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[{"name":"Autocomplete","comment":" Autocomplete contains the main logic to handle auto-complete.\nThe state and logic of Autocomplete should reside within your model.\nPlease refer to our examples to see how it all linked up.\n\nTo render the Autocomplete, please refer to `Autocomplete.View` or `Autocomplete.Styled`.\n\n\n# Types\n\n@docs Autocomplete, Msg, Choices, ViewState, ViewStatus\n\n\n# State Management\n\n@docs init, update\n\n\n# Helpers\n\n@docs reset, selectedValue\n\n\n# Accessors\n\n@docs viewState, query, choices, selectedIndex, isSelected\n\n","unions":[{"name":"Autocomplete","comment":" Opaque type of Autocomplete state\n","args":["a"],"cases":[]},{"name":"ViewStatus","comment":" A useful union type for rendering the correct view for each state of Autocomplete\n","args":[],"cases":[["NotFetched",[]],["Fetching",[]],["Error",["String.String"]],["FetchedChoices",[]]]}],"aliases":[{"name":"Choices","comment":" Record to hold the query and choices for your fetcher function.\n\n type alias Choices a =\n { query : String\n , choices : List a\n , ignoreList : List a\n }\n\n fetcher : Autocomplete.Choices String -> Task String (Autocomplete.Choices String)\n fetcher lastChoices =\n let\n dogs =\n [ \"Hunter\"\n , \"Polo\"\n , \"Loki\"\n , \"Angel\"\n , \"Scout\"\n , \"Lexi\"\n , \"Zara\"\n , \"Maya\"\n , \"Baby\"\n , \"Bud\"\n , \"Ella\"\n , \"Ace\"\n , \"Kahlua\"\n , \"Jake\"\n , \"Apollo\"\n , \"Sammy\"\n , \"Puppy\"\n , \"Gucci\"\n , \"Mac\"\n , \"Belle\"\n ]\n\n insensitiveStringContains : String -> String -> Bool\n insensitiveStringContains a b =\n String.contains (String.toLower a) (String.toLower b)\n\n choiceList : List String\n choiceList =\n if String.length lastChoices.query == 0 then\n []\n\n else\n List.filter (insensitiveStringContains lastChoices.query) dogs\n in\n Task.succeed { lastChoices | choices = choiceList }\n\n","args":["a"],"type":"Internal.Choices a"},{"name":"Msg","comment":" Opaque type of Autocomplete internal msg\n","args":["a"],"type":"Internal.Msg a"},{"name":"ViewState","comment":" Record to expose common values of Autocomplete to be used for display\n","args":["a"],"type":"{ query : String.String, choices : List.List a, ignoreList : List.List a, selectedIndex : Maybe.Maybe Basics.Int, status : Autocomplete.ViewStatus }"}],"values":[{"name":"choices","comment":" Returns the current list of choices\n","type":"Autocomplete.Autocomplete a -> List.List a"},{"name":"init","comment":" Initialize the Autocomplete state with your fetcher function\n\n init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )\n init =\n ( { -- Initialize the Autocomplete state\n autocompleteState = Autocomplete.init { query = \"\", choices = [], ignoreList = [] } fetcher\n , selectedValue = Nothing\n }\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n fetcher : Autocomplete.Choices String -> Task String (Autocomplete.Choices String)\n fetcher lastChoices =\n let\n dogs =\n [ \"Hunter\"\n , \"Polo\"\n , \"Loki\"\n , \"Angel\"\n , \"Scout\"\n , \"Lexi\"\n , \"Zara\"\n , \"Maya\"\n , \"Baby\"\n , \"Bud\"\n , \"Ella\"\n , \"Ace\"\n , \"Kahlua\"\n , \"Jake\"\n , \"Apollo\"\n , \"Sammy\"\n , \"Puppy\"\n , \"Gucci\"\n , \"Mac\"\n , \"Belle\"\n ]\n\n insensitiveStringContains : String -> String -> Bool\n insensitiveStringContains a b =\n String.contains (String.toLower a) (String.toLower b)\n\n choiceList : List String\n choiceList =\n if String.length lastChoices.query == 0 then\n []\n\n else\n List.filter (insensitiveStringContains lastChoices.query) dogs\n in\n Task.succeed { lastChoices | choices = choiceList }\n\n","type":"Autocomplete.Choices a -> (Autocomplete.Choices a -> Task.Task String.String (Autocomplete.Choices a)) -> Autocomplete.Autocomplete a"},{"name":"isSelected","comment":" Helper function to calculate if an index is selected\n\n renderChoice : (Int -> List (Attribute Msg)) -> Maybe Int -> Int -> String -> Html Msg\n renderChoice events selectedIndex index s =\n Html.div\n (if Autocomplete.isSelected selectedIndex index then\n Html.Attributes.style \"backgroundColor\" \"#EEE\" :: events index\n\n else\n Html.Attributes.style \"backgroundColor\" \"#FFF\" :: events index\n )\n [ Html.text s ]\n\n","type":"Maybe.Maybe Basics.Int -> Basics.Int -> Basics.Bool"},{"name":"query","comment":" Returns the query of the Autocomplete\n","type":"Autocomplete.Autocomplete a -> String.String"},{"name":"reset","comment":" Reset the Autocomplete State\n\nThere are many scenarios Autocomplete can handle using the `reset`.\n\nOn selected value, display selectedValue but remove all choices:\n\n Autocomplete.reset\n { query = Maybe.withDefault query selectedValue\n , choices = []\n , ignoreList = []\n }\n autocompleteState\n\nOn selected multiple values, ignore selected values but still display the choices:\n\n Autocomplete.reset\n { query = \"\"\n , choices = Autocomplete.choices autocompleteState\n , ignoreList = selectedValueList\n }\n autocompleteState\n\n","type":"Autocomplete.Choices a -> Autocomplete.Autocomplete a -> Autocomplete.Autocomplete a"},{"name":"selectedIndex","comment":" Returns the selected index of the Autocomplete\n","type":"Autocomplete.Autocomplete a -> Maybe.Maybe Basics.Int"},{"name":"selectedValue","comment":" Returns the selectedValue\n","type":"Autocomplete.Autocomplete a -> Maybe.Maybe a"},{"name":"update","comment":" Updates the Autocomplete state\n\n\n update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )\n update msg model =\n case msg of\n -- This is the main wire-up to pass Autocomplete Msg to Autocomplete state\n OnAutocomplete autocompleteMsg ->\n let\n ( newAutocompleteState, autoCompleteCmd ) =\n Autocomplete.update autocompleteMsg model.autocompleteState\n in\n ( { model | autocompleteState = newAutocompleteState }\n , Cmd.map OnAutocomplete autoCompleteCmd\n )\n\n -- ...\n\n","type":"Autocomplete.Msg a -> Autocomplete.Autocomplete a -> ( Autocomplete.Autocomplete a, Platform.Cmd.Cmd (Autocomplete.Msg a) )"},{"name":"viewState","comment":" Returns the ViewState of the Autocomplete to render the view.\nRemember to attach Autocomplete events to your view!\nSee [Autocomplete.View](Autocomplete.View#events)\n","type":"Autocomplete.Autocomplete a -> Autocomplete.ViewState a"}],"binops":[]},{"name":"Autocomplete.Styled","comment":" Autocomplete.Styled exposes [HTML.Styled](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/rtfeldman/elm-css/latest/Css) events to be attached for input and every autocomplete choice.\n\n\n# Type\n\n@docs Events, EventMapper\n\n\n# Attributes\n\n@docs events\n\n","unions":[],"aliases":[{"name":"EventMapper","comment":" Map Autocomplete Msg into your app's msg and also the msg to send when user selects a choice\n","args":["a","msg"],"type":"{ onSelect : msg, mapHtml : Internal.Msg a -> msg }"},{"name":"Events","comment":" Record to hold the events to be attached for input and every autocomplete choice\n","args":["msg"],"type":"{ inputEvents : List.List (Html.Styled.Attribute msg), choiceEvents : Basics.Int -> List.List (Html.Styled.Attribute msg) }"}],"values":[{"name":"events","comment":" Returns the events to be attached for input and every autocomplete choice\n","type":"Autocomplete.Styled.EventMapper a msg -> Autocomplete.Styled.Events msg"}],"binops":[]},{"name":"Autocomplete.View","comment":" Autocomplete.View exposes HTML events to be attached for input and every autocomplete choice.\n\n view : Model -> Html Msg\n view model =\n let\n { selectedValue, autocompleteState } =\n model\n\n -- Get view-related state from the Autocomplete State\n { query, choices, selectedIndex, status } =\n Autocomplete.viewState autocompleteState\n\n -- Important! We need to attach input and choice events to our view\n { inputEvents, choiceEvents } =\n AutocompleteView.events\n { onSelect = OnAutocompleteSelect\n , mapHtml = OnAutocomplete\n }\n in\n Html.div []\n [ Html.div [] [ Html.text <| \"Selected Value: \" ++ Maybe.withDefault \"Nothing\" selectedValue ]\n\n -- Our simple input view with the inputEvents from AutocompleteView.events\n -- which handles keydown/input events\n -- We add our own custom onBlur event to close the Autocomplete when focus is lost\n , Html.input\n (inputEvents\n ++ [ Html.Attributes.value query, Html.Events.onBlur OnAutocompleteBlur ]\n )\n []\n\n -- The container for our choices\n , Html.div [] <|\n -- Autocomplete.viewState provides a fetching status type\n -- We can use this to render our choices\n case status of\n Autocomplete.NotFetched ->\n [ Html.text \"\" ]\n\n Autocomplete.Fetching ->\n [ Html.text \"Fetching...\" ]\n\n Autocomplete.Error s ->\n [ Html.text s ]\n\n Autocomplete.FetchedChoices ->\n if String.length query > 0 then\n -- Our simple div view for each choice with choiceEvent\n -- from AutocompleteView.events which handles mouse click events\n List.indexedMap (renderChoice choiceEvents selectedIndex) choices\n\n else\n [ Html.text \"\" ]\n ]\n\n renderChoice : (Int -> List (Attribute Msg)) -> Maybe Int -> Int -> String -> Html Msg\n renderChoice events selectedIndex index s =\n Html.div\n (if Autocomplete.isSelected selectedIndex index then\n Html.Attributes.style \"backgroundColor\" \"#EEE\" :: events index\n\n else\n Html.Attributes.style \"backgroundColor\" \"#FFF\" :: events index\n )\n [ Html.text s ]\n\n\n# Type\n\n@docs Events, EventMapper\n\n\n# Attributes\n\n@docs events\n\n","unions":[],"aliases":[{"name":"EventMapper","comment":" Map Autocomplete Msg into your app's msg and also the msg to send when user selects a choice\n","args":["a","msg"],"type":"{ onSelect : msg, mapHtml : Internal.Msg a -> msg }"},{"name":"Events","comment":" Record to hold the events to be attached for input and every autocomplete choice\n","args":["msg"],"type":"{ inputEvents : List.List (Html.Attribute msg), choiceEvents : Basics.Int -> List.List (Html.Attribute msg) }"}],"values":[{"name":"events","comment":" Returns the events to be attached for input and every autocomplete choice\n","type":"Autocomplete.View.EventMapper a msg -> Autocomplete.View.Events msg"}],"binops":[]}]