- package; increased minor version to 0.4.1
- Adding an npmignore on test/
- Tests are linted
- Attributes may be added to requests and parsed from responses
- Tests were added for ssl and client authentication
- Support for import elements in WSDL documents.
- Version in server response matches package.json
- Describe errors fixed on OutputElements.
- Support for Fault handling.
- package; increased minor version to 0.4 (xml parser change, tests)
- remove execute privileges on files #216
- add travis #219
- add jshint for index.js #220
- remove execute permissions on .gitignore #227
- fixed; fix requests if SOAP service is not on port 80, do not crash on errors #228
- fixed; undefined value for json in client method when message names end with Out or Output. #243
- add non xmlns attributes to elements during response parsing #241
- package; replace expat dependency with sax #246
- fixed; "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined" #248
- fixed; http request callback fires twice on error #120
- fixed; handle connection errors #192
- package; include mocha in devDependencies