This program using AES specification. You can use 192 or 256 key length to encrypt the file. Make sure the generate a key file first. To generate key file, go to generate key section for more info.
To Encrypt a file :
go run main.go encrypt <source file> <destination file>
source file : your plain file name & location
destination file : your encrypted file name & location
To Decrypt a file :
go run main.go decrypt <source file> <destination file>
source file : your encrypted file name & location
destination file : your plain file name & location
To check encrypted file :
go run main.go check <source file> <destination file>
source file : your plain file name & location
destination file : your encrypted file name & location
To generate a key :
go run main.go keygen [options]
options :
- -length = key length. Default : 256
key file with name q
will generated. You should put it with same path as the program.