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Merge pull request #180 from evanjfraser/master
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Added Recoverpoint4 module
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vvuksan committed Feb 11, 2015
2 parents bc55160 + b406746 commit fe0d89f
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Showing 3 changed files with 346 additions and 0 deletions.
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions recoverpoint4/README.mkdn
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
EMC RecoverPoint 4.x

This is a new GMOND Python Module that gets metrics from EMC RecoverPoint v 4.x replication appliances via their REST API.

Currently gathers per Consistency Group:
* Data, Time and Journal Lags
* Incoming (SAN) and Outgoing (WAN) traffic, compression and dedupe ratios.
* Initialisation Traffic and completion metrics
* Journal size and capacity usage metrics

## Compatibility
* Compatible with Recoverpoint 4.x

* Python modules: requests and urllib3

* Save the recoverpoint4.pyconf into /etc/ganglia/conf.d directory.
* Save the into your ganglia python module dir eg: /usr/lib/ganglia/python_modules. Update the cluster ip and username and passwords.
* Restart gmond and a "recoverpoint" host should appear in ganglia.


Author: Evan Fraser <>
282 changes: 282 additions & 0 deletions recoverpoint4/
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@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Ganglia GMOND Module to get metrics from EMC Recoverpoint v4.x"""
__author__ = 'Evan Fraser'
__email__ = ''
__license__ = 'GPL'

import json, sys, os, time, requests, urllib3
from pprint import pprint

cg_dict = {}
cluster_dict = {}
cluster_ip = '<clustermgmtip>'
username = '<username>'
password = '<password>'
base_url = 'https://' + cluster_ip
descriptors = list()


'time': 0,
'data': {}

def get_metric(metric_name):
"""Callback function, input is name of metric, returns the metrics value,
Gathers metrics all together once per polling interval"""
global username, password, base_url, cg_dict, METRICS, LAST_METRICS, METRICS_CACHE_MAX
query_headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'accept': 'application/json'}

metrics = {}
#Code to get statistics...
#Consistency Group Metrics here
if (time.time() - METRICS['time']) > METRICS_CACHE_MAX:
for cg in cg_dict:
#get uid
cg_uid = cg_dict[cg]['uid']
#build req_url
req_url = '/fapi/rest/4_0/statistics/groups/' + str(cg_uid)
#perform query for CG
r = requests.get(base_url + req_url, auth=(username,password), headers=query_headers, verify=False)

#take the raw response text and deserialize it into a python object.
responseObj = json.loads(r.text)

except Exception as e:

for cluster in responseObj['consistencyGroupCopyStatistics']:
cluster_id = cluster['copyUID']['globalCopyUID']['clusterUID']
if cluster['journalStatistics'] is None:
print('Production site is: ' + str(cluster_id))
inc_cluster_throughput = cluster['incomingThroughput']
inc_cluster_writes = cluster['incomingWrites']
print(str(cluster_id) + ' ' + str(inc_cluster_throughput) + ' ' + str(inc_cluster_writes))
metrics[cg + '_incomingThroughput'] = float(cluster['incomingThroughput'])
metrics[cg + '_incomingWrites'] = float(cluster['incomingWrites'])

#This is the replica site
print('Replica site is: ' + str(cluster_id))
metrics[cg + '_journalLagInBytes'] = float(cluster['journalStatistics']['journalLagInBytes'])
metrics[cg + '_actualJournalSizeInBytes'] = float(cluster['journalStatistics']['actualJournalSizeInBytes'])
metrics[cg + '_actualJournalUsageInBytes'] = float(cluster['journalStatistics']['actualJournalUsageInBytes'])

for group in responseObj['consistencyGroupLinkStatistics']:
metrics[cg + '_linkCompressionRatio'] = float(group['pipeStatistics']['compressionRatio'])
metrics[cg + '_linkDeduplicationRatio'] = float(group['pipeStatistics']['deduplicationRatio'])
metrics[cg + '_linkOutgoingThroughput'] = float(group['pipeStatistics']['outgoingThroughput'])
metrics[cg + '_linkTimeLag'] = float(group['pipeStatistics']['lag']['timeCounter'])
metrics[cg + '_linkDataLag'] = float(group['pipeStatistics']['lag']['dataCounter'])
metrics[cg + '_linkInitIncomingThroughput'] = float(group['initStatistics']['initIncomingThroughput'])
metrics[cg + '_linkInitOutgoingThroughput'] = float(group['initStatistics']['initOutgoingThroughput'])
metrics[cg + '_linkInitCompletionPortion'] = float((group['initStatistics']['initCompletionPortion']) * 100)


'time': time.time(),
'data': metrics

return METRICS['data'][metric_name]

def create_desc(skel, prop):
d = skel.copy()
for k,v in prop.items():
d[k] = v
return d

def metric_init(params):
"""metric_init(params) this is called by gmond to initialise the metrics"""

global base_url, cg_dict, password, username

Desc_Skel = {
'name' : 'XXX',
'call_back' : get_metric,
'time_max' : 600,
'value_type' : 'double',
'format' : '%0f',
'units' : 'XXX',
'slope' : 'both',
'description' : 'XXX',
'groups' : 'switch',

#set the headers for how we want the response
query_headers = {'content-type': 'application/json','accept':'application/json'}

#get list of all cg_group uids
req_url = '/fapi/rest/4_0/settings/groups/all_uids'

r = requests.get(base_url + req_url, auth=(username,password), headers=query_headers, verify=False,)
uid_dict = json.loads(r.text)

except Exception as e:
print('failed to get list of uids: ', str(e))

#get names for all cg_group uids
for uid in uid_dict:
req_url = '/fapi/rest/4_0/settings/groups/' + str(uid['id']) + '/name'
r = requests.get(base_url + req_url, auth=(username,password), headers=query_headers, verify=False,)
#print('name of ' + str(uid['id']) + ' ' + r.text)
except Exception as e:
print('Failed to get names for uids', str(e))
#put the UID's and names in a dict
cg_dict[r.text] = {'uid': uid['id']}

#get list of cluster uids
req_url = '/fapi/rest/4_0/settings/system/full'

r = requests.get(base_url + req_url, auth=(username,password), headers=query_headers, verify=False,)
settings_dict = json.loads(r.text)
except Exception as e:
print('Failed to get all settings', str(e))

#put uid + cluster names in a dict.
for cluster in settings_dict['clustersSettings']:

cluster_dict[cluster['clusterName']] = {'uid' : cluster['clusterUID']['id']}

#define the metrics we want
spoof_string = cluster_ip + ':recoverpoint'
#per Consistency Group Copy
for cg_name in cg_dict.keys():
# incomingWrites
descriptors.append(create_desc(Desc_Skel, {
"name" : str(cg_name) + '_incomingWrites',
"units" : "iops",
"description" : "CG Incoming Writes",
"groups" : "iops",
"spoof_host" : spoof_string,
# incomingThroughput
descriptors.append(create_desc(Desc_Skel, {
"name" : str(cg_name) + '_incomingThroughput',
"units" : "Bytes",
"description" : "CG Incoming Throughput",
"groups" : "throughput",
"spoof_host" : spoof_string,

# journalLagInBytes
descriptors.append(create_desc(Desc_Skel, {
"name" : str(cg_name) + '_journalLagInBytes',
"units" : "Bytes",
"description" : "CG Incoming Writes",
"groups" : "journal",
"spoof_host" : spoof_string,
# actualJournalSizeInBytes
descriptors.append(create_desc(Desc_Skel, {
"name" : str(cg_name) + '_actualJournalSizeInBytes',
"units" : "Bytes",
"description" : "CG Journal Size",
"groups" : "journal",
"spoof_host" : spoof_string,
# actualJournalUsageInBytes
descriptors.append(create_desc(Desc_Skel, {
"name" : str(cg_name) + '_actualJournalUsageInBytes',
"units" : "Bytes",
"description" : "CG Journal Usage",
"groups" : "journal",
"spoof_host" : spoof_string,
descriptors.append(create_desc(Desc_Skel, {
"name" : str(cg_name) + '_linkCompressionRatio',
"units" : "Ratio",
"description" : "CG Link Compression Ratio",
"groups" : "link",
"spoof_host" : spoof_string,
descriptors.append(create_desc(Desc_Skel, {
"name" : str(cg_name) + '_linkDeduplicationRatio',
"units" : "Ratio",
"description" : "CG Link Deduplication Ratio",
"groups" : "link",
"spoof_host" : spoof_string,
descriptors.append(create_desc(Desc_Skel, {
"name" : str(cg_name) + '_linkTimeLag',
"units" : "microseconds",
"description" : "CG Link Time Lag",
"groups" : "link",
"spoof_host" : spoof_string,
descriptors.append(create_desc(Desc_Skel, {
"name" : str(cg_name) + '_linkDataLag',
"units" : "Bytes",
"description" : "CG Link Data Lag",
"groups" : "link",
"spoof_host" : spoof_string,
descriptors.append(create_desc(Desc_Skel, {
"name" : str(cg_name) + '_linkOutgoingThroughput',
"units" : "Bytes",
"description" : "CG Link Outgoing Throughput",
"groups" : "link",
"spoof_host" : spoof_string,
descriptors.append(create_desc(Desc_Skel, {
"name" : str(cg_name) + '_linkInitIncomingThroughput',
"units" : "Bytes",
"description" : "CG Link Init Incoming Throughput",
"groups" : "init",
"spoof_host" : spoof_string,
descriptors.append(create_desc(Desc_Skel, {
"name" : str(cg_name) + '_linkInitOutgoingThroughput',
"units" : "Bytes",
"description" : "CG Link Init Outgoing Throughput",
"groups" : "init",
"spoof_host" : spoof_string,
descriptors.append(create_desc(Desc_Skel, {
"name" : str(cg_name) + '_linkInitCompletionPortion',
"units" : "Percent",
"description" : "CG Link Inititalisation Completion",
"groups" : "init",
"spoof_host" : spoof_string,

return descriptors

if __name__ == '__main__':
"""Main function, for when executed from CLI"""
params = {

descriptors = metric_init(params)
while True:
for d in descriptors:
v = d['call_back'](d['name'])
print('value for %s is %u' % (d['name'], v))
print('Sleeping 5 seconds')

37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions recoverpoint4/recoverpoint4.pyconf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# Name: recoverpoint.pyconf
# Author: Evan Fraser (
# Desc: Config file for the ganglia gmond recoverpoint4 module.
# Date: 04/02/2015
# To use: Save this file in /etc/ganglia/conf.d/

modules {
module {
name = "recoverpoint4"
language = "python"
#/* Collection groups for the
# example python module */
collection_group {
collect_every = 20
time_threshold = 50
metric {
name_match = "(.+)Throughput"
metric {
name_match = "(.+)Writes"
metric {
name_match = "(.+)Bytes"
metric {
name_match = "(.+)Lag"
metric {
name_match = "(.+)Ratio"
metric {
name_match = "(.+)Portion"

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