This is a repository for fetching, storing, modeling and analysing financial data from yahoo finance. The tools used are postgres for saving data, Airbyte for fetching data, dbt for modeling data and Lightdash for visualizing data.
See Warehouse setup below for a guide of how to set things up.
The project currently contains
- postgres database configuration in
- airbyte setup with a connector for the yahoo finance api in
- dbt project modeling yahoo finance stuff in
- lightdash setup in
Tip: If you're tired of managing docker containers by running commands all the time, check out lazydocker and/or the docker extension for VSCode.
- Figure out how to get adding of airbyte resources with octavia cli to work
- Handle currency-differences between stock-price and report numbers (use
- Get data a bunch of companies at the same time (all companies in a country? stock exchange? index?) - might be able to use the yahoo finance screener
- Add orchestration with e.g. Dagster
- Add a Dockerfile for the whole project
This section shows how to set up stuff on Linux. Most of the stuff runs in docker containers so it shouldn't be too different on other operating systems.
First we will setup the database Airbyte will load the data into and where dbt will do its modeling. Second we will set up Airbyte and make use of the custom source connector in this repository for fetching financial data. Third we will run the dbt code to go from raw data to money data. Then to finish it off we will visualize some of the data in Lightdash.
Let's get started!
(If you'd like a more visual guide, see this blog post)
It is assumed that you are familiar some stuff: mainly the terminal, but also some docker, python and sql. It doesn't hurt if you know some dbt.
Setting up the database should be quick.
Enter database folder
cd database
Start the container hosting the database
docker-compose up -d
Connect to the database somehow, e.g. through adminer at localhost:8090 in your web browser, and run the commands in schemas.sql
and users.sql
. The default login information is
- Server: warehouse
- Username: postgres
- Password: postgres
- Database: postgres
If you're using adminer, click "SQL command" in the left menu to open a screen where you can run the commands.
Did the commands run successfully? If so, let's go to the next step of loading data with Airbyte!
Enter the airbyte folder folder and run
docker-compose up
Wait for some moments while everything starts up.
Open up the Airbyte web client at localhost:8000.
Add the source-yahoo-finance-financials connector by clicking Settings (at the bottom left), Sources and + New connector. Fill in the form with the following text:
- Connector display name: Yahoo Finance Financials
- Docker repository name: travbula/source-yahoo-finance-financials
- Docker image tag: 0.1.32
- Connector Documentation URL:
Do the same with airbyte/source-yahoo-finance-price with tag 0.1.0.
Click Destinations, + New destination, choose type Postgres. Suggested form text:
- Destination name: Warehouse
- Host: localhost
- Port: 5432
- DB Name: postgres
- Default Schema: raw_data
- User: airbyte_user
- Password: super_duper_secret
Click Set up destination
Click Sources in the left menu.
First, add Yahoo Finance Financials:
- Source name: Yahoo Finance Financials
The tickers is a list, and the Airbyte UI seems to be a bit weird for lists. I have to tab out and back in again between each ticker. Note that the ticker must exist on Yahoo Finance! Look up your company on and see what ticker they use. For example the company S.D. Standard Etc Plc has the ticker SDSD.OL.
Click Set up source
Second, add Yahoo Finance Price:
- Source name: Yahoo Finance Price
- Interval: 1d
- Range: 5y
Note that the tickers is not a list in this form, but a comma-separated string.
Click Set up source
Click Connections in the left menu.
First, connect Yahoo Finance Financials to the Warehouse. Click + New connection. Select an existing source: Yahoo Finance Financials. Click Use existing source. Select an existing destination: Warehouse. Click Use existing destination.
Suggested connection settings:
- Replication frequency: Manual
- Unclick Normalized tabular data at the bottom
- Leave everything else as is
Setup Yahoo Finance Price to Warehouse connection doing something similar.
Open the Connections menu and click Launch on both of the connections.
If the connections run successfully, Airbyte should have created some tables in the raw_data schema.
Open the dbt-model folder.
Create a python virtual environment.
python3 -m venv .venv
Activate environment.
source .venv/bin/activate
Install packages.
python -m pip install
Check your connection.
dbt debug --profiles-dir=.
Tips: if you'd like to skip --profiles-dir=.
each time, copy the profiles.yml
file into ~/dbt/
Install dbt packages.
dbt deps
dbt run
If this was successful, your datawarehouse should have a bunch of views in the analytics
schema. The most interesting views are those in the dbt-model/models/marts/
See more information about these in the documentation generated in the next step.
Generate documentation of the dbt stuff
dbt docs generate
Start a web server that hosts the documentation
dbt docs serve --port 9000
Open the documentation in your web browser at localhost:9000.
Enter lightdash folder and run
docker-compose --env-file ./ -f docker-compose.yml up --detach --remove-orphans || true
For more help, see their docs.
Open the Lightdash webclient at localhost:8080 and follow the instructions for setting up
For hostname to Warehouse connection, use warehouse (or whatever else the docker container hosting the data warehouse is called).