Web Application is related to COVID-19 Disease. This Application Displays the Live data of COVID-19 where it will display based on Selected Country. The Data will be displayed in both Normal and Graphical Manner. There is an option to check the differences in the cases between the countries. Multiple Countries can be selected to get the results of covid diseases in their respective countries. This Result will be displayed in Graphical Manner.
To Acheive this Resullts , made use of latest web technologies like - HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Javascript, ReactJS, Firebase
To Develop User Interface made use of HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, DOM, Javascript, Material UI in ReactJS, ReactJS - Used Both Class Components and Functional Components, React Hooks.
Using Advanced Level Javascript Concepts like Promises and async/await to intergrated an APIs
Using ApexCharts in ReactJS Implemented Graphical View
Application is deployed using Firebase