NPM Packages to help to manage objects, arrays and other things
- Description: When an Error happens, press "f" to pay respect.
- Real Description: It's an Error Wrapper to add a custom Error Name.
- NPM Link
- Repository Link
- Description: Normalizes object keys, to have all the same keys by keeping or removing fields
- Installation:
npm i objects-normalizer
- NPM Link
- Repository Link
- Description: A tool to compare objects easier, and normalize if necessary
- Installation:
npm i are-objects-equals
- NPM Link
- Repository Link
- Description: Get unique objects from array of objects (can be normalize before compare them)
- Installation:
npm i get-unique-objects
- NPM Link
- Repository Link
- Description: To validate data structure. It's a Prototype
- Installation:
npm i struct-prototype
- NPM Link
- Description: Map items by keys
- Installation:
npm i map-items-by-keys
- NPM Link
- Repository Link
NPM Packages to help to make API request
- Description: Get Argentine towns, cities, provinces current Weather
- Installation:
npm i weather-arg
- NPM Link
- Repository Link
- Description: A handler for Serverless Function in Vercel to develop any API
- Installation:
npm i vercel-serverless-api
- NPM Link
- Repository Link
- Description: A Helper to make tests with vercel-serverless-api package
- Installation:
npm i vercel-serverless-tests
- NPM Link
- Repository Link
- Description: A helper to build Vercel routes
- Installation:
npm i vercel-serverless-routes
- NPM Link
- Repository Link