BookBridge is an API for managing book clubs, supporting endpoints for CRUD operations and managing clubs, users, books, reviews, readlist and etc..
book bridge depends on node.js, mysql and bash.
give execution permission to and all files inside scripts folder
chmod +x
Then setup the database and build the API with
./ --database --restart
./ --run
to run the test simply type
./ --tests
or manually restart database, rebuild the API and run:
npx jest
In file you may find examples of curl request such as
TOKEN="$(curl --header "Content-Type: application/json"
--request POST
--data '{"username":"user","password":"user"}'
| jq -r '.token')"
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"title":"o vermelho e o negro","isbn":"00033", "token":"'$TOKEN'" }' \
you can execute it and other endpoints with build:
./ --request --user-create
./ --request --user-login