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Add additional module for memcached
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Although there is already one memcached Python module, mine approaches things
someone differently, and adds aggregated stats about the max age of items in
slabs -- metrics that are useful to us at Wikimedia and hopefully will be
elsewhere, too.
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atdt committed Aug 7, 2012
1 parent be072b7 commit 81ad2ef
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Showing 5 changed files with 645 additions and 0 deletions.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions memcached_maxage/
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@

This is a Python Gmond module for Memcached, compatible with both Python 2 and
3. In addition to the usual datapoints provided by "stats", this module
aggregates max age metrics from "stats items". All metrics are available in a
"memcached" collection group.

If you've installed ganglia at the standard locations, you should be able to
install this module by copying `memcached.pyconf` to `/etc/ganglia/conf.d` and
``, ``, and '' to
`/usr/lib/ganglia/python_modules`. The memcached server's host and port can be
specified in the configuration in memcached.pyconf.

For more information, see the section [Gmond Python metric modules][1] in the
Ganglia documentation.

Author: Ori Livneh <>

133 changes: 133 additions & 0 deletions memcached_maxage/conf.d/memcached.pyconf
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@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
# Gmond configuration for memcached metric module
# Install to /etc/ganglia/conf.d

modules {
module {
name = "memcached"
language = "python"
param host {
value = ""
param port {
value = "11211"

collection_group {
collect_every = 10
time_threshold = 60

metric {
name = "curr_items"
title = "curr_items"
metric {
name = "total_items"
title = "total_items"
metric {
name = "bytes"
title = "bytes"
metric {
name = "curr_connections"
title = "curr_connections"
metric {
name = "total_connections"
title = "total_connections"
metric {
name = "connection_structures"
title = "connection_structures"
metric {
name = "cmd_get"
title = "cmd_get"
metric {
name = "cmd_set"
title = "cmd_set"
metric {
name = "get_hits"
title = "get_hits"
metric {
name = "get_misses"
title = "get_misses"
metric {
name = "delete_hits"
title = "delete_hits"
metric {
name = "delete_misses"
title = "delete_misses"
metric {
name = "incr_hits"
title = "incr_hits"
metric {
name = "incr_misses"
title = "incr_misses"
metric {
name = "decr_hits"
title = "decr_hits"
metric {
name = "decr_misses"
title = "decr_misses"
metric {
name = "cas_hits"
title = "cas_hits"
metric {
name = "cas_misses"
title = "cas_misses"
metric {
name = "evictions"
title = "evictions"
metric {
name = "bytes_read"
title = "bytes_read"
metric {
name = "bytes_written"
title = "bytes_written"
metric {
name = "limit_maxbytes"
title = "limit_maxbytes"
metric {
name = "threads"
title = "threads"
metric {
name = "conn_yields"
title = "conn_yields"
metric {
name = "age_mean"
title = "age_mean"
metric {
name = "age_median"
title = "age_median"
metric {
name = "age_min"
title = "age_min"
metric {
name = "age_max"
title = "age_max"
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions memcached_maxage/python_modules/
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@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python decorator; decorated function is called on a set interval.
:author: Ori Livneh <>
:copyright: (c) 2012 Wikimedia Foundation
:license: GPL, version 2 or later
from __future__ import division
from datetime import timedelta
import signal
import sys
import threading

# pylint: disable=C0111, W0212, W0613, W0621

__all__ = ('every', )

def total_seconds(delta):
Get total seconds of timedelta object. Equivalent to
timedelta.total_seconds(), which was introduced in Python 2.7.
us = (delta.microseconds + (delta.seconds + delta.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6)
return us / 1000000.0

def handle_sigint(signal, frame):
Attempt to kill all child threads and exit. Installing this as a sigint
handler allows the program to run indefinitely if unmolested, but still
terminate gracefully on Ctrl-C.
for thread in threading.enumerate():
if thread.isAlive():

def every(*args, **kwargs):
Decorator; calls decorated function on a set interval. Arguments to every()
are passed on to the constructor of datetime.timedelta(), which accepts the
following arguments: days, seconds, microseconds, milliseconds, minutes,
hours, weeks. This decorator is intended for functions with side effects;
the return value is discarded.
interval = total_seconds(timedelta(*args, **kwargs))
def decorator(func):
def poll():
threading.Timer(interval, poll).start()
return func
return decorator

def join():
"""Pause until sigint"""
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_sigint)

every.join = join
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions memcached_maxage/python_modules/
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@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python Gmond Module for Memcached
This module declares a "memcached" collection group. For more information,
including installation instructions, see:
When invoked as a standalone script, this module will attempt to use the
default configuration to query memcached every 10 seconds and print out the
Based on a suggestion from Domas Mitzuas, this module also reports the min,
max, median and mean of the 'age' metric across slabs, as reported by the
"stats items" memcached command.
:copyright: (c) 2012 Wikimedia Foundation
:author: Ori Livneh <>
:license: GPL, v2 or later
from __future__ import division, print_function

from threading import Timer

import logging
import os
import pprint
import sys
import telnetlib


# Hack: load a file from the current module's directory, because gmond doesn't
# know how to work with Python packages. (To be fair, neither does Python.)
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__))
from memcached_metrics import descriptors
from every import every

# Default configuration
config = {
'host' : '',
'port' : 11211,

stats = {}
client = telnetlib.Telnet()

def median(values):
"""Calculate median of series"""
values = sorted(values)
length = len(values)
mid = length // 2
if (length % 2):
return values[mid]
return (values[mid - 1] + values[mid]) / 2

def mean(values):
"""Calculate mean (average) of series"""
return sum(values) / len(values)

def cast(value):
"""Cast value to float or int, if possible"""
return float(value) if '.' in value else int(value)
except ValueError:
return value

def query(command):
"""Send `command` to memcached and stream response"""
client.write(command.encode('ascii') + b'\n')
while True:
line = client.read_until(b'\r\n').decode('ascii').strip()
if not line or line == 'END':
(_, metric, value) = line.split(None, 2)
yield metric, cast(value)

def update_stats():
"""Refresh stats by polling memcached server"""
ages = [v for k, v in query('stats items') if k.endswith('age')]
if not ages:
return {'age_min': 0, 'age_max': 0, 'age_mean': 0, 'age_median': 0}
'age_min' : min(ages),
'age_max' : max(ages),
'age_mean' : mean(ages),
'age_median' : median(ages)
client.close()"Updated stats: %s", pprint.pformat(stats, indent=4))

# Gmond Interface

def metric_handler(name):
"""Get the value for a particular metric; part of Gmond interface"""
return stats[name]

def metric_init(params):
"""Initialize; part of Gmond interface"""
print('[memcached] memcached stats')
for metric in descriptors:
metric['call_back'] = metric_handler
return descriptors

def metric_cleanup():
"""Teardown; part of Gmond interface"""

if __name__ == '__main__':
# When invoked as standalone script, run a self-test by querying each
# metric descriptor and printing it out.
for metric in metric_init({}):
value = metric['call_back'](metric['name'])
print(( "%s => " + metric['format'] ) % ( metric['name'], value ))

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