Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Remark | string | custom text | [optional] |
LoginName | string | Sub-account login name: Only letters, numbers and underscores are supported, and cannot contain other illegal characters | |
Password | string | The sub-account's password. (Default: the same as main account's password) | [optional] |
string | The sub-account's email address. (Default: the same as main account's email address) | [optional] | |
State | int | State: 1-normal, 2-locked" | [optional] [readonly] |
Type | int | "Sub-account type: 1 - sub-account, 3 - cross margin account | [optional] [readonly] |
UserId | long | The user id of the sub-account | [optional] [readonly] |
CreateTime | long | Created time | [optional] [readonly] |