I generally resolve issues fairly quuickly, most within hours.
If you open an issue, and ask me for help, I must have the following.
If it's a four page stack trace, give it to me. I want it all.
Don't worry about looking stupid, We all do stupid stuff,
and I am not going to be jackass about it.
If I see the same stupid mistake several times,
it tells me that it's not you, it's me and
I need to change something so people understand it better.
In most cases, all I need is a few seconds that contain the SCTE-35 in question.
If you cannot show me the stream, I cannot help you.
I don't want a "snippet",
I need working code. Don't be shy abiout it, show me the code. Again,
I won't be a jackass about it, and if I know a better way to do it, I'll show you.
If you have a better way, show me. We both win.
Don't just disappear. You opened the issue, when your problem is resolved, close it.
It's not about you, it's about the next person. You have an obligation to make the information
usable to others, that's what makes open source software work.