Releases: futuredapp/FuntastyKit
Releases · futuredapp/FuntastyKit
v0.12: Alert coordinator optional title message
- Alert coordinator optional title message
v0.11: Add preferred style to alert coordinator
UIViewController+Deselection deselect items fix
UIViewController+Deselection fix of previous fix
AlertCoordinator contains preferredStyle
DefaultCoordinator common extension can present action sheet
v0.9: Alert coordination and fixes
- Add error handling mechanisms
- Remove where clause from Coordinated
v0.8: Improve constraints on Coordinated protocol
- Fix mutating on coordinated protocol and add more strict requirement
v0.7: Generic Coordinated protocol (#21)
* Remove coordinator segue * Remove duplicate requirements to UIVewController * Use associated type and default implementations in Coordinated protocol * Force-set coordinator to controllers
Improve Keyboardable observer removal (#18)
Merge pull request #18 from zvonicek/keyboardable-removing Improve Keyboardable observer removal
v0.5: Fix cells deselection (#17)
* UIViewController+Deselection deselect items fix * UIViewController+Deselection fix of previous fix
v0.4: Extend StoryboardType with custom bundle identifier specification (#14)
* Add custom bundle identifier specification * Change accessors to private
v0.3: Fix service holder initialization (#11)
* Make UIView extension IBDesignable * Improve ServiceHolder to work with non-nonparametricly initialized services (#10) * Separate the protocol for service without non-parametric initializer * Remove ServiceHolder methods not requiring to add protocol type * Add public init to service holder