchCoordinates.length; i += 2) { + if (touchCoordinates[i] == x && touchCoordinates[i + 1] == y) { + touchCoordinates.splice(i, i + 2); + return; + } + } + }, PREVENT_DURATION, false); + } + + // On the first call, attaches some event handlers. Then whenever it gets called, it creates a + // zone around the touchstart where clicks will get busted. + function preventGhostClick(x, y) { + if (!touchCoordinates) { + $rootElement[0].addEventListener('click', onClick, true); + $rootElement[0].addEventListener('touchstart', onTouchStart, true); + touchCoordinates = []; + } + + lastPreventedTime = Date.now(); + + checkAllowableRegions(touchCoordinates, x, y); + } + + // Actual linking function. + return function(scope, element, attr) { + var clickHandler = $parse(attr.ngClick), + tapping = false, + tapElement, // Used to blur the element after a tap. + startTime, // Used to check if the tap was held too long. + touchStartX, + touchStartY; + + function resetState() { + tapping = false; + element.removeClass(ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME); + } + + element.on('touchstart', function(event) { + tapping = true; + tapElement = event.target ? event.target : event.srcElement; // IE uses srcElement. + // Hack for Safari, which can target text nodes instead of containers. + if (tapElement.nodeType == 3) { + tapElement = tapElement.parentNode; + } + + element.addClass(ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME); + + startTime = Date.now(); + + // Use jQuery originalEvent + var originalEvent = event.originalEvent || event; + var touches = originalEvent.touches && originalEvent.touches.length ? originalEvent.touches : [originalEvent]; + var e = touches[0]; + touchStartX = e.clientX; + touchStartY = e.clientY; + }); + + element.on('touchcancel', function(event) { + resetState(); + }); + + element.on('touchend', function(event) { + var diff = Date.now() - startTime; + + // Use jQuery originalEvent + var originalEvent = event.originalEvent || event; + var touches = (originalEvent.changedTouches && originalEvent.changedTouches.length) ? + originalEvent.changedTouches : + ((originalEvent.touches && originalEvent.touches.length) ? originalEvent.touches : [originalEvent]); + var e = touches[0]; + var x = e.clientX; + var y = e.clientY; + var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x - touchStartX, 2) + Math.pow(y - touchStartY, 2)); + + if (tapping && diff < TAP_DURATION && dist < MOVE_TOLERANCE) { + // Call preventGhostClick so the clickbuster will catch the corresponding click. + preventGhostClick(x, y); + + // Blur the focused element (the button, probably) before firing the callback. + // This doesn't work perfectly on Android Chrome, but seems to work elsewhere. + // I couldn't get anything to work reliably on Android Chrome. + if (tapElement) { + tapElement.blur(); + } + + if (!angular.isDefined(attr.disabled) || attr.disabled === false) { + element.triggerHandler('click', [event]); + } + } + + resetState(); + }); + + // Hack for iOS Safari's benefit. It goes searching for onclick handlers and is liable to click + // something else nearby. + element.onclick = function(event) { }; + + // Actual click handler. + // There are three different kinds of clicks, only two of which reach this point. + // - On desktop browsers without touch events, their clicks will always come here. + // - On mobile browsers, the simulated "fast" click will call this. + // - But the browser's follow-up slow click will be "busted" before it reaches this handler. + // Therefore it's safe to use this directive on both mobile and desktop. + element.on('click', function(event, touchend) { + scope.$apply(function() { + clickHandler(scope, {$event: (touchend || event)}); + }); + }); + + element.on('mousedown', function(event) { + element.addClass(ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME); + }); + + element.on('mousemove mouseup', function(event) { + element.removeClass(ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME); + }); + + }; +}]; + +/* global ngTouch: false */ + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ngSwipeLeft + * + * @description + * Specify custom behavior when an element is swiped to the left on a touchscreen device. + * A leftward swipe is a quick, right-to-left slide of the finger. + * Though ngSwipeLeft is designed for touch-based devices, it will work with a mouse click and drag + * too. + * + * To disable the mouse click and drag functionality, add `ng-swipe-disable-mouse` to + * the `ng-swipe-left` or `ng-swipe-right` DOM Element. + * + * Requires the {@link ngTouch `ngTouch`} module to be installed. + * + * @element ANY + * @param {expression} ngSwipeLeft {@link guide/expression Expression} to evaluate + * upon left swipe. (Event object is available as `$event`) + * + * @example + + +
+ Some list content, like an email in the inbox +
+ + +
+ + angular.module('ngSwipeLeftExample', ['ngTouch']); + +
+ */ + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ngSwipeRight + * + * @description + * Specify custom behavior when an element is swiped to the right on a touchscreen device. + * A rightward swipe is a quick, left-to-right slide of the finger. + * Though ngSwipeRight is designed for touch-based devices, it will work with a mouse click and drag + * too. + * + * Requires the {@link ngTouch `ngTouch`} module to be installed. + * + * @element ANY + * @param {expression} ngSwipeRight {@link guide/expression Expression} to evaluate + * upon right swipe. (Event object is available as `$event`) + * + * @example + + +
+ Some list content, like an email in the inbox +
+ + +
+ + angular.module('ngSwipeRightExample', ['ngTouch']); + +
+ */ + +function makeSwipeDirective(directiveName, direction, eventName) { + ngTouch.directive(directiveName, ['$parse', '$swipe', function($parse, $swipe) { + // The maximum vertical delta for a swipe should be less than 75px. + var MAX_VERTICAL_DISTANCE = 75; + // Vertical distance should not be more than a fraction of the horizontal distance. + var MAX_VERTICAL_RATIO = 0.3; + // At least a 30px lateral motion is necessary for a swipe. + var MIN_HORIZONTAL_DISTANCE = 30; + + return function(scope, element, attr) { + var swipeHandler = $parse(attr[directiveName]); + + var startCoords, valid; + + function validSwipe(coords) { + // Check that it's within the coordinates. + // Absolute vertical distance must be within tolerances. + // Horizontal distance, we take the current X - the starting X. + // This is negative for leftward swipes and positive for rightward swipes. + // After multiplying by the direction (-1 for left, +1 for right), legal swipes + // (ie. same direction as the directive wants) will have a positive delta and + // illegal ones a negative delta. + // Therefore this delta must be positive, and larger than the minimum. + if (!startCoords) return false; + var deltaY = Math.abs(coords.y - startCoords.y); + var deltaX = (coords.x - startCoords.x) * direction; + return valid && // Short circuit for already-invalidated swipes. + deltaY < MAX_VERTICAL_DISTANCE && + deltaX > 0 && + deltaX > MIN_HORIZONTAL_DISTANCE && + deltaY / deltaX < MAX_VERTICAL_RATIO; + } + + var pointerTypes = ['touch']; + if (!angular.isDefined(attr['ngSwipeDisableMouse'])) { + pointerTypes.push('mouse'); + } + $swipe.bind(element, { + 'start': function(coords, event) { + startCoords = coords; + valid = true; + }, + 'cancel': function(event) { + valid = false; + }, + 'end': function(coords, event) { + if (validSwipe(coords)) { + scope.$apply(function() { + element.triggerHandler(eventName); + swipeHandler(scope, {$event: event}); + }); + } + } + }, pointerTypes); + }; + }]); +} + +// Left is negative X-coordinate, right is positive. +makeSwipeDirective('ngSwipeLeft', -1, 'swipeleft'); +makeSwipeDirective('ngSwipeRight', 1, 'swiperight'); + + + +})(window, window.angular); diff --git a/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-touch/angular-touch.min.js b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-touch/angular-touch.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..510ba60 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-touch/angular-touch.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +/* + AngularJS v1.5.5 + (c) 2010-2016 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org + License: MIT +*/ +(function(x,n){'use strict';function s(f,k){var e=!1,a=!1;this.ngClickOverrideEnabled=function(b){return n.isDefined(b)?(b&&!a&&(a=!0,t.$$moduleName="ngTouch",k.directive("ngClick",t),f.decorator("ngClickDirective",["$delegate",function(a){if(e)a.shift();else for(var b=a.length-1;0<=b;){if("ngTouch"===a[b].$$moduleName){a.splice(b,1);break}b--}return a}])),e=b,this):e};this.$get=function(){return{ngClickOverrideEnabled:function(){return e}}}}function v(f,k,e){p.directive(f,["$parse","$swipe",function(a, +b){return function(l,u,g){function h(c){if(!d)return!1;var a=Math.abs(c.y-d.y);c=(c.x-d.x)*k;return r&&75>a&&0a/c}var m=a(g[f]),d,r,c=["touch"];n.isDefined(g.ngSwipeDisableMouse)||c.push("mouse");b.bind(u,{start:function(c,a){d=c;r=!0},cancel:function(c){r=!1},end:function(c,d){h(c)&&l.$apply(function(){u.triggerHandler(e);m(l,{$event:d})})}},c)}}])}var p=n.module("ngTouch",[]);p.provider("$touch",s);s.$inject=["$provide","$compileProvider"];p.factory("$swipe",[function(){function f(a){a= +a.originalEvent||a;var b=a.touches&&a.touches.length?a.touches:[a];a=a.changedTouches&&a.changedTouches[0]||b[0];return{x:a.clientX,y:a.clientY}}function k(a,b){var l=[];n.forEach(a,function(a){(a=e[a][b])&&l.push(a)});return l.join(" ")}var e={mouse:{start:"mousedown",move:"mousemove",end:"mouseup"},touch:{start:"touchstart",move:"touchmove",end:"touchend",cancel:"touchcancel"}};return{bind:function(a,b,l){var e,g,h,m,d=!1;l=l||["mouse","touch"];a.on(k(l,"start"),function(c){h=f(c);d=!0;g=e=0;m= +h;b.start&&b.start(h,c)});var r=k(l,"cancel");if(r)a.on(r,function(c){d=!1;b.cancel&&b.cancel(c)});a.on(k(l,"move"),function(c){if(d&&h){var a=f(c);e+=Math.abs(a.x-m.x);g+=Math.abs(a.y-m.y);m=a;10>e&&10>g||(g>e?(d=!1,b.cancel&&b.cancel(c)):(c.preventDefault(),b.move&&b.move(a,c)))}});a.on(k(l,"end"),function(c){d&&(d=!1,b.end&&b.end(f(c),c))})}}}]);var t=["$parse","$timeout","$rootElement",function(f,k,e){function a(a,d,b){for(var c=0;cMath.abs(a[c]-d)&&25>Math.abs(g- +e))return a.splice(c,c+2),!0}return!1}function b(b){if(!(2500e&&1>d||h&&h[0]===e&&h[1]===d)){h&&(h=null);var c=b.target;"label"===n.lowercase(c.nodeName||c[0]&&c[0].nodeName)&&(h=[e,d]);a(g,e,d)||(b.stopPropagation(),b.preventDefault(),b.target&&b.target.blur&&b.target.blur())}}}function l(a){a=a.touches&&a.touches.length?a.touches:[a];var b=a[0].clientX,e=a[0].clientY;g.push(b,e);k(function(){for(var a= +0;ah&&12>v&&(g||(e[0].addEventListener("click",b,!0),e[0].addEventListener("touchstart",l,!0),g=[]),u=Date.now(),a(g,f,m),q&&q.blur(),n.isDefined(k.disabled)&&!1!==k.disabled||d.triggerHandler("click",[c]));w=!1;d.removeClass("ng-click-active")});d.onclick=function(a){};d.on("click",function(a,b){h.$apply(function(){c(h, +{$event:b||a})})});d.on("mousedown",function(a){d.addClass("ng-click-active")});d.on("mousemove mouseup",function(a){d.removeClass("ng-click-active")})}}];v("ngSwipeLeft",-1,"swipeleft");v("ngSwipeRight",1,"swiperight")})(window,window.angular); +//# sourceMappingURL=angular-touch.min.js.map diff --git a/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular-touch/angular-touch.min.js.map 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"_where": "/Users/gcaraciolo/Documents/workspace/cardgame-webclient", + "author": { + "email": "angular-core+npm@google.com", + "name": "Angular Core Team" + }, + "bugs": { + "url": "https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues" + }, + "dependencies": {}, + "description": "AngularJS module for touch events and helpers for touch-enabled devices", + "devDependencies": {}, + "directories": {}, + "dist": { + "shasum": "5c9af4adfbe07283c5d1efbd875ed042a7d2db45", + "tarball": "https://registry.npmjs.org/angular-touch/-/angular-touch-1.5.5.tgz" + }, + "gitHead": "561f619ceac245aebc8fdadc5437bd128d5d7efe", + "homepage": "http://angularjs.org", + "keywords": [ + "angular", + "browser", + "client-side", + "framework", + "touch" + ], + "license": "MIT", + "main": "index.js", + "maintainers": [ + { + "name": "angularcore", + "email": "angular-core+npm@google.com" + }, + { + "name": "petebd", + "email": "pete@bacondarwin.com" + } + ], + "name": "angular-touch", + "optionalDependencies": {}, + "readme": "ERROR: No README data found!", + "repository": { + "type": "git", + "url": "git+https://github.com/angular/angular.js.git" + }, + "scripts": { + "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" + }, + "version": "1.5.5" +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular/README.md b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1bc0ed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +# packaged angular + +This repo is for distribution on `npm` and `bower`. The source for this module is in the +[main AngularJS repo](https://github.com/angular/angular.js). +Please file issues and pull requests against that repo. + +## Install + +You can install this package either with `npm` or with `bower`. + +### npm + +```shell +npm install angular +``` + +Then add a ` +``` + +Or `require('angular')` from your code. + +### bower + +```shell +bower install angular +``` + +Then add a ` +``` + +## Documentation + +Documentation is available on the +[AngularJS docs site](http://docs.angularjs.org/). + +## License + +The MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular/angular-csp.css b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular/angular-csp.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3cd926 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular/angular-csp.css @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +/* Include this file in your html if you are using the CSP mode. */ + +@charset "UTF-8"; + +[ng\:cloak], [ng-cloak], [data-ng-cloak], [x-ng-cloak], +.ng-cloak, .x-ng-cloak, +.ng-hide:not(.ng-hide-animate) { + display: none !important; +} + +ng\:form { + display: block; +} + +.ng-animate-shim { + visibility:hidden; +} + +.ng-anchor { + position:absolute; +} diff --git a/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular/angular.js b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular/angular.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05ebff5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/webapp/node_modules/angular/angular.js @@ -0,0 +1,30868 @@ +/** + * @license AngularJS v1.5.5 + * (c) 2010-2016 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org + * License: MIT + */ +(function(window) {'use strict'; + +/** + * @description + * + * This object provides a utility for producing rich Error messages within + * Angular. It can be called as follows: + * + * var exampleMinErr = minErr('example'); + * throw exampleMinErr('one', 'This {0} is {1}', foo, bar); + * + * The above creates an instance of minErr in the example namespace. The + * resulting error will have a namespaced error code of example.one. The + * resulting error will replace {0} with the value of foo, and {1} with the + * value of bar. The object is not restricted in the number of arguments it can + * take. + * + * If fewer arguments are specified than necessary for interpolation, the extra + * interpolation markers will be preserved in the final string. + * + * Since data will be parsed statically during a build step, some restrictions + * are applied with respect to how minErr instances are created and called. + * Instances should have names of the form namespaceMinErr for a minErr created + * using minErr('namespace') . Error codes, namespaces and template strings + * should all be static strings, not variables or general expressions. + * + * @param {string} module The namespace to use for the new minErr instance. + * @param {function} ErrorConstructor Custom error constructor to be instantiated when returning + * error from returned function, for cases when a particular type of error is useful. + * @returns {function(code:string, template:string, ...templateArgs): Error} minErr instance + */ + +function minErr(module, ErrorConstructor) { + ErrorConstructor = ErrorConstructor || Error; + return function() { + var SKIP_INDEXES = 2; + + var templateArgs = arguments, + code = templateArgs[0], + message = '[' + (module ? module + ':' : '') + code + '] ', + template = templateArgs[1], + paramPrefix, i; + + message += template.replace(/\{\d+\}/g, function(match) { + var index = +match.slice(1, -1), + shiftedIndex = index + SKIP_INDEXES; + + if (shiftedIndex < templateArgs.length) { + return toDebugString(templateArgs[shiftedIndex]); + } + + return match; + }); + + message += '\nhttp://errors.angularjs.org/1.5.5/' + + (module ? module + '/' : '') + code; + + for (i = SKIP_INDEXES, paramPrefix = '?'; i < templateArgs.length; i++, paramPrefix = '&') { + message += paramPrefix + 'p' + (i - SKIP_INDEXES) + '=' + + encodeURIComponent(toDebugString(templateArgs[i])); + } + + return new ErrorConstructor(message); + }; +} + +/* We need to tell jshint what variables are being exported */ +/* global angular: true, + msie: true, + jqLite: true, + jQuery: true, + slice: true, + splice: true, + push: true, + toString: true, + ngMinErr: true, + angularModule: true, + uid: true, + REGEX_STRING_REGEXP: true, + VALIDITY_STATE_PROPERTY: true, + + lowercase: true, + uppercase: true, + manualLowercase: true, + manualUppercase: true, + nodeName_: true, + isArrayLike: true, + forEach: true, + forEachSorted: true, + reverseParams: true, + nextUid: true, + setHashKey: true, + extend: true, + toInt: true, + inherit: true, + merge: true, + noop: true, + identity: true, + valueFn: true, + isUndefined: true, + isDefined: true, + isObject: true, + isBlankObject: true, + isString: true, + isNumber: true, + isDate: true, + isArray: true, + isFunction: true, + isRegExp: true, + isWindow: true, + isScope: true, + isFile: true, + isFormData: true, + isBlob: true, + isBoolean: true, + isPromiseLike: true, + trim: true, + escapeForRegexp: true, + isElement: true, + makeMap: true, + includes: true, + arrayRemove: true, + copy: true, + shallowCopy: true, + equals: true, + csp: true, + jq: true, + concat: true, + sliceArgs: true, + bind: true, + toJsonReplacer: true, + toJson: true, + fromJson: true, + convertTimezoneToLocal: true, + timezoneToOffset: true, + startingTag: true, + tryDecodeURIComponent: true, + parseKeyValue: true, + toKeyValue: true, + encodeUriSegment: true, + encodeUriQuery: true, + angularInit: true, + bootstrap: true, + getTestability: true, + snake_case: true, + bindJQuery: true, + assertArg: true, + assertArgFn: true, + assertNotHasOwnProperty: true, + getter: true, + getBlockNodes: true, + hasOwnProperty: true, + createMap: true, + + NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT: true, + NODE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE: true, + NODE_TYPE_TEXT: true, + NODE_TYPE_COMMENT: true, + NODE_TYPE_DOCUMENT: true, + NODE_TYPE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT: true, +*/ + +//////////////////////////////////// + +/** + * @ngdoc module + * @name ng + * @module ng + * @installation + * @description + * + * # ng (core module) + * The ng module is loaded by default when an AngularJS application is started. The module itself + * contains the essential components for an AngularJS application to function. The table below + * lists a high level breakdown of each of the services/factories, filters, directives and testing + * components available within this core module. + * + *
+ */ + +var REGEX_STRING_REGEXP = /^\/(.+)\/([a-z]*)$/; + +// The name of a form control's ValidityState property. +// This is used so that it's possible for internal tests to create mock ValidityStates. +var VALIDITY_STATE_PROPERTY = 'validity'; + +var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + +var lowercase = function(string) {return isString(string) ? string.toLowerCase() : string;}; +var uppercase = function(string) {return isString(string) ? string.toUpperCase() : string;}; + + +var manualLowercase = function(s) { + /* jshint bitwise: false */ + return isString(s) + ? s.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(ch) {return String.fromCharCode(ch.charCodeAt(0) | 32);}) + : s; +}; +var manualUppercase = function(s) { + /* jshint bitwise: false */ + return isString(s) + ? s.replace(/[a-z]/g, function(ch) {return String.fromCharCode(ch.charCodeAt(0) & ~32);}) + : s; +}; + + +// String#toLowerCase and String#toUpperCase don't produce correct results in browsers with Turkish +// locale, for this reason we need to detect this case and redefine lowercase/uppercase methods +// with correct but slower alternatives. See https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/11387 +if ('i' !== 'I'.toLowerCase()) { + lowercase = manualLowercase; + uppercase = manualUppercase; +} + + +var + msie, // holds major version number for IE, or NaN if UA is not IE. + jqLite, // delay binding since jQuery could be loaded after us. + jQuery, // delay binding + slice = [].slice, + splice = [].splice, + push = [].push, + toString = Object.prototype.toString, + getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf, + ngMinErr = minErr('ng'), + + /** @name angular */ + angular = window.angular || (window.angular = {}), + angularModule, + uid = 0; + +/** + * documentMode is an IE-only property + * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/cc196988(v=vs.85).aspx + */ +msie = window.document.documentMode; + + +/** + * @private + * @param {*} obj + * @return {boolean} Returns true if `obj` is an array or array-like object (NodeList, Arguments, + * String ...) + */ +function isArrayLike(obj) { + + // `null`, `undefined` and `window` are not array-like + if (obj == null || isWindow(obj)) return false; + + // arrays, strings and jQuery/jqLite objects are array like + // * jqLite is either the jQuery or jqLite constructor function + // * we have to check the existence of jqLite first as this method is called + // via the forEach method when constructing the jqLite object in the first place + if (isArray(obj) || isString(obj) || (jqLite && obj instanceof jqLite)) return true; + + // Support: iOS 8.2 (not reproducible in simulator) + // "length" in obj used to prevent JIT error (gh-11508) + var length = "length" in Object(obj) && obj.length; + + // NodeList objects (with `item` method) and + // other objects with suitable length characteristics are array-like + return isNumber(length) && + (length >= 0 && ((length - 1) in obj || obj instanceof Array) || typeof obj.item == 'function'); + +} + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.forEach + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Invokes the `iterator` function once for each item in `obj` collection, which can be either an + * object or an array. The `iterator` function is invoked with `iterator(value, key, obj)`, where `value` + * is the value of an object property or an array element, `key` is the object property key or + * array element index and obj is the `obj` itself. Specifying a `context` for the function is optional. + * + * It is worth noting that `.forEach` does not iterate over inherited properties because it filters + * using the `hasOwnProperty` method. + * + * Unlike ES262's + * [Array.prototype.forEach](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-, + * providing 'undefined' or 'null' values for `obj` will not throw a TypeError, but rather just + * return the value provided. + * + ```js + var values = {name: 'misko', gender: 'male'}; + var log = []; + angular.forEach(values, function(value, key) { + this.push(key + ': ' + value); + }, log); + expect(log).toEqual(['name: misko', 'gender: male']); + ``` + * + * @param {Object|Array} obj Object to iterate over. + * @param {Function} iterator Iterator function. + * @param {Object=} context Object to become context (`this`) for the iterator function. + * @returns {Object|Array} Reference to `obj`. + */ + +function forEach(obj, iterator, context) { + var key, length; + if (obj) { + if (isFunction(obj)) { + for (key in obj) { + // Need to check if hasOwnProperty exists, + // as on IE8 the result of querySelectorAll is an object without a hasOwnProperty function + if (key != 'prototype' && key != 'length' && key != 'name' && (!obj.hasOwnProperty || obj.hasOwnProperty(key))) { + iterator.call(context, obj[key], key, obj); + } + } + } else if (isArray(obj) || isArrayLike(obj)) { + var isPrimitive = typeof obj !== 'object'; + for (key = 0, length = obj.length; key < length; key++) { + if (isPrimitive || key in obj) { + iterator.call(context, obj[key], key, obj); + } + } + } else if (obj.forEach && obj.forEach !== forEach) { + obj.forEach(iterator, context, obj); + } else if (isBlankObject(obj)) { + // createMap() fast path --- Safe to avoid hasOwnProperty check because prototype chain is empty + for (key in obj) { + iterator.call(context, obj[key], key, obj); + } + } else if (typeof obj.hasOwnProperty === 'function') { + // Slow path for objects inheriting Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty check needed + for (key in obj) { + if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + iterator.call(context, obj[key], key, obj); + } + } + } else { + // Slow path for objects which do not have a method `hasOwnProperty` + for (key in obj) { + if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { + iterator.call(context, obj[key], key, obj); + } + } + } + } + return obj; +} + +function forEachSorted(obj, iterator, context) { + var keys = Object.keys(obj).sort(); + for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + iterator.call(context, obj[keys[i]], keys[i]); + } + return keys; +} + + +/** + * when using forEach the params are value, key, but it is often useful to have key, value. + * @param {function(string, *)} iteratorFn + * @returns {function(*, string)} + */ +function reverseParams(iteratorFn) { + return function(value, key) {iteratorFn(key, value);}; +} + +/** + * A consistent way of creating unique IDs in angular. + * + * Using simple numbers allows us to generate 28.6 million unique ids per second for 10 years before + * we hit number precision issues in JavaScript. + * + * Math.pow(2,53) / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365 / 10 = 28.6M + * + * @returns {number} an unique alpha-numeric string + */ +function nextUid() { + return ++uid; +} + + +/** + * Set or clear the hashkey for an object. + * @param obj object + * @param h the hashkey (!truthy to delete the hashkey) + */ +function setHashKey(obj, h) { + if (h) { + obj.$$hashKey = h; + } else { + delete obj.$$hashKey; + } +} + + +function baseExtend(dst, objs, deep) { + var h = dst.$$hashKey; + + for (var i = 0, ii = objs.length; i < ii; ++i) { + var obj = objs[i]; + if (!isObject(obj) && !isFunction(obj)) continue; + var keys = Object.keys(obj); + for (var j = 0, jj = keys.length; j < jj; j++) { + var key = keys[j]; + var src = obj[key]; + + if (deep && isObject(src)) { + if (isDate(src)) { + dst[key] = new Date(src.valueOf()); + } else if (isRegExp(src)) { + dst[key] = new RegExp(src); + } else if (src.nodeName) { + dst[key] = src.cloneNode(true); + } else if (isElement(src)) { + dst[key] = src.clone(); + } else { + if (!isObject(dst[key])) dst[key] = isArray(src) ? [] : {}; + baseExtend(dst[key], [src], true); + } + } else { + dst[key] = src; + } + } + } + + setHashKey(dst, h); + return dst; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.extend + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Extends the destination object `dst` by copying own enumerable properties from the `src` object(s) + * to `dst`. You can specify multiple `src` objects. If you want to preserve original objects, you can do so + * by passing an empty object as the target: `var object = angular.extend({}, object1, object2)`. + * + * **Note:** Keep in mind that `angular.extend` does not support recursive merge (deep copy). Use + * {@link angular.merge} for this. + * + * @param {Object} dst Destination object. + * @param {...Object} src Source object(s). + * @returns {Object} Reference to `dst`. + */ +function extend(dst) { + return baseExtend(dst, slice.call(arguments, 1), false); +} + + +/** +* @ngdoc function +* @name angular.merge +* @module ng +* @kind function +* +* @description +* Deeply extends the destination object `dst` by copying own enumerable properties from the `src` object(s) +* to `dst`. You can specify multiple `src` objects. If you want to preserve original objects, you can do so +* by passing an empty object as the target: `var object = angular.merge({}, object1, object2)`. +* +* Unlike {@link angular.extend extend()}, `merge()` recursively descends into object properties of source +* objects, performing a deep copy. +* +* @param {Object} dst Destination object. +* @param {...Object} src Source object(s). +* @returns {Object} Reference to `dst`. +*/ +function merge(dst) { + return baseExtend(dst, slice.call(arguments, 1), true); +} + + + +function toInt(str) { + return parseInt(str, 10); +} + + +function inherit(parent, extra) { + return extend(Object.create(parent), extra); +} + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.noop + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * A function that performs no operations. This function can be useful when writing code in the + * functional style. + ```js + function foo(callback) { + var result = calculateResult(); + (callback || angular.noop)(result); + } + ``` + */ +function noop() {} +noop.$inject = []; + + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.identity + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * A function that returns its first argument. This function is useful when writing code in the + * functional style. + * + ```js + function transformer(transformationFn, value) { + return (transformationFn || angular.identity)(value); + }; + ``` + * @param {*} value to be returned. + * @returns {*} the value passed in. + */ +function identity($) {return $;} +identity.$inject = []; + + +function valueFn(value) {return function valueRef() {return value;};} + +function hasCustomToString(obj) { + return isFunction(obj.toString) && obj.toString !== toString; +} + + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.isUndefined + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Determines if a reference is undefined. + * + * @param {*} value Reference to check. + * @returns {boolean} True if `value` is undefined. + */ +function isUndefined(value) {return typeof value === 'undefined';} + + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.isDefined + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Determines if a reference is defined. + * + * @param {*} value Reference to check. + * @returns {boolean} True if `value` is defined. + */ +function isDefined(value) {return typeof value !== 'undefined';} + + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.isObject + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Determines if a reference is an `Object`. Unlike `typeof` in JavaScript, `null`s are not + * considered to be objects. Note that JavaScript arrays are objects. + * + * @param {*} value Reference to check. + * @returns {boolean} True if `value` is an `Object` but not `null`. + */ +function isObject(value) { + // http://jsperf.com/isobject4 + return value !== null && typeof value === 'object'; +} + + +/** + * Determine if a value is an object with a null prototype + * + * @returns {boolean} True if `value` is an `Object` with a null prototype + */ +function isBlankObject(value) { + return value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && !getPrototypeOf(value); +} + + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.isString + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Determines if a reference is a `String`. + * + * @param {*} value Reference to check. + * @returns {boolean} True if `value` is a `String`. + */ +function isString(value) {return typeof value === 'string';} + + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.isNumber + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Determines if a reference is a `Number`. + * + * This includes the "special" numbers `NaN`, `+Infinity` and `-Infinity`. + * + * If you wish to exclude these then you can use the native + * [`isFinite'](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/isFinite) + * method. + * + * @param {*} value Reference to check. + * @returns {boolean} True if `value` is a `Number`. + */ +function isNumber(value) {return typeof value === 'number';} + + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.isDate + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Determines if a value is a date. + * + * @param {*} value Reference to check. + * @returns {boolean} True if `value` is a `Date`. + */ +function isDate(value) { + return toString.call(value) === '[object Date]'; +} + + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.isArray + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Determines if a reference is an `Array`. + * + * @param {*} value Reference to check. + * @returns {boolean} True if `value` is an `Array`. + */ +var isArray = Array.isArray; + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.isFunction + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Determines if a reference is a `Function`. + * + * @param {*} value Reference to check. + * @returns {boolean} True if `value` is a `Function`. + */ +function isFunction(value) {return typeof value === 'function';} + + +/** + * Determines if a value is a regular expression object. + * + * @private + * @param {*} value Reference to check. + * @returns {boolean} True if `value` is a `RegExp`. + */ +function isRegExp(value) { + return toString.call(value) === '[object RegExp]'; +} + + +/** + * Checks if `obj` is a window object. + * + * @private + * @param {*} obj Object to check + * @returns {boolean} True if `obj` is a window obj. + */ +function isWindow(obj) { + return obj && obj.window === obj; +} + + +function isScope(obj) { + return obj && obj.$evalAsync && obj.$watch; +} + + +function isFile(obj) { + return toString.call(obj) === '[object File]'; +} + + +function isFormData(obj) { + return toString.call(obj) === '[object FormData]'; +} + + +function isBlob(obj) { + return toString.call(obj) === '[object Blob]'; +} + + +function isBoolean(value) { + return typeof value === 'boolean'; +} + + +function isPromiseLike(obj) { + return obj && isFunction(obj.then); +} + + +var TYPED_ARRAY_REGEXP = /^\[object (?:Uint8|Uint8Clamped|Uint16|Uint32|Int8|Int16|Int32|Float32|Float64)Array\]$/; +function isTypedArray(value) { + return value && isNumber(value.length) && TYPED_ARRAY_REGEXP.test(toString.call(value)); +} + +function isArrayBuffer(obj) { + return toString.call(obj) === '[object ArrayBuffer]'; +} + + +var trim = function(value) { + return isString(value) ? value.trim() : value; +}; + +// Copied from: +// http://docs.closure-library.googlecode.com/git/local_closure_goog_string_string.js.source.html#line1021 +// Prereq: s is a string. +var escapeForRegexp = function(s) { + return s.replace(/([-()\[\]{}+?*.$\^|,:#= 0) { + array.splice(index, 1); + } + return index; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.copy + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Creates a deep copy of `source`, which should be an object or an array. + * + * * If no destination is supplied, a copy of the object or array is created. + * * If a destination is provided, all of its elements (for arrays) or properties (for objects) + * are deleted and then all elements/properties from the source are copied to it. + * * If `source` is not an object or array (inc. `null` and `undefined`), `source` is returned. + * * If `source` is identical to 'destination' an exception will be thrown. + * + * @param {*} source The source that will be used to make a copy. + * Can be any type, including primitives, `null`, and `undefined`. + * @param {(Object|Array)=} destination Destination into which the source is copied. If + * provided, must be of the same type as `source`. + * @returns {*} The copy or updated `destination`, if `destination` was specified. + * + * @example + + +
+ Name:
+ E-mail:
+ Gender: male + female
+ + +
form = {{user | json}}
master = {{master | json}}
+ + +
+ */ +function copy(source, destination) { + var stackSource = []; + var stackDest = []; + + if (destination) { + if (isTypedArray(destination) || isArrayBuffer(destination)) { + throw ngMinErr('cpta', "Can't copy! TypedArray destination cannot be mutated."); + } + if (source === destination) { + throw ngMinErr('cpi', "Can't copy! Source and destination are identical."); + } + + // Empty the destination object + if (isArray(destination)) { + destination.length = 0; + } else { + forEach(destination, function(value, key) { + if (key !== '$$hashKey') { + delete destination[key]; + } + }); + } + + stackSource.push(source); + stackDest.push(destination); + return copyRecurse(source, destination); + } + + return copyElement(source); + + function copyRecurse(source, destination) { + var h = destination.$$hashKey; + var key; + if (isArray(source)) { + for (var i = 0, ii = source.length; i < ii; i++) { + destination.push(copyElement(source[i])); + } + } else if (isBlankObject(source)) { + // createMap() fast path --- Safe to avoid hasOwnProperty check because prototype chain is empty + for (key in source) { + destination[key] = copyElement(source[key]); + } + } else if (source && typeof source.hasOwnProperty === 'function') { + // Slow path, which must rely on hasOwnProperty + for (key in source) { + if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + destination[key] = copyElement(source[key]); + } + } + } else { + // Slowest path --- hasOwnProperty can't be called as a method + for (key in source) { + if (hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { + destination[key] = copyElement(source[key]); + } + } + } + setHashKey(destination, h); + return destination; + } + + function copyElement(source) { + // Simple values + if (!isObject(source)) { + return source; + } + + // Already copied values + var index = stackSource.indexOf(source); + if (index !== -1) { + return stackDest[index]; + } + + if (isWindow(source) || isScope(source)) { + throw ngMinErr('cpws', + "Can't copy! Making copies of Window or Scope instances is not supported."); + } + + var needsRecurse = false; + var destination = copyType(source); + + if (destination === undefined) { + destination = isArray(source) ? [] : Object.create(getPrototypeOf(source)); + needsRecurse = true; + } + + stackSource.push(source); + stackDest.push(destination); + + return needsRecurse + ? copyRecurse(source, destination) + : destination; + } + + function copyType(source) { + switch (toString.call(source)) { + case '[object Int8Array]': + case '[object Int16Array]': + case '[object Int32Array]': + case '[object Float32Array]': + case '[object Float64Array]': + case '[object Uint8Array]': + case '[object Uint8ClampedArray]': + case '[object Uint16Array]': + case '[object Uint32Array]': + return new source.constructor(copyElement(source.buffer)); + + case '[object ArrayBuffer]': + //Support: IE10 + if (!source.slice) { + var copied = new ArrayBuffer(source.byteLength); + new Uint8Array(copied).set(new Uint8Array(source)); + return copied; + } + return source.slice(0); + + case '[object Boolean]': + case '[object Number]': + case '[object String]': + case '[object Date]': + return new source.constructor(source.valueOf()); + + case '[object RegExp]': + var re = new RegExp(source.source, source.toString().match(/[^\/]*$/)[0]); + re.lastIndex = source.lastIndex; + return re; + + case '[object Blob]': + return new source.constructor([source], {type: source.type}); + } + + if (isFunction(source.cloneNode)) { + return source.cloneNode(true); + } + } +} + +/** + * Creates a shallow copy of an object, an array or a primitive. + * + * Assumes that there are no proto properties for objects. + */ +function shallowCopy(src, dst) { + if (isArray(src)) { + dst = dst || []; + + for (var i = 0, ii = src.length; i < ii; i++) { + dst[i] = src[i]; + } + } else if (isObject(src)) { + dst = dst || {}; + + for (var key in src) { + if (!(key.charAt(0) === '$' && key.charAt(1) === '$')) { + dst[key] = src[key]; + } + } + } + + return dst || src; +} + + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.equals + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Determines if two objects or two values are equivalent. Supports value types, regular + * expressions, arrays and objects. + * + * Two objects or values are considered equivalent if at least one of the following is true: + * + * * Both objects or values pass `===` comparison. + * * Both objects or values are of the same type and all of their properties are equal by + * comparing them with `angular.equals`. + * * Both values are NaN. (In JavaScript, NaN == NaN => false. But we consider two NaN as equal) + * * Both values represent the same regular expression (In JavaScript, + * /abc/ == /abc/ => false. But we consider two regular expressions as equal when their textual + * representation matches). + * + * During a property comparison, properties of `function` type and properties with names + * that begin with `$` are ignored. + * + * Scope and DOMWindow objects are being compared only by identify (`===`). + * + * @param {*} o1 Object or value to compare. + * @param {*} o2 Object or value to compare. + * @returns {boolean} True if arguments are equal. + * + * @example + + +

User 1

+ Name: + Age: + +

User 2

+ Name: + Age: + +
+ +
+ User 1:
{{user1 | json}}
+ User 2:
{{user2 | json}}
+ Equal:
+ + angular.module('equalsExample', []).controller('ExampleController', ['$scope', function($scope) { + $scope.user1 = {}; + $scope.user2 = {}; + $scope.result; + $scope.compare = function() { + $scope.result = angular.equals($scope.user1, $scope.user2); + }; + }]); + +
+ */ +function equals(o1, o2) { + if (o1 === o2) return true; + if (o1 === null || o2 === null) return false; + if (o1 !== o1 && o2 !== o2) return true; // NaN === NaN + var t1 = typeof o1, t2 = typeof o2, length, key, keySet; + if (t1 == t2 && t1 == 'object') { + if (isArray(o1)) { + if (!isArray(o2)) return false; + if ((length = o1.length) == o2.length) { + for (key = 0; key < length; key++) { + if (!equals(o1[key], o2[key])) return false; + } + return true; + } + } else if (isDate(o1)) { + if (!isDate(o2)) return false; + return equals(o1.getTime(), o2.getTime()); + } else if (isRegExp(o1)) { + if (!isRegExp(o2)) return false; + return o1.toString() == o2.toString(); + } else { + if (isScope(o1) || isScope(o2) || isWindow(o1) || isWindow(o2) || + isArray(o2) || isDate(o2) || isRegExp(o2)) return false; + keySet = createMap(); + for (key in o1) { + if (key.charAt(0) === '$' || isFunction(o1[key])) continue; + if (!equals(o1[key], o2[key])) return false; + keySet[key] = true; + } + for (key in o2) { + if (!(key in keySet) && + key.charAt(0) !== '$' && + isDefined(o2[key]) && + !isFunction(o2[key])) return false; + } + return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +var csp = function() { + if (!isDefined(csp.rules)) { + + + var ngCspElement = (window.document.querySelector('[ng-csp]') || + window.document.querySelector('[data-ng-csp]')); + + if (ngCspElement) { + var ngCspAttribute = ngCspElement.getAttribute('ng-csp') || + ngCspElement.getAttribute('data-ng-csp'); + csp.rules = { + noUnsafeEval: !ngCspAttribute || (ngCspAttribute.indexOf('no-unsafe-eval') !== -1), + noInlineStyle: !ngCspAttribute || (ngCspAttribute.indexOf('no-inline-style') !== -1) + }; + } else { + csp.rules = { + noUnsafeEval: noUnsafeEval(), + noInlineStyle: false + }; + } + } + + return csp.rules; + + function noUnsafeEval() { + try { + /* jshint -W031, -W054 */ + new Function(''); + /* jshint +W031, +W054 */ + return false; + } catch (e) { + return true; + } + } +}; + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @module ng + * @name ngJq + * + * @element ANY + * @param {string=} ngJq the name of the library available under `window` + * to be used for angular.element + * @description + * Use this directive to force the angular.element library. This should be + * used to force either jqLite by leaving ng-jq blank or setting the name of + * the jquery variable under window (eg. jQuery). + * + * Since angular looks for this directive when it is loaded (doesn't wait for the + * DOMContentLoaded event), it must be placed on an element that comes before the script + * which loads angular. Also, only the first instance of `ng-jq` will be used and all + * others ignored. + * + * @example + * This example shows how to force jqLite using the `ngJq` directive to the `html` tag. + ```html + + + ... + ... + + ``` + * @example + * This example shows how to use a jQuery based library of a different name. + * The library name must be available at the top most 'window'. + ```html + + + ... + ... + + ``` + */ +var jq = function() { + if (isDefined(jq.name_)) return jq.name_; + var el; + var i, ii = ngAttrPrefixes.length, prefix, name; + for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) { + prefix = ngAttrPrefixes[i]; + if (el = window.document.querySelector('[' + prefix.replace(':', '\\:') + 'jq]')) { + name = el.getAttribute(prefix + 'jq'); + break; + } + } + + return (jq.name_ = name); +}; + +function concat(array1, array2, index) { + return array1.concat(slice.call(array2, index)); +} + +function sliceArgs(args, startIndex) { + return slice.call(args, startIndex || 0); +} + + +/* jshint -W101 */ +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.bind + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Returns a function which calls function `fn` bound to `self` (`self` becomes the `this` for + * `fn`). You can supply optional `args` that are prebound to the function. This feature is also + * known as [partial application](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partial_application), as + * distinguished from [function currying](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currying#Contrast_with_partial_function_application). + * + * @param {Object} self Context which `fn` should be evaluated in. + * @param {function()} fn Function to be bound. + * @param {...*} args Optional arguments to be prebound to the `fn` function call. + * @returns {function()} Function that wraps the `fn` with all the specified bindings. + */ +/* jshint +W101 */ +function bind(self, fn) { + var curryArgs = arguments.length > 2 ? sliceArgs(arguments, 2) : []; + if (isFunction(fn) && !(fn instanceof RegExp)) { + return curryArgs.length + ? function() { + return arguments.length + ? fn.apply(self, concat(curryArgs, arguments, 0)) + : fn.apply(self, curryArgs); + } + : function() { + return arguments.length + ? fn.apply(self, arguments) + : fn.call(self); + }; + } else { + // in IE, native methods are not functions so they cannot be bound (note: they don't need to be) + return fn; + } +} + + +function toJsonReplacer(key, value) { + var val = value; + + if (typeof key === 'string' && key.charAt(0) === '$' && key.charAt(1) === '$') { + val = undefined; + } else if (isWindow(value)) { + val = '$WINDOW'; + } else if (value && window.document === value) { + val = '$DOCUMENT'; + } else if (isScope(value)) { + val = '$SCOPE'; + } + + return val; +} + + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.toJson + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Serializes input into a JSON-formatted string. Properties with leading $$ characters will be + * stripped since angular uses this notation internally. + * + * @param {Object|Array|Date|string|number} obj Input to be serialized into JSON. + * @param {boolean|number} [pretty=2] If set to true, the JSON output will contain newlines and whitespace. + * If set to an integer, the JSON output will contain that many spaces per indentation. + * @returns {string|undefined} JSON-ified string representing `obj`. + */ +function toJson(obj, pretty) { + if (isUndefined(obj)) return undefined; + if (!isNumber(pretty)) { + pretty = pretty ? 2 : null; + } + return JSON.stringify(obj, toJsonReplacer, pretty); +} + + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.fromJson + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Deserializes a JSON string. + * + * @param {string} json JSON string to deserialize. + * @returns {Object|Array|string|number} Deserialized JSON string. + */ +function fromJson(json) { + return isString(json) + ? JSON.parse(json) + : json; +} + + +var ALL_COLONS = /:/g; +function timezoneToOffset(timezone, fallback) { + // IE/Edge do not "understand" colon (`:`) in timezone + timezone = timezone.replace(ALL_COLONS, ''); + var requestedTimezoneOffset = Date.parse('Jan 01, 1970 00:00:00 ' + timezone) / 60000; + return isNaN(requestedTimezoneOffset) ? fallback : requestedTimezoneOffset; +} + + +function addDateMinutes(date, minutes) { + date = new Date(date.getTime()); + date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + minutes); + return date; +} + + +function convertTimezoneToLocal(date, timezone, reverse) { + reverse = reverse ? -1 : 1; + var dateTimezoneOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset(); + var timezoneOffset = timezoneToOffset(timezone, dateTimezoneOffset); + return addDateMinutes(date, reverse * (timezoneOffset - dateTimezoneOffset)); +} + + +/** + * @returns {string} Returns the string representation of the element. + */ +function startingTag(element) { + element = jqLite(element).clone(); + try { + // turns out IE does not let you set .html() on elements which + // are not allowed to have children. So we just ignore it. + element.empty(); + } catch (e) {} + var elemHtml = jqLite('
').append(element).html(); + try { + return element[0].nodeType === NODE_TYPE_TEXT ? lowercase(elemHtml) : + elemHtml. + match(/^(<[^>]+>)/)[1]. + replace(/^<([\w\-]+)/, function(match, nodeName) {return '<' + lowercase(nodeName);}); + } catch (e) { + return lowercase(elemHtml); + } + +} + + +///////////////////////////////////////////////// + +/** + * Tries to decode the URI component without throwing an exception. + * + * @private + * @param str value potential URI component to check. + * @returns {boolean} True if `value` can be decoded + * with the decodeURIComponent function. + */ +function tryDecodeURIComponent(value) { + try { + return decodeURIComponent(value); + } catch (e) { + // Ignore any invalid uri component + } +} + + +/** + * Parses an escaped url query string into key-value pairs. + * @returns {Object.} + */ +function parseKeyValue(/**string*/keyValue) { + var obj = {}; + forEach((keyValue || "").split('&'), function(keyValue) { + var splitPoint, key, val; + if (keyValue) { + key = keyValue = keyValue.replace(/\+/g,'%20'); + splitPoint = keyValue.indexOf('='); + if (splitPoint !== -1) { + key = keyValue.substring(0, splitPoint); + val = keyValue.substring(splitPoint + 1); + } + key = tryDecodeURIComponent(key); + if (isDefined(key)) { + val = isDefined(val) ? tryDecodeURIComponent(val) : true; + if (!hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { + obj[key] = val; + } else if (isArray(obj[key])) { + obj[key].push(val); + } else { + obj[key] = [obj[key],val]; + } + } + } + }); + return obj; +} + +function toKeyValue(obj) { + var parts = []; + forEach(obj, function(value, key) { + if (isArray(value)) { + forEach(value, function(arrayValue) { + parts.push(encodeUriQuery(key, true) + + (arrayValue === true ? '' : '=' + encodeUriQuery(arrayValue, true))); + }); + } else { + parts.push(encodeUriQuery(key, true) + + (value === true ? '' : '=' + encodeUriQuery(value, true))); + } + }); + return parts.length ? parts.join('&') : ''; +} + + +/** + * We need our custom method because encodeURIComponent is too aggressive and doesn't follow + * http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt with regards to the character set (pchar) allowed in path + * segments: + * segment = *pchar + * pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" + * pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG + * unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" + * sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" + * / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" + */ +function encodeUriSegment(val) { + return encodeUriQuery(val, true). + replace(/%26/gi, '&'). + replace(/%3D/gi, '='). + replace(/%2B/gi, '+'); +} + + +/** + * This method is intended for encoding *key* or *value* parts of query component. We need a custom + * method because encodeURIComponent is too aggressive and encodes stuff that doesn't have to be + * encoded per http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986: + * query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) + * pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" + * unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" + * pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG + * sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" + * / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" + */ +function encodeUriQuery(val, pctEncodeSpaces) { + return encodeURIComponent(val). + replace(/%40/gi, '@'). + replace(/%3A/gi, ':'). + replace(/%24/g, '$'). + replace(/%2C/gi, ','). + replace(/%3B/gi, ';'). + replace(/%20/g, (pctEncodeSpaces ? '%20' : '+')); +} + +var ngAttrPrefixes = ['ng-', 'data-ng-', 'ng:', 'x-ng-']; + +function getNgAttribute(element, ngAttr) { + var attr, i, ii = ngAttrPrefixes.length; + for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) { + attr = ngAttrPrefixes[i] + ngAttr; + if (isString(attr = element.getAttribute(attr))) { + return attr; + } + } + return null; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ngApp + * @module ng + * + * @element ANY + * @param {angular.Module} ngApp an optional application + * {@link angular.module module} name to load. + * @param {boolean=} ngStrictDi if this attribute is present on the app element, the injector will be + * created in "strict-di" mode. This means that the application will fail to invoke functions which + * do not use explicit function annotation (and are thus unsuitable for minification), as described + * in {@link guide/di the Dependency Injection guide}, and useful debugging info will assist in + * tracking down the root of these bugs. + * + * @description + * + * Use this directive to **auto-bootstrap** an AngularJS application. The `ngApp` directive + * designates the **root element** of the application and is typically placed near the root element + * of the page - e.g. on the `` or `` tags. + * + * There are a few things to keep in mind when using `ngApp`: + * - only one AngularJS application can be auto-bootstrapped per HTML document. The first `ngApp` + * found in the document will be used to define the root element to auto-bootstrap as an + * application. To run multiple applications in an HTML document you must manually bootstrap them using + * {@link angular.bootstrap} instead. + * - AngularJS applications cannot be nested within each other. + * - Do not use a directive that uses {@link ng.$compile#transclusion transclusion} on the same element as `ngApp`. + * This includes directives such as {@link ng.ngIf `ngIf`}, {@link ng.ngInclude `ngInclude`} and + * {@link ngRoute.ngView `ngView`}. + * Doing this misplaces the app {@link ng.$rootElement `$rootElement`} and the app's {@link auto.$injector injector}, + * causing animations to stop working and making the injector inaccessible from outside the app. + * + * You can specify an **AngularJS module** to be used as the root module for the application. This + * module will be loaded into the {@link auto.$injector} when the application is bootstrapped. It + * should contain the application code needed or have dependencies on other modules that will + * contain the code. See {@link angular.module} for more information. + * + * In the example below if the `ngApp` directive were not placed on the `html` element then the + * document would not be compiled, the `AppController` would not be instantiated and the `{{ a+b }}` + * would not be resolved to `3`. + * + * `ngApp` is the easiest, and most common way to bootstrap an application. + * + + +
+ I can add: {{a}} + {{b}} = {{ a+b }} +
+ + angular.module('ngAppDemo', []).controller('ngAppDemoController', function($scope) { + $scope.a = 1; + $scope.b = 2; + }); + +
+ * + * Using `ngStrictDi`, you would see something like this: + * + + +
+ I can add: {{a}} + {{b}} = {{ a+b }} + +

This renders because the controller does not fail to + instantiate, by using explicit annotation style (see + script.js for details) +

+ +
+ Name:
+ Hello, {{name}}! + +

This renders because the controller does not fail to + instantiate, by using explicit annotation style + (see script.js for details) +

+ +
+ I can add: {{a}} + {{b}} = {{ a+b }} + +

The controller could not be instantiated, due to relying + on automatic function annotations (which are disabled in + strict mode). As such, the content of this section is not + interpolated, and there should be an error in your web console. +

+ + angular.module('ngAppStrictDemo', []) + // BadController will fail to instantiate, due to relying on automatic function annotation, + // rather than an explicit annotation + .controller('BadController', function($scope) { + $scope.a = 1; + $scope.b = 2; + }) + // Unlike BadController, GoodController1 and GoodController2 will not fail to be instantiated, + // due to using explicit annotations using the array style and $inject property, respectively. + .controller('GoodController1', ['$scope', function($scope) { + $scope.a = 1; + $scope.b = 2; + }]) + .controller('GoodController2', GoodController2); + function GoodController2($scope) { + $scope.name = "World"; + } + GoodController2.$inject = ['$scope']; + + + div[ng-controller] { + margin-bottom: 1em; + -webkit-border-radius: 4px; + border-radius: 4px; + border: 1px solid; + padding: .5em; + } + div[ng-controller^=Good] { + border-color: #d6e9c6; + background-color: #dff0d8; + color: #3c763d; + } + div[ng-controller^=Bad] { + border-color: #ebccd1; + background-color: #f2dede; + color: #a94442; + margin-bottom: 0; + } + +
+ */ +function angularInit(element, bootstrap) { + var appElement, + module, + config = {}; + + // The element `element` has priority over any other element + forEach(ngAttrPrefixes, function(prefix) { + var name = prefix + 'app'; + + if (!appElement && element.hasAttribute && element.hasAttribute(name)) { + appElement = element; + module = element.getAttribute(name); + } + }); + forEach(ngAttrPrefixes, function(prefix) { + var name = prefix + 'app'; + var candidate; + + if (!appElement && (candidate = element.querySelector('[' + name.replace(':', '\\:') + ']'))) { + appElement = candidate; + module = candidate.getAttribute(name); + } + }); + if (appElement) { + config.strictDi = getNgAttribute(appElement, "strict-di") !== null; + bootstrap(appElement, module ? [module] : [], config); + } +} + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.bootstrap + * @module ng + * @description + * Use this function to manually start up angular application. + * + * For more information, see the {@link guide/bootstrap Bootstrap guide}. + * + * Angular will detect if it has been loaded into the browser more than once and only allow the + * first loaded script to be bootstrapped and will report a warning to the browser console for + * each of the subsequent scripts. This prevents strange results in applications, where otherwise + * multiple instances of Angular try to work on the DOM. + * + *
+ * **Note:** Protractor based end-to-end tests cannot use this function to bootstrap manually. + * They must use {@link ng.directive:ngApp ngApp}. + *
+ * + *
+ * **Note:** Do not bootstrap the app on an element with a directive that uses {@link ng.$compile#transclusion transclusion}, + * such as {@link ng.ngIf `ngIf`}, {@link ng.ngInclude `ngInclude`} and {@link ngRoute.ngView `ngView`}. + * Doing this misplaces the app {@link ng.$rootElement `$rootElement`} and the app's {@link auto.$injector injector}, + * causing animations to stop working and making the injector inaccessible from outside the app. + *
+ * + * ```html + * + * + * + *
+ * {{greeting}} + *
+ * + * + * + * + * + * ``` + * + * @param {DOMElement} element DOM element which is the root of angular application. + * @param {Array=} modules an array of modules to load into the application. + * Each item in the array should be the name of a predefined module or a (DI annotated) + * function that will be invoked by the injector as a `config` block. + * See: {@link angular.module modules} + * @param {Object=} config an object for defining configuration options for the application. The + * following keys are supported: + * + * * `strictDi` - disable automatic function annotation for the application. This is meant to + * assist in finding bugs which break minified code. Defaults to `false`. + * + * @returns {auto.$injector} Returns the newly created injector for this app. + */ +function bootstrap(element, modules, config) { + if (!isObject(config)) config = {}; + var defaultConfig = { + strictDi: false + }; + config = extend(defaultConfig, config); + var doBootstrap = function() { + element = jqLite(element); + + if (element.injector()) { + var tag = (element[0] === window.document) ? 'document' : startingTag(element); + //Encode angle brackets to prevent input from being sanitized to empty string #8683 + throw ngMinErr( + 'btstrpd', + "App already bootstrapped with this element '{0}'", + tag.replace(//,'>')); + } + + modules = modules || []; + modules.unshift(['$provide', function($provide) { + $provide.value('$rootElement', element); + }]); + + if (config.debugInfoEnabled) { + // Pushing so that this overrides `debugInfoEnabled` setting defined in user's `modules`. + modules.push(['$compileProvider', function($compileProvider) { + $compileProvider.debugInfoEnabled(true); + }]); + } + + modules.unshift('ng'); + var injector = createInjector(modules, config.strictDi); + injector.invoke(['$rootScope', '$rootElement', '$compile', '$injector', + function bootstrapApply(scope, element, compile, injector) { + scope.$apply(function() { + element.data('$injector', injector); + compile(element)(scope); + }); + }] + ); + return injector; + }; + + var NG_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = /^NG_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO!/; + var NG_DEFER_BOOTSTRAP = /^NG_DEFER_BOOTSTRAP!/; + + if (window && NG_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO.test(window.name)) { + config.debugInfoEnabled = true; + window.name = window.name.replace(NG_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO, ''); + } + + if (window && !NG_DEFER_BOOTSTRAP.test(window.name)) { + return doBootstrap(); + } + + window.name = window.name.replace(NG_DEFER_BOOTSTRAP, ''); + angular.resumeBootstrap = function(extraModules) { + forEach(extraModules, function(module) { + modules.push(module); + }); + return doBootstrap(); + }; + + if (isFunction(angular.resumeDeferredBootstrap)) { + angular.resumeDeferredBootstrap(); + } +} + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.reloadWithDebugInfo + * @module ng + * @description + * Use this function to reload the current application with debug information turned on. + * This takes precedence over a call to `$compileProvider.debugInfoEnabled(false)`. + * + * See {@link ng.$compileProvider#debugInfoEnabled} for more. + */ +function reloadWithDebugInfo() { + window.name = 'NG_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO!' + window.name; + window.location.reload(); +} + +/** + * @name angular.getTestability + * @module ng + * @description + * Get the testability service for the instance of Angular on the given + * element. + * @param {DOMElement} element DOM element which is the root of angular application. + */ +function getTestability(rootElement) { + var injector = angular.element(rootElement).injector(); + if (!injector) { + throw ngMinErr('test', + 'no injector found for element argument to getTestability'); + } + return injector.get('$$testability'); +} + +var SNAKE_CASE_REGEXP = /[A-Z]/g; +function snake_case(name, separator) { + separator = separator || '_'; + return name.replace(SNAKE_CASE_REGEXP, function(letter, pos) { + return (pos ? separator : '') + letter.toLowerCase(); + }); +} + +var bindJQueryFired = false; +function bindJQuery() { + var originalCleanData; + + if (bindJQueryFired) { + return; + } + + // bind to jQuery if present; + var jqName = jq(); + jQuery = isUndefined(jqName) ? window.jQuery : // use jQuery (if present) + !jqName ? undefined : // use jqLite + window[jqName]; // use jQuery specified by `ngJq` + + // Use jQuery if it exists with proper functionality, otherwise default to us. + // Angular 1.2+ requires jQuery 1.7+ for on()/off() support. + // Angular 1.3+ technically requires at least jQuery 2.1+ but it may work with older + // versions. It will not work for sure with jQuery <1.7, though. + if (jQuery && jQuery.fn.on) { + jqLite = jQuery; + extend(jQuery.fn, { + scope: JQLitePrototype.scope, + isolateScope: JQLitePrototype.isolateScope, + controller: JQLitePrototype.controller, + injector: JQLitePrototype.injector, + inheritedData: JQLitePrototype.inheritedData + }); + + // All nodes removed from the DOM via various jQuery APIs like .remove() + // are passed through jQuery.cleanData. Monkey-patch this method to fire + // the $destroy event on all removed nodes. + originalCleanData = jQuery.cleanData; + jQuery.cleanData = function(elems) { + var events; + for (var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++) { + events = jQuery._data(elem, "events"); + if (events && events.$destroy) { + jQuery(elem).triggerHandler('$destroy'); + } + } + originalCleanData(elems); + }; + } else { + jqLite = JQLite; + } + + angular.element = jqLite; + + // Prevent double-proxying. + bindJQueryFired = true; +} + +/** + * throw error if the argument is falsy. + */ +function assertArg(arg, name, reason) { + if (!arg) { + throw ngMinErr('areq', "Argument '{0}' is {1}", (name || '?'), (reason || "required")); + } + return arg; +} + +function assertArgFn(arg, name, acceptArrayAnnotation) { + if (acceptArrayAnnotation && isArray(arg)) { + arg = arg[arg.length - 1]; + } + + assertArg(isFunction(arg), name, 'not a function, got ' + + (arg && typeof arg === 'object' ? arg.constructor.name || 'Object' : typeof arg)); + return arg; +} + +/** + * throw error if the name given is hasOwnProperty + * @param {String} name the name to test + * @param {String} context the context in which the name is used, such as module or directive + */ +function assertNotHasOwnProperty(name, context) { + if (name === 'hasOwnProperty') { + throw ngMinErr('badname', "hasOwnProperty is not a valid {0} name", context); + } +} + +/** + * Return the value accessible from the object by path. Any undefined traversals are ignored + * @param {Object} obj starting object + * @param {String} path path to traverse + * @param {boolean} [bindFnToScope=true] + * @returns {Object} value as accessible by path + */ +//TODO(misko): this function needs to be removed +function getter(obj, path, bindFnToScope) { + if (!path) return obj; + var keys = path.split('.'); + var key; + var lastInstance = obj; + var len = keys.length; + + for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { + key = keys[i]; + if (obj) { + obj = (lastInstance = obj)[key]; + } + } + if (!bindFnToScope && isFunction(obj)) { + return bind(lastInstance, obj); + } + return obj; +} + +/** + * Return the DOM siblings between the first and last node in the given array. + * @param {Array} array like object + * @returns {Array} the inputted object or a jqLite collection containing the nodes + */ +function getBlockNodes(nodes) { + // TODO(perf): update `nodes` instead of creating a new object? + var node = nodes[0]; + var endNode = nodes[nodes.length - 1]; + var blockNodes; + + for (var i = 1; node !== endNode && (node = node.nextSibling); i++) { + if (blockNodes || nodes[i] !== node) { + if (!blockNodes) { + blockNodes = jqLite(slice.call(nodes, 0, i)); + } + blockNodes.push(node); + } + } + + return blockNodes || nodes; +} + + +/** + * Creates a new object without a prototype. This object is useful for lookup without having to + * guard against prototypically inherited properties via hasOwnProperty. + * + * Related micro-benchmarks: + * - http://jsperf.com/object-create2 + * - http://jsperf.com/proto-map-lookup/2 + * - http://jsperf.com/for-in-vs-object-keys2 + * + * @returns {Object} + */ +function createMap() { + return Object.create(null); +} + +var NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT = 1; +var NODE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = 2; +var NODE_TYPE_TEXT = 3; +var NODE_TYPE_COMMENT = 8; +var NODE_TYPE_DOCUMENT = 9; +var NODE_TYPE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT = 11; + +/** + * @ngdoc type + * @name angular.Module + * @module ng + * @description + * + * Interface for configuring angular {@link angular.module modules}. + */ + +function setupModuleLoader(window) { + + var $injectorMinErr = minErr('$injector'); + var ngMinErr = minErr('ng'); + + function ensure(obj, name, factory) { + return obj[name] || (obj[name] = factory()); + } + + var angular = ensure(window, 'angular', Object); + + // We need to expose `angular.$$minErr` to modules such as `ngResource` that reference it during bootstrap + angular.$$minErr = angular.$$minErr || minErr; + + return ensure(angular, 'module', function() { + /** @type {Object.} */ + var modules = {}; + + /** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.module + * @module ng + * @description + * + * The `angular.module` is a global place for creating, registering and retrieving Angular + * modules. + * All modules (angular core or 3rd party) that should be available to an application must be + * registered using this mechanism. + * + * Passing one argument retrieves an existing {@link angular.Module}, + * whereas passing more than one argument creates a new {@link angular.Module} + * + * + * # Module + * + * A module is a collection of services, directives, controllers, filters, and configuration information. + * `angular.module` is used to configure the {@link auto.$injector $injector}. + * + * ```js + * // Create a new module + * var myModule = angular.module('myModule', []); + * + * // register a new service + * myModule.value('appName', 'MyCoolApp'); + * + * // configure existing services inside initialization blocks. + * myModule.config(['$locationProvider', function($locationProvider) { + * // Configure existing providers + * $locationProvider.hashPrefix('!'); + * }]); + * ``` + * + * Then you can create an injector and load your modules like this: + * + * ```js + * var injector = angular.injector(['ng', 'myModule']) + * ``` + * + * However it's more likely that you'll just use + * {@link ng.directive:ngApp ngApp} or + * {@link angular.bootstrap} to simplify this process for you. + * + * @param {!string} name The name of the module to create or retrieve. + * @param {!Array.=} requires If specified then new module is being created. If + * unspecified then the module is being retrieved for further configuration. + * @param {Function=} configFn Optional configuration function for the module. Same as + * {@link angular.Module#config Module#config()}. + * @returns {angular.Module} new module with the {@link angular.Module} api. + */ + return function module(name, requires, configFn) { + var assertNotHasOwnProperty = function(name, context) { + if (name === 'hasOwnProperty') { + throw ngMinErr('badname', 'hasOwnProperty is not a valid {0} name', context); + } + }; + + assertNotHasOwnProperty(name, 'module'); + if (requires && modules.hasOwnProperty(name)) { + modules[name] = null; + } + return ensure(modules, name, function() { + if (!requires) { + throw $injectorMinErr('nomod', "Module '{0}' is not available! You either misspelled " + + "the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you " + + "specify the dependencies as the second argument.", name); + } + + /** @type {!Array.>} */ + var invokeQueue = []; + + /** @type {!Array.} */ + var configBlocks = []; + + /** @type {!Array.} */ + var runBlocks = []; + + var config = invokeLater('$injector', 'invoke', 'push', configBlocks); + + /** @type {angular.Module} */ + var moduleInstance = { + // Private state + _invokeQueue: invokeQueue, + _configBlocks: configBlocks, + _runBlocks: runBlocks, + + /** + * @ngdoc property + * @name angular.Module#requires + * @module ng + * + * @description + * Holds the list of modules which the injector will load before the current module is + * loaded. + */ + requires: requires, + + /** + * @ngdoc property + * @name angular.Module#name + * @module ng + * + * @description + * Name of the module. + */ + name: name, + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name angular.Module#provider + * @module ng + * @param {string} name service name + * @param {Function} providerType Construction function for creating new instance of the + * service. + * @description + * See {@link auto.$provide#provider $provide.provider()}. + */ + provider: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$provide', 'provider'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name angular.Module#factory + * @module ng + * @param {string} name service name + * @param {Function} providerFunction Function for creating new instance of the service. + * @description + * See {@link auto.$provide#factory $provide.factory()}. + */ + factory: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$provide', 'factory'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name angular.Module#service + * @module ng + * @param {string} name service name + * @param {Function} constructor A constructor function that will be instantiated. + * @description + * See {@link auto.$provide#service $provide.service()}. + */ + service: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$provide', 'service'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name angular.Module#value + * @module ng + * @param {string} name service name + * @param {*} object Service instance object. + * @description + * See {@link auto.$provide#value $provide.value()}. + */ + value: invokeLater('$provide', 'value'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name angular.Module#constant + * @module ng + * @param {string} name constant name + * @param {*} object Constant value. + * @description + * Because the constants are fixed, they get applied before other provide methods. + * See {@link auto.$provide#constant $provide.constant()}. + */ + constant: invokeLater('$provide', 'constant', 'unshift'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name angular.Module#decorator + * @module ng + * @param {string} name The name of the service to decorate. + * @param {Function} decorFn This function will be invoked when the service needs to be + * instantiated and should return the decorated service instance. + * @description + * See {@link auto.$provide#decorator $provide.decorator()}. + */ + decorator: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$provide', 'decorator'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name angular.Module#animation + * @module ng + * @param {string} name animation name + * @param {Function} animationFactory Factory function for creating new instance of an + * animation. + * @description + * + * **NOTE**: animations take effect only if the **ngAnimate** module is loaded. + * + * + * Defines an animation hook that can be later used with + * {@link $animate $animate} service and directives that use this service. + * + * ```js + * module.animation('.animation-name', function($inject1, $inject2) { + * return { + * eventName : function(element, done) { + * //code to run the animation + * //once complete, then run done() + * return function cancellationFunction(element) { + * //code to cancel the animation + * } + * } + * } + * }) + * ``` + * + * See {@link ng.$animateProvider#register $animateProvider.register()} and + * {@link ngAnimate ngAnimate module} for more information. + */ + animation: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$animateProvider', 'register'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name angular.Module#filter + * @module ng + * @param {string} name Filter name - this must be a valid angular expression identifier + * @param {Function} filterFactory Factory function for creating new instance of filter. + * @description + * See {@link ng.$filterProvider#register $filterProvider.register()}. + * + *
+ * **Note:** Filter names must be valid angular {@link expression} identifiers, such as `uppercase` or `orderBy`. + * Names with special characters, such as hyphens and dots, are not allowed. If you wish to namespace + * your filters, then you can use capitalization (`myappSubsectionFilterx`) or underscores + * (`myapp_subsection_filterx`). + *
+ */ + filter: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$filterProvider', 'register'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name angular.Module#controller + * @module ng + * @param {string|Object} name Controller name, or an object map of controllers where the + * keys are the names and the values are the constructors. + * @param {Function} constructor Controller constructor function. + * @description + * See {@link ng.$controllerProvider#register $controllerProvider.register()}. + */ + controller: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$controllerProvider', 'register'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name angular.Module#directive + * @module ng + * @param {string|Object} name Directive name, or an object map of directives where the + * keys are the names and the values are the factories. + * @param {Function} directiveFactory Factory function for creating new instance of + * directives. + * @description + * See {@link ng.$compileProvider#directive $compileProvider.directive()}. + */ + directive: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$compileProvider', 'directive'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name angular.Module#component + * @module ng + * @param {string} name Name of the component in camel-case (i.e. myComp which will match as my-comp) + * @param {Object} options Component definition object (a simplified + * {@link ng.$compile#directive-definition-object directive definition object}) + * + * @description + * See {@link ng.$compileProvider#component $compileProvider.component()}. + */ + component: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$compileProvider', 'component'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name angular.Module#config + * @module ng + * @param {Function} configFn Execute this function on module load. Useful for service + * configuration. + * @description + * Use this method to register work which needs to be performed on module loading. + * For more about how to configure services, see + * {@link providers#provider-recipe Provider Recipe}. + */ + config: config, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name angular.Module#run + * @module ng + * @param {Function} initializationFn Execute this function after injector creation. + * Useful for application initialization. + * @description + * Use this method to register work which should be performed when the injector is done + * loading all modules. + */ + run: function(block) { + runBlocks.push(block); + return this; + } + }; + + if (configFn) { + config(configFn); + } + + return moduleInstance; + + /** + * @param {string} provider + * @param {string} method + * @param {String=} insertMethod + * @returns {angular.Module} + */ + function invokeLater(provider, method, insertMethod, queue) { + if (!queue) queue = invokeQueue; + return function() { + queue[insertMethod || 'push']([provider, method, arguments]); + return moduleInstance; + }; + } + + /** + * @param {string} provider + * @param {string} method + * @returns {angular.Module} + */ + function invokeLaterAndSetModuleName(provider, method) { + return function(recipeName, factoryFunction) { + if (factoryFunction && isFunction(factoryFunction)) factoryFunction.$$moduleName = name; + invokeQueue.push([provider, method, arguments]); + return moduleInstance; + }; + } + }); + }; + }); + +} + +/* global: toDebugString: true */ + +function serializeObject(obj) { + var seen = []; + + return JSON.stringify(obj, function(key, val) { + val = toJsonReplacer(key, val); + if (isObject(val)) { + + if (seen.indexOf(val) >= 0) return '...'; + + seen.push(val); + } + return val; + }); +} + +function toDebugString(obj) { + if (typeof obj === 'function') { + return obj.toString().replace(/ \{[\s\S]*$/, ''); + } else if (isUndefined(obj)) { + return 'undefined'; + } else if (typeof obj !== 'string') { + return serializeObject(obj); + } + return obj; +} + +/* global angularModule: true, + version: true, + + $CompileProvider, + + htmlAnchorDirective, + inputDirective, + inputDirective, + formDirective, + scriptDirective, + selectDirective, + styleDirective, + optionDirective, + ngBindDirective, + ngBindHtmlDirective, + ngBindTemplateDirective, + ngClassDirective, + ngClassEvenDirective, + ngClassOddDirective, + ngCloakDirective, + ngControllerDirective, + ngFormDirective, + ngHideDirective, + ngIfDirective, + ngIncludeDirective, + ngIncludeFillContentDirective, + ngInitDirective, + ngNonBindableDirective, + ngPluralizeDirective, + ngRepeatDirective, + ngShowDirective, + ngStyleDirective, + ngSwitchDirective, + ngSwitchWhenDirective, + ngSwitchDefaultDirective, + ngOptionsDirective, + ngTranscludeDirective, + ngModelDirective, + ngListDirective, + ngChangeDirective, + patternDirective, + patternDirective, + requiredDirective, + requiredDirective, + minlengthDirective, + minlengthDirective, + maxlengthDirective, + maxlengthDirective, + ngValueDirective, + ngModelOptionsDirective, + ngAttributeAliasDirectives, + ngEventDirectives, + + $AnchorScrollProvider, + $AnimateProvider, + $CoreAnimateCssProvider, + $$CoreAnimateJsProvider, + $$CoreAnimateQueueProvider, + $$AnimateRunnerFactoryProvider, + $$AnimateAsyncRunFactoryProvider, + $BrowserProvider, + $CacheFactoryProvider, + $ControllerProvider, + $DateProvider, + $DocumentProvider, + $ExceptionHandlerProvider, + $FilterProvider, + $$ForceReflowProvider, + $InterpolateProvider, + $IntervalProvider, + $$HashMapProvider, + $HttpProvider, + $HttpParamSerializerProvider, + $HttpParamSerializerJQLikeProvider, + $HttpBackendProvider, + $xhrFactoryProvider, + $LocationProvider, + $LogProvider, + $ParseProvider, + $RootScopeProvider, + $QProvider, + $$QProvider, + $$SanitizeUriProvider, + $SceProvider, + $SceDelegateProvider, + $SnifferProvider, + $TemplateCacheProvider, + $TemplateRequestProvider, + $$TestabilityProvider, + $TimeoutProvider, + $$RAFProvider, + $WindowProvider, + $$jqLiteProvider, + $$CookieReaderProvider +*/ + + +/** + * @ngdoc object + * @name angular.version + * @module ng + * @description + * An object that contains information about the current AngularJS version. + * + * This object has the following properties: + * + * - `full` – `{string}` – Full version string, such as "0.9.18". + * - `major` – `{number}` – Major version number, such as "0". + * - `minor` – `{number}` – Minor version number, such as "9". + * - `dot` – `{number}` – Dot version number, such as "18". + * - `codeName` – `{string}` – Code name of the release, such as "jiggling-armfat". + */ +var version = { + full: '1.5.5', // all of these placeholder strings will be replaced by grunt's + major: 1, // package task + minor: 5, + dot: 5, + codeName: 'material-conspiration' +}; + + +function publishExternalAPI(angular) { + extend(angular, { + 'bootstrap': bootstrap, + 'copy': copy, + 'extend': extend, + 'merge': merge, + 'equals': equals, + 'element': jqLite, + 'forEach': forEach, + 'injector': createInjector, + 'noop': noop, + 'bind': bind, + 'toJson': toJson, + 'fromJson': fromJson, + 'identity': identity, + 'isUndefined': isUndefined, + 'isDefined': isDefined, + 'isString': isString, + 'isFunction': isFunction, + 'isObject': isObject, + 'isNumber': isNumber, + 'isElement': isElement, + 'isArray': isArray, + 'version': version, + 'isDate': isDate, + 'lowercase': lowercase, + 'uppercase': uppercase, + 'callbacks': {counter: 0}, + 'getTestability': getTestability, + '$$minErr': minErr, + '$$csp': csp, + 'reloadWithDebugInfo': reloadWithDebugInfo + }); + + angularModule = setupModuleLoader(window); + + angularModule('ng', ['ngLocale'], ['$provide', + function ngModule($provide) { + // $$sanitizeUriProvider needs to be before $compileProvider as it is used by it. + $provide.provider({ + $$sanitizeUri: $$SanitizeUriProvider + }); + $provide.provider('$compile', $CompileProvider). + directive({ + a: htmlAnchorDirective, + input: inputDirective, + textarea: inputDirective, + form: formDirective, + script: scriptDirective, + select: selectDirective, + style: styleDirective, + option: optionDirective, + ngBind: ngBindDirective, + ngBindHtml: ngBindHtmlDirective, + ngBindTemplate: ngBindTemplateDirective, + ngClass: ngClassDirective, + ngClassEven: ngClassEvenDirective, + ngClassOdd: ngClassOddDirective, + ngCloak: ngCloakDirective, + ngController: ngControllerDirective, + ngForm: ngFormDirective, + ngHide: ngHideDirective, + ngIf: ngIfDirective, + ngInclude: ngIncludeDirective, + ngInit: ngInitDirective, + ngNonBindable: ngNonBindableDirective, + ngPluralize: ngPluralizeDirective, + ngRepeat: ngRepeatDirective, + ngShow: ngShowDirective, + ngStyle: ngStyleDirective, + ngSwitch: ngSwitchDirective, + ngSwitchWhen: ngSwitchWhenDirective, + ngSwitchDefault: ngSwitchDefaultDirective, + ngOptions: ngOptionsDirective, + ngTransclude: ngTranscludeDirective, + ngModel: ngModelDirective, + ngList: ngListDirective, + ngChange: ngChangeDirective, + pattern: patternDirective, + ngPattern: patternDirective, + required: requiredDirective, + ngRequired: requiredDirective, + minlength: minlengthDirective, + ngMinlength: minlengthDirective, + maxlength: maxlengthDirective, + ngMaxlength: maxlengthDirective, + ngValue: ngValueDirective, + ngModelOptions: ngModelOptionsDirective + }). + directive({ + ngInclude: ngIncludeFillContentDirective + }). + directive(ngAttributeAliasDirectives). + directive(ngEventDirectives); + $provide.provider({ + $anchorScroll: $AnchorScrollProvider, + $animate: $AnimateProvider, + $animateCss: $CoreAnimateCssProvider, + $$animateJs: $$CoreAnimateJsProvider, + $$animateQueue: $$CoreAnimateQueueProvider, + $$AnimateRunner: $$AnimateRunnerFactoryProvider, + $$animateAsyncRun: $$AnimateAsyncRunFactoryProvider, + $browser: $BrowserProvider, + $cacheFactory: $CacheFactoryProvider, + $controller: $ControllerProvider, + $document: $DocumentProvider, + $exceptionHandler: $ExceptionHandlerProvider, + $filter: $FilterProvider, + $$forceReflow: $$ForceReflowProvider, + $interpolate: $InterpolateProvider, + $interval: $IntervalProvider, + $http: $HttpProvider, + $httpParamSerializer: $HttpParamSerializerProvider, + $httpParamSerializerJQLike: $HttpParamSerializerJQLikeProvider, + $httpBackend: $HttpBackendProvider, + $xhrFactory: $xhrFactoryProvider, + $location: $LocationProvider, + $log: $LogProvider, + $parse: $ParseProvider, + $rootScope: $RootScopeProvider, + $q: $QProvider, + $$q: $$QProvider, + $sce: $SceProvider, + $sceDelegate: $SceDelegateProvider, + $sniffer: $SnifferProvider, + $templateCache: $TemplateCacheProvider, + $templateRequest: $TemplateRequestProvider, + $$testability: $$TestabilityProvider, + $timeout: $TimeoutProvider, + $window: $WindowProvider, + $$rAF: $$RAFProvider, + $$jqLite: $$jqLiteProvider, + $$HashMap: $$HashMapProvider, + $$cookieReader: $$CookieReaderProvider + }); + } + ]); +} + +/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * Any commits to this file should be reviewed with security in mind. * + * Changes to this file can potentially create security vulnerabilities. * + * An approval from 2 Core members with history of modifying * + * this file is required. * + * * + * Does the change somehow allow for arbitrary javascript to be executed? * + * Or allows for someone to change the prototype of built-in objects? * + * Or gives undesired access to variables likes document or window? * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ + +/* global JQLitePrototype: true, + addEventListenerFn: true, + removeEventListenerFn: true, + BOOLEAN_ATTR: true, + ALIASED_ATTR: true, +*/ + +////////////////////////////////// +//JQLite +////////////////////////////////// + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @name angular.element + * @module ng + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Wraps a raw DOM element or HTML string as a [jQuery](http://jquery.com) element. + * + * If jQuery is available, `angular.element` is an alias for the + * [jQuery](http://api.jquery.com/jQuery/) function. If jQuery is not available, `angular.element` + * delegates to Angular's built-in subset of jQuery, called "jQuery lite" or **jqLite**. + * + * jqLite is a tiny, API-compatible subset of jQuery that allows + * Angular to manipulate the DOM in a cross-browser compatible way. jqLite implements only the most + * commonly needed functionality with the goal of having a very small footprint. + * + * To use `jQuery`, simply ensure it is loaded before the `angular.js` file. You can also use the + * {@link ngJq `ngJq`} directive to specify that jqlite should be used over jQuery, or to use a + * specific version of jQuery if multiple versions exist on the page. + * + *
**Note:** All element references in Angular are always wrapped with jQuery or + * jqLite (such as the element argument in a directive's compile / link function). They are never raw DOM references.
+ * + *
**Note:** Keep in mind that this function will not find elements + * by tag name / CSS selector. For lookups by tag name, try instead `angular.element(document).find(...)` + * or `$document.find()`, or use the standard DOM APIs, e.g. `document.querySelectorAll()`.
+ * + * ## Angular's jqLite + * jqLite provides only the following jQuery methods: + * + * - [`addClass()`](http://api.jquery.com/addClass/) + * - [`after()`](http://api.jquery.com/after/) + * - [`append()`](http://api.jquery.com/append/) + * - [`attr()`](http://api.jquery.com/attr/) - Does not support functions as parameters + * - [`bind()`](http://api.jquery.com/bind/) - Does not support namespaces, selectors or eventData + * - [`children()`](http://api.jquery.com/children/) - Does not support selectors + * - [`clone()`](http://api.jquery.com/clone/) + * - [`contents()`](http://api.jquery.com/contents/) + * - [`css()`](http://api.jquery.com/css/) - Only retrieves inline-styles, does not call `getComputedStyle()`. + * As a setter, does not convert numbers to strings or append 'px', and also does not have automatic property prefixing. + * - [`data()`](http://api.jquery.com/data/) + * - [`detach()`](http://api.jquery.com/detach/) + * - [`empty()`](http://api.jquery.com/empty/) + * - [`eq()`](http://api.jquery.com/eq/) + * - [`find()`](http://api.jquery.com/find/) - Limited to lookups by tag name + * - [`hasClass()`](http://api.jquery.com/hasClass/) + * - [`html()`](http://api.jquery.com/html/) + * - [`next()`](http://api.jquery.com/next/) - Does not support selectors + * - [`on()`](http://api.jquery.com/on/) - Does not support namespaces, selectors or eventData + * - [`off()`](http://api.jquery.com/off/) - Does not support namespaces, selectors or event object as parameter + * - [`one()`](http://api.jquery.com/one/) - Does not support namespaces or selectors + * - [`parent()`](http://api.jquery.com/parent/) - Does not support selectors + * - [`prepend()`](http://api.jquery.com/prepend/) + * - [`prop()`](http://api.jquery.com/prop/) + * - [`ready()`](http://api.jquery.com/ready/) + * - [`remove()`](http://api.jquery.com/remove/) + * - [`removeAttr()`](http://api.jquery.com/removeAttr/) + * - [`removeClass()`](http://api.jquery.com/removeClass/) + * - [`removeData()`](http://api.jquery.com/removeData/) + * - [`replaceWith()`](http://api.jquery.com/replaceWith/) + * - [`text()`](http://api.jquery.com/text/) + * - [`toggleClass()`](http://api.jquery.com/toggleClass/) + * - [`triggerHandler()`](http://api.jquery.com/triggerHandler/) - Passes a dummy event object to handlers. + * - [`unbind()`](http://api.jquery.com/unbind/) - Does not support namespaces or event object as parameter + * - [`val()`](http://api.jquery.com/val/) + * - [`wrap()`](http://api.jquery.com/wrap/) + * + * ## jQuery/jqLite Extras + * Angular also provides the following additional methods and events to both jQuery and jqLite: + * + * ### Events + * - `$destroy` - AngularJS intercepts all jqLite/jQuery's DOM destruction apis and fires this event + * on all DOM nodes being removed. This can be used to clean up any 3rd party bindings to the DOM + * element before it is removed. + * + * ### Methods + * - `controller(name)` - retrieves the controller of the current element or its parent. By default + * retrieves controller associated with the `ngController` directive. If `name` is provided as + * camelCase directive name, then the controller for this directive will be retrieved (e.g. + * `'ngModel'`). + * - `injector()` - retrieves the injector of the current element or its parent. + * - `scope()` - retrieves the {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope scope} of the current + * element or its parent. Requires {@link guide/production#disabling-debug-data Debug Data} to + * be enabled. + * - `isolateScope()` - retrieves an isolate {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope scope} if one is attached directly to the + * current element. This getter should be used only on elements that contain a directive which starts a new isolate + * scope. Calling `scope()` on this element always returns the original non-isolate scope. + * Requires {@link guide/production#disabling-debug-data Debug Data} to be enabled. + * - `inheritedData()` - same as `data()`, but walks up the DOM until a value is found or the top + * parent element is reached. + * + * @knownIssue You cannot spy on `angular.element` if you are using Jasmine version 1.x. See + * https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/14251 for more information. + * + * @param {string|DOMElement} element HTML string or DOMElement to be wrapped into jQuery. + * @returns {Object} jQuery object. + */ + +JQLite.expando = 'ng339'; + +var jqCache = JQLite.cache = {}, + jqId = 1, + addEventListenerFn = function(element, type, fn) { + element.addEventListener(type, fn, false); + }, + removeEventListenerFn = function(element, type, fn) { + element.removeEventListener(type, fn, false); + }; + +/* + * !!! This is an undocumented "private" function !!! + */ +JQLite._data = function(node) { + //jQuery always returns an object on cache miss + return this.cache[node[this.expando]] || {}; +}; + +function jqNextId() { return ++jqId; } + + +var SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP = /([\:\-\_]+(.))/g; +var MOZ_HACK_REGEXP = /^moz([A-Z])/; +var MOUSE_EVENT_MAP= { mouseleave: "mouseout", mouseenter: "mouseover"}; +var jqLiteMinErr = minErr('jqLite'); + +/** + * Converts snake_case to camelCase. + * Also there is special case for Moz prefix starting with upper case letter. + * @param name Name to normalize + */ +function camelCase(name) { + return name. + replace(SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP, function(_, separator, letter, offset) { + return offset ? letter.toUpperCase() : letter; + }). + replace(MOZ_HACK_REGEXP, 'Moz$1'); +} + +var SINGLE_TAG_REGEXP = /^<([\w-]+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/; +var HTML_REGEXP = /<|&#?\w+;/; +var TAG_NAME_REGEXP = /<([\w:-]+)/; +var XHTML_TAG_REGEXP = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:-]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi; + +var wrapMap = { + 'option': [1, ''], + + 'thead': [1, '', '
'], + 'col': [2, '', '
'], + 'tr': [2, '', '
'], + 'td': [3, '', '
'], + '_default': [0, "", ""] +}; + +wrapMap.optgroup = wrapMap.option; +wrapMap.tbody = wrapMap.tfoot = wrapMap.colgroup = wrapMap.caption = wrapMap.thead; +wrapMap.th = wrapMap.td; + + +function jqLiteIsTextNode(html) { + return !HTML_REGEXP.test(html); +} + +function jqLiteAcceptsData(node) { + // The window object can accept data but has no nodeType + // Otherwise we are only interested in elements (1) and documents (9) + var nodeType = node.nodeType; + return nodeType === NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT || !nodeType || nodeType === NODE_TYPE_DOCUMENT; +} + +function jqLiteHasData(node) { + for (var key in jqCache[node.ng339]) { + return true; + } + return false; +} + +function jqLiteCleanData(nodes) { + for (var i = 0, ii = nodes.length; i < ii; i++) { + jqLiteRemoveData(nodes[i]); + } +} + +function jqLiteBuildFragment(html, context) { + var tmp, tag, wrap, + fragment = context.createDocumentFragment(), + nodes = [], i; + + if (jqLiteIsTextNode(html)) { + // Convert non-html into a text node + nodes.push(context.createTextNode(html)); + } else { + // Convert html into DOM nodes + tmp = tmp || fragment.appendChild(context.createElement("div")); + tag = (TAG_NAME_REGEXP.exec(html) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(); + wrap = wrapMap[tag] || wrapMap._default; + tmp.innerHTML = wrap[1] + html.replace(XHTML_TAG_REGEXP, "<$1>") + wrap[2]; + + // Descend through wrappers to the right content + i = wrap[0]; + while (i--) { + tmp = tmp.lastChild; + } + + nodes = concat(nodes, tmp.childNodes); + + tmp = fragment.firstChild; + tmp.textContent = ""; + } + + // Remove wrapper from fragment + fragment.textContent = ""; + fragment.innerHTML = ""; // Clear inner HTML + forEach(nodes, function(node) { + fragment.appendChild(node); + }); + + return fragment; +} + +function jqLiteParseHTML(html, context) { + context = context || window.document; + var parsed; + + if ((parsed = SINGLE_TAG_REGEXP.exec(html))) { + return [context.createElement(parsed[1])]; + } + + if ((parsed = jqLiteBuildFragment(html, context))) { + return parsed.childNodes; + } + + return []; +} + +function jqLiteWrapNode(node, wrapper) { + var parent = node.parentNode; + + if (parent) { + parent.replaceChild(wrapper, node); + } + + wrapper.appendChild(node); +} + + +// IE9-11 has no method "contains" in SVG element and in Node.prototype. Bug #10259. +var jqLiteContains = window.Node.prototype.contains || function(arg) { + // jshint bitwise: false + return !!(this.compareDocumentPosition(arg) & 16); + // jshint bitwise: true +}; + +///////////////////////////////////////////// +function JQLite(element) { + if (element instanceof JQLite) { + return element; + } + + var argIsString; + + if (isString(element)) { + element = trim(element); + argIsString = true; + } + if (!(this instanceof JQLite)) { + if (argIsString && element.charAt(0) != '<') { + throw jqLiteMinErr('nosel', 'Looking up elements via selectors is not supported by jqLite! See: http://docs.angularjs.org/api/angular.element'); + } + return new JQLite(element); + } + + if (argIsString) { + jqLiteAddNodes(this, jqLiteParseHTML(element)); + } else { + jqLiteAddNodes(this, element); + } +} + +function jqLiteClone(element) { + return element.cloneNode(true); +} + +function jqLiteDealoc(element, onlyDescendants) { + if (!onlyDescendants) jqLiteRemoveData(element); + + if (element.querySelectorAll) { + var descendants = element.querySelectorAll('*'); + for (var i = 0, l = descendants.length; i < l; i++) { + jqLiteRemoveData(descendants[i]); + } + } +} + +function jqLiteOff(element, type, fn, unsupported) { + if (isDefined(unsupported)) throw jqLiteMinErr('offargs', 'jqLite#off() does not support the `selector` argument'); + + var expandoStore = jqLiteExpandoStore(element); + var events = expandoStore && expandoStore.events; + var handle = expandoStore && expandoStore.handle; + + if (!handle) return; //no listeners registered + + if (!type) { + for (type in events) { + if (type !== '$destroy') { + removeEventListenerFn(element, type, handle); + } + delete events[type]; + } + } else { + + var removeHandler = function(type) { + var listenerFns = events[type]; + if (isDefined(fn)) { + arrayRemove(listenerFns || [], fn); + } + if (!(isDefined(fn) && listenerFns && listenerFns.length > 0)) { + removeEventListenerFn(element, type, handle); + delete events[type]; + } + }; + + forEach(type.split(' '), function(type) { + removeHandler(type); + if (MOUSE_EVENT_MAP[type]) { + removeHandler(MOUSE_EVENT_MAP[type]); + } + }); + } +} + +function jqLiteRemoveData(element, name) { + var expandoId = element.ng339; + var expandoStore = expandoId && jqCache[expandoId]; + + if (expandoStore) { + if (name) { + delete expandoStore.data[name]; + return; + } + + if (expandoStore.handle) { + if (expandoStore.events.$destroy) { + expandoStore.handle({}, '$destroy'); + } + jqLiteOff(element); + } + delete jqCache[expandoId]; + element.ng339 = undefined; // don't delete DOM expandos. IE and Chrome don't like it + } +} + + +function jqLiteExpandoStore(element, createIfNecessary) { + var expandoId = element.ng339, + expandoStore = expandoId && jqCache[expandoId]; + + if (createIfNecessary && !expandoStore) { + element.ng339 = expandoId = jqNextId(); + expandoStore = jqCache[expandoId] = {events: {}, data: {}, handle: undefined}; + } + + return expandoStore; +} + + +function jqLiteData(element, key, value) { + if (jqLiteAcceptsData(element)) { + + var isSimpleSetter = isDefined(value); + var isSimpleGetter = !isSimpleSetter && key && !isObject(key); + var massGetter = !key; + var expandoStore = jqLiteExpandoStore(element, !isSimpleGetter); + var data = expandoStore && expandoStore.data; + + if (isSimpleSetter) { // data('key', value) + data[key] = value; + } else { + if (massGetter) { // data() + return data; + } else { + if (isSimpleGetter) { // data('key') + // don't force creation of expandoStore if it doesn't exist yet + return data && data[key]; + } else { // mass-setter: data({key1: val1, key2: val2}) + extend(data, key); + } + } + } + } +} + +function jqLiteHasClass(element, selector) { + if (!element.getAttribute) return false; + return ((" " + (element.getAttribute('class') || '') + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " "). + indexOf(" " + selector + " ") > -1); +} + +function jqLiteRemoveClass(element, cssClasses) { + if (cssClasses && element.setAttribute) { + forEach(cssClasses.split(' '), function(cssClass) { + element.setAttribute('class', trim( + (" " + (element.getAttribute('class') || '') + " ") + .replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ") + .replace(" " + trim(cssClass) + " ", " ")) + ); + }); + } +} + +function jqLiteAddClass(element, cssClasses) { + if (cssClasses && element.setAttribute) { + var existingClasses = (' ' + (element.getAttribute('class') || '') + ' ') + .replace(/[\n\t]/g, " "); + + forEach(cssClasses.split(' '), function(cssClass) { + cssClass = trim(cssClass); + if (existingClasses.indexOf(' ' + cssClass + ' ') === -1) { + existingClasses += cssClass + ' '; + } + }); + + element.setAttribute('class', trim(existingClasses)); + } +} + + +function jqLiteAddNodes(root, elements) { + // THIS CODE IS VERY HOT. Don't make changes without benchmarking. + + if (elements) { + + // if a Node (the most common case) + if (elements.nodeType) { + root[root.length++] = elements; + } else { + var length = elements.length; + + // if an Array or NodeList and not a Window + if (typeof length === 'number' && elements.window !== elements) { + if (length) { + for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { + root[root.length++] = elements[i]; + } + } + } else { + root[root.length++] = elements; + } + } + } +} + + +function jqLiteController(element, name) { + return jqLiteInheritedData(element, '$' + (name || 'ngController') + 'Controller'); +} + +function jqLiteInheritedData(element, name, value) { + // if element is the document object work with the html element instead + // this makes $(document).scope() possible + if (element.nodeType == NODE_TYPE_DOCUMENT) { + element = element.documentElement; + } + var names = isArray(name) ? name : [name]; + + while (element) { + for (var i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) { + if (isDefined(value = jqLite.data(element, names[i]))) return value; + } + + // If dealing with a document fragment node with a host element, and no parent, use the host + // element as the parent. This enables directives within a Shadow DOM or polyfilled Shadow DOM + // to lookup parent controllers. + element = element.parentNode || (element.nodeType === NODE_TYPE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT && element.host); + } +} + +function jqLiteEmpty(element) { + jqLiteDealoc(element, true); + while (element.firstChild) { + element.removeChild(element.firstChild); + } +} + +function jqLiteRemove(element, keepData) { + if (!keepData) jqLiteDealoc(element); + var parent = element.parentNode; + if (parent) parent.removeChild(element); +} + + +function jqLiteDocumentLoaded(action, win) { + win = win || window; + if (win.document.readyState === 'complete') { + // Force the action to be run async for consistent behavior + // from the action's point of view + // i.e. it will definitely not be in a $apply + win.setTimeout(action); + } else { + // No need to unbind this handler as load is only ever called once + jqLite(win).on('load', action); + } +} + +////////////////////////////////////////// +// Functions which are declared directly. +////////////////////////////////////////// +var JQLitePrototype = JQLite.prototype = { + ready: function(fn) { + var fired = false; + + function trigger() { + if (fired) return; + fired = true; + fn(); + } + + // check if document is already loaded + if (window.document.readyState === 'complete') { + window.setTimeout(trigger); + } else { + this.on('DOMContentLoaded', trigger); // works for modern browsers and IE9 + // we can not use jqLite since we are not done loading and jQuery could be loaded later. + // jshint -W064 + JQLite(window).on('load', trigger); // fallback to window.onload for others + // jshint +W064 + } + }, + toString: function() { + var value = []; + forEach(this, function(e) { value.push('' + e);}); + return '[' + value.join(', ') + ']'; + }, + + eq: function(index) { + return (index >= 0) ? jqLite(this[index]) : jqLite(this[this.length + index]); + }, + + length: 0, + push: push, + sort: [].sort, + splice: [].splice +}; + +////////////////////////////////////////// +// Functions iterating getter/setters. +// these functions return self on setter and +// value on get. +////////////////////////////////////////// +var BOOLEAN_ATTR = {}; +forEach('multiple,selected,checked,disabled,readOnly,required,open'.split(','), function(value) { + BOOLEAN_ATTR[lowercase(value)] = value; +}); +var BOOLEAN_ELEMENTS = {}; +forEach('input,select,option,textarea,button,form,details'.split(','), function(value) { + BOOLEAN_ELEMENTS[value] = true; +}); +var ALIASED_ATTR = { + 'ngMinlength': 'minlength', + 'ngMaxlength': 'maxlength', + 'ngMin': 'min', + 'ngMax': 'max', + 'ngPattern': 'pattern' +}; + +function getBooleanAttrName(element, name) { + // check dom last since we will most likely fail on name + var booleanAttr = BOOLEAN_ATTR[name.toLowerCase()]; + + // booleanAttr is here twice to minimize DOM access + return booleanAttr && BOOLEAN_ELEMENTS[nodeName_(element)] && booleanAttr; +} + +function getAliasedAttrName(name) { + return ALIASED_ATTR[name]; +} + +forEach({ + data: jqLiteData, + removeData: jqLiteRemoveData, + hasData: jqLiteHasData, + cleanData: jqLiteCleanData +}, function(fn, name) { + JQLite[name] = fn; +}); + +forEach({ + data: jqLiteData, + inheritedData: jqLiteInheritedData, + + scope: function(element) { + // Can't use jqLiteData here directly so we stay compatible with jQuery! + return jqLite.data(element, '$scope') || jqLiteInheritedData(element.parentNode || element, ['$isolateScope', '$scope']); + }, + + isolateScope: function(element) { + // Can't use jqLiteData here directly so we stay compatible with jQuery! + return jqLite.data(element, '$isolateScope') || jqLite.data(element, '$isolateScopeNoTemplate'); + }, + + controller: jqLiteController, + + injector: function(element) { + return jqLiteInheritedData(element, '$injector'); + }, + + removeAttr: function(element, name) { + element.removeAttribute(name); + }, + + hasClass: jqLiteHasClass, + + css: function(element, name, value) { + name = camelCase(name); + + if (isDefined(value)) { + element.style[name] = value; + } else { + return element.style[name]; + } + }, + + attr: function(element, name, value) { + var nodeType = element.nodeType; + if (nodeType === NODE_TYPE_TEXT || nodeType === NODE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE || nodeType === NODE_TYPE_COMMENT) { + return; + } + var lowercasedName = lowercase(name); + if (BOOLEAN_ATTR[lowercasedName]) { + if (isDefined(value)) { + if (!!value) { + element[name] = true; + element.setAttribute(name, lowercasedName); + } else { + element[name] = false; + element.removeAttribute(lowercasedName); + } + } else { + return (element[name] || + (element.attributes.getNamedItem(name) || noop).specified) + ? lowercasedName + : undefined; + } + } else if (isDefined(value)) { + element.setAttribute(name, value); + } else if (element.getAttribute) { + // the extra argument "2" is to get the right thing for a.href in IE, see jQuery code + // some elements (e.g. Document) don't have get attribute, so return undefined + var ret = element.getAttribute(name, 2); + // normalize non-existing attributes to undefined (as jQuery) + return ret === null ? undefined : ret; + } + }, + + prop: function(element, name, value) { + if (isDefined(value)) { + element[name] = value; + } else { + return element[name]; + } + }, + + text: (function() { + getText.$dv = ''; + return getText; + + function getText(element, value) { + if (isUndefined(value)) { + var nodeType = element.nodeType; + return (nodeType === NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT || nodeType === NODE_TYPE_TEXT) ? element.textContent : ''; + } + element.textContent = value; + } + })(), + + val: function(element, value) { + if (isUndefined(value)) { + if (element.multiple && nodeName_(element) === 'select') { + var result = []; + forEach(element.options, function(option) { + if (option.selected) { + result.push(option.value || option.text); + } + }); + return result.length === 0 ? null : result; + } + return element.value; + } + element.value = value; + }, + + html: function(element, value) { + if (isUndefined(value)) { + return element.innerHTML; + } + jqLiteDealoc(element, true); + element.innerHTML = value; + }, + + empty: jqLiteEmpty +}, function(fn, name) { + /** + * Properties: writes return selection, reads return first value + */ + JQLite.prototype[name] = function(arg1, arg2) { + var i, key; + var nodeCount = this.length; + + // jqLiteHasClass has only two arguments, but is a getter-only fn, so we need to special-case it + // in a way that survives minification. + // jqLiteEmpty takes no arguments but is a setter. + if (fn !== jqLiteEmpty && + (isUndefined((fn.length == 2 && (fn !== jqLiteHasClass && fn !== jqLiteController)) ? arg1 : arg2))) { + if (isObject(arg1)) { + + // we are a write, but the object properties are the key/values + for (i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) { + if (fn === jqLiteData) { + // data() takes the whole object in jQuery + fn(this[i], arg1); + } else { + for (key in arg1) { + fn(this[i], key, arg1[key]); + } + } + } + // return self for chaining + return this; + } else { + // we are a read, so read the first child. + // TODO: do we still need this? + var value = fn.$dv; + // Only if we have $dv do we iterate over all, otherwise it is just the first element. + var jj = (isUndefined(value)) ? Math.min(nodeCount, 1) : nodeCount; + for (var j = 0; j < jj; j++) { + var nodeValue = fn(this[j], arg1, arg2); + value = value ? value + nodeValue : nodeValue; + } + return value; + } + } else { + // we are a write, so apply to all children + for (i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) { + fn(this[i], arg1, arg2); + } + // return self for chaining + return this; + } + }; +}); + +function createEventHandler(element, events) { + var eventHandler = function(event, type) { + // jQuery specific api + event.isDefaultPrevented = function() { + return event.defaultPrevented; + }; + + var eventFns = events[type || event.type]; + var eventFnsLength = eventFns ? eventFns.length : 0; + + if (!eventFnsLength) return; + + if (isUndefined(event.immediatePropagationStopped)) { + var originalStopImmediatePropagation = event.stopImmediatePropagation; + event.stopImmediatePropagation = function() { + event.immediatePropagationStopped = true; + + if (event.stopPropagation) { + event.stopPropagation(); + } + + if (originalStopImmediatePropagation) { + originalStopImmediatePropagation.call(event); + } + }; + } + + event.isImmediatePropagationStopped = function() { + return event.immediatePropagationStopped === true; + }; + + // Some events have special handlers that wrap the real handler + var handlerWrapper = eventFns.specialHandlerWrapper || defaultHandlerWrapper; + + // Copy event handlers in case event handlers array is modified during execution. + if ((eventFnsLength > 1)) { + eventFns = shallowCopy(eventFns); + } + + for (var i = 0; i < eventFnsLength; i++) { + if (!event.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) { + handlerWrapper(element, event, eventFns[i]); + } + } + }; + + // TODO: this is a hack for angularMocks/clearDataCache that makes it possible to deregister all + // events on `element` + eventHandler.elem = element; + return eventHandler; +} + +function defaultHandlerWrapper(element, event, handler) { + handler.call(element, event); +} + +function specialMouseHandlerWrapper(target, event, handler) { + // Refer to jQuery's implementation of mouseenter & mouseleave + // Read about mouseenter and mouseleave: + // http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_mouse.html#link8 + var related = event.relatedTarget; + // For mousenter/leave call the handler if related is outside the target. + // NB: No relatedTarget if the mouse left/entered the browser window + if (!related || (related !== target && !jqLiteContains.call(target, related))) { + handler.call(target, event); + } +} + +////////////////////////////////////////// +// Functions iterating traversal. +// These functions chain results into a single +// selector. +////////////////////////////////////////// +forEach({ + removeData: jqLiteRemoveData, + + on: function jqLiteOn(element, type, fn, unsupported) { + if (isDefined(unsupported)) throw jqLiteMinErr('onargs', 'jqLite#on() does not support the `selector` or `eventData` parameters'); + + // Do not add event handlers to non-elements because they will not be cleaned up. + if (!jqLiteAcceptsData(element)) { + return; + } + + var expandoStore = jqLiteExpandoStore(element, true); + var events = expandoStore.events; + var handle = expandoStore.handle; + + if (!handle) { + handle = expandoStore.handle = createEventHandler(element, events); + } + + // http://jsperf.com/string-indexof-vs-split + var types = type.indexOf(' ') >= 0 ? type.split(' ') : [type]; + var i = types.length; + + var addHandler = function(type, specialHandlerWrapper, noEventListener) { + var eventFns = events[type]; + + if (!eventFns) { + eventFns = events[type] = []; + eventFns.specialHandlerWrapper = specialHandlerWrapper; + if (type !== '$destroy' && !noEventListener) { + addEventListenerFn(element, type, handle); + } + } + + eventFns.push(fn); + }; + + while (i--) { + type = types[i]; + if (MOUSE_EVENT_MAP[type]) { + addHandler(MOUSE_EVENT_MAP[type], specialMouseHandlerWrapper); + addHandler(type, undefined, true); + } else { + addHandler(type); + } + } + }, + + off: jqLiteOff, + + one: function(element, type, fn) { + element = jqLite(element); + + //add the listener twice so that when it is called + //you can remove the original function and still be + //able to call element.off(ev, fn) normally + element.on(type, function onFn() { + element.off(type, fn); + element.off(type, onFn); + }); + element.on(type, fn); + }, + + replaceWith: function(element, replaceNode) { + var index, parent = element.parentNode; + jqLiteDealoc(element); + forEach(new JQLite(replaceNode), function(node) { + if (index) { + parent.insertBefore(node, index.nextSibling); + } else { + parent.replaceChild(node, element); + } + index = node; + }); + }, + + children: function(element) { + var children = []; + forEach(element.childNodes, function(element) { + if (element.nodeType === NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT) { + children.push(element); + } + }); + return children; + }, + + contents: function(element) { + return element.contentDocument || element.childNodes || []; + }, + + append: function(element, node) { + var nodeType = element.nodeType; + if (nodeType !== NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT && nodeType !== NODE_TYPE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT) return; + + node = new JQLite(node); + + for (var i = 0, ii = node.length; i < ii; i++) { + var child = node[i]; + element.appendChild(child); + } + }, + + prepend: function(element, node) { + if (element.nodeType === NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT) { + var index = element.firstChild; + forEach(new JQLite(node), function(child) { + element.insertBefore(child, index); + }); + } + }, + + wrap: function(element, wrapNode) { + jqLiteWrapNode(element, jqLite(wrapNode).eq(0).clone()[0]); + }, + + remove: jqLiteRemove, + + detach: function(element) { + jqLiteRemove(element, true); + }, + + after: function(element, newElement) { + var index = element, parent = element.parentNode; + newElement = new JQLite(newElement); + + for (var i = 0, ii = newElement.length; i < ii; i++) { + var node = newElement[i]; + parent.insertBefore(node, index.nextSibling); + index = node; + } + }, + + addClass: jqLiteAddClass, + removeClass: jqLiteRemoveClass, + + toggleClass: function(element, selector, condition) { + if (selector) { + forEach(selector.split(' '), function(className) { + var classCondition = condition; + if (isUndefined(classCondition)) { + classCondition = !jqLiteHasClass(element, className); + } + (classCondition ? jqLiteAddClass : jqLiteRemoveClass)(element, className); + }); + } + }, + + parent: function(element) { + var parent = element.parentNode; + return parent && parent.nodeType !== NODE_TYPE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT ? parent : null; + }, + + next: function(element) { + return element.nextElementSibling; + }, + + find: function(element, selector) { + if (element.getElementsByTagName) { + return element.getElementsByTagName(selector); + } else { + return []; + } + }, + + clone: jqLiteClone, + + triggerHandler: function(element, event, extraParameters) { + + var dummyEvent, eventFnsCopy, handlerArgs; + var eventName = event.type || event; + var expandoStore = jqLiteExpandoStore(element); + var events = expandoStore && expandoStore.events; + var eventFns = events && events[eventName]; + + if (eventFns) { + // Create a dummy event to pass to the handlers + dummyEvent = { + preventDefault: function() { this.defaultPrevented = true; }, + isDefaultPrevented: function() { return this.defaultPrevented === true; }, + stopImmediatePropagation: function() { this.immediatePropagationStopped = true; }, + isImmediatePropagationStopped: function() { return this.immediatePropagationStopped === true; }, + stopPropagation: noop, + type: eventName, + target: element + }; + + // If a custom event was provided then extend our dummy event with it + if (event.type) { + dummyEvent = extend(dummyEvent, event); + } + + // Copy event handlers in case event handlers array is modified during execution. + eventFnsCopy = shallowCopy(eventFns); + handlerArgs = extraParameters ? [dummyEvent].concat(extraParameters) : [dummyEvent]; + + forEach(eventFnsCopy, function(fn) { + if (!dummyEvent.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) { + fn.apply(element, handlerArgs); + } + }); + } + } +}, function(fn, name) { + /** + * chaining functions + */ + JQLite.prototype[name] = function(arg1, arg2, arg3) { + var value; + + for (var i = 0, ii = this.length; i < ii; i++) { + if (isUndefined(value)) { + value = fn(this[i], arg1, arg2, arg3); + if (isDefined(value)) { + // any function which returns a value needs to be wrapped + value = jqLite(value); + } + } else { + jqLiteAddNodes(value, fn(this[i], arg1, arg2, arg3)); + } + } + return isDefined(value) ? value : this; + }; + + // bind legacy bind/unbind to on/off + JQLite.prototype.bind = JQLite.prototype.on; + JQLite.prototype.unbind = JQLite.prototype.off; +}); + + +// Provider for private $$jqLite service +function $$jqLiteProvider() { + this.$get = function $$jqLite() { + return extend(JQLite, { + hasClass: function(node, classes) { + if (node.attr) node = node[0]; + return jqLiteHasClass(node, classes); + }, + addClass: function(node, classes) { + if (node.attr) node = node[0]; + return jqLiteAddClass(node, classes); + }, + removeClass: function(node, classes) { + if (node.attr) node = node[0]; + return jqLiteRemoveClass(node, classes); + } + }); + }; +} + +/** + * Computes a hash of an 'obj'. + * Hash of a: + * string is string + * number is number as string + * object is either result of calling $$hashKey function on the object or uniquely generated id, + * that is also assigned to the $$hashKey property of the object. + * + * @param obj + * @returns {string} hash string such that the same input will have the same hash string. + * The resulting string key is in 'type:hashKey' format. + */ +function hashKey(obj, nextUidFn) { + var key = obj && obj.$$hashKey; + + if (key) { + if (typeof key === 'function') { + key = obj.$$hashKey(); + } + return key; + } + + var objType = typeof obj; + if (objType == 'function' || (objType == 'object' && obj !== null)) { + key = obj.$$hashKey = objType + ':' + (nextUidFn || nextUid)(); + } else { + key = objType + ':' + obj; + } + + return key; +} + +/** + * HashMap which can use objects as keys + */ +function HashMap(array, isolatedUid) { + if (isolatedUid) { + var uid = 0; + this.nextUid = function() { + return ++uid; + }; + } + forEach(array, this.put, this); +} +HashMap.prototype = { + /** + * Store key value pair + * @param key key to store can be any type + * @param value value to store can be any type + */ + put: function(key, value) { + this[hashKey(key, this.nextUid)] = value; + }, + + /** + * @param key + * @returns {Object} the value for the key + */ + get: function(key) { + return this[hashKey(key, this.nextUid)]; + }, + + /** + * Remove the key/value pair + * @param key + */ + remove: function(key) { + var value = this[key = hashKey(key, this.nextUid)]; + delete this[key]; + return value; + } +}; + +var $$HashMapProvider = [function() { + this.$get = [function() { + return HashMap; + }]; +}]; + +/** + * @ngdoc function + * @module ng + * @name angular.injector + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Creates an injector object that can be used for retrieving services as well as for + * dependency injection (see {@link guide/di dependency injection}). + * + * @param {Array.} modules A list of module functions or their aliases. See + * {@link angular.module}. The `ng` module must be explicitly added. + * @param {boolean=} [strictDi=false] Whether the injector should be in strict mode, which + * disallows argument name annotation inference. + * @returns {injector} Injector object. See {@link auto.$injector $injector}. + * + * @example + * Typical usage + * ```js + * // create an injector + * var $injector = angular.injector(['ng']); + * + * // use the injector to kick off your application + * // use the type inference to auto inject arguments, or use implicit injection + * $injector.invoke(function($rootScope, $compile, $document) { + * $compile($document)($rootScope); + * $rootScope.$digest(); + * }); + * ``` + * + * Sometimes you want to get access to the injector of a currently running Angular app + * from outside Angular. Perhaps, you want to inject and compile some markup after the + * application has been bootstrapped. You can do this using the extra `injector()` added + * to JQuery/jqLite elements. See {@link angular.element}. + * + * *This is fairly rare but could be the case if a third party library is injecting the + * markup.* + * + * In the following example a new block of HTML containing a `ng-controller` + * directive is added to the end of the document body by JQuery. We then compile and link + * it into the current AngularJS scope. + * + * ```js + * var $div = $('
'); + * $(document.body).append($div); + * + * angular.element(document).injector().invoke(function($compile) { + * var scope = angular.element($div).scope(); + * $compile($div)(scope); + * }); + * ``` + */ + + +/** + * @ngdoc module + * @name auto + * @installation + * @description + * + * Implicit module which gets automatically added to each {@link auto.$injector $injector}. + */ + +var ARROW_ARG = /^([^\(]+?)=>/; +var FN_ARGS = /^[^\(]*\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/m; +var FN_ARG_SPLIT = /,/; +var FN_ARG = /^\s*(_?)(\S+?)\1\s*$/; +var STRIP_COMMENTS = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg; +var $injectorMinErr = minErr('$injector'); + +function extractArgs(fn) { + var fnText = Function.prototype.toString.call(fn).replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, ''), + args = fnText.match(ARROW_ARG) || fnText.match(FN_ARGS); + return args; +} + +function anonFn(fn) { + // For anonymous functions, showing at the very least the function signature can help in + // debugging. + var args = extractArgs(fn); + if (args) { + return 'function(' + (args[1] || '').replace(/[\s\r\n]+/, ' ') + ')'; + } + return 'fn'; +} + +function annotate(fn, strictDi, name) { + var $inject, + argDecl, + last; + + if (typeof fn === 'function') { + if (!($inject = fn.$inject)) { + $inject = []; + if (fn.length) { + if (strictDi) { + if (!isString(name) || !name) { + name = fn.name || anonFn(fn); + } + throw $injectorMinErr('strictdi', + '{0} is not using explicit annotation and cannot be invoked in strict mode', name); + } + argDecl = extractArgs(fn); + forEach(argDecl[1].split(FN_ARG_SPLIT), function(arg) { + arg.replace(FN_ARG, function(all, underscore, name) { + $inject.push(name); + }); + }); + } + fn.$inject = $inject; + } + } else if (isArray(fn)) { + last = fn.length - 1; + assertArgFn(fn[last], 'fn'); + $inject = fn.slice(0, last); + } else { + assertArgFn(fn, 'fn', true); + } + return $inject; +} + +/////////////////////////////////////// + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $injector + * + * @description + * + * `$injector` is used to retrieve object instances as defined by + * {@link auto.$provide provider}, instantiate types, invoke methods, + * and load modules. + * + * The following always holds true: + * + * ```js + * var $injector = angular.injector(); + * expect($injector.get('$injector')).toBe($injector); + * expect($injector.invoke(function($injector) { + * return $injector; + * })).toBe($injector); + * ``` + * + * # Injection Function Annotation + * + * JavaScript does not have annotations, and annotations are needed for dependency injection. The + * following are all valid ways of annotating function with injection arguments and are equivalent. + * + * ```js + * // inferred (only works if code not minified/obfuscated) + * $injector.invoke(function(serviceA){}); + * + * // annotated + * function explicit(serviceA) {}; + * explicit.$inject = ['serviceA']; + * $injector.invoke(explicit); + * + * // inline + * $injector.invoke(['serviceA', function(serviceA){}]); + * ``` + * + * ## Inference + * + * In JavaScript calling `toString()` on a function returns the function definition. The definition + * can then be parsed and the function arguments can be extracted. This method of discovering + * annotations is disallowed when the injector is in strict mode. + * *NOTE:* This does not work with minification, and obfuscation tools since these tools change the + * argument names. + * + * ## `$inject` Annotation + * By adding an `$inject` property onto a function the injection parameters can be specified. + * + * ## Inline + * As an array of injection names, where the last item in the array is the function to call. + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $injector#get + * + * @description + * Return an instance of the service. + * + * @param {string} name The name of the instance to retrieve. + * @param {string=} caller An optional string to provide the origin of the function call for error messages. + * @return {*} The instance. + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $injector#invoke + * + * @description + * Invoke the method and supply the method arguments from the `$injector`. + * + * @param {Function|Array.} fn The injectable function to invoke. Function parameters are + * injected according to the {@link guide/di $inject Annotation} rules. + * @param {Object=} self The `this` for the invoked method. + * @param {Object=} locals Optional object. If preset then any argument names are read from this + * object first, before the `$injector` is consulted. + * @returns {*} the value returned by the invoked `fn` function. + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $injector#has + * + * @description + * Allows the user to query if the particular service exists. + * + * @param {string} name Name of the service to query. + * @returns {boolean} `true` if injector has given service. + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $injector#instantiate + * @description + * Create a new instance of JS type. The method takes a constructor function, invokes the new + * operator, and supplies all of the arguments to the constructor function as specified by the + * constructor annotation. + * + * @param {Function} Type Annotated constructor function. + * @param {Object=} locals Optional object. If preset then any argument names are read from this + * object first, before the `$injector` is consulted. + * @returns {Object} new instance of `Type`. + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $injector#annotate + * + * @description + * Returns an array of service names which the function is requesting for injection. This API is + * used by the injector to determine which services need to be injected into the function when the + * function is invoked. There are three ways in which the function can be annotated with the needed + * dependencies. + * + * # Argument names + * + * The simplest form is to extract the dependencies from the arguments of the function. This is done + * by converting the function into a string using `toString()` method and extracting the argument + * names. + * ```js + * // Given + * function MyController($scope, $route) { + * // ... + * } + * + * // Then + * expect(injector.annotate(MyController)).toEqual(['$scope', '$route']); + * ``` + * + * You can disallow this method by using strict injection mode. + * + * This method does not work with code minification / obfuscation. For this reason the following + * annotation strategies are supported. + * + * # The `$inject` property + * + * If a function has an `$inject` property and its value is an array of strings, then the strings + * represent names of services to be injected into the function. + * ```js + * // Given + * var MyController = function(obfuscatedScope, obfuscatedRoute) { + * // ... + * } + * // Define function dependencies + * MyController['$inject'] = ['$scope', '$route']; + * + * // Then + * expect(injector.annotate(MyController)).toEqual(['$scope', '$route']); + * ``` + * + * # The array notation + * + * It is often desirable to inline Injected functions and that's when setting the `$inject` property + * is very inconvenient. In these situations using the array notation to specify the dependencies in + * a way that survives minification is a better choice: + * + * ```js + * // We wish to write this (not minification / obfuscation safe) + * injector.invoke(function($compile, $rootScope) { + * // ... + * }); + * + * // We are forced to write break inlining + * var tmpFn = function(obfuscatedCompile, obfuscatedRootScope) { + * // ... + * }; + * tmpFn.$inject = ['$compile', '$rootScope']; + * injector.invoke(tmpFn); + * + * // To better support inline function the inline annotation is supported + * injector.invoke(['$compile', '$rootScope', function(obfCompile, obfRootScope) { + * // ... + * }]); + * + * // Therefore + * expect(injector.annotate( + * ['$compile', '$rootScope', function(obfus_$compile, obfus_$rootScope) {}]) + * ).toEqual(['$compile', '$rootScope']); + * ``` + * + * @param {Function|Array.} fn Function for which dependent service names need to + * be retrieved as described above. + * + * @param {boolean=} [strictDi=false] Disallow argument name annotation inference. + * + * @returns {Array.} The names of the services which the function requires. + */ + + + + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $provide + * + * @description + * + * The {@link auto.$provide $provide} service has a number of methods for registering components + * with the {@link auto.$injector $injector}. Many of these functions are also exposed on + * {@link angular.Module}. + * + * An Angular **service** is a singleton object created by a **service factory**. These **service + * factories** are functions which, in turn, are created by a **service provider**. + * The **service providers** are constructor functions. When instantiated they must contain a + * property called `$get`, which holds the **service factory** function. + * + * When you request a service, the {@link auto.$injector $injector} is responsible for finding the + * correct **service provider**, instantiating it and then calling its `$get` **service factory** + * function to get the instance of the **service**. + * + * Often services have no configuration options and there is no need to add methods to the service + * provider. The provider will be no more than a constructor function with a `$get` property. For + * these cases the {@link auto.$provide $provide} service has additional helper methods to register + * services without specifying a provider. + * + * * {@link auto.$provide#provider provider(provider)} - registers a **service provider** with the + * {@link auto.$injector $injector} + * * {@link auto.$provide#constant constant(obj)} - registers a value/object that can be accessed by + * providers and services. + * * {@link auto.$provide#value value(obj)} - registers a value/object that can only be accessed by + * services, not providers. + * * {@link auto.$provide#factory factory(fn)} - registers a service **factory function**, `fn`, + * that will be wrapped in a **service provider** object, whose `$get` property will contain the + * given factory function. + * * {@link auto.$provide#service service(class)} - registers a **constructor function**, `class` + * that will be wrapped in a **service provider** object, whose `$get` property will instantiate + * a new object using the given constructor function. + * + * See the individual methods for more information and examples. + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $provide#provider + * @description + * + * Register a **provider function** with the {@link auto.$injector $injector}. Provider functions + * are constructor functions, whose instances are responsible for "providing" a factory for a + * service. + * + * Service provider names start with the name of the service they provide followed by `Provider`. + * For example, the {@link ng.$log $log} service has a provider called + * {@link ng.$logProvider $logProvider}. + * + * Service provider objects can have additional methods which allow configuration of the provider + * and its service. Importantly, you can configure what kind of service is created by the `$get` + * method, or how that service will act. For example, the {@link ng.$logProvider $logProvider} has a + * method {@link ng.$logProvider#debugEnabled debugEnabled} + * which lets you specify whether the {@link ng.$log $log} service will log debug messages to the + * console or not. + * + * @param {string} name The name of the instance. NOTE: the provider will be available under `name + + 'Provider'` key. + * @param {(Object|function())} provider If the provider is: + * + * - `Object`: then it should have a `$get` method. The `$get` method will be invoked using + * {@link auto.$injector#invoke $injector.invoke()} when an instance needs to be created. + * - `Constructor`: a new instance of the provider will be created using + * {@link auto.$injector#instantiate $injector.instantiate()}, then treated as `object`. + * + * @returns {Object} registered provider instance + + * @example + * + * The following example shows how to create a simple event tracking service and register it using + * {@link auto.$provide#provider $provide.provider()}. + * + * ```js + * // Define the eventTracker provider + * function EventTrackerProvider() { + * var trackingUrl = '/track'; + * + * // A provider method for configuring where the tracked events should been saved + * this.setTrackingUrl = function(url) { + * trackingUrl = url; + * }; + * + * // The service factory function + * this.$get = ['$http', function($http) { + * var trackedEvents = {}; + * return { + * // Call this to track an event + * event: function(event) { + * var count = trackedEvents[event] || 0; + * count += 1; + * trackedEvents[event] = count; + * return count; + * }, + * // Call this to save the tracked events to the trackingUrl + * save: function() { + * $http.post(trackingUrl, trackedEvents); + * } + * }; + * }]; + * } + * + * describe('eventTracker', function() { + * var postSpy; + * + * beforeEach(module(function($provide) { + * // Register the eventTracker provider + * $provide.provider('eventTracker', EventTrackerProvider); + * })); + * + * beforeEach(module(function(eventTrackerProvider) { + * // Configure eventTracker provider + * eventTrackerProvider.setTrackingUrl('/custom-track'); + * })); + * + * it('tracks events', inject(function(eventTracker) { + * expect(eventTracker.event('login')).toEqual(1); + * expect(eventTracker.event('login')).toEqual(2); + * })); + * + * it('saves to the tracking url', inject(function(eventTracker, $http) { + * postSpy = spyOn($http, 'post'); + * eventTracker.event('login'); + * eventTracker.save(); + * expect(postSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); + * expect(postSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0]).not.toEqual('/track'); + * expect(postSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toEqual('/custom-track'); + * expect(postSpy.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toEqual({ 'login': 1 }); + * })); + * }); + * ``` + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $provide#factory + * @description + * + * Register a **service factory**, which will be called to return the service instance. + * This is short for registering a service where its provider consists of only a `$get` property, + * which is the given service factory function. + * You should use {@link auto.$provide#factory $provide.factory(getFn)} if you do not need to + * configure your service in a provider. + * + * @param {string} name The name of the instance. + * @param {Function|Array.} $getFn The injectable $getFn for the instance creation. + * Internally this is a short hand for `$provide.provider(name, {$get: $getFn})`. + * @returns {Object} registered provider instance + * + * @example + * Here is an example of registering a service + * ```js + * $provide.factory('ping', ['$http', function($http) { + * return function ping() { + * return $http.send('/ping'); + * }; + * }]); + * ``` + * You would then inject and use this service like this: + * ```js + * someModule.controller('Ctrl', ['ping', function(ping) { + * ping(); + * }]); + * ``` + */ + + +/** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $provide#service + * @description + * + * Register a **service constructor**, which will be invoked with `new` to create the service + * instance. + * This is short for registering a service where its provider's `$get` property is a factory + * function that returns an instance instantiated by the injector from the service constructor + * function. + * + * Internally it looks a bit like this: + * + * ``` + * { + * $get: function() { + * return $injector.instantiate(constructor); + * } + * } + * ``` + * + * + * You should use {@link auto.$provide#service $provide.service(class)} if you define your service + * as a type/class. + * + * @param {string} name The name of the instance. + * @param {Function|Array.} constructor An injectable class (constructor function) + * that will be instantiated. + * @returns {Object} registered provider instance + * + * @example + * Here is an example of registering a service using + * {@link auto.$provide#service $provide.service(class)}. + * ```js + * var Ping = function($http) { + * this.$http = $http; + * }; + * + * Ping.$inject = ['$http']; + * + * Ping.prototype.send = function() { + * return this.$http.get('/ping'); + * }; + * $provide.service('ping', Ping); + * ``` + * You would then inject and use this service like this: + * ```js + * someModule.controller('Ctrl', ['ping', function(ping) { + * ping.send(); + * }]); + * ``` + */ + + +/** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $provide#value + * @description + * + * Register a **value service** with the {@link auto.$injector $injector}, such as a string, a + * number, an array, an object or a function. This is short for registering a service where its + * provider's `$get` property is a factory function that takes no arguments and returns the **value + * service**. That also means it is not possible to inject other services into a value service. + * + * Value services are similar to constant services, except that they cannot be injected into a + * module configuration function (see {@link angular.Module#config}) but they can be overridden by + * an Angular {@link auto.$provide#decorator decorator}. + * + * @param {string} name The name of the instance. + * @param {*} value The value. + * @returns {Object} registered provider instance + * + * @example + * Here are some examples of creating value services. + * ```js + * $provide.value('ADMIN_USER', 'admin'); + * + * $provide.value('RoleLookup', { admin: 0, writer: 1, reader: 2 }); + * + * $provide.value('halfOf', function(value) { + * return value / 2; + * }); + * ``` + */ + + +/** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $provide#constant + * @description + * + * Register a **constant service** with the {@link auto.$injector $injector}, such as a string, + * a number, an array, an object or a function. Like the {@link auto.$provide#value value}, it is not + * possible to inject other services into a constant. + * + * But unlike {@link auto.$provide#value value}, a constant can be + * injected into a module configuration function (see {@link angular.Module#config}) and it cannot + * be overridden by an Angular {@link auto.$provide#decorator decorator}. + * + * @param {string} name The name of the constant. + * @param {*} value The constant value. + * @returns {Object} registered instance + * + * @example + * Here a some examples of creating constants: + * ```js + * $provide.constant('SHARD_HEIGHT', 306); + * + * $provide.constant('MY_COLOURS', ['red', 'blue', 'grey']); + * + * $provide.constant('double', function(value) { + * return value * 2; + * }); + * ``` + */ + + +/** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $provide#decorator + * @description + * + * Register a **service decorator** with the {@link auto.$injector $injector}. A service decorator + * intercepts the creation of a service, allowing it to override or modify the behavior of the + * service. The object returned by the decorator may be the original service, or a new service + * object which replaces or wraps and delegates to the original service. + * + * @param {string} name The name of the service to decorate. + * @param {Function|Array.} decorator This function will be invoked when the service needs to be + * instantiated and should return the decorated service instance. The function is called using + * the {@link auto.$injector#invoke injector.invoke} method and is therefore fully injectable. + * Local injection arguments: + * + * * `$delegate` - The original service instance, which can be monkey patched, configured, + * decorated or delegated to. + * + * @example + * Here we decorate the {@link ng.$log $log} service to convert warnings to errors by intercepting + * calls to {@link ng.$log#error $log.warn()}. + * ```js + * $provide.decorator('$log', ['$delegate', function($delegate) { + * $delegate.warn = $delegate.error; + * return $delegate; + * }]); + * ``` + */ + + +function createInjector(modulesToLoad, strictDi) { + strictDi = (strictDi === true); + var INSTANTIATING = {}, + providerSuffix = 'Provider', + path = [], + loadedModules = new HashMap([], true), + providerCache = { + $provide: { + provider: supportObject(provider), + factory: supportObject(factory), + service: supportObject(service), + value: supportObject(value), + constant: supportObject(constant), + decorator: decorator + } + }, + providerInjector = (providerCache.$injector = + createInternalInjector(providerCache, function(serviceName, caller) { + if (angular.isString(caller)) { + path.push(caller); + } + throw $injectorMinErr('unpr', "Unknown provider: {0}", path.join(' <- ')); + })), + instanceCache = {}, + protoInstanceInjector = + createInternalInjector(instanceCache, function(serviceName, caller) { + var provider = providerInjector.get(serviceName + providerSuffix, caller); + return instanceInjector.invoke( + provider.$get, provider, undefined, serviceName); + }), + instanceInjector = protoInstanceInjector; + + providerCache['$injector' + providerSuffix] = { $get: valueFn(protoInstanceInjector) }; + var runBlocks = loadModules(modulesToLoad); + instanceInjector = protoInstanceInjector.get('$injector'); + instanceInjector.strictDi = strictDi; + forEach(runBlocks, function(fn) { if (fn) instanceInjector.invoke(fn); }); + + return instanceInjector; + + //////////////////////////////////// + // $provider + //////////////////////////////////// + + function supportObject(delegate) { + return function(key, value) { + if (isObject(key)) { + forEach(key, reverseParams(delegate)); + } else { + return delegate(key, value); + } + }; + } + + function provider(name, provider_) { + assertNotHasOwnProperty(name, 'service'); + if (isFunction(provider_) || isArray(provider_)) { + provider_ = providerInjector.instantiate(provider_); + } + if (!provider_.$get) { + throw $injectorMinErr('pget', "Provider '{0}' must define $get factory method.", name); + } + return providerCache[name + providerSuffix] = provider_; + } + + function enforceReturnValue(name, factory) { + return function enforcedReturnValue() { + var result = instanceInjector.invoke(factory, this); + if (isUndefined(result)) { + throw $injectorMinErr('undef', "Provider '{0}' must return a value from $get factory method.", name); + } + return result; + }; + } + + function factory(name, factoryFn, enforce) { + return provider(name, { + $get: enforce !== false ? enforceReturnValue(name, factoryFn) : factoryFn + }); + } + + function service(name, constructor) { + return factory(name, ['$injector', function($injector) { + return $injector.instantiate(constructor); + }]); + } + + function value(name, val) { return factory(name, valueFn(val), false); } + + function constant(name, value) { + assertNotHasOwnProperty(name, 'constant'); + providerCache[name] = value; + instanceCache[name] = value; + } + + function decorator(serviceName, decorFn) { + var origProvider = providerInjector.get(serviceName + providerSuffix), + orig$get = origProvider.$get; + + origProvider.$get = function() { + var origInstance = instanceInjector.invoke(orig$get, origProvider); + return instanceInjector.invoke(decorFn, null, {$delegate: origInstance}); + }; + } + + //////////////////////////////////// + // Module Loading + //////////////////////////////////// + function loadModules(modulesToLoad) { + assertArg(isUndefined(modulesToLoad) || isArray(modulesToLoad), 'modulesToLoad', 'not an array'); + var runBlocks = [], moduleFn; + forEach(modulesToLoad, function(module) { + if (loadedModules.get(module)) return; + loadedModules.put(module, true); + + function runInvokeQueue(queue) { + var i, ii; + for (i = 0, ii = queue.length; i < ii; i++) { + var invokeArgs = queue[i], + provider = providerInjector.get(invokeArgs[0]); + + provider[invokeArgs[1]].apply(provider, invokeArgs[2]); + } + } + + try { + if (isString(module)) { + moduleFn = angularModule(module); + runBlocks = runBlocks.concat(loadModules(moduleFn.requires)).concat(moduleFn._runBlocks); + runInvokeQueue(moduleFn._invokeQueue); + runInvokeQueue(moduleFn._configBlocks); + } else if (isFunction(module)) { + runBlocks.push(providerInjector.invoke(module)); + } else if (isArray(module)) { + runBlocks.push(providerInjector.invoke(module)); + } else { + assertArgFn(module, 'module'); + } + } catch (e) { + if (isArray(module)) { + module = module[module.length - 1]; + } + if (e.message && e.stack && e.stack.indexOf(e.message) == -1) { + // Safari & FF's stack traces don't contain error.message content + // unlike those of Chrome and IE + // So if stack doesn't contain message, we create a new string that contains both. + // Since error.stack is read-only in Safari, I'm overriding e and not e.stack here. + /* jshint -W022 */ + e = e.message + '\n' + e.stack; + } + throw $injectorMinErr('modulerr', "Failed to instantiate module {0} due to:\n{1}", + module, e.stack || e.message || e); + } + }); + return runBlocks; + } + + //////////////////////////////////// + // internal Injector + //////////////////////////////////// + + function createInternalInjector(cache, factory) { + + function getService(serviceName, caller) { + if (cache.hasOwnProperty(serviceName)) { + if (cache[serviceName] === INSTANTIATING) { + throw $injectorMinErr('cdep', 'Circular dependency found: {0}', + serviceName + ' <- ' + path.join(' <- ')); + } + return cache[serviceName]; + } else { + try { + path.unshift(serviceName); + cache[serviceName] = INSTANTIATING; + return cache[serviceName] = factory(serviceName, caller); + } catch (err) { + if (cache[serviceName] === INSTANTIATING) { + delete cache[serviceName]; + } + throw err; + } finally { + path.shift(); + } + } + } + + + function injectionArgs(fn, locals, serviceName) { + var args = [], + $inject = createInjector.$$annotate(fn, strictDi, serviceName); + + for (var i = 0, length = $inject.length; i < length; i++) { + var key = $inject[i]; + if (typeof key !== 'string') { + throw $injectorMinErr('itkn', + 'Incorrect injection token! Expected service name as string, got {0}', key); + } + args.push(locals && locals.hasOwnProperty(key) ? locals[key] : + getService(key, serviceName)); + } + return args; + } + + function isClass(func) { + // IE 9-11 do not support classes and IE9 leaks with the code below. + if (msie <= 11) { + return false; + } + // Workaround for MS Edge. + // Check https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/Feedback/Details/2211653 + return typeof func === 'function' + && /^(?:class\s|constructor\()/.test(Function.prototype.toString.call(func)); + } + + function invoke(fn, self, locals, serviceName) { + if (typeof locals === 'string') { + serviceName = locals; + locals = null; + } + + var args = injectionArgs(fn, locals, serviceName); + if (isArray(fn)) { + fn = fn[fn.length - 1]; + } + + if (!isClass(fn)) { + // http://jsperf.com/angularjs-invoke-apply-vs-switch + // #5388 + return fn.apply(self, args); + } else { + args.unshift(null); + return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(fn, args))(); + } + } + + + function instantiate(Type, locals, serviceName) { + // Check if Type is annotated and use just the given function at n-1 as parameter + // e.g. someModule.factory('greeter', ['$window', function(renamed$window) {}]); + var ctor = (isArray(Type) ? Type[Type.length - 1] : Type); + var args = injectionArgs(Type, locals, serviceName); + // Empty object at position 0 is ignored for invocation with `new`, but required. + args.unshift(null); + return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(ctor, args))(); + } + + + return { + invoke: invoke, + instantiate: instantiate, + get: getService, + annotate: createInjector.$$annotate, + has: function(name) { + return providerCache.hasOwnProperty(name + providerSuffix) || cache.hasOwnProperty(name); + } + }; + } +} + +createInjector.$$annotate = annotate; + +/** + * @ngdoc provider + * @name $anchorScrollProvider + * + * @description + * Use `$anchorScrollProvider` to disable automatic scrolling whenever + * {@link ng.$location#hash $location.hash()} changes. + */ +function $AnchorScrollProvider() { + + var autoScrollingEnabled = true; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $anchorScrollProvider#disableAutoScrolling + * + * @description + * By default, {@link ng.$anchorScroll $anchorScroll()} will automatically detect changes to + * {@link ng.$location#hash $location.hash()} and scroll to the element matching the new hash.
+ * Use this method to disable automatic scrolling. + * + * If automatic scrolling is disabled, one must explicitly call + * {@link ng.$anchorScroll $anchorScroll()} in order to scroll to the element related to the + * current hash. + */ + this.disableAutoScrolling = function() { + autoScrollingEnabled = false; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $anchorScroll + * @kind function + * @requires $window + * @requires $location + * @requires $rootScope + * + * @description + * When called, it scrolls to the element related to the specified `hash` or (if omitted) to the + * current value of {@link ng.$location#hash $location.hash()}, according to the rules specified + * in the + * [HTML5 spec](http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/browsers.html#the-indicated-part-of-the-document). + * + * It also watches the {@link ng.$location#hash $location.hash()} and automatically scrolls to + * match any anchor whenever it changes. This can be disabled by calling + * {@link ng.$anchorScrollProvider#disableAutoScrolling $anchorScrollProvider.disableAutoScrolling()}. + * + * Additionally, you can use its {@link ng.$anchorScroll#yOffset yOffset} property to specify a + * vertical scroll-offset (either fixed or dynamic). + * + * @param {string=} hash The hash specifying the element to scroll to. If omitted, the value of + * {@link ng.$location#hash $location.hash()} will be used. + * + * @property {(number|function|jqLite)} yOffset + * If set, specifies a vertical scroll-offset. This is often useful when there are fixed + * positioned elements at the top of the page, such as navbars, headers etc. + * + * `yOffset` can be specified in various ways: + * - **number**: A fixed number of pixels to be used as offset.

+ * - **function**: A getter function called everytime `$anchorScroll()` is executed. Must return + * a number representing the offset (in pixels).

+ * - **jqLite**: A jqLite/jQuery element to be used for specifying the offset. The distance from + * the top of the page to the element's bottom will be used as offset.
+ * **Note**: The element will be taken into account only as long as its `position` is set to + * `fixed`. This option is useful, when dealing with responsive navbars/headers that adjust + * their height and/or positioning according to the viewport's size. + * + *
+ *
+ * In order for `yOffset` to work properly, scrolling should take place on the document's root and + * not some child element. + *
+ * + * @example + + +
+ Go to bottom + You're at the bottom! +
+ + angular.module('anchorScrollExample', []) + .controller('ScrollController', ['$scope', '$location', '$anchorScroll', + function ($scope, $location, $anchorScroll) { + $scope.gotoBottom = function() { + // set the location.hash to the id of + // the element you wish to scroll to. + $location.hash('bottom'); + + // call $anchorScroll() + $anchorScroll(); + }; + }]); + + + #scrollArea { + height: 280px; + overflow: auto; + } + + #bottom { + display: block; + margin-top: 2000px; + } + +
+ * + *
+ * The example below illustrates the use of a vertical scroll-offset (specified as a fixed value). + * See {@link ng.$anchorScroll#yOffset $anchorScroll.yOffset} for more details. + * + * @example + + + +
+ Anchor {{x}} of 5 +
+ + angular.module('anchorScrollOffsetExample', []) + .run(['$anchorScroll', function($anchorScroll) { + $anchorScroll.yOffset = 50; // always scroll by 50 extra pixels + }]) + .controller('headerCtrl', ['$anchorScroll', '$location', '$scope', + function ($anchorScroll, $location, $scope) { + $scope.gotoAnchor = function(x) { + var newHash = 'anchor' + x; + if ($location.hash() !== newHash) { + // set the $location.hash to `newHash` and + // $anchorScroll will automatically scroll to it + $location.hash('anchor' + x); + } else { + // call $anchorScroll() explicitly, + // since $location.hash hasn't changed + $anchorScroll(); + } + }; + } + ]); + + + body { + padding-top: 50px; + } + + .anchor { + border: 2px dashed DarkOrchid; + padding: 10px 10px 200px 10px; + } + + .fixed-header { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + height: 50px; + position: fixed; + top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; + } + + .fixed-header > a { + display: inline-block; + margin: 5px 15px; + } + +
+ */ + this.$get = ['$window', '$location', '$rootScope', function($window, $location, $rootScope) { + var document = $window.document; + + // Helper function to get first anchor from a NodeList + // (using `Array#some()` instead of `angular#forEach()` since it's more performant + // and working in all supported browsers.) + function getFirstAnchor(list) { + var result = null; + Array.prototype.some.call(list, function(element) { + if (nodeName_(element) === 'a') { + result = element; + return true; + } + }); + return result; + } + + function getYOffset() { + + var offset = scroll.yOffset; + + if (isFunction(offset)) { + offset = offset(); + } else if (isElement(offset)) { + var elem = offset[0]; + var style = $window.getComputedStyle(elem); + if (style.position !== 'fixed') { + offset = 0; + } else { + offset = elem.getBoundingClientRect().bottom; + } + } else if (!isNumber(offset)) { + offset = 0; + } + + return offset; + } + + function scrollTo(elem) { + if (elem) { + elem.scrollIntoView(); + + var offset = getYOffset(); + + if (offset) { + // `offset` is the number of pixels we should scroll UP in order to align `elem` properly. + // This is true ONLY if the call to `elem.scrollIntoView()` initially aligns `elem` at the + // top of the viewport. + // + // IF the number of pixels from the top of `elem` to the end of the page's content is less + // than the height of the viewport, then `elem.scrollIntoView()` will align the `elem` some + // way down the page. + // + // This is often the case for elements near the bottom of the page. + // + // In such cases we do not need to scroll the whole `offset` up, just the difference between + // the top of the element and the offset, which is enough to align the top of `elem` at the + // desired position. + var elemTop = elem.getBoundingClientRect().top; + $window.scrollBy(0, elemTop - offset); + } + } else { + $window.scrollTo(0, 0); + } + } + + function scroll(hash) { + hash = isString(hash) ? hash : $location.hash(); + var elm; + + // empty hash, scroll to the top of the page + if (!hash) scrollTo(null); + + // element with given id + else if ((elm = document.getElementById(hash))) scrollTo(elm); + + // first anchor with given name :-D + else if ((elm = getFirstAnchor(document.getElementsByName(hash)))) scrollTo(elm); + + // no element and hash == 'top', scroll to the top of the page + else if (hash === 'top') scrollTo(null); + } + + // does not scroll when user clicks on anchor link that is currently on + // (no url change, no $location.hash() change), browser native does scroll + if (autoScrollingEnabled) { + $rootScope.$watch(function autoScrollWatch() {return $location.hash();}, + function autoScrollWatchAction(newVal, oldVal) { + // skip the initial scroll if $location.hash is empty + if (newVal === oldVal && newVal === '') return; + + jqLiteDocumentLoaded(function() { + $rootScope.$evalAsync(scroll); + }); + }); + } + + return scroll; + }]; +} + +var $animateMinErr = minErr('$animate'); +var ELEMENT_NODE = 1; +var NG_ANIMATE_CLASSNAME = 'ng-animate'; + +function mergeClasses(a,b) { + if (!a && !b) return ''; + if (!a) return b; + if (!b) return a; + if (isArray(a)) a = a.join(' '); + if (isArray(b)) b = b.join(' '); + return a + ' ' + b; +} + +function extractElementNode(element) { + for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) { + var elm = element[i]; + if (elm.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) { + return elm; + } + } +} + +function splitClasses(classes) { + if (isString(classes)) { + classes = classes.split(' '); + } + + // Use createMap() to prevent class assumptions involving property names in + // Object.prototype + var obj = createMap(); + forEach(classes, function(klass) { + // sometimes the split leaves empty string values + // incase extra spaces were applied to the options + if (klass.length) { + obj[klass] = true; + } + }); + return obj; +} + +// if any other type of options value besides an Object value is +// passed into the $animate.method() animation then this helper code +// will be run which will ignore it. While this patch is not the +// greatest solution to this, a lot of existing plugins depend on +// $animate to either call the callback (< 1.2) or return a promise +// that can be changed. This helper function ensures that the options +// are wiped clean incase a callback function is provided. +function prepareAnimateOptions(options) { + return isObject(options) + ? options + : {}; +} + +var $$CoreAnimateJsProvider = function() { + this.$get = noop; +}; + +// this is prefixed with Core since it conflicts with +// the animateQueueProvider defined in ngAnimate/animateQueue.js +var $$CoreAnimateQueueProvider = function() { + var postDigestQueue = new HashMap(); + var postDigestElements = []; + + this.$get = ['$$AnimateRunner', '$rootScope', + function($$AnimateRunner, $rootScope) { + return { + enabled: noop, + on: noop, + off: noop, + pin: noop, + + push: function(element, event, options, domOperation) { + domOperation && domOperation(); + + options = options || {}; + options.from && element.css(options.from); + options.to && element.css(options.to); + + if (options.addClass || options.removeClass) { + addRemoveClassesPostDigest(element, options.addClass, options.removeClass); + } + + var runner = new $$AnimateRunner(); // jshint ignore:line + + // since there are no animations to run the runner needs to be + // notified that the animation call is complete. + runner.complete(); + return runner; + } + }; + + + function updateData(data, classes, value) { + var changed = false; + if (classes) { + classes = isString(classes) ? classes.split(' ') : + isArray(classes) ? classes : []; + forEach(classes, function(className) { + if (className) { + changed = true; + data[className] = value; + } + }); + } + return changed; + } + + function handleCSSClassChanges() { + forEach(postDigestElements, function(element) { + var data = postDigestQueue.get(element); + if (data) { + var existing = splitClasses(element.attr('class')); + var toAdd = ''; + var toRemove = ''; + forEach(data, function(status, className) { + var hasClass = !!existing[className]; + if (status !== hasClass) { + if (status) { + toAdd += (toAdd.length ? ' ' : '') + className; + } else { + toRemove += (toRemove.length ? ' ' : '') + className; + } + } + }); + + forEach(element, function(elm) { + toAdd && jqLiteAddClass(elm, toAdd); + toRemove && jqLiteRemoveClass(elm, toRemove); + }); + postDigestQueue.remove(element); + } + }); + postDigestElements.length = 0; + } + + + function addRemoveClassesPostDigest(element, add, remove) { + var data = postDigestQueue.get(element) || {}; + + var classesAdded = updateData(data, add, true); + var classesRemoved = updateData(data, remove, false); + + if (classesAdded || classesRemoved) { + + postDigestQueue.put(element, data); + postDigestElements.push(element); + + if (postDigestElements.length === 1) { + $rootScope.$$postDigest(handleCSSClassChanges); + } + } + } + }]; +}; + +/** + * @ngdoc provider + * @name $animateProvider + * + * @description + * Default implementation of $animate that doesn't perform any animations, instead just + * synchronously performs DOM updates and resolves the returned runner promise. + * + * In order to enable animations the `ngAnimate` module has to be loaded. + * + * To see the functional implementation check out `src/ngAnimate/animate.js`. + */ +var $AnimateProvider = ['$provide', function($provide) { + var provider = this; + + this.$$registeredAnimations = Object.create(null); + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $animateProvider#register + * + * @description + * Registers a new injectable animation factory function. The factory function produces the + * animation object which contains callback functions for each event that is expected to be + * animated. + * + * * `eventFn`: `function(element, ... , doneFunction, options)` + * The element to animate, the `doneFunction` and the options fed into the animation. Depending + * on the type of animation additional arguments will be injected into the animation function. The + * list below explains the function signatures for the different animation methods: + * + * - setClass: function(element, addedClasses, removedClasses, doneFunction, options) + * - addClass: function(element, addedClasses, doneFunction, options) + * - removeClass: function(element, removedClasses, doneFunction, options) + * - enter, leave, move: function(element, doneFunction, options) + * - animate: function(element, fromStyles, toStyles, doneFunction, options) + * + * Make sure to trigger the `doneFunction` once the animation is fully complete. + * + * ```js + * return { + * //enter, leave, move signature + * eventFn : function(element, done, options) { + * //code to run the animation + * //once complete, then run done() + * return function endFunction(wasCancelled) { + * //code to cancel the animation + * } + * } + * } + * ``` + * + * @param {string} name The name of the animation (this is what the class-based CSS value will be compared to). + * @param {Function} factory The factory function that will be executed to return the animation + * object. + */ + this.register = function(name, factory) { + if (name && name.charAt(0) !== '.') { + throw $animateMinErr('notcsel', "Expecting class selector starting with '.' got '{0}'.", name); + } + + var key = name + '-animation'; + provider.$$registeredAnimations[name.substr(1)] = key; + $provide.factory(key, factory); + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $animateProvider#classNameFilter + * + * @description + * Sets and/or returns the CSS class regular expression that is checked when performing + * an animation. Upon bootstrap the classNameFilter value is not set at all and will + * therefore enable $animate to attempt to perform an animation on any element that is triggered. + * When setting the `classNameFilter` value, animations will only be performed on elements + * that successfully match the filter expression. This in turn can boost performance + * for low-powered devices as well as applications containing a lot of structural operations. + * @param {RegExp=} expression The className expression which will be checked against all animations + * @return {RegExp} The current CSS className expression value. If null then there is no expression value + */ + this.classNameFilter = function(expression) { + if (arguments.length === 1) { + this.$$classNameFilter = (expression instanceof RegExp) ? expression : null; + if (this.$$classNameFilter) { + var reservedRegex = new RegExp("(\\s+|\\/)" + NG_ANIMATE_CLASSNAME + "(\\s+|\\/)"); + if (reservedRegex.test(this.$$classNameFilter.toString())) { + throw $animateMinErr('nongcls','$animateProvider.classNameFilter(regex) prohibits accepting a regex value which matches/contains the "{0}" CSS class.', NG_ANIMATE_CLASSNAME); + + } + } + } + return this.$$classNameFilter; + }; + + this.$get = ['$$animateQueue', function($$animateQueue) { + function domInsert(element, parentElement, afterElement) { + // if for some reason the previous element was removed + // from the dom sometime before this code runs then let's + // just stick to using the parent element as the anchor + if (afterElement) { + var afterNode = extractElementNode(afterElement); + if (afterNode && !afterNode.parentNode && !afterNode.previousElementSibling) { + afterElement = null; + } + } + afterElement ? afterElement.after(element) : parentElement.prepend(element); + } + + /** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $animate + * @description The $animate service exposes a series of DOM utility methods that provide support + * for animation hooks. The default behavior is the application of DOM operations, however, + * when an animation is detected (and animations are enabled), $animate will do the heavy lifting + * to ensure that animation runs with the triggered DOM operation. + * + * By default $animate doesn't trigger any animations. This is because the `ngAnimate` module isn't + * included and only when it is active then the animation hooks that `$animate` triggers will be + * functional. Once active then all structural `ng-` directives will trigger animations as they perform + * their DOM-related operations (enter, leave and move). Other directives such as `ngClass`, + * `ngShow`, `ngHide` and `ngMessages` also provide support for animations. + * + * It is recommended that the`$animate` service is always used when executing DOM-related procedures within directives. + * + * To learn more about enabling animation support, click here to visit the + * {@link ngAnimate ngAnimate module page}. + */ + return { + // we don't call it directly since non-existant arguments may + // be interpreted as null within the sub enabled function + + /** + * + * @ngdoc method + * @name $animate#on + * @kind function + * @description Sets up an event listener to fire whenever the animation event (enter, leave, move, etc...) + * has fired on the given element or among any of its children. Once the listener is fired, the provided callback + * is fired with the following params: + * + * ```js + * $animate.on('enter', container, + * function callback(element, phase) { + * // cool we detected an enter animation within the container + * } + * ); + * ``` + * + * @param {string} event the animation event that will be captured (e.g. enter, leave, move, addClass, removeClass, etc...) + * @param {DOMElement} container the container element that will capture each of the animation events that are fired on itself + * as well as among its children + * @param {Function} callback the callback function that will be fired when the listener is triggered + * + * The arguments present in the callback function are: + * * `element` - The captured DOM element that the animation was fired on. + * * `phase` - The phase of the animation. The two possible phases are **start** (when the animation starts) and **close** (when it ends). + */ + on: $$animateQueue.on, + + /** + * + * @ngdoc method + * @name $animate#off + * @kind function + * @description Deregisters an event listener based on the event which has been associated with the provided element. This method + * can be used in three different ways depending on the arguments: + * + * ```js + * // remove all the animation event listeners listening for `enter` + * $animate.off('enter'); + * + * // remove listeners for all animation events from the container element + * $animate.off(container); + * + * // remove all the animation event listeners listening for `enter` on the given element and its children + * $animate.off('enter', container); + * + * // remove the event listener function provided by `callback` that is set + * // to listen for `enter` on the given `container` as well as its children + * $animate.off('enter', container, callback); + * ``` + * + * @param {string|DOMElement} event|container the animation event (e.g. enter, leave, move, + * addClass, removeClass, etc...), or the container element. If it is the element, all other + * arguments are ignored. + * @param {DOMElement=} container the container element the event listener was placed on + * @param {Function=} callback the callback function that was registered as the listener + */ + off: $$animateQueue.off, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $animate#pin + * @kind function + * @description Associates the provided element with a host parent element to allow the element to be animated even if it exists + * outside of the DOM structure of the Angular application. By doing so, any animation triggered via `$animate` can be issued on the + * element despite being outside the realm of the application or within another application. Say for example if the application + * was bootstrapped on an element that is somewhere inside of the `` tag, but we wanted to allow for an element to be situated + * as a direct child of `document.body`, then this can be achieved by pinning the element via `$animate.pin(element)`. Keep in mind + * that calling `$animate.pin(element, parentElement)` will not actually insert into the DOM anywhere; it will just create the association. + * + * Note that this feature is only active when the `ngAnimate` module is used. + * + * @param {DOMElement} element the external element that will be pinned + * @param {DOMElement} parentElement the host parent element that will be associated with the external element + */ + pin: $$animateQueue.pin, + + /** + * + * @ngdoc method + * @name $animate#enabled + * @kind function + * @description Used to get and set whether animations are enabled or not on the entire application or on an element and its children. This + * function can be called in four ways: + * + * ```js + * // returns true or false + * $animate.enabled(); + * + * // changes the enabled state for all animations + * $animate.enabled(false); + * $animate.enabled(true); + * + * // returns true or false if animations are enabled for an element + * $animate.enabled(element); + * + * // changes the enabled state for an element and its children + * $animate.enabled(element, true); + * $animate.enabled(element, false); + * ``` + * + * @param {DOMElement=} element the element that will be considered for checking/setting the enabled state + * @param {boolean=} enabled whether or not the animations will be enabled for the element + * + * @return {boolean} whether or not animations are enabled + */ + enabled: $$animateQueue.enabled, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $animate#cancel + * @kind function + * @description Cancels the provided animation. + * + * @param {Promise} animationPromise The animation promise that is returned when an animation is started. + */ + cancel: function(runner) { + runner.end && runner.end(); + }, + + /** + * + * @ngdoc method + * @name $animate#enter + * @kind function + * @description Inserts the element into the DOM either after the `after` element (if provided) or + * as the first child within the `parent` element and then triggers an animation. + * A promise is returned that will be resolved during the next digest once the animation + * has completed. + * + * @param {DOMElement} element the element which will be inserted into the DOM + * @param {DOMElement} parent the parent element which will append the element as + * a child (so long as the after element is not present) + * @param {DOMElement=} after the sibling element after which the element will be appended + * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options/styles that will be applied to the element + * + * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise + */ + enter: function(element, parent, after, options) { + parent = parent && jqLite(parent); + after = after && jqLite(after); + parent = parent || after.parent(); + domInsert(element, parent, after); + return $$animateQueue.push(element, 'enter', prepareAnimateOptions(options)); + }, + + /** + * + * @ngdoc method + * @name $animate#move + * @kind function + * @description Inserts (moves) the element into its new position in the DOM either after + * the `after` element (if provided) or as the first child within the `parent` element + * and then triggers an animation. A promise is returned that will be resolved + * during the next digest once the animation has completed. + * + * @param {DOMElement} element the element which will be moved into the new DOM position + * @param {DOMElement} parent the parent element which will append the element as + * a child (so long as the after element is not present) + * @param {DOMElement=} after the sibling element after which the element will be appended + * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options/styles that will be applied to the element + * + * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise + */ + move: function(element, parent, after, options) { + parent = parent && jqLite(parent); + after = after && jqLite(after); + parent = parent || after.parent(); + domInsert(element, parent, after); + return $$animateQueue.push(element, 'move', prepareAnimateOptions(options)); + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $animate#leave + * @kind function + * @description Triggers an animation and then removes the element from the DOM. + * When the function is called a promise is returned that will be resolved during the next + * digest once the animation has completed. + * + * @param {DOMElement} element the element which will be removed from the DOM + * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options/styles that will be applied to the element + * + * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise + */ + leave: function(element, options) { + return $$animateQueue.push(element, 'leave', prepareAnimateOptions(options), function() { + element.remove(); + }); + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $animate#addClass + * @kind function + * + * @description Triggers an addClass animation surrounding the addition of the provided CSS class(es). Upon + * execution, the addClass operation will only be handled after the next digest and it will not trigger an + * animation if element already contains the CSS class or if the class is removed at a later step. + * Note that class-based animations are treated differently compared to structural animations + * (like enter, move and leave) since the CSS classes may be added/removed at different points + * depending if CSS or JavaScript animations are used. + * + * @param {DOMElement} element the element which the CSS classes will be applied to + * @param {string} className the CSS class(es) that will be added (multiple classes are separated via spaces) + * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options/styles that will be applied to the element + * + * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise + */ + addClass: function(element, className, options) { + options = prepareAnimateOptions(options); + options.addClass = mergeClasses(options.addclass, className); + return $$animateQueue.push(element, 'addClass', options); + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $animate#removeClass + * @kind function + * + * @description Triggers a removeClass animation surrounding the removal of the provided CSS class(es). Upon + * execution, the removeClass operation will only be handled after the next digest and it will not trigger an + * animation if element does not contain the CSS class or if the class is added at a later step. + * Note that class-based animations are treated differently compared to structural animations + * (like enter, move and leave) since the CSS classes may be added/removed at different points + * depending if CSS or JavaScript animations are used. + * + * @param {DOMElement} element the element which the CSS classes will be applied to + * @param {string} className the CSS class(es) that will be removed (multiple classes are separated via spaces) + * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options/styles that will be applied to the element + * + * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise + */ + removeClass: function(element, className, options) { + options = prepareAnimateOptions(options); + options.removeClass = mergeClasses(options.removeClass, className); + return $$animateQueue.push(element, 'removeClass', options); + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $animate#setClass + * @kind function + * + * @description Performs both the addition and removal of a CSS classes on an element and (during the process) + * triggers an animation surrounding the class addition/removal. Much like `$animate.addClass` and + * `$animate.removeClass`, `setClass` will only evaluate the classes being added/removed once a digest has + * passed. Note that class-based animations are treated differently compared to structural animations + * (like enter, move and leave) since the CSS classes may be added/removed at different points + * depending if CSS or JavaScript animations are used. + * + * @param {DOMElement} element the element which the CSS classes will be applied to + * @param {string} add the CSS class(es) that will be added (multiple classes are separated via spaces) + * @param {string} remove the CSS class(es) that will be removed (multiple classes are separated via spaces) + * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options/styles that will be applied to the element + * + * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise + */ + setClass: function(element, add, remove, options) { + options = prepareAnimateOptions(options); + options.addClass = mergeClasses(options.addClass, add); + options.removeClass = mergeClasses(options.removeClass, remove); + return $$animateQueue.push(element, 'setClass', options); + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $animate#animate + * @kind function + * + * @description Performs an inline animation on the element which applies the provided to and from CSS styles to the element. + * If any detected CSS transition, keyframe or JavaScript matches the provided className value, then the animation will take + * on the provided styles. For example, if a transition animation is set for the given classNamem, then the provided `from` and + * `to` styles will be applied alongside the given transition. If the CSS style provided in `from` does not have a corresponding + * style in `to`, the style in `from` is applied immediately, and no animation is run. + * If a JavaScript animation is detected then the provided styles will be given in as function parameters into the `animate` + * method (or as part of the `options` parameter): + * + * ```js + * ngModule.animation('.my-inline-animation', function() { + * return { + * animate : function(element, from, to, done, options) { + * //animation + * done(); + * } + * } + * }); + * ``` + * + * @param {DOMElement} element the element which the CSS styles will be applied to + * @param {object} from the from (starting) CSS styles that will be applied to the element and across the animation. + * @param {object} to the to (destination) CSS styles that will be applied to the element and across the animation. + * @param {string=} className an optional CSS class that will be applied to the element for the duration of the animation. If + * this value is left as empty then a CSS class of `ng-inline-animate` will be applied to the element. + * (Note that if no animation is detected then this value will not be applied to the element.) + * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options/styles that will be applied to the element + * + * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise + */ + animate: function(element, from, to, className, options) { + options = prepareAnimateOptions(options); + options.from = options.from ? extend(options.from, from) : from; + options.to = options.to ? extend(options.to, to) : to; + + className = className || 'ng-inline-animate'; + options.tempClasses = mergeClasses(options.tempClasses, className); + return $$animateQueue.push(element, 'animate', options); + } + }; + }]; +}]; + +var $$AnimateAsyncRunFactoryProvider = function() { + this.$get = ['$$rAF', function($$rAF) { + var waitQueue = []; + + function waitForTick(fn) { + waitQueue.push(fn); + if (waitQueue.length > 1) return; + $$rAF(function() { + for (var i = 0; i < waitQueue.length; i++) { + waitQueue[i](); + } + waitQueue = []; + }); + } + + return function() { + var passed = false; + waitForTick(function() { + passed = true; + }); + return function(callback) { + passed ? callback() : waitForTick(callback); + }; + }; + }]; +}; + +var $$AnimateRunnerFactoryProvider = function() { + this.$get = ['$q', '$sniffer', '$$animateAsyncRun', '$document', '$timeout', + function($q, $sniffer, $$animateAsyncRun, $document, $timeout) { + + var INITIAL_STATE = 0; + var DONE_PENDING_STATE = 1; + var DONE_COMPLETE_STATE = 2; + + AnimateRunner.chain = function(chain, callback) { + var index = 0; + + next(); + function next() { + if (index === chain.length) { + callback(true); + return; + } + + chain[index](function(response) { + if (response === false) { + callback(false); + return; + } + index++; + next(); + }); + } + }; + + AnimateRunner.all = function(runners, callback) { + var count = 0; + var status = true; + forEach(runners, function(runner) { + runner.done(onProgress); + }); + + function onProgress(response) { + status = status && response; + if (++count === runners.length) { + callback(status); + } + } + }; + + function AnimateRunner(host) { + this.setHost(host); + + var rafTick = $$animateAsyncRun(); + var timeoutTick = function(fn) { + $timeout(fn, 0, false); + }; + + this._doneCallbacks = []; + this._tick = function(fn) { + var doc = $document[0]; + + // the document may not be ready or attached + // to the module for some internal tests + if (doc && doc.hidden) { + timeoutTick(fn); + } else { + rafTick(fn); + } + }; + this._state = 0; + } + + AnimateRunner.prototype = { + setHost: function(host) { + this.host = host || {}; + }, + + done: function(fn) { + if (this._state === DONE_COMPLETE_STATE) { + fn(); + } else { + this._doneCallbacks.push(fn); + } + }, + + progress: noop, + + getPromise: function() { + if (!this.promise) { + var self = this; + this.promise = $q(function(resolve, reject) { + self.done(function(status) { + status === false ? reject() : resolve(); + }); + }); + } + return this.promise; + }, + + then: function(resolveHandler, rejectHandler) { + return this.getPromise().then(resolveHandler, rejectHandler); + }, + + 'catch': function(handler) { + return this.getPromise()['catch'](handler); + }, + + 'finally': function(handler) { + return this.getPromise()['finally'](handler); + }, + + pause: function() { + if (this.host.pause) { + this.host.pause(); + } + }, + + resume: function() { + if (this.host.resume) { + this.host.resume(); + } + }, + + end: function() { + if (this.host.end) { + this.host.end(); + } + this._resolve(true); + }, + + cancel: function() { + if (this.host.cancel) { + this.host.cancel(); + } + this._resolve(false); + }, + + complete: function(response) { + var self = this; + if (self._state === INITIAL_STATE) { + self._state = DONE_PENDING_STATE; + self._tick(function() { + self._resolve(response); + }); + } + }, + + _resolve: function(response) { + if (this._state !== DONE_COMPLETE_STATE) { + forEach(this._doneCallbacks, function(fn) { + fn(response); + }); + this._doneCallbacks.length = 0; + this._state = DONE_COMPLETE_STATE; + } + } + }; + + return AnimateRunner; + }]; +}; + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $animateCss + * @kind object + * + * @description + * This is the core version of `$animateCss`. By default, only when the `ngAnimate` is included, + * then the `$animateCss` service will actually perform animations. + * + * Click here {@link ngAnimate.$animateCss to read the documentation for $animateCss}. + */ +var $CoreAnimateCssProvider = function() { + this.$get = ['$$rAF', '$q', '$$AnimateRunner', function($$rAF, $q, $$AnimateRunner) { + + return function(element, initialOptions) { + // all of the animation functions should create + // a copy of the options data, however, if a + // parent service has already created a copy then + // we should stick to using that + var options = initialOptions || {}; + if (!options.$$prepared) { + options = copy(options); + } + + // there is no point in applying the styles since + // there is no animation that goes on at all in + // this version of $animateCss. + if (options.cleanupStyles) { + options.from = options.to = null; + } + + if (options.from) { + element.css(options.from); + options.from = null; + } + + /* jshint newcap: false */ + var closed, runner = new $$AnimateRunner(); + return { + start: run, + end: run + }; + + function run() { + $$rAF(function() { + applyAnimationContents(); + if (!closed) { + runner.complete(); + } + closed = true; + }); + return runner; + } + + function applyAnimationContents() { + if (options.addClass) { + element.addClass(options.addClass); + options.addClass = null; + } + if (options.removeClass) { + element.removeClass(options.removeClass); + options.removeClass = null; + } + if (options.to) { + element.css(options.to); + options.to = null; + } + } + }; + }]; +}; + +/* global stripHash: true */ + +/** + * ! This is a private undocumented service ! + * + * @name $browser + * @requires $log + * @description + * This object has two goals: + * + * - hide all the global state in the browser caused by the window object + * - abstract away all the browser specific features and inconsistencies + * + * For tests we provide {@link ngMock.$browser mock implementation} of the `$browser` + * service, which can be used for convenient testing of the application without the interaction with + * the real browser apis. + */ +/** + * @param {object} window The global window object. + * @param {object} document jQuery wrapped document. + * @param {object} $log window.console or an object with the same interface. + * @param {object} $sniffer $sniffer service + */ +function Browser(window, document, $log, $sniffer) { + var self = this, + location = window.location, + history = window.history, + setTimeout = window.setTimeout, + clearTimeout = window.clearTimeout, + pendingDeferIds = {}; + + self.isMock = false; + + var outstandingRequestCount = 0; + var outstandingRequestCallbacks = []; + + // TODO(vojta): remove this temporary api + self.$$completeOutstandingRequest = completeOutstandingRequest; + self.$$incOutstandingRequestCount = function() { outstandingRequestCount++; }; + + /** + * Executes the `fn` function(supports currying) and decrements the `outstandingRequestCallbacks` + * counter. If the counter reaches 0, all the `outstandingRequestCallbacks` are executed. + */ + function completeOutstandingRequest(fn) { + try { + fn.apply(null, sliceArgs(arguments, 1)); + } finally { + outstandingRequestCount--; + if (outstandingRequestCount === 0) { + while (outstandingRequestCallbacks.length) { + try { + outstandingRequestCallbacks.pop()(); + } catch (e) { + $log.error(e); + } + } + } + } + } + + function getHash(url) { + var index = url.indexOf('#'); + return index === -1 ? '' : url.substr(index); + } + + /** + * @private + * Note: this method is used only by scenario runner + * TODO(vojta): prefix this method with $$ ? + * @param {function()} callback Function that will be called when no outstanding request + */ + self.notifyWhenNoOutstandingRequests = function(callback) { + if (outstandingRequestCount === 0) { + callback(); + } else { + outstandingRequestCallbacks.push(callback); + } + }; + + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // URL API + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + var cachedState, lastHistoryState, + lastBrowserUrl = location.href, + baseElement = document.find('base'), + pendingLocation = null, + getCurrentState = !$sniffer.history ? noop : function getCurrentState() { + try { + return history.state; + } catch (e) { + // MSIE can reportedly throw when there is no state (UNCONFIRMED). + } + }; + + cacheState(); + lastHistoryState = cachedState; + + /** + * @name $browser#url + * + * @description + * GETTER: + * Without any argument, this method just returns current value of location.href. + * + * SETTER: + * With at least one argument, this method sets url to new value. + * If html5 history api supported, pushState/replaceState is used, otherwise + * location.href/location.replace is used. + * Returns its own instance to allow chaining + * + * NOTE: this api is intended for use only by the $location service. Please use the + * {@link ng.$location $location service} to change url. + * + * @param {string} url New url (when used as setter) + * @param {boolean=} replace Should new url replace current history record? + * @param {object=} state object to use with pushState/replaceState + */ + self.url = function(url, replace, state) { + // In modern browsers `history.state` is `null` by default; treating it separately + // from `undefined` would cause `$browser.url('/foo')` to change `history.state` + // to undefined via `pushState`. Instead, let's change `undefined` to `null` here. + if (isUndefined(state)) { + state = null; + } + + // Android Browser BFCache causes location, history reference to become stale. + if (location !== window.location) location = window.location; + if (history !== window.history) history = window.history; + + // setter + if (url) { + var sameState = lastHistoryState === state; + + // Don't change anything if previous and current URLs and states match. This also prevents + // IE<10 from getting into redirect loop when in LocationHashbangInHtml5Url mode. + // See https://github.com/angular/angular.js/commit/ffb2701 + if (lastBrowserUrl === url && (!$sniffer.history || sameState)) { + return self; + } + var sameBase = lastBrowserUrl && stripHash(lastBrowserUrl) === stripHash(url); + lastBrowserUrl = url; + lastHistoryState = state; + // Don't use history API if only the hash changed + // due to a bug in IE10/IE11 which leads + // to not firing a `hashchange` nor `popstate` event + // in some cases (see #9143). + if ($sniffer.history && (!sameBase || !sameState)) { + history[replace ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState'](state, '', url); + cacheState(); + // Do the assignment again so that those two variables are referentially identical. + lastHistoryState = cachedState; + } else { + if (!sameBase || pendingLocation) { + pendingLocation = url; + } + if (replace) { + location.replace(url); + } else if (!sameBase) { + location.href = url; + } else { + location.hash = getHash(url); + } + if (location.href !== url) { + pendingLocation = url; + } + } + return self; + // getter + } else { + // - pendingLocation is needed as browsers don't allow to read out + // the new location.href if a reload happened or if there is a bug like in iOS 9 (see + // https://openradar.appspot.com/22186109). + // - the replacement is a workaround for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=407172 + return pendingLocation || location.href.replace(/%27/g,"'"); + } + }; + + /** + * @name $browser#state + * + * @description + * This method is a getter. + * + * Return history.state or null if history.state is undefined. + * + * @returns {object} state + */ + self.state = function() { + return cachedState; + }; + + var urlChangeListeners = [], + urlChangeInit = false; + + function cacheStateAndFireUrlChange() { + pendingLocation = null; + cacheState(); + fireUrlChange(); + } + + // This variable should be used *only* inside the cacheState function. + var lastCachedState = null; + function cacheState() { + // This should be the only place in $browser where `history.state` is read. + cachedState = getCurrentState(); + cachedState = isUndefined(cachedState) ? null : cachedState; + + // Prevent callbacks fo fire twice if both hashchange & popstate were fired. + if (equals(cachedState, lastCachedState)) { + cachedState = lastCachedState; + } + lastCachedState = cachedState; + } + + function fireUrlChange() { + if (lastBrowserUrl === self.url() && lastHistoryState === cachedState) { + return; + } + + lastBrowserUrl = self.url(); + lastHistoryState = cachedState; + forEach(urlChangeListeners, function(listener) { + listener(self.url(), cachedState); + }); + } + + /** + * @name $browser#onUrlChange + * + * @description + * Register callback function that will be called, when url changes. + * + * It's only called when the url is changed from outside of angular: + * - user types different url into address bar + * - user clicks on history (forward/back) button + * - user clicks on a link + * + * It's not called when url is changed by $browser.url() method + * + * The listener gets called with new url as parameter. + * + * NOTE: this api is intended for use only by the $location service. Please use the + * {@link ng.$location $location service} to monitor url changes in angular apps. + * + * @param {function(string)} listener Listener function to be called when url changes. + * @return {function(string)} Returns the registered listener fn - handy if the fn is anonymous. + */ + self.onUrlChange = function(callback) { + // TODO(vojta): refactor to use node's syntax for events + if (!urlChangeInit) { + // We listen on both (hashchange/popstate) when available, as some browsers (e.g. Opera) + // don't fire popstate when user change the address bar and don't fire hashchange when url + // changed by push/replaceState + + // html5 history api - popstate event + if ($sniffer.history) jqLite(window).on('popstate', cacheStateAndFireUrlChange); + // hashchange event + jqLite(window).on('hashchange', cacheStateAndFireUrlChange); + + urlChangeInit = true; + } + + urlChangeListeners.push(callback); + return callback; + }; + + /** + * @private + * Remove popstate and hashchange handler from window. + * + * NOTE: this api is intended for use only by $rootScope. + */ + self.$$applicationDestroyed = function() { + jqLite(window).off('hashchange popstate', cacheStateAndFireUrlChange); + }; + + /** + * Checks whether the url has changed outside of Angular. + * Needs to be exported to be able to check for changes that have been done in sync, + * as hashchange/popstate events fire in async. + */ + self.$$checkUrlChange = fireUrlChange; + + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Misc API + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + /** + * @name $browser#baseHref + * + * @description + * Returns current + * (always relative - without domain) + * + * @returns {string} The current base href + */ + self.baseHref = function() { + var href = baseElement.attr('href'); + return href ? href.replace(/^(https?\:)?\/\/[^\/]*/, '') : ''; + }; + + /** + * @name $browser#defer + * @param {function()} fn A function, who's execution should be deferred. + * @param {number=} [delay=0] of milliseconds to defer the function execution. + * @returns {*} DeferId that can be used to cancel the task via `$browser.defer.cancel()`. + * + * @description + * Executes a fn asynchronously via `setTimeout(fn, delay)`. + * + * Unlike when calling `setTimeout` directly, in test this function is mocked and instead of using + * `setTimeout` in tests, the fns are queued in an array, which can be programmatically flushed + * via `$browser.defer.flush()`. + * + */ + self.defer = function(fn, delay) { + var timeoutId; + outstandingRequestCount++; + timeoutId = setTimeout(function() { + delete pendingDeferIds[timeoutId]; + completeOutstandingRequest(fn); + }, delay || 0); + pendingDeferIds[timeoutId] = true; + return timeoutId; + }; + + + /** + * @name $browser#defer.cancel + * + * @description + * Cancels a deferred task identified with `deferId`. + * + * @param {*} deferId Token returned by the `$browser.defer` function. + * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the task hasn't executed yet and was successfully + * canceled. + */ + self.defer.cancel = function(deferId) { + if (pendingDeferIds[deferId]) { + delete pendingDeferIds[deferId]; + clearTimeout(deferId); + completeOutstandingRequest(noop); + return true; + } + return false; + }; + +} + +function $BrowserProvider() { + this.$get = ['$window', '$log', '$sniffer', '$document', + function($window, $log, $sniffer, $document) { + return new Browser($window, $document, $log, $sniffer); + }]; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $cacheFactory + * + * @description + * Factory that constructs {@link $cacheFactory.Cache Cache} objects and gives access to + * them. + * + * ```js + * + * var cache = $cacheFactory('cacheId'); + * expect($cacheFactory.get('cacheId')).toBe(cache); + * expect($cacheFactory.get('noSuchCacheId')).not.toBeDefined(); + * + * cache.put("key", "value"); + * cache.put("another key", "another value"); + * + * // We've specified no options on creation + * expect(cache.info()).toEqual({id: 'cacheId', size: 2}); + * + * ``` + * + * + * @param {string} cacheId Name or id of the newly created cache. + * @param {object=} options Options object that specifies the cache behavior. Properties: + * + * - `{number=}` `capacity` — turns the cache into LRU cache. + * + * @returns {object} Newly created cache object with the following set of methods: + * + * - `{object}` `info()` — Returns id, size, and options of cache. + * - `{{*}}` `put({string} key, {*} value)` — Puts a new key-value pair into the cache and returns + * it. + * - `{{*}}` `get({string} key)` — Returns cached value for `key` or undefined for cache miss. + * - `{void}` `remove({string} key)` — Removes a key-value pair from the cache. + * - `{void}` `removeAll()` — Removes all cached values. + * - `{void}` `destroy()` — Removes references to this cache from $cacheFactory. + * + * @example + + +
+ + + + +

Cached Values

+ + : + +
+ +

Cache Info

+ + : + +
+ + angular.module('cacheExampleApp', []). + controller('CacheController', ['$scope', '$cacheFactory', function($scope, $cacheFactory) { + $scope.keys = []; + $scope.cache = $cacheFactory('cacheId'); + $scope.put = function(key, value) { + if (angular.isUndefined($scope.cache.get(key))) { + $scope.keys.push(key); + } + $scope.cache.put(key, angular.isUndefined(value) ? null : value); + }; + }]); + + + p { + margin: 10px 0 3px; + } + +
+ */ +function $CacheFactoryProvider() { + + this.$get = function() { + var caches = {}; + + function cacheFactory(cacheId, options) { + if (cacheId in caches) { + throw minErr('$cacheFactory')('iid', "CacheId '{0}' is already taken!", cacheId); + } + + var size = 0, + stats = extend({}, options, {id: cacheId}), + data = createMap(), + capacity = (options && options.capacity) || Number.MAX_VALUE, + lruHash = createMap(), + freshEnd = null, + staleEnd = null; + + /** + * @ngdoc type + * @name $cacheFactory.Cache + * + * @description + * A cache object used to store and retrieve data, primarily used by + * {@link $http $http} and the {@link ng.directive:script script} directive to cache + * templates and other data. + * + * ```js + * angular.module('superCache') + * .factory('superCache', ['$cacheFactory', function($cacheFactory) { + * return $cacheFactory('super-cache'); + * }]); + * ``` + * + * Example test: + * + * ```js + * it('should behave like a cache', inject(function(superCache) { + * superCache.put('key', 'value'); + * superCache.put('another key', 'another value'); + * + * expect(superCache.info()).toEqual({ + * id: 'super-cache', + * size: 2 + * }); + * + * superCache.remove('another key'); + * expect(superCache.get('another key')).toBeUndefined(); + * + * superCache.removeAll(); + * expect(superCache.info()).toEqual({ + * id: 'super-cache', + * size: 0 + * }); + * })); + * ``` + */ + return caches[cacheId] = { + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $cacheFactory.Cache#put + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Inserts a named entry into the {@link $cacheFactory.Cache Cache} object to be + * retrieved later, and incrementing the size of the cache if the key was not already + * present in the cache. If behaving like an LRU cache, it will also remove stale + * entries from the set. + * + * It will not insert undefined values into the cache. + * + * @param {string} key the key under which the cached data is stored. + * @param {*} value the value to store alongside the key. If it is undefined, the key + * will not be stored. + * @returns {*} the value stored. + */ + put: function(key, value) { + if (isUndefined(value)) return; + if (capacity < Number.MAX_VALUE) { + var lruEntry = lruHash[key] || (lruHash[key] = {key: key}); + + refresh(lruEntry); + } + + if (!(key in data)) size++; + data[key] = value; + + if (size > capacity) { + this.remove(staleEnd.key); + } + + return value; + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $cacheFactory.Cache#get + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Retrieves named data stored in the {@link $cacheFactory.Cache Cache} object. + * + * @param {string} key the key of the data to be retrieved + * @returns {*} the value stored. + */ + get: function(key) { + if (capacity < Number.MAX_VALUE) { + var lruEntry = lruHash[key]; + + if (!lruEntry) return; + + refresh(lruEntry); + } + + return data[key]; + }, + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $cacheFactory.Cache#remove + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Removes an entry from the {@link $cacheFactory.Cache Cache} object. + * + * @param {string} key the key of the entry to be removed + */ + remove: function(key) { + if (capacity < Number.MAX_VALUE) { + var lruEntry = lruHash[key]; + + if (!lruEntry) return; + + if (lruEntry == freshEnd) freshEnd = lruEntry.p; + if (lruEntry == staleEnd) staleEnd = lruEntry.n; + link(lruEntry.n,lruEntry.p); + + delete lruHash[key]; + } + + if (!(key in data)) return; + + delete data[key]; + size--; + }, + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $cacheFactory.Cache#removeAll + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Clears the cache object of any entries. + */ + removeAll: function() { + data = createMap(); + size = 0; + lruHash = createMap(); + freshEnd = staleEnd = null; + }, + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $cacheFactory.Cache#destroy + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Destroys the {@link $cacheFactory.Cache Cache} object entirely, + * removing it from the {@link $cacheFactory $cacheFactory} set. + */ + destroy: function() { + data = null; + stats = null; + lruHash = null; + delete caches[cacheId]; + }, + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $cacheFactory.Cache#info + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Retrieve information regarding a particular {@link $cacheFactory.Cache Cache}. + * + * @returns {object} an object with the following properties: + *
    + *
  • **id**: the id of the cache instance
  • + *
  • **size**: the number of entries kept in the cache instance
  • + *
  • **...**: any additional properties from the options object when creating the + * cache.
  • + *
+ */ + info: function() { + return extend({}, stats, {size: size}); + } + }; + + + /** + * makes the `entry` the freshEnd of the LRU linked list + */ + function refresh(entry) { + if (entry != freshEnd) { + if (!staleEnd) { + staleEnd = entry; + } else if (staleEnd == entry) { + staleEnd = entry.n; + } + + link(entry.n, entry.p); + link(entry, freshEnd); + freshEnd = entry; + freshEnd.n = null; + } + } + + + /** + * bidirectionally links two entries of the LRU linked list + */ + function link(nextEntry, prevEntry) { + if (nextEntry != prevEntry) { + if (nextEntry) nextEntry.p = prevEntry; //p stands for previous, 'prev' didn't minify + if (prevEntry) prevEntry.n = nextEntry; //n stands for next, 'next' didn't minify + } + } + } + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $cacheFactory#info + * + * @description + * Get information about all the caches that have been created + * + * @returns {Object} - key-value map of `cacheId` to the result of calling `cache#info` + */ + cacheFactory.info = function() { + var info = {}; + forEach(caches, function(cache, cacheId) { + info[cacheId] = cache.info(); + }); + return info; + }; + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $cacheFactory#get + * + * @description + * Get access to a cache object by the `cacheId` used when it was created. + * + * @param {string} cacheId Name or id of a cache to access. + * @returns {object} Cache object identified by the cacheId or undefined if no such cache. + */ + cacheFactory.get = function(cacheId) { + return caches[cacheId]; + }; + + + return cacheFactory; + }; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $templateCache + * + * @description + * The first time a template is used, it is loaded in the template cache for quick retrieval. You + * can load templates directly into the cache in a `script` tag, or by consuming the + * `$templateCache` service directly. + * + * Adding via the `script` tag: + * + * ```html + * + * ``` + * + * **Note:** the `script` tag containing the template does not need to be included in the `head` of + * the document, but it must be a descendent of the {@link ng.$rootElement $rootElement} (IE, + * element with ng-app attribute), otherwise the template will be ignored. + * + * Adding via the `$templateCache` service: + * + * ```js + * var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []); + * myApp.run(function($templateCache) { + * $templateCache.put('templateId.html', 'This is the content of the template'); + * }); + * ``` + * + * To retrieve the template later, simply use it in your HTML: + * ```html + *
+ * ``` + * + * or get it via Javascript: + * ```js + * $templateCache.get('templateId.html') + * ``` + * + * See {@link ng.$cacheFactory $cacheFactory}. + * + */ +function $TemplateCacheProvider() { + this.$get = ['$cacheFactory', function($cacheFactory) { + return $cacheFactory('templates'); + }]; +} + +/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * Any commits to this file should be reviewed with security in mind. * + * Changes to this file can potentially create security vulnerabilities. * + * An approval from 2 Core members with history of modifying * + * this file is required. * + * * + * Does the change somehow allow for arbitrary javascript to be executed? * + * Or allows for someone to change the prototype of built-in objects? * + * Or gives undesired access to variables likes document or window? * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ + +/* ! VARIABLE/FUNCTION NAMING CONVENTIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS FILE! + * + * DOM-related variables: + * + * - "node" - DOM Node + * - "element" - DOM Element or Node + * - "$node" or "$element" - jqLite-wrapped node or element + * + * + * Compiler related stuff: + * + * - "linkFn" - linking fn of a single directive + * - "nodeLinkFn" - function that aggregates all linking fns for a particular node + * - "childLinkFn" - function that aggregates all linking fns for child nodes of a particular node + * - "compositeLinkFn" - function that aggregates all linking fns for a compilation root (nodeList) + */ + + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $compile + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Compiles an HTML string or DOM into a template and produces a template function, which + * can then be used to link {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope `scope`} and the template together. + * + * The compilation is a process of walking the DOM tree and matching DOM elements to + * {@link ng.$compileProvider#directive directives}. + * + *
+ * **Note:** This document is an in-depth reference of all directive options. + * For a gentle introduction to directives with examples of common use cases, + * see the {@link guide/directive directive guide}. + *
+ * + * ## Comprehensive Directive API + * + * There are many different options for a directive. + * + * The difference resides in the return value of the factory function. + * You can either return a "Directive Definition Object" (see below) that defines the directive properties, + * or just the `postLink` function (all other properties will have the default values). + * + *
+ * **Best Practice:** It's recommended to use the "directive definition object" form. + *
+ * + * Here's an example directive declared with a Directive Definition Object: + * + * ```js + * var myModule = angular.module(...); + * + * myModule.directive('directiveName', function factory(injectables) { + * var directiveDefinitionObject = { + * priority: 0, + * template: '
', // or // function(tElement, tAttrs) { ... }, + * // or + * // templateUrl: 'directive.html', // or // function(tElement, tAttrs) { ... }, + * transclude: false, + * restrict: 'A', + * templateNamespace: 'html', + * scope: false, + * controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $transclude, otherInjectables) { ... }, + * controllerAs: 'stringIdentifier', + * bindToController: false, + * require: 'siblingDirectiveName', // or // ['^parentDirectiveName', '?optionalDirectiveName', '?^optionalParent'], + * compile: function compile(tElement, tAttrs, transclude) { + * return { + * pre: function preLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) { ... }, + * post: function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) { ... } + * } + * // or + * // return function postLink( ... ) { ... } + * }, + * // or + * // link: { + * // pre: function preLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) { ... }, + * // post: function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) { ... } + * // } + * // or + * // link: function postLink( ... ) { ... } + * }; + * return directiveDefinitionObject; + * }); + * ``` + * + *
+ * **Note:** Any unspecified options will use the default value. You can see the default values below. + *
+ * + * Therefore the above can be simplified as: + * + * ```js + * var myModule = angular.module(...); + * + * myModule.directive('directiveName', function factory(injectables) { + * var directiveDefinitionObject = { + * link: function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs) { ... } + * }; + * return directiveDefinitionObject; + * // or + * // return function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs) { ... } + * }); + * ``` + * + * + * + * ### Directive Definition Object + * + * The directive definition object provides instructions to the {@link ng.$compile + * compiler}. The attributes are: + * + * #### `multiElement` + * When this property is set to true, the HTML compiler will collect DOM nodes between + * nodes with the attributes `directive-name-start` and `directive-name-end`, and group them + * together as the directive elements. It is recommended that this feature be used on directives + * which are not strictly behavioral (such as {@link ngClick}), and which + * do not manipulate or replace child nodes (such as {@link ngInclude}). + * + * #### `priority` + * When there are multiple directives defined on a single DOM element, sometimes it + * is necessary to specify the order in which the directives are applied. The `priority` is used + * to sort the directives before their `compile` functions get called. Priority is defined as a + * number. Directives with greater numerical `priority` are compiled first. Pre-link functions + * are also run in priority order, but post-link functions are run in reverse order. The order + * of directives with the same priority is undefined. The default priority is `0`. + * + * #### `terminal` + * If set to true then the current `priority` will be the last set of directives + * which will execute (any directives at the current priority will still execute + * as the order of execution on same `priority` is undefined). Note that expressions + * and other directives used in the directive's template will also be excluded from execution. + * + * #### `scope` + * The scope property can be `true`, an object or a falsy value: + * + * * **falsy:** No scope will be created for the directive. The directive will use its parent's scope. + * + * * **`true`:** A new child scope that prototypically inherits from its parent will be created for + * the directive's element. If multiple directives on the same element request a new scope, + * only one new scope is created. The new scope rule does not apply for the root of the template + * since the root of the template always gets a new scope. + * + * * **`{...}` (an object hash):** A new "isolate" scope is created for the directive's element. The + * 'isolate' scope differs from normal scope in that it does not prototypically inherit from its parent + * scope. This is useful when creating reusable components, which should not accidentally read or modify + * data in the parent scope. + * + * The 'isolate' scope object hash defines a set of local scope properties derived from attributes on the + * directive's element. These local properties are useful for aliasing values for templates. The keys in + * the object hash map to the name of the property on the isolate scope; the values define how the property + * is bound to the parent scope, via matching attributes on the directive's element: + * + * * `@` or `@attr` - bind a local scope property to the value of DOM attribute. The result is + * always a string since DOM attributes are strings. If no `attr` name is specified then the + * attribute name is assumed to be the same as the local name. Given `` and the isolate scope definition `scope: { localName:'@myAttr' }`, + * the directive's scope property `localName` will reflect the interpolated value of `hello + * {{name}}`. As the `name` attribute changes so will the `localName` property on the directive's + * scope. The `name` is read from the parent scope (not the directive's scope). + * + * * `=` or `=attr` - set up a bidirectional binding between a local scope property and an expression + * passed via the attribute `attr`. The expression is evaluated in the context of the parent scope. + * If no `attr` name is specified then the attribute name is assumed to be the same as the local + * name. Given `` and the isolate scope definition `scope: { + * localModel: '=myAttr' }`, the property `localModel` on the directive's scope will reflect the + * value of `parentModel` on the parent scope. Changes to `parentModel` will be reflected in + * `localModel` and vice versa. Optional attributes should be marked as such with a question mark: + * `=?` or `=?attr`. If the binding expression is non-assignable, or if the attribute isn't + * optional and doesn't exist, an exception ({@link error/$compile/nonassign `$compile:nonassign`}) + * will be thrown upon discovering changes to the local value, since it will be impossible to sync + * them back to the parent scope. By default, the {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$watch `$watch`} + * method is used for tracking changes, and the equality check is based on object identity. + * However, if an object literal or an array literal is passed as the binding expression, the + * equality check is done by value (using the {@link angular.equals} function). It's also possible + * to watch the evaluated value shallowly with {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$watchCollection + * `$watchCollection`}: use `=*` or `=*attr` (`=*?` or `=*?attr` if the attribute is optional). + * + * * `<` or `` and directive definition of + * `scope: { localModel:'` and the isolate scope definition `scope: { + * localFn:'&myAttr' }`, the isolate scope property `localFn` will point to a function wrapper for + * the `count = count + value` expression. Often it's desirable to pass data from the isolated scope + * via an expression to the parent scope. This can be done by passing a map of local variable names + * and values into the expression wrapper fn. For example, if the expression is `increment(amount)` + * then we can specify the amount value by calling the `localFn` as `localFn({amount: 22})`. + * + * In general it's possible to apply more than one directive to one element, but there might be limitations + * depending on the type of scope required by the directives. The following points will help explain these limitations. + * For simplicity only two directives are taken into account, but it is also applicable for several directives: + * + * * **no scope** + **no scope** => Two directives which don't require their own scope will use their parent's scope + * * **child scope** + **no scope** => Both directives will share one single child scope + * * **child scope** + **child scope** => Both directives will share one single child scope + * * **isolated scope** + **no scope** => The isolated directive will use it's own created isolated scope. The other directive will use + * its parent's scope + * * **isolated scope** + **child scope** => **Won't work!** Only one scope can be related to one element. Therefore these directives cannot + * be applied to the same element. + * * **isolated scope** + **isolated scope** => **Won't work!** Only one scope can be related to one element. Therefore these directives + * cannot be applied to the same element. + * + * + * #### `bindToController` + * This property is used to bind scope properties directly to the controller. It can be either + * `true` or an object hash with the same format as the `scope` property. Additionally, a controller + * alias must be set, either by using `controllerAs: 'myAlias'` or by specifying the alias in the controller + * definition: `controller: 'myCtrl as myAlias'`. + * + * When an isolate scope is used for a directive (see above), `bindToController: true` will + * allow a component to have its properties bound to the controller, rather than to scope. + * + * After the controller is instantiated, the initial values of the isolate scope bindings will be bound to the controller + * properties. You can access these bindings once they have been initialized by providing a controller method called + * `$onInit`, which is called after all the controllers on an element have been constructed and had their bindings + * initialized. + * + *
+ * **Deprecation warning:** although bindings for non-ES6 class controllers are currently + * bound to `this` before the controller constructor is called, this use is now deprecated. Please place initialization + * code that relies upon bindings inside a `$onInit` method on the controller, instead. + *
+ * + * It is also possible to set `bindToController` to an object hash with the same format as the `scope` property. + * This will set up the scope bindings to the controller directly. Note that `scope` can still be used + * to define which kind of scope is created. By default, no scope is created. Use `scope: {}` to create an isolate + * scope (useful for component directives). + * + * If both `bindToController` and `scope` are defined and have object hashes, `bindToController` overrides `scope`. + * + * + * #### `controller` + * Controller constructor function. The controller is instantiated before the + * pre-linking phase and can be accessed by other directives (see + * `require` attribute). This allows the directives to communicate with each other and augment + * each other's behavior. The controller is injectable (and supports bracket notation) with the following locals: + * + * * `$scope` - Current scope associated with the element + * * `$element` - Current element + * * `$attrs` - Current attributes object for the element + * * `$transclude` - A transclude linking function pre-bound to the correct transclusion scope: + * `function([scope], cloneLinkingFn, futureParentElement, slotName)`: + * * `scope`: (optional) override the scope. + * * `cloneLinkingFn`: (optional) argument to create clones of the original transcluded content. + * * `futureParentElement` (optional): + * * defines the parent to which the `cloneLinkingFn` will add the cloned elements. + * * default: `$element.parent()` resp. `$element` for `transclude:'element'` resp. `transclude:true`. + * * only needed for transcludes that are allowed to contain non html elements (e.g. SVG elements) + * and when the `cloneLinkinFn` is passed, + * as those elements need to created and cloned in a special way when they are defined outside their + * usual containers (e.g. like ``). + * * See also the `directive.templateNamespace` property. + * * `slotName`: (optional) the name of the slot to transclude. If falsy (e.g. `null`, `undefined` or `''`) + * then the default translusion is provided. + * The `$transclude` function also has a method on it, `$transclude.isSlotFilled(slotName)`, which returns + * `true` if the specified slot contains content (i.e. one or more DOM nodes). + * + * The controller can provide the following methods that act as life-cycle hooks: + * * `$onInit()` - Called on each controller after all the controllers on an element have been constructed and + * had their bindings initialized (and before the pre & post linking functions for the directives on + * this element). This is a good place to put initialization code for your controller. + * * `$onChanges(changesObj)` - Called whenever one-way (`<`) or interpolation (`@`) bindings are updated. The + * `changesObj` is a hash whose keys are the names of the bound properties that have changed, and the values are an + * object of the form `{ currentValue, previousValue, isFirstChange() }`. Use this hook to trigger updates within a + * component such as cloning the bound value to prevent accidental mutation of the outer value. + * * `$onDestroy()` - Called on a controller when its containing scope is destroyed. Use this hook for releasing + * external resources, watches and event handlers. Note that components have their `$onDestroy()` hooks called in + * the same order as the `$scope.$broadcast` events are triggered, which is top down. This means that parent + * components will have their `$onDestroy()` hook called before child components. + * * `$postLink()` - Called after this controller's element and its children have been linked. Similar to the post-link + * function this hook can be used to set up DOM event handlers and do direct DOM manipulation. + * Note that child elements that contain `templateUrl` directives will not have been compiled and linked since + * they are waiting for their template to load asynchronously and their own compilation and linking has been + * suspended until that occurs. + * + * + * #### `require` + * Require another directive and inject its controller as the fourth argument to the linking function. The + * `require` property can be a string, an array or an object: + * * a **string** containing the name of the directive to pass to the linking function + * * an **array** containing the names of directives to pass to the linking function. The argument passed to the + * linking function will be an array of controllers in the same order as the names in the `require` property + * * an **object** whose property values are the names of the directives to pass to the linking function. The argument + * passed to the linking function will also be an object with matching keys, whose values will hold the corresponding + * controllers. + * + * If the `require` property is an object and `bindToController` is truthy, then the required controllers are + * bound to the controller using the keys of the `require` property. This binding occurs after all the controllers + * have been constructed but before `$onInit` is called. + * See the {@link $compileProvider#component} helper for an example of how this can be used. + * + * If no such required directive(s) can be found, or if the directive does not have a controller, then an error is + * raised (unless no link function is specified and the required controllers are not being bound to the directive + * controller, in which case error checking is skipped). The name can be prefixed with: + * + * * (no prefix) - Locate the required controller on the current element. Throw an error if not found. + * * `?` - Attempt to locate the required controller or pass `null` to the `link` fn if not found. + * * `^` - Locate the required controller by searching the element and its parents. Throw an error if not found. + * * `^^` - Locate the required controller by searching the element's parents. Throw an error if not found. + * * `?^` - Attempt to locate the required controller by searching the element and its parents or pass + * `null` to the `link` fn if not found. + * * `?^^` - Attempt to locate the required controller by searching the element's parents, or pass + * `null` to the `link` fn if not found. + * + * + * #### `controllerAs` + * Identifier name for a reference to the controller in the directive's scope. + * This allows the controller to be referenced from the directive template. This is especially + * useful when a directive is used as component, i.e. with an `isolate` scope. It's also possible + * to use it in a directive without an `isolate` / `new` scope, but you need to be aware that the + * `controllerAs` reference might overwrite a property that already exists on the parent scope. + * + * + * #### `restrict` + * String of subset of `EACM` which restricts the directive to a specific directive + * declaration style. If omitted, the defaults (elements and attributes) are used. + * + * * `E` - Element name (default): `` + * * `A` - Attribute (default): `
` + * * `C` - Class: `
` + * * `M` - Comment: `` + * + * + * #### `templateNamespace` + * String representing the document type used by the markup in the template. + * AngularJS needs this information as those elements need to be created and cloned + * in a special way when they are defined outside their usual containers like `` and ``. + * + * * `html` - All root nodes in the template are HTML. Root nodes may also be + * top-level elements such as `` or ``. + * * `svg` - The root nodes in the template are SVG elements (excluding ``). + * * `math` - The root nodes in the template are MathML elements (excluding ``). + * + * If no `templateNamespace` is specified, then the namespace is considered to be `html`. + * + * #### `template` + * HTML markup that may: + * * Replace the contents of the directive's element (default). + * * Replace the directive's element itself (if `replace` is true - DEPRECATED). + * * Wrap the contents of the directive's element (if `transclude` is true). + * + * Value may be: + * + * * A string. For example `
`. + * * A function which takes two arguments `tElement` and `tAttrs` (described in the `compile` + * function api below) and returns a string value. + * + * + * #### `templateUrl` + * This is similar to `template` but the template is loaded from the specified URL, asynchronously. + * + * Because template loading is asynchronous the compiler will suspend compilation of directives on that element + * for later when the template has been resolved. In the meantime it will continue to compile and link + * sibling and parent elements as though this element had not contained any directives. + * + * The compiler does not suspend the entire compilation to wait for templates to be loaded because this + * would result in the whole app "stalling" until all templates are loaded asynchronously - even in the + * case when only one deeply nested directive has `templateUrl`. + * + * Template loading is asynchronous even if the template has been preloaded into the {@link $templateCache} + * + * You can specify `templateUrl` as a string representing the URL or as a function which takes two + * arguments `tElement` and `tAttrs` (described in the `compile` function api below) and returns + * a string value representing the url. In either case, the template URL is passed through {@link + * $sce#getTrustedResourceUrl $sce.getTrustedResourceUrl}. + * + * + * #### `replace` ([*DEPRECATED*!], will be removed in next major release - i.e. v2.0) + * specify what the template should replace. Defaults to `false`. + * + * * `true` - the template will replace the directive's element. + * * `false` - the template will replace the contents of the directive's element. + * + * The replacement process migrates all of the attributes / classes from the old element to the new + * one. See the {@link guide/directive#template-expanding-directive + * Directives Guide} for an example. + * + * There are very few scenarios where element replacement is required for the application function, + * the main one being reusable custom components that are used within SVG contexts + * (because SVG doesn't work with custom elements in the DOM tree). + * + * #### `transclude` + * Extract the contents of the element where the directive appears and make it available to the directive. + * The contents are compiled and provided to the directive as a **transclusion function**. See the + * {@link $compile#transclusion Transclusion} section below. + * + * + * #### `compile` + * + * ```js + * function compile(tElement, tAttrs, transclude) { ... } + * ``` + * + * The compile function deals with transforming the template DOM. Since most directives do not do + * template transformation, it is not used often. The compile function takes the following arguments: + * + * * `tElement` - template element - The element where the directive has been declared. It is + * safe to do template transformation on the element and child elements only. + * + * * `tAttrs` - template attributes - Normalized list of attributes declared on this element shared + * between all directive compile functions. + * + * * `transclude` - [*DEPRECATED*!] A transclude linking function: `function(scope, cloneLinkingFn)` + * + *
+ * **Note:** The template instance and the link instance may be different objects if the template has + * been cloned. For this reason it is **not** safe to do anything other than DOM transformations that + * apply to all cloned DOM nodes within the compile function. Specifically, DOM listener registration + * should be done in a linking function rather than in a compile function. + *
+ + *
+ * **Note:** The compile function cannot handle directives that recursively use themselves in their + * own templates or compile functions. Compiling these directives results in an infinite loop and + * stack overflow errors. + * + * This can be avoided by manually using $compile in the postLink function to imperatively compile + * a directive's template instead of relying on automatic template compilation via `template` or + * `templateUrl` declaration or manual compilation inside the compile function. + *
+ * + *
+ * **Note:** The `transclude` function that is passed to the compile function is deprecated, as it + * e.g. does not know about the right outer scope. Please use the transclude function that is passed + * to the link function instead. + *
+ + * A compile function can have a return value which can be either a function or an object. + * + * * returning a (post-link) function - is equivalent to registering the linking function via the + * `link` property of the config object when the compile function is empty. + * + * * returning an object with function(s) registered via `pre` and `post` properties - allows you to + * control when a linking function should be called during the linking phase. See info about + * pre-linking and post-linking functions below. + * + * + * #### `link` + * This property is used only if the `compile` property is not defined. + * + * ```js + * function link(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller, transcludeFn) { ... } + * ``` + * + * The link function is responsible for registering DOM listeners as well as updating the DOM. It is + * executed after the template has been cloned. This is where most of the directive logic will be + * put. + * + * * `scope` - {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope Scope} - The scope to be used by the + * directive for registering {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$watch watches}. + * + * * `iElement` - instance element - The element where the directive is to be used. It is safe to + * manipulate the children of the element only in `postLink` function since the children have + * already been linked. + * + * * `iAttrs` - instance attributes - Normalized list of attributes declared on this element shared + * between all directive linking functions. + * + * * `controller` - the directive's required controller instance(s) - Instances are shared + * among all directives, which allows the directives to use the controllers as a communication + * channel. The exact value depends on the directive's `require` property: + * * no controller(s) required: the directive's own controller, or `undefined` if it doesn't have one + * * `string`: the controller instance + * * `array`: array of controller instances + * + * If a required controller cannot be found, and it is optional, the instance is `null`, + * otherwise the {@link error:$compile:ctreq Missing Required Controller} error is thrown. + * + * Note that you can also require the directive's own controller - it will be made available like + * any other controller. + * + * * `transcludeFn` - A transclude linking function pre-bound to the correct transclusion scope. + * This is the same as the `$transclude` + * parameter of directive controllers, see there for details. + * `function([scope], cloneLinkingFn, futureParentElement)`. + * + * #### Pre-linking function + * + * Executed before the child elements are linked. Not safe to do DOM transformation since the + * compiler linking function will fail to locate the correct elements for linking. + * + * #### Post-linking function + * + * Executed after the child elements are linked. + * + * Note that child elements that contain `templateUrl` directives will not have been compiled + * and linked since they are waiting for their template to load asynchronously and their own + * compilation and linking has been suspended until that occurs. + * + * It is safe to do DOM transformation in the post-linking function on elements that are not waiting + * for their async templates to be resolved. + * + * + * ### Transclusion + * + * Transclusion is the process of extracting a collection of DOM elements from one part of the DOM and + * copying them to another part of the DOM, while maintaining their connection to the original AngularJS + * scope from where they were taken. + * + * Transclusion is used (often with {@link ngTransclude}) to insert the + * original contents of a directive's element into a specified place in the template of the directive. + * The benefit of transclusion, over simply moving the DOM elements manually, is that the transcluded + * content has access to the properties on the scope from which it was taken, even if the directive + * has isolated scope. + * See the {@link guide/directive#creating-a-directive-that-wraps-other-elements Directives Guide}. + * + * This makes it possible for the widget to have private state for its template, while the transcluded + * content has access to its originating scope. + * + *
+ * **Note:** When testing an element transclude directive you must not place the directive at the root of the + * DOM fragment that is being compiled. See {@link guide/unit-testing#testing-transclusion-directives + * Testing Transclusion Directives}. + *
+ * + * There are three kinds of transclusion depending upon whether you want to transclude just the contents of the + * directive's element, the entire element or multiple parts of the element contents: + * + * * `true` - transclude the content (i.e. the child nodes) of the directive's element. + * * `'element'` - transclude the whole of the directive's element including any directives on this + * element that defined at a lower priority than this directive. When used, the `template` + * property is ignored. + * * **`{...}` (an object hash):** - map elements of the content onto transclusion "slots" in the template. + * + * **Mult-slot transclusion** is declared by providing an object for the `transclude` property. + * + * This object is a map where the keys are the name of the slot to fill and the value is an element selector + * used to match the HTML to the slot. The element selector should be in normalized form (e.g. `myElement`) + * and will match the standard element variants (e.g. `my-element`, `my:element`, `data-my-element`, etc). + * + * For further information check out the guide on {@link guide/directive#matching-directives Matching Directives} + * + * If the element selector is prefixed with a `?` then that slot is optional. + * + * For example, the transclude object `{ slotA: '?myCustomElement' }` maps `` elements to + * the `slotA` slot, which can be accessed via the `$transclude` function or via the {@link ngTransclude} directive. + * + * Slots that are not marked as optional (`?`) will trigger a compile time error if there are no matching elements + * in the transclude content. If you wish to know if an optional slot was filled with content, then you can call + * `$transclude.isSlotFilled(slotName)` on the transclude function passed to the directive's link function and + * injectable into the directive's controller. + * + * + * #### Transclusion Functions + * + * When a directive requests transclusion, the compiler extracts its contents and provides a **transclusion + * function** to the directive's `link` function and `controller`. This transclusion function is a special + * **linking function** that will return the compiled contents linked to a new transclusion scope. + * + *
+ * If you are just using {@link ngTransclude} then you don't need to worry about this function, since + * ngTransclude will deal with it for us. + *
+ * + * If you want to manually control the insertion and removal of the transcluded content in your directive + * then you must use this transclude function. When you call a transclude function it returns a a jqLite/JQuery + * object that contains the compiled DOM, which is linked to the correct transclusion scope. + * + * When you call a transclusion function you can pass in a **clone attach function**. This function accepts + * two parameters, `function(clone, scope) { ... }`, where the `clone` is a fresh compiled copy of your transcluded + * content and the `scope` is the newly created transclusion scope, to which the clone is bound. + * + *
+ * **Best Practice**: Always provide a `cloneFn` (clone attach function) when you call a transclude function + * since you then get a fresh clone of the original DOM and also have access to the new transclusion scope. + *
+ * + * It is normal practice to attach your transcluded content (`clone`) to the DOM inside your **clone + * attach function**: + * + * ```js + * var transcludedContent, transclusionScope; + * + * $transclude(function(clone, scope) { + * element.append(clone); + * transcludedContent = clone; + * transclusionScope = scope; + * }); + * ``` + * + * Later, if you want to remove the transcluded content from your DOM then you should also destroy the + * associated transclusion scope: + * + * ```js + * transcludedContent.remove(); + * transclusionScope.$destroy(); + * ``` + * + *
+ * **Best Practice**: if you intend to add and remove transcluded content manually in your directive + * (by calling the transclude function to get the DOM and calling `element.remove()` to remove it), + * then you are also responsible for calling `$destroy` on the transclusion scope. + *
+ * + * The built-in DOM manipulation directives, such as {@link ngIf}, {@link ngSwitch} and {@link ngRepeat} + * automatically destroy their transcluded clones as necessary so you do not need to worry about this if + * you are simply using {@link ngTransclude} to inject the transclusion into your directive. + * + * + * #### Transclusion Scopes + * + * When you call a transclude function it returns a DOM fragment that is pre-bound to a **transclusion + * scope**. This scope is special, in that it is a child of the directive's scope (and so gets destroyed + * when the directive's scope gets destroyed) but it inherits the properties of the scope from which it + * was taken. + * + * For example consider a directive that uses transclusion and isolated scope. The DOM hierarchy might look + * like this: + * + * ```html + *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * ``` + * + * The `$parent` scope hierarchy will look like this: + * + ``` + - $rootScope + - isolate + - transclusion + ``` + * + * but the scopes will inherit prototypically from different scopes to their `$parent`. + * + ``` + - $rootScope + - transclusion + - isolate + ``` + * + * + * ### Attributes + * + * The {@link ng.$compile.directive.Attributes Attributes} object - passed as a parameter in the + * `link()` or `compile()` functions. It has a variety of uses. + * + * * *Accessing normalized attribute names:* Directives like 'ngBind' can be expressed in many ways: + * 'ng:bind', `data-ng-bind`, or 'x-ng-bind'. The attributes object allows for normalized access + * to the attributes. + * + * * *Directive inter-communication:* All directives share the same instance of the attributes + * object which allows the directives to use the attributes object as inter directive + * communication. + * + * * *Supports interpolation:* Interpolation attributes are assigned to the attribute object + * allowing other directives to read the interpolated value. + * + * * *Observing interpolated attributes:* Use `$observe` to observe the value changes of attributes + * that contain interpolation (e.g. `src="{{bar}}"`). Not only is this very efficient but it's also + * the only way to easily get the actual value because during the linking phase the interpolation + * hasn't been evaluated yet and so the value is at this time set to `undefined`. + * + * ```js + * function linkingFn(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) { + * // get the attribute value + * console.log(attrs.ngModel); + * + * // change the attribute + * attrs.$set('ngModel', 'new value'); + * + * // observe changes to interpolated attribute + * attrs.$observe('ngModel', function(value) { + * console.log('ngModel has changed value to ' + value); + * }); + * } + * ``` + * + * ## Example + * + *
+ * **Note**: Typically directives are registered with `module.directive`. The example below is + * to illustrate how `$compile` works. + *
+ * + + + +
+ + it('should auto compile', function() { + var textarea = $('textarea'); + var output = $('div[compile]'); + // The initial state reads 'Hello Angular'. + expect(output.getText()).toBe('Hello Angular'); + textarea.clear(); + textarea.sendKeys('{{name}}!'); + expect(output.getText()).toBe('Angular!'); + }); + +
+ + * + * + * @param {string|DOMElement} element Element or HTML string to compile into a template function. + * @param {function(angular.Scope, cloneAttachFn=)} transclude function available to directives - DEPRECATED. + * + *
+ * **Note:** Passing a `transclude` function to the $compile function is deprecated, as it + * e.g. will not use the right outer scope. Please pass the transclude function as a + * `parentBoundTranscludeFn` to the link function instead. + *
+ * + * @param {number} maxPriority only apply directives lower than given priority (Only effects the + * root element(s), not their children) + * @returns {function(scope, cloneAttachFn=, options=)} a link function which is used to bind template + * (a DOM element/tree) to a scope. Where: + * + * * `scope` - A {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope Scope} to bind to. + * * `cloneAttachFn` - If `cloneAttachFn` is provided, then the link function will clone the + * `template` and call the `cloneAttachFn` function allowing the caller to attach the + * cloned elements to the DOM document at the appropriate place. The `cloneAttachFn` is + * called as:
`cloneAttachFn(clonedElement, scope)` where: + * + * * `clonedElement` - is a clone of the original `element` passed into the compiler. + * * `scope` - is the current scope with which the linking function is working with. + * + * * `options` - An optional object hash with linking options. If `options` is provided, then the following + * keys may be used to control linking behavior: + * + * * `parentBoundTranscludeFn` - the transclude function made available to + * directives; if given, it will be passed through to the link functions of + * directives found in `element` during compilation. + * * `transcludeControllers` - an object hash with keys that map controller names + * to a hash with the key `instance`, which maps to the controller instance; + * if given, it will make the controllers available to directives on the compileNode: + * ``` + * { + * parent: { + * instance: parentControllerInstance + * } + * } + * ``` + * * `futureParentElement` - defines the parent to which the `cloneAttachFn` will add + * the cloned elements; only needed for transcludes that are allowed to contain non html + * elements (e.g. SVG elements). See also the directive.controller property. + * + * Calling the linking function returns the element of the template. It is either the original + * element passed in, or the clone of the element if the `cloneAttachFn` is provided. + * + * After linking the view is not updated until after a call to $digest which typically is done by + * Angular automatically. + * + * If you need access to the bound view, there are two ways to do it: + * + * - If you are not asking the linking function to clone the template, create the DOM element(s) + * before you send them to the compiler and keep this reference around. + * ```js + * var element = $compile('


')(scope); + * ``` + * + * - if on the other hand, you need the element to be cloned, the view reference from the original + * example would not point to the clone, but rather to the original template that was cloned. In + * this case, you can access the clone via the cloneAttachFn: + * ```js + * var templateElement = angular.element('


'), + * scope = ....; + * + * var clonedElement = $compile(templateElement)(scope, function(clonedElement, scope) { + * //attach the clone to DOM document at the right place + * }); + * + * //now we have reference to the cloned DOM via `clonedElement` + * ``` + * + * + * For information on how the compiler works, see the + * {@link guide/compiler Angular HTML Compiler} section of the Developer Guide. + */ + +var $compileMinErr = minErr('$compile'); + +function UNINITIALIZED_VALUE() {} +var _UNINITIALIZED_VALUE = new UNINITIALIZED_VALUE(); + +/** + * @ngdoc provider + * @name $compileProvider + * + * @description + */ +$CompileProvider.$inject = ['$provide', '$$sanitizeUriProvider']; +function $CompileProvider($provide, $$sanitizeUriProvider) { + var hasDirectives = {}, + Suffix = 'Directive', + COMMENT_DIRECTIVE_REGEXP = /^\s*directive\:\s*([\w\-]+)\s+(.*)$/, + CLASS_DIRECTIVE_REGEXP = /(([\w\-]+)(?:\:([^;]+))?;?)/, + ALL_OR_NOTHING_ATTRS = makeMap('ngSrc,ngSrcset,src,srcset'), + REQUIRE_PREFIX_REGEXP = /^(?:(\^\^?)?(\?)?(\^\^?)?)?/; + + // Ref: http://developers.whatwg.org/webappapis.html#event-handler-idl-attributes + // The assumption is that future DOM event attribute names will begin with + // 'on' and be composed of only English letters. + var EVENT_HANDLER_ATTR_REGEXP = /^(on[a-z]+|formaction)$/; + var bindingCache = createMap(); + + function parseIsolateBindings(scope, directiveName, isController) { + var LOCAL_REGEXP = /^\s*([@&<]|=(\*?))(\??)\s*(\w*)\s*$/; + + var bindings = createMap(); + + forEach(scope, function(definition, scopeName) { + if (definition in bindingCache) { + bindings[scopeName] = bindingCache[definition]; + return; + } + var match = definition.match(LOCAL_REGEXP); + + if (!match) { + throw $compileMinErr('iscp', + "Invalid {3} for directive '{0}'." + + " Definition: {... {1}: '{2}' ...}", + directiveName, scopeName, definition, + (isController ? "controller bindings definition" : + "isolate scope definition")); + } + + bindings[scopeName] = { + mode: match[1][0], + collection: match[2] === '*', + optional: match[3] === '?', + attrName: match[4] || scopeName + }; + if (match[4]) { + bindingCache[definition] = bindings[scopeName]; + } + }); + + return bindings; + } + + function parseDirectiveBindings(directive, directiveName) { + var bindings = { + isolateScope: null, + bindToController: null + }; + if (isObject(directive.scope)) { + if (directive.bindToController === true) { + bindings.bindToController = parseIsolateBindings(directive.scope, + directiveName, true); + bindings.isolateScope = {}; + } else { + bindings.isolateScope = parseIsolateBindings(directive.scope, + directiveName, false); + } + } + if (isObject(directive.bindToController)) { + bindings.bindToController = + parseIsolateBindings(directive.bindToController, directiveName, true); + } + if (isObject(bindings.bindToController)) { + var controller = directive.controller; + var controllerAs = directive.controllerAs; + if (!controller) { + // There is no controller, there may or may not be a controllerAs property + throw $compileMinErr('noctrl', + "Cannot bind to controller without directive '{0}'s controller.", + directiveName); + } else if (!identifierForController(controller, controllerAs)) { + // There is a controller, but no identifier or controllerAs property + throw $compileMinErr('noident', + "Cannot bind to controller without identifier for directive '{0}'.", + directiveName); + } + } + return bindings; + } + + function assertValidDirectiveName(name) { + var letter = name.charAt(0); + if (!letter || letter !== lowercase(letter)) { + throw $compileMinErr('baddir', "Directive/Component name '{0}' is invalid. The first character must be a lowercase letter", name); + } + if (name !== name.trim()) { + throw $compileMinErr('baddir', + "Directive/Component name '{0}' is invalid. The name should not contain leading or trailing whitespaces", + name); + } + } + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $compileProvider#directive + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Register a new directive with the compiler. + * + * @param {string|Object} name Name of the directive in camel-case (i.e. ngBind which + * will match as ng-bind), or an object map of directives where the keys are the + * names and the values are the factories. + * @param {Function|Array} directiveFactory An injectable directive factory function. See the + * {@link guide/directive directive guide} and the {@link $compile compile API} for more info. + * @returns {ng.$compileProvider} Self for chaining. + */ + this.directive = function registerDirective(name, directiveFactory) { + assertNotHasOwnProperty(name, 'directive'); + if (isString(name)) { + assertValidDirectiveName(name); + assertArg(directiveFactory, 'directiveFactory'); + if (!hasDirectives.hasOwnProperty(name)) { + hasDirectives[name] = []; + $provide.factory(name + Suffix, ['$injector', '$exceptionHandler', + function($injector, $exceptionHandler) { + var directives = []; + forEach(hasDirectives[name], function(directiveFactory, index) { + try { + var directive = $injector.invoke(directiveFactory); + if (isFunction(directive)) { + directive = { compile: valueFn(directive) }; + } else if (!directive.compile && directive.link) { + directive.compile = valueFn(directive.link); + } + directive.priority = directive.priority || 0; + directive.index = index; + directive.name = directive.name || name; + directive.require = directive.require || (directive.controller && directive.name); + directive.restrict = directive.restrict || 'EA'; + directive.$$moduleName = directiveFactory.$$moduleName; + directives.push(directive); + } catch (e) { + $exceptionHandler(e); + } + }); + return directives; + }]); + } + hasDirectives[name].push(directiveFactory); + } else { + forEach(name, reverseParams(registerDirective)); + } + return this; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $compileProvider#component + * @module ng + * @param {string} name Name of the component in camelCase (i.e. `myComp` which will match ``) + * @param {Object} options Component definition object (a simplified + * {@link ng.$compile#directive-definition-object directive definition object}), + * with the following properties (all optional): + * + * - `controller` – `{(string|function()=}` – controller constructor function that should be + * associated with newly created scope or the name of a {@link ng.$compile#-controller- + * registered controller} if passed as a string. An empty `noop` function by default. + * - `controllerAs` – `{string=}` – identifier name for to reference the controller in the component's scope. + * If present, the controller will be published to scope under the `controllerAs` name. + * If not present, this will default to be `$ctrl`. + * - `template` – `{string=|function()=}` – html template as a string or a function that + * returns an html template as a string which should be used as the contents of this component. + * Empty string by default. + * + * If `template` is a function, then it is {@link auto.$injector#invoke injected} with + * the following locals: + * + * - `$element` - Current element + * - `$attrs` - Current attributes object for the element + * + * - `templateUrl` – `{string=|function()=}` – path or function that returns a path to an html + * template that should be used as the contents of this component. + * + * If `templateUrl` is a function, then it is {@link auto.$injector#invoke injected} with + * the following locals: + * + * - `$element` - Current element + * - `$attrs` - Current attributes object for the element + * + * - `bindings` – `{object=}` – defines bindings between DOM attributes and component properties. + * Component properties are always bound to the component controller and not to the scope. + * See {@link ng.$compile#-bindtocontroller- `bindToController`}. + * - `transclude` – `{boolean=}` – whether {@link $compile#transclusion content transclusion} is enabled. + * Disabled by default. + * - `require` - `{Object=}` - requires the controllers of other directives and binds them to + * this component's controller. The object keys specify the property names under which the required + * controllers (object values) will be bound. See {@link ng.$compile#-require- `require`}. + * - `$...` – additional properties to attach to the directive factory function and the controller + * constructor function. (This is used by the component router to annotate) + * + * @returns {ng.$compileProvider} the compile provider itself, for chaining of function calls. + * @description + * Register a **component definition** with the compiler. This is a shorthand for registering a special + * type of directive, which represents a self-contained UI component in your application. Such components + * are always isolated (i.e. `scope: {}`) and are always restricted to elements (i.e. `restrict: 'E'`). + * + * Component definitions are very simple and do not require as much configuration as defining general + * directives. Component definitions usually consist only of a template and a controller backing it. + * + * In order to make the definition easier, components enforce best practices like use of `controllerAs`, + * `bindToController`. They always have **isolate scope** and are restricted to elements. + * + * Here are a few examples of how you would usually define components: + * + * ```js + * var myMod = angular.module(...); + * myMod.component('myComp', { + * template: '
My name is {{$ctrl.name}}
', + * controller: function() { + * this.name = 'shahar'; + * } + * }); + * + * myMod.component('myComp', { + * template: '
My name is {{$ctrl.name}}
', + * bindings: {name: '@'} + * }); + * + * myMod.component('myComp', { + * templateUrl: 'views/my-comp.html', + * controller: 'MyCtrl', + * controllerAs: 'ctrl', + * bindings: {name: '@'} + * }); + * + * ``` + * For more examples, and an in-depth guide, see the {@link guide/component component guide}. + * + *
+ * See also {@link ng.$compileProvider#directive $compileProvider.directive()}. + */ + this.component = function registerComponent(name, options) { + var controller = options.controller || function() {}; + + function factory($injector) { + function makeInjectable(fn) { + if (isFunction(fn) || isArray(fn)) { + return function(tElement, tAttrs) { + return $injector.invoke(fn, this, {$element: tElement, $attrs: tAttrs}); + }; + } else { + return fn; + } + } + + var template = (!options.template && !options.templateUrl ? '' : options.template); + var ddo = { + controller: controller, + controllerAs: identifierForController(options.controller) || options.controllerAs || '$ctrl', + template: makeInjectable(template), + templateUrl: makeInjectable(options.templateUrl), + transclude: options.transclude, + scope: {}, + bindToController: options.bindings || {}, + restrict: 'E', + require: options.require + }; + + // Copy annotations (starting with $) over to the DDO + forEach(options, function(val, key) { + if (key.charAt(0) === '$') ddo[key] = val; + }); + + return ddo; + } + + // TODO(pete) remove the following `forEach` before we release 1.6.0 + // The component-router@0.2.0 looks for the annotations on the controller constructor + // Nothing in Angular looks for annotations on the factory function but we can't remove + // it from 1.5.x yet. + + // Copy any annotation properties (starting with $) over to the factory and controller constructor functions + // These could be used by libraries such as the new component router + forEach(options, function(val, key) { + if (key.charAt(0) === '$') { + factory[key] = val; + // Don't try to copy over annotations to named controller + if (isFunction(controller)) controller[key] = val; + } + }); + + factory.$inject = ['$injector']; + + return this.directive(name, factory); + }; + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $compileProvider#aHrefSanitizationWhitelist + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Retrieves or overrides the default regular expression that is used for whitelisting of safe + * urls during a[href] sanitization. + * + * The sanitization is a security measure aimed at preventing XSS attacks via html links. + * + * Any url about to be assigned to a[href] via data-binding is first normalized and turned into + * an absolute url. Afterwards, the url is matched against the `aHrefSanitizationWhitelist` + * regular expression. If a match is found, the original url is written into the dom. Otherwise, + * the absolute url is prefixed with `'unsafe:'` string and only then is it written into the DOM. + * + * @param {RegExp=} regexp New regexp to whitelist urls with. + * @returns {RegExp|ng.$compileProvider} Current RegExp if called without value or self for + * chaining otherwise. + */ + this.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist = function(regexp) { + if (isDefined(regexp)) { + $$sanitizeUriProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(regexp); + return this; + } else { + return $$sanitizeUriProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(); + } + }; + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $compileProvider#imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Retrieves or overrides the default regular expression that is used for whitelisting of safe + * urls during img[src] sanitization. + * + * The sanitization is a security measure aimed at prevent XSS attacks via html links. + * + * Any url about to be assigned to img[src] via data-binding is first normalized and turned into + * an absolute url. Afterwards, the url is matched against the `imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist` + * regular expression. If a match is found, the original url is written into the dom. Otherwise, + * the absolute url is prefixed with `'unsafe:'` string and only then is it written into the DOM. + * + * @param {RegExp=} regexp New regexp to whitelist urls with. + * @returns {RegExp|ng.$compileProvider} Current RegExp if called without value or self for + * chaining otherwise. + */ + this.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist = function(regexp) { + if (isDefined(regexp)) { + $$sanitizeUriProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist(regexp); + return this; + } else { + return $$sanitizeUriProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist(); + } + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $compileProvider#debugInfoEnabled + * + * @param {boolean=} enabled update the debugInfoEnabled state if provided, otherwise just return the + * current debugInfoEnabled state + * @returns {*} current value if used as getter or itself (chaining) if used as setter + * + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Call this method to enable/disable various debug runtime information in the compiler such as adding + * binding information and a reference to the current scope on to DOM elements. + * If enabled, the compiler will add the following to DOM elements that have been bound to the scope + * * `ng-binding` CSS class + * * `$binding` data property containing an array of the binding expressions + * + * You may want to disable this in production for a significant performance boost. See + * {@link guide/production#disabling-debug-data Disabling Debug Data} for more. + * + * The default value is true. + */ + var debugInfoEnabled = true; + this.debugInfoEnabled = function(enabled) { + if (isDefined(enabled)) { + debugInfoEnabled = enabled; + return this; + } + return debugInfoEnabled; + }; + + + var TTL = 10; + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $compileProvider#onChangesTtl + * @description + * + * Sets the number of times `$onChanges` hooks can trigger new changes before giving up and + * assuming that the model is unstable. + * + * The current default is 10 iterations. + * + * In complex applications it's possible that dependencies between `$onChanges` hooks and bindings will result + * in several iterations of calls to these hooks. However if an application needs more than the default 10 + * iterations to stabilize then you should investigate what is causing the model to continuously change during + * the `$onChanges` hook execution. + * + * Increasing the TTL could have performance implications, so you should not change it without proper justification. + * + * @param {number} limit The number of `$onChanges` hook iterations. + * @returns {number|object} the current limit (or `this` if called as a setter for chaining) + */ + this.onChangesTtl = function(value) { + if (arguments.length) { + TTL = value; + return this; + } + return TTL; + }; + + this.$get = [ + '$injector', '$interpolate', '$exceptionHandler', '$templateRequest', '$parse', + '$controller', '$rootScope', '$sce', '$animate', '$$sanitizeUri', + function($injector, $interpolate, $exceptionHandler, $templateRequest, $parse, + $controller, $rootScope, $sce, $animate, $$sanitizeUri) { + + var SIMPLE_ATTR_NAME = /^\w/; + var specialAttrHolder = window.document.createElement('div'); + + + + var onChangesTtl = TTL; + // The onChanges hooks should all be run together in a single digest + // When changes occur, the call to trigger their hooks will be added to this queue + var onChangesQueue; + + // This function is called in a $$postDigest to trigger all the onChanges hooks in a single digest + function flushOnChangesQueue() { + try { + if (!(--onChangesTtl)) { + // We have hit the TTL limit so reset everything + onChangesQueue = undefined; + throw $compileMinErr('infchng', '{0} $onChanges() iterations reached. Aborting!\n', TTL); + } + // We must run this hook in an apply since the $$postDigest runs outside apply + $rootScope.$apply(function() { + for (var i = 0, ii = onChangesQueue.length; i < ii; ++i) { + onChangesQueue[i](); + } + // Reset the queue to trigger a new schedule next time there is a change + onChangesQueue = undefined; + }); + } finally { + onChangesTtl++; + } + } + + + function Attributes(element, attributesToCopy) { + if (attributesToCopy) { + var keys = Object.keys(attributesToCopy); + var i, l, key; + + for (i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) { + key = keys[i]; + this[key] = attributesToCopy[key]; + } + } else { + this.$attr = {}; + } + + this.$$element = element; + } + + Attributes.prototype = { + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $compile.directive.Attributes#$normalize + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Converts an attribute name (e.g. dash/colon/underscore-delimited string, optionally prefixed with `x-` or + * `data-`) to its normalized, camelCase form. + * + * Also there is special case for Moz prefix starting with upper case letter. + * + * For further information check out the guide on {@link guide/directive#matching-directives Matching Directives} + * + * @param {string} name Name to normalize + */ + $normalize: directiveNormalize, + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $compile.directive.Attributes#$addClass + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Adds the CSS class value specified by the classVal parameter to the element. If animations + * are enabled then an animation will be triggered for the class addition. + * + * @param {string} classVal The className value that will be added to the element + */ + $addClass: function(classVal) { + if (classVal && classVal.length > 0) { + $animate.addClass(this.$$element, classVal); + } + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $compile.directive.Attributes#$removeClass + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Removes the CSS class value specified by the classVal parameter from the element. If + * animations are enabled then an animation will be triggered for the class removal. + * + * @param {string} classVal The className value that will be removed from the element + */ + $removeClass: function(classVal) { + if (classVal && classVal.length > 0) { + $animate.removeClass(this.$$element, classVal); + } + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $compile.directive.Attributes#$updateClass + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Adds and removes the appropriate CSS class values to the element based on the difference + * between the new and old CSS class values (specified as newClasses and oldClasses). + * + * @param {string} newClasses The current CSS className value + * @param {string} oldClasses The former CSS className value + */ + $updateClass: function(newClasses, oldClasses) { + var toAdd = tokenDifference(newClasses, oldClasses); + if (toAdd && toAdd.length) { + $animate.addClass(this.$$element, toAdd); + } + + var toRemove = tokenDifference(oldClasses, newClasses); + if (toRemove && toRemove.length) { + $animate.removeClass(this.$$element, toRemove); + } + }, + + /** + * Set a normalized attribute on the element in a way such that all directives + * can share the attribute. This function properly handles boolean attributes. + * @param {string} key Normalized key. (ie ngAttribute) + * @param {string|boolean} value The value to set. If `null` attribute will be deleted. + * @param {boolean=} writeAttr If false, does not write the value to DOM element attribute. + * Defaults to true. + * @param {string=} attrName Optional none normalized name. Defaults to key. + */ + $set: function(key, value, writeAttr, attrName) { + // TODO: decide whether or not to throw an error if "class" + //is set through this function since it may cause $updateClass to + //become unstable. + + var node = this.$$element[0], + booleanKey = getBooleanAttrName(node, key), + aliasedKey = getAliasedAttrName(key), + observer = key, + nodeName; + + if (booleanKey) { + this.$$element.prop(key, value); + attrName = booleanKey; + } else if (aliasedKey) { + this[aliasedKey] = value; + observer = aliasedKey; + } + + this[key] = value; + + // translate normalized key to actual key + if (attrName) { + this.$attr[key] = attrName; + } else { + attrName = this.$attr[key]; + if (!attrName) { + this.$attr[key] = attrName = snake_case(key, '-'); + } + } + + nodeName = nodeName_(this.$$element); + + if ((nodeName === 'a' && (key === 'href' || key === 'xlinkHref')) || + (nodeName === 'img' && key === 'src')) { + // sanitize a[href] and img[src] values + this[key] = value = $$sanitizeUri(value, key === 'src'); + } else if (nodeName === 'img' && key === 'srcset') { + // sanitize img[srcset] values + var result = ""; + + // first check if there are spaces because it's not the same pattern + var trimmedSrcset = trim(value); + // ( 999x ,| 999w ,| ,|, ) + var srcPattern = /(\s+\d+x\s*,|\s+\d+w\s*,|\s+,|,\s+)/; + var pattern = /\s/.test(trimmedSrcset) ? srcPattern : /(,)/; + + // split srcset into tuple of uri and descriptor except for the last item + var rawUris = trimmedSrcset.split(pattern); + + // for each tuples + var nbrUrisWith2parts = Math.floor(rawUris.length / 2); + for (var i = 0; i < nbrUrisWith2parts; i++) { + var innerIdx = i * 2; + // sanitize the uri + result += $$sanitizeUri(trim(rawUris[innerIdx]), true); + // add the descriptor + result += (" " + trim(rawUris[innerIdx + 1])); + } + + // split the last item into uri and descriptor + var lastTuple = trim(rawUris[i * 2]).split(/\s/); + + // sanitize the last uri + result += $$sanitizeUri(trim(lastTuple[0]), true); + + // and add the last descriptor if any + if (lastTuple.length === 2) { + result += (" " + trim(lastTuple[1])); + } + this[key] = value = result; + } + + if (writeAttr !== false) { + if (value === null || isUndefined(value)) { + this.$$element.removeAttr(attrName); + } else { + if (SIMPLE_ATTR_NAME.test(attrName)) { + this.$$element.attr(attrName, value); + } else { + setSpecialAttr(this.$$element[0], attrName, value); + } + } + } + + // fire observers + var $$observers = this.$$observers; + $$observers && forEach($$observers[observer], function(fn) { + try { + fn(value); + } catch (e) { + $exceptionHandler(e); + } + }); + }, + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $compile.directive.Attributes#$observe + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Observes an interpolated attribute. + * + * The observer function will be invoked once during the next `$digest` following + * compilation. The observer is then invoked whenever the interpolated value + * changes. + * + * @param {string} key Normalized key. (ie ngAttribute) . + * @param {function(interpolatedValue)} fn Function that will be called whenever + the interpolated value of the attribute changes. + * See the {@link guide/interpolation#how-text-and-attribute-bindings-work Interpolation + * guide} for more info. + * @returns {function()} Returns a deregistration function for this observer. + */ + $observe: function(key, fn) { + var attrs = this, + $$observers = (attrs.$$observers || (attrs.$$observers = createMap())), + listeners = ($$observers[key] || ($$observers[key] = [])); + + listeners.push(fn); + $rootScope.$evalAsync(function() { + if (!listeners.$$inter && attrs.hasOwnProperty(key) && !isUndefined(attrs[key])) { + // no one registered attribute interpolation function, so lets call it manually + fn(attrs[key]); + } + }); + + return function() { + arrayRemove(listeners, fn); + }; + } + }; + + function setSpecialAttr(element, attrName, value) { + // Attributes names that do not start with letters (such as `(click)`) cannot be set using `setAttribute` + // so we have to jump through some hoops to get such an attribute + // https://github.com/angular/angular.js/pull/13318 + specialAttrHolder.innerHTML = ""; + var attributes = specialAttrHolder.firstChild.attributes; + var attribute = attributes[0]; + // We have to remove the attribute from its container element before we can add it to the destination element + attributes.removeNamedItem(attribute.name); + attribute.value = value; + element.attributes.setNamedItem(attribute); + } + + function safeAddClass($element, className) { + try { + $element.addClass(className); + } catch (e) { + // ignore, since it means that we are trying to set class on + // SVG element, where class name is read-only. + } + } + + + var startSymbol = $interpolate.startSymbol(), + endSymbol = $interpolate.endSymbol(), + denormalizeTemplate = (startSymbol == '{{' && endSymbol == '}}') + ? identity + : function denormalizeTemplate(template) { + return template.replace(/\{\{/g, startSymbol).replace(/}}/g, endSymbol); + }, + NG_ATTR_BINDING = /^ngAttr[A-Z]/; + var MULTI_ELEMENT_DIR_RE = /^(.+)Start$/; + + compile.$$addBindingInfo = debugInfoEnabled ? function $$addBindingInfo($element, binding) { + var bindings = $element.data('$binding') || []; + + if (isArray(binding)) { + bindings = bindings.concat(binding); + } else { + bindings.push(binding); + } + + $element.data('$binding', bindings); + } : noop; + + compile.$$addBindingClass = debugInfoEnabled ? function $$addBindingClass($element) { + safeAddClass($element, 'ng-binding'); + } : noop; + + compile.$$addScopeInfo = debugInfoEnabled ? function $$addScopeInfo($element, scope, isolated, noTemplate) { + var dataName = isolated ? (noTemplate ? '$isolateScopeNoTemplate' : '$isolateScope') : '$scope'; + $element.data(dataName, scope); + } : noop; + + compile.$$addScopeClass = debugInfoEnabled ? function $$addScopeClass($element, isolated) { + safeAddClass($element, isolated ? 'ng-isolate-scope' : 'ng-scope'); + } : noop; + + compile.$$createComment = function(directiveName, comment) { + var content = ''; + if (debugInfoEnabled) { + content = ' ' + (directiveName || '') + ': ' + (comment || '') + ' '; + } + return window.document.createComment(content); + }; + + return compile; + + //================================ + + function compile($compileNodes, transcludeFn, maxPriority, ignoreDirective, + previousCompileContext) { + if (!($compileNodes instanceof jqLite)) { + // jquery always rewraps, whereas we need to preserve the original selector so that we can + // modify it. + $compileNodes = jqLite($compileNodes); + } + + var NOT_EMPTY = /\S+/; + + // We can not compile top level text elements since text nodes can be merged and we will + // not be able to attach scope data to them, so we will wrap them in + for (var i = 0, len = $compileNodes.length; i < len; i++) { + var domNode = $compileNodes[i]; + + if (domNode.nodeType === NODE_TYPE_TEXT && domNode.nodeValue.match(NOT_EMPTY) /* non-empty */) { + jqLiteWrapNode(domNode, $compileNodes[i] = window.document.createElement('span')); + } + } + + var compositeLinkFn = + compileNodes($compileNodes, transcludeFn, $compileNodes, + maxPriority, ignoreDirective, previousCompileContext); + compile.$$addScopeClass($compileNodes); + var namespace = null; + return function publicLinkFn(scope, cloneConnectFn, options) { + assertArg(scope, 'scope'); + + if (previousCompileContext && previousCompileContext.needsNewScope) { + // A parent directive did a replace and a directive on this element asked + // for transclusion, which caused us to lose a layer of element on which + // we could hold the new transclusion scope, so we will create it manually + // here. + scope = scope.$parent.$new(); + } + + options = options || {}; + var parentBoundTranscludeFn = options.parentBoundTranscludeFn, + transcludeControllers = options.transcludeControllers, + futureParentElement = options.futureParentElement; + + // When `parentBoundTranscludeFn` is passed, it is a + // `controllersBoundTransclude` function (it was previously passed + // as `transclude` to directive.link) so we must unwrap it to get + // its `boundTranscludeFn` + if (parentBoundTranscludeFn && parentBoundTranscludeFn.$$boundTransclude) { + parentBoundTranscludeFn = parentBoundTranscludeFn.$$boundTransclude; + } + + if (!namespace) { + namespace = detectNamespaceForChildElements(futureParentElement); + } + var $linkNode; + if (namespace !== 'html') { + // When using a directive with replace:true and templateUrl the $compileNodes + // (or a child element inside of them) + // might change, so we need to recreate the namespace adapted compileNodes + // for call to the link function. + // Note: This will already clone the nodes... + $linkNode = jqLite( + wrapTemplate(namespace, jqLite('
').append($compileNodes).html()) + ); + } else if (cloneConnectFn) { + // important!!: we must call our jqLite.clone() since the jQuery one is trying to be smart + // and sometimes changes the structure of the DOM. + $linkNode = JQLitePrototype.clone.call($compileNodes); + } else { + $linkNode = $compileNodes; + } + + if (transcludeControllers) { + for (var controllerName in transcludeControllers) { + $linkNode.data('$' + controllerName + 'Controller', transcludeControllers[controllerName].instance); + } + } + + compile.$$addScopeInfo($linkNode, scope); + + if (cloneConnectFn) cloneConnectFn($linkNode, scope); + if (compositeLinkFn) compositeLinkFn(scope, $linkNode, $linkNode, parentBoundTranscludeFn); + return $linkNode; + }; + } + + function detectNamespaceForChildElements(parentElement) { + // TODO: Make this detect MathML as well... + var node = parentElement && parentElement[0]; + if (!node) { + return 'html'; + } else { + return nodeName_(node) !== 'foreignobject' && toString.call(node).match(/SVG/) ? 'svg' : 'html'; + } + } + + /** + * Compile function matches each node in nodeList against the directives. Once all directives + * for a particular node are collected their compile functions are executed. The compile + * functions return values - the linking functions - are combined into a composite linking + * function, which is the a linking function for the node. + * + * @param {NodeList} nodeList an array of nodes or NodeList to compile + * @param {function(angular.Scope, cloneAttachFn=)} transcludeFn A linking function, where the + * scope argument is auto-generated to the new child of the transcluded parent scope. + * @param {DOMElement=} $rootElement If the nodeList is the root of the compilation tree then + * the rootElement must be set the jqLite collection of the compile root. This is + * needed so that the jqLite collection items can be replaced with widgets. + * @param {number=} maxPriority Max directive priority. + * @returns {Function} A composite linking function of all of the matched directives or null. + */ + function compileNodes(nodeList, transcludeFn, $rootElement, maxPriority, ignoreDirective, + previousCompileContext) { + var linkFns = [], + attrs, directives, nodeLinkFn, childNodes, childLinkFn, linkFnFound, nodeLinkFnFound; + + for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) { + attrs = new Attributes(); + + // we must always refer to nodeList[i] since the nodes can be replaced underneath us. + directives = collectDirectives(nodeList[i], [], attrs, i === 0 ? maxPriority : undefined, + ignoreDirective); + + nodeLinkFn = (directives.length) + ? applyDirectivesToNode(directives, nodeList[i], attrs, transcludeFn, $rootElement, + null, [], [], previousCompileContext) + : null; + + if (nodeLinkFn && nodeLinkFn.scope) { + compile.$$addScopeClass(attrs.$$element); + } + + childLinkFn = (nodeLinkFn && nodeLinkFn.terminal || + !(childNodes = nodeList[i].childNodes) || + !childNodes.length) + ? null + : compileNodes(childNodes, + nodeLinkFn ? ( + (nodeLinkFn.transcludeOnThisElement || !nodeLinkFn.templateOnThisElement) + && nodeLinkFn.transclude) : transcludeFn); + + if (nodeLinkFn || childLinkFn) { + linkFns.push(i, nodeLinkFn, childLinkFn); + linkFnFound = true; + nodeLinkFnFound = nodeLinkFnFound || nodeLinkFn; + } + + //use the previous context only for the first element in the virtual group + previousCompileContext = null; + } + + // return a linking function if we have found anything, null otherwise + return linkFnFound ? compositeLinkFn : null; + + function compositeLinkFn(scope, nodeList, $rootElement, parentBoundTranscludeFn) { + var nodeLinkFn, childLinkFn, node, childScope, i, ii, idx, childBoundTranscludeFn; + var stableNodeList; + + + if (nodeLinkFnFound) { + // copy nodeList so that if a nodeLinkFn removes or adds an element at this DOM level our + // offsets don't get screwed up + var nodeListLength = nodeList.length; + stableNodeList = new Array(nodeListLength); + + // create a sparse array by only copying the elements which have a linkFn + for (i = 0; i < linkFns.length; i+=3) { + idx = linkFns[i]; + stableNodeList[idx] = nodeList[idx]; + } + } else { + stableNodeList = nodeList; + } + + for (i = 0, ii = linkFns.length; i < ii;) { + node = stableNodeList[linkFns[i++]]; + nodeLinkFn = linkFns[i++]; + childLinkFn = linkFns[i++]; + + if (nodeLinkFn) { + if (nodeLinkFn.scope) { + childScope = scope.$new(); + compile.$$addScopeInfo(jqLite(node), childScope); + } else { + childScope = scope; + } + + if (nodeLinkFn.transcludeOnThisElement) { + childBoundTranscludeFn = createBoundTranscludeFn( + scope, nodeLinkFn.transclude, parentBoundTranscludeFn); + + } else if (!nodeLinkFn.templateOnThisElement && parentBoundTranscludeFn) { + childBoundTranscludeFn = parentBoundTranscludeFn; + + } else if (!parentBoundTranscludeFn && transcludeFn) { + childBoundTranscludeFn = createBoundTranscludeFn(scope, transcludeFn); + + } else { + childBoundTranscludeFn = null; + } + + nodeLinkFn(childLinkFn, childScope, node, $rootElement, childBoundTranscludeFn); + + } else if (childLinkFn) { + childLinkFn(scope, node.childNodes, undefined, parentBoundTranscludeFn); + } + } + } + } + + function createBoundTranscludeFn(scope, transcludeFn, previousBoundTranscludeFn) { + function boundTranscludeFn(transcludedScope, cloneFn, controllers, futureParentElement, containingScope) { + + if (!transcludedScope) { + transcludedScope = scope.$new(false, containingScope); + transcludedScope.$$transcluded = true; + } + + return transcludeFn(transcludedScope, cloneFn, { + parentBoundTranscludeFn: previousBoundTranscludeFn, + transcludeControllers: controllers, + futureParentElement: futureParentElement + }); + } + + // We need to attach the transclusion slots onto the `boundTranscludeFn` + // so that they are available inside the `controllersBoundTransclude` function + var boundSlots = boundTranscludeFn.$$slots = createMap(); + for (var slotName in transcludeFn.$$slots) { + if (transcludeFn.$$slots[slotName]) { + boundSlots[slotName] = createBoundTranscludeFn(scope, transcludeFn.$$slots[slotName], previousBoundTranscludeFn); + } else { + boundSlots[slotName] = null; + } + } + + return boundTranscludeFn; + } + + /** + * Looks for directives on the given node and adds them to the directive collection which is + * sorted. + * + * @param node Node to search. + * @param directives An array to which the directives are added to. This array is sorted before + * the function returns. + * @param attrs The shared attrs object which is used to populate the normalized attributes. + * @param {number=} maxPriority Max directive priority. + */ + function collectDirectives(node, directives, attrs, maxPriority, ignoreDirective) { + var nodeType = node.nodeType, + attrsMap = attrs.$attr, + match, + className; + + switch (nodeType) { + case NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT: /* Element */ + // use the node name: + addDirective(directives, + directiveNormalize(nodeName_(node)), 'E', maxPriority, ignoreDirective); + + // iterate over the attributes + for (var attr, name, nName, ngAttrName, value, isNgAttr, nAttrs = node.attributes, + j = 0, jj = nAttrs && nAttrs.length; j < jj; j++) { + var attrStartName = false; + var attrEndName = false; + + attr = nAttrs[j]; + name = attr.name; + value = trim(attr.value); + + // support ngAttr attribute binding + ngAttrName = directiveNormalize(name); + if (isNgAttr = NG_ATTR_BINDING.test(ngAttrName)) { + name = name.replace(PREFIX_REGEXP, '') + .substr(8).replace(/_(.)/g, function(match, letter) { + return letter.toUpperCase(); + }); + } + + var multiElementMatch = ngAttrName.match(MULTI_ELEMENT_DIR_RE); + if (multiElementMatch && directiveIsMultiElement(multiElementMatch[1])) { + attrStartName = name; + attrEndName = name.substr(0, name.length - 5) + 'end'; + name = name.substr(0, name.length - 6); + } + + nName = directiveNormalize(name.toLowerCase()); + attrsMap[nName] = name; + if (isNgAttr || !attrs.hasOwnProperty(nName)) { + attrs[nName] = value; + if (getBooleanAttrName(node, nName)) { + attrs[nName] = true; // presence means true + } + } + addAttrInterpolateDirective(node, directives, value, nName, isNgAttr); + addDirective(directives, nName, 'A', maxPriority, ignoreDirective, attrStartName, + attrEndName); + } + + // use class as directive + className = node.className; + if (isObject(className)) { + // Maybe SVGAnimatedString + className = className.animVal; + } + if (isString(className) && className !== '') { + while (match = CLASS_DIRECTIVE_REGEXP.exec(className)) { + nName = directiveNormalize(match[2]); + if (addDirective(directives, nName, 'C', maxPriority, ignoreDirective)) { + attrs[nName] = trim(match[3]); + } + className = className.substr(match.index + match[0].length); + } + } + break; + case NODE_TYPE_TEXT: /* Text Node */ + if (msie === 11) { + // Workaround for #11781 + while (node.parentNode && node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeType === NODE_TYPE_TEXT) { + node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue + node.nextSibling.nodeValue; + node.parentNode.removeChild(node.nextSibling); + } + } + addTextInterpolateDirective(directives, node.nodeValue); + break; + case NODE_TYPE_COMMENT: /* Comment */ + try { + match = COMMENT_DIRECTIVE_REGEXP.exec(node.nodeValue); + if (match) { + nName = directiveNormalize(match[1]); + if (addDirective(directives, nName, 'M', maxPriority, ignoreDirective)) { + attrs[nName] = trim(match[2]); + } + } + } catch (e) { + // turns out that under some circumstances IE9 throws errors when one attempts to read + // comment's node value. + // Just ignore it and continue. (Can't seem to reproduce in test case.) + } + break; + } + + directives.sort(byPriority); + return directives; + } + + /** + * Given a node with an directive-start it collects all of the siblings until it finds + * directive-end. + * @param node + * @param attrStart + * @param attrEnd + * @returns {*} + */ + function groupScan(node, attrStart, attrEnd) { + var nodes = []; + var depth = 0; + if (attrStart && node.hasAttribute && node.hasAttribute(attrStart)) { + do { + if (!node) { + throw $compileMinErr('uterdir', + "Unterminated attribute, found '{0}' but no matching '{1}' found.", + attrStart, attrEnd); + } + if (node.nodeType == NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT) { + if (node.hasAttribute(attrStart)) depth++; + if (node.hasAttribute(attrEnd)) depth--; + } + nodes.push(node); + node = node.nextSibling; + } while (depth > 0); + } else { + nodes.push(node); + } + + return jqLite(nodes); + } + + /** + * Wrapper for linking function which converts normal linking function into a grouped + * linking function. + * @param linkFn + * @param attrStart + * @param attrEnd + * @returns {Function} + */ + function groupElementsLinkFnWrapper(linkFn, attrStart, attrEnd) { + return function groupedElementsLink(scope, element, attrs, controllers, transcludeFn) { + element = groupScan(element[0], attrStart, attrEnd); + return linkFn(scope, element, attrs, controllers, transcludeFn); + }; + } + + /** + * A function generator that is used to support both eager and lazy compilation + * linking function. + * @param eager + * @param $compileNodes + * @param transcludeFn + * @param maxPriority + * @param ignoreDirective + * @param previousCompileContext + * @returns {Function} + */ + function compilationGenerator(eager, $compileNodes, transcludeFn, maxPriority, ignoreDirective, previousCompileContext) { + var compiled; + + if (eager) { + return compile($compileNodes, transcludeFn, maxPriority, ignoreDirective, previousCompileContext); + } + return function lazyCompilation() { + if (!compiled) { + compiled = compile($compileNodes, transcludeFn, maxPriority, ignoreDirective, previousCompileContext); + + // Null out all of these references in order to make them eligible for garbage collection + // since this is a potentially long lived closure + $compileNodes = transcludeFn = previousCompileContext = null; + } + return compiled.apply(this, arguments); + }; + } + + /** + * Once the directives have been collected, their compile functions are executed. This method + * is responsible for inlining directive templates as well as terminating the application + * of the directives if the terminal directive has been reached. + * + * @param {Array} directives Array of collected directives to execute their compile function. + * this needs to be pre-sorted by priority order. + * @param {Node} compileNode The raw DOM node to apply the compile functions to + * @param {Object} templateAttrs The shared attribute function + * @param {function(angular.Scope, cloneAttachFn=)} transcludeFn A linking function, where the + * scope argument is auto-generated to the new + * child of the transcluded parent scope. + * @param {JQLite} jqCollection If we are working on the root of the compile tree then this + * argument has the root jqLite array so that we can replace nodes + * on it. + * @param {Object=} originalReplaceDirective An optional directive that will be ignored when + * compiling the transclusion. + * @param {Array.} preLinkFns + * @param {Array.} postLinkFns + * @param {Object} previousCompileContext Context used for previous compilation of the current + * node + * @returns {Function} linkFn + */ + function applyDirectivesToNode(directives, compileNode, templateAttrs, transcludeFn, + jqCollection, originalReplaceDirective, preLinkFns, postLinkFns, + previousCompileContext) { + previousCompileContext = previousCompileContext || {}; + + var terminalPriority = -Number.MAX_VALUE, + newScopeDirective = previousCompileContext.newScopeDirective, + controllerDirectives = previousCompileContext.controllerDirectives, + newIsolateScopeDirective = previousCompileContext.newIsolateScopeDirective, + templateDirective = previousCompileContext.templateDirective, + nonTlbTranscludeDirective = previousCompileContext.nonTlbTranscludeDirective, + hasTranscludeDirective = false, + hasTemplate = false, + hasElementTranscludeDirective = previousCompileContext.hasElementTranscludeDirective, + $compileNode = templateAttrs.$$element = jqLite(compileNode), + directive, + directiveName, + $template, + replaceDirective = originalReplaceDirective, + childTranscludeFn = transcludeFn, + linkFn, + didScanForMultipleTransclusion = false, + mightHaveMultipleTransclusionError = false, + directiveValue; + + // executes all directives on the current element + for (var i = 0, ii = directives.length; i < ii; i++) { + directive = directives[i]; + var attrStart = directive.$$start; + var attrEnd = directive.$$end; + + // collect multiblock sections + if (attrStart) { + $compileNode = groupScan(compileNode, attrStart, attrEnd); + } + $template = undefined; + + if (terminalPriority > directive.priority) { + break; // prevent further processing of directives + } + + if (directiveValue = directive.scope) { + + // skip the check for directives with async templates, we'll check the derived sync + // directive when the template arrives + if (!directive.templateUrl) { + if (isObject(directiveValue)) { + // This directive is trying to add an isolated scope. + // Check that there is no scope of any kind already + assertNoDuplicate('new/isolated scope', newIsolateScopeDirective || newScopeDirective, + directive, $compileNode); + newIsolateScopeDirective = directive; + } else { + // This directive is trying to add a child scope. + // Check that there is no isolated scope already + assertNoDuplicate('new/isolated scope', newIsolateScopeDirective, directive, + $compileNode); + } + } + + newScopeDirective = newScopeDirective || directive; + } + + directiveName = directive.name; + + // If we encounter a condition that can result in transclusion on the directive, + // then scan ahead in the remaining directives for others that may cause a multiple + // transclusion error to be thrown during the compilation process. If a matching directive + // is found, then we know that when we encounter a transcluded directive, we need to eagerly + // compile the `transclude` function rather than doing it lazily in order to throw + // exceptions at the correct time + if (!didScanForMultipleTransclusion && ((directive.replace && (directive.templateUrl || directive.template)) + || (directive.transclude && !directive.$$tlb))) { + var candidateDirective; + + for (var scanningIndex = i + 1; candidateDirective = directives[scanningIndex++];) { + if ((candidateDirective.transclude && !candidateDirective.$$tlb) + || (candidateDirective.replace && (candidateDirective.templateUrl || candidateDirective.template))) { + mightHaveMultipleTransclusionError = true; + break; + } + } + + didScanForMultipleTransclusion = true; + } + + if (!directive.templateUrl && directive.controller) { + directiveValue = directive.controller; + controllerDirectives = controllerDirectives || createMap(); + assertNoDuplicate("'" + directiveName + "' controller", + controllerDirectives[directiveName], directive, $compileNode); + controllerDirectives[directiveName] = directive; + } + + if (directiveValue = directive.transclude) { + hasTranscludeDirective = true; + + // Special case ngIf and ngRepeat so that we don't complain about duplicate transclusion. + // This option should only be used by directives that know how to safely handle element transclusion, + // where the transcluded nodes are added or replaced after linking. + if (!directive.$$tlb) { + assertNoDuplicate('transclusion', nonTlbTranscludeDirective, directive, $compileNode); + nonTlbTranscludeDirective = directive; + } + + if (directiveValue == 'element') { + hasElementTranscludeDirective = true; + terminalPriority = directive.priority; + $template = $compileNode; + $compileNode = templateAttrs.$$element = + jqLite(compile.$$createComment(directiveName, templateAttrs[directiveName])); + compileNode = $compileNode[0]; + replaceWith(jqCollection, sliceArgs($template), compileNode); + + // Support: Chrome < 50 + // https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/14041 + + // In the versions of V8 prior to Chrome 50, the document fragment that is created + // in the `replaceWith` function is improperly garbage collected despite still + // being referenced by the `parentNode` property of all of the child nodes. By adding + // a reference to the fragment via a different property, we can avoid that incorrect + // behavior. + // TODO: remove this line after Chrome 50 has been released + $template[0].$$parentNode = $template[0].parentNode; + + childTranscludeFn = compilationGenerator(mightHaveMultipleTransclusionError, $template, transcludeFn, terminalPriority, + replaceDirective && replaceDirective.name, { + // Don't pass in: + // - controllerDirectives - otherwise we'll create duplicates controllers + // - newIsolateScopeDirective or templateDirective - combining templates with + // element transclusion doesn't make sense. + // + // We need only nonTlbTranscludeDirective so that we prevent putting transclusion + // on the same element more than once. + nonTlbTranscludeDirective: nonTlbTranscludeDirective + }); + } else { + + var slots = createMap(); + + $template = jqLite(jqLiteClone(compileNode)).contents(); + + if (isObject(directiveValue)) { + + // We have transclusion slots, + // collect them up, compile them and store their transclusion functions + $template = []; + + var slotMap = createMap(); + var filledSlots = createMap(); + + // Parse the element selectors + forEach(directiveValue, function(elementSelector, slotName) { + // If an element selector starts with a ? then it is optional + var optional = (elementSelector.charAt(0) === '?'); + elementSelector = optional ? elementSelector.substring(1) : elementSelector; + + slotMap[elementSelector] = slotName; + + // We explicitly assign `null` since this implies that a slot was defined but not filled. + // Later when calling boundTransclusion functions with a slot name we only error if the + // slot is `undefined` + slots[slotName] = null; + + // filledSlots contains `true` for all slots that are either optional or have been + // filled. This is used to check that we have not missed any required slots + filledSlots[slotName] = optional; + }); + + // Add the matching elements into their slot + forEach($compileNode.contents(), function(node) { + var slotName = slotMap[directiveNormalize(nodeName_(node))]; + if (slotName) { + filledSlots[slotName] = true; + slots[slotName] = slots[slotName] || []; + slots[slotName].push(node); + } else { + $template.push(node); + } + }); + + // Check for required slots that were not filled + forEach(filledSlots, function(filled, slotName) { + if (!filled) { + throw $compileMinErr('reqslot', 'Required transclusion slot `{0}` was not filled.', slotName); + } + }); + + for (var slotName in slots) { + if (slots[slotName]) { + // Only define a transclusion function if the slot was filled + slots[slotName] = compilationGenerator(mightHaveMultipleTransclusionError, slots[slotName], transcludeFn); + } + } + } + + $compileNode.empty(); // clear contents + childTranscludeFn = compilationGenerator(mightHaveMultipleTransclusionError, $template, transcludeFn, undefined, + undefined, { needsNewScope: directive.$$isolateScope || directive.$$newScope}); + childTranscludeFn.$$slots = slots; + } + } + + if (directive.template) { + hasTemplate = true; + assertNoDuplicate('template', templateDirective, directive, $compileNode); + templateDirective = directive; + + directiveValue = (isFunction(directive.template)) + ? directive.template($compileNode, templateAttrs) + : directive.template; + + directiveValue = denormalizeTemplate(directiveValue); + + if (directive.replace) { + replaceDirective = directive; + if (jqLiteIsTextNode(directiveValue)) { + $template = []; + } else { + $template = removeComments(wrapTemplate(directive.templateNamespace, trim(directiveValue))); + } + compileNode = $template[0]; + + if ($template.length != 1 || compileNode.nodeType !== NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT) { + throw $compileMinErr('tplrt', + "Template for directive '{0}' must have exactly one root element. {1}", + directiveName, ''); + } + + replaceWith(jqCollection, $compileNode, compileNode); + + var newTemplateAttrs = {$attr: {}}; + + // combine directives from the original node and from the template: + // - take the array of directives for this element + // - split it into two parts, those that already applied (processed) and those that weren't (unprocessed) + // - collect directives from the template and sort them by priority + // - combine directives as: processed + template + unprocessed + var templateDirectives = collectDirectives(compileNode, [], newTemplateAttrs); + var unprocessedDirectives = directives.splice(i + 1, directives.length - (i + 1)); + + if (newIsolateScopeDirective || newScopeDirective) { + // The original directive caused the current element to be replaced but this element + // also needs to have a new scope, so we need to tell the template directives + // that they would need to get their scope from further up, if they require transclusion + markDirectiveScope(templateDirectives, newIsolateScopeDirective, newScopeDirective); + } + directives = directives.concat(templateDirectives).concat(unprocessedDirectives); + mergeTemplateAttributes(templateAttrs, newTemplateAttrs); + + ii = directives.length; + } else { + $compileNode.html(directiveValue); + } + } + + if (directive.templateUrl) { + hasTemplate = true; + assertNoDuplicate('template', templateDirective, directive, $compileNode); + templateDirective = directive; + + if (directive.replace) { + replaceDirective = directive; + } + + /* jshint -W021 */ + nodeLinkFn = compileTemplateUrl(directives.splice(i, directives.length - i), $compileNode, + /* jshint +W021 */ + templateAttrs, jqCollection, hasTranscludeDirective && childTranscludeFn, preLinkFns, postLinkFns, { + controllerDirectives: controllerDirectives, + newScopeDirective: (newScopeDirective !== directive) && newScopeDirective, + newIsolateScopeDirective: newIsolateScopeDirective, + templateDirective: templateDirective, + nonTlbTranscludeDirective: nonTlbTranscludeDirective + }); + ii = directives.length; + } else if (directive.compile) { + try { + linkFn = directive.compile($compileNode, templateAttrs, childTranscludeFn); + if (isFunction(linkFn)) { + addLinkFns(null, linkFn, attrStart, attrEnd); + } else if (linkFn) { + addLinkFns(linkFn.pre, linkFn.post, attrStart, attrEnd); + } + } catch (e) { + $exceptionHandler(e, startingTag($compileNode)); + } + } + + if (directive.terminal) { + nodeLinkFn.terminal = true; + terminalPriority = Math.max(terminalPriority, directive.priority); + } + + } + + nodeLinkFn.scope = newScopeDirective && newScopeDirective.scope === true; + nodeLinkFn.transcludeOnThisElement = hasTranscludeDirective; + nodeLinkFn.templateOnThisElement = hasTemplate; + nodeLinkFn.transclude = childTranscludeFn; + + previousCompileContext.hasElementTranscludeDirective = hasElementTranscludeDirective; + + // might be normal or delayed nodeLinkFn depending on if templateUrl is present + return nodeLinkFn; + + //////////////////// + + function addLinkFns(pre, post, attrStart, attrEnd) { + if (pre) { + if (attrStart) pre = groupElementsLinkFnWrapper(pre, attrStart, attrEnd); + pre.require = directive.require; + pre.directiveName = directiveName; + if (newIsolateScopeDirective === directive || directive.$$isolateScope) { + pre = cloneAndAnnotateFn(pre, {isolateScope: true}); + } + preLinkFns.push(pre); + } + if (post) { + if (attrStart) post = groupElementsLinkFnWrapper(post, attrStart, attrEnd); + post.require = directive.require; + post.directiveName = directiveName; + if (newIsolateScopeDirective === directive || directive.$$isolateScope) { + post = cloneAndAnnotateFn(post, {isolateScope: true}); + } + postLinkFns.push(post); + } + } + + function nodeLinkFn(childLinkFn, scope, linkNode, $rootElement, boundTranscludeFn) { + var i, ii, linkFn, isolateScope, controllerScope, elementControllers, transcludeFn, $element, + attrs, scopeBindingInfo; + + if (compileNode === linkNode) { + attrs = templateAttrs; + $element = templateAttrs.$$element; + } else { + $element = jqLite(linkNode); + attrs = new Attributes($element, templateAttrs); + } + + controllerScope = scope; + if (newIsolateScopeDirective) { + isolateScope = scope.$new(true); + } else if (newScopeDirective) { + controllerScope = scope.$parent; + } + + if (boundTranscludeFn) { + // track `boundTranscludeFn` so it can be unwrapped if `transcludeFn` + // is later passed as `parentBoundTranscludeFn` to `publicLinkFn` + transcludeFn = controllersBoundTransclude; + transcludeFn.$$boundTransclude = boundTranscludeFn; + // expose the slots on the `$transclude` function + transcludeFn.isSlotFilled = function(slotName) { + return !!boundTranscludeFn.$$slots[slotName]; + }; + } + + if (controllerDirectives) { + elementControllers = setupControllers($element, attrs, transcludeFn, controllerDirectives, isolateScope, scope, newIsolateScopeDirective); + } + + if (newIsolateScopeDirective) { + // Initialize isolate scope bindings for new isolate scope directive. + compile.$$addScopeInfo($element, isolateScope, true, !(templateDirective && (templateDirective === newIsolateScopeDirective || + templateDirective === newIsolateScopeDirective.$$originalDirective))); + compile.$$addScopeClass($element, true); + isolateScope.$$isolateBindings = + newIsolateScopeDirective.$$isolateBindings; + scopeBindingInfo = initializeDirectiveBindings(scope, attrs, isolateScope, + isolateScope.$$isolateBindings, + newIsolateScopeDirective); + if (scopeBindingInfo.removeWatches) { + isolateScope.$on('$destroy', scopeBindingInfo.removeWatches); + } + } + + // Initialize bindToController bindings + for (var name in elementControllers) { + var controllerDirective = controllerDirectives[name]; + var controller = elementControllers[name]; + var bindings = controllerDirective.$$bindings.bindToController; + + if (controller.identifier && bindings) { + controller.bindingInfo = + initializeDirectiveBindings(controllerScope, attrs, controller.instance, bindings, controllerDirective); + } else { + controller.bindingInfo = {}; + } + + var controllerResult = controller(); + if (controllerResult !== controller.instance) { + // If the controller constructor has a return value, overwrite the instance + // from setupControllers + controller.instance = controllerResult; + $element.data('$' + controllerDirective.name + 'Controller', controllerResult); + controller.bindingInfo.removeWatches && controller.bindingInfo.removeWatches(); + controller.bindingInfo = + initializeDirectiveBindings(controllerScope, attrs, controller.instance, bindings, controllerDirective); + } + } + + // Bind the required controllers to the controller, if `require` is an object and `bindToController` is truthy + forEach(controllerDirectives, function(controllerDirective, name) { + var require = controllerDirective.require; + if (controllerDirective.bindToController && !isArray(require) && isObject(require)) { + extend(elementControllers[name].instance, getControllers(name, require, $element, elementControllers)); + } + }); + + // Handle the init and destroy lifecycle hooks on all controllers that have them + forEach(elementControllers, function(controller) { + var controllerInstance = controller.instance; + if (isFunction(controllerInstance.$onChanges)) { + controllerInstance.$onChanges(controller.bindingInfo.initialChanges); + } + if (isFunction(controllerInstance.$onInit)) { + controllerInstance.$onInit(); + } + if (isFunction(controllerInstance.$onDestroy)) { + controllerScope.$on('$destroy', function callOnDestroyHook() { + controllerInstance.$onDestroy(); + }); + } + }); + + // PRELINKING + for (i = 0, ii = preLinkFns.length; i < ii; i++) { + linkFn = preLinkFns[i]; + invokeLinkFn(linkFn, + linkFn.isolateScope ? isolateScope : scope, + $element, + attrs, + linkFn.require && getControllers(linkFn.directiveName, linkFn.require, $element, elementControllers), + transcludeFn + ); + } + + // RECURSION + // We only pass the isolate scope, if the isolate directive has a template, + // otherwise the child elements do not belong to the isolate directive. + var scopeToChild = scope; + if (newIsolateScopeDirective && (newIsolateScopeDirective.template || newIsolateScopeDirective.templateUrl === null)) { + scopeToChild = isolateScope; + } + childLinkFn && childLinkFn(scopeToChild, linkNode.childNodes, undefined, boundTranscludeFn); + + // POSTLINKING + for (i = postLinkFns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + linkFn = postLinkFns[i]; + invokeLinkFn(linkFn, + linkFn.isolateScope ? isolateScope : scope, + $element, + attrs, + linkFn.require && getControllers(linkFn.directiveName, linkFn.require, $element, elementControllers), + transcludeFn + ); + } + + // Trigger $postLink lifecycle hooks + forEach(elementControllers, function(controller) { + var controllerInstance = controller.instance; + if (isFunction(controllerInstance.$postLink)) { + controllerInstance.$postLink(); + } + }); + + // This is the function that is injected as `$transclude`. + // Note: all arguments are optional! + function controllersBoundTransclude(scope, cloneAttachFn, futureParentElement, slotName) { + var transcludeControllers; + // No scope passed in: + if (!isScope(scope)) { + slotName = futureParentElement; + futureParentElement = cloneAttachFn; + cloneAttachFn = scope; + scope = undefined; + } + + if (hasElementTranscludeDirective) { + transcludeControllers = elementControllers; + } + if (!futureParentElement) { + futureParentElement = hasElementTranscludeDirective ? $element.parent() : $element; + } + if (slotName) { + // slotTranscludeFn can be one of three things: + // * a transclude function - a filled slot + // * `null` - an optional slot that was not filled + // * `undefined` - a slot that was not declared (i.e. invalid) + var slotTranscludeFn = boundTranscludeFn.$$slots[slotName]; + if (slotTranscludeFn) { + return slotTranscludeFn(scope, cloneAttachFn, transcludeControllers, futureParentElement, scopeToChild); + } else if (isUndefined(slotTranscludeFn)) { + throw $compileMinErr('noslot', + 'No parent directive that requires a transclusion with slot name "{0}". ' + + 'Element: {1}', + slotName, startingTag($element)); + } + } else { + return boundTranscludeFn(scope, cloneAttachFn, transcludeControllers, futureParentElement, scopeToChild); + } + } + } + } + + function getControllers(directiveName, require, $element, elementControllers) { + var value; + + if (isString(require)) { + var match = require.match(REQUIRE_PREFIX_REGEXP); + var name = require.substring(match[0].length); + var inheritType = match[1] || match[3]; + var optional = match[2] === '?'; + + //If only parents then start at the parent element + if (inheritType === '^^') { + $element = $element.parent(); + //Otherwise attempt getting the controller from elementControllers in case + //the element is transcluded (and has no data) and to avoid .data if possible + } else { + value = elementControllers && elementControllers[name]; + value = value && value.instance; + } + + if (!value) { + var dataName = '$' + name + 'Controller'; + value = inheritType ? $element.inheritedData(dataName) : $element.data(dataName); + } + + if (!value && !optional) { + throw $compileMinErr('ctreq', + "Controller '{0}', required by directive '{1}', can't be found!", + name, directiveName); + } + } else if (isArray(require)) { + value = []; + for (var i = 0, ii = require.length; i < ii; i++) { + value[i] = getControllers(directiveName, require[i], $element, elementControllers); + } + } else if (isObject(require)) { + value = {}; + forEach(require, function(controller, property) { + value[property] = getControllers(directiveName, controller, $element, elementControllers); + }); + } + + return value || null; + } + + function setupControllers($element, attrs, transcludeFn, controllerDirectives, isolateScope, scope, newIsolateScopeDirective) { + var elementControllers = createMap(); + for (var controllerKey in controllerDirectives) { + var directive = controllerDirectives[controllerKey]; + var locals = { + $scope: directive === newIsolateScopeDirective || directive.$$isolateScope ? isolateScope : scope, + $element: $element, + $attrs: attrs, + $transclude: transcludeFn + }; + + var controller = directive.controller; + if (controller == '@') { + controller = attrs[directive.name]; + } + + var controllerInstance = $controller(controller, locals, true, directive.controllerAs); + + // For directives with element transclusion the element is a comment. + // In this case .data will not attach any data. + // Instead, we save the controllers for the element in a local hash and attach to .data + // later, once we have the actual element. + elementControllers[directive.name] = controllerInstance; + $element.data('$' + directive.name + 'Controller', controllerInstance.instance); + } + return elementControllers; + } + + // Depending upon the context in which a directive finds itself it might need to have a new isolated + // or child scope created. For instance: + // * if the directive has been pulled into a template because another directive with a higher priority + // asked for element transclusion + // * if the directive itself asks for transclusion but it is at the root of a template and the original + // element was replaced. See https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/12936 + function markDirectiveScope(directives, isolateScope, newScope) { + for (var j = 0, jj = directives.length; j < jj; j++) { + directives[j] = inherit(directives[j], {$$isolateScope: isolateScope, $$newScope: newScope}); + } + } + + /** + * looks up the directive and decorates it with exception handling and proper parameters. We + * call this the boundDirective. + * + * @param {string} name name of the directive to look up. + * @param {string} location The directive must be found in specific format. + * String containing any of theses characters: + * + * * `E`: element name + * * `A': attribute + * * `C`: class + * * `M`: comment + * @returns {boolean} true if directive was added. + */ + function addDirective(tDirectives, name, location, maxPriority, ignoreDirective, startAttrName, + endAttrName) { + if (name === ignoreDirective) return null; + var match = null; + if (hasDirectives.hasOwnProperty(name)) { + for (var directive, directives = $injector.get(name + Suffix), + i = 0, ii = directives.length; i < ii; i++) { + try { + directive = directives[i]; + if ((isUndefined(maxPriority) || maxPriority > directive.priority) && + directive.restrict.indexOf(location) != -1) { + if (startAttrName) { + directive = inherit(directive, {$$start: startAttrName, $$end: endAttrName}); + } + if (!directive.$$bindings) { + var bindings = directive.$$bindings = + parseDirectiveBindings(directive, directive.name); + if (isObject(bindings.isolateScope)) { + directive.$$isolateBindings = bindings.isolateScope; + } + } + tDirectives.push(directive); + match = directive; + } + } catch (e) { $exceptionHandler(e); } + } + } + return match; + } + + + /** + * looks up the directive and returns true if it is a multi-element directive, + * and therefore requires DOM nodes between -start and -end markers to be grouped + * together. + * + * @param {string} name name of the directive to look up. + * @returns true if directive was registered as multi-element. + */ + function directiveIsMultiElement(name) { + if (hasDirectives.hasOwnProperty(name)) { + for (var directive, directives = $injector.get(name + Suffix), + i = 0, ii = directives.length; i < ii; i++) { + directive = directives[i]; + if (directive.multiElement) { + return true; + } + } + } + return false; + } + + /** + * When the element is replaced with HTML template then the new attributes + * on the template need to be merged with the existing attributes in the DOM. + * The desired effect is to have both of the attributes present. + * + * @param {object} dst destination attributes (original DOM) + * @param {object} src source attributes (from the directive template) + */ + function mergeTemplateAttributes(dst, src) { + var srcAttr = src.$attr, + dstAttr = dst.$attr, + $element = dst.$$element; + + // reapply the old attributes to the new element + forEach(dst, function(value, key) { + if (key.charAt(0) != '$') { + if (src[key] && src[key] !== value) { + value += (key === 'style' ? ';' : ' ') + src[key]; + } + dst.$set(key, value, true, srcAttr[key]); + } + }); + + // copy the new attributes on the old attrs object + forEach(src, function(value, key) { + if (key == 'class') { + safeAddClass($element, value); + dst['class'] = (dst['class'] ? dst['class'] + ' ' : '') + value; + } else if (key == 'style') { + $element.attr('style', $element.attr('style') + ';' + value); + dst['style'] = (dst['style'] ? dst['style'] + ';' : '') + value; + // `dst` will never contain hasOwnProperty as DOM parser won't let it. + // You will get an "InvalidCharacterError: DOM Exception 5" error if you + // have an attribute like "has-own-property" or "data-has-own-property", etc. + } else if (key.charAt(0) != '$' && !dst.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + dst[key] = value; + dstAttr[key] = srcAttr[key]; + } + }); + } + + + function compileTemplateUrl(directives, $compileNode, tAttrs, + $rootElement, childTranscludeFn, preLinkFns, postLinkFns, previousCompileContext) { + var linkQueue = [], + afterTemplateNodeLinkFn, + afterTemplateChildLinkFn, + beforeTemplateCompileNode = $compileNode[0], + origAsyncDirective = directives.shift(), + derivedSyncDirective = inherit(origAsyncDirective, { + templateUrl: null, transclude: null, replace: null, $$originalDirective: origAsyncDirective + }), + templateUrl = (isFunction(origAsyncDirective.templateUrl)) + ? origAsyncDirective.templateUrl($compileNode, tAttrs) + : origAsyncDirective.templateUrl, + templateNamespace = origAsyncDirective.templateNamespace; + + $compileNode.empty(); + + $templateRequest(templateUrl) + .then(function(content) { + var compileNode, tempTemplateAttrs, $template, childBoundTranscludeFn; + + content = denormalizeTemplate(content); + + if (origAsyncDirective.replace) { + if (jqLiteIsTextNode(content)) { + $template = []; + } else { + $template = removeComments(wrapTemplate(templateNamespace, trim(content))); + } + compileNode = $template[0]; + + if ($template.length != 1 || compileNode.nodeType !== NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT) { + throw $compileMinErr('tplrt', + "Template for directive '{0}' must have exactly one root element. {1}", + origAsyncDirective.name, templateUrl); + } + + tempTemplateAttrs = {$attr: {}}; + replaceWith($rootElement, $compileNode, compileNode); + var templateDirectives = collectDirectives(compileNode, [], tempTemplateAttrs); + + if (isObject(origAsyncDirective.scope)) { + // the original directive that caused the template to be loaded async required + // an isolate scope + markDirectiveScope(templateDirectives, true); + } + directives = templateDirectives.concat(directives); + mergeTemplateAttributes(tAttrs, tempTemplateAttrs); + } else { + compileNode = beforeTemplateCompileNode; + $compileNode.html(content); + } + + directives.unshift(derivedSyncDirective); + + afterTemplateNodeLinkFn = applyDirectivesToNode(directives, compileNode, tAttrs, + childTranscludeFn, $compileNode, origAsyncDirective, preLinkFns, postLinkFns, + previousCompileContext); + forEach($rootElement, function(node, i) { + if (node == compileNode) { + $rootElement[i] = $compileNode[0]; + } + }); + afterTemplateChildLinkFn = compileNodes($compileNode[0].childNodes, childTranscludeFn); + + while (linkQueue.length) { + var scope = linkQueue.shift(), + beforeTemplateLinkNode = linkQueue.shift(), + linkRootElement = linkQueue.shift(), + boundTranscludeFn = linkQueue.shift(), + linkNode = $compileNode[0]; + + if (scope.$$destroyed) continue; + + if (beforeTemplateLinkNode !== beforeTemplateCompileNode) { + var oldClasses = beforeTemplateLinkNode.className; + + if (!(previousCompileContext.hasElementTranscludeDirective && + origAsyncDirective.replace)) { + // it was cloned therefore we have to clone as well. + linkNode = jqLiteClone(compileNode); + } + replaceWith(linkRootElement, jqLite(beforeTemplateLinkNode), linkNode); + + // Copy in CSS classes from original node + safeAddClass(jqLite(linkNode), oldClasses); + } + if (afterTemplateNodeLinkFn.transcludeOnThisElement) { + childBoundTranscludeFn = createBoundTranscludeFn(scope, afterTemplateNodeLinkFn.transclude, boundTranscludeFn); + } else { + childBoundTranscludeFn = boundTranscludeFn; + } + afterTemplateNodeLinkFn(afterTemplateChildLinkFn, scope, linkNode, $rootElement, + childBoundTranscludeFn); + } + linkQueue = null; + }); + + return function delayedNodeLinkFn(ignoreChildLinkFn, scope, node, rootElement, boundTranscludeFn) { + var childBoundTranscludeFn = boundTranscludeFn; + if (scope.$$destroyed) return; + if (linkQueue) { + linkQueue.push(scope, + node, + rootElement, + childBoundTranscludeFn); + } else { + if (afterTemplateNodeLinkFn.transcludeOnThisElement) { + childBoundTranscludeFn = createBoundTranscludeFn(scope, afterTemplateNodeLinkFn.transclude, boundTranscludeFn); + } + afterTemplateNodeLinkFn(afterTemplateChildLinkFn, scope, node, rootElement, childBoundTranscludeFn); + } + }; + } + + + /** + * Sorting function for bound directives. + */ + function byPriority(a, b) { + var diff = b.priority - a.priority; + if (diff !== 0) return diff; + if (a.name !== b.name) return (a.name < b.name) ? -1 : 1; + return a.index - b.index; + } + + function assertNoDuplicate(what, previousDirective, directive, element) { + + function wrapModuleNameIfDefined(moduleName) { + return moduleName ? + (' (module: ' + moduleName + ')') : + ''; + } + + if (previousDirective) { + throw $compileMinErr('multidir', 'Multiple directives [{0}{1}, {2}{3}] asking for {4} on: {5}', + previousDirective.name, wrapModuleNameIfDefined(previousDirective.$$moduleName), + directive.name, wrapModuleNameIfDefined(directive.$$moduleName), what, startingTag(element)); + } + } + + + function addTextInterpolateDirective(directives, text) { + var interpolateFn = $interpolate(text, true); + if (interpolateFn) { + directives.push({ + priority: 0, + compile: function textInterpolateCompileFn(templateNode) { + var templateNodeParent = templateNode.parent(), + hasCompileParent = !!templateNodeParent.length; + + // When transcluding a template that has bindings in the root + // we don't have a parent and thus need to add the class during linking fn. + if (hasCompileParent) compile.$$addBindingClass(templateNodeParent); + + return function textInterpolateLinkFn(scope, node) { + var parent = node.parent(); + if (!hasCompileParent) compile.$$addBindingClass(parent); + compile.$$addBindingInfo(parent, interpolateFn.expressions); + scope.$watch(interpolateFn, function interpolateFnWatchAction(value) { + node[0].nodeValue = value; + }); + }; + } + }); + } + } + + + function wrapTemplate(type, template) { + type = lowercase(type || 'html'); + switch (type) { + case 'svg': + case 'math': + var wrapper = window.document.createElement('div'); + wrapper.innerHTML = '<' + type + '>' + template + ''; + return wrapper.childNodes[0].childNodes; + default: + return template; + } + } + + + function getTrustedContext(node, attrNormalizedName) { + if (attrNormalizedName == "srcdoc") { + return $sce.HTML; + } + var tag = nodeName_(node); + // maction[xlink:href] can source SVG. It's not limited to . + if (attrNormalizedName == "xlinkHref" || + (tag == "form" && attrNormalizedName == "action") || + (tag != "img" && (attrNormalizedName == "src" || + attrNormalizedName == "ngSrc"))) { + return $sce.RESOURCE_URL; + } + } + + + function addAttrInterpolateDirective(node, directives, value, name, allOrNothing) { + var trustedContext = getTrustedContext(node, name); + allOrNothing = ALL_OR_NOTHING_ATTRS[name] || allOrNothing; + + var interpolateFn = $interpolate(value, true, trustedContext, allOrNothing); + + // no interpolation found -> ignore + if (!interpolateFn) return; + + + if (name === "multiple" && nodeName_(node) === "select") { + throw $compileMinErr("selmulti", + "Binding to the 'multiple' attribute is not supported. Element: {0}", + startingTag(node)); + } + + directives.push({ + priority: 100, + compile: function() { + return { + pre: function attrInterpolatePreLinkFn(scope, element, attr) { + var $$observers = (attr.$$observers || (attr.$$observers = createMap())); + + if (EVENT_HANDLER_ATTR_REGEXP.test(name)) { + throw $compileMinErr('nodomevents', + "Interpolations for HTML DOM event attributes are disallowed. Please use the " + + "ng- versions (such as ng-click instead of onclick) instead."); + } + + // If the attribute has changed since last $interpolate()ed + var newValue = attr[name]; + if (newValue !== value) { + // we need to interpolate again since the attribute value has been updated + // (e.g. by another directive's compile function) + // ensure unset/empty values make interpolateFn falsy + interpolateFn = newValue && $interpolate(newValue, true, trustedContext, allOrNothing); + value = newValue; + } + + // if attribute was updated so that there is no interpolation going on we don't want to + // register any observers + if (!interpolateFn) return; + + // initialize attr object so that it's ready in case we need the value for isolate + // scope initialization, otherwise the value would not be available from isolate + // directive's linking fn during linking phase + attr[name] = interpolateFn(scope); + + ($$observers[name] || ($$observers[name] = [])).$$inter = true; + (attr.$$observers && attr.$$observers[name].$$scope || scope). + $watch(interpolateFn, function interpolateFnWatchAction(newValue, oldValue) { + //special case for class attribute addition + removal + //so that class changes can tap into the animation + //hooks provided by the $animate service. Be sure to + //skip animations when the first digest occurs (when + //both the new and the old values are the same) since + //the CSS classes are the non-interpolated values + if (name === 'class' && newValue != oldValue) { + attr.$updateClass(newValue, oldValue); + } else { + attr.$set(name, newValue); + } + }); + } + }; + } + }); + } + + + /** + * This is a special jqLite.replaceWith, which can replace items which + * have no parents, provided that the containing jqLite collection is provided. + * + * @param {JqLite=} $rootElement The root of the compile tree. Used so that we can replace nodes + * in the root of the tree. + * @param {JqLite} elementsToRemove The jqLite element which we are going to replace. We keep + * the shell, but replace its DOM node reference. + * @param {Node} newNode The new DOM node. + */ + function replaceWith($rootElement, elementsToRemove, newNode) { + var firstElementToRemove = elementsToRemove[0], + removeCount = elementsToRemove.length, + parent = firstElementToRemove.parentNode, + i, ii; + + if ($rootElement) { + for (i = 0, ii = $rootElement.length; i < ii; i++) { + if ($rootElement[i] == firstElementToRemove) { + $rootElement[i++] = newNode; + for (var j = i, j2 = j + removeCount - 1, + jj = $rootElement.length; + j < jj; j++, j2++) { + if (j2 < jj) { + $rootElement[j] = $rootElement[j2]; + } else { + delete $rootElement[j]; + } + } + $rootElement.length -= removeCount - 1; + + // If the replaced element is also the jQuery .context then replace it + // .context is a deprecated jQuery api, so we should set it only when jQuery set it + // http://api.jquery.com/context/ + if ($rootElement.context === firstElementToRemove) { + $rootElement.context = newNode; + } + break; + } + } + } + + if (parent) { + parent.replaceChild(newNode, firstElementToRemove); + } + + // Append all the `elementsToRemove` to a fragment. This will... + // - remove them from the DOM + // - allow them to still be traversed with .nextSibling + // - allow a single fragment.qSA to fetch all elements being removed + var fragment = window.document.createDocumentFragment(); + for (i = 0; i < removeCount; i++) { + fragment.appendChild(elementsToRemove[i]); + } + + if (jqLite.hasData(firstElementToRemove)) { + // Copy over user data (that includes Angular's $scope etc.). Don't copy private + // data here because there's no public interface in jQuery to do that and copying over + // event listeners (which is the main use of private data) wouldn't work anyway. + jqLite.data(newNode, jqLite.data(firstElementToRemove)); + + // Remove $destroy event listeners from `firstElementToRemove` + jqLite(firstElementToRemove).off('$destroy'); + } + + // Cleanup any data/listeners on the elements and children. + // This includes invoking the $destroy event on any elements with listeners. + jqLite.cleanData(fragment.querySelectorAll('*')); + + // Update the jqLite collection to only contain the `newNode` + for (i = 1; i < removeCount; i++) { + delete elementsToRemove[i]; + } + elementsToRemove[0] = newNode; + elementsToRemove.length = 1; + } + + + function cloneAndAnnotateFn(fn, annotation) { + return extend(function() { return fn.apply(null, arguments); }, fn, annotation); + } + + + function invokeLinkFn(linkFn, scope, $element, attrs, controllers, transcludeFn) { + try { + linkFn(scope, $element, attrs, controllers, transcludeFn); + } catch (e) { + $exceptionHandler(e, startingTag($element)); + } + } + + + // Set up $watches for isolate scope and controller bindings. This process + // only occurs for isolate scopes and new scopes with controllerAs. + function initializeDirectiveBindings(scope, attrs, destination, bindings, directive) { + var removeWatchCollection = []; + var initialChanges = {}; + var changes; + forEach(bindings, function initializeBinding(definition, scopeName) { + var attrName = definition.attrName, + optional = definition.optional, + mode = definition.mode, // @, =, or & + lastValue, + parentGet, parentSet, compare, removeWatch; + + switch (mode) { + + case '@': + if (!optional && !hasOwnProperty.call(attrs, attrName)) { + destination[scopeName] = attrs[attrName] = void 0; + } + attrs.$observe(attrName, function(value) { + if (isString(value) || isBoolean(value)) { + var oldValue = destination[scopeName]; + recordChanges(scopeName, value, oldValue); + destination[scopeName] = value; + } + }); + attrs.$$observers[attrName].$$scope = scope; + lastValue = attrs[attrName]; + if (isString(lastValue)) { + // If the attribute has been provided then we trigger an interpolation to ensure + // the value is there for use in the link fn + destination[scopeName] = $interpolate(lastValue)(scope); + } else if (isBoolean(lastValue)) { + // If the attributes is one of the BOOLEAN_ATTR then Angular will have converted + // the value to boolean rather than a string, so we special case this situation + destination[scopeName] = lastValue; + } + initialChanges[scopeName] = new SimpleChange(_UNINITIALIZED_VALUE, destination[scopeName]); + break; + + case '=': + if (!hasOwnProperty.call(attrs, attrName)) { + if (optional) break; + attrs[attrName] = void 0; + } + if (optional && !attrs[attrName]) break; + + parentGet = $parse(attrs[attrName]); + if (parentGet.literal) { + compare = equals; + } else { + compare = function simpleCompare(a, b) { return a === b || (a !== a && b !== b); }; + } + parentSet = parentGet.assign || function() { + // reset the change, or we will throw this exception on every $digest + lastValue = destination[scopeName] = parentGet(scope); + throw $compileMinErr('nonassign', + "Expression '{0}' in attribute '{1}' used with directive '{2}' is non-assignable!", + attrs[attrName], attrName, directive.name); + }; + lastValue = destination[scopeName] = parentGet(scope); + var parentValueWatch = function parentValueWatch(parentValue) { + if (!compare(parentValue, destination[scopeName])) { + // we are out of sync and need to copy + if (!compare(parentValue, lastValue)) { + // parent changed and it has precedence + destination[scopeName] = parentValue; + } else { + // if the parent can be assigned then do so + parentSet(scope, parentValue = destination[scopeName]); + } + } + return lastValue = parentValue; + }; + parentValueWatch.$stateful = true; + if (definition.collection) { + removeWatch = scope.$watchCollection(attrs[attrName], parentValueWatch); + } else { + removeWatch = scope.$watch($parse(attrs[attrName], parentValueWatch), null, parentGet.literal); + } + removeWatchCollection.push(removeWatch); + break; + + case '<': + if (!hasOwnProperty.call(attrs, attrName)) { + if (optional) break; + attrs[attrName] = void 0; + } + if (optional && !attrs[attrName]) break; + + parentGet = $parse(attrs[attrName]); + + destination[scopeName] = parentGet(scope); + initialChanges[scopeName] = new SimpleChange(_UNINITIALIZED_VALUE, destination[scopeName]); + + removeWatch = scope.$watch(parentGet, function parentValueWatchAction(newValue, oldValue) { + if (newValue === oldValue) { + // If the new and old values are identical then this is the first time the watch has been triggered + // So instead we use the current value on the destination as the old value + oldValue = destination[scopeName]; + } + recordChanges(scopeName, newValue, oldValue); + destination[scopeName] = newValue; + }, parentGet.literal); + + removeWatchCollection.push(removeWatch); + break; + + case '&': + // Don't assign Object.prototype method to scope + parentGet = attrs.hasOwnProperty(attrName) ? $parse(attrs[attrName]) : noop; + + // Don't assign noop to destination if expression is not valid + if (parentGet === noop && optional) break; + + destination[scopeName] = function(locals) { + return parentGet(scope, locals); + }; + break; + } + }); + + function recordChanges(key, currentValue, previousValue) { + if (isFunction(destination.$onChanges) && currentValue !== previousValue) { + // If we have not already scheduled the top level onChangesQueue handler then do so now + if (!onChangesQueue) { + scope.$$postDigest(flushOnChangesQueue); + onChangesQueue = []; + } + // If we have not already queued a trigger of onChanges for this controller then do so now + if (!changes) { + changes = {}; + onChangesQueue.push(triggerOnChangesHook); + } + // If the has been a change on this property already then we need to reuse the previous value + if (changes[key]) { + previousValue = changes[key].previousValue; + } + // Store this change + changes[key] = new SimpleChange(previousValue, currentValue); + } + } + + function triggerOnChangesHook() { + destination.$onChanges(changes); + // Now clear the changes so that we schedule onChanges when more changes arrive + changes = undefined; + } + + return { + initialChanges: initialChanges, + removeWatches: removeWatchCollection.length && function removeWatches() { + for (var i = 0, ii = removeWatchCollection.length; i < ii; ++i) { + removeWatchCollection[i](); + } + } + }; + } + }]; +} + +function SimpleChange(previous, current) { + this.previousValue = previous; + this.currentValue = current; +} +SimpleChange.prototype.isFirstChange = function() { return this.previousValue === _UNINITIALIZED_VALUE; }; + + +var PREFIX_REGEXP = /^((?:x|data)[\:\-_])/i; +/** + * Converts all accepted directives format into proper directive name. + * @param name Name to normalize + */ +function directiveNormalize(name) { + return camelCase(name.replace(PREFIX_REGEXP, '')); +} + +/** + * @ngdoc type + * @name $compile.directive.Attributes + * + * @description + * A shared object between directive compile / linking functions which contains normalized DOM + * element attributes. The values reflect current binding state `{{ }}`. The normalization is + * needed since all of these are treated as equivalent in Angular: + * + * ``` + * + * ``` + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc property + * @name $compile.directive.Attributes#$attr + * + * @description + * A map of DOM element attribute names to the normalized name. This is + * needed to do reverse lookup from normalized name back to actual name. + */ + + +/** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $compile.directive.Attributes#$set + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Set DOM element attribute value. + * + * + * @param {string} name Normalized element attribute name of the property to modify. The name is + * reverse-translated using the {@link ng.$compile.directive.Attributes#$attr $attr} + * property to the original name. + * @param {string} value Value to set the attribute to. The value can be an interpolated string. + */ + + + +/** + * Closure compiler type information + */ + +function nodesetLinkingFn( + /* angular.Scope */ scope, + /* NodeList */ nodeList, + /* Element */ rootElement, + /* function(Function) */ boundTranscludeFn +) {} + +function directiveLinkingFn( + /* nodesetLinkingFn */ nodesetLinkingFn, + /* angular.Scope */ scope, + /* Node */ node, + /* Element */ rootElement, + /* function(Function) */ boundTranscludeFn +) {} + +function tokenDifference(str1, str2) { + var values = '', + tokens1 = str1.split(/\s+/), + tokens2 = str2.split(/\s+/); + + outer: + for (var i = 0; i < tokens1.length; i++) { + var token = tokens1[i]; + for (var j = 0; j < tokens2.length; j++) { + if (token == tokens2[j]) continue outer; + } + values += (values.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + token; + } + return values; +} + +function removeComments(jqNodes) { + jqNodes = jqLite(jqNodes); + var i = jqNodes.length; + + if (i <= 1) { + return jqNodes; + } + + while (i--) { + var node = jqNodes[i]; + if (node.nodeType === NODE_TYPE_COMMENT) { + splice.call(jqNodes, i, 1); + } + } + return jqNodes; +} + +var $controllerMinErr = minErr('$controller'); + + +var CNTRL_REG = /^(\S+)(\s+as\s+([\w$]+))?$/; +function identifierForController(controller, ident) { + if (ident && isString(ident)) return ident; + if (isString(controller)) { + var match = CNTRL_REG.exec(controller); + if (match) return match[3]; + } +} + + +/** + * @ngdoc provider + * @name $controllerProvider + * @description + * The {@link ng.$controller $controller service} is used by Angular to create new + * controllers. + * + * This provider allows controller registration via the + * {@link ng.$controllerProvider#register register} method. + */ +function $ControllerProvider() { + var controllers = {}, + globals = false; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $controllerProvider#has + * @param {string} name Controller name to check. + */ + this.has = function(name) { + return controllers.hasOwnProperty(name); + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $controllerProvider#register + * @param {string|Object} name Controller name, or an object map of controllers where the keys are + * the names and the values are the constructors. + * @param {Function|Array} constructor Controller constructor fn (optionally decorated with DI + * annotations in the array notation). + */ + this.register = function(name, constructor) { + assertNotHasOwnProperty(name, 'controller'); + if (isObject(name)) { + extend(controllers, name); + } else { + controllers[name] = constructor; + } + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $controllerProvider#allowGlobals + * @description If called, allows `$controller` to find controller constructors on `window` + */ + this.allowGlobals = function() { + globals = true; + }; + + + this.$get = ['$injector', '$window', function($injector, $window) { + + /** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $controller + * @requires $injector + * + * @param {Function|string} constructor If called with a function then it's considered to be the + * controller constructor function. Otherwise it's considered to be a string which is used + * to retrieve the controller constructor using the following steps: + * + * * check if a controller with given name is registered via `$controllerProvider` + * * check if evaluating the string on the current scope returns a constructor + * * if $controllerProvider#allowGlobals, check `window[constructor]` on the global + * `window` object (not recommended) + * + * The string can use the `controller as property` syntax, where the controller instance is published + * as the specified property on the `scope`; the `scope` must be injected into `locals` param for this + * to work correctly. + * + * @param {Object} locals Injection locals for Controller. + * @return {Object} Instance of given controller. + * + * @description + * `$controller` service is responsible for instantiating controllers. + * + * It's just a simple call to {@link auto.$injector $injector}, but extracted into + * a service, so that one can override this service with [BC version](https://gist.github.com/1649788). + */ + return function $controller(expression, locals, later, ident) { + // PRIVATE API: + // param `later` --- indicates that the controller's constructor is invoked at a later time. + // If true, $controller will allocate the object with the correct + // prototype chain, but will not invoke the controller until a returned + // callback is invoked. + // param `ident` --- An optional label which overrides the label parsed from the controller + // expression, if any. + var instance, match, constructor, identifier; + later = later === true; + if (ident && isString(ident)) { + identifier = ident; + } + + if (isString(expression)) { + match = expression.match(CNTRL_REG); + if (!match) { + throw $controllerMinErr('ctrlfmt', + "Badly formed controller string '{0}'. " + + "Must match `__name__ as __id__` or `__name__`.", expression); + } + constructor = match[1], + identifier = identifier || match[3]; + expression = controllers.hasOwnProperty(constructor) + ? controllers[constructor] + : getter(locals.$scope, constructor, true) || + (globals ? getter($window, constructor, true) : undefined); + + assertArgFn(expression, constructor, true); + } + + if (later) { + // Instantiate controller later: + // This machinery is used to create an instance of the object before calling the + // controller's constructor itself. + // + // This allows properties to be added to the controller before the constructor is + // invoked. Primarily, this is used for isolate scope bindings in $compile. + // + // This feature is not intended for use by applications, and is thus not documented + // publicly. + // Object creation: http://jsperf.com/create-constructor/2 + var controllerPrototype = (isArray(expression) ? + expression[expression.length - 1] : expression).prototype; + instance = Object.create(controllerPrototype || null); + + if (identifier) { + addIdentifier(locals, identifier, instance, constructor || expression.name); + } + + var instantiate; + return instantiate = extend(function $controllerInit() { + var result = $injector.invoke(expression, instance, locals, constructor); + if (result !== instance && (isObject(result) || isFunction(result))) { + instance = result; + if (identifier) { + // If result changed, re-assign controllerAs value to scope. + addIdentifier(locals, identifier, instance, constructor || expression.name); + } + } + return instance; + }, { + instance: instance, + identifier: identifier + }); + } + + instance = $injector.instantiate(expression, locals, constructor); + + if (identifier) { + addIdentifier(locals, identifier, instance, constructor || expression.name); + } + + return instance; + }; + + function addIdentifier(locals, identifier, instance, name) { + if (!(locals && isObject(locals.$scope))) { + throw minErr('$controller')('noscp', + "Cannot export controller '{0}' as '{1}'! No $scope object provided via `locals`.", + name, identifier); + } + + locals.$scope[identifier] = instance; + } + }]; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $document + * @requires $window + * + * @description + * A {@link angular.element jQuery or jqLite} wrapper for the browser's `window.document` object. + * + * @example + + +

$document title:


window.document title:

+ + angular.module('documentExample', []) + .controller('ExampleController', ['$scope', '$document', function($scope, $document) { + $scope.title = $document[0].title; + $scope.windowTitle = angular.element(window.document)[0].title; + }]); + +
+ */ +function $DocumentProvider() { + this.$get = ['$window', function(window) { + return jqLite(window.document); + }]; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $exceptionHandler + * @requires ng.$log + * + * @description + * Any uncaught exception in angular expressions is delegated to this service. + * The default implementation simply delegates to `$log.error` which logs it into + * the browser console. + * + * In unit tests, if `angular-mocks.js` is loaded, this service is overridden by + * {@link ngMock.$exceptionHandler mock $exceptionHandler} which aids in testing. + * + * ## Example: + * + * ```js + * angular.module('exceptionOverride', []).factory('$exceptionHandler', function() { + * return function(exception, cause) { + * exception.message += ' (caused by "' + cause + '")'; + * throw exception; + * }; + * }); + * ``` + * + * This example will override the normal action of `$exceptionHandler`, to make angular + * exceptions fail hard when they happen, instead of just logging to the console. + * + *
+ * Note, that code executed in event-listeners (even those registered using jqLite's `on`/`bind` + * methods) does not delegate exceptions to the {@link ng.$exceptionHandler $exceptionHandler} + * (unless executed during a digest). + * + * If you wish, you can manually delegate exceptions, e.g. + * `try { ... } catch(e) { $exceptionHandler(e); }` + * + * @param {Error} exception Exception associated with the error. + * @param {string=} cause optional information about the context in which + * the error was thrown. + * + */ +function $ExceptionHandlerProvider() { + this.$get = ['$log', function($log) { + return function(exception, cause) { + $log.error.apply($log, arguments); + }; + }]; +} + +var $$ForceReflowProvider = function() { + this.$get = ['$document', function($document) { + return function(domNode) { + //the line below will force the browser to perform a repaint so + //that all the animated elements within the animation frame will + //be properly updated and drawn on screen. This is required to + //ensure that the preparation animation is properly flushed so that + //the active state picks up from there. DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE. + //DO NOT OPTIMIZE THIS LINE. THE MINIFIER WILL REMOVE IT OTHERWISE WHICH + //WILL RESULT IN AN UNPREDICTABLE BUG THAT IS VERY HARD TO TRACK DOWN AND + //WILL TAKE YEARS AWAY FROM YOUR LIFE. + if (domNode) { + if (!domNode.nodeType && domNode instanceof jqLite) { + domNode = domNode[0]; + } + } else { + domNode = $document[0].body; + } + return domNode.offsetWidth + 1; + }; + }]; +}; + +var APPLICATION_JSON = 'application/json'; +var CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON = {'Content-Type': APPLICATION_JSON + ';charset=utf-8'}; +var JSON_START = /^\[|^\{(?!\{)/; +var JSON_ENDS = { + '[': /]$/, + '{': /}$/ +}; +var JSON_PROTECTION_PREFIX = /^\)\]\}',?\n/; +var $httpMinErr = minErr('$http'); +var $httpMinErrLegacyFn = function(method) { + return function() { + throw $httpMinErr('legacy', 'The method `{0}` on the promise returned from `$http` has been disabled.', method); + }; +}; + +function serializeValue(v) { + if (isObject(v)) { + return isDate(v) ? v.toISOString() : toJson(v); + } + return v; +} + + +function $HttpParamSerializerProvider() { + /** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $httpParamSerializer + * @description + * + * Default {@link $http `$http`} params serializer that converts objects to strings + * according to the following rules: + * + * * `{'foo': 'bar'}` results in `foo=bar` + * * `{'foo': Date.now()}` results in `foo=2015-04-01T09%3A50%3A49.262Z` (`toISOString()` and encoded representation of a Date object) + * * `{'foo': ['bar', 'baz']}` results in `foo=bar&foo=baz` (repeated key for each array element) + * * `{'foo': {'bar':'baz'}}` results in `foo=%7B%22bar%22%3A%22baz%22%7D"` (stringified and encoded representation of an object) + * + * Note that serializer will sort the request parameters alphabetically. + * */ + + this.$get = function() { + return function ngParamSerializer(params) { + if (!params) return ''; + var parts = []; + forEachSorted(params, function(value, key) { + if (value === null || isUndefined(value)) return; + if (isArray(value)) { + forEach(value, function(v) { + parts.push(encodeUriQuery(key) + '=' + encodeUriQuery(serializeValue(v))); + }); + } else { + parts.push(encodeUriQuery(key) + '=' + encodeUriQuery(serializeValue(value))); + } + }); + + return parts.join('&'); + }; + }; +} + +function $HttpParamSerializerJQLikeProvider() { + /** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $httpParamSerializerJQLike + * @description + * + * Alternative {@link $http `$http`} params serializer that follows + * jQuery's [`param()`](http://api.jquery.com/jquery.param/) method logic. + * The serializer will also sort the params alphabetically. + * + * To use it for serializing `$http` request parameters, set it as the `paramSerializer` property: + * + * ```js + * $http({ + * url: myUrl, + * method: 'GET', + * params: myParams, + * paramSerializer: '$httpParamSerializerJQLike' + * }); + * ``` + * + * It is also possible to set it as the default `paramSerializer` in the + * {@link $httpProvider#defaults `$httpProvider`}. + * + * Additionally, you can inject the serializer and use it explicitly, for example to serialize + * form data for submission: + * + * ```js + * .controller(function($http, $httpParamSerializerJQLike) { + * //... + * + * $http({ + * url: myUrl, + * method: 'POST', + * data: $httpParamSerializerJQLike(myData), + * headers: { + * 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' + * } + * }); + * + * }); + * ``` + * + * */ + this.$get = function() { + return function jQueryLikeParamSerializer(params) { + if (!params) return ''; + var parts = []; + serialize(params, '', true); + return parts.join('&'); + + function serialize(toSerialize, prefix, topLevel) { + if (toSerialize === null || isUndefined(toSerialize)) return; + if (isArray(toSerialize)) { + forEach(toSerialize, function(value, index) { + serialize(value, prefix + '[' + (isObject(value) ? index : '') + ']'); + }); + } else if (isObject(toSerialize) && !isDate(toSerialize)) { + forEachSorted(toSerialize, function(value, key) { + serialize(value, prefix + + (topLevel ? '' : '[') + + key + + (topLevel ? '' : ']')); + }); + } else { + parts.push(encodeUriQuery(prefix) + '=' + encodeUriQuery(serializeValue(toSerialize))); + } + } + }; + }; +} + +function defaultHttpResponseTransform(data, headers) { + if (isString(data)) { + // Strip json vulnerability protection prefix and trim whitespace + var tempData = data.replace(JSON_PROTECTION_PREFIX, '').trim(); + + if (tempData) { + var contentType = headers('Content-Type'); + if ((contentType && (contentType.indexOf(APPLICATION_JSON) === 0)) || isJsonLike(tempData)) { + data = fromJson(tempData); + } + } + } + + return data; +} + +function isJsonLike(str) { + var jsonStart = str.match(JSON_START); + return jsonStart && JSON_ENDS[jsonStart[0]].test(str); +} + +/** + * Parse headers into key value object + * + * @param {string} headers Raw headers as a string + * @returns {Object} Parsed headers as key value object + */ +function parseHeaders(headers) { + var parsed = createMap(), i; + + function fillInParsed(key, val) { + if (key) { + parsed[key] = parsed[key] ? parsed[key] + ', ' + val : val; + } + } + + if (isString(headers)) { + forEach(headers.split('\n'), function(line) { + i = line.indexOf(':'); + fillInParsed(lowercase(trim(line.substr(0, i))), trim(line.substr(i + 1))); + }); + } else if (isObject(headers)) { + forEach(headers, function(headerVal, headerKey) { + fillInParsed(lowercase(headerKey), trim(headerVal)); + }); + } + + return parsed; +} + + +/** + * Returns a function that provides access to parsed headers. + * + * Headers are lazy parsed when first requested. + * @see parseHeaders + * + * @param {(string|Object)} headers Headers to provide access to. + * @returns {function(string=)} Returns a getter function which if called with: + * + * - if called with single an argument returns a single header value or null + * - if called with no arguments returns an object containing all headers. + */ +function headersGetter(headers) { + var headersObj; + + return function(name) { + if (!headersObj) headersObj = parseHeaders(headers); + + if (name) { + var value = headersObj[lowercase(name)]; + if (value === void 0) { + value = null; + } + return value; + } + + return headersObj; + }; +} + + +/** + * Chain all given functions + * + * This function is used for both request and response transforming + * + * @param {*} data Data to transform. + * @param {function(string=)} headers HTTP headers getter fn. + * @param {number} status HTTP status code of the response. + * @param {(Function|Array.)} fns Function or an array of functions. + * @returns {*} Transformed data. + */ +function transformData(data, headers, status, fns) { + if (isFunction(fns)) { + return fns(data, headers, status); + } + + forEach(fns, function(fn) { + data = fn(data, headers, status); + }); + + return data; +} + + +function isSuccess(status) { + return 200 <= status && status < 300; +} + + +/** + * @ngdoc provider + * @name $httpProvider + * @description + * Use `$httpProvider` to change the default behavior of the {@link ng.$http $http} service. + * */ +function $HttpProvider() { + /** + * @ngdoc property + * @name $httpProvider#defaults + * @description + * + * Object containing default values for all {@link ng.$http $http} requests. + * + * - **`defaults.cache`** - {boolean|Object} - A boolean value or object created with + * {@link ng.$cacheFactory `$cacheFactory`} to enable or disable caching of HTTP responses + * by default. See {@link $http#caching $http Caching} for more information. + * + * - **`defaults.xsrfCookieName`** - {string} - Name of cookie containing the XSRF token. + * Defaults value is `'XSRF-TOKEN'`. + * + * - **`defaults.xsrfHeaderName`** - {string} - Name of HTTP header to populate with the + * XSRF token. Defaults value is `'X-XSRF-TOKEN'`. + * + * - **`defaults.headers`** - {Object} - Default headers for all $http requests. + * Refer to {@link ng.$http#setting-http-headers $http} for documentation on + * setting default headers. + * - **`defaults.headers.common`** + * - **`defaults.headers.post`** + * - **`defaults.headers.put`** + * - **`defaults.headers.patch`** + * + * + * - **`defaults.paramSerializer`** - `{string|function(Object):string}` - A function + * used to the prepare string representation of request parameters (specified as an object). + * If specified as string, it is interpreted as a function registered with the {@link auto.$injector $injector}. + * Defaults to {@link ng.$httpParamSerializer $httpParamSerializer}. + * + **/ + var defaults = this.defaults = { + // transform incoming response data + transformResponse: [defaultHttpResponseTransform], + + // transform outgoing request data + transformRequest: [function(d) { + return isObject(d) && !isFile(d) && !isBlob(d) && !isFormData(d) ? toJson(d) : d; + }], + + // default headers + headers: { + common: { + 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*' + }, + post: shallowCopy(CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON), + put: shallowCopy(CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON), + patch: shallowCopy(CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON) + }, + + xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN', + xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN', + + paramSerializer: '$httpParamSerializer' + }; + + var useApplyAsync = false; + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $httpProvider#useApplyAsync + * @description + * + * Configure $http service to combine processing of multiple http responses received at around + * the same time via {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$applyAsync $rootScope.$applyAsync}. This can result in + * significant performance improvement for bigger applications that make many HTTP requests + * concurrently (common during application bootstrap). + * + * Defaults to false. If no value is specified, returns the current configured value. + * + * @param {boolean=} value If true, when requests are loaded, they will schedule a deferred + * "apply" on the next tick, giving time for subsequent requests in a roughly ~10ms window + * to load and share the same digest cycle. + * + * @returns {boolean|Object} If a value is specified, returns the $httpProvider for chaining. + * otherwise, returns the current configured value. + **/ + this.useApplyAsync = function(value) { + if (isDefined(value)) { + useApplyAsync = !!value; + return this; + } + return useApplyAsync; + }; + + var useLegacyPromise = true; + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $httpProvider#useLegacyPromiseExtensions + * @description + * + * Configure `$http` service to return promises without the shorthand methods `success` and `error`. + * This should be used to make sure that applications work without these methods. + * + * Defaults to true. If no value is specified, returns the current configured value. + * + * @param {boolean=} value If true, `$http` will return a promise with the deprecated legacy `success` and `error` methods. + * + * @returns {boolean|Object} If a value is specified, returns the $httpProvider for chaining. + * otherwise, returns the current configured value. + **/ + this.useLegacyPromiseExtensions = function(value) { + if (isDefined(value)) { + useLegacyPromise = !!value; + return this; + } + return useLegacyPromise; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc property + * @name $httpProvider#interceptors + * @description + * + * Array containing service factories for all synchronous or asynchronous {@link ng.$http $http} + * pre-processing of request or postprocessing of responses. + * + * These service factories are ordered by request, i.e. they are applied in the same order as the + * array, on request, but reverse order, on response. + * + * {@link ng.$http#interceptors Interceptors detailed info} + **/ + var interceptorFactories = this.interceptors = []; + + this.$get = ['$httpBackend', '$$cookieReader', '$cacheFactory', '$rootScope', '$q', '$injector', + function($httpBackend, $$cookieReader, $cacheFactory, $rootScope, $q, $injector) { + + var defaultCache = $cacheFactory('$http'); + + /** + * Make sure that default param serializer is exposed as a function + */ + defaults.paramSerializer = isString(defaults.paramSerializer) ? + $injector.get(defaults.paramSerializer) : defaults.paramSerializer; + + /** + * Interceptors stored in reverse order. Inner interceptors before outer interceptors. + * The reversal is needed so that we can build up the interception chain around the + * server request. + */ + var reversedInterceptors = []; + + forEach(interceptorFactories, function(interceptorFactory) { + reversedInterceptors.unshift(isString(interceptorFactory) + ? $injector.get(interceptorFactory) : $injector.invoke(interceptorFactory)); + }); + + /** + * @ngdoc service + * @kind function + * @name $http + * @requires ng.$httpBackend + * @requires $cacheFactory + * @requires $rootScope + * @requires $q + * @requires $injector + * + * @description + * The `$http` service is a core Angular service that facilitates communication with the remote + * HTTP servers via the browser's [XMLHttpRequest](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/xmlhttprequest) + * object or via [JSONP](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSONP). + * + * For unit testing applications that use `$http` service, see + * {@link ngMock.$httpBackend $httpBackend mock}. + * + * For a higher level of abstraction, please check out the {@link ngResource.$resource + * $resource} service. + * + * The $http API is based on the {@link ng.$q deferred/promise APIs} exposed by + * the $q service. While for simple usage patterns this doesn't matter much, for advanced usage + * it is important to familiarize yourself with these APIs and the guarantees they provide. + * + * + * ## General usage + * The `$http` service is a function which takes a single argument — a {@link $http#usage configuration object} — + * that is used to generate an HTTP request and returns a {@link ng.$q promise}. + * + * ```js + * // Simple GET request example: + * $http({ + * method: 'GET', + * url: '/someUrl' + * }).then(function successCallback(response) { + * // this callback will be called asynchronously + * // when the response is available + * }, function errorCallback(response) { + * // called asynchronously if an error occurs + * // or server returns response with an error status. + * }); + * ``` + * + * The response object has these properties: + * + * - **data** – `{string|Object}` – The response body transformed with the transform + * functions. + * - **status** – `{number}` – HTTP status code of the response. + * - **headers** – `{function([headerName])}` – Header getter function. + * - **config** – `{Object}` – The configuration object that was used to generate the request. + * - **statusText** – `{string}` – HTTP status text of the response. + * + * A response status code between 200 and 299 is considered a success status and + * will result in the success callback being called. Note that if the response is a redirect, + * XMLHttpRequest will transparently follow it, meaning that the error callback will not be + * called for such responses. + * + * + * ## Shortcut methods + * + * Shortcut methods are also available. All shortcut methods require passing in the URL, and + * request data must be passed in for POST/PUT requests. An optional config can be passed as the + * last argument. + * + * ```js + * $http.get('/someUrl', config).then(successCallback, errorCallback); + * $http.post('/someUrl', data, config).then(successCallback, errorCallback); + * ``` + * + * Complete list of shortcut methods: + * + * - {@link ng.$http#get $http.get} + * - {@link ng.$http#head $http.head} + * - {@link ng.$http#post $http.post} + * - {@link ng.$http#put $http.put} + * - {@link ng.$http#delete $http.delete} + * - {@link ng.$http#jsonp $http.jsonp} + * - {@link ng.$http#patch $http.patch} + * + * + * ## Writing Unit Tests that use $http + * When unit testing (using {@link ngMock ngMock}), it is necessary to call + * {@link ngMock.$httpBackend#flush $httpBackend.flush()} to flush each pending + * request using trained responses. + * + * ``` + * $httpBackend.expectGET(...); + * $http.get(...); + * $httpBackend.flush(); + * ``` + * + * ## Deprecation Notice + *
+ * The `$http` legacy promise methods `success` and `error` have been deprecated. + * Use the standard `then` method instead. + * If {@link $httpProvider#useLegacyPromiseExtensions `$httpProvider.useLegacyPromiseExtensions`} is set to + * `false` then these methods will throw {@link $http:legacy `$http/legacy`} error. + *
+ * + * ## Setting HTTP Headers + * + * The $http service will automatically add certain HTTP headers to all requests. These defaults + * can be fully configured by accessing the `$httpProvider.defaults.headers` configuration + * object, which currently contains this default configuration: + * + * - `$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common` (headers that are common for all requests): + * - `Accept: application/json, text/plain, * / *` + * - `$httpProvider.defaults.headers.post`: (header defaults for POST requests) + * - `Content-Type: application/json` + * - `$httpProvider.defaults.headers.put` (header defaults for PUT requests) + * - `Content-Type: application/json` + * + * To add or overwrite these defaults, simply add or remove a property from these configuration + * objects. To add headers for an HTTP method other than POST or PUT, simply add a new object + * with the lowercased HTTP method name as the key, e.g. + * `$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get = { 'My-Header' : 'value' }`. + * + * The defaults can also be set at runtime via the `$http.defaults` object in the same + * fashion. For example: + * + * ``` + * module.run(function($http) { + * $http.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = 'Basic YmVlcDpib29w'; + * }); + * ``` + * + * In addition, you can supply a `headers` property in the config object passed when + * calling `$http(config)`, which overrides the defaults without changing them globally. + * + * To explicitly remove a header automatically added via $httpProvider.defaults.headers on a per request basis, + * Use the `headers` property, setting the desired header to `undefined`. For example: + * + * ```js + * var req = { + * method: 'POST', + * url: 'http://example.com', + * headers: { + * 'Content-Type': undefined + * }, + * data: { test: 'test' } + * } + * + * $http(req).then(function(){...}, function(){...}); + * ``` + * + * ## Transforming Requests and Responses + * + * Both requests and responses can be transformed using transformation functions: `transformRequest` + * and `transformResponse`. These properties can be a single function that returns + * the transformed value (`function(data, headersGetter, status)`) or an array of such transformation functions, + * which allows you to `push` or `unshift` a new transformation function into the transformation chain. + * + *
+ * **Note:** Angular does not make a copy of the `data` parameter before it is passed into the `transformRequest` pipeline. + * That means changes to the properties of `data` are not local to the transform function (since Javascript passes objects by reference). + * For example, when calling `$http.get(url, $scope.myObject)`, modifications to the object's properties in a transformRequest + * function will be reflected on the scope and in any templates where the object is data-bound. + * To prevent this, transform functions should have no side-effects. + * If you need to modify properties, it is recommended to make a copy of the data, or create new object to return. + *
+ * + * ### Default Transformations + * + * The `$httpProvider` provider and `$http` service expose `defaults.transformRequest` and + * `defaults.transformResponse` properties. If a request does not provide its own transformations + * then these will be applied. + * + * You can augment or replace the default transformations by modifying these properties by adding to or + * replacing the array. + * + * Angular provides the following default transformations: + * + * Request transformations (`$httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest` and `$http.defaults.transformRequest`): + * + * - If the `data` property of the request configuration object contains an object, serialize it + * into JSON format. + * + * Response transformations (`$httpProvider.defaults.transformResponse` and `$http.defaults.transformResponse`): + * + * - If XSRF prefix is detected, strip it (see Security Considerations section below). + * - If JSON response is detected, deserialize it using a JSON parser. + * + * + * ### Overriding the Default Transformations Per Request + * + * If you wish override the request/response transformations only for a single request then provide + * `transformRequest` and/or `transformResponse` properties on the configuration object passed + * into `$http`. + * + * Note that if you provide these properties on the config object the default transformations will be + * overwritten. If you wish to augment the default transformations then you must include them in your + * local transformation array. + * + * The following code demonstrates adding a new response transformation to be run after the default response + * transformations have been run. + * + * ```js + * function appendTransform(defaults, transform) { + * + * // We can't guarantee that the default transformation is an array + * defaults = angular.isArray(defaults) ? defaults : [defaults]; + * + * // Append the new transformation to the defaults + * return defaults.concat(transform); + * } + * + * $http({ + * url: '...', + * method: 'GET', + * transformResponse: appendTransform($http.defaults.transformResponse, function(value) { + * return doTransform(value); + * }) + * }); + * ``` + * + * + * ## Caching + * + * {@link ng.$http `$http`} responses are not cached by default. To enable caching, you must + * set the config.cache value or the default cache value to TRUE or to a cache object (created + * with {@link ng.$cacheFactory `$cacheFactory`}). If defined, the value of config.cache takes + * precedence over the default cache value. + * + * In order to: + * * cache all responses - set the default cache value to TRUE or to a cache object + * * cache a specific response - set config.cache value to TRUE or to a cache object + * + * If caching is enabled, but neither the default cache nor config.cache are set to a cache object, + * then the default `$cacheFactory($http)` object is used. + * + * The default cache value can be set by updating the + * {@link ng.$http#defaults `$http.defaults.cache`} property or the + * {@link $httpProvider#defaults `$httpProvider.defaults.cache`} property. + * + * When caching is enabled, {@link ng.$http `$http`} stores the response from the server using + * the relevant cache object. The next time the same request is made, the response is returned + * from the cache without sending a request to the server. + * + * Take note that: + * + * * Only GET and JSONP requests are cached. + * * The cache key is the request URL including search parameters; headers are not considered. + * * Cached responses are returned asynchronously, in the same way as responses from the server. + * * If multiple identical requests are made using the same cache, which is not yet populated, + * one request will be made to the server and remaining requests will return the same response. + * * A cache-control header on the response does not affect if or how responses are cached. + * + * + * ## Interceptors + * + * Before you start creating interceptors, be sure to understand the + * {@link ng.$q $q and deferred/promise APIs}. + * + * For purposes of global error handling, authentication, or any kind of synchronous or + * asynchronous pre-processing of request or postprocessing of responses, it is desirable to be + * able to intercept requests before they are handed to the server and + * responses before they are handed over to the application code that + * initiated these requests. The interceptors leverage the {@link ng.$q + * promise APIs} to fulfill this need for both synchronous and asynchronous pre-processing. + * + * The interceptors are service factories that are registered with the `$httpProvider` by + * adding them to the `$httpProvider.interceptors` array. The factory is called and + * injected with dependencies (if specified) and returns the interceptor. + * + * There are two kinds of interceptors (and two kinds of rejection interceptors): + * + * * `request`: interceptors get called with a http {@link $http#usage config} object. The function is free to + * modify the `config` object or create a new one. The function needs to return the `config` + * object directly, or a promise containing the `config` or a new `config` object. + * * `requestError`: interceptor gets called when a previous interceptor threw an error or + * resolved with a rejection. + * * `response`: interceptors get called with http `response` object. The function is free to + * modify the `response` object or create a new one. The function needs to return the `response` + * object directly, or as a promise containing the `response` or a new `response` object. + * * `responseError`: interceptor gets called when a previous interceptor threw an error or + * resolved with a rejection. + * + * + * ```js + * // register the interceptor as a service + * $provide.factory('myHttpInterceptor', function($q, dependency1, dependency2) { + * return { + * // optional method + * 'request': function(config) { + * // do something on success + * return config; + * }, + * + * // optional method + * 'requestError': function(rejection) { + * // do something on error + * if (canRecover(rejection)) { + * return responseOrNewPromise + * } + * return $q.reject(rejection); + * }, + * + * + * + * // optional method + * 'response': function(response) { + * // do something on success + * return response; + * }, + * + * // optional method + * 'responseError': function(rejection) { + * // do something on error + * if (canRecover(rejection)) { + * return responseOrNewPromise + * } + * return $q.reject(rejection); + * } + * }; + * }); + * + * $httpProvider.interceptors.push('myHttpInterceptor'); + * + * + * // alternatively, register the interceptor via an anonymous factory + * $httpProvider.interceptors.push(function($q, dependency1, dependency2) { + * return { + * 'request': function(config) { + * // same as above + * }, + * + * 'response': function(response) { + * // same as above + * } + * }; + * }); + * ``` + * + * ## Security Considerations + * + * When designing web applications, consider security threats from: + * + * - [JSON vulnerability](http://haacked.com/archive/2008/11/20/anatomy-of-a-subtle-json-vulnerability.aspx) + * - [XSRF](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_request_forgery) + * + * Both server and the client must cooperate in order to eliminate these threats. Angular comes + * pre-configured with strategies that address these issues, but for this to work backend server + * cooperation is required. + * + * ### JSON Vulnerability Protection + * + * A [JSON vulnerability](http://haacked.com/archive/2008/11/20/anatomy-of-a-subtle-json-vulnerability.aspx) + * allows third party website to turn your JSON resource URL into + * [JSONP](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSONP) request under some conditions. To + * counter this your server can prefix all JSON requests with following string `")]}',\n"`. + * Angular will automatically strip the prefix before processing it as JSON. + * + * For example if your server needs to return: + * ```js + * ['one','two'] + * ``` + * + * which is vulnerable to attack, your server can return: + * ```js + * )]}', + * ['one','two'] + * ``` + * + * Angular will strip the prefix, before processing the JSON. + * + * + * ### Cross Site Request Forgery (XSRF) Protection + * + * [XSRF](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_request_forgery) is an attack technique by + * which the attacker can trick an authenticated user into unknowingly executing actions on your + * website. Angular provides a mechanism to counter XSRF. When performing XHR requests, the + * $http service reads a token from a cookie (by default, `XSRF-TOKEN`) and sets it as an HTTP + * header (`X-XSRF-TOKEN`). Since only JavaScript that runs on your domain could read the + * cookie, your server can be assured that the XHR came from JavaScript running on your domain. + * The header will not be set for cross-domain requests. + * + * To take advantage of this, your server needs to set a token in a JavaScript readable session + * cookie called `XSRF-TOKEN` on the first HTTP GET request. On subsequent XHR requests the + * server can verify that the cookie matches `X-XSRF-TOKEN` HTTP header, and therefore be sure + * that only JavaScript running on your domain could have sent the request. The token must be + * unique for each user and must be verifiable by the server (to prevent the JavaScript from + * making up its own tokens). We recommend that the token is a digest of your site's + * authentication cookie with a [salt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_(cryptography)) + * for added security. + * + * The name of the headers can be specified using the xsrfHeaderName and xsrfCookieName + * properties of either $httpProvider.defaults at config-time, $http.defaults at run-time, + * or the per-request config object. + * + * In order to prevent collisions in environments where multiple Angular apps share the + * same domain or subdomain, we recommend that each application uses unique cookie name. + * + * @param {object} config Object describing the request to be made and how it should be + * processed. The object has following properties: + * + * - **method** – `{string}` – HTTP method (e.g. 'GET', 'POST', etc) + * - **url** – `{string}` – Absolute or relative URL of the resource that is being requested. + * - **params** – `{Object.}` – Map of strings or objects which will be serialized + * with the `paramSerializer` and appended as GET parameters. + * - **data** – `{string|Object}` – Data to be sent as the request message data. + * - **headers** – `{Object}` – Map of strings or functions which return strings representing + * HTTP headers to send to the server. If the return value of a function is null, the + * header will not be sent. Functions accept a config object as an argument. + * - **eventHandlers** - `{Object}` - Event listeners to be bound to the XMLHttpRequest object. + * To bind events to the XMLHttpRequest upload object, use `uploadEventHandlers`. + * The handler will be called in the context of a `$apply` block. + * - **uploadEventHandlers** - `{Object}` - Event listeners to be bound to the XMLHttpRequest upload + * object. To bind events to the XMLHttpRequest object, use `eventHandlers`. + * The handler will be called in the context of a `$apply` block. + * - **xsrfHeaderName** – `{string}` – Name of HTTP header to populate with the XSRF token. + * - **xsrfCookieName** – `{string}` – Name of cookie containing the XSRF token. + * - **transformRequest** – + * `{function(data, headersGetter)|Array.}` – + * transform function or an array of such functions. The transform function takes the http + * request body and headers and returns its transformed (typically serialized) version. + * See {@link ng.$http#overriding-the-default-transformations-per-request + * Overriding the Default Transformations} + * - **transformResponse** – + * `{function(data, headersGetter, status)|Array.}` – + * transform function or an array of such functions. The transform function takes the http + * response body, headers and status and returns its transformed (typically deserialized) version. + * See {@link ng.$http#overriding-the-default-transformations-per-request + * Overriding the Default Transformations} + * - **paramSerializer** - `{string|function(Object):string}` - A function used to + * prepare the string representation of request parameters (specified as an object). + * If specified as string, it is interpreted as function registered with the + * {@link $injector $injector}, which means you can create your own serializer + * by registering it as a {@link auto.$provide#service service}. + * The default serializer is the {@link $httpParamSerializer $httpParamSerializer}; + * alternatively, you can use the {@link $httpParamSerializerJQLike $httpParamSerializerJQLike} + * - **cache** – `{boolean|Object}` – A boolean value or object created with + * {@link ng.$cacheFactory `$cacheFactory`} to enable or disable caching of the HTTP response. + * See {@link $http#caching $http Caching} for more information. + * - **timeout** – `{number|Promise}` – timeout in milliseconds, or {@link ng.$q promise} + * that should abort the request when resolved. + * - **withCredentials** - `{boolean}` - whether to set the `withCredentials` flag on the + * XHR object. See [requests with credentials](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS#Requests_with_credentials) + * for more information. + * - **responseType** - `{string}` - see + * [XMLHttpRequest.responseType](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest#xmlhttprequest-responsetype). + * + * @returns {HttpPromise} Returns a {@link ng.$q `Promise}` that will be resolved to a response object + * when the request succeeds or fails. + * + * + * @property {Array.} pendingRequests Array of config objects for currently pending + * requests. This is primarily meant to be used for debugging purposes. + * + * + * @example + + +
+ + +
+ + + +
http status code: {{status}}
http response data: {{data}}
+ + angular.module('httpExample', []) + .controller('FetchController', ['$scope', '$http', '$templateCache', + function($scope, $http, $templateCache) { + $scope.method = 'GET'; + $scope.url = 'http-hello.html'; + + $scope.fetch = function() { + $scope.code = null; + $scope.response = null; + + $http({method: $scope.method, url: $scope.url, cache: $templateCache}). + then(function(response) { + $scope.status = response.status; + $scope.data = response.data; + }, function(response) { + $scope.data = response.data || "Request failed"; + $scope.status = response.status; + }); + }; + + $scope.updateModel = function(method, url) { + $scope.method = method; + $scope.url = url; + }; + }]); + + + Hello, $http! + + + var status = element(by.binding('status')); + var data = element(by.binding('data')); + var fetchBtn = element(by.id('fetchbtn')); + var sampleGetBtn = element(by.id('samplegetbtn')); + var sampleJsonpBtn = element(by.id('samplejsonpbtn')); + var invalidJsonpBtn = element(by.id('invalidjsonpbtn')); + + it('should make an xhr GET request', function() { + sampleGetBtn.click(); + fetchBtn.click(); + expect(status.getText()).toMatch('200'); + expect(data.getText()).toMatch(/Hello, \$http!/); + }); + +// Commented out due to flakes. See https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/9185 +// it('should make a JSONP request to angularjs.org', function() { +// sampleJsonpBtn.click(); +// fetchBtn.click(); +// expect(status.getText()).toMatch('200'); +// expect(data.getText()).toMatch(/Super Hero!/); +// }); + + it('should make JSONP request to invalid URL and invoke the error handler', + function() { + invalidJsonpBtn.click(); + fetchBtn.click(); + expect(status.getText()).toMatch('0'); + expect(data.getText()).toMatch('Request failed'); + }); + +
+ */ + function $http(requestConfig) { + + if (!isObject(requestConfig)) { + throw minErr('$http')('badreq', 'Http request configuration must be an object. Received: {0}', requestConfig); + } + + if (!isString(requestConfig.url)) { + throw minErr('$http')('badreq', 'Http request configuration url must be a string. Received: {0}', requestConfig.url); + } + + var config = extend({ + method: 'get', + transformRequest: defaults.transformRequest, + transformResponse: defaults.transformResponse, + paramSerializer: defaults.paramSerializer + }, requestConfig); + + config.headers = mergeHeaders(requestConfig); + config.method = uppercase(config.method); + config.paramSerializer = isString(config.paramSerializer) ? + $injector.get(config.paramSerializer) : config.paramSerializer; + + var serverRequest = function(config) { + var headers = config.headers; + var reqData = transformData(config.data, headersGetter(headers), undefined, config.transformRequest); + + // strip content-type if data is undefined + if (isUndefined(reqData)) { + forEach(headers, function(value, header) { + if (lowercase(header) === 'content-type') { + delete headers[header]; + } + }); + } + + if (isUndefined(config.withCredentials) && !isUndefined(defaults.withCredentials)) { + config.withCredentials = defaults.withCredentials; + } + + // send request + return sendReq(config, reqData).then(transformResponse, transformResponse); + }; + + var chain = [serverRequest, undefined]; + var promise = $q.when(config); + + // apply interceptors + forEach(reversedInterceptors, function(interceptor) { + if (interceptor.request || interceptor.requestError) { + chain.unshift(interceptor.request, interceptor.requestError); + } + if (interceptor.response || interceptor.responseError) { + chain.push(interceptor.response, interceptor.responseError); + } + }); + + while (chain.length) { + var thenFn = chain.shift(); + var rejectFn = chain.shift(); + + promise = promise.then(thenFn, rejectFn); + } + + if (useLegacyPromise) { + promise.success = function(fn) { + assertArgFn(fn, 'fn'); + + promise.then(function(response) { + fn(response.data, response.status, response.headers, config); + }); + return promise; + }; + + promise.error = function(fn) { + assertArgFn(fn, 'fn'); + + promise.then(null, function(response) { + fn(response.data, response.status, response.headers, config); + }); + return promise; + }; + } else { + promise.success = $httpMinErrLegacyFn('success'); + promise.error = $httpMinErrLegacyFn('error'); + } + + return promise; + + function transformResponse(response) { + // make a copy since the response must be cacheable + var resp = extend({}, response); + resp.data = transformData(response.data, response.headers, response.status, + config.transformResponse); + return (isSuccess(response.status)) + ? resp + : $q.reject(resp); + } + + function executeHeaderFns(headers, config) { + var headerContent, processedHeaders = {}; + + forEach(headers, function(headerFn, header) { + if (isFunction(headerFn)) { + headerContent = headerFn(config); + if (headerContent != null) { + processedHeaders[header] = headerContent; + } + } else { + processedHeaders[header] = headerFn; + } + }); + + return processedHeaders; + } + + function mergeHeaders(config) { + var defHeaders = defaults.headers, + reqHeaders = extend({}, config.headers), + defHeaderName, lowercaseDefHeaderName, reqHeaderName; + + defHeaders = extend({}, defHeaders.common, defHeaders[lowercase(config.method)]); + + // using for-in instead of forEach to avoid unnecessary iteration after header has been found + defaultHeadersIteration: + for (defHeaderName in defHeaders) { + lowercaseDefHeaderName = lowercase(defHeaderName); + + for (reqHeaderName in reqHeaders) { + if (lowercase(reqHeaderName) === lowercaseDefHeaderName) { + continue defaultHeadersIteration; + } + } + + reqHeaders[defHeaderName] = defHeaders[defHeaderName]; + } + + // execute if header value is a function for merged headers + return executeHeaderFns(reqHeaders, shallowCopy(config)); + } + } + + $http.pendingRequests = []; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $http#get + * + * @description + * Shortcut method to perform `GET` request. + * + * @param {string} url Relative or absolute URL specifying the destination of the request + * @param {Object=} config Optional configuration object + * @returns {HttpPromise} Future object + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $http#delete + * + * @description + * Shortcut method to perform `DELETE` request. + * + * @param {string} url Relative or absolute URL specifying the destination of the request + * @param {Object=} config Optional configuration object + * @returns {HttpPromise} Future object + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $http#head + * + * @description + * Shortcut method to perform `HEAD` request. + * + * @param {string} url Relative or absolute URL specifying the destination of the request + * @param {Object=} config Optional configuration object + * @returns {HttpPromise} Future object + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $http#jsonp + * + * @description + * Shortcut method to perform `JSONP` request. + * + * @param {string} url Relative or absolute URL specifying the destination of the request. + * The name of the callback should be the string `JSON_CALLBACK`. + * @param {Object=} config Optional configuration object + * @returns {HttpPromise} Future object + */ + createShortMethods('get', 'delete', 'head', 'jsonp'); + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $http#post + * + * @description + * Shortcut method to perform `POST` request. + * + * @param {string} url Relative or absolute URL specifying the destination of the request + * @param {*} data Request content + * @param {Object=} config Optional configuration object + * @returns {HttpPromise} Future object + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $http#put + * + * @description + * Shortcut method to perform `PUT` request. + * + * @param {string} url Relative or absolute URL specifying the destination of the request + * @param {*} data Request content + * @param {Object=} config Optional configuration object + * @returns {HttpPromise} Future object + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $http#patch + * + * @description + * Shortcut method to perform `PATCH` request. + * + * @param {string} url Relative or absolute URL specifying the destination of the request + * @param {*} data Request content + * @param {Object=} config Optional configuration object + * @returns {HttpPromise} Future object + */ + createShortMethodsWithData('post', 'put', 'patch'); + + /** + * @ngdoc property + * @name $http#defaults + * + * @description + * Runtime equivalent of the `$httpProvider.defaults` property. Allows configuration of + * default headers, withCredentials as well as request and response transformations. + * + * See "Setting HTTP Headers" and "Transforming Requests and Responses" sections above. + */ + $http.defaults = defaults; + + + return $http; + + + function createShortMethods(names) { + forEach(arguments, function(name) { + $http[name] = function(url, config) { + return $http(extend({}, config || {}, { + method: name, + url: url + })); + }; + }); + } + + + function createShortMethodsWithData(name) { + forEach(arguments, function(name) { + $http[name] = function(url, data, config) { + return $http(extend({}, config || {}, { + method: name, + url: url, + data: data + })); + }; + }); + } + + + /** + * Makes the request. + * + * !!! ACCESSES CLOSURE VARS: + * $httpBackend, defaults, $log, $rootScope, defaultCache, $http.pendingRequests + */ + function sendReq(config, reqData) { + var deferred = $q.defer(), + promise = deferred.promise, + cache, + cachedResp, + reqHeaders = config.headers, + url = buildUrl(config.url, config.paramSerializer(config.params)); + + $http.pendingRequests.push(config); + promise.then(removePendingReq, removePendingReq); + + + if ((config.cache || defaults.cache) && config.cache !== false && + (config.method === 'GET' || config.method === 'JSONP')) { + cache = isObject(config.cache) ? config.cache + : isObject(defaults.cache) ? defaults.cache + : defaultCache; + } + + if (cache) { + cachedResp = cache.get(url); + if (isDefined(cachedResp)) { + if (isPromiseLike(cachedResp)) { + // cached request has already been sent, but there is no response yet + cachedResp.then(resolvePromiseWithResult, resolvePromiseWithResult); + } else { + // serving from cache + if (isArray(cachedResp)) { + resolvePromise(cachedResp[1], cachedResp[0], shallowCopy(cachedResp[2]), cachedResp[3]); + } else { + resolvePromise(cachedResp, 200, {}, 'OK'); + } + } + } else { + // put the promise for the non-transformed response into cache as a placeholder + cache.put(url, promise); + } + } + + + // if we won't have the response in cache, set the xsrf headers and + // send the request to the backend + if (isUndefined(cachedResp)) { + var xsrfValue = urlIsSameOrigin(config.url) + ? $$cookieReader()[config.xsrfCookieName || defaults.xsrfCookieName] + : undefined; + if (xsrfValue) { + reqHeaders[(config.xsrfHeaderName || defaults.xsrfHeaderName)] = xsrfValue; + } + + $httpBackend(config.method, url, reqData, done, reqHeaders, config.timeout, + config.withCredentials, config.responseType, + createApplyHandlers(config.eventHandlers), + createApplyHandlers(config.uploadEventHandlers)); + } + + return promise; + + function createApplyHandlers(eventHandlers) { + if (eventHandlers) { + var applyHandlers = {}; + forEach(eventHandlers, function(eventHandler, key) { + applyHandlers[key] = function(event) { + if (useApplyAsync) { + $rootScope.$applyAsync(callEventHandler); + } else if ($rootScope.$$phase) { + callEventHandler(); + } else { + $rootScope.$apply(callEventHandler); + } + + function callEventHandler() { + eventHandler(event); + } + }; + }); + return applyHandlers; + } + } + + + /** + * Callback registered to $httpBackend(): + * - caches the response if desired + * - resolves the raw $http promise + * - calls $apply + */ + function done(status, response, headersString, statusText) { + if (cache) { + if (isSuccess(status)) { + cache.put(url, [status, response, parseHeaders(headersString), statusText]); + } else { + // remove promise from the cache + cache.remove(url); + } + } + + function resolveHttpPromise() { + resolvePromise(response, status, headersString, statusText); + } + + if (useApplyAsync) { + $rootScope.$applyAsync(resolveHttpPromise); + } else { + resolveHttpPromise(); + if (!$rootScope.$$phase) $rootScope.$apply(); + } + } + + + /** + * Resolves the raw $http promise. + */ + function resolvePromise(response, status, headers, statusText) { + //status: HTTP response status code, 0, -1 (aborted by timeout / promise) + status = status >= -1 ? status : 0; + + (isSuccess(status) ? deferred.resolve : deferred.reject)({ + data: response, + status: status, + headers: headersGetter(headers), + config: config, + statusText: statusText + }); + } + + function resolvePromiseWithResult(result) { + resolvePromise(result.data, result.status, shallowCopy(result.headers()), result.statusText); + } + + function removePendingReq() { + var idx = $http.pendingRequests.indexOf(config); + if (idx !== -1) $http.pendingRequests.splice(idx, 1); + } + } + + + function buildUrl(url, serializedParams) { + if (serializedParams.length > 0) { + url += ((url.indexOf('?') == -1) ? '?' : '&') + serializedParams; + } + return url; + } + }]; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $xhrFactory + * + * @description + * Factory function used to create XMLHttpRequest objects. + * + * Replace or decorate this service to create your own custom XMLHttpRequest objects. + * + * ``` + * angular.module('myApp', []) + * .factory('$xhrFactory', function() { + * return function createXhr(method, url) { + * return new window.XMLHttpRequest({mozSystem: true}); + * }; + * }); + * ``` + * + * @param {string} method HTTP method of the request (GET, POST, PUT, ..) + * @param {string} url URL of the request. + */ +function $xhrFactoryProvider() { + this.$get = function() { + return function createXhr() { + return new window.XMLHttpRequest(); + }; + }; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $httpBackend + * @requires $window + * @requires $document + * @requires $xhrFactory + * + * @description + * HTTP backend used by the {@link ng.$http service} that delegates to + * XMLHttpRequest object or JSONP and deals with browser incompatibilities. + * + * You should never need to use this service directly, instead use the higher-level abstractions: + * {@link ng.$http $http} or {@link ngResource.$resource $resource}. + * + * During testing this implementation is swapped with {@link ngMock.$httpBackend mock + * $httpBackend} which can be trained with responses. + */ +function $HttpBackendProvider() { + this.$get = ['$browser', '$window', '$document', '$xhrFactory', function($browser, $window, $document, $xhrFactory) { + return createHttpBackend($browser, $xhrFactory, $browser.defer, $window.angular.callbacks, $document[0]); + }]; +} + +function createHttpBackend($browser, createXhr, $browserDefer, callbacks, rawDocument) { + // TODO(vojta): fix the signature + return function(method, url, post, callback, headers, timeout, withCredentials, responseType, eventHandlers, uploadEventHandlers) { + $browser.$$incOutstandingRequestCount(); + url = url || $browser.url(); + + if (lowercase(method) == 'jsonp') { + var callbackId = '_' + (callbacks.counter++).toString(36); + callbacks[callbackId] = function(data) { + callbacks[callbackId].data = data; + callbacks[callbackId].called = true; + }; + + var jsonpDone = jsonpReq(url.replace('JSON_CALLBACK', 'angular.callbacks.' + callbackId), + callbackId, function(status, text) { + completeRequest(callback, status, callbacks[callbackId].data, "", text); + callbacks[callbackId] = noop; + }); + } else { + + var xhr = createXhr(method, url); + + xhr.open(method, url, true); + forEach(headers, function(value, key) { + if (isDefined(value)) { + xhr.setRequestHeader(key, value); + } + }); + + xhr.onload = function requestLoaded() { + var statusText = xhr.statusText || ''; + + // responseText is the old-school way of retrieving response (supported by IE9) + // response/responseType properties were introduced in XHR Level2 spec (supported by IE10) + var response = ('response' in xhr) ? xhr.response : xhr.responseText; + + // normalize IE9 bug (http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/1450) + var status = xhr.status === 1223 ? 204 : xhr.status; + + // fix status code when it is 0 (0 status is undocumented). + // Occurs when accessing file resources or on Android 4.1 stock browser + // while retrieving files from application cache. + if (status === 0) { + status = response ? 200 : urlResolve(url).protocol == 'file' ? 404 : 0; + } + + completeRequest(callback, + status, + response, + xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(), + statusText); + }; + + var requestError = function() { + // The response is always empty + // See https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/#request-error-steps and https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-network-error + completeRequest(callback, -1, null, null, ''); + }; + + xhr.onerror = requestError; + xhr.onabort = requestError; + + forEach(eventHandlers, function(value, key) { + xhr.addEventListener(key, value); + }); + + forEach(uploadEventHandlers, function(value, key) { + xhr.upload.addEventListener(key, value); + }); + + if (withCredentials) { + xhr.withCredentials = true; + } + + if (responseType) { + try { + xhr.responseType = responseType; + } catch (e) { + // WebKit added support for the json responseType value on 09/03/2013 + // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73648. Versions of Safari prior to 7 are + // known to throw when setting the value "json" as the response type. Other older + // browsers implementing the responseType + // + // The json response type can be ignored if not supported, because JSON payloads are + // parsed on the client-side regardless. + if (responseType !== 'json') { + throw e; + } + } + } + + xhr.send(isUndefined(post) ? null : post); + } + + if (timeout > 0) { + var timeoutId = $browserDefer(timeoutRequest, timeout); + } else if (isPromiseLike(timeout)) { + timeout.then(timeoutRequest); + } + + + function timeoutRequest() { + jsonpDone && jsonpDone(); + xhr && xhr.abort(); + } + + function completeRequest(callback, status, response, headersString, statusText) { + // cancel timeout and subsequent timeout promise resolution + if (isDefined(timeoutId)) { + $browserDefer.cancel(timeoutId); + } + jsonpDone = xhr = null; + + callback(status, response, headersString, statusText); + $browser.$$completeOutstandingRequest(noop); + } + }; + + function jsonpReq(url, callbackId, done) { + // we can't use jQuery/jqLite here because jQuery does crazy stuff with script elements, e.g.: + // - fetches local scripts via XHR and evals them + // - adds and immediately removes script elements from the document + var script = rawDocument.createElement('script'), callback = null; + script.type = "text/javascript"; + script.src = url; + script.async = true; + + callback = function(event) { + removeEventListenerFn(script, "load", callback); + removeEventListenerFn(script, "error", callback); + rawDocument.body.removeChild(script); + script = null; + var status = -1; + var text = "unknown"; + + if (event) { + if (event.type === "load" && !callbacks[callbackId].called) { + event = { type: "error" }; + } + text = event.type; + status = event.type === "error" ? 404 : 200; + } + + if (done) { + done(status, text); + } + }; + + addEventListenerFn(script, "load", callback); + addEventListenerFn(script, "error", callback); + rawDocument.body.appendChild(script); + return callback; + } +} + +var $interpolateMinErr = angular.$interpolateMinErr = minErr('$interpolate'); +$interpolateMinErr.throwNoconcat = function(text) { + throw $interpolateMinErr('noconcat', + "Error while interpolating: {0}\nStrict Contextual Escaping disallows " + + "interpolations that concatenate multiple expressions when a trusted value is " + + "required. See http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$sce", text); +}; + +$interpolateMinErr.interr = function(text, err) { + return $interpolateMinErr('interr', "Can't interpolate: {0}\n{1}", text, err.toString()); +}; + +/** + * @ngdoc provider + * @name $interpolateProvider + * + * @description + * + * Used for configuring the interpolation markup. Defaults to `{{` and `}}`. + * + *
+ * This feature is sometimes used to mix different markup languages, e.g. to wrap an Angular + * template within a Python Jinja template (or any other template language). Mixing templating + * languages is **very dangerous**. The embedding template language will not safely escape Angular + * expressions, so any user-controlled values in the template will cause Cross Site Scripting (XSS) + * security bugs! + *
+ * + * @example + + + +
+ //demo.label// +
+ + it('should interpolate binding with custom symbols', function() { + expect(element(by.binding('demo.label')).getText()).toBe('This binding is brought you by // interpolation symbols.'); + }); + +
+ */ +function $InterpolateProvider() { + var startSymbol = '{{'; + var endSymbol = '}}'; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $interpolateProvider#startSymbol + * @description + * Symbol to denote start of expression in the interpolated string. Defaults to `{{`. + * + * @param {string=} value new value to set the starting symbol to. + * @returns {string|self} Returns the symbol when used as getter and self if used as setter. + */ + this.startSymbol = function(value) { + if (value) { + startSymbol = value; + return this; + } else { + return startSymbol; + } + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $interpolateProvider#endSymbol + * @description + * Symbol to denote the end of expression in the interpolated string. Defaults to `}}`. + * + * @param {string=} value new value to set the ending symbol to. + * @returns {string|self} Returns the symbol when used as getter and self if used as setter. + */ + this.endSymbol = function(value) { + if (value) { + endSymbol = value; + return this; + } else { + return endSymbol; + } + }; + + + this.$get = ['$parse', '$exceptionHandler', '$sce', function($parse, $exceptionHandler, $sce) { + var startSymbolLength = startSymbol.length, + endSymbolLength = endSymbol.length, + escapedStartRegexp = new RegExp(startSymbol.replace(/./g, escape), 'g'), + escapedEndRegexp = new RegExp(endSymbol.replace(/./g, escape), 'g'); + + function escape(ch) { + return '\\\\\\' + ch; + } + + function unescapeText(text) { + return text.replace(escapedStartRegexp, startSymbol). + replace(escapedEndRegexp, endSymbol); + } + + function stringify(value) { + if (value == null) { // null || undefined + return ''; + } + switch (typeof value) { + case 'string': + break; + case 'number': + value = '' + value; + break; + default: + value = toJson(value); + } + + return value; + } + + //TODO: this is the same as the constantWatchDelegate in parse.js + function constantWatchDelegate(scope, listener, objectEquality, constantInterp) { + var unwatch; + return unwatch = scope.$watch(function constantInterpolateWatch(scope) { + unwatch(); + return constantInterp(scope); + }, listener, objectEquality); + } + + /** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $interpolate + * @kind function + * + * @requires $parse + * @requires $sce + * + * @description + * + * Compiles a string with markup into an interpolation function. This service is used by the + * HTML {@link ng.$compile $compile} service for data binding. See + * {@link ng.$interpolateProvider $interpolateProvider} for configuring the + * interpolation markup. + * + * + * ```js + * var $interpolate = ...; // injected + * var exp = $interpolate('Hello {{name | uppercase}}!'); + * expect(exp({name:'Angular'})).toEqual('Hello ANGULAR!'); + * ``` + * + * `$interpolate` takes an optional fourth argument, `allOrNothing`. If `allOrNothing` is + * `true`, the interpolation function will return `undefined` unless all embedded expressions + * evaluate to a value other than `undefined`. + * + * ```js + * var $interpolate = ...; // injected + * var context = {greeting: 'Hello', name: undefined }; + * + * // default "forgiving" mode + * var exp = $interpolate('{{greeting}} {{name}}!'); + * expect(exp(context)).toEqual('Hello !'); + * + * // "allOrNothing" mode + * exp = $interpolate('{{greeting}} {{name}}!', false, null, true); + * expect(exp(context)).toBeUndefined(); + * context.name = 'Angular'; + * expect(exp(context)).toEqual('Hello Angular!'); + * ``` + * + * `allOrNothing` is useful for interpolating URLs. `ngSrc` and `ngSrcset` use this behavior. + * + * ####Escaped Interpolation + * $interpolate provides a mechanism for escaping interpolation markers. Start and end markers + * can be escaped by preceding each of their characters with a REVERSE SOLIDUS U+005C (backslash). + * It will be rendered as a regular start/end marker, and will not be interpreted as an expression + * or binding. + * + * This enables web-servers to prevent script injection attacks and defacing attacks, to some + * degree, while also enabling code examples to work without relying on the + * {@link ng.directive:ngNonBindable ngNonBindable} directive. + * + * **For security purposes, it is strongly encouraged that web servers escape user-supplied data, + * replacing angle brackets (<, >) with &lt; and &gt; respectively, and replacing all + * interpolation start/end markers with their escaped counterparts.** + * + * Escaped interpolation markers are only replaced with the actual interpolation markers in rendered + * output when the $interpolate service processes the text. So, for HTML elements interpolated + * by {@link ng.$compile $compile}, or otherwise interpolated with the `mustHaveExpression` parameter + * set to `true`, the interpolated text must contain an unescaped interpolation expression. As such, + * this is typically useful only when user-data is used in rendering a template from the server, or + * when otherwise untrusted data is used by a directive. + * + * + * + *
+ *

{{apptitle}}: \{\{ username = "defaced value"; \}\} + *

+ *

{{username}} attempts to inject code which will deface the + * application, but fails to accomplish their task, because the server has correctly + * escaped the interpolation start/end markers with REVERSE SOLIDUS U+005C (backslash) + * characters.

+ *

Instead, the result of the attempted script injection is visible, and can be removed + * from the database by an administrator.

+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * + * @param {string} text The text with markup to interpolate. + * @param {boolean=} mustHaveExpression if set to true then the interpolation string must have + * embedded expression in order to return an interpolation function. Strings with no + * embedded expression will return null for the interpolation function. + * @param {string=} trustedContext when provided, the returned function passes the interpolated + * result through {@link ng.$sce#getTrusted $sce.getTrusted(interpolatedResult, + * trustedContext)} before returning it. Refer to the {@link ng.$sce $sce} service that + * provides Strict Contextual Escaping for details. + * @param {boolean=} allOrNothing if `true`, then the returned function returns undefined + * unless all embedded expressions evaluate to a value other than `undefined`. + * @returns {function(context)} an interpolation function which is used to compute the + * interpolated string. The function has these parameters: + * + * - `context`: evaluation context for all expressions embedded in the interpolated text + */ + function $interpolate(text, mustHaveExpression, trustedContext, allOrNothing) { + // Provide a quick exit and simplified result function for text with no interpolation + if (!text.length || text.indexOf(startSymbol) === -1) { + var constantInterp; + if (!mustHaveExpression) { + var unescapedText = unescapeText(text); + constantInterp = valueFn(unescapedText); + constantInterp.exp = text; + constantInterp.expressions = []; + constantInterp.$$watchDelegate = constantWatchDelegate; + } + return constantInterp; + } + + allOrNothing = !!allOrNothing; + var startIndex, + endIndex, + index = 0, + expressions = [], + parseFns = [], + textLength = text.length, + exp, + concat = [], + expressionPositions = []; + + while (index < textLength) { + if (((startIndex = text.indexOf(startSymbol, index)) != -1) && + ((endIndex = text.indexOf(endSymbol, startIndex + startSymbolLength)) != -1)) { + if (index !== startIndex) { + concat.push(unescapeText(text.substring(index, startIndex))); + } + exp = text.substring(startIndex + startSymbolLength, endIndex); + expressions.push(exp); + parseFns.push($parse(exp, parseStringifyInterceptor)); + index = endIndex + endSymbolLength; + expressionPositions.push(concat.length); + concat.push(''); + } else { + // we did not find an interpolation, so we have to add the remainder to the separators array + if (index !== textLength) { + concat.push(unescapeText(text.substring(index))); + } + break; + } + } + + // Concatenating expressions makes it hard to reason about whether some combination of + // concatenated values are unsafe to use and could easily lead to XSS. By requiring that a + // single expression be used for iframe[src], object[src], etc., we ensure that the value + // that's used is assigned or constructed by some JS code somewhere that is more testable or + // make it obvious that you bound the value to some user controlled value. This helps reduce + // the load when auditing for XSS issues. + if (trustedContext && concat.length > 1) { + $interpolateMinErr.throwNoconcat(text); + } + + if (!mustHaveExpression || expressions.length) { + var compute = function(values) { + for (var i = 0, ii = expressions.length; i < ii; i++) { + if (allOrNothing && isUndefined(values[i])) return; + concat[expressionPositions[i]] = values[i]; + } + return concat.join(''); + }; + + var getValue = function(value) { + return trustedContext ? + $sce.getTrusted(trustedContext, value) : + $sce.valueOf(value); + }; + + return extend(function interpolationFn(context) { + var i = 0; + var ii = expressions.length; + var values = new Array(ii); + + try { + for (; i < ii; i++) { + values[i] = parseFns[i](context); + } + + return compute(values); + } catch (err) { + $exceptionHandler($interpolateMinErr.interr(text, err)); + } + + }, { + // all of these properties are undocumented for now + exp: text, //just for compatibility with regular watchers created via $watch + expressions: expressions, + $$watchDelegate: function(scope, listener) { + var lastValue; + return scope.$watchGroup(parseFns, function interpolateFnWatcher(values, oldValues) { + var currValue = compute(values); + if (isFunction(listener)) { + listener.call(this, currValue, values !== oldValues ? lastValue : currValue, scope); + } + lastValue = currValue; + }); + } + }); + } + + function parseStringifyInterceptor(value) { + try { + value = getValue(value); + return allOrNothing && !isDefined(value) ? value : stringify(value); + } catch (err) { + $exceptionHandler($interpolateMinErr.interr(text, err)); + } + } + } + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $interpolate#startSymbol + * @description + * Symbol to denote the start of expression in the interpolated string. Defaults to `{{`. + * + * Use {@link ng.$interpolateProvider#startSymbol `$interpolateProvider.startSymbol`} to change + * the symbol. + * + * @returns {string} start symbol. + */ + $interpolate.startSymbol = function() { + return startSymbol; + }; + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $interpolate#endSymbol + * @description + * Symbol to denote the end of expression in the interpolated string. Defaults to `}}`. + * + * Use {@link ng.$interpolateProvider#endSymbol `$interpolateProvider.endSymbol`} to change + * the symbol. + * + * @returns {string} end symbol. + */ + $interpolate.endSymbol = function() { + return endSymbol; + }; + + return $interpolate; + }]; +} + +function $IntervalProvider() { + this.$get = ['$rootScope', '$window', '$q', '$$q', '$browser', + function($rootScope, $window, $q, $$q, $browser) { + var intervals = {}; + + + /** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $interval + * + * @description + * Angular's wrapper for `window.setInterval`. The `fn` function is executed every `delay` + * milliseconds. + * + * The return value of registering an interval function is a promise. This promise will be + * notified upon each tick of the interval, and will be resolved after `count` iterations, or + * run indefinitely if `count` is not defined. The value of the notification will be the + * number of iterations that have run. + * To cancel an interval, call `$interval.cancel(promise)`. + * + * In tests you can use {@link ngMock.$interval#flush `$interval.flush(millis)`} to + * move forward by `millis` milliseconds and trigger any functions scheduled to run in that + * time. + * + *
+ * **Note**: Intervals created by this service must be explicitly destroyed when you are finished + * with them. In particular they are not automatically destroyed when a controller's scope or a + * directive's element are destroyed. + * You should take this into consideration and make sure to always cancel the interval at the + * appropriate moment. See the example below for more details on how and when to do this. + *
+ * + * @param {function()} fn A function that should be called repeatedly. + * @param {number} delay Number of milliseconds between each function call. + * @param {number=} [count=0] Number of times to repeat. If not set, or 0, will repeat + * indefinitely. + * @param {boolean=} [invokeApply=true] If set to `false` skips model dirty checking, otherwise + * will invoke `fn` within the {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$apply $apply} block. + * @param {...*=} Pass additional parameters to the executed function. + * @returns {promise} A promise which will be notified on each iteration. + * + * @example + * + * + * + * + *
+ *
+ *
+ * Current time is: + *
+ * Blood 1 : {{blood_1}} + * Blood 2 : {{blood_2}} + * + * + * + *
+ *
+ * + *
+ *
+ */ + function interval(fn, delay, count, invokeApply) { + var hasParams = arguments.length > 4, + args = hasParams ? sliceArgs(arguments, 4) : [], + setInterval = $window.setInterval, + clearInterval = $window.clearInterval, + iteration = 0, + skipApply = (isDefined(invokeApply) && !invokeApply), + deferred = (skipApply ? $$q : $q).defer(), + promise = deferred.promise; + + count = isDefined(count) ? count : 0; + + promise.$$intervalId = setInterval(function tick() { + if (skipApply) { + $browser.defer(callback); + } else { + $rootScope.$evalAsync(callback); + } + deferred.notify(iteration++); + + if (count > 0 && iteration >= count) { + deferred.resolve(iteration); + clearInterval(promise.$$intervalId); + delete intervals[promise.$$intervalId]; + } + + if (!skipApply) $rootScope.$apply(); + + }, delay); + + intervals[promise.$$intervalId] = deferred; + + return promise; + + function callback() { + if (!hasParams) { + fn(iteration); + } else { + fn.apply(null, args); + } + } + } + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $interval#cancel + * + * @description + * Cancels a task associated with the `promise`. + * + * @param {Promise=} promise returned by the `$interval` function. + * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the task was successfully canceled. + */ + interval.cancel = function(promise) { + if (promise && promise.$$intervalId in intervals) { + intervals[promise.$$intervalId].reject('canceled'); + $window.clearInterval(promise.$$intervalId); + delete intervals[promise.$$intervalId]; + return true; + } + return false; + }; + + return interval; + }]; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $locale + * + * @description + * $locale service provides localization rules for various Angular components. As of right now the + * only public api is: + * + * * `id` – `{string}` – locale id formatted as `languageId-countryId` (e.g. `en-us`) + */ + +var PATH_MATCH = /^([^\?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$/, + DEFAULT_PORTS = {'http': 80, 'https': 443, 'ftp': 21}; +var $locationMinErr = minErr('$location'); + + +/** + * Encode path using encodeUriSegment, ignoring forward slashes + * + * @param {string} path Path to encode + * @returns {string} + */ +function encodePath(path) { + var segments = path.split('/'), + i = segments.length; + + while (i--) { + segments[i] = encodeUriSegment(segments[i]); + } + + return segments.join('/'); +} + +function parseAbsoluteUrl(absoluteUrl, locationObj) { + var parsedUrl = urlResolve(absoluteUrl); + + locationObj.$$protocol = parsedUrl.protocol; + locationObj.$$host = parsedUrl.hostname; + locationObj.$$port = toInt(parsedUrl.port) || DEFAULT_PORTS[parsedUrl.protocol] || null; +} + + +function parseAppUrl(relativeUrl, locationObj) { + var prefixed = (relativeUrl.charAt(0) !== '/'); + if (prefixed) { + relativeUrl = '/' + relativeUrl; + } + var match = urlResolve(relativeUrl); + locationObj.$$path = decodeURIComponent(prefixed && match.pathname.charAt(0) === '/' ? + match.pathname.substring(1) : match.pathname); + locationObj.$$search = parseKeyValue(match.search); + locationObj.$$hash = decodeURIComponent(match.hash); + + // make sure path starts with '/'; + if (locationObj.$$path && locationObj.$$path.charAt(0) != '/') { + locationObj.$$path = '/' + locationObj.$$path; + } +} + + +/** + * + * @param {string} begin + * @param {string} whole + * @returns {string} returns text from whole after begin or undefined if it does not begin with + * expected string. + */ +function beginsWith(begin, whole) { + if (whole.indexOf(begin) === 0) { + return whole.substr(begin.length); + } +} + + +function stripHash(url) { + var index = url.indexOf('#'); + return index == -1 ? url : url.substr(0, index); +} + +function trimEmptyHash(url) { + return url.replace(/(#.+)|#$/, '$1'); +} + + +function stripFile(url) { + return url.substr(0, stripHash(url).lastIndexOf('/') + 1); +} + +/* return the server only (scheme://host:port) */ +function serverBase(url) { + return url.substring(0, url.indexOf('/', url.indexOf('//') + 2)); +} + + +/** + * LocationHtml5Url represents an url + * This object is exposed as $location service when HTML5 mode is enabled and supported + * + * @constructor + * @param {string} appBase application base URL + * @param {string} appBaseNoFile application base URL stripped of any filename + * @param {string} basePrefix url path prefix + */ +function LocationHtml5Url(appBase, appBaseNoFile, basePrefix) { + this.$$html5 = true; + basePrefix = basePrefix || ''; + parseAbsoluteUrl(appBase, this); + + + /** + * Parse given html5 (regular) url string into properties + * @param {string} url HTML5 url + * @private + */ + this.$$parse = function(url) { + var pathUrl = beginsWith(appBaseNoFile, url); + if (!isString(pathUrl)) { + throw $locationMinErr('ipthprfx', 'Invalid url "{0}", missing path prefix "{1}".', url, + appBaseNoFile); + } + + parseAppUrl(pathUrl, this); + + if (!this.$$path) { + this.$$path = '/'; + } + + this.$$compose(); + }; + + /** + * Compose url and update `absUrl` property + * @private + */ + this.$$compose = function() { + var search = toKeyValue(this.$$search), + hash = this.$$hash ? '#' + encodeUriSegment(this.$$hash) : ''; + + this.$$url = encodePath(this.$$path) + (search ? '?' + search : '') + hash; + this.$$absUrl = appBaseNoFile + this.$$url.substr(1); // first char is always '/' + }; + + this.$$parseLinkUrl = function(url, relHref) { + if (relHref && relHref[0] === '#') { + // special case for links to hash fragments: + // keep the old url and only replace the hash fragment + this.hash(relHref.slice(1)); + return true; + } + var appUrl, prevAppUrl; + var rewrittenUrl; + + if (isDefined(appUrl = beginsWith(appBase, url))) { + prevAppUrl = appUrl; + if (isDefined(appUrl = beginsWith(basePrefix, appUrl))) { + rewrittenUrl = appBaseNoFile + (beginsWith('/', appUrl) || appUrl); + } else { + rewrittenUrl = appBase + prevAppUrl; + } + } else if (isDefined(appUrl = beginsWith(appBaseNoFile, url))) { + rewrittenUrl = appBaseNoFile + appUrl; + } else if (appBaseNoFile == url + '/') { + rewrittenUrl = appBaseNoFile; + } + if (rewrittenUrl) { + this.$$parse(rewrittenUrl); + } + return !!rewrittenUrl; + }; +} + + +/** + * LocationHashbangUrl represents url + * This object is exposed as $location service when developer doesn't opt into html5 mode. + * It also serves as the base class for html5 mode fallback on legacy browsers. + * + * @constructor + * @param {string} appBase application base URL + * @param {string} appBaseNoFile application base URL stripped of any filename + * @param {string} hashPrefix hashbang prefix + */ +function LocationHashbangUrl(appBase, appBaseNoFile, hashPrefix) { + + parseAbsoluteUrl(appBase, this); + + + /** + * Parse given hashbang url into properties + * @param {string} url Hashbang url + * @private + */ + this.$$parse = function(url) { + var withoutBaseUrl = beginsWith(appBase, url) || beginsWith(appBaseNoFile, url); + var withoutHashUrl; + + if (!isUndefined(withoutBaseUrl) && withoutBaseUrl.charAt(0) === '#') { + + // The rest of the url starts with a hash so we have + // got either a hashbang path or a plain hash fragment + withoutHashUrl = beginsWith(hashPrefix, withoutBaseUrl); + if (isUndefined(withoutHashUrl)) { + // There was no hashbang prefix so we just have a hash fragment + withoutHashUrl = withoutBaseUrl; + } + + } else { + // There was no hashbang path nor hash fragment: + // If we are in HTML5 mode we use what is left as the path; + // Otherwise we ignore what is left + if (this.$$html5) { + withoutHashUrl = withoutBaseUrl; + } else { + withoutHashUrl = ''; + if (isUndefined(withoutBaseUrl)) { + appBase = url; + this.replace(); + } + } + } + + parseAppUrl(withoutHashUrl, this); + + this.$$path = removeWindowsDriveName(this.$$path, withoutHashUrl, appBase); + + this.$$compose(); + + /* + * In Windows, on an anchor node on documents loaded from + * the filesystem, the browser will return a pathname + * prefixed with the drive name ('/C:/path') when a + * pathname without a drive is set: + * * a.setAttribute('href', '/foo') + * * a.pathname === '/C:/foo' //true + * + * Inside of Angular, we're always using pathnames that + * do not include drive names for routing. + */ + function removeWindowsDriveName(path, url, base) { + /* + Matches paths for file protocol on windows, + such as /C:/foo/bar, and captures only /foo/bar. + */ + var windowsFilePathExp = /^\/[A-Z]:(\/.*)/; + + var firstPathSegmentMatch; + + //Get the relative path from the input URL. + if (url.indexOf(base) === 0) { + url = url.replace(base, ''); + } + + // The input URL intentionally contains a first path segment that ends with a colon. + if (windowsFilePathExp.exec(url)) { + return path; + } + + firstPathSegmentMatch = windowsFilePathExp.exec(path); + return firstPathSegmentMatch ? firstPathSegmentMatch[1] : path; + } + }; + + /** + * Compose hashbang url and update `absUrl` property + * @private + */ + this.$$compose = function() { + var search = toKeyValue(this.$$search), + hash = this.$$hash ? '#' + encodeUriSegment(this.$$hash) : ''; + + this.$$url = encodePath(this.$$path) + (search ? '?' + search : '') + hash; + this.$$absUrl = appBase + (this.$$url ? hashPrefix + this.$$url : ''); + }; + + this.$$parseLinkUrl = function(url, relHref) { + if (stripHash(appBase) == stripHash(url)) { + this.$$parse(url); + return true; + } + return false; + }; +} + + +/** + * LocationHashbangUrl represents url + * This object is exposed as $location service when html5 history api is enabled but the browser + * does not support it. + * + * @constructor + * @param {string} appBase application base URL + * @param {string} appBaseNoFile application base URL stripped of any filename + * @param {string} hashPrefix hashbang prefix + */ +function LocationHashbangInHtml5Url(appBase, appBaseNoFile, hashPrefix) { + this.$$html5 = true; + LocationHashbangUrl.apply(this, arguments); + + this.$$parseLinkUrl = function(url, relHref) { + if (relHref && relHref[0] === '#') { + // special case for links to hash fragments: + // keep the old url and only replace the hash fragment + this.hash(relHref.slice(1)); + return true; + } + + var rewrittenUrl; + var appUrl; + + if (appBase == stripHash(url)) { + rewrittenUrl = url; + } else if ((appUrl = beginsWith(appBaseNoFile, url))) { + rewrittenUrl = appBase + hashPrefix + appUrl; + } else if (appBaseNoFile === url + '/') { + rewrittenUrl = appBaseNoFile; + } + if (rewrittenUrl) { + this.$$parse(rewrittenUrl); + } + return !!rewrittenUrl; + }; + + this.$$compose = function() { + var search = toKeyValue(this.$$search), + hash = this.$$hash ? '#' + encodeUriSegment(this.$$hash) : ''; + + this.$$url = encodePath(this.$$path) + (search ? '?' + search : '') + hash; + // include hashPrefix in $$absUrl when $$url is empty so IE9 does not reload page because of removal of '#' + this.$$absUrl = appBase + hashPrefix + this.$$url; + }; + +} + + +var locationPrototype = { + + /** + * Are we in html5 mode? + * @private + */ + $$html5: false, + + /** + * Has any change been replacing? + * @private + */ + $$replace: false, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $location#absUrl + * + * @description + * This method is getter only. + * + * Return full url representation with all segments encoded according to rules specified in + * [RFC 3986](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt). + * + * + * ```js + * // given url http://example.com/#/some/path?foo=bar&baz=xoxo + * var absUrl = $location.absUrl(); + * // => "http://example.com/#/some/path?foo=bar&baz=xoxo" + * ``` + * + * @return {string} full url + */ + absUrl: locationGetter('$$absUrl'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $location#url + * + * @description + * This method is getter / setter. + * + * Return url (e.g. `/path?a=b#hash`) when called without any parameter. + * + * Change path, search and hash, when called with parameter and return `$location`. + * + * + * ```js + * // given url http://example.com/#/some/path?foo=bar&baz=xoxo + * var url = $location.url(); + * // => "/some/path?foo=bar&baz=xoxo" + * ``` + * + * @param {string=} url New url without base prefix (e.g. `/path?a=b#hash`) + * @return {string} url + */ + url: function(url) { + if (isUndefined(url)) { + return this.$$url; + } + + var match = PATH_MATCH.exec(url); + if (match[1] || url === '') this.path(decodeURIComponent(match[1])); + if (match[2] || match[1] || url === '') this.search(match[3] || ''); + this.hash(match[5] || ''); + + return this; + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $location#protocol + * + * @description + * This method is getter only. + * + * Return protocol of current url. + * + * + * ```js + * // given url http://example.com/#/some/path?foo=bar&baz=xoxo + * var protocol = $location.protocol(); + * // => "http" + * ``` + * + * @return {string} protocol of current url + */ + protocol: locationGetter('$$protocol'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $location#host + * + * @description + * This method is getter only. + * + * Return host of current url. + * + * Note: compared to the non-angular version `location.host` which returns `hostname:port`, this returns the `hostname` portion only. + * + * + * ```js + * // given url http://example.com/#/some/path?foo=bar&baz=xoxo + * var host = $location.host(); + * // => "example.com" + * + * // given url http://user:password@example.com:8080/#/some/path?foo=bar&baz=xoxo + * host = $location.host(); + * // => "example.com" + * host = location.host; + * // => "example.com:8080" + * ``` + * + * @return {string} host of current url. + */ + host: locationGetter('$$host'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $location#port + * + * @description + * This method is getter only. + * + * Return port of current url. + * + * + * ```js + * // given url http://example.com/#/some/path?foo=bar&baz=xoxo + * var port = $location.port(); + * // => 80 + * ``` + * + * @return {Number} port + */ + port: locationGetter('$$port'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $location#path + * + * @description + * This method is getter / setter. + * + * Return path of current url when called without any parameter. + * + * Change path when called with parameter and return `$location`. + * + * Note: Path should always begin with forward slash (/), this method will add the forward slash + * if it is missing. + * + * + * ```js + * // given url http://example.com/#/some/path?foo=bar&baz=xoxo + * var path = $location.path(); + * // => "/some/path" + * ``` + * + * @param {(string|number)=} path New path + * @return {string} path + */ + path: locationGetterSetter('$$path', function(path) { + path = path !== null ? path.toString() : ''; + return path.charAt(0) == '/' ? path : '/' + path; + }), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $location#search + * + * @description + * This method is getter / setter. + * + * Return search part (as object) of current url when called without any parameter. + * + * Change search part when called with parameter and return `$location`. + * + * + * ```js + * // given url http://example.com/#/some/path?foo=bar&baz=xoxo + * var searchObject = $location.search(); + * // => {foo: 'bar', baz: 'xoxo'} + * + * // set foo to 'yipee' + * $location.search('foo', 'yipee'); + * // $location.search() => {foo: 'yipee', baz: 'xoxo'} + * ``` + * + * @param {string|Object.|Object.>} search New search params - string or + * hash object. + * + * When called with a single argument the method acts as a setter, setting the `search` component + * of `$location` to the specified value. + * + * If the argument is a hash object containing an array of values, these values will be encoded + * as duplicate search parameters in the url. + * + * @param {(string|Number|Array|boolean)=} paramValue If `search` is a string or number, then `paramValue` + * will override only a single search property. + * + * If `paramValue` is an array, it will override the property of the `search` component of + * `$location` specified via the first argument. + * + * If `paramValue` is `null`, the property specified via the first argument will be deleted. + * + * If `paramValue` is `true`, the property specified via the first argument will be added with no + * value nor trailing equal sign. + * + * @return {Object} If called with no arguments returns the parsed `search` object. If called with + * one or more arguments returns `$location` object itself. + */ + search: function(search, paramValue) { + switch (arguments.length) { + case 0: + return this.$$search; + case 1: + if (isString(search) || isNumber(search)) { + search = search.toString(); + this.$$search = parseKeyValue(search); + } else if (isObject(search)) { + search = copy(search, {}); + // remove object undefined or null properties + forEach(search, function(value, key) { + if (value == null) delete search[key]; + }); + + this.$$search = search; + } else { + throw $locationMinErr('isrcharg', + 'The first argument of the `$location#search()` call must be a string or an object.'); + } + break; + default: + if (isUndefined(paramValue) || paramValue === null) { + delete this.$$search[search]; + } else { + this.$$search[search] = paramValue; + } + } + + this.$$compose(); + return this; + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $location#hash + * + * @description + * This method is getter / setter. + * + * Returns the hash fragment when called without any parameters. + * + * Changes the hash fragment when called with a parameter and returns `$location`. + * + * + * ```js + * // given url http://example.com/#/some/path?foo=bar&baz=xoxo#hashValue + * var hash = $location.hash(); + * // => "hashValue" + * ``` + * + * @param {(string|number)=} hash New hash fragment + * @return {string} hash + */ + hash: locationGetterSetter('$$hash', function(hash) { + return hash !== null ? hash.toString() : ''; + }), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $location#replace + * + * @description + * If called, all changes to $location during the current `$digest` will replace the current history + * record, instead of adding a new one. + */ + replace: function() { + this.$$replace = true; + return this; + } +}; + +forEach([LocationHashbangInHtml5Url, LocationHashbangUrl, LocationHtml5Url], function(Location) { + Location.prototype = Object.create(locationPrototype); + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $location#state + * + * @description + * This method is getter / setter. + * + * Return the history state object when called without any parameter. + * + * Change the history state object when called with one parameter and return `$location`. + * The state object is later passed to `pushState` or `replaceState`. + * + * NOTE: This method is supported only in HTML5 mode and only in browsers supporting + * the HTML5 History API (i.e. methods `pushState` and `replaceState`). If you need to support + * older browsers (like IE9 or Android < 4.0), don't use this method. + * + * @param {object=} state State object for pushState or replaceState + * @return {object} state + */ + Location.prototype.state = function(state) { + if (!arguments.length) { + return this.$$state; + } + + if (Location !== LocationHtml5Url || !this.$$html5) { + throw $locationMinErr('nostate', 'History API state support is available only ' + + 'in HTML5 mode and only in browsers supporting HTML5 History API'); + } + // The user might modify `stateObject` after invoking `$location.state(stateObject)` + // but we're changing the $$state reference to $browser.state() during the $digest + // so the modification window is narrow. + this.$$state = isUndefined(state) ? null : state; + + return this; + }; +}); + + +function locationGetter(property) { + return function() { + return this[property]; + }; +} + + +function locationGetterSetter(property, preprocess) { + return function(value) { + if (isUndefined(value)) { + return this[property]; + } + + this[property] = preprocess(value); + this.$$compose(); + + return this; + }; +} + + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $location + * + * @requires $rootElement + * + * @description + * The $location service parses the URL in the browser address bar (based on the + * [window.location](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/window.location)) and makes the URL + * available to your application. Changes to the URL in the address bar are reflected into + * $location service and changes to $location are reflected into the browser address bar. + * + * **The $location service:** + * + * - Exposes the current URL in the browser address bar, so you can + * - Watch and observe the URL. + * - Change the URL. + * - Synchronizes the URL with the browser when the user + * - Changes the address bar. + * - Clicks the back or forward button (or clicks a History link). + * - Clicks on a link. + * - Represents the URL object as a set of methods (protocol, host, port, path, search, hash). + * + * For more information see {@link guide/$location Developer Guide: Using $location} + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc provider + * @name $locationProvider + * @description + * Use the `$locationProvider` to configure how the application deep linking paths are stored. + */ +function $LocationProvider() { + var hashPrefix = '', + html5Mode = { + enabled: false, + requireBase: true, + rewriteLinks: true + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $locationProvider#hashPrefix + * @description + * @param {string=} prefix Prefix for hash part (containing path and search) + * @returns {*} current value if used as getter or itself (chaining) if used as setter + */ + this.hashPrefix = function(prefix) { + if (isDefined(prefix)) { + hashPrefix = prefix; + return this; + } else { + return hashPrefix; + } + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $locationProvider#html5Mode + * @description + * @param {(boolean|Object)=} mode If boolean, sets `html5Mode.enabled` to value. + * If object, sets `enabled`, `requireBase` and `rewriteLinks` to respective values. Supported + * properties: + * - **enabled** – `{boolean}` – (default: false) If true, will rely on `history.pushState` to + * change urls where supported. Will fall back to hash-prefixed paths in browsers that do not + * support `pushState`. + * - **requireBase** - `{boolean}` - (default: `true`) When html5Mode is enabled, specifies + * whether or not a tag is required to be present. If `enabled` and `requireBase` are + * true, and a base tag is not present, an error will be thrown when `$location` is injected. + * See the {@link guide/$location $location guide for more information} + * - **rewriteLinks** - `{boolean}` - (default: `true`) When html5Mode is enabled, + * enables/disables url rewriting for relative links. + * + * @returns {Object} html5Mode object if used as getter or itself (chaining) if used as setter + */ + this.html5Mode = function(mode) { + if (isBoolean(mode)) { + html5Mode.enabled = mode; + return this; + } else if (isObject(mode)) { + + if (isBoolean(mode.enabled)) { + html5Mode.enabled = mode.enabled; + } + + if (isBoolean(mode.requireBase)) { + html5Mode.requireBase = mode.requireBase; + } + + if (isBoolean(mode.rewriteLinks)) { + html5Mode.rewriteLinks = mode.rewriteLinks; + } + + return this; + } else { + return html5Mode; + } + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc event + * @name $location#$locationChangeStart + * @eventType broadcast on root scope + * @description + * Broadcasted before a URL will change. + * + * This change can be prevented by calling + * `preventDefault` method of the event. See {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$on} for more + * details about event object. Upon successful change + * {@link ng.$location#$locationChangeSuccess $locationChangeSuccess} is fired. + * + * The `newState` and `oldState` parameters may be defined only in HTML5 mode and when + * the browser supports the HTML5 History API. + * + * @param {Object} angularEvent Synthetic event object. + * @param {string} newUrl New URL + * @param {string=} oldUrl URL that was before it was changed. + * @param {string=} newState New history state object + * @param {string=} oldState History state object that was before it was changed. + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc event + * @name $location#$locationChangeSuccess + * @eventType broadcast on root scope + * @description + * Broadcasted after a URL was changed. + * + * The `newState` and `oldState` parameters may be defined only in HTML5 mode and when + * the browser supports the HTML5 History API. + * + * @param {Object} angularEvent Synthetic event object. + * @param {string} newUrl New URL + * @param {string=} oldUrl URL that was before it was changed. + * @param {string=} newState New history state object + * @param {string=} oldState History state object that was before it was changed. + */ + + this.$get = ['$rootScope', '$browser', '$sniffer', '$rootElement', '$window', + function($rootScope, $browser, $sniffer, $rootElement, $window) { + var $location, + LocationMode, + baseHref = $browser.baseHref(), // if base[href] is undefined, it defaults to '' + initialUrl = $browser.url(), + appBase; + + if (html5Mode.enabled) { + if (!baseHref && html5Mode.requireBase) { + throw $locationMinErr('nobase', + "$location in HTML5 mode requires a tag to be present!"); + } + appBase = serverBase(initialUrl) + (baseHref || '/'); + LocationMode = $sniffer.history ? LocationHtml5Url : LocationHashbangInHtml5Url; + } else { + appBase = stripHash(initialUrl); + LocationMode = LocationHashbangUrl; + } + var appBaseNoFile = stripFile(appBase); + + $location = new LocationMode(appBase, appBaseNoFile, '#' + hashPrefix); + $location.$$parseLinkUrl(initialUrl, initialUrl); + + $location.$$state = $browser.state(); + + var IGNORE_URI_REGEXP = /^\s*(javascript|mailto):/i; + + function setBrowserUrlWithFallback(url, replace, state) { + var oldUrl = $location.url(); + var oldState = $location.$$state; + try { + $browser.url(url, replace, state); + + // Make sure $location.state() returns referentially identical (not just deeply equal) + // state object; this makes possible quick checking if the state changed in the digest + // loop. Checking deep equality would be too expensive. + $location.$$state = $browser.state(); + } catch (e) { + // Restore old values if pushState fails + $location.url(oldUrl); + $location.$$state = oldState; + + throw e; + } + } + + $rootElement.on('click', function(event) { + // TODO(vojta): rewrite link when opening in new tab/window (in legacy browser) + // currently we open nice url link and redirect then + + if (!html5Mode.rewriteLinks || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey || event.which == 2 || event.button == 2) return; + + var elm = jqLite(event.target); + + // traverse the DOM up to find first A tag + while (nodeName_(elm[0]) !== 'a') { + // ignore rewriting if no A tag (reached root element, or no parent - removed from document) + if (elm[0] === $rootElement[0] || !(elm = elm.parent())[0]) return; + } + + var absHref = elm.prop('href'); + // get the actual href attribute - see + // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/dd347148(v=vs.85).aspx + var relHref = elm.attr('href') || elm.attr('xlink:href'); + + if (isObject(absHref) && absHref.toString() === '[object SVGAnimatedString]') { + // SVGAnimatedString.animVal should be identical to SVGAnimatedString.baseVal, unless during + // an animation. + absHref = urlResolve(absHref.animVal).href; + } + + // Ignore when url is started with javascript: or mailto: + if (IGNORE_URI_REGEXP.test(absHref)) return; + + if (absHref && !elm.attr('target') && !event.isDefaultPrevented()) { + if ($location.$$parseLinkUrl(absHref, relHref)) { + // We do a preventDefault for all urls that are part of the angular application, + // in html5mode and also without, so that we are able to abort navigation without + // getting double entries in the location history. + event.preventDefault(); + // update location manually + if ($location.absUrl() != $browser.url()) { + $rootScope.$apply(); + // hack to work around FF6 bug 684208 when scenario runner clicks on links + $window.angular['ff-684208-preventDefault'] = true; + } + } + } + }); + + + // rewrite hashbang url <> html5 url + if (trimEmptyHash($location.absUrl()) != trimEmptyHash(initialUrl)) { + $browser.url($location.absUrl(), true); + } + + var initializing = true; + + // update $location when $browser url changes + $browser.onUrlChange(function(newUrl, newState) { + + if (isUndefined(beginsWith(appBaseNoFile, newUrl))) { + // If we are navigating outside of the app then force a reload + $window.location.href = newUrl; + return; + } + + $rootScope.$evalAsync(function() { + var oldUrl = $location.absUrl(); + var oldState = $location.$$state; + var defaultPrevented; + newUrl = trimEmptyHash(newUrl); + $location.$$parse(newUrl); + $location.$$state = newState; + + defaultPrevented = $rootScope.$broadcast('$locationChangeStart', newUrl, oldUrl, + newState, oldState).defaultPrevented; + + // if the location was changed by a `$locationChangeStart` handler then stop + // processing this location change + if ($location.absUrl() !== newUrl) return; + + if (defaultPrevented) { + $location.$$parse(oldUrl); + $location.$$state = oldState; + setBrowserUrlWithFallback(oldUrl, false, oldState); + } else { + initializing = false; + afterLocationChange(oldUrl, oldState); + } + }); + if (!$rootScope.$$phase) $rootScope.$digest(); + }); + + // update browser + $rootScope.$watch(function $locationWatch() { + var oldUrl = trimEmptyHash($browser.url()); + var newUrl = trimEmptyHash($location.absUrl()); + var oldState = $browser.state(); + var currentReplace = $location.$$replace; + var urlOrStateChanged = oldUrl !== newUrl || + ($location.$$html5 && $sniffer.history && oldState !== $location.$$state); + + if (initializing || urlOrStateChanged) { + initializing = false; + + $rootScope.$evalAsync(function() { + var newUrl = $location.absUrl(); + var defaultPrevented = $rootScope.$broadcast('$locationChangeStart', newUrl, oldUrl, + $location.$$state, oldState).defaultPrevented; + + // if the location was changed by a `$locationChangeStart` handler then stop + // processing this location change + if ($location.absUrl() !== newUrl) return; + + if (defaultPrevented) { + $location.$$parse(oldUrl); + $location.$$state = oldState; + } else { + if (urlOrStateChanged) { + setBrowserUrlWithFallback(newUrl, currentReplace, + oldState === $location.$$state ? null : $location.$$state); + } + afterLocationChange(oldUrl, oldState); + } + }); + } + + $location.$$replace = false; + + // we don't need to return anything because $evalAsync will make the digest loop dirty when + // there is a change + }); + + return $location; + + function afterLocationChange(oldUrl, oldState) { + $rootScope.$broadcast('$locationChangeSuccess', $location.absUrl(), oldUrl, + $location.$$state, oldState); + } +}]; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $log + * @requires $window + * + * @description + * Simple service for logging. Default implementation safely writes the message + * into the browser's console (if present). + * + * The main purpose of this service is to simplify debugging and troubleshooting. + * + * The default is to log `debug` messages. You can use + * {@link ng.$logProvider ng.$logProvider#debugEnabled} to change this. + * + * @example + + + angular.module('logExample', []) + .controller('LogController', ['$scope', '$log', function($scope, $log) { + $scope.$log = $log; + $scope.message = 'Hello World!'; + }]); + + +

Reload this page with open console, enter text and hit the log button...

+ + + + + + +
+ */ + +/** + * @ngdoc provider + * @name $logProvider + * @description + * Use the `$logProvider` to configure how the application logs messages + */ +function $LogProvider() { + var debug = true, + self = this; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $logProvider#debugEnabled + * @description + * @param {boolean=} flag enable or disable debug level messages + * @returns {*} current value if used as getter or itself (chaining) if used as setter + */ + this.debugEnabled = function(flag) { + if (isDefined(flag)) { + debug = flag; + return this; + } else { + return debug; + } + }; + + this.$get = ['$window', function($window) { + return { + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $log#log + * + * @description + * Write a log message + */ + log: consoleLog('log'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $log#info + * + * @description + * Write an information message + */ + info: consoleLog('info'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $log#warn + * + * @description + * Write a warning message + */ + warn: consoleLog('warn'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $log#error + * + * @description + * Write an error message + */ + error: consoleLog('error'), + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $log#debug + * + * @description + * Write a debug message + */ + debug: (function() { + var fn = consoleLog('debug'); + + return function() { + if (debug) { + fn.apply(self, arguments); + } + }; + }()) + }; + + function formatError(arg) { + if (arg instanceof Error) { + if (arg.stack) { + arg = (arg.message && arg.stack.indexOf(arg.message) === -1) + ? 'Error: ' + arg.message + '\n' + arg.stack + : arg.stack; + } else if (arg.sourceURL) { + arg = arg.message + '\n' + arg.sourceURL + ':' + arg.line; + } + } + return arg; + } + + function consoleLog(type) { + var console = $window.console || {}, + logFn = console[type] || console.log || noop, + hasApply = false; + + // Note: reading logFn.apply throws an error in IE11 in IE8 document mode. + // The reason behind this is that console.log has type "object" in IE8... + try { + hasApply = !!logFn.apply; + } catch (e) {} + + if (hasApply) { + return function() { + var args = []; + forEach(arguments, function(arg) { + args.push(formatError(arg)); + }); + return logFn.apply(console, args); + }; + } + + // we are IE which either doesn't have window.console => this is noop and we do nothing, + // or we are IE where console.log doesn't have apply so we log at least first 2 args + return function(arg1, arg2) { + logFn(arg1, arg2 == null ? '' : arg2); + }; + } + }]; +} + +/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * Any commits to this file should be reviewed with security in mind. * + * Changes to this file can potentially create security vulnerabilities. * + * An approval from 2 Core members with history of modifying * + * this file is required. * + * * + * Does the change somehow allow for arbitrary javascript to be executed? * + * Or allows for someone to change the prototype of built-in objects? * + * Or gives undesired access to variables likes document or window? * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ + +var $parseMinErr = minErr('$parse'); + +// Sandboxing Angular Expressions +// ------------------------------ +// Angular expressions are generally considered safe because these expressions only have direct +// access to `$scope` and locals. However, one can obtain the ability to execute arbitrary JS code by +// obtaining a reference to native JS functions such as the Function constructor. +// +// As an example, consider the following Angular expression: +// +// {}.toString.constructor('alert("evil JS code")') +// +// This sandboxing technique is not perfect and doesn't aim to be. The goal is to prevent exploits +// against the expression language, but not to prevent exploits that were enabled by exposing +// sensitive JavaScript or browser APIs on Scope. Exposing such objects on a Scope is never a good +// practice and therefore we are not even trying to protect against interaction with an object +// explicitly exposed in this way. +// +// In general, it is not possible to access a Window object from an angular expression unless a +// window or some DOM object that has a reference to window is published onto a Scope. +// Similarly we prevent invocations of function known to be dangerous, as well as assignments to +// native objects. +// +// See https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/security + + +function ensureSafeMemberName(name, fullExpression) { + if (name === "__defineGetter__" || name === "__defineSetter__" + || name === "__lookupGetter__" || name === "__lookupSetter__" + || name === "__proto__") { + throw $parseMinErr('isecfld', + 'Attempting to access a disallowed field in Angular expressions! ' + + 'Expression: {0}', fullExpression); + } + return name; +} + +function getStringValue(name) { + // Property names must be strings. This means that non-string objects cannot be used + // as keys in an object. Any non-string object, including a number, is typecasted + // into a string via the toString method. + // -- MDN, https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Property_accessors#Property_names + // + // So, to ensure that we are checking the same `name` that JavaScript would use, we cast it + // to a string. It's not always possible. If `name` is an object and its `toString` method is + // 'broken' (doesn't return a string, isn't a function, etc.), an error will be thrown: + // + // TypeError: Cannot convert object to primitive value + // + // For performance reasons, we don't catch this error here and allow it to propagate up the call + // stack. Note that you'll get the same error in JavaScript if you try to access a property using + // such a 'broken' object as a key. + return name + ''; +} + +function ensureSafeObject(obj, fullExpression) { + // nifty check if obj is Function that is fast and works across iframes and other contexts + if (obj) { + if (obj.constructor === obj) { + throw $parseMinErr('isecfn', + 'Referencing Function in Angular expressions is disallowed! Expression: {0}', + fullExpression); + } else if (// isWindow(obj) + obj.window === obj) { + throw $parseMinErr('isecwindow', + 'Referencing the Window in Angular expressions is disallowed! Expression: {0}', + fullExpression); + } else if (// isElement(obj) + obj.children && (obj.nodeName || (obj.prop && obj.attr && obj.find))) { + throw $parseMinErr('isecdom', + 'Referencing DOM nodes in Angular expressions is disallowed! Expression: {0}', + fullExpression); + } else if (// block Object so that we can't get hold of dangerous Object.* methods + obj === Object) { + throw $parseMinErr('isecobj', + 'Referencing Object in Angular expressions is disallowed! Expression: {0}', + fullExpression); + } + } + return obj; +} + +var CALL = Function.prototype.call; +var APPLY = Function.prototype.apply; +var BIND = Function.prototype.bind; + +function ensureSafeFunction(obj, fullExpression) { + if (obj) { + if (obj.constructor === obj) { + throw $parseMinErr('isecfn', + 'Referencing Function in Angular expressions is disallowed! Expression: {0}', + fullExpression); + } else if (obj === CALL || obj === APPLY || obj === BIND) { + throw $parseMinErr('isecff', + 'Referencing call, apply or bind in Angular expressions is disallowed! Expression: {0}', + fullExpression); + } + } +} + +function ensureSafeAssignContext(obj, fullExpression) { + if (obj) { + if (obj === (0).constructor || obj === (false).constructor || obj === ''.constructor || + obj === {}.constructor || obj === [].constructor || obj === Function.constructor) { + throw $parseMinErr('isecaf', + 'Assigning to a constructor is disallowed! Expression: {0}', fullExpression); + } + } +} + +var OPERATORS = createMap(); +forEach('+ - * / % === !== == != < > <= >= && || ! = |'.split(' '), function(operator) { OPERATORS[operator] = true; }); +var ESCAPE = {"n":"\n", "f":"\f", "r":"\r", "t":"\t", "v":"\v", "'":"'", '"':'"'}; + + +///////////////////////////////////////// + + +/** + * @constructor + */ +var Lexer = function(options) { + this.options = options; +}; + +Lexer.prototype = { + constructor: Lexer, + + lex: function(text) { + this.text = text; + this.index = 0; + this.tokens = []; + + while (this.index < this.text.length) { + var ch = this.text.charAt(this.index); + if (ch === '"' || ch === "'") { + this.readString(ch); + } else if (this.isNumber(ch) || ch === '.' && this.isNumber(this.peek())) { + this.readNumber(); + } else if (this.isIdentifierStart(this.peekMultichar())) { + this.readIdent(); + } else if (this.is(ch, '(){}[].,;:?')) { + this.tokens.push({index: this.index, text: ch}); + this.index++; + } else if (this.isWhitespace(ch)) { + this.index++; + } else { + var ch2 = ch + this.peek(); + var ch3 = ch2 + this.peek(2); + var op1 = OPERATORS[ch]; + var op2 = OPERATORS[ch2]; + var op3 = OPERATORS[ch3]; + if (op1 || op2 || op3) { + var token = op3 ? ch3 : (op2 ? ch2 : ch); + this.tokens.push({index: this.index, text: token, operator: true}); + this.index += token.length; + } else { + this.throwError('Unexpected next character ', this.index, this.index + 1); + } + } + } + return this.tokens; + }, + + is: function(ch, chars) { + return chars.indexOf(ch) !== -1; + }, + + peek: function(i) { + var num = i || 1; + return (this.index + num < this.text.length) ? this.text.charAt(this.index + num) : false; + }, + + isNumber: function(ch) { + return ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') && typeof ch === "string"; + }, + + isWhitespace: function(ch) { + // IE treats non-breaking space as \u00A0 + return (ch === ' ' || ch === '\r' || ch === '\t' || + ch === '\n' || ch === '\v' || ch === '\u00A0'); + }, + + isIdentifierStart: function(ch) { + return this.options.isIdentifierStart ? + this.options.isIdentifierStart(ch, this.codePointAt(ch)) : + this.isValidIdentifierStart(ch); + }, + + isValidIdentifierStart: function(ch) { + return ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || + 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' || + '_' === ch || ch === '$'); + }, + + isIdentifierContinue: function(ch) { + return this.options.isIdentifierContinue ? + this.options.isIdentifierContinue(ch, this.codePointAt(ch)) : + this.isValidIdentifierContinue(ch); + }, + + isValidIdentifierContinue: function(ch, cp) { + return this.isValidIdentifierStart(ch, cp) || this.isNumber(ch); + }, + + codePointAt: function(ch) { + if (ch.length === 1) return ch.charCodeAt(0); + /*jshint bitwise: false*/ + return (ch.charCodeAt(0) << 10) + ch.charCodeAt(1) - 0x35FDC00; + /*jshint bitwise: true*/ + }, + + peekMultichar: function() { + var ch = this.text.charAt(this.index); + var peek = this.peek(); + if (!peek) { + return ch; + } + var cp1 = ch.charCodeAt(0); + var cp2 = peek.charCodeAt(0); + if (cp1 >= 0xD800 && cp1 <= 0xDBFF && cp2 >= 0xDC00 && cp2 <= 0xDFFF) { + return ch + peek; + } + return ch; + }, + + isExpOperator: function(ch) { + return (ch === '-' || ch === '+' || this.isNumber(ch)); + }, + + throwError: function(error, start, end) { + end = end || this.index; + var colStr = (isDefined(start) + ? 's ' + start + '-' + this.index + ' [' + this.text.substring(start, end) + ']' + : ' ' + end); + throw $parseMinErr('lexerr', 'Lexer Error: {0} at column{1} in expression [{2}].', + error, colStr, this.text); + }, + + readNumber: function() { + var number = ''; + var start = this.index; + while (this.index < this.text.length) { + var ch = lowercase(this.text.charAt(this.index)); + if (ch == '.' || this.isNumber(ch)) { + number += ch; + } else { + var peekCh = this.peek(); + if (ch == 'e' && this.isExpOperator(peekCh)) { + number += ch; + } else if (this.isExpOperator(ch) && + peekCh && this.isNumber(peekCh) && + number.charAt(number.length - 1) == 'e') { + number += ch; + } else if (this.isExpOperator(ch) && + (!peekCh || !this.isNumber(peekCh)) && + number.charAt(number.length - 1) == 'e') { + this.throwError('Invalid exponent'); + } else { + break; + } + } + this.index++; + } + this.tokens.push({ + index: start, + text: number, + constant: true, + value: Number(number) + }); + }, + + readIdent: function() { + var start = this.index; + this.index += this.peekMultichar().length; + while (this.index < this.text.length) { + var ch = this.peekMultichar(); + if (!this.isIdentifierContinue(ch)) { + break; + } + this.index += ch.length; + } + this.tokens.push({ + index: start, + text: this.text.slice(start, this.index), + identifier: true + }); + }, + + readString: function(quote) { + var start = this.index; + this.index++; + var string = ''; + var rawString = quote; + var escape = false; + while (this.index < this.text.length) { + var ch = this.text.charAt(this.index); + rawString += ch; + if (escape) { + if (ch === 'u') { + var hex = this.text.substring(this.index + 1, this.index + 5); + if (!hex.match(/[\da-f]{4}/i)) { + this.throwError('Invalid unicode escape [\\u' + hex + ']'); + } + this.index += 4; + string += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16)); + } else { + var rep = ESCAPE[ch]; + string = string + (rep || ch); + } + escape = false; + } else if (ch === '\\') { + escape = true; + } else if (ch === quote) { + this.index++; + this.tokens.push({ + index: start, + text: rawString, + constant: true, + value: string + }); + return; + } else { + string += ch; + } + this.index++; + } + this.throwError('Unterminated quote', start); + } +}; + +var AST = function(lexer, options) { + this.lexer = lexer; + this.options = options; +}; + +AST.Program = 'Program'; +AST.ExpressionStatement = 'ExpressionStatement'; +AST.AssignmentExpression = 'AssignmentExpression'; +AST.ConditionalExpression = 'ConditionalExpression'; +AST.LogicalExpression = 'LogicalExpression'; +AST.BinaryExpression = 'BinaryExpression'; +AST.UnaryExpression = 'UnaryExpression'; +AST.CallExpression = 'CallExpression'; +AST.MemberExpression = 'MemberExpression'; +AST.Identifier = 'Identifier'; +AST.Literal = 'Literal'; +AST.ArrayExpression = 'ArrayExpression'; +AST.Property = 'Property'; +AST.ObjectExpression = 'ObjectExpression'; +AST.ThisExpression = 'ThisExpression'; +AST.LocalsExpression = 'LocalsExpression'; + +// Internal use only +AST.NGValueParameter = 'NGValueParameter'; + +AST.prototype = { + ast: function(text) { + this.text = text; + this.tokens = this.lexer.lex(text); + + var value = this.program(); + + if (this.tokens.length !== 0) { + this.throwError('is an unexpected token', this.tokens[0]); + } + + return value; + }, + + program: function() { + var body = []; + while (true) { + if (this.tokens.length > 0 && !this.peek('}', ')', ';', ']')) + body.push(this.expressionStatement()); + if (!this.expect(';')) { + return { type: AST.Program, body: body}; + } + } + }, + + expressionStatement: function() { + return { type: AST.ExpressionStatement, expression: this.filterChain() }; + }, + + filterChain: function() { + var left = this.expression(); + var token; + while ((token = this.expect('|'))) { + left = this.filter(left); + } + return left; + }, + + expression: function() { + return this.assignment(); + }, + + assignment: function() { + var result = this.ternary(); + if (this.expect('=')) { + result = { type: AST.AssignmentExpression, left: result, right: this.assignment(), operator: '='}; + } + return result; + }, + + ternary: function() { + var test = this.logicalOR(); + var alternate; + var consequent; + if (this.expect('?')) { + alternate = this.expression(); + if (this.consume(':')) { + consequent = this.expression(); + return { type: AST.ConditionalExpression, test: test, alternate: alternate, consequent: consequent}; + } + } + return test; + }, + + logicalOR: function() { + var left = this.logicalAND(); + while (this.expect('||')) { + left = { type: AST.LogicalExpression, operator: '||', left: left, right: this.logicalAND() }; + } + return left; + }, + + logicalAND: function() { + var left = this.equality(); + while (this.expect('&&')) { + left = { type: AST.LogicalExpression, operator: '&&', left: left, right: this.equality()}; + } + return left; + }, + + equality: function() { + var left = this.relational(); + var token; + while ((token = this.expect('==','!=','===','!=='))) { + left = { type: AST.BinaryExpression, operator: token.text, left: left, right: this.relational() }; + } + return left; + }, + + relational: function() { + var left = this.additive(); + var token; + while ((token = this.expect('<', '>', '<=', '>='))) { + left = { type: AST.BinaryExpression, operator: token.text, left: left, right: this.additive() }; + } + return left; + }, + + additive: function() { + var left = this.multiplicative(); + var token; + while ((token = this.expect('+','-'))) { + left = { type: AST.BinaryExpression, operator: token.text, left: left, right: this.multiplicative() }; + } + return left; + }, + + multiplicative: function() { + var left = this.unary(); + var token; + while ((token = this.expect('*','/','%'))) { + left = { type: AST.BinaryExpression, operator: token.text, left: left, right: this.unary() }; + } + return left; + }, + + unary: function() { + var token; + if ((token = this.expect('+', '-', '!'))) { + return { type: AST.UnaryExpression, operator: token.text, prefix: true, argument: this.unary() }; + } else { + return this.primary(); + } + }, + + primary: function() { + var primary; + if (this.expect('(')) { + primary = this.filterChain(); + this.consume(')'); + } else if (this.expect('[')) { + primary = this.arrayDeclaration(); + } else if (this.expect('{')) { + primary = this.object(); + } else if (this.selfReferential.hasOwnProperty(this.peek().text)) { + primary = copy(this.selfReferential[this.consume().text]); + } else if (this.options.literals.hasOwnProperty(this.peek().text)) { + primary = { type: AST.Literal, value: this.options.literals[this.consume().text]}; + } else if (this.peek().identifier) { + primary = this.identifier(); + } else if (this.peek().constant) { + primary = this.constant(); + } else { + this.throwError('not a primary expression', this.peek()); + } + + var next; + while ((next = this.expect('(', '[', '.'))) { + if (next.text === '(') { + primary = {type: AST.CallExpression, callee: primary, arguments: this.parseArguments() }; + this.consume(')'); + } else if (next.text === '[') { + primary = { type: AST.MemberExpression, object: primary, property: this.expression(), computed: true }; + this.consume(']'); + } else if (next.text === '.') { + primary = { type: AST.MemberExpression, object: primary, property: this.identifier(), computed: false }; + } else { + this.throwError('IMPOSSIBLE'); + } + } + return primary; + }, + + filter: function(baseExpression) { + var args = [baseExpression]; + var result = {type: AST.CallExpression, callee: this.identifier(), arguments: args, filter: true}; + + while (this.expect(':')) { + args.push(this.expression()); + } + + return result; + }, + + parseArguments: function() { + var args = []; + if (this.peekToken().text !== ')') { + do { + args.push(this.expression()); + } while (this.expect(',')); + } + return args; + }, + + identifier: function() { + var token = this.consume(); + if (!token.identifier) { + this.throwError('is not a valid identifier', token); + } + return { type: AST.Identifier, name: token.text }; + }, + + constant: function() { + // TODO check that it is a constant + return { type: AST.Literal, value: this.consume().value }; + }, + + arrayDeclaration: function() { + var elements = []; + if (this.peekToken().text !== ']') { + do { + if (this.peek(']')) { + // Support trailing commas per ES5.1. + break; + } + elements.push(this.expression()); + } while (this.expect(',')); + } + this.consume(']'); + + return { type: AST.ArrayExpression, elements: elements }; + }, + + object: function() { + var properties = [], property; + if (this.peekToken().text !== '}') { + do { + if (this.peek('}')) { + // Support trailing commas per ES5.1. + break; + } + property = {type: AST.Property, kind: 'init'}; + if (this.peek().constant) { + property.key = this.constant(); + } else if (this.peek().identifier) { + property.key = this.identifier(); + } else { + this.throwError("invalid key", this.peek()); + } + this.consume(':'); + property.value = this.expression(); + properties.push(property); + } while (this.expect(',')); + } + this.consume('}'); + + return {type: AST.ObjectExpression, properties: properties }; + }, + + throwError: function(msg, token) { + throw $parseMinErr('syntax', + 'Syntax Error: Token \'{0}\' {1} at column {2} of the expression [{3}] starting at [{4}].', + token.text, msg, (token.index + 1), this.text, this.text.substring(token.index)); + }, + + consume: function(e1) { + if (this.tokens.length === 0) { + throw $parseMinErr('ueoe', 'Unexpected end of expression: {0}', this.text); + } + + var token = this.expect(e1); + if (!token) { + this.throwError('is unexpected, expecting [' + e1 + ']', this.peek()); + } + return token; + }, + + peekToken: function() { + if (this.tokens.length === 0) { + throw $parseMinErr('ueoe', 'Unexpected end of expression: {0}', this.text); + } + return this.tokens[0]; + }, + + peek: function(e1, e2, e3, e4) { + return this.peekAhead(0, e1, e2, e3, e4); + }, + + peekAhead: function(i, e1, e2, e3, e4) { + if (this.tokens.length > i) { + var token = this.tokens[i]; + var t = token.text; + if (t === e1 || t === e2 || t === e3 || t === e4 || + (!e1 && !e2 && !e3 && !e4)) { + return token; + } + } + return false; + }, + + expect: function(e1, e2, e3, e4) { + var token = this.peek(e1, e2, e3, e4); + if (token) { + this.tokens.shift(); + return token; + } + return false; + }, + + selfReferential: { + 'this': {type: AST.ThisExpression }, + '$locals': {type: AST.LocalsExpression } + } +}; + +function ifDefined(v, d) { + return typeof v !== 'undefined' ? v : d; +} + +function plusFn(l, r) { + if (typeof l === 'undefined') return r; + if (typeof r === 'undefined') return l; + return l + r; +} + +function isStateless($filter, filterName) { + var fn = $filter(filterName); + return !fn.$stateful; +} + +function findConstantAndWatchExpressions(ast, $filter) { + var allConstants; + var argsToWatch; + switch (ast.type) { + case AST.Program: + allConstants = true; + forEach(ast.body, function(expr) { + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(expr.expression, $filter); + allConstants = allConstants && expr.expression.constant; + }); + ast.constant = allConstants; + break; + case AST.Literal: + ast.constant = true; + ast.toWatch = []; + break; + case AST.UnaryExpression: + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(ast.argument, $filter); + ast.constant = ast.argument.constant; + ast.toWatch = ast.argument.toWatch; + break; + case AST.BinaryExpression: + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(ast.left, $filter); + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(ast.right, $filter); + ast.constant = ast.left.constant && ast.right.constant; + ast.toWatch = ast.left.toWatch.concat(ast.right.toWatch); + break; + case AST.LogicalExpression: + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(ast.left, $filter); + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(ast.right, $filter); + ast.constant = ast.left.constant && ast.right.constant; + ast.toWatch = ast.constant ? [] : [ast]; + break; + case AST.ConditionalExpression: + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(ast.test, $filter); + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(ast.alternate, $filter); + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(ast.consequent, $filter); + ast.constant = ast.test.constant && ast.alternate.constant && ast.consequent.constant; + ast.toWatch = ast.constant ? [] : [ast]; + break; + case AST.Identifier: + ast.constant = false; + ast.toWatch = [ast]; + break; + case AST.MemberExpression: + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(ast.object, $filter); + if (ast.computed) { + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(ast.property, $filter); + } + ast.constant = ast.object.constant && (!ast.computed || ast.property.constant); + ast.toWatch = [ast]; + break; + case AST.CallExpression: + allConstants = ast.filter ? isStateless($filter, ast.callee.name) : false; + argsToWatch = []; + forEach(ast.arguments, function(expr) { + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(expr, $filter); + allConstants = allConstants && expr.constant; + if (!expr.constant) { + argsToWatch.push.apply(argsToWatch, expr.toWatch); + } + }); + ast.constant = allConstants; + ast.toWatch = ast.filter && isStateless($filter, ast.callee.name) ? argsToWatch : [ast]; + break; + case AST.AssignmentExpression: + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(ast.left, $filter); + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(ast.right, $filter); + ast.constant = ast.left.constant && ast.right.constant; + ast.toWatch = [ast]; + break; + case AST.ArrayExpression: + allConstants = true; + argsToWatch = []; + forEach(ast.elements, function(expr) { + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(expr, $filter); + allConstants = allConstants && expr.constant; + if (!expr.constant) { + argsToWatch.push.apply(argsToWatch, expr.toWatch); + } + }); + ast.constant = allConstants; + ast.toWatch = argsToWatch; + break; + case AST.ObjectExpression: + allConstants = true; + argsToWatch = []; + forEach(ast.properties, function(property) { + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(property.value, $filter); + allConstants = allConstants && property.value.constant; + if (!property.value.constant) { + argsToWatch.push.apply(argsToWatch, property.value.toWatch); + } + }); + ast.constant = allConstants; + ast.toWatch = argsToWatch; + break; + case AST.ThisExpression: + ast.constant = false; + ast.toWatch = []; + break; + case AST.LocalsExpression: + ast.constant = false; + ast.toWatch = []; + break; + } +} + +function getInputs(body) { + if (body.length != 1) return; + var lastExpression = body[0].expression; + var candidate = lastExpression.toWatch; + if (candidate.length !== 1) return candidate; + return candidate[0] !== lastExpression ? candidate : undefined; +} + +function isAssignable(ast) { + return ast.type === AST.Identifier || ast.type === AST.MemberExpression; +} + +function assignableAST(ast) { + if (ast.body.length === 1 && isAssignable(ast.body[0].expression)) { + return {type: AST.AssignmentExpression, left: ast.body[0].expression, right: {type: AST.NGValueParameter}, operator: '='}; + } +} + +function isLiteral(ast) { + return ast.body.length === 0 || + ast.body.length === 1 && ( + ast.body[0].expression.type === AST.Literal || + ast.body[0].expression.type === AST.ArrayExpression || + ast.body[0].expression.type === AST.ObjectExpression); +} + +function isConstant(ast) { + return ast.constant; +} + +function ASTCompiler(astBuilder, $filter) { + this.astBuilder = astBuilder; + this.$filter = $filter; +} + +ASTCompiler.prototype = { + compile: function(expression, expensiveChecks) { + var self = this; + var ast = this.astBuilder.ast(expression); + this.state = { + nextId: 0, + filters: {}, + expensiveChecks: expensiveChecks, + fn: {vars: [], body: [], own: {}}, + assign: {vars: [], body: [], own: {}}, + inputs: [] + }; + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(ast, self.$filter); + var extra = ''; + var assignable; + this.stage = 'assign'; + if ((assignable = assignableAST(ast))) { + this.state.computing = 'assign'; + var result = this.nextId(); + this.recurse(assignable, result); + this.return_(result); + extra = 'fn.assign=' + this.generateFunction('assign', 's,v,l'); + } + var toWatch = getInputs(ast.body); + self.stage = 'inputs'; + forEach(toWatch, function(watch, key) { + var fnKey = 'fn' + key; + self.state[fnKey] = {vars: [], body: [], own: {}}; + self.state.computing = fnKey; + var intoId = self.nextId(); + self.recurse(watch, intoId); + self.return_(intoId); + self.state.inputs.push(fnKey); + watch.watchId = key; + }); + this.state.computing = 'fn'; + this.stage = 'main'; + this.recurse(ast); + var fnString = + // The build and minification steps remove the string "use strict" from the code, but this is done using a regex. + // This is a workaround for this until we do a better job at only removing the prefix only when we should. + '"' + this.USE + ' ' + this.STRICT + '";\n' + + this.filterPrefix() + + 'var fn=' + this.generateFunction('fn', 's,l,a,i') + + extra + + this.watchFns() + + 'return fn;'; + + /* jshint -W054 */ + var fn = (new Function('$filter', + 'ensureSafeMemberName', + 'ensureSafeObject', + 'ensureSafeFunction', + 'getStringValue', + 'ensureSafeAssignContext', + 'ifDefined', + 'plus', + 'text', + fnString))( + this.$filter, + ensureSafeMemberName, + ensureSafeObject, + ensureSafeFunction, + getStringValue, + ensureSafeAssignContext, + ifDefined, + plusFn, + expression); + /* jshint +W054 */ + this.state = this.stage = undefined; + fn.literal = isLiteral(ast); + fn.constant = isConstant(ast); + return fn; + }, + + USE: 'use', + + STRICT: 'strict', + + watchFns: function() { + var result = []; + var fns = this.state.inputs; + var self = this; + forEach(fns, function(name) { + result.push('var ' + name + '=' + self.generateFunction(name, 's')); + }); + if (fns.length) { + result.push('fn.inputs=[' + fns.join(',') + '];'); + } + return result.join(''); + }, + + generateFunction: function(name, params) { + return 'function(' + params + '){' + + this.varsPrefix(name) + + this.body(name) + + '};'; + }, + + filterPrefix: function() { + var parts = []; + var self = this; + forEach(this.state.filters, function(id, filter) { + parts.push(id + '=$filter(' + self.escape(filter) + ')'); + }); + if (parts.length) return 'var ' + parts.join(',') + ';'; + return ''; + }, + + varsPrefix: function(section) { + return this.state[section].vars.length ? 'var ' + this.state[section].vars.join(',') + ';' : ''; + }, + + body: function(section) { + return this.state[section].body.join(''); + }, + + recurse: function(ast, intoId, nameId, recursionFn, create, skipWatchIdCheck) { + var left, right, self = this, args, expression; + recursionFn = recursionFn || noop; + if (!skipWatchIdCheck && isDefined(ast.watchId)) { + intoId = intoId || this.nextId(); + this.if_('i', + this.lazyAssign(intoId, this.computedMember('i', ast.watchId)), + this.lazyRecurse(ast, intoId, nameId, recursionFn, create, true) + ); + return; + } + switch (ast.type) { + case AST.Program: + forEach(ast.body, function(expression, pos) { + self.recurse(expression.expression, undefined, undefined, function(expr) { right = expr; }); + if (pos !== ast.body.length - 1) { + self.current().body.push(right, ';'); + } else { + self.return_(right); + } + }); + break; + case AST.Literal: + expression = this.escape(ast.value); + this.assign(intoId, expression); + recursionFn(expression); + break; + case AST.UnaryExpression: + this.recurse(ast.argument, undefined, undefined, function(expr) { right = expr; }); + expression = ast.operator + '(' + this.ifDefined(right, 0) + ')'; + this.assign(intoId, expression); + recursionFn(expression); + break; + case AST.BinaryExpression: + this.recurse(ast.left, undefined, undefined, function(expr) { left = expr; }); + this.recurse(ast.right, undefined, undefined, function(expr) { right = expr; }); + if (ast.operator === '+') { + expression = this.plus(left, right); + } else if (ast.operator === '-') { + expression = this.ifDefined(left, 0) + ast.operator + this.ifDefined(right, 0); + } else { + expression = '(' + left + ')' + ast.operator + '(' + right + ')'; + } + this.assign(intoId, expression); + recursionFn(expression); + break; + case AST.LogicalExpression: + intoId = intoId || this.nextId(); + self.recurse(ast.left, intoId); + self.if_(ast.operator === '&&' ? intoId : self.not(intoId), self.lazyRecurse(ast.right, intoId)); + recursionFn(intoId); + break; + case AST.ConditionalExpression: + intoId = intoId || this.nextId(); + self.recurse(ast.test, intoId); + self.if_(intoId, self.lazyRecurse(ast.alternate, intoId), self.lazyRecurse(ast.consequent, intoId)); + recursionFn(intoId); + break; + case AST.Identifier: + intoId = intoId || this.nextId(); + if (nameId) { + nameId.context = self.stage === 'inputs' ? 's' : this.assign(this.nextId(), this.getHasOwnProperty('l', ast.name) + '?l:s'); + nameId.computed = false; + nameId.name = ast.name; + } + ensureSafeMemberName(ast.name); + self.if_(self.stage === 'inputs' || self.not(self.getHasOwnProperty('l', ast.name)), + function() { + self.if_(self.stage === 'inputs' || 's', function() { + if (create && create !== 1) { + self.if_( + self.not(self.nonComputedMember('s', ast.name)), + self.lazyAssign(self.nonComputedMember('s', ast.name), '{}')); + } + self.assign(intoId, self.nonComputedMember('s', ast.name)); + }); + }, intoId && self.lazyAssign(intoId, self.nonComputedMember('l', ast.name)) + ); + if (self.state.expensiveChecks || isPossiblyDangerousMemberName(ast.name)) { + self.addEnsureSafeObject(intoId); + } + recursionFn(intoId); + break; + case AST.MemberExpression: + left = nameId && (nameId.context = this.nextId()) || this.nextId(); + intoId = intoId || this.nextId(); + self.recurse(ast.object, left, undefined, function() { + self.if_(self.notNull(left), function() { + if (create && create !== 1) { + self.addEnsureSafeAssignContext(left); + } + if (ast.computed) { + right = self.nextId(); + self.recurse(ast.property, right); + self.getStringValue(right); + self.addEnsureSafeMemberName(right); + if (create && create !== 1) { + self.if_(self.not(self.computedMember(left, right)), self.lazyAssign(self.computedMember(left, right), '{}')); + } + expression = self.ensureSafeObject(self.computedMember(left, right)); + self.assign(intoId, expression); + if (nameId) { + nameId.computed = true; + nameId.name = right; + } + } else { + ensureSafeMemberName(ast.property.name); + if (create && create !== 1) { + self.if_(self.not(self.nonComputedMember(left, ast.property.name)), self.lazyAssign(self.nonComputedMember(left, ast.property.name), '{}')); + } + expression = self.nonComputedMember(left, ast.property.name); + if (self.state.expensiveChecks || isPossiblyDangerousMemberName(ast.property.name)) { + expression = self.ensureSafeObject(expression); + } + self.assign(intoId, expression); + if (nameId) { + nameId.computed = false; + nameId.name = ast.property.name; + } + } + }, function() { + self.assign(intoId, 'undefined'); + }); + recursionFn(intoId); + }, !!create); + break; + case AST.CallExpression: + intoId = intoId || this.nextId(); + if (ast.filter) { + right = self.filter(ast.callee.name); + args = []; + forEach(ast.arguments, function(expr) { + var argument = self.nextId(); + self.recurse(expr, argument); + args.push(argument); + }); + expression = right + '(' + args.join(',') + ')'; + self.assign(intoId, expression); + recursionFn(intoId); + } else { + right = self.nextId(); + left = {}; + args = []; + self.recurse(ast.callee, right, left, function() { + self.if_(self.notNull(right), function() { + self.addEnsureSafeFunction(right); + forEach(ast.arguments, function(expr) { + self.recurse(expr, self.nextId(), undefined, function(argument) { + args.push(self.ensureSafeObject(argument)); + }); + }); + if (left.name) { + if (!self.state.expensiveChecks) { + self.addEnsureSafeObject(left.context); + } + expression = self.member(left.context, left.name, left.computed) + '(' + args.join(',') + ')'; + } else { + expression = right + '(' + args.join(',') + ')'; + } + expression = self.ensureSafeObject(expression); + self.assign(intoId, expression); + }, function() { + self.assign(intoId, 'undefined'); + }); + recursionFn(intoId); + }); + } + break; + case AST.AssignmentExpression: + right = this.nextId(); + left = {}; + if (!isAssignable(ast.left)) { + throw $parseMinErr('lval', 'Trying to assign a value to a non l-value'); + } + this.recurse(ast.left, undefined, left, function() { + self.if_(self.notNull(left.context), function() { + self.recurse(ast.right, right); + self.addEnsureSafeObject(self.member(left.context, left.name, left.computed)); + self.addEnsureSafeAssignContext(left.context); + expression = self.member(left.context, left.name, left.computed) + ast.operator + right; + self.assign(intoId, expression); + recursionFn(intoId || expression); + }); + }, 1); + break; + case AST.ArrayExpression: + args = []; + forEach(ast.elements, function(expr) { + self.recurse(expr, self.nextId(), undefined, function(argument) { + args.push(argument); + }); + }); + expression = '[' + args.join(',') + ']'; + this.assign(intoId, expression); + recursionFn(expression); + break; + case AST.ObjectExpression: + args = []; + forEach(ast.properties, function(property) { + self.recurse(property.value, self.nextId(), undefined, function(expr) { + args.push(self.escape( + property.key.type === AST.Identifier ? property.key.name : + ('' + property.key.value)) + + ':' + expr); + }); + }); + expression = '{' + args.join(',') + '}'; + this.assign(intoId, expression); + recursionFn(expression); + break; + case AST.ThisExpression: + this.assign(intoId, 's'); + recursionFn('s'); + break; + case AST.LocalsExpression: + this.assign(intoId, 'l'); + recursionFn('l'); + break; + case AST.NGValueParameter: + this.assign(intoId, 'v'); + recursionFn('v'); + break; + } + }, + + getHasOwnProperty: function(element, property) { + var key = element + '.' + property; + var own = this.current().own; + if (!own.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + own[key] = this.nextId(false, element + '&&(' + this.escape(property) + ' in ' + element + ')'); + } + return own[key]; + }, + + assign: function(id, value) { + if (!id) return; + this.current().body.push(id, '=', value, ';'); + return id; + }, + + filter: function(filterName) { + if (!this.state.filters.hasOwnProperty(filterName)) { + this.state.filters[filterName] = this.nextId(true); + } + return this.state.filters[filterName]; + }, + + ifDefined: function(id, defaultValue) { + return 'ifDefined(' + id + ',' + this.escape(defaultValue) + ')'; + }, + + plus: function(left, right) { + return 'plus(' + left + ',' + right + ')'; + }, + + return_: function(id) { + this.current().body.push('return ', id, ';'); + }, + + if_: function(test, alternate, consequent) { + if (test === true) { + alternate(); + } else { + var body = this.current().body; + body.push('if(', test, '){'); + alternate(); + body.push('}'); + if (consequent) { + body.push('else{'); + consequent(); + body.push('}'); + } + } + }, + + not: function(expression) { + return '!(' + expression + ')'; + }, + + notNull: function(expression) { + return expression + '!=null'; + }, + + nonComputedMember: function(left, right) { + var SAFE_IDENTIFIER = /[$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*/; + var UNSAFE_CHARACTERS = /[^$_a-zA-Z0-9]/g; + if (SAFE_IDENTIFIER.test(right)) { + return left + '.' + right; + } else { + return left + '["' + right.replace(UNSAFE_CHARACTERS, this.stringEscapeFn) + '"]'; + } + }, + + computedMember: function(left, right) { + return left + '[' + right + ']'; + }, + + member: function(left, right, computed) { + if (computed) return this.computedMember(left, right); + return this.nonComputedMember(left, right); + }, + + addEnsureSafeObject: function(item) { + this.current().body.push(this.ensureSafeObject(item), ';'); + }, + + addEnsureSafeMemberName: function(item) { + this.current().body.push(this.ensureSafeMemberName(item), ';'); + }, + + addEnsureSafeFunction: function(item) { + this.current().body.push(this.ensureSafeFunction(item), ';'); + }, + + addEnsureSafeAssignContext: function(item) { + this.current().body.push(this.ensureSafeAssignContext(item), ';'); + }, + + ensureSafeObject: function(item) { + return 'ensureSafeObject(' + item + ',text)'; + }, + + ensureSafeMemberName: function(item) { + return 'ensureSafeMemberName(' + item + ',text)'; + }, + + ensureSafeFunction: function(item) { + return 'ensureSafeFunction(' + item + ',text)'; + }, + + getStringValue: function(item) { + this.assign(item, 'getStringValue(' + item + ')'); + }, + + ensureSafeAssignContext: function(item) { + return 'ensureSafeAssignContext(' + item + ',text)'; + }, + + lazyRecurse: function(ast, intoId, nameId, recursionFn, create, skipWatchIdCheck) { + var self = this; + return function() { + self.recurse(ast, intoId, nameId, recursionFn, create, skipWatchIdCheck); + }; + }, + + lazyAssign: function(id, value) { + var self = this; + return function() { + self.assign(id, value); + }; + }, + + stringEscapeRegex: /[^ a-zA-Z0-9]/g, + + stringEscapeFn: function(c) { + return '\\u' + ('0000' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4); + }, + + escape: function(value) { + if (isString(value)) return "'" + value.replace(this.stringEscapeRegex, this.stringEscapeFn) + "'"; + if (isNumber(value)) return value.toString(); + if (value === true) return 'true'; + if (value === false) return 'false'; + if (value === null) return 'null'; + if (typeof value === 'undefined') return 'undefined'; + + throw $parseMinErr('esc', 'IMPOSSIBLE'); + }, + + nextId: function(skip, init) { + var id = 'v' + (this.state.nextId++); + if (!skip) { + this.current().vars.push(id + (init ? '=' + init : '')); + } + return id; + }, + + current: function() { + return this.state[this.state.computing]; + } +}; + + +function ASTInterpreter(astBuilder, $filter) { + this.astBuilder = astBuilder; + this.$filter = $filter; +} + +ASTInterpreter.prototype = { + compile: function(expression, expensiveChecks) { + var self = this; + var ast = this.astBuilder.ast(expression); + this.expression = expression; + this.expensiveChecks = expensiveChecks; + findConstantAndWatchExpressions(ast, self.$filter); + var assignable; + var assign; + if ((assignable = assignableAST(ast))) { + assign = this.recurse(assignable); + } + var toWatch = getInputs(ast.body); + var inputs; + if (toWatch) { + inputs = []; + forEach(toWatch, function(watch, key) { + var input = self.recurse(watch); + watch.input = input; + inputs.push(input); + watch.watchId = key; + }); + } + var expressions = []; + forEach(ast.body, function(expression) { + expressions.push(self.recurse(expression.expression)); + }); + var fn = ast.body.length === 0 ? noop : + ast.body.length === 1 ? expressions[0] : + function(scope, locals) { + var lastValue; + forEach(expressions, function(exp) { + lastValue = exp(scope, locals); + }); + return lastValue; + }; + if (assign) { + fn.assign = function(scope, value, locals) { + return assign(scope, locals, value); + }; + } + if (inputs) { + fn.inputs = inputs; + } + fn.literal = isLiteral(ast); + fn.constant = isConstant(ast); + return fn; + }, + + recurse: function(ast, context, create) { + var left, right, self = this, args, expression; + if (ast.input) { + return this.inputs(ast.input, ast.watchId); + } + switch (ast.type) { + case AST.Literal: + return this.value(ast.value, context); + case AST.UnaryExpression: + right = this.recurse(ast.argument); + return this['unary' + ast.operator](right, context); + case AST.BinaryExpression: + left = this.recurse(ast.left); + right = this.recurse(ast.right); + return this['binary' + ast.operator](left, right, context); + case AST.LogicalExpression: + left = this.recurse(ast.left); + right = this.recurse(ast.right); + return this['binary' + ast.operator](left, right, context); + case AST.ConditionalExpression: + return this['ternary?:']( + this.recurse(ast.test), + this.recurse(ast.alternate), + this.recurse(ast.consequent), + context + ); + case AST.Identifier: + ensureSafeMemberName(ast.name, self.expression); + return self.identifier(ast.name, + self.expensiveChecks || isPossiblyDangerousMemberName(ast.name), + context, create, self.expression); + case AST.MemberExpression: + left = this.recurse(ast.object, false, !!create); + if (!ast.computed) { + ensureSafeMemberName(ast.property.name, self.expression); + right = ast.property.name; + } + if (ast.computed) right = this.recurse(ast.property); + return ast.computed ? + this.computedMember(left, right, context, create, self.expression) : + this.nonComputedMember(left, right, self.expensiveChecks, context, create, self.expression); + case AST.CallExpression: + args = []; + forEach(ast.arguments, function(expr) { + args.push(self.recurse(expr)); + }); + if (ast.filter) right = this.$filter(ast.callee.name); + if (!ast.filter) right = this.recurse(ast.callee, true); + return ast.filter ? + function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var values = []; + for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { + values.push(args[i](scope, locals, assign, inputs)); + } + var value = right.apply(undefined, values, inputs); + return context ? {context: undefined, name: undefined, value: value} : value; + } : + function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var rhs = right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + var value; + if (rhs.value != null) { + ensureSafeObject(rhs.context, self.expression); + ensureSafeFunction(rhs.value, self.expression); + var values = []; + for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { + values.push(ensureSafeObject(args[i](scope, locals, assign, inputs), self.expression)); + } + value = ensureSafeObject(rhs.value.apply(rhs.context, values), self.expression); + } + return context ? {value: value} : value; + }; + case AST.AssignmentExpression: + left = this.recurse(ast.left, true, 1); + right = this.recurse(ast.right); + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var lhs = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + var rhs = right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + ensureSafeObject(lhs.value, self.expression); + ensureSafeAssignContext(lhs.context); + lhs.context[lhs.name] = rhs; + return context ? {value: rhs} : rhs; + }; + case AST.ArrayExpression: + args = []; + forEach(ast.elements, function(expr) { + args.push(self.recurse(expr)); + }); + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var value = []; + for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { + value.push(args[i](scope, locals, assign, inputs)); + } + return context ? {value: value} : value; + }; + case AST.ObjectExpression: + args = []; + forEach(ast.properties, function(property) { + args.push({key: property.key.type === AST.Identifier ? + property.key.name : + ('' + property.key.value), + value: self.recurse(property.value) + }); + }); + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var value = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { + value[args[i].key] = args[i].value(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + } + return context ? {value: value} : value; + }; + case AST.ThisExpression: + return function(scope) { + return context ? {value: scope} : scope; + }; + case AST.LocalsExpression: + return function(scope, locals) { + return context ? {value: locals} : locals; + }; + case AST.NGValueParameter: + return function(scope, locals, assign) { + return context ? {value: assign} : assign; + }; + } + }, + + 'unary+': function(argument, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = argument(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + if (isDefined(arg)) { + arg = +arg; + } else { + arg = 0; + } + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'unary-': function(argument, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = argument(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + if (isDefined(arg)) { + arg = -arg; + } else { + arg = 0; + } + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'unary!': function(argument, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = !argument(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'binary+': function(left, right, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var lhs = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + var rhs = right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + var arg = plusFn(lhs, rhs); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'binary-': function(left, right, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var lhs = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + var rhs = right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + var arg = (isDefined(lhs) ? lhs : 0) - (isDefined(rhs) ? rhs : 0); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'binary*': function(left, right, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs) * right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'binary/': function(left, right, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs) / right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'binary%': function(left, right, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs) % right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'binary===': function(left, right, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs) === right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'binary!==': function(left, right, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs) !== right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'binary==': function(left, right, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs) == right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'binary!=': function(left, right, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs) != right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'binary<': function(left, right, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs) < right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'binary>': function(left, right, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs) > right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'binary<=': function(left, right, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs) <= right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'binary>=': function(left, right, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs) >= right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'binary&&': function(left, right, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs) && right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'binary||': function(left, right, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs) || right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + 'ternary?:': function(test, alternate, consequent, context) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var arg = test(scope, locals, assign, inputs) ? alternate(scope, locals, assign, inputs) : consequent(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + return context ? {value: arg} : arg; + }; + }, + value: function(value, context) { + return function() { return context ? {context: undefined, name: undefined, value: value} : value; }; + }, + identifier: function(name, expensiveChecks, context, create, expression) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var base = locals && (name in locals) ? locals : scope; + if (create && create !== 1 && base && !(base[name])) { + base[name] = {}; + } + var value = base ? base[name] : undefined; + if (expensiveChecks) { + ensureSafeObject(value, expression); + } + if (context) { + return {context: base, name: name, value: value}; + } else { + return value; + } + }; + }, + computedMember: function(left, right, context, create, expression) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var lhs = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + var rhs; + var value; + if (lhs != null) { + rhs = right(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + rhs = getStringValue(rhs); + ensureSafeMemberName(rhs, expression); + if (create && create !== 1) { + ensureSafeAssignContext(lhs); + if (lhs && !(lhs[rhs])) { + lhs[rhs] = {}; + } + } + value = lhs[rhs]; + ensureSafeObject(value, expression); + } + if (context) { + return {context: lhs, name: rhs, value: value}; + } else { + return value; + } + }; + }, + nonComputedMember: function(left, right, expensiveChecks, context, create, expression) { + return function(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var lhs = left(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + if (create && create !== 1) { + ensureSafeAssignContext(lhs); + if (lhs && !(lhs[right])) { + lhs[right] = {}; + } + } + var value = lhs != null ? lhs[right] : undefined; + if (expensiveChecks || isPossiblyDangerousMemberName(right)) { + ensureSafeObject(value, expression); + } + if (context) { + return {context: lhs, name: right, value: value}; + } else { + return value; + } + }; + }, + inputs: function(input, watchId) { + return function(scope, value, locals, inputs) { + if (inputs) return inputs[watchId]; + return input(scope, value, locals); + }; + } +}; + +/** + * @constructor + */ +var Parser = function(lexer, $filter, options) { + this.lexer = lexer; + this.$filter = $filter; + this.options = options; + this.ast = new AST(lexer, options); + this.astCompiler = options.csp ? new ASTInterpreter(this.ast, $filter) : + new ASTCompiler(this.ast, $filter); +}; + +Parser.prototype = { + constructor: Parser, + + parse: function(text) { + return this.astCompiler.compile(text, this.options.expensiveChecks); + } +}; + +function isPossiblyDangerousMemberName(name) { + return name == 'constructor'; +} + +var objectValueOf = Object.prototype.valueOf; + +function getValueOf(value) { + return isFunction(value.valueOf) ? value.valueOf() : objectValueOf.call(value); +} + +/////////////////////////////////// + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $parse + * @kind function + * + * @description + * + * Converts Angular {@link guide/expression expression} into a function. + * + * ```js + * var getter = $parse('user.name'); + * var setter = getter.assign; + * var context = {user:{name:'angular'}}; + * var locals = {user:{name:'local'}}; + * + * expect(getter(context)).toEqual('angular'); + * setter(context, 'newValue'); + * expect(context.user.name).toEqual('newValue'); + * expect(getter(context, locals)).toEqual('local'); + * ``` + * + * + * @param {string} expression String expression to compile. + * @returns {function(context, locals)} a function which represents the compiled expression: + * + * * `context` – `{object}` – an object against which any expressions embedded in the strings + * are evaluated against (typically a scope object). + * * `locals` – `{object=}` – local variables context object, useful for overriding values in + * `context`. + * + * The returned function also has the following properties: + * * `literal` – `{boolean}` – whether the expression's top-level node is a JavaScript + * literal. + * * `constant` – `{boolean}` – whether the expression is made entirely of JavaScript + * constant literals. + * * `assign` – `{?function(context, value)}` – if the expression is assignable, this will be + * set to a function to change its value on the given context. + * + */ + + +/** + * @ngdoc provider + * @name $parseProvider + * + * @description + * `$parseProvider` can be used for configuring the default behavior of the {@link ng.$parse $parse} + * service. + */ +function $ParseProvider() { + var cacheDefault = createMap(); + var cacheExpensive = createMap(); + var literals = { + 'true': true, + 'false': false, + 'null': null, + 'undefined': undefined + }; + var identStart, identContinue; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $parseProvider#addLiteral + * @description + * + * Configure $parse service to add literal values that will be present as literal at expressions. + * + * @param {string} literalName Token for the literal value. The literal name value must be a valid literal name. + * @param {*} literalValue Value for this literal. All literal values must be primitives or `undefined`. + * + **/ + this.addLiteral = function(literalName, literalValue) { + literals[literalName] = literalValue; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $parseProvider#setIdentifierFns + * @description + * + * Allows defining the set of characters that are allowed in Angular expressions. The function + * `identifierStart` will get called to know if a given character is a valid character to be the + * first character for an identifier. The function `identifierContinue` will get called to know if + * a given character is a valid character to be a follow-up identifier character. The functions + * `identifierStart` and `identifierContinue` will receive as arguments the single character to be + * identifier and the character code point. These arguments will be `string` and `numeric`. Keep in + * mind that the `string` parameter can be two characters long depending on the character + * representation. It is expected for the function to return `true` or `false`, whether that + * character is allowed or not. + * + * Since this function will be called extensivelly, keep the implementation of these functions fast, + * as the performance of these functions have a direct impact on the expressions parsing speed. + * + * @param {function=} identifierStart The function that will decide whether the given character is + * a valid identifier start character. + * @param {function=} identifierContinue The function that will decide whether the given character is + * a valid identifier continue character. + */ + this.setIdentifierFns = function(identifierStart, identifierContinue) { + identStart = identifierStart; + identContinue = identifierContinue; + return this; + }; + + this.$get = ['$filter', function($filter) { + var noUnsafeEval = csp().noUnsafeEval; + var $parseOptions = { + csp: noUnsafeEval, + expensiveChecks: false, + literals: copy(literals), + isIdentifierStart: isFunction(identStart) && identStart, + isIdentifierContinue: isFunction(identContinue) && identContinue + }, + $parseOptionsExpensive = { + csp: noUnsafeEval, + expensiveChecks: true, + literals: copy(literals), + isIdentifierStart: isFunction(identStart) && identStart, + isIdentifierContinue: isFunction(identContinue) && identContinue + }; + var runningChecksEnabled = false; + + $parse.$$runningExpensiveChecks = function() { + return runningChecksEnabled; + }; + + return $parse; + + function $parse(exp, interceptorFn, expensiveChecks) { + var parsedExpression, oneTime, cacheKey; + + expensiveChecks = expensiveChecks || runningChecksEnabled; + + switch (typeof exp) { + case 'string': + exp = exp.trim(); + cacheKey = exp; + + var cache = (expensiveChecks ? cacheExpensive : cacheDefault); + parsedExpression = cache[cacheKey]; + + if (!parsedExpression) { + if (exp.charAt(0) === ':' && exp.charAt(1) === ':') { + oneTime = true; + exp = exp.substring(2); + } + var parseOptions = expensiveChecks ? $parseOptionsExpensive : $parseOptions; + var lexer = new Lexer(parseOptions); + var parser = new Parser(lexer, $filter, parseOptions); + parsedExpression = parser.parse(exp); + if (parsedExpression.constant) { + parsedExpression.$$watchDelegate = constantWatchDelegate; + } else if (oneTime) { + parsedExpression.$$watchDelegate = parsedExpression.literal ? + oneTimeLiteralWatchDelegate : oneTimeWatchDelegate; + } else if (parsedExpression.inputs) { + parsedExpression.$$watchDelegate = inputsWatchDelegate; + } + if (expensiveChecks) { + parsedExpression = expensiveChecksInterceptor(parsedExpression); + } + cache[cacheKey] = parsedExpression; + } + return addInterceptor(parsedExpression, interceptorFn); + + case 'function': + return addInterceptor(exp, interceptorFn); + + default: + return addInterceptor(noop, interceptorFn); + } + } + + function expensiveChecksInterceptor(fn) { + if (!fn) return fn; + expensiveCheckFn.$$watchDelegate = fn.$$watchDelegate; + expensiveCheckFn.assign = expensiveChecksInterceptor(fn.assign); + expensiveCheckFn.constant = fn.constant; + expensiveCheckFn.literal = fn.literal; + for (var i = 0; fn.inputs && i < fn.inputs.length; ++i) { + fn.inputs[i] = expensiveChecksInterceptor(fn.inputs[i]); + } + expensiveCheckFn.inputs = fn.inputs; + + return expensiveCheckFn; + + function expensiveCheckFn(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var expensiveCheckOldValue = runningChecksEnabled; + runningChecksEnabled = true; + try { + return fn(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + } finally { + runningChecksEnabled = expensiveCheckOldValue; + } + } + } + + function expressionInputDirtyCheck(newValue, oldValueOfValue) { + + if (newValue == null || oldValueOfValue == null) { // null/undefined + return newValue === oldValueOfValue; + } + + if (typeof newValue === 'object') { + + // attempt to convert the value to a primitive type + // TODO(docs): add a note to docs that by implementing valueOf even objects and arrays can + // be cheaply dirty-checked + newValue = getValueOf(newValue); + + if (typeof newValue === 'object') { + // objects/arrays are not supported - deep-watching them would be too expensive + return false; + } + + // fall-through to the primitive equality check + } + + //Primitive or NaN + return newValue === oldValueOfValue || (newValue !== newValue && oldValueOfValue !== oldValueOfValue); + } + + function inputsWatchDelegate(scope, listener, objectEquality, parsedExpression, prettyPrintExpression) { + var inputExpressions = parsedExpression.inputs; + var lastResult; + + if (inputExpressions.length === 1) { + var oldInputValueOf = expressionInputDirtyCheck; // init to something unique so that equals check fails + inputExpressions = inputExpressions[0]; + return scope.$watch(function expressionInputWatch(scope) { + var newInputValue = inputExpressions(scope); + if (!expressionInputDirtyCheck(newInputValue, oldInputValueOf)) { + lastResult = parsedExpression(scope, undefined, undefined, [newInputValue]); + oldInputValueOf = newInputValue && getValueOf(newInputValue); + } + return lastResult; + }, listener, objectEquality, prettyPrintExpression); + } + + var oldInputValueOfValues = []; + var oldInputValues = []; + for (var i = 0, ii = inputExpressions.length; i < ii; i++) { + oldInputValueOfValues[i] = expressionInputDirtyCheck; // init to something unique so that equals check fails + oldInputValues[i] = null; + } + + return scope.$watch(function expressionInputsWatch(scope) { + var changed = false; + + for (var i = 0, ii = inputExpressions.length; i < ii; i++) { + var newInputValue = inputExpressions[i](scope); + if (changed || (changed = !expressionInputDirtyCheck(newInputValue, oldInputValueOfValues[i]))) { + oldInputValues[i] = newInputValue; + oldInputValueOfValues[i] = newInputValue && getValueOf(newInputValue); + } + } + + if (changed) { + lastResult = parsedExpression(scope, undefined, undefined, oldInputValues); + } + + return lastResult; + }, listener, objectEquality, prettyPrintExpression); + } + + function oneTimeWatchDelegate(scope, listener, objectEquality, parsedExpression) { + var unwatch, lastValue; + return unwatch = scope.$watch(function oneTimeWatch(scope) { + return parsedExpression(scope); + }, function oneTimeListener(value, old, scope) { + lastValue = value; + if (isFunction(listener)) { + listener.apply(this, arguments); + } + if (isDefined(value)) { + scope.$$postDigest(function() { + if (isDefined(lastValue)) { + unwatch(); + } + }); + } + }, objectEquality); + } + + function oneTimeLiteralWatchDelegate(scope, listener, objectEquality, parsedExpression) { + var unwatch, lastValue; + return unwatch = scope.$watch(function oneTimeWatch(scope) { + return parsedExpression(scope); + }, function oneTimeListener(value, old, scope) { + lastValue = value; + if (isFunction(listener)) { + listener.call(this, value, old, scope); + } + if (isAllDefined(value)) { + scope.$$postDigest(function() { + if (isAllDefined(lastValue)) unwatch(); + }); + } + }, objectEquality); + + function isAllDefined(value) { + var allDefined = true; + forEach(value, function(val) { + if (!isDefined(val)) allDefined = false; + }); + return allDefined; + } + } + + function constantWatchDelegate(scope, listener, objectEquality, parsedExpression) { + var unwatch; + return unwatch = scope.$watch(function constantWatch(scope) { + unwatch(); + return parsedExpression(scope); + }, listener, objectEquality); + } + + function addInterceptor(parsedExpression, interceptorFn) { + if (!interceptorFn) return parsedExpression; + var watchDelegate = parsedExpression.$$watchDelegate; + var useInputs = false; + + var regularWatch = + watchDelegate !== oneTimeLiteralWatchDelegate && + watchDelegate !== oneTimeWatchDelegate; + + var fn = regularWatch ? function regularInterceptedExpression(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var value = useInputs && inputs ? inputs[0] : parsedExpression(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + return interceptorFn(value, scope, locals); + } : function oneTimeInterceptedExpression(scope, locals, assign, inputs) { + var value = parsedExpression(scope, locals, assign, inputs); + var result = interceptorFn(value, scope, locals); + // we only return the interceptor's result if the + // initial value is defined (for bind-once) + return isDefined(value) ? result : value; + }; + + // Propagate $$watchDelegates other then inputsWatchDelegate + if (parsedExpression.$$watchDelegate && + parsedExpression.$$watchDelegate !== inputsWatchDelegate) { + fn.$$watchDelegate = parsedExpression.$$watchDelegate; + } else if (!interceptorFn.$stateful) { + // If there is an interceptor, but no watchDelegate then treat the interceptor like + // we treat filters - it is assumed to be a pure function unless flagged with $stateful + fn.$$watchDelegate = inputsWatchDelegate; + useInputs = !parsedExpression.inputs; + fn.inputs = parsedExpression.inputs ? parsedExpression.inputs : [parsedExpression]; + } + + return fn; + } + }]; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $q + * @requires $rootScope + * + * @description + * A service that helps you run functions asynchronously, and use their return values (or exceptions) + * when they are done processing. + * + * This is an implementation of promises/deferred objects inspired by + * [Kris Kowal's Q](https://github.com/kriskowal/q). + * + * $q can be used in two fashions --- one which is more similar to Kris Kowal's Q or jQuery's Deferred + * implementations, and the other which resembles ES6 (ES2015) promises to some degree. + * + * # $q constructor + * + * The streamlined ES6 style promise is essentially just using $q as a constructor which takes a `resolver` + * function as the first argument. This is similar to the native Promise implementation from ES6, + * see [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise). + * + * While the constructor-style use is supported, not all of the supporting methods from ES6 promises are + * available yet. + * + * It can be used like so: + * + * ```js + * // for the purpose of this example let's assume that variables `$q` and `okToGreet` + * // are available in the current lexical scope (they could have been injected or passed in). + * + * function asyncGreet(name) { + * // perform some asynchronous operation, resolve or reject the promise when appropriate. + * return $q(function(resolve, reject) { + * setTimeout(function() { + * if (okToGreet(name)) { + * resolve('Hello, ' + name + '!'); + * } else { + * reject('Greeting ' + name + ' is not allowed.'); + * } + * }, 1000); + * }); + * } + * + * var promise = asyncGreet('Robin Hood'); + * promise.then(function(greeting) { + * alert('Success: ' + greeting); + * }, function(reason) { + * alert('Failed: ' + reason); + * }); + * ``` + * + * Note: progress/notify callbacks are not currently supported via the ES6-style interface. + * + * Note: unlike ES6 behavior, an exception thrown in the constructor function will NOT implicitly reject the promise. + * + * However, the more traditional CommonJS-style usage is still available, and documented below. + * + * [The CommonJS Promise proposal](http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Promises) describes a promise as an + * interface for interacting with an object that represents the result of an action that is + * performed asynchronously, and may or may not be finished at any given point in time. + * + * From the perspective of dealing with error handling, deferred and promise APIs are to + * asynchronous programming what `try`, `catch` and `throw` keywords are to synchronous programming. + * + * ```js + * // for the purpose of this example let's assume that variables `$q` and `okToGreet` + * // are available in the current lexical scope (they could have been injected or passed in). + * + * function asyncGreet(name) { + * var deferred = $q.defer(); + * + * setTimeout(function() { + * deferred.notify('About to greet ' + name + '.'); + * + * if (okToGreet(name)) { + * deferred.resolve('Hello, ' + name + '!'); + * } else { + * deferred.reject('Greeting ' + name + ' is not allowed.'); + * } + * }, 1000); + * + * return deferred.promise; + * } + * + * var promise = asyncGreet('Robin Hood'); + * promise.then(function(greeting) { + * alert('Success: ' + greeting); + * }, function(reason) { + * alert('Failed: ' + reason); + * }, function(update) { + * alert('Got notification: ' + update); + * }); + * ``` + * + * At first it might not be obvious why this extra complexity is worth the trouble. The payoff + * comes in the way of guarantees that promise and deferred APIs make, see + * https://github.com/kriskowal/uncommonjs/blob/master/promises/specification.md. + * + * Additionally the promise api allows for composition that is very hard to do with the + * traditional callback ([CPS](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuation-passing_style)) approach. + * For more on this please see the [Q documentation](https://github.com/kriskowal/q) especially the + * section on serial or parallel joining of promises. + * + * # The Deferred API + * + * A new instance of deferred is constructed by calling `$q.defer()`. + * + * The purpose of the deferred object is to expose the associated Promise instance as well as APIs + * that can be used for signaling the successful or unsuccessful completion, as well as the status + * of the task. + * + * **Methods** + * + * - `resolve(value)` – resolves the derived promise with the `value`. If the value is a rejection + * constructed via `$q.reject`, the promise will be rejected instead. + * - `reject(reason)` – rejects the derived promise with the `reason`. This is equivalent to + * resolving it with a rejection constructed via `$q.reject`. + * - `notify(value)` - provides updates on the status of the promise's execution. This may be called + * multiple times before the promise is either resolved or rejected. + * + * **Properties** + * + * - promise – `{Promise}` – promise object associated with this deferred. + * + * + * # The Promise API + * + * A new promise instance is created when a deferred instance is created and can be retrieved by + * calling `deferred.promise`. + * + * The purpose of the promise object is to allow for interested parties to get access to the result + * of the deferred task when it completes. + * + * **Methods** + * + * - `then(successCallback, errorCallback, notifyCallback)` – regardless of when the promise was or + * will be resolved or rejected, `then` calls one of the success or error callbacks asynchronously + * as soon as the result is available. The callbacks are called with a single argument: the result + * or rejection reason. Additionally, the notify callback may be called zero or more times to + * provide a progress indication, before the promise is resolved or rejected. + * + * This method *returns a new promise* which is resolved or rejected via the return value of the + * `successCallback`, `errorCallback` (unless that value is a promise, in which case it is resolved + * with the value which is resolved in that promise using + * [promise chaining](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/es6/promises/#toc-promises-queues)). + * It also notifies via the return value of the `notifyCallback` method. The promise cannot be + * resolved or rejected from the notifyCallback method. + * + * - `catch(errorCallback)` – shorthand for `promise.then(null, errorCallback)` + * + * - `finally(callback, notifyCallback)` – allows you to observe either the fulfillment or rejection of a promise, + * but to do so without modifying the final value. This is useful to release resources or do some + * clean-up that needs to be done whether the promise was rejected or resolved. See the [full + * specification](https://github.com/kriskowal/q/wiki/API-Reference#promisefinallycallback) for + * more information. + * + * # Chaining promises + * + * Because calling the `then` method of a promise returns a new derived promise, it is easily + * possible to create a chain of promises: + * + * ```js + * promiseB = promiseA.then(function(result) { + * return result + 1; + * }); + * + * // promiseB will be resolved immediately after promiseA is resolved and its value + * // will be the result of promiseA incremented by 1 + * ``` + * + * It is possible to create chains of any length and since a promise can be resolved with another + * promise (which will defer its resolution further), it is possible to pause/defer resolution of + * the promises at any point in the chain. This makes it possible to implement powerful APIs like + * $http's response interceptors. + * + * + * # Differences between Kris Kowal's Q and $q + * + * There are two main differences: + * + * - $q is integrated with the {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope} Scope model observation + * mechanism in angular, which means faster propagation of resolution or rejection into your + * models and avoiding unnecessary browser repaints, which would result in flickering UI. + * - Q has many more features than $q, but that comes at a cost of bytes. $q is tiny, but contains + * all the important functionality needed for common async tasks. + * + * # Testing + * + * ```js + * it('should simulate promise', inject(function($q, $rootScope) { + * var deferred = $q.defer(); + * var promise = deferred.promise; + * var resolvedValue; + * + * promise.then(function(value) { resolvedValue = value; }); + * expect(resolvedValue).toBeUndefined(); + * + * // Simulate resolving of promise + * deferred.resolve(123); + * // Note that the 'then' function does not get called synchronously. + * // This is because we want the promise API to always be async, whether or not + * // it got called synchronously or asynchronously. + * expect(resolvedValue).toBeUndefined(); + * + * // Propagate promise resolution to 'then' functions using $apply(). + * $rootScope.$apply(); + * expect(resolvedValue).toEqual(123); + * })); + * ``` + * + * @param {function(function, function)} resolver Function which is responsible for resolving or + * rejecting the newly created promise. The first parameter is a function which resolves the + * promise, the second parameter is a function which rejects the promise. + * + * @returns {Promise} The newly created promise. + */ +function $QProvider() { + + this.$get = ['$rootScope', '$exceptionHandler', function($rootScope, $exceptionHandler) { + return qFactory(function(callback) { + $rootScope.$evalAsync(callback); + }, $exceptionHandler); + }]; +} + +function $$QProvider() { + this.$get = ['$browser', '$exceptionHandler', function($browser, $exceptionHandler) { + return qFactory(function(callback) { + $browser.defer(callback); + }, $exceptionHandler); + }]; +} + +/** + * Constructs a promise manager. + * + * @param {function(function)} nextTick Function for executing functions in the next turn. + * @param {function(...*)} exceptionHandler Function into which unexpected exceptions are passed for + * debugging purposes. + * @returns {object} Promise manager. + */ +function qFactory(nextTick, exceptionHandler) { + var $qMinErr = minErr('$q', TypeError); + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name ng.$q#defer + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Creates a `Deferred` object which represents a task which will finish in the future. + * + * @returns {Deferred} Returns a new instance of deferred. + */ + var defer = function() { + var d = new Deferred(); + //Necessary to support unbound execution :/ + d.resolve = simpleBind(d, d.resolve); + d.reject = simpleBind(d, d.reject); + d.notify = simpleBind(d, d.notify); + return d; + }; + + function Promise() { + this.$$state = { status: 0 }; + } + + extend(Promise.prototype, { + then: function(onFulfilled, onRejected, progressBack) { + if (isUndefined(onFulfilled) && isUndefined(onRejected) && isUndefined(progressBack)) { + return this; + } + var result = new Deferred(); + + this.$$state.pending = this.$$state.pending || []; + this.$$state.pending.push([result, onFulfilled, onRejected, progressBack]); + if (this.$$state.status > 0) scheduleProcessQueue(this.$$state); + + return result.promise; + }, + + "catch": function(callback) { + return this.then(null, callback); + }, + + "finally": function(callback, progressBack) { + return this.then(function(value) { + return handleCallback(value, true, callback); + }, function(error) { + return handleCallback(error, false, callback); + }, progressBack); + } + }); + + //Faster, more basic than angular.bind http://jsperf.com/angular-bind-vs-custom-vs-native + function simpleBind(context, fn) { + return function(value) { + fn.call(context, value); + }; + } + + function processQueue(state) { + var fn, deferred, pending; + + pending = state.pending; + state.processScheduled = false; + state.pending = undefined; + for (var i = 0, ii = pending.length; i < ii; ++i) { + deferred = pending[i][0]; + fn = pending[i][state.status]; + try { + if (isFunction(fn)) { + deferred.resolve(fn(state.value)); + } else if (state.status === 1) { + deferred.resolve(state.value); + } else { + deferred.reject(state.value); + } + } catch (e) { + deferred.reject(e); + exceptionHandler(e); + } + } + } + + function scheduleProcessQueue(state) { + if (state.processScheduled || !state.pending) return; + state.processScheduled = true; + nextTick(function() { processQueue(state); }); + } + + function Deferred() { + this.promise = new Promise(); + } + + extend(Deferred.prototype, { + resolve: function(val) { + if (this.promise.$$state.status) return; + if (val === this.promise) { + this.$$reject($qMinErr( + 'qcycle', + "Expected promise to be resolved with value other than itself '{0}'", + val)); + } else { + this.$$resolve(val); + } + + }, + + $$resolve: function(val) { + var then; + var that = this; + var done = false; + try { + if ((isObject(val) || isFunction(val))) then = val && val.then; + if (isFunction(then)) { + this.promise.$$state.status = -1; + then.call(val, resolvePromise, rejectPromise, simpleBind(this, this.notify)); + } else { + this.promise.$$state.value = val; + this.promise.$$state.status = 1; + scheduleProcessQueue(this.promise.$$state); + } + } catch (e) { + rejectPromise(e); + exceptionHandler(e); + } + + function resolvePromise(val) { + if (done) return; + done = true; + that.$$resolve(val); + } + function rejectPromise(val) { + if (done) return; + done = true; + that.$$reject(val); + } + }, + + reject: function(reason) { + if (this.promise.$$state.status) return; + this.$$reject(reason); + }, + + $$reject: function(reason) { + this.promise.$$state.value = reason; + this.promise.$$state.status = 2; + scheduleProcessQueue(this.promise.$$state); + }, + + notify: function(progress) { + var callbacks = this.promise.$$state.pending; + + if ((this.promise.$$state.status <= 0) && callbacks && callbacks.length) { + nextTick(function() { + var callback, result; + for (var i = 0, ii = callbacks.length; i < ii; i++) { + result = callbacks[i][0]; + callback = callbacks[i][3]; + try { + result.notify(isFunction(callback) ? callback(progress) : progress); + } catch (e) { + exceptionHandler(e); + } + } + }); + } + } + }); + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $q#reject + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Creates a promise that is resolved as rejected with the specified `reason`. This api should be + * used to forward rejection in a chain of promises. If you are dealing with the last promise in + * a promise chain, you don't need to worry about it. + * + * When comparing deferreds/promises to the familiar behavior of try/catch/throw, think of + * `reject` as the `throw` keyword in JavaScript. This also means that if you "catch" an error via + * a promise error callback and you want to forward the error to the promise derived from the + * current promise, you have to "rethrow" the error by returning a rejection constructed via + * `reject`. + * + * ```js + * promiseB = promiseA.then(function(result) { + * // success: do something and resolve promiseB + * // with the old or a new result + * return result; + * }, function(reason) { + * // error: handle the error if possible and + * // resolve promiseB with newPromiseOrValue, + * // otherwise forward the rejection to promiseB + * if (canHandle(reason)) { + * // handle the error and recover + * return newPromiseOrValue; + * } + * return $q.reject(reason); + * }); + * ``` + * + * @param {*} reason Constant, message, exception or an object representing the rejection reason. + * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise that was already resolved as rejected with the `reason`. + */ + var reject = function(reason) { + var result = new Deferred(); + result.reject(reason); + return result.promise; + }; + + var makePromise = function makePromise(value, resolved) { + var result = new Deferred(); + if (resolved) { + result.resolve(value); + } else { + result.reject(value); + } + return result.promise; + }; + + var handleCallback = function handleCallback(value, isResolved, callback) { + var callbackOutput = null; + try { + if (isFunction(callback)) callbackOutput = callback(); + } catch (e) { + return makePromise(e, false); + } + if (isPromiseLike(callbackOutput)) { + return callbackOutput.then(function() { + return makePromise(value, isResolved); + }, function(error) { + return makePromise(error, false); + }); + } else { + return makePromise(value, isResolved); + } + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $q#when + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Wraps an object that might be a value or a (3rd party) then-able promise into a $q promise. + * This is useful when you are dealing with an object that might or might not be a promise, or if + * the promise comes from a source that can't be trusted. + * + * @param {*} value Value or a promise + * @param {Function=} successCallback + * @param {Function=} errorCallback + * @param {Function=} progressCallback + * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise of the passed value or promise + */ + + + var when = function(value, callback, errback, progressBack) { + var result = new Deferred(); + result.resolve(value); + return result.promise.then(callback, errback, progressBack); + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $q#resolve + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Alias of {@link ng.$q#when when} to maintain naming consistency with ES6. + * + * @param {*} value Value or a promise + * @param {Function=} successCallback + * @param {Function=} errorCallback + * @param {Function=} progressCallback + * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise of the passed value or promise + */ + var resolve = when; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $q#all + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Combines multiple promises into a single promise that is resolved when all of the input + * promises are resolved. + * + * @param {Array.|Object.} promises An array or hash of promises. + * @returns {Promise} Returns a single promise that will be resolved with an array/hash of values, + * each value corresponding to the promise at the same index/key in the `promises` array/hash. + * If any of the promises is resolved with a rejection, this resulting promise will be rejected + * with the same rejection value. + */ + + function all(promises) { + var deferred = new Deferred(), + counter = 0, + results = isArray(promises) ? [] : {}; + + forEach(promises, function(promise, key) { + counter++; + when(promise).then(function(value) { + if (results.hasOwnProperty(key)) return; + results[key] = value; + if (!(--counter)) deferred.resolve(results); + }, function(reason) { + if (results.hasOwnProperty(key)) return; + deferred.reject(reason); + }); + }); + + if (counter === 0) { + deferred.resolve(results); + } + + return deferred.promise; + } + + var $Q = function Q(resolver) { + if (!isFunction(resolver)) { + throw $qMinErr('norslvr', "Expected resolverFn, got '{0}'", resolver); + } + + var deferred = new Deferred(); + + function resolveFn(value) { + deferred.resolve(value); + } + + function rejectFn(reason) { + deferred.reject(reason); + } + + resolver(resolveFn, rejectFn); + + return deferred.promise; + }; + + // Let's make the instanceof operator work for promises, so that + // `new $q(fn) instanceof $q` would evaluate to true. + $Q.prototype = Promise.prototype; + + $Q.defer = defer; + $Q.reject = reject; + $Q.when = when; + $Q.resolve = resolve; + $Q.all = all; + + return $Q; +} + +function $$RAFProvider() { //rAF + this.$get = ['$window', '$timeout', function($window, $timeout) { + var requestAnimationFrame = $window.requestAnimationFrame || + $window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame; + + var cancelAnimationFrame = $window.cancelAnimationFrame || + $window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || + $window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame; + + var rafSupported = !!requestAnimationFrame; + var raf = rafSupported + ? function(fn) { + var id = requestAnimationFrame(fn); + return function() { + cancelAnimationFrame(id); + }; + } + : function(fn) { + var timer = $timeout(fn, 16.66, false); // 1000 / 60 = 16.666 + return function() { + $timeout.cancel(timer); + }; + }; + + raf.supported = rafSupported; + + return raf; + }]; +} + +/** + * DESIGN NOTES + * + * The design decisions behind the scope are heavily favored for speed and memory consumption. + * + * The typical use of scope is to watch the expressions, which most of the time return the same + * value as last time so we optimize the operation. + * + * Closures construction is expensive in terms of speed as well as memory: + * - No closures, instead use prototypical inheritance for API + * - Internal state needs to be stored on scope directly, which means that private state is + * exposed as $$____ properties + * + * Loop operations are optimized by using while(count--) { ... } + * - This means that in order to keep the same order of execution as addition we have to add + * items to the array at the beginning (unshift) instead of at the end (push) + * + * Child scopes are created and removed often + * - Using an array would be slow since inserts in the middle are expensive; so we use linked lists + * + * There are fewer watches than observers. This is why you don't want the observer to be implemented + * in the same way as watch. Watch requires return of the initialization function which is expensive + * to construct. + */ + + +/** + * @ngdoc provider + * @name $rootScopeProvider + * @description + * + * Provider for the $rootScope service. + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $rootScopeProvider#digestTtl + * @description + * + * Sets the number of `$digest` iterations the scope should attempt to execute before giving up and + * assuming that the model is unstable. + * + * The current default is 10 iterations. + * + * In complex applications it's possible that the dependencies between `$watch`s will result in + * several digest iterations. However if an application needs more than the default 10 digest + * iterations for its model to stabilize then you should investigate what is causing the model to + * continuously change during the digest. + * + * Increasing the TTL could have performance implications, so you should not change it without + * proper justification. + * + * @param {number} limit The number of digest iterations. + */ + + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $rootScope + * @description + * + * Every application has a single root {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope scope}. + * All other scopes are descendant scopes of the root scope. Scopes provide separation + * between the model and the view, via a mechanism for watching the model for changes. + * They also provide event emission/broadcast and subscription facility. See the + * {@link guide/scope developer guide on scopes}. + */ +function $RootScopeProvider() { + var TTL = 10; + var $rootScopeMinErr = minErr('$rootScope'); + var lastDirtyWatch = null; + var applyAsyncId = null; + + this.digestTtl = function(value) { + if (arguments.length) { + TTL = value; + } + return TTL; + }; + + function createChildScopeClass(parent) { + function ChildScope() { + this.$$watchers = this.$$nextSibling = + this.$$childHead = this.$$childTail = null; + this.$$listeners = {}; + this.$$listenerCount = {}; + this.$$watchersCount = 0; + this.$id = nextUid(); + this.$$ChildScope = null; + } + ChildScope.prototype = parent; + return ChildScope; + } + + this.$get = ['$exceptionHandler', '$parse', '$browser', + function($exceptionHandler, $parse, $browser) { + + function destroyChildScope($event) { + $event.currentScope.$$destroyed = true; + } + + function cleanUpScope($scope) { + + if (msie === 9) { + // There is a memory leak in IE9 if all child scopes are not disconnected + // completely when a scope is destroyed. So this code will recurse up through + // all this scopes children + // + // See issue https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/10706 + $scope.$$childHead && cleanUpScope($scope.$$childHead); + $scope.$$nextSibling && cleanUpScope($scope.$$nextSibling); + } + + // The code below works around IE9 and V8's memory leaks + // + // See: + // - https://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=2073#c26 + // - https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/6794#issuecomment-38648909 + // - https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/1313#issuecomment-10378451 + + $scope.$parent = $scope.$$nextSibling = $scope.$$prevSibling = $scope.$$childHead = + $scope.$$childTail = $scope.$root = $scope.$$watchers = null; + } + + /** + * @ngdoc type + * @name $rootScope.Scope + * + * @description + * A root scope can be retrieved using the {@link ng.$rootScope $rootScope} key from the + * {@link auto.$injector $injector}. Child scopes are created using the + * {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$new $new()} method. (Most scopes are created automatically when + * compiled HTML template is executed.) See also the {@link guide/scope Scopes guide} for + * an in-depth introduction and usage examples. + * + * + * # Inheritance + * A scope can inherit from a parent scope, as in this example: + * ```js + var parent = $rootScope; + var child = parent.$new(); + + parent.salutation = "Hello"; + expect(child.salutation).toEqual('Hello'); + + child.salutation = "Welcome"; + expect(child.salutation).toEqual('Welcome'); + expect(parent.salutation).toEqual('Hello'); + * ``` + * + * When interacting with `Scope` in tests, additional helper methods are available on the + * instances of `Scope` type. See {@link ngMock.$rootScope.Scope ngMock Scope} for additional + * details. + * + * + * @param {Object.=} providers Map of service factory which need to be + * provided for the current scope. Defaults to {@link ng}. + * @param {Object.=} instanceCache Provides pre-instantiated services which should + * append/override services provided by `providers`. This is handy + * when unit-testing and having the need to override a default + * service. + * @returns {Object} Newly created scope. + * + */ + function Scope() { + this.$id = nextUid(); + this.$$phase = this.$parent = this.$$watchers = + this.$$nextSibling = this.$$prevSibling = + this.$$childHead = this.$$childTail = null; + this.$root = this; + this.$$destroyed = false; + this.$$listeners = {}; + this.$$listenerCount = {}; + this.$$watchersCount = 0; + this.$$isolateBindings = null; + } + + /** + * @ngdoc property + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$id + * + * @description + * Unique scope ID (monotonically increasing) useful for debugging. + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc property + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$parent + * + * @description + * Reference to the parent scope. + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc property + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$root + * + * @description + * Reference to the root scope. + */ + + Scope.prototype = { + constructor: Scope, + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$new + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Creates a new child {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope scope}. + * + * The parent scope will propagate the {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$digest $digest()} event. + * The scope can be removed from the scope hierarchy using {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$destroy $destroy()}. + * + * {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$destroy $destroy()} must be called on a scope when it is + * desired for the scope and its child scopes to be permanently detached from the parent and + * thus stop participating in model change detection and listener notification by invoking. + * + * @param {boolean} isolate If true, then the scope does not prototypically inherit from the + * parent scope. The scope is isolated, as it can not see parent scope properties. + * When creating widgets, it is useful for the widget to not accidentally read parent + * state. + * + * @param {Scope} [parent=this] The {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope `Scope`} that will be the `$parent` + * of the newly created scope. Defaults to `this` scope if not provided. + * This is used when creating a transclude scope to correctly place it + * in the scope hierarchy while maintaining the correct prototypical + * inheritance. + * + * @returns {Object} The newly created child scope. + * + */ + $new: function(isolate, parent) { + var child; + + parent = parent || this; + + if (isolate) { + child = new Scope(); + child.$root = this.$root; + } else { + // Only create a child scope class if somebody asks for one, + // but cache it to allow the VM to optimize lookups. + if (!this.$$ChildScope) { + this.$$ChildScope = createChildScopeClass(this); + } + child = new this.$$ChildScope(); + } + child.$parent = parent; + child.$$prevSibling = parent.$$childTail; + if (parent.$$childHead) { + parent.$$childTail.$$nextSibling = child; + parent.$$childTail = child; + } else { + parent.$$childHead = parent.$$childTail = child; + } + + // When the new scope is not isolated or we inherit from `this`, and + // the parent scope is destroyed, the property `$$destroyed` is inherited + // prototypically. In all other cases, this property needs to be set + // when the parent scope is destroyed. + // The listener needs to be added after the parent is set + if (isolate || parent != this) child.$on('$destroy', destroyChildScope); + + return child; + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$watch + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Registers a `listener` callback to be executed whenever the `watchExpression` changes. + * + * - The `watchExpression` is called on every call to {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$digest + * $digest()} and should return the value that will be watched. (`watchExpression` should not change + * its value when executed multiple times with the same input because it may be executed multiple + * times by {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$digest $digest()}. That is, `watchExpression` should be + * [idempotent](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idempotence). + * - The `listener` is called only when the value from the current `watchExpression` and the + * previous call to `watchExpression` are not equal (with the exception of the initial run, + * see below). Inequality is determined according to reference inequality, + * [strict comparison](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Comparison_Operators) + * via the `!==` Javascript operator, unless `objectEquality == true` + * (see next point) + * - When `objectEquality == true`, inequality of the `watchExpression` is determined + * according to the {@link angular.equals} function. To save the value of the object for + * later comparison, the {@link angular.copy} function is used. This therefore means that + * watching complex objects will have adverse memory and performance implications. + * - The watch `listener` may change the model, which may trigger other `listener`s to fire. + * This is achieved by rerunning the watchers until no changes are detected. The rerun + * iteration limit is 10 to prevent an infinite loop deadlock. + * + * + * If you want to be notified whenever {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$digest $digest} is called, + * you can register a `watchExpression` function with no `listener`. (Be prepared for + * multiple calls to your `watchExpression` because it will execute multiple times in a + * single {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$digest $digest} cycle if a change is detected.) + * + * After a watcher is registered with the scope, the `listener` fn is called asynchronously + * (via {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$evalAsync $evalAsync}) to initialize the + * watcher. In rare cases, this is undesirable because the listener is called when the result + * of `watchExpression` didn't change. To detect this scenario within the `listener` fn, you + * can compare the `newVal` and `oldVal`. If these two values are identical (`===`) then the + * listener was called due to initialization. + * + * + * + * # Example + * ```js + // let's assume that scope was dependency injected as the $rootScope + var scope = $rootScope; + scope.name = 'misko'; + scope.counter = 0; + + expect(scope.counter).toEqual(0); + scope.$watch('name', function(newValue, oldValue) { + scope.counter = scope.counter + 1; + }); + expect(scope.counter).toEqual(0); + + scope.$digest(); + // the listener is always called during the first $digest loop after it was registered + expect(scope.counter).toEqual(1); + + scope.$digest(); + // but now it will not be called unless the value changes + expect(scope.counter).toEqual(1); + + scope.name = 'adam'; + scope.$digest(); + expect(scope.counter).toEqual(2); + + + + // Using a function as a watchExpression + var food; + scope.foodCounter = 0; + expect(scope.foodCounter).toEqual(0); + scope.$watch( + // This function returns the value being watched. It is called for each turn of the $digest loop + function() { return food; }, + // This is the change listener, called when the value returned from the above function changes + function(newValue, oldValue) { + if ( newValue !== oldValue ) { + // Only increment the counter if the value changed + scope.foodCounter = scope.foodCounter + 1; + } + } + ); + // No digest has been run so the counter will be zero + expect(scope.foodCounter).toEqual(0); + + // Run the digest but since food has not changed count will still be zero + scope.$digest(); + expect(scope.foodCounter).toEqual(0); + + // Update food and run digest. Now the counter will increment + food = 'cheeseburger'; + scope.$digest(); + expect(scope.foodCounter).toEqual(1); + + * ``` + * + * + * + * @param {(function()|string)} watchExpression Expression that is evaluated on each + * {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$digest $digest} cycle. A change in the return value triggers + * a call to the `listener`. + * + * - `string`: Evaluated as {@link guide/expression expression} + * - `function(scope)`: called with current `scope` as a parameter. + * @param {function(newVal, oldVal, scope)} listener Callback called whenever the value + * of `watchExpression` changes. + * + * - `newVal` contains the current value of the `watchExpression` + * - `oldVal` contains the previous value of the `watchExpression` + * - `scope` refers to the current scope + * @param {boolean=} [objectEquality=false] Compare for object equality using {@link angular.equals} instead of + * comparing for reference equality. + * @returns {function()} Returns a deregistration function for this listener. + */ + $watch: function(watchExp, listener, objectEquality, prettyPrintExpression) { + var get = $parse(watchExp); + + if (get.$$watchDelegate) { + return get.$$watchDelegate(this, listener, objectEquality, get, watchExp); + } + var scope = this, + array = scope.$$watchers, + watcher = { + fn: listener, + last: initWatchVal, + get: get, + exp: prettyPrintExpression || watchExp, + eq: !!objectEquality + }; + + lastDirtyWatch = null; + + if (!isFunction(listener)) { + watcher.fn = noop; + } + + if (!array) { + array = scope.$$watchers = []; + } + // we use unshift since we use a while loop in $digest for speed. + // the while loop reads in reverse order. + array.unshift(watcher); + incrementWatchersCount(this, 1); + + return function deregisterWatch() { + if (arrayRemove(array, watcher) >= 0) { + incrementWatchersCount(scope, -1); + } + lastDirtyWatch = null; + }; + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$watchGroup + * @kind function + * + * @description + * A variant of {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$watch $watch()} where it watches an array of `watchExpressions`. + * If any one expression in the collection changes the `listener` is executed. + * + * - The items in the `watchExpressions` array are observed via standard $watch operation and are examined on every + * call to $digest() to see if any items changes. + * - The `listener` is called whenever any expression in the `watchExpressions` array changes. + * + * @param {Array.} watchExpressions Array of expressions that will be individually + * watched using {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$watch $watch()} + * + * @param {function(newValues, oldValues, scope)} listener Callback called whenever the return value of any + * expression in `watchExpressions` changes + * The `newValues` array contains the current values of the `watchExpressions`, with the indexes matching + * those of `watchExpression` + * and the `oldValues` array contains the previous values of the `watchExpressions`, with the indexes matching + * those of `watchExpression` + * The `scope` refers to the current scope. + * @returns {function()} Returns a de-registration function for all listeners. + */ + $watchGroup: function(watchExpressions, listener) { + var oldValues = new Array(watchExpressions.length); + var newValues = new Array(watchExpressions.length); + var deregisterFns = []; + var self = this; + var changeReactionScheduled = false; + var firstRun = true; + + if (!watchExpressions.length) { + // No expressions means we call the listener ASAP + var shouldCall = true; + self.$evalAsync(function() { + if (shouldCall) listener(newValues, newValues, self); + }); + return function deregisterWatchGroup() { + shouldCall = false; + }; + } + + if (watchExpressions.length === 1) { + // Special case size of one + return this.$watch(watchExpressions[0], function watchGroupAction(value, oldValue, scope) { + newValues[0] = value; + oldValues[0] = oldValue; + listener(newValues, (value === oldValue) ? newValues : oldValues, scope); + }); + } + + forEach(watchExpressions, function(expr, i) { + var unwatchFn = self.$watch(expr, function watchGroupSubAction(value, oldValue) { + newValues[i] = value; + oldValues[i] = oldValue; + if (!changeReactionScheduled) { + changeReactionScheduled = true; + self.$evalAsync(watchGroupAction); + } + }); + deregisterFns.push(unwatchFn); + }); + + function watchGroupAction() { + changeReactionScheduled = false; + + if (firstRun) { + firstRun = false; + listener(newValues, newValues, self); + } else { + listener(newValues, oldValues, self); + } + } + + return function deregisterWatchGroup() { + while (deregisterFns.length) { + deregisterFns.shift()(); + } + }; + }, + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$watchCollection + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Shallow watches the properties of an object and fires whenever any of the properties change + * (for arrays, this implies watching the array items; for object maps, this implies watching + * the properties). If a change is detected, the `listener` callback is fired. + * + * - The `obj` collection is observed via standard $watch operation and is examined on every + * call to $digest() to see if any items have been added, removed, or moved. + * - The `listener` is called whenever anything within the `obj` has changed. Examples include + * adding, removing, and moving items belonging to an object or array. + * + * + * # Example + * ```js + $scope.names = ['igor', 'matias', 'misko', 'james']; + $scope.dataCount = 4; + + $scope.$watchCollection('names', function(newNames, oldNames) { + $scope.dataCount = newNames.length; + }); + + expect($scope.dataCount).toEqual(4); + $scope.$digest(); + + //still at 4 ... no changes + expect($scope.dataCount).toEqual(4); + + $scope.names.pop(); + $scope.$digest(); + + //now there's been a change + expect($scope.dataCount).toEqual(3); + * ``` + * + * + * @param {string|function(scope)} obj Evaluated as {@link guide/expression expression}. The + * expression value should evaluate to an object or an array which is observed on each + * {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$digest $digest} cycle. Any shallow change within the + * collection will trigger a call to the `listener`. + * + * @param {function(newCollection, oldCollection, scope)} listener a callback function called + * when a change is detected. + * - The `newCollection` object is the newly modified data obtained from the `obj` expression + * - The `oldCollection` object is a copy of the former collection data. + * Due to performance considerations, the`oldCollection` value is computed only if the + * `listener` function declares two or more arguments. + * - The `scope` argument refers to the current scope. + * + * @returns {function()} Returns a de-registration function for this listener. When the + * de-registration function is executed, the internal watch operation is terminated. + */ + $watchCollection: function(obj, listener) { + $watchCollectionInterceptor.$stateful = true; + + var self = this; + // the current value, updated on each dirty-check run + var newValue; + // a shallow copy of the newValue from the last dirty-check run, + // updated to match newValue during dirty-check run + var oldValue; + // a shallow copy of the newValue from when the last change happened + var veryOldValue; + // only track veryOldValue if the listener is asking for it + var trackVeryOldValue = (listener.length > 1); + var changeDetected = 0; + var changeDetector = $parse(obj, $watchCollectionInterceptor); + var internalArray = []; + var internalObject = {}; + var initRun = true; + var oldLength = 0; + + function $watchCollectionInterceptor(_value) { + newValue = _value; + var newLength, key, bothNaN, newItem, oldItem; + + // If the new value is undefined, then return undefined as the watch may be a one-time watch + if (isUndefined(newValue)) return; + + if (!isObject(newValue)) { // if primitive + if (oldValue !== newValue) { + oldValue = newValue; + changeDetected++; + } + } else if (isArrayLike(newValue)) { + if (oldValue !== internalArray) { + // we are transitioning from something which was not an array into array. + oldValue = internalArray; + oldLength = oldValue.length = 0; + changeDetected++; + } + + newLength = newValue.length; + + if (oldLength !== newLength) { + // if lengths do not match we need to trigger change notification + changeDetected++; + oldValue.length = oldLength = newLength; + } + // copy the items to oldValue and look for changes. + for (var i = 0; i < newLength; i++) { + oldItem = oldValue[i]; + newItem = newValue[i]; + + bothNaN = (oldItem !== oldItem) && (newItem !== newItem); + if (!bothNaN && (oldItem !== newItem)) { + changeDetected++; + oldValue[i] = newItem; + } + } + } else { + if (oldValue !== internalObject) { + // we are transitioning from something which was not an object into object. + oldValue = internalObject = {}; + oldLength = 0; + changeDetected++; + } + // copy the items to oldValue and look for changes. + newLength = 0; + for (key in newValue) { + if (hasOwnProperty.call(newValue, key)) { + newLength++; + newItem = newValue[key]; + oldItem = oldValue[key]; + + if (key in oldValue) { + bothNaN = (oldItem !== oldItem) && (newItem !== newItem); + if (!bothNaN && (oldItem !== newItem)) { + changeDetected++; + oldValue[key] = newItem; + } + } else { + oldLength++; + oldValue[key] = newItem; + changeDetected++; + } + } + } + if (oldLength > newLength) { + // we used to have more keys, need to find them and destroy them. + changeDetected++; + for (key in oldValue) { + if (!hasOwnProperty.call(newValue, key)) { + oldLength--; + delete oldValue[key]; + } + } + } + } + return changeDetected; + } + + function $watchCollectionAction() { + if (initRun) { + initRun = false; + listener(newValue, newValue, self); + } else { + listener(newValue, veryOldValue, self); + } + + // make a copy for the next time a collection is changed + if (trackVeryOldValue) { + if (!isObject(newValue)) { + //primitive + veryOldValue = newValue; + } else if (isArrayLike(newValue)) { + veryOldValue = new Array(newValue.length); + for (var i = 0; i < newValue.length; i++) { + veryOldValue[i] = newValue[i]; + } + } else { // if object + veryOldValue = {}; + for (var key in newValue) { + if (hasOwnProperty.call(newValue, key)) { + veryOldValue[key] = newValue[key]; + } + } + } + } + } + + return this.$watch(changeDetector, $watchCollectionAction); + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$digest + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Processes all of the {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$watch watchers} of the current scope and + * its children. Because a {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$watch watcher}'s listener can change + * the model, the `$digest()` keeps calling the {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$watch watchers} + * until no more listeners are firing. This means that it is possible to get into an infinite + * loop. This function will throw `'Maximum iteration limit exceeded.'` if the number of + * iterations exceeds 10. + * + * Usually, you don't call `$digest()` directly in + * {@link ng.directive:ngController controllers} or in + * {@link ng.$compileProvider#directive directives}. + * Instead, you should call {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$apply $apply()} (typically from within + * a {@link ng.$compileProvider#directive directive}), which will force a `$digest()`. + * + * If you want to be notified whenever `$digest()` is called, + * you can register a `watchExpression` function with + * {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$watch $watch()} with no `listener`. + * + * In unit tests, you may need to call `$digest()` to simulate the scope life cycle. + * + * # Example + * ```js + var scope = ...; + scope.name = 'misko'; + scope.counter = 0; + + expect(scope.counter).toEqual(0); + scope.$watch('name', function(newValue, oldValue) { + scope.counter = scope.counter + 1; + }); + expect(scope.counter).toEqual(0); + + scope.$digest(); + // the listener is always called during the first $digest loop after it was registered + expect(scope.counter).toEqual(1); + + scope.$digest(); + // but now it will not be called unless the value changes + expect(scope.counter).toEqual(1); + + scope.name = 'adam'; + scope.$digest(); + expect(scope.counter).toEqual(2); + * ``` + * + */ + $digest: function() { + var watch, value, last, fn, get, + watchers, + length, + dirty, ttl = TTL, + next, current, target = this, + watchLog = [], + logIdx, asyncTask; + + beginPhase('$digest'); + // Check for changes to browser url that happened in sync before the call to $digest + $browser.$$checkUrlChange(); + + if (this === $rootScope && applyAsyncId !== null) { + // If this is the root scope, and $applyAsync has scheduled a deferred $apply(), then + // cancel the scheduled $apply and flush the queue of expressions to be evaluated. + $browser.defer.cancel(applyAsyncId); + flushApplyAsync(); + } + + lastDirtyWatch = null; + + do { // "while dirty" loop + dirty = false; + current = target; + + while (asyncQueue.length) { + try { + asyncTask = asyncQueue.shift(); + asyncTask.scope.$eval(asyncTask.expression, asyncTask.locals); + } catch (e) { + $exceptionHandler(e); + } + lastDirtyWatch = null; + } + + traverseScopesLoop: + do { // "traverse the scopes" loop + if ((watchers = current.$$watchers)) { + // process our watches + length = watchers.length; + while (length--) { + try { + watch = watchers[length]; + // Most common watches are on primitives, in which case we can short + // circuit it with === operator, only when === fails do we use .equals + if (watch) { + get = watch.get; + if ((value = get(current)) !== (last = watch.last) && + !(watch.eq + ? equals(value, last) + : (typeof value === 'number' && typeof last === 'number' + && isNaN(value) && isNaN(last)))) { + dirty = true; + lastDirtyWatch = watch; + watch.last = watch.eq ? copy(value, null) : value; + fn = watch.fn; + fn(value, ((last === initWatchVal) ? value : last), current); + if (ttl < 5) { + logIdx = 4 - ttl; + if (!watchLog[logIdx]) watchLog[logIdx] = []; + watchLog[logIdx].push({ + msg: isFunction(watch.exp) ? 'fn: ' + (watch.exp.name || watch.exp.toString()) : watch.exp, + newVal: value, + oldVal: last + }); + } + } else if (watch === lastDirtyWatch) { + // If the most recently dirty watcher is now clean, short circuit since the remaining watchers + // have already been tested. + dirty = false; + break traverseScopesLoop; + } + } + } catch (e) { + $exceptionHandler(e); + } + } + } + + // Insanity Warning: scope depth-first traversal + // yes, this code is a bit crazy, but it works and we have tests to prove it! + // this piece should be kept in sync with the traversal in $broadcast + if (!(next = ((current.$$watchersCount && current.$$childHead) || + (current !== target && current.$$nextSibling)))) { + while (current !== target && !(next = current.$$nextSibling)) { + current = current.$parent; + } + } + } while ((current = next)); + + // `break traverseScopesLoop;` takes us to here + + if ((dirty || asyncQueue.length) && !(ttl--)) { + clearPhase(); + throw $rootScopeMinErr('infdig', + '{0} $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!\n' + + 'Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: {1}', + TTL, watchLog); + } + + } while (dirty || asyncQueue.length); + + clearPhase(); + + while (postDigestQueue.length) { + try { + postDigestQueue.shift()(); + } catch (e) { + $exceptionHandler(e); + } + } + }, + + + /** + * @ngdoc event + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$destroy + * @eventType broadcast on scope being destroyed + * + * @description + * Broadcasted when a scope and its children are being destroyed. + * + * Note that, in AngularJS, there is also a `$destroy` jQuery event, which can be used to + * clean up DOM bindings before an element is removed from the DOM. + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$destroy + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Removes the current scope (and all of its children) from the parent scope. Removal implies + * that calls to {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$digest $digest()} will no longer + * propagate to the current scope and its children. Removal also implies that the current + * scope is eligible for garbage collection. + * + * The `$destroy()` is usually used by directives such as + * {@link ng.directive:ngRepeat ngRepeat} for managing the + * unrolling of the loop. + * + * Just before a scope is destroyed, a `$destroy` event is broadcasted on this scope. + * Application code can register a `$destroy` event handler that will give it a chance to + * perform any necessary cleanup. + * + * Note that, in AngularJS, there is also a `$destroy` jQuery event, which can be used to + * clean up DOM bindings before an element is removed from the DOM. + */ + $destroy: function() { + // We can't destroy a scope that has been already destroyed. + if (this.$$destroyed) return; + var parent = this.$parent; + + this.$broadcast('$destroy'); + this.$$destroyed = true; + + if (this === $rootScope) { + //Remove handlers attached to window when $rootScope is removed + $browser.$$applicationDestroyed(); + } + + incrementWatchersCount(this, -this.$$watchersCount); + for (var eventName in this.$$listenerCount) { + decrementListenerCount(this, this.$$listenerCount[eventName], eventName); + } + + // sever all the references to parent scopes (after this cleanup, the current scope should + // not be retained by any of our references and should be eligible for garbage collection) + if (parent && parent.$$childHead == this) parent.$$childHead = this.$$nextSibling; + if (parent && parent.$$childTail == this) parent.$$childTail = this.$$prevSibling; + if (this.$$prevSibling) this.$$prevSibling.$$nextSibling = this.$$nextSibling; + if (this.$$nextSibling) this.$$nextSibling.$$prevSibling = this.$$prevSibling; + + // Disable listeners, watchers and apply/digest methods + this.$destroy = this.$digest = this.$apply = this.$evalAsync = this.$applyAsync = noop; + this.$on = this.$watch = this.$watchGroup = function() { return noop; }; + this.$$listeners = {}; + + // Disconnect the next sibling to prevent `cleanUpScope` destroying those too + this.$$nextSibling = null; + cleanUpScope(this); + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$eval + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Executes the `expression` on the current scope and returns the result. Any exceptions in + * the expression are propagated (uncaught). This is useful when evaluating Angular + * expressions. + * + * # Example + * ```js + var scope = ng.$rootScope.Scope(); + scope.a = 1; + scope.b = 2; + + expect(scope.$eval('a+b')).toEqual(3); + expect(scope.$eval(function(scope){ return scope.a + scope.b; })).toEqual(3); + * ``` + * + * @param {(string|function())=} expression An angular expression to be executed. + * + * - `string`: execute using the rules as defined in {@link guide/expression expression}. + * - `function(scope)`: execute the function with the current `scope` parameter. + * + * @param {(object)=} locals Local variables object, useful for overriding values in scope. + * @returns {*} The result of evaluating the expression. + */ + $eval: function(expr, locals) { + return $parse(expr)(this, locals); + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$evalAsync + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Executes the expression on the current scope at a later point in time. + * + * The `$evalAsync` makes no guarantees as to when the `expression` will be executed, only + * that: + * + * - it will execute after the function that scheduled the evaluation (preferably before DOM + * rendering). + * - at least one {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$digest $digest cycle} will be performed after + * `expression` execution. + * + * Any exceptions from the execution of the expression are forwarded to the + * {@link ng.$exceptionHandler $exceptionHandler} service. + * + * __Note:__ if this function is called outside of a `$digest` cycle, a new `$digest` cycle + * will be scheduled. However, it is encouraged to always call code that changes the model + * from within an `$apply` call. That includes code evaluated via `$evalAsync`. + * + * @param {(string|function())=} expression An angular expression to be executed. + * + * - `string`: execute using the rules as defined in {@link guide/expression expression}. + * - `function(scope)`: execute the function with the current `scope` parameter. + * + * @param {(object)=} locals Local variables object, useful for overriding values in scope. + */ + $evalAsync: function(expr, locals) { + // if we are outside of an $digest loop and this is the first time we are scheduling async + // task also schedule async auto-flush + if (!$rootScope.$$phase && !asyncQueue.length) { + $browser.defer(function() { + if (asyncQueue.length) { + $rootScope.$digest(); + } + }); + } + + asyncQueue.push({scope: this, expression: $parse(expr), locals: locals}); + }, + + $$postDigest: function(fn) { + postDigestQueue.push(fn); + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$apply + * @kind function + * + * @description + * `$apply()` is used to execute an expression in angular from outside of the angular + * framework. (For example from browser DOM events, setTimeout, XHR or third party libraries). + * Because we are calling into the angular framework we need to perform proper scope life + * cycle of {@link ng.$exceptionHandler exception handling}, + * {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$digest executing watches}. + * + * ## Life cycle + * + * # Pseudo-Code of `$apply()` + * ```js + function $apply(expr) { + try { + return $eval(expr); + } catch (e) { + $exceptionHandler(e); + } finally { + $root.$digest(); + } + } + * ``` + * + * + * Scope's `$apply()` method transitions through the following stages: + * + * 1. The {@link guide/expression expression} is executed using the + * {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$eval $eval()} method. + * 2. Any exceptions from the execution of the expression are forwarded to the + * {@link ng.$exceptionHandler $exceptionHandler} service. + * 3. The {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$watch watch} listeners are fired immediately after the + * expression was executed using the {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$digest $digest()} method. + * + * + * @param {(string|function())=} exp An angular expression to be executed. + * + * - `string`: execute using the rules as defined in {@link guide/expression expression}. + * - `function(scope)`: execute the function with current `scope` parameter. + * + * @returns {*} The result of evaluating the expression. + */ + $apply: function(expr) { + try { + beginPhase('$apply'); + try { + return this.$eval(expr); + } finally { + clearPhase(); + } + } catch (e) { + $exceptionHandler(e); + } finally { + try { + $rootScope.$digest(); + } catch (e) { + $exceptionHandler(e); + throw e; + } + } + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$applyAsync + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Schedule the invocation of $apply to occur at a later time. The actual time difference + * varies across browsers, but is typically around ~10 milliseconds. + * + * This can be used to queue up multiple expressions which need to be evaluated in the same + * digest. + * + * @param {(string|function())=} exp An angular expression to be executed. + * + * - `string`: execute using the rules as defined in {@link guide/expression expression}. + * - `function(scope)`: execute the function with current `scope` parameter. + */ + $applyAsync: function(expr) { + var scope = this; + expr && applyAsyncQueue.push($applyAsyncExpression); + expr = $parse(expr); + scheduleApplyAsync(); + + function $applyAsyncExpression() { + scope.$eval(expr); + } + }, + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$on + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Listens on events of a given type. See {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$emit $emit} for + * discussion of event life cycle. + * + * The event listener function format is: `function(event, args...)`. The `event` object + * passed into the listener has the following attributes: + * + * - `targetScope` - `{Scope}`: the scope on which the event was `$emit`-ed or + * `$broadcast`-ed. + * - `currentScope` - `{Scope}`: the scope that is currently handling the event. Once the + * event propagates through the scope hierarchy, this property is set to null. + * - `name` - `{string}`: name of the event. + * - `stopPropagation` - `{function=}`: calling `stopPropagation` function will cancel + * further event propagation (available only for events that were `$emit`-ed). + * - `preventDefault` - `{function}`: calling `preventDefault` sets `defaultPrevented` flag + * to true. + * - `defaultPrevented` - `{boolean}`: true if `preventDefault` was called. + * + * @param {string} name Event name to listen on. + * @param {function(event, ...args)} listener Function to call when the event is emitted. + * @returns {function()} Returns a deregistration function for this listener. + */ + $on: function(name, listener) { + var namedListeners = this.$$listeners[name]; + if (!namedListeners) { + this.$$listeners[name] = namedListeners = []; + } + namedListeners.push(listener); + + var current = this; + do { + if (!current.$$listenerCount[name]) { + current.$$listenerCount[name] = 0; + } + current.$$listenerCount[name]++; + } while ((current = current.$parent)); + + var self = this; + return function() { + var indexOfListener = namedListeners.indexOf(listener); + if (indexOfListener !== -1) { + namedListeners[indexOfListener] = null; + decrementListenerCount(self, 1, name); + } + }; + }, + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$emit + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Dispatches an event `name` upwards through the scope hierarchy notifying the + * registered {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$on} listeners. + * + * The event life cycle starts at the scope on which `$emit` was called. All + * {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$on listeners} listening for `name` event on this scope get + * notified. Afterwards, the event traverses upwards toward the root scope and calls all + * registered listeners along the way. The event will stop propagating if one of the listeners + * cancels it. + * + * Any exception emitted from the {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$on listeners} will be passed + * onto the {@link ng.$exceptionHandler $exceptionHandler} service. + * + * @param {string} name Event name to emit. + * @param {...*} args Optional one or more arguments which will be passed onto the event listeners. + * @return {Object} Event object (see {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$on}). + */ + $emit: function(name, args) { + var empty = [], + namedListeners, + scope = this, + stopPropagation = false, + event = { + name: name, + targetScope: scope, + stopPropagation: function() {stopPropagation = true;}, + preventDefault: function() { + event.defaultPrevented = true; + }, + defaultPrevented: false + }, + listenerArgs = concat([event], arguments, 1), + i, length; + + do { + namedListeners = scope.$$listeners[name] || empty; + event.currentScope = scope; + for (i = 0, length = namedListeners.length; i < length; i++) { + + // if listeners were deregistered, defragment the array + if (!namedListeners[i]) { + namedListeners.splice(i, 1); + i--; + length--; + continue; + } + try { + //allow all listeners attached to the current scope to run + namedListeners[i].apply(null, listenerArgs); + } catch (e) { + $exceptionHandler(e); + } + } + //if any listener on the current scope stops propagation, prevent bubbling + if (stopPropagation) { + event.currentScope = null; + return event; + } + //traverse upwards + scope = scope.$parent; + } while (scope); + + event.currentScope = null; + + return event; + }, + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $rootScope.Scope#$broadcast + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Dispatches an event `name` downwards to all child scopes (and their children) notifying the + * registered {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$on} listeners. + * + * The event life cycle starts at the scope on which `$broadcast` was called. All + * {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$on listeners} listening for `name` event on this scope get + * notified. Afterwards, the event propagates to all direct and indirect scopes of the current + * scope and calls all registered listeners along the way. The event cannot be canceled. + * + * Any exception emitted from the {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$on listeners} will be passed + * onto the {@link ng.$exceptionHandler $exceptionHandler} service. + * + * @param {string} name Event name to broadcast. + * @param {...*} args Optional one or more arguments which will be passed onto the event listeners. + * @return {Object} Event object, see {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$on} + */ + $broadcast: function(name, args) { + var target = this, + current = target, + next = target, + event = { + name: name, + targetScope: target, + preventDefault: function() { + event.defaultPrevented = true; + }, + defaultPrevented: false + }; + + if (!target.$$listenerCount[name]) return event; + + var listenerArgs = concat([event], arguments, 1), + listeners, i, length; + + //down while you can, then up and next sibling or up and next sibling until back at root + while ((current = next)) { + event.currentScope = current; + listeners = current.$$listeners[name] || []; + for (i = 0, length = listeners.length; i < length; i++) { + // if listeners were deregistered, defragment the array + if (!listeners[i]) { + listeners.splice(i, 1); + i--; + length--; + continue; + } + + try { + listeners[i].apply(null, listenerArgs); + } catch (e) { + $exceptionHandler(e); + } + } + + // Insanity Warning: scope depth-first traversal + // yes, this code is a bit crazy, but it works and we have tests to prove it! + // this piece should be kept in sync with the traversal in $digest + // (though it differs due to having the extra check for $$listenerCount) + if (!(next = ((current.$$listenerCount[name] && current.$$childHead) || + (current !== target && current.$$nextSibling)))) { + while (current !== target && !(next = current.$$nextSibling)) { + current = current.$parent; + } + } + } + + event.currentScope = null; + return event; + } + }; + + var $rootScope = new Scope(); + + //The internal queues. Expose them on the $rootScope for debugging/testing purposes. + var asyncQueue = $rootScope.$$asyncQueue = []; + var postDigestQueue = $rootScope.$$postDigestQueue = []; + var applyAsyncQueue = $rootScope.$$applyAsyncQueue = []; + + return $rootScope; + + + function beginPhase(phase) { + if ($rootScope.$$phase) { + throw $rootScopeMinErr('inprog', '{0} already in progress', $rootScope.$$phase); + } + + $rootScope.$$phase = phase; + } + + function clearPhase() { + $rootScope.$$phase = null; + } + + function incrementWatchersCount(current, count) { + do { + current.$$watchersCount += count; + } while ((current = current.$parent)); + } + + function decrementListenerCount(current, count, name) { + do { + current.$$listenerCount[name] -= count; + + if (current.$$listenerCount[name] === 0) { + delete current.$$listenerCount[name]; + } + } while ((current = current.$parent)); + } + + /** + * function used as an initial value for watchers. + * because it's unique we can easily tell it apart from other values + */ + function initWatchVal() {} + + function flushApplyAsync() { + while (applyAsyncQueue.length) { + try { + applyAsyncQueue.shift()(); + } catch (e) { + $exceptionHandler(e); + } + } + applyAsyncId = null; + } + + function scheduleApplyAsync() { + if (applyAsyncId === null) { + applyAsyncId = $browser.defer(function() { + $rootScope.$apply(flushApplyAsync); + }); + } + } + }]; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $rootElement + * + * @description + * The root element of Angular application. This is either the element where {@link + * ng.directive:ngApp ngApp} was declared or the element passed into + * {@link angular.bootstrap}. The element represents the root element of application. It is also the + * location where the application's {@link auto.$injector $injector} service gets + * published, and can be retrieved using `$rootElement.injector()`. + */ + + +// the implementation is in angular.bootstrap + +/** + * @description + * Private service to sanitize uris for links and images. Used by $compile and $sanitize. + */ +function $$SanitizeUriProvider() { + var aHrefSanitizationWhitelist = /^\s*(https?|ftp|mailto|tel|file):/, + imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist = /^\s*((https?|ftp|file|blob):|data:image\/)/; + + /** + * @description + * Retrieves or overrides the default regular expression that is used for whitelisting of safe + * urls during a[href] sanitization. + * + * The sanitization is a security measure aimed at prevent XSS attacks via html links. + * + * Any url about to be assigned to a[href] via data-binding is first normalized and turned into + * an absolute url. Afterwards, the url is matched against the `aHrefSanitizationWhitelist` + * regular expression. If a match is found, the original url is written into the dom. Otherwise, + * the absolute url is prefixed with `'unsafe:'` string and only then is it written into the DOM. + * + * @param {RegExp=} regexp New regexp to whitelist urls with. + * @returns {RegExp|ng.$compileProvider} Current RegExp if called without value or self for + * chaining otherwise. + */ + this.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist = function(regexp) { + if (isDefined(regexp)) { + aHrefSanitizationWhitelist = regexp; + return this; + } + return aHrefSanitizationWhitelist; + }; + + + /** + * @description + * Retrieves or overrides the default regular expression that is used for whitelisting of safe + * urls during img[src] sanitization. + * + * The sanitization is a security measure aimed at prevent XSS attacks via html links. + * + * Any url about to be assigned to img[src] via data-binding is first normalized and turned into + * an absolute url. Afterwards, the url is matched against the `imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist` + * regular expression. If a match is found, the original url is written into the dom. Otherwise, + * the absolute url is prefixed with `'unsafe:'` string and only then is it written into the DOM. + * + * @param {RegExp=} regexp New regexp to whitelist urls with. + * @returns {RegExp|ng.$compileProvider} Current RegExp if called without value or self for + * chaining otherwise. + */ + this.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist = function(regexp) { + if (isDefined(regexp)) { + imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist = regexp; + return this; + } + return imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist; + }; + + this.$get = function() { + return function sanitizeUri(uri, isImage) { + var regex = isImage ? imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist : aHrefSanitizationWhitelist; + var normalizedVal; + normalizedVal = urlResolve(uri).href; + if (normalizedVal !== '' && !normalizedVal.match(regex)) { + return 'unsafe:' + normalizedVal; + } + return uri; + }; + }; +} + +/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * Any commits to this file should be reviewed with security in mind. * + * Changes to this file can potentially create security vulnerabilities. * + * An approval from 2 Core members with history of modifying * + * this file is required. * + * * + * Does the change somehow allow for arbitrary javascript to be executed? * + * Or allows for someone to change the prototype of built-in objects? * + * Or gives undesired access to variables likes document or window? * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ + +var $sceMinErr = minErr('$sce'); + +var SCE_CONTEXTS = { + HTML: 'html', + CSS: 'css', + URL: 'url', + // RESOURCE_URL is a subtype of URL used in contexts where a privileged resource is sourced from a + // url. (e.g. ng-include, script src, templateUrl) + RESOURCE_URL: 'resourceUrl', + JS: 'js' +}; + +// Helper functions follow. + +function adjustMatcher(matcher) { + if (matcher === 'self') { + return matcher; + } else if (isString(matcher)) { + // Strings match exactly except for 2 wildcards - '*' and '**'. + // '*' matches any character except those from the set ':/.?&'. + // '**' matches any character (like .* in a RegExp). + // More than 2 *'s raises an error as it's ill defined. + if (matcher.indexOf('***') > -1) { + throw $sceMinErr('iwcard', + 'Illegal sequence *** in string matcher. String: {0}', matcher); + } + matcher = escapeForRegexp(matcher). + replace('\\*\\*', '.*'). + replace('\\*', '[^:/.?&;]*'); + return new RegExp('^' + matcher + '$'); + } else if (isRegExp(matcher)) { + // The only other type of matcher allowed is a Regexp. + // Match entire URL / disallow partial matches. + // Flags are reset (i.e. no global, ignoreCase or multiline) + return new RegExp('^' + matcher.source + '$'); + } else { + throw $sceMinErr('imatcher', + 'Matchers may only be "self", string patterns or RegExp objects'); + } +} + + +function adjustMatchers(matchers) { + var adjustedMatchers = []; + if (isDefined(matchers)) { + forEach(matchers, function(matcher) { + adjustedMatchers.push(adjustMatcher(matcher)); + }); + } + return adjustedMatchers; +} + + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $sceDelegate + * @kind function + * + * @description + * + * `$sceDelegate` is a service that is used by the `$sce` service to provide {@link ng.$sce Strict + * Contextual Escaping (SCE)} services to AngularJS. + * + * Typically, you would configure or override the {@link ng.$sceDelegate $sceDelegate} instead of + * the `$sce` service to customize the way Strict Contextual Escaping works in AngularJS. This is + * because, while the `$sce` provides numerous shorthand methods, etc., you really only need to + * override 3 core functions (`trustAs`, `getTrusted` and `valueOf`) to replace the way things + * work because `$sce` delegates to `$sceDelegate` for these operations. + * + * Refer {@link ng.$sceDelegateProvider $sceDelegateProvider} to configure this service. + * + * The default instance of `$sceDelegate` should work out of the box with little pain. While you + * can override it completely to change the behavior of `$sce`, the common case would + * involve configuring the {@link ng.$sceDelegateProvider $sceDelegateProvider} instead by setting + * your own whitelists and blacklists for trusting URLs used for loading AngularJS resources such as + * templates. Refer {@link ng.$sceDelegateProvider#resourceUrlWhitelist + * $sceDelegateProvider.resourceUrlWhitelist} and {@link + * ng.$sceDelegateProvider#resourceUrlBlacklist $sceDelegateProvider.resourceUrlBlacklist} + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc provider + * @name $sceDelegateProvider + * @description + * + * The `$sceDelegateProvider` provider allows developers to configure the {@link ng.$sceDelegate + * $sceDelegate} service. This allows one to get/set the whitelists and blacklists used to ensure + * that the URLs used for sourcing Angular templates are safe. Refer {@link + * ng.$sceDelegateProvider#resourceUrlWhitelist $sceDelegateProvider.resourceUrlWhitelist} and + * {@link ng.$sceDelegateProvider#resourceUrlBlacklist $sceDelegateProvider.resourceUrlBlacklist} + * + * For the general details about this service in Angular, read the main page for {@link ng.$sce + * Strict Contextual Escaping (SCE)}. + * + * **Example**: Consider the following case. + * + * - your app is hosted at url `http://myapp.example.com/` + * - but some of your templates are hosted on other domains you control such as + * `http://srv01.assets.example.com/`,  `http://srv02.assets.example.com/`, etc. + * - and you have an open redirect at `http://myapp.example.com/clickThru?...`. + * + * Here is what a secure configuration for this scenario might look like: + * + * ``` + * angular.module('myApp', []).config(function($sceDelegateProvider) { + * $sceDelegateProvider.resourceUrlWhitelist([ + * // Allow same origin resource loads. + * 'self', + * // Allow loading from our assets domain. Notice the difference between * and **. + * 'http://srv*.assets.example.com/**' + * ]); + * + * // The blacklist overrides the whitelist so the open redirect here is blocked. + * $sceDelegateProvider.resourceUrlBlacklist([ + * 'http://myapp.example.com/clickThru**' + * ]); + * }); + * ``` + */ + +function $SceDelegateProvider() { + this.SCE_CONTEXTS = SCE_CONTEXTS; + + // Resource URLs can also be trusted by policy. + var resourceUrlWhitelist = ['self'], + resourceUrlBlacklist = []; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sceDelegateProvider#resourceUrlWhitelist + * @kind function + * + * @param {Array=} whitelist When provided, replaces the resourceUrlWhitelist with the value + * provided. This must be an array or null. A snapshot of this array is used so further + * changes to the array are ignored. + * + * Follow {@link ng.$sce#resourceUrlPatternItem this link} for a description of the items + * allowed in this array. + * + *
+ * **Note:** an empty whitelist array will block all URLs! + *
+ * + * @return {Array} the currently set whitelist array. + * + * The **default value** when no whitelist has been explicitly set is `['self']` allowing only + * same origin resource requests. + * + * @description + * Sets/Gets the whitelist of trusted resource URLs. + */ + this.resourceUrlWhitelist = function(value) { + if (arguments.length) { + resourceUrlWhitelist = adjustMatchers(value); + } + return resourceUrlWhitelist; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sceDelegateProvider#resourceUrlBlacklist + * @kind function + * + * @param {Array=} blacklist When provided, replaces the resourceUrlBlacklist with the value + * provided. This must be an array or null. A snapshot of this array is used so further + * changes to the array are ignored. + * + * Follow {@link ng.$sce#resourceUrlPatternItem this link} for a description of the items + * allowed in this array. + * + * The typical usage for the blacklist is to **block + * [open redirects](http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/601.html)** served by your domain as + * these would otherwise be trusted but actually return content from the redirected domain. + * + * Finally, **the blacklist overrides the whitelist** and has the final say. + * + * @return {Array} the currently set blacklist array. + * + * The **default value** when no whitelist has been explicitly set is the empty array (i.e. there + * is no blacklist.) + * + * @description + * Sets/Gets the blacklist of trusted resource URLs. + */ + + this.resourceUrlBlacklist = function(value) { + if (arguments.length) { + resourceUrlBlacklist = adjustMatchers(value); + } + return resourceUrlBlacklist; + }; + + this.$get = ['$injector', function($injector) { + + var htmlSanitizer = function htmlSanitizer(html) { + throw $sceMinErr('unsafe', 'Attempting to use an unsafe value in a safe context.'); + }; + + if ($injector.has('$sanitize')) { + htmlSanitizer = $injector.get('$sanitize'); + } + + + function matchUrl(matcher, parsedUrl) { + if (matcher === 'self') { + return urlIsSameOrigin(parsedUrl); + } else { + // definitely a regex. See adjustMatchers() + return !!matcher.exec(parsedUrl.href); + } + } + + function isResourceUrlAllowedByPolicy(url) { + var parsedUrl = urlResolve(url.toString()); + var i, n, allowed = false; + // Ensure that at least one item from the whitelist allows this url. + for (i = 0, n = resourceUrlWhitelist.length; i < n; i++) { + if (matchUrl(resourceUrlWhitelist[i], parsedUrl)) { + allowed = true; + break; + } + } + if (allowed) { + // Ensure that no item from the blacklist blocked this url. + for (i = 0, n = resourceUrlBlacklist.length; i < n; i++) { + if (matchUrl(resourceUrlBlacklist[i], parsedUrl)) { + allowed = false; + break; + } + } + } + return allowed; + } + + function generateHolderType(Base) { + var holderType = function TrustedValueHolderType(trustedValue) { + this.$$unwrapTrustedValue = function() { + return trustedValue; + }; + }; + if (Base) { + holderType.prototype = new Base(); + } + holderType.prototype.valueOf = function sceValueOf() { + return this.$$unwrapTrustedValue(); + }; + holderType.prototype.toString = function sceToString() { + return this.$$unwrapTrustedValue().toString(); + }; + return holderType; + } + + var trustedValueHolderBase = generateHolderType(), + byType = {}; + + byType[SCE_CONTEXTS.HTML] = generateHolderType(trustedValueHolderBase); + byType[SCE_CONTEXTS.CSS] = generateHolderType(trustedValueHolderBase); + byType[SCE_CONTEXTS.URL] = generateHolderType(trustedValueHolderBase); + byType[SCE_CONTEXTS.JS] = generateHolderType(trustedValueHolderBase); + byType[SCE_CONTEXTS.RESOURCE_URL] = generateHolderType(byType[SCE_CONTEXTS.URL]); + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sceDelegate#trustAs + * + * @description + * Returns an object that is trusted by angular for use in specified strict + * contextual escaping contexts (such as ng-bind-html, ng-include, any src + * attribute interpolation, any dom event binding attribute interpolation + * such as for onclick, etc.) that uses the provided value. + * See {@link ng.$sce $sce} for enabling strict contextual escaping. + * + * @param {string} type The kind of context in which this value is safe for use. e.g. url, + * resourceUrl, html, js and css. + * @param {*} value The value that that should be considered trusted/safe. + * @returns {*} A value that can be used to stand in for the provided `value` in places + * where Angular expects a $sce.trustAs() return value. + */ + function trustAs(type, trustedValue) { + var Constructor = (byType.hasOwnProperty(type) ? byType[type] : null); + if (!Constructor) { + throw $sceMinErr('icontext', + 'Attempted to trust a value in invalid context. Context: {0}; Value: {1}', + type, trustedValue); + } + if (trustedValue === null || isUndefined(trustedValue) || trustedValue === '') { + return trustedValue; + } + // All the current contexts in SCE_CONTEXTS happen to be strings. In order to avoid trusting + // mutable objects, we ensure here that the value passed in is actually a string. + if (typeof trustedValue !== 'string') { + throw $sceMinErr('itype', + 'Attempted to trust a non-string value in a content requiring a string: Context: {0}', + type); + } + return new Constructor(trustedValue); + } + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sceDelegate#valueOf + * + * @description + * If the passed parameter had been returned by a prior call to {@link ng.$sceDelegate#trustAs + * `$sceDelegate.trustAs`}, returns the value that had been passed to {@link + * ng.$sceDelegate#trustAs `$sceDelegate.trustAs`}. + * + * If the passed parameter is not a value that had been returned by {@link + * ng.$sceDelegate#trustAs `$sceDelegate.trustAs`}, returns it as-is. + * + * @param {*} value The result of a prior {@link ng.$sceDelegate#trustAs `$sceDelegate.trustAs`} + * call or anything else. + * @returns {*} The `value` that was originally provided to {@link ng.$sceDelegate#trustAs + * `$sceDelegate.trustAs`} if `value` is the result of such a call. Otherwise, returns + * `value` unchanged. + */ + function valueOf(maybeTrusted) { + if (maybeTrusted instanceof trustedValueHolderBase) { + return maybeTrusted.$$unwrapTrustedValue(); + } else { + return maybeTrusted; + } + } + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sceDelegate#getTrusted + * + * @description + * Takes the result of a {@link ng.$sceDelegate#trustAs `$sceDelegate.trustAs`} call and + * returns the originally supplied value if the queried context type is a supertype of the + * created type. If this condition isn't satisfied, throws an exception. + * + *
+ * Disabling auto-escaping is extremely dangerous, it usually creates a Cross Site Scripting + * (XSS) vulnerability in your application. + *
+ * + * @param {string} type The kind of context in which this value is to be used. + * @param {*} maybeTrusted The result of a prior {@link ng.$sceDelegate#trustAs + * `$sceDelegate.trustAs`} call. + * @returns {*} The value the was originally provided to {@link ng.$sceDelegate#trustAs + * `$sceDelegate.trustAs`} if valid in this context. Otherwise, throws an exception. + */ + function getTrusted(type, maybeTrusted) { + if (maybeTrusted === null || isUndefined(maybeTrusted) || maybeTrusted === '') { + return maybeTrusted; + } + var constructor = (byType.hasOwnProperty(type) ? byType[type] : null); + if (constructor && maybeTrusted instanceof constructor) { + return maybeTrusted.$$unwrapTrustedValue(); + } + // If we get here, then we may only take one of two actions. + // 1. sanitize the value for the requested type, or + // 2. throw an exception. + if (type === SCE_CONTEXTS.RESOURCE_URL) { + if (isResourceUrlAllowedByPolicy(maybeTrusted)) { + return maybeTrusted; + } else { + throw $sceMinErr('insecurl', + 'Blocked loading resource from url not allowed by $sceDelegate policy. URL: {0}', + maybeTrusted.toString()); + } + } else if (type === SCE_CONTEXTS.HTML) { + return htmlSanitizer(maybeTrusted); + } + throw $sceMinErr('unsafe', 'Attempting to use an unsafe value in a safe context.'); + } + + return { trustAs: trustAs, + getTrusted: getTrusted, + valueOf: valueOf }; + }]; +} + + +/** + * @ngdoc provider + * @name $sceProvider + * @description + * + * The $sceProvider provider allows developers to configure the {@link ng.$sce $sce} service. + * - enable/disable Strict Contextual Escaping (SCE) in a module + * - override the default implementation with a custom delegate + * + * Read more about {@link ng.$sce Strict Contextual Escaping (SCE)}. + */ + +/* jshint maxlen: false*/ + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $sce + * @kind function + * + * @description + * + * `$sce` is a service that provides Strict Contextual Escaping services to AngularJS. + * + * # Strict Contextual Escaping + * + * Strict Contextual Escaping (SCE) is a mode in which AngularJS requires bindings in certain + * contexts to result in a value that is marked as safe to use for that context. One example of + * such a context is binding arbitrary html controlled by the user via `ng-bind-html`. We refer + * to these contexts as privileged or SCE contexts. + * + * As of version 1.2, Angular ships with SCE enabled by default. + * + * Note: When enabled (the default), IE<11 in quirks mode is not supported. In this mode, IE<11 allow + * one to execute arbitrary javascript by the use of the expression() syntax. Refer + * to learn more about them. + * You can ensure your document is in standards mode and not quirks mode by adding `` + * to the top of your HTML document. + * + * SCE assists in writing code in way that (a) is secure by default and (b) makes auditing for + * security vulnerabilities such as XSS, clickjacking, etc. a lot easier. + * + * Here's an example of a binding in a privileged context: + * + * ``` + * + *
+ * ``` + * + * Notice that `ng-bind-html` is bound to `userHtml` controlled by the user. With SCE + * disabled, this application allows the user to render arbitrary HTML into the DIV. + * In a more realistic example, one may be rendering user comments, blog articles, etc. via + * bindings. (HTML is just one example of a context where rendering user controlled input creates + * security vulnerabilities.) + * + * For the case of HTML, you might use a library, either on the client side, or on the server side, + * to sanitize unsafe HTML before binding to the value and rendering it in the document. + * + * How would you ensure that every place that used these types of bindings was bound to a value that + * was sanitized by your library (or returned as safe for rendering by your server?) How can you + * ensure that you didn't accidentally delete the line that sanitized the value, or renamed some + * properties/fields and forgot to update the binding to the sanitized value? + * + * To be secure by default, you want to ensure that any such bindings are disallowed unless you can + * determine that something explicitly says it's safe to use a value for binding in that + * context. You can then audit your code (a simple grep would do) to ensure that this is only done + * for those values that you can easily tell are safe - because they were received from your server, + * sanitized by your library, etc. You can organize your codebase to help with this - perhaps + * allowing only the files in a specific directory to do this. Ensuring that the internal API + * exposed by that code doesn't markup arbitrary values as safe then becomes a more manageable task. + * + * In the case of AngularJS' SCE service, one uses {@link ng.$sce#trustAs $sce.trustAs} + * (and shorthand methods such as {@link ng.$sce#trustAsHtml $sce.trustAsHtml}, etc.) to + * obtain values that will be accepted by SCE / privileged contexts. + * + * + * ## How does it work? + * + * In privileged contexts, directives and code will bind to the result of {@link ng.$sce#getTrusted + * $sce.getTrusted(context, value)} rather than to the value directly. Directives use {@link + * ng.$sce#parseAs $sce.parseAs} rather than `$parse` to watch attribute bindings, which performs the + * {@link ng.$sce#getTrusted $sce.getTrusted} behind the scenes on non-constant literals. + * + * As an example, {@link ng.directive:ngBindHtml ngBindHtml} uses {@link + * ng.$sce#parseAsHtml $sce.parseAsHtml(binding expression)}. Here's the actual code (slightly + * simplified): + * + * ``` + * var ngBindHtmlDirective = ['$sce', function($sce) { + * return function(scope, element, attr) { + * scope.$watch($sce.parseAsHtml(attr.ngBindHtml), function(value) { + * element.html(value || ''); + * }); + * }; + * }]; + * ``` + * + * ## Impact on loading templates + * + * This applies both to the {@link ng.directive:ngInclude `ng-include`} directive as well as + * `templateUrl`'s specified by {@link guide/directive directives}. + * + * By default, Angular only loads templates from the same domain and protocol as the application + * document. This is done by calling {@link ng.$sce#getTrustedResourceUrl + * $sce.getTrustedResourceUrl} on the template URL. To load templates from other domains and/or + * protocols, you may either {@link ng.$sceDelegateProvider#resourceUrlWhitelist whitelist + * them} or {@link ng.$sce#trustAsResourceUrl wrap it} into a trusted value. + * + * *Please note*: + * The browser's + * [Same Origin Policy](https://code.google.com/p/browsersec/wiki/Part2#Same-origin_policy_for_XMLHttpRequest) + * and [Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)](http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/) + * policy apply in addition to this and may further restrict whether the template is successfully + * loaded. This means that without the right CORS policy, loading templates from a different domain + * won't work on all browsers. Also, loading templates from `file://` URL does not work on some + * browsers. + * + * ## This feels like too much overhead + * + * It's important to remember that SCE only applies to interpolation expressions. + * + * If your expressions are constant literals, they're automatically trusted and you don't need to + * call `$sce.trustAs` on them (remember to include the `ngSanitize` module) (e.g. + * `
`) just works. + * + * Additionally, `a[href]` and `img[src]` automatically sanitize their URLs and do not pass them + * through {@link ng.$sce#getTrusted $sce.getTrusted}. SCE doesn't play a role here. + * + * The included {@link ng.$sceDelegate $sceDelegate} comes with sane defaults to allow you to load + * templates in `ng-include` from your application's domain without having to even know about SCE. + * It blocks loading templates from other domains or loading templates over http from an https + * served document. You can change these by setting your own custom {@link + * ng.$sceDelegateProvider#resourceUrlWhitelist whitelists} and {@link + * ng.$sceDelegateProvider#resourceUrlBlacklist blacklists} for matching such URLs. + * + * This significantly reduces the overhead. It is far easier to pay the small overhead and have an + * application that's secure and can be audited to verify that with much more ease than bolting + * security onto an application later. + * + * + * ## What trusted context types are supported? + * + * | Context | Notes | + * |---------------------|----------------| + * | `$sce.HTML` | For HTML that's safe to source into the application. The {@link ng.directive:ngBindHtml ngBindHtml} directive uses this context for bindings. If an unsafe value is encountered and the {@link ngSanitize $sanitize} module is present this will sanitize the value instead of throwing an error. | + * | `$sce.CSS` | For CSS that's safe to source into the application. Currently unused. Feel free to use it in your own directives. | + * | `$sce.URL` | For URLs that are safe to follow as links. Currently unused (`
Note that `$sce.RESOURCE_URL` makes a stronger statement about the URL than `$sce.URL` does and therefore contexts requiring values trusted for `$sce.RESOURCE_URL` can be used anywhere that values trusted for `$sce.URL` are required. | + * | `$sce.JS` | For JavaScript that is safe to execute in your application's context. Currently unused. Feel free to use it in your own directives. | + * + * ## Format of items in {@link ng.$sceDelegateProvider#resourceUrlWhitelist resourceUrlWhitelist}/{@link ng.$sceDelegateProvider#resourceUrlBlacklist Blacklist}
+ * + * Each element in these arrays must be one of the following: + * + * - **'self'** + * - The special **string**, `'self'`, can be used to match against all URLs of the **same + * domain** as the application document using the **same protocol**. + * - **String** (except the special value `'self'`) + * - The string is matched against the full *normalized / absolute URL* of the resource + * being tested (substring matches are not good enough.) + * - There are exactly **two wildcard sequences** - `*` and `**`. All other characters + * match themselves. + * - `*`: matches zero or more occurrences of any character other than one of the following 6 + * characters: '`:`', '`/`', '`.`', '`?`', '`&`' and '`;`'. It's a useful wildcard for use + * in a whitelist. + * - `**`: matches zero or more occurrences of *any* character. As such, it's not + * appropriate for use in a scheme, domain, etc. as it would match too much. (e.g. + * http://**.example.com/ would match http://evil.com/?ignore=.example.com/ and that might + * not have been the intention.) Its usage at the very end of the path is ok. (e.g. + * http://foo.example.com/templates/**). + * - **RegExp** (*see caveat below*) + * - *Caveat*: While regular expressions are powerful and offer great flexibility, their syntax + * (and all the inevitable escaping) makes them *harder to maintain*. It's easy to + * accidentally introduce a bug when one updates a complex expression (imho, all regexes should + * have good test coverage). For instance, the use of `.` in the regex is correct only in a + * small number of cases. A `.` character in the regex used when matching the scheme or a + * subdomain could be matched against a `:` or literal `.` that was likely not intended. It + * is highly recommended to use the string patterns and only fall back to regular expressions + * as a last resort. + * - The regular expression must be an instance of RegExp (i.e. not a string.) It is + * matched against the **entire** *normalized / absolute URL* of the resource being tested + * (even when the RegExp did not have the `^` and `$` codes.) In addition, any flags + * present on the RegExp (such as multiline, global, ignoreCase) are ignored. + * - If you are generating your JavaScript from some other templating engine (not + * recommended, e.g. in issue [#4006](https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/4006)), + * remember to escape your regular expression (and be aware that you might need more than + * one level of escaping depending on your templating engine and the way you interpolated + * the value.) Do make use of your platform's escaping mechanism as it might be good + * enough before coding your own. E.g. Ruby has + * [Regexp.escape(str)](http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.0.0/Regexp.html#method-c-escape) + * and Python has [re.escape](http://docs.python.org/library/re.html#re.escape). + * Javascript lacks a similar built in function for escaping. Take a look at Google + * Closure library's [goog.string.regExpEscape(s)]( + * http://docs.closure-library.googlecode.com/git/closure_goog_string_string.js.source.html#line962). + * + * Refer {@link ng.$sceDelegateProvider $sceDelegateProvider} for an example. + * + * ## Show me an example using SCE. + * + * + * + *
+ *

+ * User comments
+ * By default, HTML that isn't explicitly trusted (e.g. Alice's comment) is sanitized when + * $sanitize is available. If $sanitize isn't available, this results in an error instead of an + * exploit. + *
+ *
+ * {{userComment.name}}: + * + *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * + * + * angular.module('mySceApp', ['ngSanitize']) + * .controller('AppController', ['$http', '$templateCache', '$sce', + * function($http, $templateCache, $sce) { + * var self = this; + * $http.get("test_data.json", {cache: $templateCache}).success(function(userComments) { + * self.userComments = userComments; + * }); + * self.explicitlyTrustedHtml = $sce.trustAsHtml( + * 'Hover over this text.'); + * }]); + * + * + * + * [ + * { "name": "Alice", + * "htmlComment": + * "Is anyone reading this?" + * }, + * { "name": "Bob", + * "htmlComment": "Yes! Am I the only other one?" + * } + * ] + * + * + * + * describe('SCE doc demo', function() { + * it('should sanitize untrusted values', function() { + * expect(element.all(by.css('.htmlComment')).first().getInnerHtml()) + * .toBe('Is anyone reading this?'); + * }); + * + * it('should NOT sanitize explicitly trusted values', function() { + * expect(element(by.id('explicitlyTrustedHtml')).getInnerHtml()).toBe( + * 'Hover over this text.'); + * }); + * }); + * + *
+ * + * + * + * ## Can I disable SCE completely? + * + * Yes, you can. However, this is strongly discouraged. SCE gives you a lot of security benefits + * for little coding overhead. It will be much harder to take an SCE disabled application and + * either secure it on your own or enable SCE at a later stage. It might make sense to disable SCE + * for cases where you have a lot of existing code that was written before SCE was introduced and + * you're migrating them a module at a time. + * + * That said, here's how you can completely disable SCE: + * + * ``` + * angular.module('myAppWithSceDisabledmyApp', []).config(function($sceProvider) { + * // Completely disable SCE. For demonstration purposes only! + * // Do not use in new projects. + * $sceProvider.enabled(false); + * }); + * ``` + * + */ +/* jshint maxlen: 100 */ + +function $SceProvider() { + var enabled = true; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sceProvider#enabled + * @kind function + * + * @param {boolean=} value If provided, then enables/disables SCE. + * @return {boolean} true if SCE is enabled, false otherwise. + * + * @description + * Enables/disables SCE and returns the current value. + */ + this.enabled = function(value) { + if (arguments.length) { + enabled = !!value; + } + return enabled; + }; + + + /* Design notes on the default implementation for SCE. + * + * The API contract for the SCE delegate + * ------------------------------------- + * The SCE delegate object must provide the following 3 methods: + * + * - trustAs(contextEnum, value) + * This method is used to tell the SCE service that the provided value is OK to use in the + * contexts specified by contextEnum. It must return an object that will be accepted by + * getTrusted() for a compatible contextEnum and return this value. + * + * - valueOf(value) + * For values that were not produced by trustAs(), return them as is. For values that were + * produced by trustAs(), return the corresponding input value to trustAs. Basically, if + * trustAs is wrapping the given values into some type, this operation unwraps it when given + * such a value. + * + * - getTrusted(contextEnum, value) + * This function should return the a value that is safe to use in the context specified by + * contextEnum or throw and exception otherwise. + * + * NOTE: This contract deliberately does NOT state that values returned by trustAs() must be + * opaque or wrapped in some holder object. That happens to be an implementation detail. For + * instance, an implementation could maintain a registry of all trusted objects by context. In + * such a case, trustAs() would return the same object that was passed in. getTrusted() would + * return the same object passed in if it was found in the registry under a compatible context or + * throw an exception otherwise. An implementation might only wrap values some of the time based + * on some criteria. getTrusted() might return a value and not throw an exception for special + * constants or objects even if not wrapped. All such implementations fulfill this contract. + * + * + * A note on the inheritance model for SCE contexts + * ------------------------------------------------ + * I've used inheritance and made RESOURCE_URL wrapped types a subtype of URL wrapped types. This + * is purely an implementation details. + * + * The contract is simply this: + * + * getTrusted($sce.RESOURCE_URL, value) succeeding implies that getTrusted($sce.URL, value) + * will also succeed. + * + * Inheritance happens to capture this in a natural way. In some future, we + * may not use inheritance anymore. That is OK because no code outside of + * sce.js and sceSpecs.js would need to be aware of this detail. + */ + + this.$get = ['$parse', '$sceDelegate', function( + $parse, $sceDelegate) { + // Prereq: Ensure that we're not running in IE<11 quirks mode. In that mode, IE < 11 allow + // the "expression(javascript expression)" syntax which is insecure. + if (enabled && msie < 8) { + throw $sceMinErr('iequirks', + 'Strict Contextual Escaping does not support Internet Explorer version < 11 in quirks ' + + 'mode. You can fix this by adding the text to the top of your HTML ' + + 'document. See http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$sce for more information.'); + } + + var sce = shallowCopy(SCE_CONTEXTS); + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#isEnabled + * @kind function + * + * @return {Boolean} true if SCE is enabled, false otherwise. If you want to set the value, you + * have to do it at module config time on {@link ng.$sceProvider $sceProvider}. + * + * @description + * Returns a boolean indicating if SCE is enabled. + */ + sce.isEnabled = function() { + return enabled; + }; + sce.trustAs = $sceDelegate.trustAs; + sce.getTrusted = $sceDelegate.getTrusted; + sce.valueOf = $sceDelegate.valueOf; + + if (!enabled) { + sce.trustAs = sce.getTrusted = function(type, value) { return value; }; + sce.valueOf = identity; + } + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#parseAs + * + * @description + * Converts Angular {@link guide/expression expression} into a function. This is like {@link + * ng.$parse $parse} and is identical when the expression is a literal constant. Otherwise, it + * wraps the expression in a call to {@link ng.$sce#getTrusted $sce.getTrusted(*type*, + * *result*)} + * + * @param {string} type The kind of SCE context in which this result will be used. + * @param {string} expression String expression to compile. + * @returns {function(context, locals)} a function which represents the compiled expression: + * + * * `context` – `{object}` – an object against which any expressions embedded in the strings + * are evaluated against (typically a scope object). + * * `locals` – `{object=}` – local variables context object, useful for overriding values in + * `context`. + */ + sce.parseAs = function sceParseAs(type, expr) { + var parsed = $parse(expr); + if (parsed.literal && parsed.constant) { + return parsed; + } else { + return $parse(expr, function(value) { + return sce.getTrusted(type, value); + }); + } + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#trustAs + * + * @description + * Delegates to {@link ng.$sceDelegate#trustAs `$sceDelegate.trustAs`}. As such, + * returns an object that is trusted by angular for use in specified strict contextual + * escaping contexts (such as ng-bind-html, ng-include, any src attribute + * interpolation, any dom event binding attribute interpolation such as for onclick, etc.) + * that uses the provided value. See * {@link ng.$sce $sce} for enabling strict contextual + * escaping. + * + * @param {string} type The kind of context in which this value is safe for use. e.g. url, + * resourceUrl, html, js and css. + * @param {*} value The value that that should be considered trusted/safe. + * @returns {*} A value that can be used to stand in for the provided `value` in places + * where Angular expects a $sce.trustAs() return value. + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#trustAsHtml + * + * @description + * Shorthand method. `$sce.trustAsHtml(value)` → + * {@link ng.$sceDelegate#trustAs `$sceDelegate.trustAs($sce.HTML, value)`} + * + * @param {*} value The value to trustAs. + * @returns {*} An object that can be passed to {@link ng.$sce#getTrustedHtml + * $sce.getTrustedHtml(value)} to obtain the original value. (privileged directives + * only accept expressions that are either literal constants or are the + * return value of {@link ng.$sce#trustAs $sce.trustAs}.) + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#trustAsUrl + * + * @description + * Shorthand method. `$sce.trustAsUrl(value)` → + * {@link ng.$sceDelegate#trustAs `$sceDelegate.trustAs($sce.URL, value)`} + * + * @param {*} value The value to trustAs. + * @returns {*} An object that can be passed to {@link ng.$sce#getTrustedUrl + * $sce.getTrustedUrl(value)} to obtain the original value. (privileged directives + * only accept expressions that are either literal constants or are the + * return value of {@link ng.$sce#trustAs $sce.trustAs}.) + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#trustAsResourceUrl + * + * @description + * Shorthand method. `$sce.trustAsResourceUrl(value)` → + * {@link ng.$sceDelegate#trustAs `$sceDelegate.trustAs($sce.RESOURCE_URL, value)`} + * + * @param {*} value The value to trustAs. + * @returns {*} An object that can be passed to {@link ng.$sce#getTrustedResourceUrl + * $sce.getTrustedResourceUrl(value)} to obtain the original value. (privileged directives + * only accept expressions that are either literal constants or are the return + * value of {@link ng.$sce#trustAs $sce.trustAs}.) + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#trustAsJs + * + * @description + * Shorthand method. `$sce.trustAsJs(value)` → + * {@link ng.$sceDelegate#trustAs `$sceDelegate.trustAs($sce.JS, value)`} + * + * @param {*} value The value to trustAs. + * @returns {*} An object that can be passed to {@link ng.$sce#getTrustedJs + * $sce.getTrustedJs(value)} to obtain the original value. (privileged directives + * only accept expressions that are either literal constants or are the + * return value of {@link ng.$sce#trustAs $sce.trustAs}.) + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#getTrusted + * + * @description + * Delegates to {@link ng.$sceDelegate#getTrusted `$sceDelegate.getTrusted`}. As such, + * takes the result of a {@link ng.$sce#trustAs `$sce.trustAs`}() call and returns the + * originally supplied value if the queried context type is a supertype of the created type. + * If this condition isn't satisfied, throws an exception. + * + * @param {string} type The kind of context in which this value is to be used. + * @param {*} maybeTrusted The result of a prior {@link ng.$sce#trustAs `$sce.trustAs`} + * call. + * @returns {*} The value the was originally provided to + * {@link ng.$sce#trustAs `$sce.trustAs`} if valid in this context. + * Otherwise, throws an exception. + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#getTrustedHtml + * + * @description + * Shorthand method. `$sce.getTrustedHtml(value)` → + * {@link ng.$sceDelegate#getTrusted `$sceDelegate.getTrusted($sce.HTML, value)`} + * + * @param {*} value The value to pass to `$sce.getTrusted`. + * @returns {*} The return value of `$sce.getTrusted($sce.HTML, value)` + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#getTrustedCss + * + * @description + * Shorthand method. `$sce.getTrustedCss(value)` → + * {@link ng.$sceDelegate#getTrusted `$sceDelegate.getTrusted($sce.CSS, value)`} + * + * @param {*} value The value to pass to `$sce.getTrusted`. + * @returns {*} The return value of `$sce.getTrusted($sce.CSS, value)` + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#getTrustedUrl + * + * @description + * Shorthand method. `$sce.getTrustedUrl(value)` → + * {@link ng.$sceDelegate#getTrusted `$sceDelegate.getTrusted($sce.URL, value)`} + * + * @param {*} value The value to pass to `$sce.getTrusted`. + * @returns {*} The return value of `$sce.getTrusted($sce.URL, value)` + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#getTrustedResourceUrl + * + * @description + * Shorthand method. `$sce.getTrustedResourceUrl(value)` → + * {@link ng.$sceDelegate#getTrusted `$sceDelegate.getTrusted($sce.RESOURCE_URL, value)`} + * + * @param {*} value The value to pass to `$sceDelegate.getTrusted`. + * @returns {*} The return value of `$sce.getTrusted($sce.RESOURCE_URL, value)` + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#getTrustedJs + * + * @description + * Shorthand method. `$sce.getTrustedJs(value)` → + * {@link ng.$sceDelegate#getTrusted `$sceDelegate.getTrusted($sce.JS, value)`} + * + * @param {*} value The value to pass to `$sce.getTrusted`. + * @returns {*} The return value of `$sce.getTrusted($sce.JS, value)` + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#parseAsHtml + * + * @description + * Shorthand method. `$sce.parseAsHtml(expression string)` → + * {@link ng.$sce#parseAs `$sce.parseAs($sce.HTML, value)`} + * + * @param {string} expression String expression to compile. + * @returns {function(context, locals)} a function which represents the compiled expression: + * + * * `context` – `{object}` – an object against which any expressions embedded in the strings + * are evaluated against (typically a scope object). + * * `locals` – `{object=}` – local variables context object, useful for overriding values in + * `context`. + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#parseAsCss + * + * @description + * Shorthand method. `$sce.parseAsCss(value)` → + * {@link ng.$sce#parseAs `$sce.parseAs($sce.CSS, value)`} + * + * @param {string} expression String expression to compile. + * @returns {function(context, locals)} a function which represents the compiled expression: + * + * * `context` – `{object}` – an object against which any expressions embedded in the strings + * are evaluated against (typically a scope object). + * * `locals` – `{object=}` – local variables context object, useful for overriding values in + * `context`. + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#parseAsUrl + * + * @description + * Shorthand method. `$sce.parseAsUrl(value)` → + * {@link ng.$sce#parseAs `$sce.parseAs($sce.URL, value)`} + * + * @param {string} expression String expression to compile. + * @returns {function(context, locals)} a function which represents the compiled expression: + * + * * `context` – `{object}` – an object against which any expressions embedded in the strings + * are evaluated against (typically a scope object). + * * `locals` – `{object=}` – local variables context object, useful for overriding values in + * `context`. + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#parseAsResourceUrl + * + * @description + * Shorthand method. `$sce.parseAsResourceUrl(value)` → + * {@link ng.$sce#parseAs `$sce.parseAs($sce.RESOURCE_URL, value)`} + * + * @param {string} expression String expression to compile. + * @returns {function(context, locals)} a function which represents the compiled expression: + * + * * `context` – `{object}` – an object against which any expressions embedded in the strings + * are evaluated against (typically a scope object). + * * `locals` – `{object=}` – local variables context object, useful for overriding values in + * `context`. + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $sce#parseAsJs + * + * @description + * Shorthand method. `$sce.parseAsJs(value)` → + * {@link ng.$sce#parseAs `$sce.parseAs($sce.JS, value)`} + * + * @param {string} expression String expression to compile. + * @returns {function(context, locals)} a function which represents the compiled expression: + * + * * `context` – `{object}` – an object against which any expressions embedded in the strings + * are evaluated against (typically a scope object). + * * `locals` – `{object=}` – local variables context object, useful for overriding values in + * `context`. + */ + + // Shorthand delegations. + var parse = sce.parseAs, + getTrusted = sce.getTrusted, + trustAs = sce.trustAs; + + forEach(SCE_CONTEXTS, function(enumValue, name) { + var lName = lowercase(name); + sce[camelCase("parse_as_" + lName)] = function(expr) { + return parse(enumValue, expr); + }; + sce[camelCase("get_trusted_" + lName)] = function(value) { + return getTrusted(enumValue, value); + }; + sce[camelCase("trust_as_" + lName)] = function(value) { + return trustAs(enumValue, value); + }; + }); + + return sce; + }]; +} + +/** + * !!! This is an undocumented "private" service !!! + * + * @name $sniffer + * @requires $window + * @requires $document + * + * @property {boolean} history Does the browser support html5 history api ? + * @property {boolean} transitions Does the browser support CSS transition events ? + * @property {boolean} animations Does the browser support CSS animation events ? + * + * @description + * This is very simple implementation of testing browser's features. + */ +function $SnifferProvider() { + this.$get = ['$window', '$document', function($window, $document) { + var eventSupport = {}, + // Chrome Packaged Apps are not allowed to access `history.pushState`. They can be detected by + // the presence of `chrome.app.runtime` (see https://developer.chrome.com/apps/api_index) + isChromePackagedApp = $window.chrome && $window.chrome.app && $window.chrome.app.runtime, + hasHistoryPushState = !isChromePackagedApp && $window.history && $window.history.pushState, + android = + toInt((/android (\d+)/.exec(lowercase(($window.navigator || {}).userAgent)) || [])[1]), + boxee = /Boxee/i.test(($window.navigator || {}).userAgent), + document = $document[0] || {}, + vendorPrefix, + vendorRegex = /^(Moz|webkit|ms)(?=[A-Z])/, + bodyStyle = document.body && document.body.style, + transitions = false, + animations = false, + match; + + if (bodyStyle) { + for (var prop in bodyStyle) { + if (match = vendorRegex.exec(prop)) { + vendorPrefix = match[0]; + vendorPrefix = vendorPrefix.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + vendorPrefix.substr(1); + break; + } + } + + if (!vendorPrefix) { + vendorPrefix = ('WebkitOpacity' in bodyStyle) && 'webkit'; + } + + transitions = !!(('transition' in bodyStyle) || (vendorPrefix + 'Transition' in bodyStyle)); + animations = !!(('animation' in bodyStyle) || (vendorPrefix + 'Animation' in bodyStyle)); + + if (android && (!transitions || !animations)) { + transitions = isString(bodyStyle.webkitTransition); + animations = isString(bodyStyle.webkitAnimation); + } + } + + + return { + // Android has history.pushState, but it does not update location correctly + // so let's not use the history API at all. + // http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=17471 + // https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/904 + + // older webkit browser (533.9) on Boxee box has exactly the same problem as Android has + // so let's not use the history API also + // We are purposefully using `!(android < 4)` to cover the case when `android` is undefined + // jshint -W018 + history: !!(hasHistoryPushState && !(android < 4) && !boxee), + // jshint +W018 + hasEvent: function(event) { + // IE9 implements 'input' event it's so fubared that we rather pretend that it doesn't have + // it. In particular the event is not fired when backspace or delete key are pressed or + // when cut operation is performed. + // IE10+ implements 'input' event but it erroneously fires under various situations, + // e.g. when placeholder changes, or a form is focused. + if (event === 'input' && msie <= 11) return false; + + if (isUndefined(eventSupport[event])) { + var divElm = document.createElement('div'); + eventSupport[event] = 'on' + event in divElm; + } + + return eventSupport[event]; + }, + csp: csp(), + vendorPrefix: vendorPrefix, + transitions: transitions, + animations: animations, + android: android + }; + }]; +} + +var $templateRequestMinErr = minErr('$compile'); + +/** + * @ngdoc provider + * @name $templateRequestProvider + * @description + * Used to configure the options passed to the {@link $http} service when making a template request. + * + * For example, it can be used for specifying the "Accept" header that is sent to the server, when + * requesting a template. + */ +function $TemplateRequestProvider() { + + var httpOptions; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $templateRequestProvider#httpOptions + * @description + * The options to be passed to the {@link $http} service when making the request. + * You can use this to override options such as the "Accept" header for template requests. + * + * The {@link $templateRequest} will set the `cache` and the `transformResponse` properties of the + * options if not overridden here. + * + * @param {string=} value new value for the {@link $http} options. + * @returns {string|self} Returns the {@link $http} options when used as getter and self if used as setter. + */ + this.httpOptions = function(val) { + if (val) { + httpOptions = val; + return this; + } + return httpOptions; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $templateRequest + * + * @description + * The `$templateRequest` service runs security checks then downloads the provided template using + * `$http` and, upon success, stores the contents inside of `$templateCache`. If the HTTP request + * fails or the response data of the HTTP request is empty, a `$compile` error will be thrown (the + * exception can be thwarted by setting the 2nd parameter of the function to true). Note that the + * contents of `$templateCache` are trusted, so the call to `$sce.getTrustedUrl(tpl)` is omitted + * when `tpl` is of type string and `$templateCache` has the matching entry. + * + * If you want to pass custom options to the `$http` service, such as setting the Accept header you + * can configure this via {@link $templateRequestProvider#httpOptions}. + * + * @param {string|TrustedResourceUrl} tpl The HTTP request template URL + * @param {boolean=} ignoreRequestError Whether or not to ignore the exception when the request fails or the template is empty + * + * @return {Promise} a promise for the HTTP response data of the given URL. + * + * @property {number} totalPendingRequests total amount of pending template requests being downloaded. + */ + this.$get = ['$templateCache', '$http', '$q', '$sce', function($templateCache, $http, $q, $sce) { + + function handleRequestFn(tpl, ignoreRequestError) { + handleRequestFn.totalPendingRequests++; + + // We consider the template cache holds only trusted templates, so + // there's no need to go through whitelisting again for keys that already + // are included in there. This also makes Angular accept any script + // directive, no matter its name. However, we still need to unwrap trusted + // types. + if (!isString(tpl) || !$templateCache.get(tpl)) { + tpl = $sce.getTrustedResourceUrl(tpl); + } + + var transformResponse = $http.defaults && $http.defaults.transformResponse; + + if (isArray(transformResponse)) { + transformResponse = transformResponse.filter(function(transformer) { + return transformer !== defaultHttpResponseTransform; + }); + } else if (transformResponse === defaultHttpResponseTransform) { + transformResponse = null; + } + + return $http.get(tpl, extend({ + cache: $templateCache, + transformResponse: transformResponse + }, httpOptions)) + ['finally'](function() { + handleRequestFn.totalPendingRequests--; + }) + .then(function(response) { + $templateCache.put(tpl, response.data); + return response.data; + }, handleError); + + function handleError(resp) { + if (!ignoreRequestError) { + throw $templateRequestMinErr('tpload', 'Failed to load template: {0} (HTTP status: {1} {2})', + tpl, resp.status, resp.statusText); + } + return $q.reject(resp); + } + } + + handleRequestFn.totalPendingRequests = 0; + + return handleRequestFn; + }]; +} + +function $$TestabilityProvider() { + this.$get = ['$rootScope', '$browser', '$location', + function($rootScope, $browser, $location) { + + /** + * @name $testability + * + * @description + * The private $$testability service provides a collection of methods for use when debugging + * or by automated test and debugging tools. + */ + var testability = {}; + + /** + * @name $$testability#findBindings + * + * @description + * Returns an array of elements that are bound (via ng-bind or {{}}) + * to expressions matching the input. + * + * @param {Element} element The element root to search from. + * @param {string} expression The binding expression to match. + * @param {boolean} opt_exactMatch If true, only returns exact matches + * for the expression. Filters and whitespace are ignored. + */ + testability.findBindings = function(element, expression, opt_exactMatch) { + var bindings = element.getElementsByClassName('ng-binding'); + var matches = []; + forEach(bindings, function(binding) { + var dataBinding = angular.element(binding).data('$binding'); + if (dataBinding) { + forEach(dataBinding, function(bindingName) { + if (opt_exactMatch) { + var matcher = new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + escapeForRegexp(expression) + '(\\s|\\||$)'); + if (matcher.test(bindingName)) { + matches.push(binding); + } + } else { + if (bindingName.indexOf(expression) != -1) { + matches.push(binding); + } + } + }); + } + }); + return matches; + }; + + /** + * @name $$testability#findModels + * + * @description + * Returns an array of elements that are two-way found via ng-model to + * expressions matching the input. + * + * @param {Element} element The element root to search from. + * @param {string} expression The model expression to match. + * @param {boolean} opt_exactMatch If true, only returns exact matches + * for the expression. + */ + testability.findModels = function(element, expression, opt_exactMatch) { + var prefixes = ['ng-', 'data-ng-', 'ng\\:']; + for (var p = 0; p < prefixes.length; ++p) { + var attributeEquals = opt_exactMatch ? '=' : '*='; + var selector = '[' + prefixes[p] + 'model' + attributeEquals + '"' + expression + '"]'; + var elements = element.querySelectorAll(selector); + if (elements.length) { + return elements; + } + } + }; + + /** + * @name $$testability#getLocation + * + * @description + * Shortcut for getting the location in a browser agnostic way. Returns + * the path, search, and hash. (e.g. /path?a=b#hash) + */ + testability.getLocation = function() { + return $location.url(); + }; + + /** + * @name $$testability#setLocation + * + * @description + * Shortcut for navigating to a location without doing a full page reload. + * + * @param {string} url The location url (path, search and hash, + * e.g. /path?a=b#hash) to go to. + */ + testability.setLocation = function(url) { + if (url !== $location.url()) { + $location.url(url); + $rootScope.$digest(); + } + }; + + /** + * @name $$testability#whenStable + * + * @description + * Calls the callback when $timeout and $http requests are completed. + * + * @param {function} callback + */ + testability.whenStable = function(callback) { + $browser.notifyWhenNoOutstandingRequests(callback); + }; + + return testability; + }]; +} + +function $TimeoutProvider() { + this.$get = ['$rootScope', '$browser', '$q', '$$q', '$exceptionHandler', + function($rootScope, $browser, $q, $$q, $exceptionHandler) { + + var deferreds = {}; + + + /** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $timeout + * + * @description + * Angular's wrapper for `window.setTimeout`. The `fn` function is wrapped into a try/catch + * block and delegates any exceptions to + * {@link ng.$exceptionHandler $exceptionHandler} service. + * + * The return value of calling `$timeout` is a promise, which will be resolved when + * the delay has passed and the timeout function, if provided, is executed. + * + * To cancel a timeout request, call `$timeout.cancel(promise)`. + * + * In tests you can use {@link ngMock.$timeout `$timeout.flush()`} to + * synchronously flush the queue of deferred functions. + * + * If you only want a promise that will be resolved after some specified delay + * then you can call `$timeout` without the `fn` function. + * + * @param {function()=} fn A function, whose execution should be delayed. + * @param {number=} [delay=0] Delay in milliseconds. + * @param {boolean=} [invokeApply=true] If set to `false` skips model dirty checking, otherwise + * will invoke `fn` within the {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$apply $apply} block. + * @param {...*=} Pass additional parameters to the executed function. + * @returns {Promise} Promise that will be resolved when the timeout is reached. The promise + * will be resolved with the return value of the `fn` function. + * + */ + function timeout(fn, delay, invokeApply) { + if (!isFunction(fn)) { + invokeApply = delay; + delay = fn; + fn = noop; + } + + var args = sliceArgs(arguments, 3), + skipApply = (isDefined(invokeApply) && !invokeApply), + deferred = (skipApply ? $$q : $q).defer(), + promise = deferred.promise, + timeoutId; + + timeoutId = $browser.defer(function() { + try { + deferred.resolve(fn.apply(null, args)); + } catch (e) { + deferred.reject(e); + $exceptionHandler(e); + } + finally { + delete deferreds[promise.$$timeoutId]; + } + + if (!skipApply) $rootScope.$apply(); + }, delay); + + promise.$$timeoutId = timeoutId; + deferreds[timeoutId] = deferred; + + return promise; + } + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $timeout#cancel + * + * @description + * Cancels a task associated with the `promise`. As a result of this, the promise will be + * resolved with a rejection. + * + * @param {Promise=} promise Promise returned by the `$timeout` function. + * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the task hasn't executed yet and was successfully + * canceled. + */ + timeout.cancel = function(promise) { + if (promise && promise.$$timeoutId in deferreds) { + deferreds[promise.$$timeoutId].reject('canceled'); + delete deferreds[promise.$$timeoutId]; + return $browser.defer.cancel(promise.$$timeoutId); + } + return false; + }; + + return timeout; + }]; +} + +// NOTE: The usage of window and document instead of $window and $document here is +// deliberate. This service depends on the specific behavior of anchor nodes created by the +// browser (resolving and parsing URLs) that is unlikely to be provided by mock objects and +// cause us to break tests. In addition, when the browser resolves a URL for XHR, it +// doesn't know about mocked locations and resolves URLs to the real document - which is +// exactly the behavior needed here. There is little value is mocking these out for this +// service. +var urlParsingNode = window.document.createElement("a"); +var originUrl = urlResolve(window.location.href); + + +/** + * + * Implementation Notes for non-IE browsers + * ---------------------------------------- + * Assigning a URL to the href property of an anchor DOM node, even one attached to the DOM, + * results both in the normalizing and parsing of the URL. Normalizing means that a relative + * URL will be resolved into an absolute URL in the context of the application document. + * Parsing means that the anchor node's host, hostname, protocol, port, pathname and related + * properties are all populated to reflect the normalized URL. This approach has wide + * compatibility - Safari 1+, Mozilla 1+, Opera 7+,e etc. See + * http://www.aptana.com/reference/html/api/HTMLAnchorElement.html + * + * Implementation Notes for IE + * --------------------------- + * IE <= 10 normalizes the URL when assigned to the anchor node similar to the other + * browsers. However, the parsed components will not be set if the URL assigned did not specify + * them. (e.g. if you assign a.href = "foo", then a.protocol, a.host, etc. will be empty.) We + * work around that by performing the parsing in a 2nd step by taking a previously normalized + * URL (e.g. by assigning to a.href) and assigning it a.href again. This correctly populates the + * properties such as protocol, hostname, port, etc. + * + * References: + * http://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLAnchorElement + * http://www.aptana.com/reference/html/api/HTMLAnchorElement.html + * http://url.spec.whatwg.org/#urlutils + * https://github.com/angular/angular.js/pull/2902 + * http://james.padolsey.com/javascript/parsing-urls-with-the-dom/ + * + * @kind function + * @param {string} url The URL to be parsed. + * @description Normalizes and parses a URL. + * @returns {object} Returns the normalized URL as a dictionary. + * + * | member name | Description | + * |---------------|----------------| + * | href | A normalized version of the provided URL if it was not an absolute URL | + * | protocol | The protocol including the trailing colon | + * | host | The host and port (if the port is non-default) of the normalizedUrl | + * | search | The search params, minus the question mark | + * | hash | The hash string, minus the hash symbol + * | hostname | The hostname + * | port | The port, without ":" + * | pathname | The pathname, beginning with "/" + * + */ +function urlResolve(url) { + var href = url; + + if (msie) { + // Normalize before parse. Refer Implementation Notes on why this is + // done in two steps on IE. + urlParsingNode.setAttribute("href", href); + href = urlParsingNode.href; + } + + urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', href); + + // urlParsingNode provides the UrlUtils interface - http://url.spec.whatwg.org/#urlutils + return { + href: urlParsingNode.href, + protocol: urlParsingNode.protocol ? urlParsingNode.protocol.replace(/:$/, '') : '', + host: urlParsingNode.host, + search: urlParsingNode.search ? urlParsingNode.search.replace(/^\?/, '') : '', + hash: urlParsingNode.hash ? urlParsingNode.hash.replace(/^#/, '') : '', + hostname: urlParsingNode.hostname, + port: urlParsingNode.port, + pathname: (urlParsingNode.pathname.charAt(0) === '/') + ? urlParsingNode.pathname + : '/' + urlParsingNode.pathname + }; +} + +/** + * Parse a request URL and determine whether this is a same-origin request as the application document. + * + * @param {string|object} requestUrl The url of the request as a string that will be resolved + * or a parsed URL object. + * @returns {boolean} Whether the request is for the same origin as the application document. + */ +function urlIsSameOrigin(requestUrl) { + var parsed = (isString(requestUrl)) ? urlResolve(requestUrl) : requestUrl; + return (parsed.protocol === originUrl.protocol && + parsed.host === originUrl.host); +} + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $window + * + * @description + * A reference to the browser's `window` object. While `window` + * is globally available in JavaScript, it causes testability problems, because + * it is a global variable. In angular we always refer to it through the + * `$window` service, so it may be overridden, removed or mocked for testing. + * + * Expressions, like the one defined for the `ngClick` directive in the example + * below, are evaluated with respect to the current scope. Therefore, there is + * no risk of inadvertently coding in a dependency on a global value in such an + * expression. + * + * @example + + + +
+ + +
+ + it('should display the greeting in the input box', function() { + element(by.model('greeting')).sendKeys('Hello, E2E Tests'); + // If we click the button it will block the test runner + // element(':button').click(); + }); + +
+ */ +function $WindowProvider() { + this.$get = valueFn(window); +} + +/** + * @name $$cookieReader + * @requires $document + * + * @description + * This is a private service for reading cookies used by $http and ngCookies + * + * @return {Object} a key/value map of the current cookies + */ +function $$CookieReader($document) { + var rawDocument = $document[0] || {}; + var lastCookies = {}; + var lastCookieString = ''; + + function safeDecodeURIComponent(str) { + try { + return decodeURIComponent(str); + } catch (e) { + return str; + } + } + + return function() { + var cookieArray, cookie, i, index, name; + var currentCookieString = rawDocument.cookie || ''; + + if (currentCookieString !== lastCookieString) { + lastCookieString = currentCookieString; + cookieArray = lastCookieString.split('; '); + lastCookies = {}; + + for (i = 0; i < cookieArray.length; i++) { + cookie = cookieArray[i]; + index = cookie.indexOf('='); + if (index > 0) { //ignore nameless cookies + name = safeDecodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(0, index)); + // the first value that is seen for a cookie is the most + // specific one. values for the same cookie name that + // follow are for less specific paths. + if (isUndefined(lastCookies[name])) { + lastCookies[name] = safeDecodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(index + 1)); + } + } + } + } + return lastCookies; + }; +} + +$$CookieReader.$inject = ['$document']; + +function $$CookieReaderProvider() { + this.$get = $$CookieReader; +} + +/* global currencyFilter: true, + dateFilter: true, + filterFilter: true, + jsonFilter: true, + limitToFilter: true, + lowercaseFilter: true, + numberFilter: true, + orderByFilter: true, + uppercaseFilter: true, + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc provider + * @name $filterProvider + * @description + * + * Filters are just functions which transform input to an output. However filters need to be + * Dependency Injected. To achieve this a filter definition consists of a factory function which is + * annotated with dependencies and is responsible for creating a filter function. + * + *
+ * **Note:** Filter names must be valid angular {@link expression} identifiers, such as `uppercase` or `orderBy`. + * Names with special characters, such as hyphens and dots, are not allowed. If you wish to namespace + * your filters, then you can use capitalization (`myappSubsectionFilterx`) or underscores + * (`myapp_subsection_filterx`). + *
+ * + * ```js + * // Filter registration + * function MyModule($provide, $filterProvider) { + * // create a service to demonstrate injection (not always needed) + * $provide.value('greet', function(name){ + * return 'Hello ' + name + '!'; + * }); + * + * // register a filter factory which uses the + * // greet service to demonstrate DI. + * $filterProvider.register('greet', function(greet){ + * // return the filter function which uses the greet service + * // to generate salutation + * return function(text) { + * // filters need to be forgiving so check input validity + * return text && greet(text) || text; + * }; + * }); + * } + * ``` + * + * The filter function is registered with the `$injector` under the filter name suffix with + * `Filter`. + * + * ```js + * it('should be the same instance', inject( + * function($filterProvider) { + * $filterProvider.register('reverse', function(){ + * return ...; + * }); + * }, + * function($filter, reverseFilter) { + * expect($filter('reverse')).toBe(reverseFilter); + * }); + * ``` + * + * + * For more information about how angular filters work, and how to create your own filters, see + * {@link guide/filter Filters} in the Angular Developer Guide. + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc service + * @name $filter + * @kind function + * @description + * Filters are used for formatting data displayed to the user. + * + * The general syntax in templates is as follows: + * + * {{ expression [| filter_name[:parameter_value] ... ] }} + * + * @param {String} name Name of the filter function to retrieve + * @return {Function} the filter function + * @example + + +

{{ originalText }}


{{ filteredText }}

+ + + angular.module('filterExample', []) + .controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $filter) { + $scope.originalText = 'hello'; + $scope.filteredText = $filter('uppercase')($scope.originalText); + }); + +
+ */ +$FilterProvider.$inject = ['$provide']; +function $FilterProvider($provide) { + var suffix = 'Filter'; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name $filterProvider#register + * @param {string|Object} name Name of the filter function, or an object map of filters where + * the keys are the filter names and the values are the filter factories. + * + *
+ * **Note:** Filter names must be valid angular {@link expression} identifiers, such as `uppercase` or `orderBy`. + * Names with special characters, such as hyphens and dots, are not allowed. If you wish to namespace + * your filters, then you can use capitalization (`myappSubsectionFilterx`) or underscores + * (`myapp_subsection_filterx`). + *
+ * @param {Function} factory If the first argument was a string, a factory function for the filter to be registered. + * @returns {Object} Registered filter instance, or if a map of filters was provided then a map + * of the registered filter instances. + */ + function register(name, factory) { + if (isObject(name)) { + var filters = {}; + forEach(name, function(filter, key) { + filters[key] = register(key, filter); + }); + return filters; + } else { + return $provide.factory(name + suffix, factory); + } + } + this.register = register; + + this.$get = ['$injector', function($injector) { + return function(name) { + return $injector.get(name + suffix); + }; + }]; + + //////////////////////////////////////// + + /* global + currencyFilter: false, + dateFilter: false, + filterFilter: false, + jsonFilter: false, + limitToFilter: false, + lowercaseFilter: false, + numberFilter: false, + orderByFilter: false, + uppercaseFilter: false, + */ + + register('currency', currencyFilter); + register('date', dateFilter); + register('filter', filterFilter); + register('json', jsonFilter); + register('limitTo', limitToFilter); + register('lowercase', lowercaseFilter); + register('number', numberFilter); + register('orderBy', orderByFilter); + register('uppercase', uppercaseFilter); +} + +/** + * @ngdoc filter + * @name filter + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Selects a subset of items from `array` and returns it as a new array. + * + * @param {Array} array The source array. + * @param {string|Object|function()} expression The predicate to be used for selecting items from + * `array`. + * + * Can be one of: + * + * - `string`: The string is used for matching against the contents of the `array`. All strings or + * objects with string properties in `array` that match this string will be returned. This also + * applies to nested object properties. + * The predicate can be negated by prefixing the string with `!`. + * + * - `Object`: A pattern object can be used to filter specific properties on objects contained + * by `array`. For example `{name:"M", phone:"1"}` predicate will return an array of items + * which have property `name` containing "M" and property `phone` containing "1". A special + * property name `$` can be used (as in `{$:"text"}`) to accept a match against any + * property of the object or its nested object properties. That's equivalent to the simple + * substring match with a `string` as described above. The predicate can be negated by prefixing + * the string with `!`. + * For example `{name: "!M"}` predicate will return an array of items which have property `name` + * not containing "M". + * + * Note that a named property will match properties on the same level only, while the special + * `$` property will match properties on the same level or deeper. E.g. an array item like + * `{name: {first: 'John', last: 'Doe'}}` will **not** be matched by `{name: 'John'}`, but + * **will** be matched by `{$: 'John'}`. + * + * - `function(value, index, array)`: A predicate function can be used to write arbitrary filters. + * The function is called for each element of the array, with the element, its index, and + * the entire array itself as arguments. + * + * The final result is an array of those elements that the predicate returned true for. + * + * @param {function(actual, expected)|true|undefined} comparator Comparator which is used in + * determining if the expected value (from the filter expression) and actual value (from + * the object in the array) should be considered a match. + * + * Can be one of: + * + * - `function(actual, expected)`: + * The function will be given the object value and the predicate value to compare and + * should return true if both values should be considered equal. + * + * - `true`: A shorthand for `function(actual, expected) { return angular.equals(actual, expected)}`. + * This is essentially strict comparison of expected and actual. + * + * - `false|undefined`: A short hand for a function which will look for a substring match in case + * insensitive way. + * + * Primitive values are converted to strings. Objects are not compared against primitives, + * unless they have a custom `toString` method (e.g. `Date` objects). + * + * @example + + +
+ + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + +
+ + var expectFriendNames = function(expectedNames, key) { + element.all(by.repeater(key + ' in friends').column(key + '.name')).then(function(arr) { + arr.forEach(function(wd, i) { + expect(wd.getText()).toMatch(expectedNames[i]); + }); + }); + }; + + it('should search across all fields when filtering with a string', function() { + var searchText = element(by.model('searchText')); + searchText.clear(); + searchText.sendKeys('m'); + expectFriendNames(['Mary', 'Mike', 'Adam'], 'friend'); + + searchText.clear(); + searchText.sendKeys('76'); + expectFriendNames(['John', 'Julie'], 'friend'); + }); + + it('should search in specific fields when filtering with a predicate object', function() { + var searchAny = element(by.model('search.$')); + searchAny.clear(); + searchAny.sendKeys('i'); + expectFriendNames(['Mary', 'Mike', 'Julie', 'Juliette'], 'friendObj'); + }); + it('should use a equal comparison when comparator is true', function() { + var searchName = element(by.model('search.name')); + var strict = element(by.model('strict')); + searchName.clear(); + searchName.sendKeys('Julie'); + strict.click(); + expectFriendNames(['Julie'], 'friendObj'); + }); + +
+ */ +function filterFilter() { + return function(array, expression, comparator) { + if (!isArrayLike(array)) { + if (array == null) { + return array; + } else { + throw minErr('filter')('notarray', 'Expected array but received: {0}', array); + } + } + + var expressionType = getTypeForFilter(expression); + var predicateFn; + var matchAgainstAnyProp; + + switch (expressionType) { + case 'function': + predicateFn = expression; + break; + case 'boolean': + case 'null': + case 'number': + case 'string': + matchAgainstAnyProp = true; + //jshint -W086 + case 'object': + //jshint +W086 + predicateFn = createPredicateFn(expression, comparator, matchAgainstAnyProp); + break; + default: + return array; + } + + return Array.prototype.filter.call(array, predicateFn); + }; +} + +// Helper functions for `filterFilter` +function createPredicateFn(expression, comparator, matchAgainstAnyProp) { + var shouldMatchPrimitives = isObject(expression) && ('$' in expression); + var predicateFn; + + if (comparator === true) { + comparator = equals; + } else if (!isFunction(comparator)) { + comparator = function(actual, expected) { + if (isUndefined(actual)) { + // No substring matching against `undefined` + return false; + } + if ((actual === null) || (expected === null)) { + // No substring matching against `null`; only match against `null` + return actual === expected; + } + if (isObject(expected) || (isObject(actual) && !hasCustomToString(actual))) { + // Should not compare primitives against objects, unless they have custom `toString` method + return false; + } + + actual = lowercase('' + actual); + expected = lowercase('' + expected); + return actual.indexOf(expected) !== -1; + }; + } + + predicateFn = function(item) { + if (shouldMatchPrimitives && !isObject(item)) { + return deepCompare(item, expression.$, comparator, false); + } + return deepCompare(item, expression, comparator, matchAgainstAnyProp); + }; + + return predicateFn; +} + +function deepCompare(actual, expected, comparator, matchAgainstAnyProp, dontMatchWholeObject) { + var actualType = getTypeForFilter(actual); + var expectedType = getTypeForFilter(expected); + + if ((expectedType === 'string') && (expected.charAt(0) === '!')) { + return !deepCompare(actual, expected.substring(1), comparator, matchAgainstAnyProp); + } else if (isArray(actual)) { + // In case `actual` is an array, consider it a match + // if ANY of it's items matches `expected` + return actual.some(function(item) { + return deepCompare(item, expected, comparator, matchAgainstAnyProp); + }); + } + + switch (actualType) { + case 'object': + var key; + if (matchAgainstAnyProp) { + for (key in actual) { + if ((key.charAt(0) !== '$') && deepCompare(actual[key], expected, comparator, true)) { + return true; + } + } + return dontMatchWholeObject ? false : deepCompare(actual, expected, comparator, false); + } else if (expectedType === 'object') { + for (key in expected) { + var expectedVal = expected[key]; + if (isFunction(expectedVal) || isUndefined(expectedVal)) { + continue; + } + + var matchAnyProperty = key === '$'; + var actualVal = matchAnyProperty ? actual : actual[key]; + if (!deepCompare(actualVal, expectedVal, comparator, matchAnyProperty, matchAnyProperty)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } else { + return comparator(actual, expected); + } + break; + case 'function': + return false; + default: + return comparator(actual, expected); + } +} + +// Used for easily differentiating between `null` and actual `object` +function getTypeForFilter(val) { + return (val === null) ? 'null' : typeof val; +} + +var MAX_DIGITS = 22; +var DECIMAL_SEP = '.'; +var ZERO_CHAR = '0'; + +/** + * @ngdoc filter + * @name currency + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Formats a number as a currency (ie $1,234.56). When no currency symbol is provided, default + * symbol for current locale is used. + * + * @param {number} amount Input to filter. + * @param {string=} symbol Currency symbol or identifier to be displayed. + * @param {number=} fractionSize Number of decimal places to round the amount to, defaults to default max fraction size for current locale + * @returns {string} Formatted number. + * + * + * @example + + + +
+ default currency symbol ($): {{amount | currency}}
+ custom currency identifier (USD$): {{amount | currency:"USD$"}} + no fractions (0): {{amount | currency:"USD$":0}} +
+ + it('should init with 1234.56', function() { + expect(element(by.id('currency-default')).getText()).toBe('$1,234.56'); + expect(element(by.id('currency-custom')).getText()).toBe('USD$1,234.56'); + expect(element(by.id('currency-no-fractions')).getText()).toBe('USD$1,235'); + }); + it('should update', function() { + if (browser.params.browser == 'safari') { + // Safari does not understand the minus key. See + // https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/481 + return; + } + element(by.model('amount')).clear(); + element(by.model('amount')).sendKeys('-1234'); + expect(element(by.id('currency-default')).getText()).toBe('-$1,234.00'); + expect(element(by.id('currency-custom')).getText()).toBe('-USD$1,234.00'); + expect(element(by.id('currency-no-fractions')).getText()).toBe('-USD$1,234'); + }); + +
+ */ +currencyFilter.$inject = ['$locale']; +function currencyFilter($locale) { + var formats = $locale.NUMBER_FORMATS; + return function(amount, currencySymbol, fractionSize) { + if (isUndefined(currencySymbol)) { + currencySymbol = formats.CURRENCY_SYM; + } + + if (isUndefined(fractionSize)) { + fractionSize = formats.PATTERNS[1].maxFrac; + } + + // if null or undefined pass it through + return (amount == null) + ? amount + : formatNumber(amount, formats.PATTERNS[1], formats.GROUP_SEP, formats.DECIMAL_SEP, fractionSize). + replace(/\u00A4/g, currencySymbol); + }; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc filter + * @name number + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Formats a number as text. + * + * If the input is null or undefined, it will just be returned. + * If the input is infinite (Infinity or -Infinity), the Infinity symbol '∞' or '-∞' is returned, respectively. + * If the input is not a number an empty string is returned. + * + * + * @param {number|string} number Number to format. + * @param {(number|string)=} fractionSize Number of decimal places to round the number to. + * If this is not provided then the fraction size is computed from the current locale's number + * formatting pattern. In the case of the default locale, it will be 3. + * @returns {string} Number rounded to `fractionSize` appropriately formatted based on the current + * locale (e.g., in the en_US locale it will have "." as the decimal separator and + * include "," group separators after each third digit). + * + * @example + + + +
+ Default formatting: {{val | number}}
+ No fractions: {{val | number:0}}
+ Negative number: {{-val | number:4}} +
+ + it('should format numbers', function() { + expect(element(by.id('number-default')).getText()).toBe('1,234.568'); + expect(element(by.binding('val | number:0')).getText()).toBe('1,235'); + expect(element(by.binding('-val | number:4')).getText()).toBe('-1,234.5679'); + }); + + it('should update', function() { + element(by.model('val')).clear(); + element(by.model('val')).sendKeys('3374.333'); + expect(element(by.id('number-default')).getText()).toBe('3,374.333'); + expect(element(by.binding('val | number:0')).getText()).toBe('3,374'); + expect(element(by.binding('-val | number:4')).getText()).toBe('-3,374.3330'); + }); + +
+ */ +numberFilter.$inject = ['$locale']; +function numberFilter($locale) { + var formats = $locale.NUMBER_FORMATS; + return function(number, fractionSize) { + + // if null or undefined pass it through + return (number == null) + ? number + : formatNumber(number, formats.PATTERNS[0], formats.GROUP_SEP, formats.DECIMAL_SEP, + fractionSize); + }; +} + +/** + * Parse a number (as a string) into three components that can be used + * for formatting the number. + * + * (Significant bits of this parse algorithm came from https://github.com/MikeMcl/big.js/) + * + * @param {string} numStr The number to parse + * @return {object} An object describing this number, containing the following keys: + * - d : an array of digits containing leading zeros as necessary + * - i : the number of the digits in `d` that are to the left of the decimal point + * - e : the exponent for numbers that would need more than `MAX_DIGITS` digits in `d` + * + */ +function parse(numStr) { + var exponent = 0, digits, numberOfIntegerDigits; + var i, j, zeros; + + // Decimal point? + if ((numberOfIntegerDigits = numStr.indexOf(DECIMAL_SEP)) > -1) { + numStr = numStr.replace(DECIMAL_SEP, ''); + } + + // Exponential form? + if ((i = numStr.search(/e/i)) > 0) { + // Work out the exponent. + if (numberOfIntegerDigits < 0) numberOfIntegerDigits = i; + numberOfIntegerDigits += +numStr.slice(i + 1); + numStr = numStr.substring(0, i); + } else if (numberOfIntegerDigits < 0) { + // There was no decimal point or exponent so it is an integer. + numberOfIntegerDigits = numStr.length; + } + + // Count the number of leading zeros. + for (i = 0; numStr.charAt(i) == ZERO_CHAR; i++) {/* jshint noempty: false */} + + if (i == (zeros = numStr.length)) { + // The digits are all zero. + digits = [0]; + numberOfIntegerDigits = 1; + } else { + // Count the number of trailing zeros + zeros--; + while (numStr.charAt(zeros) == ZERO_CHAR) zeros--; + + // Trailing zeros are insignificant so ignore them + numberOfIntegerDigits -= i; + digits = []; + // Convert string to array of digits without leading/trailing zeros. + for (j = 0; i <= zeros; i++, j++) { + digits[j] = +numStr.charAt(i); + } + } + + // If the number overflows the maximum allowed digits then use an exponent. + if (numberOfIntegerDigits > MAX_DIGITS) { + digits = digits.splice(0, MAX_DIGITS - 1); + exponent = numberOfIntegerDigits - 1; + numberOfIntegerDigits = 1; + } + + return { d: digits, e: exponent, i: numberOfIntegerDigits }; +} + +/** + * Round the parsed number to the specified number of decimal places + * This function changed the parsedNumber in-place + */ +function roundNumber(parsedNumber, fractionSize, minFrac, maxFrac) { + var digits = parsedNumber.d; + var fractionLen = digits.length - parsedNumber.i; + + // determine fractionSize if it is not specified; `+fractionSize` converts it to a number + fractionSize = (isUndefined(fractionSize)) ? Math.min(Math.max(minFrac, fractionLen), maxFrac) : +fractionSize; + + // The index of the digit to where rounding is to occur + var roundAt = fractionSize + parsedNumber.i; + var digit = digits[roundAt]; + + if (roundAt > 0) { + // Drop fractional digits beyond `roundAt` + digits.splice(Math.max(parsedNumber.i, roundAt)); + + // Set non-fractional digits beyond `roundAt` to 0 + for (var j = roundAt; j < digits.length; j++) { + digits[j] = 0; + } + } else { + // We rounded to zero so reset the parsedNumber + fractionLen = Math.max(0, fractionLen); + parsedNumber.i = 1; + digits.length = Math.max(1, roundAt = fractionSize + 1); + digits[0] = 0; + for (var i = 1; i < roundAt; i++) digits[i] = 0; + } + + if (digit >= 5) { + if (roundAt - 1 < 0) { + for (var k = 0; k > roundAt; k--) { + digits.unshift(0); + parsedNumber.i++; + } + digits.unshift(1); + parsedNumber.i++; + } else { + digits[roundAt - 1]++; + } + } + + // Pad out with zeros to get the required fraction length + for (; fractionLen < Math.max(0, fractionSize); fractionLen++) digits.push(0); + + + // Do any carrying, e.g. a digit was rounded up to 10 + var carry = digits.reduceRight(function(carry, d, i, digits) { + d = d + carry; + digits[i] = d % 10; + return Math.floor(d / 10); + }, 0); + if (carry) { + digits.unshift(carry); + parsedNumber.i++; + } +} + +/** + * Format a number into a string + * @param {number} number The number to format + * @param {{ + * minFrac, // the minimum number of digits required in the fraction part of the number + * maxFrac, // the maximum number of digits required in the fraction part of the number + * gSize, // number of digits in each group of separated digits + * lgSize, // number of digits in the last group of digits before the decimal separator + * negPre, // the string to go in front of a negative number (e.g. `-` or `(`)) + * posPre, // the string to go in front of a positive number + * negSuf, // the string to go after a negative number (e.g. `)`) + * posSuf // the string to go after a positive number + * }} pattern + * @param {string} groupSep The string to separate groups of number (e.g. `,`) + * @param {string} decimalSep The string to act as the decimal separator (e.g. `.`) + * @param {[type]} fractionSize The size of the fractional part of the number + * @return {string} The number formatted as a string + */ +function formatNumber(number, pattern, groupSep, decimalSep, fractionSize) { + + if (!(isString(number) || isNumber(number)) || isNaN(number)) return ''; + + var isInfinity = !isFinite(number); + var isZero = false; + var numStr = Math.abs(number) + '', + formattedText = '', + parsedNumber; + + if (isInfinity) { + formattedText = '\u221e'; + } else { + parsedNumber = parse(numStr); + + roundNumber(parsedNumber, fractionSize, pattern.minFrac, pattern.maxFrac); + + var digits = parsedNumber.d; + var integerLen = parsedNumber.i; + var exponent = parsedNumber.e; + var decimals = []; + isZero = digits.reduce(function(isZero, d) { return isZero && !d; }, true); + + // pad zeros for small numbers + while (integerLen < 0) { + digits.unshift(0); + integerLen++; + } + + // extract decimals digits + if (integerLen > 0) { + decimals = digits.splice(integerLen); + } else { + decimals = digits; + digits = [0]; + } + + // format the integer digits with grouping separators + var groups = []; + if (digits.length >= pattern.lgSize) { + groups.unshift(digits.splice(-pattern.lgSize).join('')); + } + while (digits.length > pattern.gSize) { + groups.unshift(digits.splice(-pattern.gSize).join('')); + } + if (digits.length) { + groups.unshift(digits.join('')); + } + formattedText = groups.join(groupSep); + + // append the decimal digits + if (decimals.length) { + formattedText += decimalSep + decimals.join(''); + } + + if (exponent) { + formattedText += 'e+' + exponent; + } + } + if (number < 0 && !isZero) { + return pattern.negPre + formattedText + pattern.negSuf; + } else { + return pattern.posPre + formattedText + pattern.posSuf; + } +} + +function padNumber(num, digits, trim, negWrap) { + var neg = ''; + if (num < 0 || (negWrap && num <= 0)) { + if (negWrap) { + num = -num + 1; + } else { + num = -num; + neg = '-'; + } + } + num = '' + num; + while (num.length < digits) num = ZERO_CHAR + num; + if (trim) { + num = num.substr(num.length - digits); + } + return neg + num; +} + + +function dateGetter(name, size, offset, trim, negWrap) { + offset = offset || 0; + return function(date) { + var value = date['get' + name](); + if (offset > 0 || value > -offset) { + value += offset; + } + if (value === 0 && offset == -12) value = 12; + return padNumber(value, size, trim, negWrap); + }; +} + +function dateStrGetter(name, shortForm, standAlone) { + return function(date, formats) { + var value = date['get' + name](); + var propPrefix = (standAlone ? 'STANDALONE' : '') + (shortForm ? 'SHORT' : ''); + var get = uppercase(propPrefix + name); + + return formats[get][value]; + }; +} + +function timeZoneGetter(date, formats, offset) { + var zone = -1 * offset; + var paddedZone = (zone >= 0) ? "+" : ""; + + paddedZone += padNumber(Math[zone > 0 ? 'floor' : 'ceil'](zone / 60), 2) + + padNumber(Math.abs(zone % 60), 2); + + return paddedZone; +} + +function getFirstThursdayOfYear(year) { + // 0 = index of January + var dayOfWeekOnFirst = (new Date(year, 0, 1)).getDay(); + // 4 = index of Thursday (+1 to account for 1st = 5) + // 11 = index of *next* Thursday (+1 account for 1st = 12) + return new Date(year, 0, ((dayOfWeekOnFirst <= 4) ? 5 : 12) - dayOfWeekOnFirst); +} + +function getThursdayThisWeek(datetime) { + return new Date(datetime.getFullYear(), datetime.getMonth(), + // 4 = index of Thursday + datetime.getDate() + (4 - datetime.getDay())); +} + +function weekGetter(size) { + return function(date) { + var firstThurs = getFirstThursdayOfYear(date.getFullYear()), + thisThurs = getThursdayThisWeek(date); + + var diff = +thisThurs - +firstThurs, + result = 1 + Math.round(diff / 6.048e8); // 6.048e8 ms per week + + return padNumber(result, size); + }; +} + +function ampmGetter(date, formats) { + return date.getHours() < 12 ? formats.AMPMS[0] : formats.AMPMS[1]; +} + +function eraGetter(date, formats) { + return date.getFullYear() <= 0 ? formats.ERAS[0] : formats.ERAS[1]; +} + +function longEraGetter(date, formats) { + return date.getFullYear() <= 0 ? formats.ERANAMES[0] : formats.ERANAMES[1]; +} + +var DATE_FORMATS = { + yyyy: dateGetter('FullYear', 4, 0, false, true), + yy: dateGetter('FullYear', 2, 0, true, true), + y: dateGetter('FullYear', 1, 0, false, true), + MMMM: dateStrGetter('Month'), + MMM: dateStrGetter('Month', true), + MM: dateGetter('Month', 2, 1), + M: dateGetter('Month', 1, 1), + LLLL: dateStrGetter('Month', false, true), + dd: dateGetter('Date', 2), + d: dateGetter('Date', 1), + HH: dateGetter('Hours', 2), + H: dateGetter('Hours', 1), + hh: dateGetter('Hours', 2, -12), + h: dateGetter('Hours', 1, -12), + mm: dateGetter('Minutes', 2), + m: dateGetter('Minutes', 1), + ss: dateGetter('Seconds', 2), + s: dateGetter('Seconds', 1), + // while ISO 8601 requires fractions to be prefixed with `.` or `,` + // we can be just safely rely on using `sss` since we currently don't support single or two digit fractions + sss: dateGetter('Milliseconds', 3), + EEEE: dateStrGetter('Day'), + EEE: dateStrGetter('Day', true), + a: ampmGetter, + Z: timeZoneGetter, + ww: weekGetter(2), + w: weekGetter(1), + G: eraGetter, + GG: eraGetter, + GGG: eraGetter, + GGGG: longEraGetter +}; + +var DATE_FORMATS_SPLIT = /((?:[^yMLdHhmsaZEwG']+)|(?:'(?:[^']|'')*')|(?:E+|y+|M+|L+|d+|H+|h+|m+|s+|a|Z|G+|w+))(.*)/, + NUMBER_STRING = /^\-?\d+$/; + +/** + * @ngdoc filter + * @name date + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Formats `date` to a string based on the requested `format`. + * + * `format` string can be composed of the following elements: + * + * * `'yyyy'`: 4 digit representation of year (e.g. AD 1 => 0001, AD 2010 => 2010) + * * `'yy'`: 2 digit representation of year, padded (00-99). (e.g. AD 2001 => 01, AD 2010 => 10) + * * `'y'`: 1 digit representation of year, e.g. (AD 1 => 1, AD 199 => 199) + * * `'MMMM'`: Month in year (January-December) + * * `'MMM'`: Month in year (Jan-Dec) + * * `'MM'`: Month in year, padded (01-12) + * * `'M'`: Month in year (1-12) + * * `'LLLL'`: Stand-alone month in year (January-December) + * * `'dd'`: Day in month, padded (01-31) + * * `'d'`: Day in month (1-31) + * * `'EEEE'`: Day in Week,(Sunday-Saturday) + * * `'EEE'`: Day in Week, (Sun-Sat) + * * `'HH'`: Hour in day, padded (00-23) + * * `'H'`: Hour in day (0-23) + * * `'hh'`: Hour in AM/PM, padded (01-12) + * * `'h'`: Hour in AM/PM, (1-12) + * * `'mm'`: Minute in hour, padded (00-59) + * * `'m'`: Minute in hour (0-59) + * * `'ss'`: Second in minute, padded (00-59) + * * `'s'`: Second in minute (0-59) + * * `'sss'`: Millisecond in second, padded (000-999) + * * `'a'`: AM/PM marker + * * `'Z'`: 4 digit (+sign) representation of the timezone offset (-1200-+1200) + * * `'ww'`: Week of year, padded (00-53). Week 01 is the week with the first Thursday of the year + * * `'w'`: Week of year (0-53). Week 1 is the week with the first Thursday of the year + * * `'G'`, `'GG'`, `'GGG'`: The abbreviated form of the era string (e.g. 'AD') + * * `'GGGG'`: The long form of the era string (e.g. 'Anno Domini') + * + * `format` string can also be one of the following predefined + * {@link guide/i18n localizable formats}: + * + * * `'medium'`: equivalent to `'MMM d, y h:mm:ss a'` for en_US locale + * (e.g. Sep 3, 2010 12:05:08 PM) + * * `'short'`: equivalent to `'M/d/yy h:mm a'` for en_US locale (e.g. 9/3/10 12:05 PM) + * * `'fullDate'`: equivalent to `'EEEE, MMMM d, y'` for en_US locale + * (e.g. Friday, September 3, 2010) + * * `'longDate'`: equivalent to `'MMMM d, y'` for en_US locale (e.g. September 3, 2010) + * * `'mediumDate'`: equivalent to `'MMM d, y'` for en_US locale (e.g. Sep 3, 2010) + * * `'shortDate'`: equivalent to `'M/d/yy'` for en_US locale (e.g. 9/3/10) + * * `'mediumTime'`: equivalent to `'h:mm:ss a'` for en_US locale (e.g. 12:05:08 PM) + * * `'shortTime'`: equivalent to `'h:mm a'` for en_US locale (e.g. 12:05 PM) + * + * `format` string can contain literal values. These need to be escaped by surrounding with single quotes (e.g. + * `"h 'in the morning'"`). In order to output a single quote, escape it - i.e., two single quotes in a sequence + * (e.g. `"h 'o''clock'"`). + * + * @param {(Date|number|string)} date Date to format either as Date object, milliseconds (string or + * number) or various ISO 8601 datetime string formats (e.g. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ and its + * shorter versions like yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ, yyyy-MM-dd or yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ). If no timezone is + * specified in the string input, the time is considered to be in the local timezone. + * @param {string=} format Formatting rules (see Description). If not specified, + * `mediumDate` is used. + * @param {string=} timezone Timezone to be used for formatting. It understands UTC/GMT and the + * continental US time zone abbreviations, but for general use, use a time zone offset, for + * example, `'+0430'` (4 hours, 30 minutes east of the Greenwich meridian) + * If not specified, the timezone of the browser will be used. + * @returns {string} Formatted string or the input if input is not recognized as date/millis. + * + * @example + + + {{1288323623006 | date:'medium'}}: + {{1288323623006 | date:'medium'}}
+ {{1288323623006 | date:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z'}}: + {{1288323623006 | date:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z'}}
+ {{1288323623006 | date:'MM/dd/yyyy @ h:mma'}}: + {{'1288323623006' | date:'MM/dd/yyyy @ h:mma'}}
+ {{1288323623006 | date:"MM/dd/yyyy 'at' h:mma"}}: + {{'1288323623006' | date:"MM/dd/yyyy 'at' h:mma"}}
+ + it('should format date', function() { + expect(element(by.binding("1288323623006 | date:'medium'")).getText()). + toMatch(/Oct 2\d, 2010 \d{1,2}:\d{2}:\d{2} (AM|PM)/); + expect(element(by.binding("1288323623006 | date:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z'")).getText()). + toMatch(/2010\-10\-2\d \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} (\-|\+)?\d{4}/); + expect(element(by.binding("'1288323623006' | date:'MM/dd/yyyy @ h:mma'")).getText()). + toMatch(/10\/2\d\/2010 @ \d{1,2}:\d{2}(AM|PM)/); + expect(element(by.binding("'1288323623006' | date:\"MM/dd/yyyy 'at' h:mma\"")).getText()). + toMatch(/10\/2\d\/2010 at \d{1,2}:\d{2}(AM|PM)/); + }); + +
+ */ +dateFilter.$inject = ['$locale']; +function dateFilter($locale) { + + + var R_ISO8601_STR = /^(\d{4})-?(\d\d)-?(\d\d)(?:T(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?(Z|([+-])(\d\d):?(\d\d))?)?$/; + // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 + function jsonStringToDate(string) { + var match; + if (match = string.match(R_ISO8601_STR)) { + var date = new Date(0), + tzHour = 0, + tzMin = 0, + dateSetter = match[8] ? date.setUTCFullYear : date.setFullYear, + timeSetter = match[8] ? date.setUTCHours : date.setHours; + + if (match[9]) { + tzHour = toInt(match[9] + match[10]); + tzMin = toInt(match[9] + match[11]); + } + dateSetter.call(date, toInt(match[1]), toInt(match[2]) - 1, toInt(match[3])); + var h = toInt(match[4] || 0) - tzHour; + var m = toInt(match[5] || 0) - tzMin; + var s = toInt(match[6] || 0); + var ms = Math.round(parseFloat('0.' + (match[7] || 0)) * 1000); + timeSetter.call(date, h, m, s, ms); + return date; + } + return string; + } + + + return function(date, format, timezone) { + var text = '', + parts = [], + fn, match; + + format = format || 'mediumDate'; + format = $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS[format] || format; + if (isString(date)) { + date = NUMBER_STRING.test(date) ? toInt(date) : jsonStringToDate(date); + } + + if (isNumber(date)) { + date = new Date(date); + } + + if (!isDate(date) || !isFinite(date.getTime())) { + return date; + } + + while (format) { + match = DATE_FORMATS_SPLIT.exec(format); + if (match) { + parts = concat(parts, match, 1); + format = parts.pop(); + } else { + parts.push(format); + format = null; + } + } + + var dateTimezoneOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset(); + if (timezone) { + dateTimezoneOffset = timezoneToOffset(timezone, dateTimezoneOffset); + date = convertTimezoneToLocal(date, timezone, true); + } + forEach(parts, function(value) { + fn = DATE_FORMATS[value]; + text += fn ? fn(date, $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS, dateTimezoneOffset) + : value === "''" ? "'" : value.replace(/(^'|'$)/g, '').replace(/''/g, "'"); + }); + + return text; + }; +} + + +/** + * @ngdoc filter + * @name json + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Allows you to convert a JavaScript object into JSON string. + * + * This filter is mostly useful for debugging. When using the double curly {{value}} notation + * the binding is automatically converted to JSON. + * + * @param {*} object Any JavaScript object (including arrays and primitive types) to filter. + * @param {number=} spacing The number of spaces to use per indentation, defaults to 2. + * @returns {string} JSON string. + * + * + * @example + + +
{{ {'name':'value'} | json }}
{{ {'name':'value'} | json:4 }}
+ + it('should jsonify filtered objects', function() { + expect(element(by.id('default-spacing')).getText()).toMatch(/\{\n "name": ?"value"\n}/); + expect(element(by.id('custom-spacing')).getText()).toMatch(/\{\n "name": ?"value"\n}/); + }); + +
+ * + */ +function jsonFilter() { + return function(object, spacing) { + if (isUndefined(spacing)) { + spacing = 2; + } + return toJson(object, spacing); + }; +} + + +/** + * @ngdoc filter + * @name lowercase + * @kind function + * @description + * Converts string to lowercase. + * @see angular.lowercase + */ +var lowercaseFilter = valueFn(lowercase); + + +/** + * @ngdoc filter + * @name uppercase + * @kind function + * @description + * Converts string to uppercase. + * @see angular.uppercase + */ +var uppercaseFilter = valueFn(uppercase); + +/** + * @ngdoc filter + * @name limitTo + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Creates a new array or string containing only a specified number of elements. The elements + * are taken from either the beginning or the end of the source array, string or number, as specified by + * the value and sign (positive or negative) of `limit`. If a number is used as input, it is + * converted to a string. + * + * @param {Array|string|number} input Source array, string or number to be limited. + * @param {string|number} limit The length of the returned array or string. If the `limit` number + * is positive, `limit` number of items from the beginning of the source array/string are copied. + * If the number is negative, `limit` number of items from the end of the source array/string + * are copied. The `limit` will be trimmed if it exceeds `array.length`. If `limit` is undefined, + * the input will be returned unchanged. + * @param {(string|number)=} begin Index at which to begin limitation. As a negative index, `begin` + * indicates an offset from the end of `input`. Defaults to `0`. + * @returns {Array|string} A new sub-array or substring of length `limit` or less if input array + * had less than `limit` elements. + * + * @example + + + +
+ +

Output numbers: {{ numbers | limitTo:numLimit }}

+ +

Output letters: {{ letters | limitTo:letterLimit }}

+ +

Output long number: {{ longNumber | limitTo:longNumberLimit }}

+ + var numLimitInput = element(by.model('numLimit')); + var letterLimitInput = element(by.model('letterLimit')); + var longNumberLimitInput = element(by.model('longNumberLimit')); + var limitedNumbers = element(by.binding('numbers | limitTo:numLimit')); + var limitedLetters = element(by.binding('letters | limitTo:letterLimit')); + var limitedLongNumber = element(by.binding('longNumber | limitTo:longNumberLimit')); + + it('should limit the number array to first three items', function() { + expect(numLimitInput.getAttribute('value')).toBe('3'); + expect(letterLimitInput.getAttribute('value')).toBe('3'); + expect(longNumberLimitInput.getAttribute('value')).toBe('3'); + expect(limitedNumbers.getText()).toEqual('Output numbers: [1,2,3]'); + expect(limitedLetters.getText()).toEqual('Output letters: abc'); + expect(limitedLongNumber.getText()).toEqual('Output long number: 234'); + }); + + // There is a bug in safari and protractor that doesn't like the minus key + // it('should update the output when -3 is entered', function() { + // numLimitInput.clear(); + // numLimitInput.sendKeys('-3'); + // letterLimitInput.clear(); + // letterLimitInput.sendKeys('-3'); + // longNumberLimitInput.clear(); + // longNumberLimitInput.sendKeys('-3'); + // expect(limitedNumbers.getText()).toEqual('Output numbers: [7,8,9]'); + // expect(limitedLetters.getText()).toEqual('Output letters: ghi'); + // expect(limitedLongNumber.getText()).toEqual('Output long number: 342'); + // }); + + it('should not exceed the maximum size of input array', function() { + numLimitInput.clear(); + numLimitInput.sendKeys('100'); + letterLimitInput.clear(); + letterLimitInput.sendKeys('100'); + longNumberLimitInput.clear(); + longNumberLimitInput.sendKeys('100'); + expect(limitedNumbers.getText()).toEqual('Output numbers: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]'); + expect(limitedLetters.getText()).toEqual('Output letters: abcdefghi'); + expect(limitedLongNumber.getText()).toEqual('Output long number: 2345432342'); + }); + +
+*/ +function limitToFilter() { + return function(input, limit, begin) { + if (Math.abs(Number(limit)) === Infinity) { + limit = Number(limit); + } else { + limit = toInt(limit); + } + if (isNaN(limit)) return input; + + if (isNumber(input)) input = input.toString(); + if (!isArray(input) && !isString(input)) return input; + + begin = (!begin || isNaN(begin)) ? 0 : toInt(begin); + begin = (begin < 0) ? Math.max(0, input.length + begin) : begin; + + if (limit >= 0) { + return input.slice(begin, begin + limit); + } else { + if (begin === 0) { + return input.slice(limit, input.length); + } else { + return input.slice(Math.max(0, begin + limit), begin); + } + } + }; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc filter + * @name orderBy + * @kind function + * + * @description + * Orders a specified `array` by the `expression` predicate. It is ordered alphabetically + * for strings and numerically for numbers. Note: if you notice numbers are not being sorted + * as expected, make sure they are actually being saved as numbers and not strings. + * Array-like values (e.g. NodeLists, jQuery objects, TypedArrays, Strings, etc) are also supported. + * + * @param {Array} array The array (or array-like object) to sort. + * @param {function(*)|string|Array.<(function(*)|string)>=} expression A predicate to be + * used by the comparator to determine the order of elements. + * + * Can be one of: + * + * - `function`: Getter function. The result of this function will be sorted using the + * `<`, `===`, `>` operator. + * - `string`: An Angular expression. The result of this expression is used to compare elements + * (for example `name` to sort by a property called `name` or `name.substr(0, 3)` to sort by + * 3 first characters of a property called `name`). The result of a constant expression + * is interpreted as a property name to be used in comparisons (for example `"special name"` + * to sort object by the value of their `special name` property). An expression can be + * optionally prefixed with `+` or `-` to control ascending or descending sort order + * (for example, `+name` or `-name`). If no property is provided, (e.g. `'+'`) then the array + * element itself is used to compare where sorting. + * - `Array`: An array of function or string predicates. The first predicate in the array + * is used for sorting, but when two items are equivalent, the next predicate is used. + * + * If the predicate is missing or empty then it defaults to `'+'`. + * + * @param {boolean=} reverse Reverse the order of the array. + * @returns {Array} Sorted copy of the source array. + * + * + * @example + * The example below demonstrates a simple ngRepeat, where the data is sorted + * by age in descending order (predicate is set to `'-age'`). + * `reverse` is not set, which means it defaults to `false`. + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
NamePhone NumberAge
+ + angular.module('orderByExample', []) + .controller('ExampleController', ['$scope', function($scope) { + $scope.friends = + [{name:'John', phone:'555-1212', age:10}, + {name:'Mary', phone:'555-9876', age:19}, + {name:'Mike', phone:'555-4321', age:21}, + {name:'Adam', phone:'555-5678', age:35}, + {name:'Julie', phone:'555-8765', age:29}]; + }]); + +
+ * + * The predicate and reverse parameters can be controlled dynamically through scope properties, + * as shown in the next example. + * @example + + +
Sorting predicate = {{predicate}}; reverse = {{reverse}}
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + +
+ + angular.module('orderByExample', []) + .controller('ExampleController', ['$scope', function($scope) { + $scope.friends = + [{name:'John', phone:'555-1212', age:10}, + {name:'Mary', phone:'555-9876', age:19}, + {name:'Mike', phone:'555-4321', age:21}, + {name:'Adam', phone:'555-5678', age:35}, + {name:'Julie', phone:'555-8765', age:29}]; + $scope.predicate = 'age'; + $scope.reverse = true; + $scope.order = function(predicate) { + $scope.reverse = ($scope.predicate === predicate) ? !$scope.reverse : false; + $scope.predicate = predicate; + }; + }]); + + + .sortorder:after { + content: '\25b2'; + } + .sortorder.reverse:after { + content: '\25bc'; + } + +
+ * + * It's also possible to call the orderBy filter manually, by injecting `$filter`, retrieving the + * filter routine with `$filter('orderBy')`, and calling the returned filter routine with the + * desired parameters. + * + * Example: + * + * @example + + +
Sorting predicate = {{predicate}}; reverse = {{reverse}}
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + +
+ + + angular.module('orderByExample', []) + .controller('ExampleController', ['$scope', '$filter', function($scope, $filter) { + var orderBy = $filter('orderBy'); + $scope.friends = [ + { name: 'John', phone: '555-1212', age: 10 }, + { name: 'Mary', phone: '555-9876', age: 19 }, + { name: 'Mike', phone: '555-4321', age: 21 }, + { name: 'Adam', phone: '555-5678', age: 35 }, + { name: 'Julie', phone: '555-8765', age: 29 } + ]; + $scope.order = function(predicate) { + $scope.predicate = predicate; + $scope.reverse = ($scope.predicate === predicate) ? !$scope.reverse : false; + $scope.friends = orderBy($scope.friends, predicate, $scope.reverse); + }; + $scope.order('age', true); + }]); + + + + .sortorder:after { + content: '\25b2'; + } + .sortorder.reverse:after { + content: '\25bc'; + } + +
+ */ +orderByFilter.$inject = ['$parse']; +function orderByFilter($parse) { + return function(array, sortPredicate, reverseOrder) { + + if (array == null) return array; + if (!isArrayLike(array)) { + throw minErr('orderBy')('notarray', 'Expected array but received: {0}', array); + } + + if (!isArray(sortPredicate)) { sortPredicate = [sortPredicate]; } + if (sortPredicate.length === 0) { sortPredicate = ['+']; } + + var predicates = processPredicates(sortPredicate, reverseOrder); + // Add a predicate at the end that evaluates to the element index. This makes the + // sort stable as it works as a tie-breaker when all the input predicates cannot + // distinguish between two elements. + predicates.push({ get: function() { return {}; }, descending: reverseOrder ? -1 : 1}); + + // The next three lines are a version of a Swartzian Transform idiom from Perl + // (sometimes called the Decorate-Sort-Undecorate idiom) + // See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwartzian_transform + var compareValues = Array.prototype.map.call(array, getComparisonObject); + compareValues.sort(doComparison); + array = compareValues.map(function(item) { return item.value; }); + + return array; + + function getComparisonObject(value, index) { + return { + value: value, + predicateValues: predicates.map(function(predicate) { + return getPredicateValue(predicate.get(value), index); + }) + }; + } + + function doComparison(v1, v2) { + var result = 0; + for (var index=0, length = predicates.length; index < length; ++index) { + result = compare(v1.predicateValues[index], v2.predicateValues[index]) * predicates[index].descending; + if (result) break; + } + return result; + } + }; + + function processPredicates(sortPredicate, reverseOrder) { + reverseOrder = reverseOrder ? -1 : 1; + return sortPredicate.map(function(predicate) { + var descending = 1, get = identity; + + if (isFunction(predicate)) { + get = predicate; + } else if (isString(predicate)) { + if ((predicate.charAt(0) == '+' || predicate.charAt(0) == '-')) { + descending = predicate.charAt(0) == '-' ? -1 : 1; + predicate = predicate.substring(1); + } + if (predicate !== '') { + get = $parse(predicate); + if (get.constant) { + var key = get(); + get = function(value) { return value[key]; }; + } + } + } + return { get: get, descending: descending * reverseOrder }; + }); + } + + function isPrimitive(value) { + switch (typeof value) { + case 'number': /* falls through */ + case 'boolean': /* falls through */ + case 'string': + return true; + default: + return false; + } + } + + function objectValue(value, index) { + // If `valueOf` is a valid function use that + if (typeof value.valueOf === 'function') { + value = value.valueOf(); + if (isPrimitive(value)) return value; + } + // If `toString` is a valid function and not the one from `Object.prototype` use that + if (hasCustomToString(value)) { + value = value.toString(); + if (isPrimitive(value)) return value; + } + // We have a basic object so we use the position of the object in the collection + return index; + } + + function getPredicateValue(value, index) { + var type = typeof value; + if (value === null) { + type = 'string'; + value = 'null'; + } else if (type === 'string') { + value = value.toLowerCase(); + } else if (type === 'object') { + value = objectValue(value, index); + } + return { value: value, type: type }; + } + + function compare(v1, v2) { + var result = 0; + if (v1.type === v2.type) { + if (v1.value !== v2.value) { + result = v1.value < v2.value ? -1 : 1; + } + } else { + result = v1.type < v2.type ? -1 : 1; + } + return result; + } +} + +function ngDirective(directive) { + if (isFunction(directive)) { + directive = { + link: directive + }; + } + directive.restrict = directive.restrict || 'AC'; + return valueFn(directive); +} + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name a + * @restrict E + * + * @description + * Modifies the default behavior of the html A tag so that the default action is prevented when + * the href attribute is empty. + * + * This change permits the easy creation of action links with the `ngClick` directive + * without changing the location or causing page reloads, e.g.: + * `Add Item` + */ +var htmlAnchorDirective = valueFn({ + restrict: 'E', + compile: function(element, attr) { + if (!attr.href && !attr.xlinkHref) { + return function(scope, element) { + // If the linked element is not an anchor tag anymore, do nothing + if (element[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'a') return; + + // SVGAElement does not use the href attribute, but rather the 'xlinkHref' attribute. + var href = toString.call(element.prop('href')) === '[object SVGAnimatedString]' ? + 'xlink:href' : 'href'; + element.on('click', function(event) { + // if we have no href url, then don't navigate anywhere. + if (!element.attr(href)) { + event.preventDefault(); + } + }); + }; + } + } +}); + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ngHref + * @restrict A + * @priority 99 + * + * @description + * Using Angular markup like `{{hash}}` in an href attribute will + * make the link go to the wrong URL if the user clicks it before + * Angular has a chance to replace the `{{hash}}` markup with its + * value. Until Angular replaces the markup the link will be broken + * and will most likely return a 404 error. The `ngHref` directive + * solves this problem. + * + * The wrong way to write it: + * ```html + * link1 + * ``` + * + * The correct way to write it: + * ```html + * link1 + * ``` + * + * @element A + * @param {template} ngHref any string which can contain `{{}}` markup. + * + * @example + * This example shows various combinations of `href`, `ng-href` and `ng-click` attributes + * in links and their different behaviors: + + +
+ link 1 (link, don't reload)
+ link 2 (link, don't reload)
+ link 3 (link, reload!)
+ anchor (link, don't reload)
+ anchor (no link)
+ link (link, change location) +
+ + it('should execute ng-click but not reload when href without value', function() { + element(by.id('link-1')).click(); + expect(element(by.model('value')).getAttribute('value')).toEqual('1'); + expect(element(by.id('link-1')).getAttribute('href')).toBe(''); + }); + + it('should execute ng-click but not reload when href empty string', function() { + element(by.id('link-2')).click(); + expect(element(by.model('value')).getAttribute('value')).toEqual('2'); + expect(element(by.id('link-2')).getAttribute('href')).toBe(''); + }); + + it('should execute ng-click and change url when ng-href specified', function() { + expect(element(by.id('link-3')).getAttribute('href')).toMatch(/\/123$/); + + element(by.id('link-3')).click(); + + // At this point, we navigate away from an Angular page, so we need + // to use browser.driver to get the base webdriver. + + browser.wait(function() { + return browser.driver.getCurrentUrl().then(function(url) { + return url.match(/\/123$/); + }); + }, 5000, 'page should navigate to /123'); + }); + + it('should execute ng-click but not reload when href empty string and name specified', function() { + element(by.id('link-4')).click(); + expect(element(by.model('value')).getAttribute('value')).toEqual('4'); + expect(element(by.id('link-4')).getAttribute('href')).toBe(''); + }); + + it('should execute ng-click but not reload when no href but name specified', function() { + element(by.id('link-5')).click(); + expect(element(by.model('value')).getAttribute('value')).toEqual('5'); + expect(element(by.id('link-5')).getAttribute('href')).toBe(null); + }); + + it('should only change url when only ng-href', function() { + element(by.model('value')).clear(); + element(by.model('value')).sendKeys('6'); + expect(element(by.id('link-6')).getAttribute('href')).toMatch(/\/6$/); + + element(by.id('link-6')).click(); + + // At this point, we navigate away from an Angular page, so we need + // to use browser.driver to get the base webdriver. + browser.wait(function() { + return browser.driver.getCurrentUrl().then(function(url) { + return url.match(/\/6$/); + }); + }, 5000, 'page should navigate to /6'); + }); + +
+ */ + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ngSrc + * @restrict A + * @priority 99 + * + * @description + * Using Angular markup like `{{hash}}` in a `src` attribute doesn't + * work right: The browser will fetch from the URL with the literal + * text `{{hash}}` until Angular replaces the expression inside + * `{{hash}}`. The `ngSrc` directive solves this problem. + * + * The buggy way to write it: + * ```html + * Description + * ``` + * + * The correct way to write it: + * ```html + * Description + * ``` + * + * @element IMG + * @param {template} ngSrc any string which can contain `{{}}` markup. + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ngSrcset + * @restrict A + * @priority 99 + * + * @description + * Using Angular markup like `{{hash}}` in a `srcset` attribute doesn't + * work right: The browser will fetch from the URL with the literal + * text `{{hash}}` until Angular replaces the expression inside + * `{{hash}}`. The `ngSrcset` directive solves this problem. + * + * The buggy way to write it: + * ```html + * Description + * ``` + * + * The correct way to write it: + * ```html + * Description + * ``` + * + * @element IMG + * @param {template} ngSrcset any string which can contain `{{}}` markup. + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ngDisabled + * @restrict A + * @priority 100 + * + * @description + * + * This directive sets the `disabled` attribute on the element if the + * {@link guide/expression expression} inside `ngDisabled` evaluates to truthy. + * + * A special directive is necessary because we cannot use interpolation inside the `disabled` + * attribute. See the {@link guide/interpolation interpolation guide} for more info. + * + * @example + + +
+ +
+ + it('should toggle button', function() { + expect(element(by.css('button')).getAttribute('disabled')).toBeFalsy(); + element(by.model('checked')).click(); + expect(element(by.css('button')).getAttribute('disabled')).toBeTruthy(); + }); + +
+ * + * @element INPUT + * @param {expression} ngDisabled If the {@link guide/expression expression} is truthy, + * then the `disabled` attribute will be set on the element + */ + + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ngChecked + * @restrict A + * @priority 100 + * + * @description + * Sets the `checked` attribute on the element, if the expression inside `ngChecked` is truthy. + * + * Note that this directive should not be used together with {@link ngModel `ngModel`}, + * as this can lead to unexpected behavior. + * + * A special directive is necessary because we cannot use interpolation inside the `checked` + * attribute. See the {@link guide/interpolation interpolation guide} for more info. + * + * @example + + +
+ +
+ + it('should check both checkBoxes', function() { + expect(element(by.id('checkSlave')).getAttribute('checked')).toBeFalsy(); + element(by.model('master')).click(); + expect(element(by.id('checkSlave')).getAttribute('checked')).toBeTruthy(); + }); + +
+ * + * @element INPUT + * @param {expression} ngChecked If the {@link guide/expression expression} is truthy, + * then the `checked` attribute will be set on the element + */ + + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ngReadonly + * @restrict A + * @priority 100 + * + * @description + * + * Sets the `readOnly` attribute on the element, if the expression inside `ngReadonly` is truthy. + * + * A special directive is necessary because we cannot use interpolation inside the `readOnly` + * attribute. See the {@link guide/interpolation interpolation guide} for more info. + * + * @example + + +
+ +
+ + it('should toggle readonly attr', function() { + expect(element(by.css('[type="text"]')).getAttribute('readonly')).toBeFalsy(); + element(by.model('checked')).click(); + expect(element(by.css('[type="text"]')).getAttribute('readonly')).toBeTruthy(); + }); + +
+ * + * @element INPUT + * @param {expression} ngReadonly If the {@link guide/expression expression} is truthy, + * then special attribute "readonly" will be set on the element + */ + + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ngSelected + * @restrict A + * @priority 100 + * + * @description + * + * Sets the `selected` attribute on the element, if the expression inside `ngSelected` is truthy. + * + * A special directive is necessary because we cannot use interpolation inside the `selected` + * attribute. See the {@link guide/interpolation interpolation guide} for more info. + * + * @example + + +
+ +
+ + it('should select Greetings!', function() { + expect(element(by.id('greet')).getAttribute('selected')).toBeFalsy(); + element(by.model('selected')).click(); + expect(element(by.id('greet')).getAttribute('selected')).toBeTruthy(); + }); + +
+ * + * @element OPTION + * @param {expression} ngSelected If the {@link guide/expression expression} is truthy, + * then special attribute "selected" will be set on the element + */ + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ngOpen + * @restrict A + * @priority 100 + * + * @description + * + * Sets the `open` attribute on the element, if the expression inside `ngOpen` is truthy. + * + * A special directive is necessary because we cannot use interpolation inside the `open` + * attribute. See the {@link guide/interpolation interpolation guide} for more info. + * + * @example + + +
+ Show/Hide me +
+ + it('should toggle open', function() { + expect(element(by.id('details')).getAttribute('open')).toBeFalsy(); + element(by.model('open')).click(); + expect(element(by.id('details')).getAttribute('open')).toBeTruthy(); + }); + +
+ * + * @element DETAILS + * @param {expression} ngOpen If the {@link guide/expression expression} is truthy, + * then special attribute "open" will be set on the element + */ + +var ngAttributeAliasDirectives = {}; + +// boolean attrs are evaluated +forEach(BOOLEAN_ATTR, function(propName, attrName) { + // binding to multiple is not supported + if (propName == "multiple") return; + + function defaultLinkFn(scope, element, attr) { + scope.$watch(attr[normalized], function ngBooleanAttrWatchAction(value) { + attr.$set(attrName, !!value); + }); + } + + var normalized = directiveNormalize('ng-' + attrName); + var linkFn = defaultLinkFn; + + if (propName === 'checked') { + linkFn = function(scope, element, attr) { + // ensuring ngChecked doesn't interfere with ngModel when both are set on the same input + if (attr.ngModel !== attr[normalized]) { + defaultLinkFn(scope, element, attr); + } + }; + } + + ngAttributeAliasDirectives[normalized] = function() { + return { + restrict: 'A', + priority: 100, + link: linkFn + }; + }; +}); + +// aliased input attrs are evaluated +forEach(ALIASED_ATTR, function(htmlAttr, ngAttr) { + ngAttributeAliasDirectives[ngAttr] = function() { + return { + priority: 100, + link: function(scope, element, attr) { + //special case ngPattern when a literal regular expression value + //is used as the expression (this way we don't have to watch anything). + if (ngAttr === "ngPattern" && attr.ngPattern.charAt(0) == "/") { + var match = attr.ngPattern.match(REGEX_STRING_REGEXP); + if (match) { + attr.$set("ngPattern", new RegExp(match[1], match[2])); + return; + } + } + + scope.$watch(attr[ngAttr], function ngAttrAliasWatchAction(value) { + attr.$set(ngAttr, value); + }); + } + }; + }; +}); + +// ng-src, ng-srcset, ng-href are interpolated +forEach(['src', 'srcset', 'href'], function(attrName) { + var normalized = directiveNormalize('ng-' + attrName); + ngAttributeAliasDirectives[normalized] = function() { + return { + priority: 99, // it needs to run after the attributes are interpolated + link: function(scope, element, attr) { + var propName = attrName, + name = attrName; + + if (attrName === 'href' && + toString.call(element.prop('href')) === '[object SVGAnimatedString]') { + name = 'xlinkHref'; + attr.$attr[name] = 'xlink:href'; + propName = null; + } + + attr.$observe(normalized, function(value) { + if (!value) { + if (attrName === 'href') { + attr.$set(name, null); + } + return; + } + + attr.$set(name, value); + + // on IE, if "ng:src" directive declaration is used and "src" attribute doesn't exist + // then calling element.setAttribute('src', 'foo') doesn't do anything, so we need + // to set the property as well to achieve the desired effect. + // we use attr[attrName] value since $set can sanitize the url. + if (msie && propName) element.prop(propName, attr[name]); + }); + } + }; + }; +}); + +/* global -nullFormCtrl, -SUBMITTED_CLASS, addSetValidityMethod: true + */ +var nullFormCtrl = { + $addControl: noop, + $$renameControl: nullFormRenameControl, + $removeControl: noop, + $setValidity: noop, + $setDirty: noop, + $setPristine: noop, + $setSubmitted: noop +}, +SUBMITTED_CLASS = 'ng-submitted'; + +function nullFormRenameControl(control, name) { + control.$name = name; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc type + * @name form.FormController + * + * @property {boolean} $pristine True if user has not interacted with the form yet. + * @property {boolean} $dirty True if user has already interacted with the form. + * @property {boolean} $valid True if all of the containing forms and controls are valid. + * @property {boolean} $invalid True if at least one containing control or form is invalid. + * @property {boolean} $pending True if at least one containing control or form is pending. + * @property {boolean} $submitted True if user has submitted the form even if its invalid. + * + * @property {Object} $error Is an object hash, containing references to controls or + * forms with failing validators, where: + * + * - keys are validation tokens (error names), + * - values are arrays of controls or forms that have a failing validator for given error name. + * + * Built-in validation tokens: + * + * - `email` + * - `max` + * - `maxlength` + * - `min` + * - `minlength` + * - `number` + * - `pattern` + * - `required` + * - `url` + * - `date` + * - `datetimelocal` + * - `time` + * - `week` + * - `month` + * + * @description + * `FormController` keeps track of all its controls and nested forms as well as the state of them, + * such as being valid/invalid or dirty/pristine. + * + * Each {@link ng.directive:form form} directive creates an instance + * of `FormController`. + * + */ +//asks for $scope to fool the BC controller module +FormController.$inject = ['$element', '$attrs', '$scope', '$animate', '$interpolate']; +function FormController(element, attrs, $scope, $animate, $interpolate) { + var form = this, + controls = []; + + // init state + form.$error = {}; + form.$$success = {}; + form.$pending = undefined; + form.$name = $interpolate(attrs.name || attrs.ngForm || '')($scope); + form.$dirty = false; + form.$pristine = true; + form.$valid = true; + form.$invalid = false; + form.$submitted = false; + form.$$parentForm = nullFormCtrl; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name form.FormController#$rollbackViewValue + * + * @description + * Rollback all form controls pending updates to the `$modelValue`. + * + * Updates may be pending by a debounced event or because the input is waiting for a some future + * event defined in `ng-model-options`. This method is typically needed by the reset button of + * a form that uses `ng-model-options` to pend updates. + */ + form.$rollbackViewValue = function() { + forEach(controls, function(control) { + control.$rollbackViewValue(); + }); + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name form.FormController#$commitViewValue + * + * @description + * Commit all form controls pending updates to the `$modelValue`. + * + * Updates may be pending by a debounced event or because the input is waiting for a some future + * event defined in `ng-model-options`. This method is rarely needed as `NgModelController` + * usually handles calling this in response to input events. + */ + form.$commitViewValue = function() { + forEach(controls, function(control) { + control.$commitViewValue(); + }); + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name form.FormController#$addControl + * @param {object} control control object, either a {@link form.FormController} or an + * {@link ngModel.NgModelController} + * + * @description + * Register a control with the form. Input elements using ngModelController do this automatically + * when they are linked. + * + * Note that the current state of the control will not be reflected on the new parent form. This + * is not an issue with normal use, as freshly compiled and linked controls are in a `$pristine` + * state. + * + * However, if the method is used programmatically, for example by adding dynamically created controls, + * or controls that have been previously removed without destroying their corresponding DOM element, + * it's the developers responsibility to make sure the current state propagates to the parent form. + * + * For example, if an input control is added that is already `$dirty` and has `$error` properties, + * calling `$setDirty()` and `$validate()` afterwards will propagate the state to the parent form. + */ + form.$addControl = function(control) { + // Breaking change - before, inputs whose name was "hasOwnProperty" were quietly ignored + // and not added to the scope. Now we throw an error. + assertNotHasOwnProperty(control.$name, 'input'); + controls.push(control); + + if (control.$name) { + form[control.$name] = control; + } + + control.$$parentForm = form; + }; + + // Private API: rename a form control + form.$$renameControl = function(control, newName) { + var oldName = control.$name; + + if (form[oldName] === control) { + delete form[oldName]; + } + form[newName] = control; + control.$name = newName; + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name form.FormController#$removeControl + * @param {object} control control object, either a {@link form.FormController} or an + * {@link ngModel.NgModelController} + * + * @description + * Deregister a control from the form. + * + * Input elements using ngModelController do this automatically when they are destroyed. + * + * Note that only the removed control's validation state (`$errors`etc.) will be removed from the + * form. `$dirty`, `$submitted` states will not be changed, because the expected behavior can be + * different from case to case. For example, removing the only `$dirty` control from a form may or + * may not mean that the form is still `$dirty`. + */ + form.$removeControl = function(control) { + if (control.$name && form[control.$name] === control) { + delete form[control.$name]; + } + forEach(form.$pending, function(value, name) { + form.$setValidity(name, null, control); + }); + forEach(form.$error, function(value, name) { + form.$setValidity(name, null, control); + }); + forEach(form.$$success, function(value, name) { + form.$setValidity(name, null, control); + }); + + arrayRemove(controls, control); + control.$$parentForm = nullFormCtrl; + }; + + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name form.FormController#$setValidity + * + * @description + * Sets the validity of a form control. + * + * This method will also propagate to parent forms. + */ + addSetValidityMethod({ + ctrl: this, + $element: element, + set: function(object, property, controller) { + var list = object[property]; + if (!list) { + object[property] = [controller]; + } else { + var index = list.indexOf(controller); + if (index === -1) { + list.push(controller); + } + } + }, + unset: function(object, property, controller) { + var list = object[property]; + if (!list) { + return; + } + arrayRemove(list, controller); + if (list.length === 0) { + delete object[property]; + } + }, + $animate: $animate + }); + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name form.FormController#$setDirty + * + * @description + * Sets the form to a dirty state. + * + * This method can be called to add the 'ng-dirty' class and set the form to a dirty + * state (ng-dirty class). This method will also propagate to parent forms. + */ + form.$setDirty = function() { + $animate.removeClass(element, PRISTINE_CLASS); + $animate.addClass(element, DIRTY_CLASS); + form.$dirty = true; + form.$pristine = false; + form.$$parentForm.$setDirty(); + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name form.FormController#$setPristine + * + * @description + * Sets the form to its pristine state. + * + * This method can be called to remove the 'ng-dirty' class and set the form to its pristine + * state (ng-pristine class). This method will also propagate to all the controls contained + * in this form. + * + * Setting a form back to a pristine state is often useful when we want to 'reuse' a form after + * saving or resetting it. + */ + form.$setPristine = function() { + $animate.setClass(element, PRISTINE_CLASS, DIRTY_CLASS + ' ' + SUBMITTED_CLASS); + form.$dirty = false; + form.$pristine = true; + form.$submitted = false; + forEach(controls, function(control) { + control.$setPristine(); + }); + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name form.FormController#$setUntouched + * + * @description + * Sets the form to its untouched state. + * + * This method can be called to remove the 'ng-touched' class and set the form controls to their + * untouched state (ng-untouched class). + * + * Setting a form controls back to their untouched state is often useful when setting the form + * back to its pristine state. + */ + form.$setUntouched = function() { + forEach(controls, function(control) { + control.$setUntouched(); + }); + }; + + /** + * @ngdoc method + * @name form.FormController#$setSubmitted + * + * @description + * Sets the form to its submitted state. + */ + form.$setSubmitted = function() { + $animate.addClass(element, SUBMITTED_CLASS); + form.$submitted = true; + form.$$parentForm.$setSubmitted(); + }; +} + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ngForm + * @restrict EAC + * + * @description + * Nestable alias of {@link ng.directive:form `form`} directive. HTML + * does not allow nesting of form elements. It is useful to nest forms, for example if the validity of a + * sub-group of controls needs to be determined. + * + * Note: the purpose of `ngForm` is to group controls, + * but not to be a replacement for the `
` tag with all of its capabilities + * (e.g. posting to the server, ...). + * + * @param {string=} ngForm|name Name of the form. If specified, the form controller will be published into + * related scope, under this name. + * + */ + + /** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name form + * @restrict E + * + * @description + * Directive that instantiates + * {@link form.FormController FormController}. + * + * If the `name` attribute is specified, the form controller is published onto the current scope under + * this name. + * + * # Alias: {@link ng.directive:ngForm `ngForm`} + * + * In Angular, forms can be nested. This means that the outer form is valid when all of the child + * forms are valid as well. However, browsers do not allow nesting of `` elements, so + * Angular provides the {@link ng.directive:ngForm `ngForm`} directive, which behaves identically to + * `form` but can be nested. Nested forms can be useful, for example, if the validity of a sub-group + * of controls needs to be determined. + * + * # CSS classes + * - `ng-valid` is set if the form is valid. + * - `ng-invalid` is set if the form is invalid. + * - `ng-pending` is set if the form is pending. + * - `ng-pristine` is set if the form is pristine. + * - `ng-dirty` is set if the form is dirty. + * - `ng-submitted` is set if the form was submitted. + * + * Keep in mind that ngAnimate can detect each of these classes when added and removed. + * + * + * # Submitting a form and preventing the default action + * + * Since the role of forms in client-side Angular applications is different than in classical + * roundtrip apps, it is desirable for the browser not to translate the form submission into a full + * page reload that sends the data to the server. Instead some javascript logic should be triggered + * to handle the form submission in an application-specific way. + * + * For this reason, Angular prevents the default action (form submission to the server) unless the + * `` element has an `action` attribute specified. + * + * You can use one of the following two ways to specify what javascript method should be called when + * a form is submitted: + * + * - {@link ng.directive:ngSubmit ngSubmit} directive on the form element + * - {@link ng.directive:ngClick ngClick} directive on the first + * button or input field of type submit (input[type=submit]) + * + * To prevent double execution of the handler, use only one of the {@link ng.directive:ngSubmit ngSubmit} + * or {@link ng.directive:ngClick ngClick} directives. + * This is because of the following form submission rules in the HTML specification: + * + * - If a form has only one input field then hitting enter in this field triggers form submit + * (`ngSubmit`) + * - if a form has 2+ input fields and no buttons or input[type=submit] then hitting enter + * doesn't trigger submit + * - if a form has one or more input fields and one or more buttons or input[type=submit] then + * hitting enter in any of the input fields will trigger the click handler on the *first* button or + * input[type=submit] (`ngClick`) *and* a submit handler on the enclosing form (`ngSubmit`) + * + * Any pending `ngModelOptions` changes will take place immediately when an enclosing form is + * submitted. Note that `ngClick` events will occur before the model is updated. Use `ngSubmit` + * to have access to the updated model. + * + * ## Animation Hooks + * + * Animations in ngForm are triggered when any of the associated CSS classes are added and removed. + * These classes are: `.ng-pristine`, `.ng-dirty`, `.ng-invalid` and `.ng-valid` as well as any + * other validations that are performed within the form. Animations in ngForm are similar to how + * they work in ngClass and animations can be hooked into using CSS transitions, keyframes as well + * as JS animations. + * + * The following example shows a simple way to utilize CSS transitions to style a form element + * that has been rendered as invalid after it has been validated: + * + *
+ * //be sure to include ngAnimate as a module to hook into more
+ * //advanced animations
+ * .my-form {
+ *   transition:0.5s linear all;
+ *   background: white;
+ * }
+ * .my-form.ng-invalid {
+ *   background: red;
+ *   color:white;
+ * }
+ * 
+ * + * @example + + + + + + userType: + Required!
+ userType = {{userType}}
+ myForm.input.$valid = {{myForm.input.$valid}}
+ myForm.input.$error = {{myForm.input.$error}}
+ myForm.$valid = {{myForm.$valid}}
+ myForm.$error.required = {{!!myForm.$error.required}}
+ +
+ + it('should initialize to model', function() { + var userType = element(by.binding('userType')); + var valid = element(by.binding('myForm.input.$valid')); + + expect(userType.getText()).toContain('guest'); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('true'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if empty', function() { + var userType = element(by.binding('userType')); + var valid = element(by.binding('myForm.input.$valid')); + var userInput = element(by.model('userType')); + + userInput.clear(); + userInput.sendKeys(''); + + expect(userType.getText()).toEqual('userType ='); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('false'); + }); + +
+ * + * @param {string=} name Name of the form. If specified, the form controller will be published into + * related scope, under this name. + */ +var formDirectiveFactory = function(isNgForm) { + return ['$timeout', '$parse', function($timeout, $parse) { + var formDirective = { + name: 'form', + restrict: isNgForm ? 'EAC' : 'E', + require: ['form', '^^?form'], //first is the form's own ctrl, second is an optional parent form + controller: FormController, + compile: function ngFormCompile(formElement, attr) { + // Setup initial state of the control + formElement.addClass(PRISTINE_CLASS).addClass(VALID_CLASS); + + var nameAttr = attr.name ? 'name' : (isNgForm && attr.ngForm ? 'ngForm' : false); + + return { + pre: function ngFormPreLink(scope, formElement, attr, ctrls) { + var controller = ctrls[0]; + + // if `action` attr is not present on the form, prevent the default action (submission) + if (!('action' in attr)) { + // we can't use jq events because if a form is destroyed during submission the default + // action is not prevented. see #1238 + // + // IE 9 is not affected because it doesn't fire a submit event and try to do a full + // page reload if the form was destroyed by submission of the form via a click handler + // on a button in the form. Looks like an IE9 specific bug. + var handleFormSubmission = function(event) { + scope.$apply(function() { + controller.$commitViewValue(); + controller.$setSubmitted(); + }); + + event.preventDefault(); + }; + + addEventListenerFn(formElement[0], 'submit', handleFormSubmission); + + // unregister the preventDefault listener so that we don't not leak memory but in a + // way that will achieve the prevention of the default action. + formElement.on('$destroy', function() { + $timeout(function() { + removeEventListenerFn(formElement[0], 'submit', handleFormSubmission); + }, 0, false); + }); + } + + var parentFormCtrl = ctrls[1] || controller.$$parentForm; + parentFormCtrl.$addControl(controller); + + var setter = nameAttr ? getSetter(controller.$name) : noop; + + if (nameAttr) { + setter(scope, controller); + attr.$observe(nameAttr, function(newValue) { + if (controller.$name === newValue) return; + setter(scope, undefined); + controller.$$parentForm.$$renameControl(controller, newValue); + setter = getSetter(controller.$name); + setter(scope, controller); + }); + } + formElement.on('$destroy', function() { + controller.$$parentForm.$removeControl(controller); + setter(scope, undefined); + extend(controller, nullFormCtrl); //stop propagating child destruction handlers upwards + }); + } + }; + } + }; + + return formDirective; + + function getSetter(expression) { + if (expression === '') { + //create an assignable expression, so forms with an empty name can be renamed later + return $parse('this[""]').assign; + } + return $parse(expression).assign || noop; + } + }]; +}; + +var formDirective = formDirectiveFactory(); +var ngFormDirective = formDirectiveFactory(true); + +/* global VALID_CLASS: false, + INVALID_CLASS: false, + PRISTINE_CLASS: false, + DIRTY_CLASS: false, + UNTOUCHED_CLASS: false, + TOUCHED_CLASS: false, + ngModelMinErr: false, +*/ + +// Regex code was initially obtained from SO prior to modification: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3143070/javascript-regex-iso-datetime#answer-3143231 +var ISO_DATE_REGEXP = /^\d{4,}-[01]\d-[0-3]\dT[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d\.\d+(?:[+-][0-2]\d:[0-5]\d|Z)$/; +// See valid URLs in RFC3987 (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3987) +// Note: We are being more lenient, because browsers are too. +// 1. Scheme +// 2. Slashes +// 3. Username +// 4. Password +// 5. Hostname +// 6. Port +// 7. Path +// 8. Query +// 9. Fragment +// 1111111111111111 222 333333 44444 555555555555555555555555 666 77777777 8888888 999 +var URL_REGEXP = /^[a-z][a-z\d.+-]*:\/*(?:[^:@]+(?::[^@]+)?@)?(?:[^\s:/?#]+|\[[a-f\d:]+\])(?::\d+)?(?:\/[^?#]*)?(?:\?[^#]*)?(?:#.*)?$/i; +var EMAIL_REGEXP = /^[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~.-]+@[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)*$/i; +var NUMBER_REGEXP = /^\s*(\-|\+)?(\d+|(\d*(\.\d*)))([eE][+-]?\d+)?\s*$/; +var DATE_REGEXP = /^(\d{4,})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/; +var DATETIMELOCAL_REGEXP = /^(\d{4,})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d)(\.\d{1,3})?)?$/; +var WEEK_REGEXP = /^(\d{4,})-W(\d\d)$/; +var MONTH_REGEXP = /^(\d{4,})-(\d\d)$/; +var TIME_REGEXP = /^(\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d)(\.\d{1,3})?)?$/; + +var PARTIAL_VALIDATION_EVENTS = 'keydown wheel mousedown'; +var PARTIAL_VALIDATION_TYPES = createMap(); +forEach('date,datetime-local,month,time,week'.split(','), function(type) { + PARTIAL_VALIDATION_TYPES[type] = true; +}); + +var inputType = { + + /** + * @ngdoc input + * @name input[text] + * + * @description + * Standard HTML text input with angular data binding, inherited by most of the `input` elements. + * + * + * @param {string} ngModel Assignable angular expression to data-bind to. + * @param {string=} name Property name of the form under which the control is published. + * @param {string=} required Adds `required` validation error key if the value is not entered. + * @param {string=} ngRequired Adds `required` attribute and `required` validation constraint to + * the element when the ngRequired expression evaluates to true. Use `ngRequired` instead of + * `required` when you want to data-bind to the `required` attribute. + * @param {number=} ngMinlength Sets `minlength` validation error key if the value is shorter than + * minlength. + * @param {number=} ngMaxlength Sets `maxlength` validation error key if the value is longer than + * maxlength. Setting the attribute to a negative or non-numeric value, allows view values of + * any length. + * @param {string=} pattern Similar to `ngPattern` except that the attribute value is the actual string + * that contains the regular expression body that will be converted to a regular expression + * as in the ngPattern directive. + * @param {string=} ngPattern Sets `pattern` validation error key if the ngModel {@link ngModel.NgModelController#$viewValue $viewValue} + * does not match a RegExp found by evaluating the Angular expression given in the attribute value. + * If the expression evaluates to a RegExp object, then this is used directly. + * If the expression evaluates to a string, then it will be converted to a RegExp + * after wrapping it in `^` and `$` characters. For instance, `"abc"` will be converted to + * `new RegExp('^abc$')`.
+ * **Note:** Avoid using the `g` flag on the RegExp, as it will cause each successive search to + * start at the index of the last search's match, thus not taking the whole input value into + * account. + * @param {string=} ngChange Angular expression to be executed when input changes due to user + * interaction with the input element. + * @param {boolean=} [ngTrim=true] If set to false Angular will not automatically trim the input. + * This parameter is ignored for input[type=password] controls, which will never trim the + * input. + * + * @example + + + +
+ +
+ + Required! + + Single word only! +
+ text = {{example.text}}
+ myForm.input.$valid = {{myForm.input.$valid}}
+ myForm.input.$error = {{myForm.input.$error}}
+ myForm.$valid = {{myForm.$valid}}
+ myForm.$error.required = {{!!myForm.$error.required}}
+ + var text = element(by.binding('example.text')); + var valid = element(by.binding('myForm.input.$valid')); + var input = element(by.model('example.text')); + + it('should initialize to model', function() { + expect(text.getText()).toContain('guest'); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('true'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if empty', function() { + input.clear(); + input.sendKeys(''); + + expect(text.getText()).toEqual('text ='); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('false'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if multi word', function() { + input.clear(); + input.sendKeys('hello world'); + + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('false'); + }); + +
+ */ + 'text': textInputType, + + /** + * @ngdoc input + * @name input[date] + * + * @description + * Input with date validation and transformation. In browsers that do not yet support + * the HTML5 date input, a text element will be used. In that case, text must be entered in a valid ISO-8601 + * date format (yyyy-MM-dd), for example: `2009-01-06`. Since many + * modern browsers do not yet support this input type, it is important to provide cues to users on the + * expected input format via a placeholder or label. + * + * The model must always be a Date object, otherwise Angular will throw an error. + * Invalid `Date` objects (dates whose `getTime()` is `NaN`) will be rendered as an empty string. + * + * The timezone to be used to read/write the `Date` instance in the model can be defined using + * {@link ng.directive:ngModelOptions ngModelOptions}. By default, this is the timezone of the browser. + * + * @param {string} ngModel Assignable angular expression to data-bind to. + * @param {string=} name Property name of the form under which the control is published. + * @param {string=} min Sets the `min` validation error key if the value entered is less than `min`. This must be a + * valid ISO date string (yyyy-MM-dd). You can also use interpolation inside this attribute + * (e.g. `min="{{minDate | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}}"`). Note that `min` will also add native HTML5 + * constraint validation. + * @param {string=} max Sets the `max` validation error key if the value entered is greater than `max`. This must be + * a valid ISO date string (yyyy-MM-dd). You can also use interpolation inside this attribute + * (e.g. `max="{{maxDate | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}}"`). Note that `max` will also add native HTML5 + * constraint validation. + * @param {(date|string)=} ngMin Sets the `min` validation constraint to the Date / ISO date string + * the `ngMin` expression evaluates to. Note that it does not set the `min` attribute. + * @param {(date|string)=} ngMax Sets the `max` validation constraint to the Date / ISO date string + * the `ngMax` expression evaluates to. Note that it does not set the `max` attribute. + * @param {string=} required Sets `required` validation error key if the value is not entered. + * @param {string=} ngRequired Adds `required` attribute and `required` validation constraint to + * the element when the ngRequired expression evaluates to true. Use `ngRequired` instead of + * `required` when you want to data-bind to the `required` attribute. + * @param {string=} ngChange Angular expression to be executed when input changes due to user + * interaction with the input element. + * + * @example + + + +
+ + +
+ + Required! + + Not a valid date! +
+ value = {{example.value | date: "yyyy-MM-dd"}}
+ myForm.input.$valid = {{myForm.input.$valid}}
+ myForm.input.$error = {{myForm.input.$error}}
+ myForm.$valid = {{myForm.$valid}}
+ myForm.$error.required = {{!!myForm.$error.required}}
+ + var value = element(by.binding('example.value | date: "yyyy-MM-dd"')); + var valid = element(by.binding('myForm.input.$valid')); + var input = element(by.model('example.value')); + + // currently protractor/webdriver does not support + // sending keys to all known HTML5 input controls + // for various browsers (see https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/562). + function setInput(val) { + // set the value of the element and force validation. + var scr = "var ipt = document.getElementById('exampleInput'); " + + "ipt.value = '" + val + "';" + + "angular.element(ipt).scope().$apply(function(s) { s.myForm[ipt.name].$setViewValue('" + val + "'); });"; + browser.executeScript(scr); + } + + it('should initialize to model', function() { + expect(value.getText()).toContain('2013-10-22'); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('myForm.input.$valid = true'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if empty', function() { + setInput(''); + expect(value.getText()).toEqual('value ='); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('myForm.input.$valid = false'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if over max', function() { + setInput('2015-01-01'); + expect(value.getText()).toContain(''); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('myForm.input.$valid = false'); + }); + +
+ */ + 'date': createDateInputType('date', DATE_REGEXP, + createDateParser(DATE_REGEXP, ['yyyy', 'MM', 'dd']), + 'yyyy-MM-dd'), + + /** + * @ngdoc input + * @name input[datetime-local] + * + * @description + * Input with datetime validation and transformation. In browsers that do not yet support + * the HTML5 date input, a text element will be used. In that case, the text must be entered in a valid ISO-8601 + * local datetime format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss), for example: `2010-12-28T14:57:00`. + * + * The model must always be a Date object, otherwise Angular will throw an error. + * Invalid `Date` objects (dates whose `getTime()` is `NaN`) will be rendered as an empty string. + * + * The timezone to be used to read/write the `Date` instance in the model can be defined using + * {@link ng.directive:ngModelOptions ngModelOptions}. By default, this is the timezone of the browser. + * + * @param {string} ngModel Assignable angular expression to data-bind to. + * @param {string=} name Property name of the form under which the control is published. + * @param {string=} min Sets the `min` validation error key if the value entered is less than `min`. + * This must be a valid ISO datetime format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss). You can also use interpolation + * inside this attribute (e.g. `min="{{minDatetimeLocal | date:'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss'}}"`). + * Note that `min` will also add native HTML5 constraint validation. + * @param {string=} max Sets the `max` validation error key if the value entered is greater than `max`. + * This must be a valid ISO datetime format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss). You can also use interpolation + * inside this attribute (e.g. `max="{{maxDatetimeLocal | date:'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss'}}"`). + * Note that `max` will also add native HTML5 constraint validation. + * @param {(date|string)=} ngMin Sets the `min` validation error key to the Date / ISO datetime string + * the `ngMin` expression evaluates to. Note that it does not set the `min` attribute. + * @param {(date|string)=} ngMax Sets the `max` validation error key to the Date / ISO datetime string + * the `ngMax` expression evaluates to. Note that it does not set the `max` attribute. + * @param {string=} required Sets `required` validation error key if the value is not entered. + * @param {string=} ngRequired Adds `required` attribute and `required` validation constraint to + * the element when the ngRequired expression evaluates to true. Use `ngRequired` instead of + * `required` when you want to data-bind to the `required` attribute. + * @param {string=} ngChange Angular expression to be executed when input changes due to user + * interaction with the input element. + * + * @example + + + +
+ + +
+ + Required! + + Not a valid date! +
+ value = {{example.value | date: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"}}
+ myForm.input.$valid = {{myForm.input.$valid}}
+ myForm.input.$error = {{myForm.input.$error}}
+ myForm.$valid = {{myForm.$valid}}
+ myForm.$error.required = {{!!myForm.$error.required}}
+ + var value = element(by.binding('example.value | date: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"')); + var valid = element(by.binding('myForm.input.$valid')); + var input = element(by.model('example.value')); + + // currently protractor/webdriver does not support + // sending keys to all known HTML5 input controls + // for various browsers (https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/562). + function setInput(val) { + // set the value of the element and force validation. + var scr = "var ipt = document.getElementById('exampleInput'); " + + "ipt.value = '" + val + "';" + + "angular.element(ipt).scope().$apply(function(s) { s.myForm[ipt.name].$setViewValue('" + val + "'); });"; + browser.executeScript(scr); + } + + it('should initialize to model', function() { + expect(value.getText()).toContain('2010-12-28T14:57:00'); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('myForm.input.$valid = true'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if empty', function() { + setInput(''); + expect(value.getText()).toEqual('value ='); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('myForm.input.$valid = false'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if over max', function() { + setInput('2015-01-01T23:59:00'); + expect(value.getText()).toContain(''); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('myForm.input.$valid = false'); + }); + +
+ */ + 'datetime-local': createDateInputType('datetimelocal', DATETIMELOCAL_REGEXP, + createDateParser(DATETIMELOCAL_REGEXP, ['yyyy', 'MM', 'dd', 'HH', 'mm', 'ss', 'sss']), + 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sss'), + + /** + * @ngdoc input + * @name input[time] + * + * @description + * Input with time validation and transformation. In browsers that do not yet support + * the HTML5 time input, a text element will be used. In that case, the text must be entered in a valid ISO-8601 + * local time format (HH:mm:ss), for example: `14:57:00`. Model must be a Date object. This binding will always output a + * Date object to the model of January 1, 1970, or local date `new Date(1970, 0, 1, HH, mm, ss)`. + * + * The model must always be a Date object, otherwise Angular will throw an error. + * Invalid `Date` objects (dates whose `getTime()` is `NaN`) will be rendered as an empty string. + * + * The timezone to be used to read/write the `Date` instance in the model can be defined using + * {@link ng.directive:ngModelOptions ngModelOptions}. By default, this is the timezone of the browser. + * + * @param {string} ngModel Assignable angular expression to data-bind to. + * @param {string=} name Property name of the form under which the control is published. + * @param {string=} min Sets the `min` validation error key if the value entered is less than `min`. + * This must be a valid ISO time format (HH:mm:ss). You can also use interpolation inside this + * attribute (e.g. `min="{{minTime | date:'HH:mm:ss'}}"`). Note that `min` will also add + * native HTML5 constraint validation. + * @param {string=} max Sets the `max` validation error key if the value entered is greater than `max`. + * This must be a valid ISO time format (HH:mm:ss). You can also use interpolation inside this + * attribute (e.g. `max="{{maxTime | date:'HH:mm:ss'}}"`). Note that `max` will also add + * native HTML5 constraint validation. + * @param {(date|string)=} ngMin Sets the `min` validation constraint to the Date / ISO time string the + * `ngMin` expression evaluates to. Note that it does not set the `min` attribute. + * @param {(date|string)=} ngMax Sets the `max` validation constraint to the Date / ISO time string the + * `ngMax` expression evaluates to. Note that it does not set the `max` attribute. + * @param {string=} required Sets `required` validation error key if the value is not entered. + * @param {string=} ngRequired Adds `required` attribute and `required` validation constraint to + * the element when the ngRequired expression evaluates to true. Use `ngRequired` instead of + * `required` when you want to data-bind to the `required` attribute. + * @param {string=} ngChange Angular expression to be executed when input changes due to user + * interaction with the input element. + * + * @example + + + +
+ + +
+ + Required! + + Not a valid date! +
+ value = {{example.value | date: "HH:mm:ss"}}
+ myForm.input.$valid = {{myForm.input.$valid}}
+ myForm.input.$error = {{myForm.input.$error}}
+ myForm.$valid = {{myForm.$valid}}
+ myForm.$error.required = {{!!myForm.$error.required}}
+ + var value = element(by.binding('example.value | date: "HH:mm:ss"')); + var valid = element(by.binding('myForm.input.$valid')); + var input = element(by.model('example.value')); + + // currently protractor/webdriver does not support + // sending keys to all known HTML5 input controls + // for various browsers (https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/562). + function setInput(val) { + // set the value of the element and force validation. + var scr = "var ipt = document.getElementById('exampleInput'); " + + "ipt.value = '" + val + "';" + + "angular.element(ipt).scope().$apply(function(s) { s.myForm[ipt.name].$setViewValue('" + val + "'); });"; + browser.executeScript(scr); + } + + it('should initialize to model', function() { + expect(value.getText()).toContain('14:57:00'); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('myForm.input.$valid = true'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if empty', function() { + setInput(''); + expect(value.getText()).toEqual('value ='); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('myForm.input.$valid = false'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if over max', function() { + setInput('23:59:00'); + expect(value.getText()).toContain(''); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('myForm.input.$valid = false'); + }); + +
+ */ + 'time': createDateInputType('time', TIME_REGEXP, + createDateParser(TIME_REGEXP, ['HH', 'mm', 'ss', 'sss']), + 'HH:mm:ss.sss'), + + /** + * @ngdoc input + * @name input[week] + * + * @description + * Input with week-of-the-year validation and transformation to Date. In browsers that do not yet support + * the HTML5 week input, a text element will be used. In that case, the text must be entered in a valid ISO-8601 + * week format (yyyy-W##), for example: `2013-W02`. + * + * The model must always be a Date object, otherwise Angular will throw an error. + * Invalid `Date` objects (dates whose `getTime()` is `NaN`) will be rendered as an empty string. + * + * The timezone to be used to read/write the `Date` instance in the model can be defined using + * {@link ng.directive:ngModelOptions ngModelOptions}. By default, this is the timezone of the browser. + * + * @param {string} ngModel Assignable angular expression to data-bind to. + * @param {string=} name Property name of the form under which the control is published. + * @param {string=} min Sets the `min` validation error key if the value entered is less than `min`. + * This must be a valid ISO week format (yyyy-W##). You can also use interpolation inside this + * attribute (e.g. `min="{{minWeek | date:'yyyy-Www'}}"`). Note that `min` will also add + * native HTML5 constraint validation. + * @param {string=} max Sets the `max` validation error key if the value entered is greater than `max`. + * This must be a valid ISO week format (yyyy-W##). You can also use interpolation inside this + * attribute (e.g. `max="{{maxWeek | date:'yyyy-Www'}}"`). Note that `max` will also add + * native HTML5 constraint validation. + * @param {(date|string)=} ngMin Sets the `min` validation constraint to the Date / ISO week string + * the `ngMin` expression evaluates to. Note that it does not set the `min` attribute. + * @param {(date|string)=} ngMax Sets the `max` validation constraint to the Date / ISO week string + * the `ngMax` expression evaluates to. Note that it does not set the `max` attribute. + * @param {string=} required Sets `required` validation error key if the value is not entered. + * @param {string=} ngRequired Adds `required` attribute and `required` validation constraint to + * the element when the ngRequired expression evaluates to true. Use `ngRequired` instead of + * `required` when you want to data-bind to the `required` attribute. + * @param {string=} ngChange Angular expression to be executed when input changes due to user + * interaction with the input element. + * + * @example + + + +
+ +
+ + Required! + + Not a valid date! +
+ value = {{example.value | date: "yyyy-Www"}}
+ myForm.input.$valid = {{myForm.input.$valid}}
+ myForm.input.$error = {{myForm.input.$error}}
+ myForm.$valid = {{myForm.$valid}}
+ myForm.$error.required = {{!!myForm.$error.required}}
+ + var value = element(by.binding('example.value | date: "yyyy-Www"')); + var valid = element(by.binding('myForm.input.$valid')); + var input = element(by.model('example.value')); + + // currently protractor/webdriver does not support + // sending keys to all known HTML5 input controls + // for various browsers (https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/562). + function setInput(val) { + // set the value of the element and force validation. + var scr = "var ipt = document.getElementById('exampleInput'); " + + "ipt.value = '" + val + "';" + + "angular.element(ipt).scope().$apply(function(s) { s.myForm[ipt.name].$setViewValue('" + val + "'); });"; + browser.executeScript(scr); + } + + it('should initialize to model', function() { + expect(value.getText()).toContain('2013-W01'); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('myForm.input.$valid = true'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if empty', function() { + setInput(''); + expect(value.getText()).toEqual('value ='); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('myForm.input.$valid = false'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if over max', function() { + setInput('2015-W01'); + expect(value.getText()).toContain(''); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('myForm.input.$valid = false'); + }); + +
+ */ + 'week': createDateInputType('week', WEEK_REGEXP, weekParser, 'yyyy-Www'), + + /** + * @ngdoc input + * @name input[month] + * + * @description + * Input with month validation and transformation. In browsers that do not yet support + * the HTML5 month input, a text element will be used. In that case, the text must be entered in a valid ISO-8601 + * month format (yyyy-MM), for example: `2009-01`. + * + * The model must always be a Date object, otherwise Angular will throw an error. + * Invalid `Date` objects (dates whose `getTime()` is `NaN`) will be rendered as an empty string. + * If the model is not set to the first of the month, the next view to model update will set it + * to the first of the month. + * + * The timezone to be used to read/write the `Date` instance in the model can be defined using + * {@link ng.directive:ngModelOptions ngModelOptions}. By default, this is the timezone of the browser. + * + * @param {string} ngModel Assignable angular expression to data-bind to. + * @param {string=} name Property name of the form under which the control is published. + * @param {string=} min Sets the `min` validation error key if the value entered is less than `min`. + * This must be a valid ISO month format (yyyy-MM). You can also use interpolation inside this + * attribute (e.g. `min="{{minMonth | date:'yyyy-MM'}}"`). Note that `min` will also add + * native HTML5 constraint validation. + * @param {string=} max Sets the `max` validation error key if the value entered is greater than `max`. + * This must be a valid ISO month format (yyyy-MM). You can also use interpolation inside this + * attribute (e.g. `max="{{maxMonth | date:'yyyy-MM'}}"`). Note that `max` will also add + * native HTML5 constraint validation. + * @param {(date|string)=} ngMin Sets the `min` validation constraint to the Date / ISO week string + * the `ngMin` expression evaluates to. Note that it does not set the `min` attribute. + * @param {(date|string)=} ngMax Sets the `max` validation constraint to the Date / ISO week string + * the `ngMax` expression evaluates to. Note that it does not set the `max` attribute. + + * @param {string=} required Sets `required` validation error key if the value is not entered. + * @param {string=} ngRequired Adds `required` attribute and `required` validation constraint to + * the element when the ngRequired expression evaluates to true. Use `ngRequired` instead of + * `required` when you want to data-bind to the `required` attribute. + * @param {string=} ngChange Angular expression to be executed when input changes due to user + * interaction with the input element. + * + * @example + + + +
+ + +
+ + Required! + + Not a valid month! +
+ value = {{example.value | date: "yyyy-MM"}}
+ myForm.input.$valid = {{myForm.input.$valid}}
+ myForm.input.$error = {{myForm.input.$error}}
+ myForm.$valid = {{myForm.$valid}}
+ myForm.$error.required = {{!!myForm.$error.required}}
+ + var value = element(by.binding('example.value | date: "yyyy-MM"')); + var valid = element(by.binding('myForm.input.$valid')); + var input = element(by.model('example.value')); + + // currently protractor/webdriver does not support + // sending keys to all known HTML5 input controls + // for various browsers (https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/562). + function setInput(val) { + // set the value of the element and force validation. + var scr = "var ipt = document.getElementById('exampleInput'); " + + "ipt.value = '" + val + "';" + + "angular.element(ipt).scope().$apply(function(s) { s.myForm[ipt.name].$setViewValue('" + val + "'); });"; + browser.executeScript(scr); + } + + it('should initialize to model', function() { + expect(value.getText()).toContain('2013-10'); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('myForm.input.$valid = true'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if empty', function() { + setInput(''); + expect(value.getText()).toEqual('value ='); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('myForm.input.$valid = false'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if over max', function() { + setInput('2015-01'); + expect(value.getText()).toContain(''); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('myForm.input.$valid = false'); + }); + +
+ */ + 'month': createDateInputType('month', MONTH_REGEXP, + createDateParser(MONTH_REGEXP, ['yyyy', 'MM']), + 'yyyy-MM'), + + /** + * @ngdoc input + * @name input[number] + * + * @description + * Text input with number validation and transformation. Sets the `number` validation + * error if not a valid number. + * + *
+ * The model must always be of type `number` otherwise Angular will throw an error. + * Be aware that a string containing a number is not enough. See the {@link ngModel:numfmt} + * error docs for more information and an example of how to convert your model if necessary. + *
+ * + * ## Issues with HTML5 constraint validation + * + * In browsers that follow the + * [HTML5 specification](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#number-state-%28type=number%29), + * `input[number]` does not work as expected with {@link ngModelOptions `ngModelOptions.allowInvalid`}. + * If a non-number is entered in the input, the browser will report the value as an empty string, + * which means the view / model values in `ngModel` and subsequently the scope value + * will also be an empty string. + * + * + * @param {string} ngModel Assignable angular expression to data-bind to. + * @param {string=} name Property name of the form under which the control is published. + * @param {string=} min Sets the `min` validation error key if the value entered is less than `min`. + * @param {string=} max Sets the `max` validation error key if the value entered is greater than `max`. + * @param {string=} required Sets `required` validation error key if the value is not entered. + * @param {string=} ngRequired Adds `required` attribute and `required` validation constraint to + * the element when the ngRequired expression evaluates to true. Use `ngRequired` instead of + * `required` when you want to data-bind to the `required` attribute. + * @param {number=} ngMinlength Sets `minlength` validation error key if the value is shorter than + * minlength. + * @param {number=} ngMaxlength Sets `maxlength` validation error key if the value is longer than + * maxlength. Setting the attribute to a negative or non-numeric value, allows view values of + * any length. + * @param {string=} pattern Similar to `ngPattern` except that the attribute value is the actual string + * that contains the regular expression body that will be converted to a regular expression + * as in the ngPattern directive. + * @param {string=} ngPattern Sets `pattern` validation error key if the ngModel {@link ngModel.NgModelController#$viewValue $viewValue} + * does not match a RegExp found by evaluating the Angular expression given in the attribute value. + * If the expression evaluates to a RegExp object, then this is used directly. + * If the expression evaluates to a string, then it will be converted to a RegExp + * after wrapping it in `^` and `$` characters. For instance, `"abc"` will be converted to + * `new RegExp('^abc$')`.
+ * **Note:** Avoid using the `g` flag on the RegExp, as it will cause each successive search to + * start at the index of the last search's match, thus not taking the whole input value into + * account. + * @param {string=} ngChange Angular expression to be executed when input changes due to user + * interaction with the input element. + * + * @example + + + +
+ +
+ + Required! + + Not valid number! +
+ value = {{example.value}}
+ myForm.input.$valid = {{myForm.input.$valid}}
+ myForm.input.$error = {{myForm.input.$error}}
+ myForm.$valid = {{myForm.$valid}}
+ myForm.$error.required = {{!!myForm.$error.required}}
+ + var value = element(by.binding('example.value')); + var valid = element(by.binding('myForm.input.$valid')); + var input = element(by.model('example.value')); + + it('should initialize to model', function() { + expect(value.getText()).toContain('12'); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('true'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if empty', function() { + input.clear(); + input.sendKeys(''); + expect(value.getText()).toEqual('value ='); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('false'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if over max', function() { + input.clear(); + input.sendKeys('123'); + expect(value.getText()).toEqual('value ='); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('false'); + }); + +
+ */ + 'number': numberInputType, + + + /** + * @ngdoc input + * @name input[url] + * + * @description + * Text input with URL validation. Sets the `url` validation error key if the content is not a + * valid URL. + * + *
+ * **Note:** `input[url]` uses a regex to validate urls that is derived from the regex + * used in Chromium. If you need stricter validation, you can use `ng-pattern` or modify + * the built-in validators (see the {@link guide/forms Forms guide}) + *
+ * + * @param {string} ngModel Assignable angular expression to data-bind to. + * @param {string=} name Property name of the form under which the control is published. + * @param {string=} required Sets `required` validation error key if the value is not entered. + * @param {string=} ngRequired Adds `required` attribute and `required` validation constraint to + * the element when the ngRequired expression evaluates to true. Use `ngRequired` instead of + * `required` when you want to data-bind to the `required` attribute. + * @param {number=} ngMinlength Sets `minlength` validation error key if the value is shorter than + * minlength. + * @param {number=} ngMaxlength Sets `maxlength` validation error key if the value is longer than + * maxlength. Setting the attribute to a negative or non-numeric value, allows view values of + * any length. + * @param {string=} pattern Similar to `ngPattern` except that the attribute value is the actual string + * that contains the regular expression body that will be converted to a regular expression + * as in the ngPattern directive. + * @param {string=} ngPattern Sets `pattern` validation error key if the ngModel {@link ngModel.NgModelController#$viewValue $viewValue} + * does not match a RegExp found by evaluating the Angular expression given in the attribute value. + * If the expression evaluates to a RegExp object, then this is used directly. + * If the expression evaluates to a string, then it will be converted to a RegExp + * after wrapping it in `^` and `$` characters. For instance, `"abc"` will be converted to + * `new RegExp('^abc$')`.
+ * **Note:** Avoid using the `g` flag on the RegExp, as it will cause each successive search to + * start at the index of the last search's match, thus not taking the whole input value into + * account. + * @param {string=} ngChange Angular expression to be executed when input changes due to user + * interaction with the input element. + * + * @example + + + +
+ + var text = element(by.binding('url.text')); + var valid = element(by.binding('myForm.input.$valid')); + var input = element(by.model('url.text')); + + it('should initialize to model', function() { + expect(text.getText()).toContain('http://google.com'); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('true'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if empty', function() { + input.clear(); + input.sendKeys(''); + + expect(text.getText()).toEqual('text ='); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('false'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if not url', function() { + input.clear(); + input.sendKeys('box'); + + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('false'); + }); + +
+ */ + 'url': urlInputType, + + + /** + * @ngdoc input + * @name input[email] + * + * @description + * Text input with email validation. Sets the `email` validation error key if not a valid email + * address. + * + *
+ * **Note:** `input[email]` uses a regex to validate email addresses that is derived from the regex + * used in Chromium. If you need stricter validation (e.g. requiring a top-level domain), you can + * use `ng-pattern` or modify the built-in validators (see the {@link guide/forms Forms guide}) + *
+ * + * @param {string} ngModel Assignable angular expression to data-bind to. + * @param {string=} name Property name of the form under which the control is published. + * @param {string=} required Sets `required` validation error key if the value is not entered. + * @param {string=} ngRequired Adds `required` attribute and `required` validation constraint to + * the element when the ngRequired expression evaluates to true. Use `ngRequired` instead of + * `required` when you want to data-bind to the `required` attribute. + * @param {number=} ngMinlength Sets `minlength` validation error key if the value is shorter than + * minlength. + * @param {number=} ngMaxlength Sets `maxlength` validation error key if the value is longer than + * maxlength. Setting the attribute to a negative or non-numeric value, allows view values of + * any length. + * @param {string=} pattern Similar to `ngPattern` except that the attribute value is the actual string + * that contains the regular expression body that will be converted to a regular expression + * as in the ngPattern directive. + * @param {string=} ngPattern Sets `pattern` validation error key if the ngModel {@link ngModel.NgModelController#$viewValue $viewValue} + * does not match a RegExp found by evaluating the Angular expression given in the attribute value. + * If the expression evaluates to a RegExp object, then this is used directly. + * If the expression evaluates to a string, then it will be converted to a RegExp + * after wrapping it in `^` and `$` characters. For instance, `"abc"` will be converted to + * `new RegExp('^abc$')`.
+ * **Note:** Avoid using the `g` flag on the RegExp, as it will cause each successive search to + * start at the index of the last search's match, thus not taking the whole input value into + * account. + * @param {string=} ngChange Angular expression to be executed when input changes due to user + * interaction with the input element. + * + * @example + + + +
+ +
+ + Required! + + Not valid email! +
+ text = {{email.text}}
+ myForm.input.$valid = {{myForm.input.$valid}}
+ myForm.input.$error = {{myForm.input.$error}}
+ myForm.$valid = {{myForm.$valid}}
+ myForm.$error.required = {{!!myForm.$error.required}}
+ myForm.$error.email = {{!!myForm.$error.email}}
+ + var text = element(by.binding('email.text')); + var valid = element(by.binding('myForm.input.$valid')); + var input = element(by.model('email.text')); + + it('should initialize to model', function() { + expect(text.getText()).toContain('me@example.com'); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('true'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if empty', function() { + input.clear(); + input.sendKeys(''); + expect(text.getText()).toEqual('text ='); + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('false'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if not email', function() { + input.clear(); + input.sendKeys('xxx'); + + expect(valid.getText()).toContain('false'); + }); + +
+ */ + 'email': emailInputType, + + + /** + * @ngdoc input + * @name input[radio] + * + * @description + * HTML radio button. + * + * @param {string} ngModel Assignable angular expression to data-bind to. + * @param {string} value The value to which the `ngModel` expression should be set when selected. + * Note that `value` only supports `string` values, i.e. the scope model needs to be a string, + * too. Use `ngValue` if you need complex models (`number`, `object`, ...). + * @param {string=} name Property name of the form under which the control is published. + * @param {string=} ngChange Angular expression to be executed when input changes due to user + * interaction with the input element. + * @param {string} ngValue Angular expression to which `ngModel` will be be set when the radio + * is selected. Should be used instead of the `value` attribute if you need + * a non-string `ngModel` (`boolean`, `array`, ...). + * + * @example + + + +
+ color = {{color.name | json}}
+ Note that `ng-value="specialValue"` sets radio item's value to be the value of `$scope.specialValue`. +
+ + it('should change state', function() { + var color = element(by.binding('color.name')); + + expect(color.getText()).toContain('blue'); + + element.all(by.model('color.name')).get(0).click(); + + expect(color.getText()).toContain('red'); + }); + +
+ */ + 'radio': radioInputType, + + + /** + * @ngdoc input + * @name input[checkbox] + * + * @description + * HTML checkbox. + * + * @param {string} ngModel Assignable angular expression to data-bind to. + * @param {string=} name Property name of the form under which the control is published. + * @param {expression=} ngTrueValue The value to which the expression should be set when selected. + * @param {expression=} ngFalseValue The value to which the expression should be set when not selected. + * @param {string=} ngChange Angular expression to be executed when input changes due to user + * interaction with the input element. + * + * @example + + + +
+ value1 = {{checkboxModel.value1}}
+ value2 = {{checkboxModel.value2}}
+ + it('should change state', function() { + var value1 = element(by.binding('checkboxModel.value1')); + var value2 = element(by.binding('checkboxModel.value2')); + + expect(value1.getText()).toContain('true'); + expect(value2.getText()).toContain('YES'); + + element(by.model('checkboxModel.value1')).click(); + element(by.model('checkboxModel.value2')).click(); + + expect(value1.getText()).toContain('false'); + expect(value2.getText()).toContain('NO'); + }); + +
+ */ + 'checkbox': checkboxInputType, + + 'hidden': noop, + 'button': noop, + 'submit': noop, + 'reset': noop, + 'file': noop +}; + +function stringBasedInputType(ctrl) { + ctrl.$formatters.push(function(value) { + return ctrl.$isEmpty(value) ? value : value.toString(); + }); +} + +function textInputType(scope, element, attr, ctrl, $sniffer, $browser) { + baseInputType(scope, element, attr, ctrl, $sniffer, $browser); + stringBasedInputType(ctrl); +} + +function baseInputType(scope, element, attr, ctrl, $sniffer, $browser) { + var type = lowercase(element[0].type); + + // In composition mode, users are still inputing intermediate text buffer, + // hold the listener until composition is done. + // More about composition events: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CompositionEvent + if (!$sniffer.android) { + var composing = false; + + element.on('compositionstart', function() { + composing = true; + }); + + element.on('compositionend', function() { + composing = false; + listener(); + }); + } + + var timeout; + + var listener = function(ev) { + if (timeout) { + $browser.defer.cancel(timeout); + timeout = null; + } + if (composing) return; + var value = element.val(), + event = ev && ev.type; + + // By default we will trim the value + // If the attribute ng-trim exists we will avoid trimming + // If input type is 'password', the value is never trimmed + if (type !== 'password' && (!attr.ngTrim || attr.ngTrim !== 'false')) { + value = trim(value); + } + + // If a control is suffering from bad input (due to native validators), browsers discard its + // value, so it may be necessary to revalidate (by calling $setViewValue again) even if the + // control's value is the same empty value twice in a row. + if (ctrl.$viewValue !== value || (value === '' && ctrl.$$hasNativeValidators)) { + ctrl.$setViewValue(value, event); + } + }; + + // if the browser does support "input" event, we are fine - except on IE9 which doesn't fire the + // input event on backspace, delete or cut + if ($sniffer.hasEvent('input')) { + element.on('input', listener); + } else { + var deferListener = function(ev, input, origValue) { + if (!timeout) { + timeout = $browser.defer(function() { + timeout = null; + if (!input || input.value !== origValue) { + listener(ev); + } + }); + } + }; + + element.on('keydown', function(event) { + var key = event.keyCode; + + // ignore + // command modifiers arrows + if (key === 91 || (15 < key && key < 19) || (37 <= key && key <= 40)) return; + + deferListener(event, this, this.value); + }); + + // if user modifies input value using context menu in IE, we need "paste" and "cut" events to catch it + if ($sniffer.hasEvent('paste')) { + element.on('paste cut', deferListener); + } + } + + // if user paste into input using mouse on older browser + // or form autocomplete on newer browser, we need "change" event to catch it + element.on('change', listener); + + // Some native input types (date-family) have the ability to change validity without + // firing any input/change events. + // For these event types, when native validators are present and the browser supports the type, + // check for validity changes on various DOM events. + if (PARTIAL_VALIDATION_TYPES[type] && ctrl.$$hasNativeValidators && type === attr.type) { + element.on(PARTIAL_VALIDATION_EVENTS, function(ev) { + if (!timeout) { + var validity = this[VALIDITY_STATE_PROPERTY]; + var origBadInput = validity.badInput; + var origTypeMismatch = validity.typeMismatch; + timeout = $browser.defer(function() { + timeout = null; + if (validity.badInput !== origBadInput || validity.typeMismatch !== origTypeMismatch) { + listener(ev); + } + }); + } + }); + } + + ctrl.$render = function() { + // Workaround for Firefox validation #12102. + var value = ctrl.$isEmpty(ctrl.$viewValue) ? '' : ctrl.$viewValue; + if (element.val() !== value) { + element.val(value); + } + }; +} + +function weekParser(isoWeek, existingDate) { + if (isDate(isoWeek)) { + return isoWeek; + } + + if (isString(isoWeek)) { + WEEK_REGEXP.lastIndex = 0; + var parts = WEEK_REGEXP.exec(isoWeek); + if (parts) { + var year = +parts[1], + week = +parts[2], + hours = 0, + minutes = 0, + seconds = 0, + milliseconds = 0, + firstThurs = getFirstThursdayOfYear(year), + addDays = (week - 1) * 7; + + if (existingDate) { + hours = existingDate.getHours(); + minutes = existingDate.getMinutes(); + seconds = existingDate.getSeconds(); + milliseconds = existingDate.getMilliseconds(); + } + + return new Date(year, 0, firstThurs.getDate() + addDays, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds); + } + } + + return NaN; +} + +function createDateParser(regexp, mapping) { + return function(iso, date) { + var parts, map; + + if (isDate(iso)) { + return iso; + } + + if (isString(iso)) { + // When a date is JSON'ified to wraps itself inside of an extra + // set of double quotes. This makes the date parsing code unable + // to match the date string and parse it as a date. + if (iso.charAt(0) == '"' && iso.charAt(iso.length - 1) == '"') { + iso = iso.substring(1, iso.length - 1); + } + if (ISO_DATE_REGEXP.test(iso)) { + return new Date(iso); + } + regexp.lastIndex = 0; + parts = regexp.exec(iso); + + if (parts) { + parts.shift(); + if (date) { + map = { + yyyy: date.getFullYear(), + MM: date.getMonth() + 1, + dd: date.getDate(), + HH: date.getHours(), + mm: date.getMinutes(), + ss: date.getSeconds(), + sss: date.getMilliseconds() / 1000 + }; + } else { + map = { yyyy: 1970, MM: 1, dd: 1, HH: 0, mm: 0, ss: 0, sss: 0 }; + } + + forEach(parts, function(part, index) { + if (index < mapping.length) { + map[mapping[index]] = +part; + } + }); + return new Date(map.yyyy, map.MM - 1, map.dd, map.HH, map.mm, map.ss || 0, map.sss * 1000 || 0); + } + } + + return NaN; + }; +} + +function createDateInputType(type, regexp, parseDate, format) { + return function dynamicDateInputType(scope, element, attr, ctrl, $sniffer, $browser, $filter) { + badInputChecker(scope, element, attr, ctrl); + baseInputType(scope, element, attr, ctrl, $sniffer, $browser); + var timezone = ctrl && ctrl.$options && ctrl.$options.timezone; + var previousDate; + + ctrl.$$parserName = type; + ctrl.$parsers.push(function(value) { + if (ctrl.$isEmpty(value)) return null; + if (regexp.test(value)) { + // Note: We cannot read ctrl.$modelValue, as there might be a different + // parser/formatter in the processing chain so that the model + // contains some different data format! + var parsedDate = parseDate(value, previousDate); + if (timezone) { + parsedDate = convertTimezoneToLocal(parsedDate, timezone); + } + return parsedDate; + } + return undefined; + }); + + ctrl.$formatters.push(function(value) { + if (value && !isDate(value)) { + throw ngModelMinErr('datefmt', 'Expected `{0}` to be a date', value); + } + if (isValidDate(value)) { + previousDate = value; + if (previousDate && timezone) { + previousDate = convertTimezoneToLocal(previousDate, timezone, true); + } + return $filter('date')(value, format, timezone); + } else { + previousDate = null; + return ''; + } + }); + + if (isDefined(attr.min) || attr.ngMin) { + var minVal; + ctrl.$validators.min = function(value) { + return !isValidDate(value) || isUndefined(minVal) || parseDate(value) >= minVal; + }; + attr.$observe('min', function(val) { + minVal = parseObservedDateValue(val); + ctrl.$validate(); + }); + } + + if (isDefined(attr.max) || attr.ngMax) { + var maxVal; + ctrl.$validators.max = function(value) { + return !isValidDate(value) || isUndefined(maxVal) || parseDate(value) <= maxVal; + }; + attr.$observe('max', function(val) { + maxVal = parseObservedDateValue(val); + ctrl.$validate(); + }); + } + + function isValidDate(value) { + // Invalid Date: getTime() returns NaN + return value && !(value.getTime && value.getTime() !== value.getTime()); + } + + function parseObservedDateValue(val) { + return isDefined(val) && !isDate(val) ? parseDate(val) || undefined : val; + } + }; +} + +function badInputChecker(scope, element, attr, ctrl) { + var node = element[0]; + var nativeValidation = ctrl.$$hasNativeValidators = isObject(node.validity); + if (nativeValidation) { + ctrl.$parsers.push(function(value) { + var validity = element.prop(VALIDITY_STATE_PROPERTY) || {}; + return validity.badInput || validity.typeMismatch ? undefined : value; + }); + } +} + +function numberInputType(scope, element, attr, ctrl, $sniffer, $browser) { + badInputChecker(scope, element, attr, ctrl); + baseInputType(scope, element, attr, ctrl, $sniffer, $browser); + + ctrl.$$parserName = 'number'; + ctrl.$parsers.push(function(value) { + if (ctrl.$isEmpty(value)) return null; + if (NUMBER_REGEXP.test(value)) return parseFloat(value); + return undefined; + }); + + ctrl.$formatters.push(function(value) { + if (!ctrl.$isEmpty(value)) { + if (!isNumber(value)) { + throw ngModelMinErr('numfmt', 'Expected `{0}` to be a number', value); + } + value = value.toString(); + } + return value; + }); + + if (isDefined(attr.min) || attr.ngMin) { + var minVal; + ctrl.$validators.min = function(value) { + return ctrl.$isEmpty(value) || isUndefined(minVal) || value >= minVal; + }; + + attr.$observe('min', function(val) { + if (isDefined(val) && !isNumber(val)) { + val = parseFloat(val, 10); + } + minVal = isNumber(val) && !isNaN(val) ? val : undefined; + // TODO(matsko): implement validateLater to reduce number of validations + ctrl.$validate(); + }); + } + + if (isDefined(attr.max) || attr.ngMax) { + var maxVal; + ctrl.$validators.max = function(value) { + return ctrl.$isEmpty(value) || isUndefined(maxVal) || value <= maxVal; + }; + + attr.$observe('max', function(val) { + if (isDefined(val) && !isNumber(val)) { + val = parseFloat(val, 10); + } + maxVal = isNumber(val) && !isNaN(val) ? val : undefined; + // TODO(matsko): implement validateLater to reduce number of validations + ctrl.$validate(); + }); + } +} + +function urlInputType(scope, element, attr, ctrl, $sniffer, $browser) { + // Note: no badInputChecker here by purpose as `url` is only a validation + // in browsers, i.e. we can always read out input.value even if it is not valid! + baseInputType(scope, element, attr, ctrl, $sniffer, $browser); + stringBasedInputType(ctrl); + + ctrl.$$parserName = 'url'; + ctrl.$validators.url = function(modelValue, viewValue) { + var value = modelValue || viewValue; + return ctrl.$isEmpty(value) || URL_REGEXP.test(value); + }; +} + +function emailInputType(scope, element, attr, ctrl, $sniffer, $browser) { + // Note: no badInputChecker here by purpose as `url` is only a validation + // in browsers, i.e. we can always read out input.value even if it is not valid! + baseInputType(scope, element, attr, ctrl, $sniffer, $browser); + stringBasedInputType(ctrl); + + ctrl.$$parserName = 'email'; + ctrl.$validators.email = function(modelValue, viewValue) { + var value = modelValue || viewValue; + return ctrl.$isEmpty(value) || EMAIL_REGEXP.test(value); + }; +} + +function radioInputType(scope, element, attr, ctrl) { + // make the name unique, if not defined + if (isUndefined(attr.name)) { + element.attr('name', nextUid()); + } + + var listener = function(ev) { + if (element[0].checked) { + ctrl.$setViewValue(attr.value, ev && ev.type); + } + }; + + element.on('click', listener); + + ctrl.$render = function() { + var value = attr.value; + element[0].checked = (value == ctrl.$viewValue); + }; + + attr.$observe('value', ctrl.$render); +} + +function parseConstantExpr($parse, context, name, expression, fallback) { + var parseFn; + if (isDefined(expression)) { + parseFn = $parse(expression); + if (!parseFn.constant) { + throw ngModelMinErr('constexpr', 'Expected constant expression for `{0}`, but saw ' + + '`{1}`.', name, expression); + } + return parseFn(context); + } + return fallback; +} + +function checkboxInputType(scope, element, attr, ctrl, $sniffer, $browser, $filter, $parse) { + var trueValue = parseConstantExpr($parse, scope, 'ngTrueValue', attr.ngTrueValue, true); + var falseValue = parseConstantExpr($parse, scope, 'ngFalseValue', attr.ngFalseValue, false); + + var listener = function(ev) { + ctrl.$setViewValue(element[0].checked, ev && ev.type); + }; + + element.on('click', listener); + + ctrl.$render = function() { + element[0].checked = ctrl.$viewValue; + }; + + // Override the standard `$isEmpty` because the $viewValue of an empty checkbox is always set to `false` + // This is because of the parser below, which compares the `$modelValue` with `trueValue` to convert + // it to a boolean. + ctrl.$isEmpty = function(value) { + return value === false; + }; + + ctrl.$formatters.push(function(value) { + return equals(value, trueValue); + }); + + ctrl.$parsers.push(function(value) { + return value ? trueValue : falseValue; + }); +} + + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name textarea + * @restrict E + * + * @description + * HTML textarea element control with angular data-binding. The data-binding and validation + * properties of this element are exactly the same as those of the + * {@link ng.directive:input input element}. + * + * @param {string} ngModel Assignable angular expression to data-bind to. + * @param {string=} name Property name of the form under which the control is published. + * @param {string=} required Sets `required` validation error key if the value is not entered. + * @param {string=} ngRequired Adds `required` attribute and `required` validation constraint to + * the element when the ngRequired expression evaluates to true. Use `ngRequired` instead of + * `required` when you want to data-bind to the `required` attribute. + * @param {number=} ngMinlength Sets `minlength` validation error key if the value is shorter than + * minlength. + * @param {number=} ngMaxlength Sets `maxlength` validation error key if the value is longer than + * maxlength. Setting the attribute to a negative or non-numeric value, allows view values of any + * length. + * @param {string=} ngPattern Sets `pattern` validation error key if the ngModel {@link ngModel.NgModelController#$viewValue $viewValue} + * does not match a RegExp found by evaluating the Angular expression given in the attribute value. + * If the expression evaluates to a RegExp object, then this is used directly. + * If the expression evaluates to a string, then it will be converted to a RegExp + * after wrapping it in `^` and `$` characters. For instance, `"abc"` will be converted to + * `new RegExp('^abc$')`.
+ * **Note:** Avoid using the `g` flag on the RegExp, as it will cause each successive search to + * start at the index of the last search's match, thus not taking the whole input value into + * account. + * @param {string=} ngChange Angular expression to be executed when input changes due to user + * interaction with the input element. + * @param {boolean=} [ngTrim=true] If set to false Angular will not automatically trim the input. + */ + + +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name input + * @restrict E + * + * @description + * HTML input element control. When used together with {@link ngModel `ngModel`}, it provides data-binding, + * input state control, and validation. + * Input control follows HTML5 input types and polyfills the HTML5 validation behavior for older browsers. + * + *
+ * **Note:** Not every feature offered is available for all input types. + * Specifically, data binding and event handling via `ng-model` is unsupported for `input[file]`. + *
+ * + * @param {string} ngModel Assignable angular expression to data-bind to. + * @param {string=} name Property name of the form under which the control is published. + * @param {string=} required Sets `required` validation error key if the value is not entered. + * @param {boolean=} ngRequired Sets `required` attribute if set to true + * @param {number=} ngMinlength Sets `minlength` validation error key if the value is shorter than + * minlength. + * @param {number=} ngMaxlength Sets `maxlength` validation error key if the value is longer than + * maxlength. Setting the attribute to a negative or non-numeric value, allows view values of any + * length. + * @param {string=} ngPattern Sets `pattern` validation error key if the ngModel {@link ngModel.NgModelController#$viewValue $viewValue} + * value does not match a RegExp found by evaluating the Angular expression given in the attribute value. + * If the expression evaluates to a RegExp object, then this is used directly. + * If the expression evaluates to a string, then it will be converted to a RegExp + * after wrapping it in `^` and `$` characters. For instance, `"abc"` will be converted to + * `new RegExp('^abc$')`.
+ * **Note:** Avoid using the `g` flag on the RegExp, as it will cause each successive search to + * start at the index of the last search's match, thus not taking the whole input value into + * account. + * @param {string=} ngChange Angular expression to be executed when input changes due to user + * interaction with the input element. + * @param {boolean=} [ngTrim=true] If set to false Angular will not automatically trim the input. + * This parameter is ignored for input[type=password] controls, which will never trim the + * input. + * + * @example + + + +
+ +
+ + Required! +
+ +
+ + Too short! + + Too long! +
+ user = {{user}}
+ myForm.userName.$valid = {{myForm.userName.$valid}}
+ myForm.userName.$error = {{myForm.userName.$error}}
+ myForm.lastName.$valid = {{myForm.lastName.$valid}}
+ myForm.lastName.$error = {{myForm.lastName.$error}}
+ myForm.$valid = {{myForm.$valid}}
+ myForm.$error.required = {{!!myForm.$error.required}}
+ myForm.$error.minlength = {{!!myForm.$error.minlength}}
+ myForm.$error.maxlength = {{!!myForm.$error.maxlength}}
+ + var user = element(by.exactBinding('user')); + var userNameValid = element(by.binding('myForm.userName.$valid')); + var lastNameValid = element(by.binding('myForm.lastName.$valid')); + var lastNameError = element(by.binding('myForm.lastName.$error')); + var formValid = element(by.binding('myForm.$valid')); + var userNameInput = element(by.model('user.name')); + var userLastInput = element(by.model('user.last')); + + it('should initialize to model', function() { + expect(user.getText()).toContain('{"name":"guest","last":"visitor"}'); + expect(userNameValid.getText()).toContain('true'); + expect(formValid.getText()).toContain('true'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if empty when required', function() { + userNameInput.clear(); + userNameInput.sendKeys(''); + + expect(user.getText()).toContain('{"last":"visitor"}'); + expect(userNameValid.getText()).toContain('false'); + expect(formValid.getText()).toContain('false'); + }); + + it('should be valid if empty when min length is set', function() { + userLastInput.clear(); + userLastInput.sendKeys(''); + + expect(user.getText()).toContain('{"name":"guest","last":""}'); + expect(lastNameValid.getText()).toContain('true'); + expect(formValid.getText()).toContain('true'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if less than required min length', function() { + userLastInput.clear(); + userLastInput.sendKeys('xx'); + + expect(user.getText()).toContain('{"name":"guest"}'); + expect(lastNameValid.getText()).toContain('false'); + expect(lastNameError.getText()).toContain('minlength'); + expect(formValid.getText()).toContain('false'); + }); + + it('should be invalid if longer than max length', function() { + userLastInput.clear(); + userLastInput.sendKeys('some ridiculously long name'); + + expect(user.getText()).toContain('{"name":"guest"}'); + expect(lastNameValid.getText()).toContain('false'); + expect(lastNameError.getText()).toContain('maxlength'); + expect(formValid.getText()).toContain('false'); + }); + +
+ */ +var inputDirective = ['$browser', '$sniffer', '$filter', '$parse', + function($browser, $sniffer, $filter, $parse) { + return { + restrict: 'E', + require: ['?ngModel'], + link: { + pre: function(scope, element, attr, ctrls) { + if (ctrls[0]) { + (inputType[lowercase(attr.type)] || inputType.text)(scope, element, attr, ctrls[0], $sniffer, + $browser, $filter, $parse); + } + } + } + }; +}]; + + + +var CONSTANT_VALUE_REGEXP = /^(true|false|\d+)$/; +/** + * @ngdoc directive + * @name ngValue + * + * @description + * Binds the given expression to the value of `