Commands and functionality for admins and ops.
Translation and customization of plugin messages.
Issues that don't fit particularly well into any other areas.
Monster types, behavior, abilities, configuration.
Saving and restoring state of players, arenas, etc.
Related to how arena sessions run, e.g. wave setup, the lobby, spectating, event isolation, etc.
Session and player statistics, persistence, leaderboards, etc.
Awaiting a dependency version bump.
Awaiting feedback or input from community.
Awaiting adjustments to comply with template.
Awaiting clarification or feedback from developer.
Awaiting a larger rework effort.
Perfect for people new to the code base.
Please feel free to take a stab at this.
Relevant to the localization rework effort.
Relevant to the mobs rework effort.
Relevant to the restoration rework effort.
Relevant to the sessions rework effort.
Relevant to the stats rework effort.
Unintended behavior or fault.
Modified behavior of existing functionality.
Documentation-specific issues.
Project-specific discussion.