Welcome to Gate.io API
APIv4 provides spot, margin and futures trading operations. There are public APIs to retrieve the real-time market statistics, and private APIs which needs authentication to trade on user's behalf.
This C# SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 4.92.2
- SDK version: 6.92.2
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpNetCoreClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://www.gate.io/page/contacts
- .NET Core >=1.0
- .NET Framework >=4.6
- Mono/Xamarin >=vNext
- RestSharp - 106.10.1 or later
- Json.NET - 12.0.1 or later
- JsonSubTypes - 1.5.2 or later
- System.ComponentModel.Annotations - 4.5.0 or later
The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:
Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes
Install-Package System.ComponentModel.Annotations
NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742
Install-Package Io.Gate.GateApi
Use the namespaces like this:
using Io.Gate.GateApi.Api;
using Io.Gate.GateApi.Client;
using Io.Gate.GateApi.Model;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Io.Gate.GateApi.Api;
using Io.Gate.GateApi.Client;
using Io.Gate.GateApi.Model;
namespace Example
public class Example
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "https://api.gateio.ws/api/v4";
config.SetGateApiV4KeyPair("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");
var apiInstance = new AccountApi(config);
// Get account detail
AccountDetail result = apiInstance.GetAccountDetail();
catch (GateApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling AccountApi.GetAccountDetail: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Exception label: {0}, message: {1}", e.ErrorLabel, e.ErrorMessage);
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
For a more complete API usage example, refer to the demo application in example directory
All URIs are relative to https://api.gateio.ws/api/v4
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountApi | GetAccountDetail | GET /account/detail | Get account detail |
AccountApi | GetAccountRateLimit | GET /account/rate_limit | Get user transaction rate limit information |
AccountApi | ListSTPGroups | GET /account/stp_groups | List STP Groups |
AccountApi | CreateSTPGroup | POST /account/stp_groups | Create STP Group |
AccountApi | ListSTPGroupsUsers | GET /account/stp_groups/{stp_id}/users | List users of the STP group |
AccountApi | AddSTPGroupUsers | POST /account/stp_groups/{stp_id}/users | Add users to the STP group |
AccountApi | DeleteSTPGroupUsers | DELETE /account/stp_groups/{stp_id}/users | Delete the user in the STP group |
AccountApi | GetDebitFee | GET /account/debit_fee | Query GT deduction configuration. |
AccountApi | SetDebitFee | POST /account/debit_fee | Set GT deduction. |
CollateralLoanApi | ListCollateralLoanOrders | GET /loan/collateral/orders | List Orders |
CollateralLoanApi | CreateCollateralLoan | POST /loan/collateral/orders | Place order |
CollateralLoanApi | GetCollateralLoanOrderDetail | GET /loan/collateral/orders/{order_id} | Get a single order |
CollateralLoanApi | RepayCollateralLoan | POST /loan/collateral/repay | Repayment |
CollateralLoanApi | ListRepayRecords | GET /loan/collateral/repay_records | Repayment history |
CollateralLoanApi | ListCollateralRecords | GET /loan/collateral/collaterals | Query collateral adjustment records |
CollateralLoanApi | OperateCollateral | POST /loan/collateral/collaterals | Increase or redeem collateral |
CollateralLoanApi | GetUserTotalAmount | GET /loan/collateral/total_amount | Query the total borrowing and collateral amount for the user |
CollateralLoanApi | GetUserLtvInfo | GET /loan/collateral/ltv | Query user's collateralization ratio |
CollateralLoanApi | ListCollateralCurrencies | GET /loan/collateral/currencies | Query supported borrowing and collateral currencies |
DeliveryApi | ListDeliveryContracts | GET /delivery/{settle}/contracts | List all futures contracts |
DeliveryApi | GetDeliveryContract | GET /delivery/{settle}/contracts/{contract} | Get a single contract |
DeliveryApi | ListDeliveryOrderBook | GET /delivery/{settle}/order_book | Futures order book |
DeliveryApi | ListDeliveryTrades | GET /delivery/{settle}/trades | Futures trading history |
DeliveryApi | ListDeliveryCandlesticks | GET /delivery/{settle}/candlesticks | Get futures candlesticks |
DeliveryApi | ListDeliveryTickers | GET /delivery/{settle}/tickers | List futures tickers |
DeliveryApi | ListDeliveryInsuranceLedger | GET /delivery/{settle}/insurance | Futures insurance balance history |
DeliveryApi | ListDeliveryAccounts | GET /delivery/{settle}/accounts | Query futures account |
DeliveryApi | ListDeliveryAccountBook | GET /delivery/{settle}/account_book | Query account book |
DeliveryApi | ListDeliveryPositions | GET /delivery/{settle}/positions | List all positions of a user |
DeliveryApi | GetDeliveryPosition | GET /delivery/{settle}/positions/{contract} | Get single position |
DeliveryApi | UpdateDeliveryPositionMargin | POST /delivery/{settle}/positions/{contract}/margin | Update position margin |
DeliveryApi | UpdateDeliveryPositionLeverage | POST /delivery/{settle}/positions/{contract}/leverage | Update position leverage |
DeliveryApi | UpdateDeliveryPositionRiskLimit | POST /delivery/{settle}/positions/{contract}/risk_limit | Update position risk limit |
DeliveryApi | ListDeliveryOrders | GET /delivery/{settle}/orders | List futures orders |
DeliveryApi | CreateDeliveryOrder | POST /delivery/{settle}/orders | Create a futures order |
DeliveryApi | CancelDeliveryOrders | DELETE /delivery/{settle}/orders | Cancel all open orders matched |
DeliveryApi | GetDeliveryOrder | GET /delivery/{settle}/orders/{order_id} | Get a single order |
DeliveryApi | CancelDeliveryOrder | DELETE /delivery/{settle}/orders/{order_id} | Cancel a single order |
DeliveryApi | GetMyDeliveryTrades | GET /delivery/{settle}/my_trades | List personal trading history |
DeliveryApi | ListDeliveryPositionClose | GET /delivery/{settle}/position_close | List position close history |
DeliveryApi | ListDeliveryLiquidates | GET /delivery/{settle}/liquidates | List liquidation history |
DeliveryApi | ListDeliverySettlements | GET /delivery/{settle}/settlements | List settlement history |
DeliveryApi | ListDeliveryRiskLimitTiers | GET /delivery/{settle}/risk_limit_tiers | List risk limit tiers |
DeliveryApi | ListPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrders | GET /delivery/{settle}/price_orders | List all auto orders |
DeliveryApi | CreatePriceTriggeredDeliveryOrder | POST /delivery/{settle}/price_orders | Create a price-triggered order |
DeliveryApi | CancelPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrderList | DELETE /delivery/{settle}/price_orders | Cancel all open orders |
DeliveryApi | GetPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrder | GET /delivery/{settle}/price_orders/{order_id} | Get a price-triggered order |
DeliveryApi | CancelPriceTriggeredDeliveryOrder | DELETE /delivery/{settle}/price_orders/{order_id} | cancel a price-triggered order |
EarnApi | SwapETH2 | POST /earn/staking/eth2/swap | ETH2 swap |
EarnApi | ListDualInvestmentPlans | GET /earn/dual/investment_plan | Dual Investment product list |
EarnApi | ListDualOrders | GET /earn/dual/orders | Dual Investment order list |
EarnApi | PlaceDualOrder | POST /earn/dual/orders | Place Dual Investment order |
EarnApi | ListStructuredProducts | GET /earn/structured/products | Structured Product List |
EarnApi | ListStructuredOrders | GET /earn/structured/orders | Structured Product Order List |
EarnApi | PlaceStructuredOrder | POST /earn/structured/orders | Place Structured Product Order |
EarnUniApi | ListUniCurrencies | GET /earn/uni/currencies | List currencies for lending |
EarnUniApi | GetUniCurrency | GET /earn/uni/currencies/{currency} | Get currency detail for lending |
EarnUniApi | ListUserUniLends | GET /earn/uni/lends | List user's lending orders |
EarnUniApi | CreateUniLend | POST /earn/uni/lends | Lend or redeem |
EarnUniApi | ChangeUniLend | PATCH /earn/uni/lends | Amend lending order |
EarnUniApi | ListUniLendRecords | GET /earn/uni/lend_records | List records of lending |
EarnUniApi | GetUniInterest | GET /earn/uni/interests/{currency} | Get the user's total interest income of specified currency |
EarnUniApi | ListUniInterestRecords | GET /earn/uni/interest_records | List interest records |
EarnUniApi | SwitchInterestReinvest | PUT /earn/uni/interest_reinvest | Set interest reinvestment toggle |
EarnUniApi | GetUniInterestStatus | GET /earn/uni/interest_status/{currency} | query currency interest compounding status |
FlashSwapApi | ListFlashSwapCurrencyPair | GET /flash_swap/currency_pairs | List All Supported Currency Pairs In Flash Swap |
FlashSwapApi | ListFlashSwapOrders | GET /flash_swap/orders | List all flash swap orders |
FlashSwapApi | CreateFlashSwapOrder | POST /flash_swap/orders | Create a flash swap order |
FlashSwapApi | GetFlashSwapOrder | GET /flash_swap/orders/{order_id} | Get a single flash swap order's detail |
FlashSwapApi | PreviewFlashSwapOrder | POST /flash_swap/orders/preview | Initiate a flash swap order preview |
FuturesApi | ListFuturesContracts | GET /futures/{settle}/contracts | List all futures contracts |
FuturesApi | GetFuturesContract | GET /futures/{settle}/contracts/{contract} | Get a single contract |
FuturesApi | ListFuturesOrderBook | GET /futures/{settle}/order_book | Futures order book |
FuturesApi | ListFuturesTrades | GET /futures/{settle}/trades | Futures trading history |
FuturesApi | ListFuturesCandlesticks | GET /futures/{settle}/candlesticks | Get futures candlesticks |
FuturesApi | ListFuturesPremiumIndex | GET /futures/{settle}/premium_index | Premium Index K-Line |
FuturesApi | ListFuturesTickers | GET /futures/{settle}/tickers | List futures tickers |
FuturesApi | ListFuturesFundingRateHistory | GET /futures/{settle}/funding_rate | Funding rate history |
FuturesApi | ListFuturesInsuranceLedger | GET /futures/{settle}/insurance | Futures insurance balance history |
FuturesApi | ListContractStats | GET /futures/{settle}/contract_stats | Futures stats |
FuturesApi | GetIndexConstituents | GET /futures/{settle}/index_constituents/{index} | Get index constituents |
FuturesApi | ListLiquidatedOrders | GET /futures/{settle}/liq_orders | Retrieve liquidation history |
FuturesApi | ListFuturesRiskLimitTiers | GET /futures/{settle}/risk_limit_tiers | List risk limit tiers |
FuturesApi | ListFuturesAccounts | GET /futures/{settle}/accounts | Query futures account |
FuturesApi | ListFuturesAccountBook | GET /futures/{settle}/account_book | Query account book |
FuturesApi | ListPositions | GET /futures/{settle}/positions | List all positions of a user |
FuturesApi | GetPosition | GET /futures/{settle}/positions/{contract} | Get single position |
FuturesApi | UpdatePositionMargin | POST /futures/{settle}/positions/{contract}/margin | Update position margin |
FuturesApi | UpdatePositionLeverage | POST /futures/{settle}/positions/{contract}/leverage | Update position leverage |
FuturesApi | UpdatePositionRiskLimit | POST /futures/{settle}/positions/{contract}/risk_limit | Update position risk limit |
FuturesApi | SetDualMode | POST /futures/{settle}/dual_mode | Enable or disable dual mode |
FuturesApi | GetDualModePosition | GET /futures/{settle}/dual_comp/positions/{contract} | Retrieve position detail in dual mode |
FuturesApi | UpdateDualModePositionMargin | POST /futures/{settle}/dual_comp/positions/{contract}/margin | Update position margin in dual mode |
FuturesApi | UpdateDualModePositionLeverage | POST /futures/{settle}/dual_comp/positions/{contract}/leverage | Update position leverage in dual mode |
FuturesApi | UpdateDualModePositionRiskLimit | POST /futures/{settle}/dual_comp/positions/{contract}/risk_limit | Update position risk limit in dual mode |
FuturesApi | ListFuturesOrders | GET /futures/{settle}/orders | List futures orders |
FuturesApi | CreateFuturesOrder | POST /futures/{settle}/orders | Create a futures order |
FuturesApi | CancelFuturesOrders | DELETE /futures/{settle}/orders | Cancel all open orders matched |
FuturesApi | GetOrdersWithTimeRange | GET /futures/{settle}/orders_timerange | List Futures Orders By Time Range |
FuturesApi | CreateBatchFuturesOrder | POST /futures/{settle}/batch_orders | Create a batch of futures orders |
FuturesApi | GetFuturesOrder | GET /futures/{settle}/orders/{order_id} | Get a single order |
FuturesApi | AmendFuturesOrder | PUT /futures/{settle}/orders/{order_id} | Amend an order |
FuturesApi | CancelFuturesOrder | DELETE /futures/{settle}/orders/{order_id} | Cancel a single order |
FuturesApi | GetMyTrades | GET /futures/{settle}/my_trades | List personal trading history |
FuturesApi | GetMyTradesWithTimeRange | GET /futures/{settle}/my_trades_timerange | List personal trading history by time range |
FuturesApi | ListPositionClose | GET /futures/{settle}/position_close | List position close history |
FuturesApi | ListLiquidates | GET /futures/{settle}/liquidates | List liquidation history |
FuturesApi | ListAutoDeleverages | GET /futures/{settle}/auto_deleverages | List Auto-Deleveraging History |
FuturesApi | CountdownCancelAllFutures | POST /futures/{settle}/countdown_cancel_all | Countdown cancel orders |
FuturesApi | GetFuturesFee | GET /futures/{settle}/fee | Query user trading fee rates |
FuturesApi | CancelBatchFutureOrders | POST /futures/{settle}/batch_cancel_orders | Cancel a batch of orders with an ID list |
FuturesApi | AmendBatchFutureOrders | POST /futures/{settle}/batch_amend_orders | Batch modify orders with specified IDs |
FuturesApi | ListPriceTriggeredOrders | GET /futures/{settle}/price_orders | List all auto orders |
FuturesApi | CreatePriceTriggeredOrder | POST /futures/{settle}/price_orders | Create a price-triggered order |
FuturesApi | CancelPriceTriggeredOrderList | DELETE /futures/{settle}/price_orders | Cancel all open orders |
FuturesApi | GetPriceTriggeredOrder | GET /futures/{settle}/price_orders/{order_id} | Get a price-triggered order |
FuturesApi | CancelPriceTriggeredOrder | DELETE /futures/{settle}/price_orders/{order_id} | cancel a price-triggered order |
MarginApi | ListMarginAccounts | GET /margin/accounts | Margin account list |
MarginApi | ListMarginAccountBook | GET /margin/account_book | List margin account balance change history |
MarginApi | ListFundingAccounts | GET /margin/funding_accounts | Funding account list |
MarginApi | GetAutoRepayStatus | GET /margin/auto_repay | Retrieve user auto repayment setting |
MarginApi | SetAutoRepay | POST /margin/auto_repay | Update user's auto repayment setting |
MarginApi | GetMarginTransferable | GET /margin/transferable | Get the max transferable amount for a specific margin currency |
MarginApi | ListCrossMarginCurrencies | GET /margin/cross/currencies | Currencies supported by cross margin.(deprecated) |
MarginApi | GetCrossMarginCurrency | GET /margin/cross/currencies/{currency} | Retrieve detail of one single currency supported by cross margin. (deprecated) |
MarginApi | GetCrossMarginAccount | GET /margin/cross/accounts | Retrieve cross margin account. (deprecated) |
MarginApi | ListCrossMarginAccountBook | GET /margin/cross/account_book | Retrieve cross margin account change history. (deprecated) |
MarginApi | ListCrossMarginLoans | GET /margin/cross/loans | List cross margin borrow history. (deprecated) |
MarginApi | CreateCrossMarginLoan | POST /margin/cross/loans | Create a cross margin borrow loan. (deprecated) |
MarginApi | GetCrossMarginLoan | GET /margin/cross/loans/{loan_id} | Retrieve single borrow loan detail. (deprecated) |
MarginApi | ListCrossMarginRepayments | GET /margin/cross/repayments | Retrieve cross margin repayments. (deprecated) |
MarginApi | RepayCrossMarginLoan | POST /margin/cross/repayments | Cross margin repayments. (deprecated) |
MarginApi | GetCrossMarginInterestRecords | GET /margin/cross/interest_records | Interest records for the cross margin account. (deprecated) |
MarginApi | GetCrossMarginTransferable | GET /margin/cross/transferable | Get the max transferable amount for a specific cross margin currency. (deprecated) |
MarginApi | GetCrossMarginEstimateRate | GET /margin/cross/estimate_rate | Estimated interest rates. (deprecated) |
MarginApi | GetCrossMarginBorrowable | GET /margin/cross/borrowable | Get the max borrowable amount for a specific cross margin currency. (deprecated) |
MarginUniApi | ListUniCurrencyPairs | GET /margin/uni/currency_pairs | List lending markets |
MarginUniApi | GetUniCurrencyPair | GET /margin/uni/currency_pairs/{currency_pair} | Get detail of lending market |
MarginUniApi | GetMarginUniEstimateRate | GET /margin/uni/estimate_rate | Estimate interest Rate |
MarginUniApi | ListUniLoans | GET /margin/uni/loans | List loans |
MarginUniApi | CreateUniLoan | POST /margin/uni/loans | Borrow or repay |
MarginUniApi | ListUniLoanRecords | GET /margin/uni/loan_records | Get load records |
MarginUniApi | ListUniLoanInterestRecords | GET /margin/uni/interest_records | List interest records |
MarginUniApi | GetUniBorrowable | GET /margin/uni/borrowable | Get maximum borrowable |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | ListMultiCollateralOrders | GET /loan/multi_collateral/orders | List Multi-Collateral Orders |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | CreateMultiCollateral | POST /loan/multi_collateral/orders | Create Multi-Collateral Order |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | GetMultiCollateralOrderDetail | GET /loan/multi_collateral/orders/{order_id} | Get Multi-Collateral Order Detail |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | ListMultiRepayRecords | GET /loan/multi_collateral/repay | List Multi-Collateral Repay Records |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | RepayMultiCollateralLoan | POST /loan/multi_collateral/repay | Repay Multi-Collateral Loan |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | ListMultiCollateralRecords | GET /loan/multi_collateral/mortgage | Query collateral adjustment records |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | OperateMultiCollateral | POST /loan/multi_collateral/mortgage | Operate Multi-Collateral |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | ListUserCurrencyQuota | GET /loan/multi_collateral/currency_quota | List User Currency Quota |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | ListMultiCollateralCurrencies | GET /loan/multi_collateral/currencies | Query supported borrowing and collateral currencies in Multi-Collateral |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | GetMultiCollateralLtv | GET /loan/multi_collateral/ltv | Get Multi-Collateral ratio |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | GetMultiCollateralFixRate | GET /loan/multi_collateral/fixed_rate | Query fixed interest rates for the currency for 7 days and 30 days |
MultiCollateralLoanApi | GetMultiCollateralCurrentRate | GET /loan/multi_collateral/current_rate | Query the current interest rate of the currency |
OptionsApi | ListOptionsUnderlyings | GET /options/underlyings | List all underlyings |
OptionsApi | ListOptionsExpirations | GET /options/expirations | List all expiration times |
OptionsApi | ListOptionsContracts | GET /options/contracts | List all the contracts with specified underlying and expiration time |
OptionsApi | GetOptionsContract | GET /options/contracts/{contract} | Query specified contract detail |
OptionsApi | ListOptionsSettlements | GET /options/settlements | List settlement history |
OptionsApi | GetOptionsSettlement | GET /options/settlements/{contract} | Get specified contract's settlement |
OptionsApi | ListMyOptionsSettlements | GET /options/my_settlements | List my options settlements |
OptionsApi | ListOptionsOrderBook | GET /options/order_book | Options order book |
OptionsApi | ListOptionsTickers | GET /options/tickers | List tickers of options contracts |
OptionsApi | ListOptionsUnderlyingTickers | GET /options/underlying/tickers/{underlying} | Get underlying ticker |
OptionsApi | ListOptionsCandlesticks | GET /options/candlesticks | Get options candlesticks |
OptionsApi | ListOptionsUnderlyingCandlesticks | GET /options/underlying/candlesticks | Mark price candlesticks of an underlying |
OptionsApi | ListOptionsTrades | GET /options/trades | Options trade history |
OptionsApi | ListOptionsAccount | GET /options/accounts | List options account |
OptionsApi | ListOptionsAccountBook | GET /options/account_book | List account changing history |
OptionsApi | ListOptionsPositions | GET /options/positions | List user's positions of specified underlying |
OptionsApi | GetOptionsPosition | GET /options/positions/{contract} | Get specified contract position |
OptionsApi | ListOptionsPositionClose | GET /options/position_close | List user's liquidation history of specified underlying |
OptionsApi | ListOptionsOrders | GET /options/orders | List options orders |
OptionsApi | CreateOptionsOrder | POST /options/orders | Create an options order |
OptionsApi | CancelOptionsOrders | DELETE /options/orders | Cancel all open orders matched |
OptionsApi | GetOptionsOrder | GET /options/orders/{order_id} | Get a single order |
OptionsApi | CancelOptionsOrder | DELETE /options/orders/{order_id} | Cancel a single order |
OptionsApi | CountdownCancelAllOptions | POST /options/countdown_cancel_all | Countdown cancel orders |
OptionsApi | ListMyOptionsTrades | GET /options/my_trades | List personal trading history |
OptionsApi | GetOptionsMMP | GET /options/mmp | MMP Query |
OptionsApi | SetOptionsMMP | POST /options/mmp | MMP Settings |
OptionsApi | ResetOptionsMMP | POST /options/mmp/reset | MMP Reset |
RebateApi | AgencyTransactionHistory | GET /rebate/agency/transaction_history | The agency obtains the transaction history of the recommended user |
RebateApi | AgencyCommissionsHistory | GET /rebate/agency/commission_history | The agency obtains the commission history of the recommended user |
RebateApi | PartnerTransactionHistory | GET /rebate/partner/transaction_history | Partner obtains transaction records of recommended users |
RebateApi | PartnerCommissionsHistory | GET /rebate/partner/commission_history | Partner obtains commission records of recommended users |
RebateApi | PartnerSubList | GET /rebate/partner/sub_list | Partner subordinate list |
RebateApi | RebateBrokerCommissionHistory | GET /rebate/broker/commission_history | The broker obtains the user's commission rebate records |
RebateApi | RebateBrokerTransactionHistory | GET /rebate/broker/transaction_history | The broker obtains the user's trading history |
RebateApi | RebateUserInfo | GET /rebate/user/info | User retrieves rebate information |
RebateApi | UserSubRelation | GET /rebate/user/sub_relation | User-subordinate relationship |
SpotApi | ListCurrencies | GET /spot/currencies | List all currencies' details |
SpotApi | GetCurrency | GET /spot/currencies/{currency} | Get details of a specific currency |
SpotApi | ListCurrencyPairs | GET /spot/currency_pairs | List all currency pairs supported |
SpotApi | GetCurrencyPair | GET /spot/currency_pairs/{currency_pair} | Get details of a specifc currency pair |
SpotApi | ListTickers | GET /spot/tickers | Retrieve ticker information |
SpotApi | ListOrderBook | GET /spot/order_book | Retrieve order book |
SpotApi | ListTrades | GET /spot/trades | Retrieve market trades |
SpotApi | ListCandlesticks | GET /spot/candlesticks | Market candlesticks |
SpotApi | GetFee | GET /spot/fee | Query user trading fee rates |
SpotApi | GetBatchSpotFee | GET /spot/batch_fee | Query a batch of user trading fee rates |
SpotApi | ListSpotAccounts | GET /spot/accounts | List spot accounts |
SpotApi | ListSpotAccountBook | GET /spot/account_book | Query account book |
SpotApi | CreateBatchOrders | POST /spot/batch_orders | Create a batch of orders |
SpotApi | ListAllOpenOrders | GET /spot/open_orders | List all open orders |
SpotApi | CreateCrossLiquidateOrder | POST /spot/cross_liquidate_orders | close position when cross-currency is disabled |
SpotApi | ListOrders | GET /spot/orders | List orders |
SpotApi | CreateOrder | POST /spot/orders | Create an order |
SpotApi | CancelOrders | DELETE /spot/orders | Cancel all open orders in specified currency pair |
SpotApi | CancelBatchOrders | POST /spot/cancel_batch_orders | Cancel a batch of orders with an ID list |
SpotApi | GetOrder | GET /spot/orders/{order_id} | Get a single order |
SpotApi | CancelOrder | DELETE /spot/orders/{order_id} | Cancel a single order |
SpotApi | AmendOrder | PATCH /spot/orders/{order_id} | Amend an order |
SpotApi | ListMyTrades | GET /spot/my_trades | List personal trading history |
SpotApi | GetSystemTime | GET /spot/time | Get server current time |
SpotApi | CountdownCancelAllSpot | POST /spot/countdown_cancel_all | Countdown cancel orders |
SpotApi | AmendBatchOrders | POST /spot/amend_batch_orders | Batch modification of orders |
SpotApi | GetSpotInsuranceHistory | GET /spot/insurance_history | Query spot insurance fund historical data |
SpotApi | ListSpotPriceTriggeredOrders | GET /spot/price_orders | Retrieve running auto order list |
SpotApi | CreateSpotPriceTriggeredOrder | POST /spot/price_orders | Create a price-triggered order |
SpotApi | CancelSpotPriceTriggeredOrderList | DELETE /spot/price_orders | Cancel all open orders |
SpotApi | GetSpotPriceTriggeredOrder | GET /spot/price_orders/{order_id} | Get a price-triggered order |
SpotApi | CancelSpotPriceTriggeredOrder | DELETE /spot/price_orders/{order_id} | cancel a price-triggered order |
SubAccountApi | ListSubAccounts | GET /sub_accounts | List sub-accounts |
SubAccountApi | CreateSubAccounts | POST /sub_accounts | Create a new sub-account |
SubAccountApi | GetSubAccount | GET /sub_accounts/{user_id} | Get the sub-account |
SubAccountApi | ListSubAccountKeys | GET /sub_accounts/{user_id}/keys | List all API Key of the sub-account |
SubAccountApi | CreateSubAccountKeys | POST /sub_accounts/{user_id}/keys | Create API Key of the sub-account |
SubAccountApi | GetSubAccountKey | GET /sub_accounts/{user_id}/keys/{key} | Get the API Key of the sub-account |
SubAccountApi | UpdateSubAccountKeys | PUT /sub_accounts/{user_id}/keys/{key} | Update API key of the sub-account |
SubAccountApi | DeleteSubAccountKeys | DELETE /sub_accounts/{user_id}/keys/{key} | Delete API key of the sub-account |
SubAccountApi | LockSubAccount | POST /sub_accounts/{user_id}/lock | Lock the sub-account |
SubAccountApi | UnlockSubAccount | POST /sub_accounts/{user_id}/unlock | Unlock the sub-account |
SubAccountApi | ListUnifiedMode | GET /sub_accounts/unified_mode | Get sub-account mode |
UnifiedApi | ListUnifiedAccounts | GET /unified/accounts | Get unified account information |
UnifiedApi | GetUnifiedBorrowable | GET /unified/borrowable | Query about the maximum borrowing for the unified account |
UnifiedApi | GetUnifiedTransferable | GET /unified/transferable | Query about the maximum transferable for the unified account |
UnifiedApi | ListUnifiedLoans | GET /unified/loans | List loans |
UnifiedApi | CreateUnifiedLoan | POST /unified/loans | Borrow or repay |
UnifiedApi | ListUnifiedLoanRecords | GET /unified/loan_records | Get load records |
UnifiedApi | ListUnifiedLoanInterestRecords | GET /unified/interest_records | List interest records |
UnifiedApi | GetUnifiedRiskUnits | GET /unified/risk_units | Get user risk unit details |
UnifiedApi | GetUnifiedMode | GET /unified/unified_mode | Query mode of the unified account |
UnifiedApi | SetUnifiedMode | PUT /unified/unified_mode | Set mode of the unified account |
UnifiedApi | GetUnifiedEstimateRate | GET /unified/estimate_rate | Get unified estimate rate |
UnifiedApi | ListCurrencyDiscountTiers | GET /unified/currency_discount_tiers | List currency discount tiers |
UnifiedApi | ListLoanMarginTiers | GET /unified/loan_margin_tiers | List loan margin tiers |
UnifiedApi | CalculatePortfolioMargin | POST /unified/portfolio_calculator | Portfolio margin calculator |
UnifiedApi | GetUserLeverageCurrencyConfig | GET /unified/leverage/user_currency_config | Minimum currency leverage that can be set |
UnifiedApi | GetUserLeverageCurrencySetting | GET /unified/leverage/user_currency_setting | Get the leverage multiple of the user currency |
UnifiedApi | SetUserLeverageCurrencySetting | POST /unified/leverage/user_currency_setting | Set the loan currency leverage |
UnifiedApi | GetHistoryLoanRate | GET /unified/history_loan_rate | get historical lending rates |
WalletApi | ListCurrencyChains | GET /wallet/currency_chains | List chains supported for specified currency |
WalletApi | GetDepositAddress | GET /wallet/deposit_address | Generate currency deposit address |
WalletApi | ListWithdrawals | GET /wallet/withdrawals | Retrieve withdrawal records |
WalletApi | ListDeposits | GET /wallet/deposits | Retrieve deposit records |
WalletApi | Transfer | POST /wallet/transfers | Transfer between trading accounts |
WalletApi | ListSubAccountTransfers | GET /wallet/sub_account_transfers | Retrieve transfer records between main and sub accounts |
WalletApi | TransferWithSubAccount | POST /wallet/sub_account_transfers | Transfer between main and sub accounts |
WalletApi | SubAccountToSubAccount | POST /wallet/sub_account_to_sub_account | Sub-account transfers to sub-account |
WalletApi | GetTransferOrderStatus | GET /wallet/order_status | Transfer status query |
WalletApi | ListWithdrawStatus | GET /wallet/withdraw_status | Retrieve withdrawal status |
WalletApi | ListSubAccountBalances | GET /wallet/sub_account_balances | Retrieve sub account balances |
WalletApi | ListSubAccountMarginBalances | GET /wallet/sub_account_margin_balances | Query sub accounts' margin balances |
WalletApi | ListSubAccountFuturesBalances | GET /wallet/sub_account_futures_balances | Query sub accounts' futures account balances |
WalletApi | ListSubAccountCrossMarginBalances | GET /wallet/sub_account_cross_margin_balances | Query subaccount's cross_margin account info |
WalletApi | ListSavedAddress | GET /wallet/saved_address | Query saved address |
WalletApi | GetTradeFee | GET /wallet/fee | Retrieve personal trading fee |
WalletApi | GetTotalBalance | GET /wallet/total_balance | Retrieve user's total balances |
WalletApi | ListSmallBalance | GET /wallet/small_balance | List small balance |
WalletApi | ConvertSmallBalance | POST /wallet/small_balance | Convert small balance |
WalletApi | ListSmallBalanceHistory | GET /wallet/small_balance_history | List small balance history |
WalletApi | ListPushOrders | GET /wallet/push | Retrieve the UID transfer history |
WithdrawalApi | Withdraw | POST /withdrawals | Withdraw |
WithdrawalApi | WithdrawPushOrder | POST /withdrawals/push | UID transfer |
WithdrawalApi | CancelWithdrawal | DELETE /withdrawals/{withdrawal_id} | Cancel withdrawal with specified ID |
- Model.AccountBalance
- Model.AccountDetail
- Model.AccountDetailKey
- Model.AccountRateLimit
- Model.AgencyCommission
- Model.AgencyCommissionHistory
- Model.AgencyTransaction
- Model.AgencyTransactionHistory
- Model.AutoRepaySetting
- Model.BatchAmendItem
- Model.BatchAmendOrderReq
- Model.BatchFuturesOrder
- Model.BatchOrder
- Model.BorrowCurrencyInfo
- Model.BrokerCommission
- Model.BrokerCommission1
- Model.BrokerTransaction
- Model.BrokerTransaction1
- Model.CancelBatchOrder
- Model.CancelOrderResult
- Model.CollateralAdjust
- Model.CollateralAdjustRes
- Model.CollateralAlign
- Model.CollateralCurrency
- Model.CollateralCurrencyInfo
- Model.CollateralCurrencyRes
- Model.CollateralCurrentRate
- Model.CollateralFixRate
- Model.CollateralLoanCurrency
- Model.CollateralLtv
- Model.CollateralOrder
- Model.CollateralRecord
- Model.Contract
- Model.ContractStat
- Model.ConvertSmallBalance
- Model.CountdownCancelAllFuturesTask
- Model.CountdownCancelAllOptionsTask
- Model.CountdownCancelAllSpotTask
- Model.CreateCollateralOrder
- Model.CreateMultiCollateralOrder
- Model.CreateUniLend
- Model.CreateUniLoan
- Model.CrossMarginAccount
- Model.CrossMarginAccountBook
- Model.CrossMarginBalance
- Model.CrossMarginBalance1
- Model.CrossMarginCurrency
- Model.CrossMarginLoan
- Model.CrossMarginRepayRequest
- Model.CrossMarginRepayment
- Model.CrossMarginTransferable
- Model.Currency
- Model.CurrencyChain
- Model.CurrencyPair
- Model.CurrencyQuota
- Model.DebitFee
- Model.DeliveryCandlestick
- Model.DeliveryContract
- Model.DeliverySettlement
- Model.DepositAddress
- Model.DualGetOrders
- Model.DualGetPlans
- Model.Eth2Swap
- Model.FlashSwapCurrencyPair
- Model.FlashSwapOrder
- Model.FlashSwapOrderPreview
- Model.FlashSwapOrderRequest
- Model.FlashSwapPreviewRequest
- Model.FundingAccount
- Model.FundingRateRecord
- Model.FutureCancelOrderResult
- Model.FuturesAccount
- Model.FuturesAccountBook
- Model.FuturesAccountHistory
- Model.FuturesAutoDeleverage
- Model.FuturesBatchAmendOrderRequest
- Model.FuturesCandlestick
- Model.FuturesFee
- Model.FuturesIndexConstituents
- Model.FuturesInitialOrder
- Model.FuturesLimitRiskTiers
- Model.FuturesLiqOrder
- Model.FuturesLiquidate
- Model.FuturesOrder
- Model.FuturesOrderAmendment
- Model.FuturesOrderBook
- Model.FuturesOrderBookItem
- Model.FuturesPremiumIndex
- Model.FuturesPriceTrigger
- Model.FuturesPriceTriggeredOrder
- Model.FuturesTicker
- Model.FuturesTrade
- Model.IndexConstituent
- Model.InsuranceRecord
- Model.LedgerRecord
- Model.LiquidateOrder
- Model.MarginAccount
- Model.MarginAccountBook
- Model.MarginAccountCurrency
- Model.MarginTiers
- Model.MarginTransferable
- Model.MaxUniBorrowable
- Model.MockFuturesOrder
- Model.MockFuturesPosition
- Model.MockMarginResult
- Model.MockOptionsOrder
- Model.MockOptionsPosition
- Model.MockRiskUnit
- Model.MockSpotBalance
- Model.MockSpotOrder
- Model.MultiChainAddressItem
- Model.MultiCollateralCurrency
- Model.MultiCollateralItem
- Model.MultiCollateralOrder
- Model.MultiCollateralRecord
- Model.MultiCollateralRecordCurrency
- Model.MultiLoanItem
- Model.MultiLoanRepayItem
- Model.MultiRepayRecord
- Model.MultiRepayResp
- Model.MyFuturesTrade
- Model.MyFuturesTradeTimeRange
- Model.OpenOrders
- Model.OptionsAccount
- Model.OptionsAccountBook
- Model.OptionsCandlestick
- Model.OptionsContract
- Model.OptionsMMP
- Model.OptionsMMPReset
- Model.OptionsMySettlements
- Model.OptionsMyTrade
- Model.OptionsOrder
- Model.OptionsPosition
- Model.OptionsPositionClose
- Model.OptionsPositionCloseOrder
- Model.OptionsSettlement
- Model.OptionsTicker
- Model.OptionsUnderlying
- Model.OptionsUnderlyingTicker
- Model.Order
- Model.OrderBook
- Model.OrderCancel
- Model.OrderPatch
- Model.OrderResp
- Model.PartnerCommissionHistory
- Model.PartnerSub
- Model.PartnerSubList
- Model.PartnerTransactionHistory
- Model.PatchUniLend
- Model.PlaceDualInvestmentOrder
- Model.Position
- Model.PositionClose
- Model.PositionCloseOrder
- Model.ProfitLossRange
- Model.RebateUserInfo
- Model.RepayCurrencyRes
- Model.RepayLoan
- Model.RepayMultiLoan
- Model.RepayRecord
- Model.RepayRecordCurrency
- Model.RepayRecordLeftInterest
- Model.RepayRecordRepaidCurrency
- Model.RepayRecordTotalInterest
- Model.RepayResp
- Model.RiskUnits
- Model.SavedAddress
- Model.SmallBalance
- Model.SmallBalanceHistory
- Model.SpotAccount
- Model.SpotAccountBook
- Model.SpotCurrencyChain
- Model.SpotFee
- Model.SpotInsuranceHistory
- Model.SpotPricePutOrder
- Model.SpotPriceTrigger
- Model.SpotPriceTriggeredOrder
- Model.StpGroup
- Model.StpGroupUser
- Model.StructuredBuy
- Model.StructuredGetProjectList
- Model.StructuredOrderList
- Model.SubAccount
- Model.SubAccountBalance
- Model.SubAccountCrossMarginBalance
- Model.SubAccountFuturesBalance
- Model.SubAccountKey
- Model.SubAccountKeyPerms
- Model.SubAccountMarginBalance
- Model.SubAccountToSubAccount
- Model.SubAccountTransfer
- Model.SubCrossMarginAccount
- Model.SubUserMode
- Model.SystemTime
- Model.Ticker
- Model.TotalBalance
- Model.Trade
- Model.TradeFee
- Model.TransactionID
- Model.Transfer
- Model.TransferOrderStatus
- Model.TriggerOrderResponse
- Model.TriggerTime
- Model.UidPushOrder
- Model.UidPushWithdrawal
- Model.UidPushWithdrawalResp
- Model.UniCurrency
- Model.UniCurrencyInterest
- Model.UniCurrencyPair
- Model.UniInterestMode
- Model.UniInterestRecord
- Model.UniLend
- Model.UniLendInterest
- Model.UniLendRecord
- Model.UniLoan
- Model.UniLoanInterestRecord
- Model.UniLoanRecord
- Model.UnifiedAccount
- Model.UnifiedBalance
- Model.UnifiedBorrowable
- Model.UnifiedDiscount
- Model.UnifiedDiscountTiers
- Model.UnifiedHistoryLoanRate
- Model.UnifiedHistoryLoanRateRates
- Model.UnifiedLeverageConfig
- Model.UnifiedLeverageSetting
- Model.UnifiedLoan
- Model.UnifiedLoanRecord
- Model.UnifiedMarginTiers
- Model.UnifiedModeSet
- Model.UnifiedPortfolioInput
- Model.UnifiedPortfolioOutput
- Model.UnifiedRiskUnits
- Model.UnifiedSettings
- Model.UnifiedTransferable
- Model.UserLtvInfo
- Model.UserSub
- Model.UserSubRelation
- Model.UserTotalAmount
- Model.WithdrawStatus
- Model.WithdrawalRecord
- Type: Gate APIv4 authentication
For details, refer to: APIv4 signed request requirements