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[NPM Version [License

Fresdesk-stats is node wrapper for freshdesk api based on advanced filtering and statistical analysis.


Dependency Version
Node.js 6.3.1
Npm 5.4.0


# Install dependencies if not provided yet
$ git clone
$ npm install #run this command under project directory


  • Customize freshdesk by filling freshdesk api key, domain and interval options in config/api.json.
  • Fill dialect options in config/config.json.

Quick Start

Run migrations and execute program:

$ ./node_modules/sequelize-cli/bin/sequelize db:migrate   #or
$ npm start # open localhost:5000 in browser

This registers the following endpoints:

GET /api/freshdesk/tickets
GET /api/freshdesk/stats

Use following query parameters to get specific results:

# gets all tickets
GET /api/freshdesk/tickets

# gets tickets according to the value of the field
GET /api/freshdesk/tickets?field=value

# general search pattern for getting results by matched characters
GET /api/freshdesk/tickets?field=%value

# priority might be filtered by priority>,priority<, priority!
GET /api/freshdesk/tickets?priority>=3

# gets just predefined attributes of tickets
GET /api/freshdesk/tickets?requester_id=5034029181&fields=description,subject

#gets newly created tickets within specific time interval
GET /api/freshdesk/tickets?day=1&hour=3&minute=15

#sorts in descending order
GET /api/freshdesk/tickets?sort=-field

#sorts in ascending order
GET /api/freshdesk/tickets?sort=field

#gets stats of tickets according to timestamp
GET /api/freshdesk/stats?interval=10000 #note that base of interval is second


#gets tickets within last 4 day
GET /api/freshdesk/tickets?day=4&fields=requester_name,description
    "requester_name":"Erin M Lewis",
    "description":"I still can not make the drops pop on my game. No one has responded to me about this issue. Any time I try to match nothing happens no line or anything. Please let me know if this issue will be fixed!!! Thank you"
    "requester_name":"Trellany Atwell",
    "description":"I just wanted to know how do u get more tickets to complete the vending machines cuz i have been trying to complete the soup machine for the longest"
#gets number of tickets created according to time interval
GET /api/freshdesk/stats?interval=2000000 #interval= 2000000 seconds
#returns {timestamp: ticket number}

Using With Docker

Go official Docker Hub account and look at how to use dialects which are compatible with sequelize(mysql, postgresql, sqlite, mariadb)


For postgresql, simply type following commands:

$docker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pass POSTGRES_DB:db POSTGRES_USER:user -p 5432:5432 postgres
# Same as your configuration options

After run image container for database, run application container:

Method 1: By pulling remote dockerhub repository (suggested)
  $docker pull sonmezonur/freshdesk-stats
  $docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 -p 8000:8000 --net host sonmezonur/freshdesk-stats
Method 2: By building your own docker image
Option 1: Dockerfile
$docker build . -t tag  #run on project directory where Dockerfile located
$docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 -p 8000:8000 --net host tag
Option 2: Docker-compose
$docker-compose up # if needed, modify docker-compose.yml

Docker environment created and ready to use.

Open localhost:5000 in browser


This repository released under MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2017 Gamegos


Stats and alarm API for freshdesk tickets








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