Unofficial Pytorch-lightning implement of MINER: Multiscale Implicit Neural Representations(Siggraph2022)
In a Gaussian pyramid, subsequent images are weighted down using a Gaussian average (Gaussian blur) and scaled down. Each pixel containing a local average corresponds to a neighborhood pixel on a lower level of the pyramid. This technique is used especially in texture synthesis.
A Laplacian pyramid is very similar to a Gaussian pyramid but saves the difference image of the blurred versions between each levels. Only the smallest level is not a difference image to enable reconstruction of the high resolution image using the difference images on higher levels. This technique can be used in image compression.
Given an input image of
$L_0, ...,L_{k-1}$ -
$g_k$ for some$K\le N$
$L_l = g_l - \text{EXPAND}(g_{l+1})$ $\text{EXPAND}(g_l) = 4\sum^2_{m=-2}\sum^2_{n=-2}w(m,n)g_l(\frac{i-m}{2},\frac{j-n}{2} )$
- build a directory called "data/"
- make sure your own images put in "data/"
- Data used in My Experiment:
Thanks for all the contributors below!
kwea123's repo:
kwea123's videos: YouTube
Wikipedia: Pyramid (image processing)
University of Toronto CSC320 slides: