An unoffical, community-supported system for playing MÖRK BORG on Foundry VTT.
morkborg-foundry-vtt is an independent production by community contributors, and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.

- Install the system from within Foundry (Configuration and Setup, Game Systems tab, Install System button). Find package MÖRK BORG and install.
- Read how to use this system.
- Kill and be killed.
If you want some third-party content, be sure to check out the MÖRK BORG Third-Party Content module, also installable from within Foundry. It includes additional classes, optional feats, roll tables, etc.
File an issue, or hop on the Foundry Discord, #free-league channel.
- MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.
- Explicit permission has been given by the MÖRK BORG authors for inclusion of the following game content:
- Names, stats, and descriptions of Weapons, Armor, Equipment, Scrolls, Optional Classes, Optional Tables, Arcane Catastrophes, Creatures, and Outcasts/Followers.
- Programming
- System implementation by mcglintlock and eeyun.
- Images
- Tokens by Chris Betancourt with original art by Johan Nohr, and used with permission from the creators.
- Weapon icons by @vil, and used with permission from the creator.
- Other icons by under Creative Commons 3.0.
- Fonts
- Blood Crow by Iconian Fonts, and free for personal use.
- Inconsolatazi4varl_qu by MirBSD, released under OFL.
- Calling Code Regular by Ryoichi Tsunekawa / DharmaType, under Public domain / GPL / OFL.
- Fette Trump Deutsch by Dieter Steffmann, and free for personal use.
- Old Cupboard by Cone Of Negative Energy (Cecil Howe), released under OFL.
- Special Elite by Astigmatic, under Apache license.
- Sounds Horn of Doom by michalwa2003.
- d100 Items and Trinkets by Pelle Svensson (with approval from Johan Nohr).
- Pale One by Tim Rudloff.
- Sacrilegious Songbird by Karl Druid.
- The Merchant by Johnny Carhat
- The Tenebrous Reliquary by Anders Arpi, Ben H, Dom Cohen, Ripley C, Johan Nohr, Karl Druid, Leander E, Paul Wilde and Flora v/d B.
- Unheroic Feats by Johnny Carhat.
- Content: MÖRK BORG Third Party License
- Code: MIT