Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Contract | string | Futures contract | [optional] |
Last | string | Last trading price | [optional] |
ChangePercentage | string | Change percentage. | [optional] |
TotalSize | string | Contract total size | [optional] |
Low24h | string | Lowest trading price in recent 24h | [optional] |
High24h | string | Highest trading price in recent 24h | [optional] |
Volume24h | string | Trade size in recent 24h | [optional] |
Volume24hBtc | string | Trade volumes in recent 24h in BTC(deprecated, use `volume_24h_base`, `volume_24h_quote`, `volume_24h_settle` instead) | [optional] |
Volume24hUsd | string | Trade volumes in recent 24h in USD(deprecated, use `volume_24h_base`, `volume_24h_quote`, `volume_24h_settle` instead) | [optional] |
Volume24hBase | string | Trade volume in recent 24h, in base currency | [optional] |
Volume24hQuote | string | Trade volume in recent 24h, in quote currency | [optional] |
Volume24hSettle | string | Trade volume in recent 24h, in settle currency | [optional] |
MarkPrice | string | Recent mark price | [optional] |
FundingRate | string | Funding rate | [optional] |
FundingRateIndicative | string | Indicative Funding rate in next period. (deprecated. use `funding_rate`) | [optional] |
IndexPrice | string | Index price | [optional] |
QuantoBaseRate | string | Exchange rate of base currency and settlement currency in Quanto contract. Does not exists in contracts of other types | [optional] |
BasisRate | string | Basis rate | [optional] |
BasisValue | string | Basis value | [optional] |
LowestAsk | string | Recent lowest ask | [optional] |
LowestSize | string | The latest seller's lowest price order quantity | [optional] |
HighestBid | string | Recent highest bid | [optional] |
HighestSize | string | The latest buyer's highest price order volume | [optional] |