Front-end of the plant shop based on PSD files. Click here to view live
If demo is not enough download the repo, keep calm and npm install
If you want to open the project locally, run:
npm start
Project will be running locally on localhost:3000. -
If you want to build production version, run:
npm run build
Project will be build in /build folder.
- Sorting products by name or value, ascending or descending.
- Products pagination on the main page.
- Add products to the cart from single product page view.
- Increase or decrease value and delete product from the cart view.
- Use code ‘spring2019’ for 20% or ’monstera’ for 10% discount in the cart view.
- Prepare cart summary.
- Sass – CSS preprocessor
- React – JavaScript library
- Redux - state container for JavaScript apps
- BootStrap - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework
- ReactStrap - stateless React components for Bootstrap 4.
For CSS classes BEM convention was used: block__element--modifier scheme, only classes used to style the components.
Some BootStrap classes are used for RWD.
Files structure looks like below:
- /src - components, actions and reducers for app
- /actions - actions defined for Cart and ProductPage components
- /reducers - reducers for all defined actions and data about products
- /components - all components in more or less logical order
- /public
- /images - all photos, icons and splash
- /build - production version of app
- /js
- /css
Hello, I'm galdranorn. Thanks for enjoying my app.
Any comments regarding code is welcome.
Made with ❤ in 2019