Create a customized version of the GSA Integration mod for your community.
While you can use the source code to create your own mod, it is not allowed to advertise your mod as being the official GameServerApp mod (or similar). It is OK to mention that your mod works with GameServerApp API.
- In-game shop
- Token gems
- Report issue / player form
- Cluster chat
- Shortlink / URL / Vote buttons screen
- Review / Rate community
- Dino paint brush
- Mute players
- Enhanced notifications
- Twitch sub & RP access control
- Radial menu - for console support
scriptcommand gsakill {steamid} //can kill other players, at some occassions
scriptcommand gsakillnew {playerid} //fixes bug from gsakill
scriptcommand gsateleport {steamid} {x y z}
scriptcommand gsainfo {steamid}
scriptcommand gsadinocoloring {amount} {steamid}
scriptcommand gsanotify {warning/danger/success} {duration} {steamid/global} {message}
scriptcommand gsamute {steamid} {true/false} {message}
scriptcommand gsachat {steamid/global} {name%^message}
scriptcommand gsadebug {true/false}
scriptcommand gsareport {steamid}
scriptcommand gsareview {steamid}
scriptcommand gsawatermark {middle|left} {true|false}
scriptcommand gsaxp {steamid} {amount}
If you're curious and want to give the mod a try, there are currently 2 versions listed on the CurseForge website:
Our main focus is working on the GameServerApp dashboard, and besides having to fix the mod due to breaking devkit updates, folks also asked for new features on the mod.
We had to make a decision, since time is not unlimited. Instead of abandoning the mod, we went with open sourcing the mod.
GSA will no longer be actively involved in the development of the mod, and asked a mod developer to help us manage the open source repo.
We will monitor changes, since it still bears the GSA name, but are not planning to take an active role.
We do plan to continue working on the Community API, which the mod relies on, and work with mod developers that want to add new features to the mod.
Currently active developer(s):
You can post new ideas for the mod in the suggestions section.
Report bugs and/or issues in the issues section.
The mod requires an active connection with the GSA Community API, in order to retrieve data from your dashboard.
The API is used to retrieve what keybindings you have configured on the dashboard or what Shop packs are for sale, for example.
DO NOT share the API keys with anyone, treat them like passwords.
GSA Staff will never ask for your API keys or password.
DediConnect users can paste the code below in their GameUserSettings.ini
. GSA automatically replaces with the right values:
When using a self-hosted or rented game server, you can get the required mod configurations from the RconConnect Integrate page.
If you want to know more about the GSA API's and how to interact with them, check out the GSA Community API docs.
You can also reach out on Discord.
See the ARK Devkit documentation website for more information about the devkit itself, or check out the ARK modding community website.
If you found a security issues please contact
Do not contact this email address for help with the mod. For help with the mod, join our Discord.
The Integration mod is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.