Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | string | Record ID | [optional] [readonly] |
Txid | string | Hash record of the withdrawal | [optional] [readonly] |
WithdrawOrderId | string | Client order id, up to 32 length and can only include 0-9, A-Z, a-z, underscore(_), hyphen(-) or dot(.) | [optional] |
Timestamp | string | Operation time | [optional] [readonly] |
Amount | string | Currency amount | |
Currency | string | Currency name | |
Address | string | Withdrawal address. Required for withdrawals | [optional] |
Memo | string | Additional remarks with regards to the withdrawal | [optional] |
Status | string | Record status. - DONE: done - CANCEL: cancelled - REQUEST: requesting - MANUAL: pending manual approval - BCODE: GateCode operation - EXTPEND: pending confirm after sending - FAIL: pending confirm when fail - INVALID: invalid order - VERIFY: verifying - PROCES: processing - PEND: pending - DMOVE: required manual approval - SPLITPEND: the order is automatically split due to large amount | [optional] [readonly] |
Chain | string | Name of the chain used in withdrawals |