- Group 1: A Twitter bot that uses the Pi camera to capture and post images
- Group 2: An alert system that uses the AM2302 temperature/humidity sensor
- Group 3: A gate counter using OpenCV and the Pi camera
Also included are some simple code examples showing how to use the PIR sensor to detect movement; the camera to preview and capture images; and a script that uses the PIR sensor to update Slack when you leave or return to your desk.
A collection of URLs and code snippets for Raspberry Pi programming
- RaspberryPi.org
- Physical Computing with Python -- basic information about the GPIO header, LEDs, buttons, switches etc
- Getting Started with PiCamera
- Raspberry Pi B+ GPIO Header Details And Pinout
API- PiCamera API
- Information about the DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- Information on possible WiFi interference with PIR sensor
Kiosk Functionality
- Auto open browser on boot
- Simple Setup with Desktop -- Part of a larger project, but the setup information here is very useful
- Raspberry Pi Kiosk Screen Tutorial -- An excellent resource. Be sure to read the user comments regarding the
file location
People/Gate Counter