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Autoblue is an open-source web app for automating posts on Bluesky, thanks to the their python api.


Autoblue demo

Curent Features

  • User registration and login.
  • Password change, (Autoblue) account deletion.
  • Simple posts automation to Bluesky.
  • Support for hashtags
  • Posts and scheduled posts history.
  • Schedule post canceletion.

Future Improvements

  • Media uploads.
  • Threaded posts creation.
  • Add support for additional platforms beyond BlueSky.
  • Build a richer frontend for better user experience.
  • Add user analytics and performance metrics.

Technologies Used

  • Backend: Python, Django
  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Containerization: Docker & Docker Compose
  • Web Server: Nginx
  • Task Queue: Celery & Redis
  • Deployment: GitHub Actions for CI/CD, DigitalOcean Droplet


For this app to run locally make sure you have celery and redis installed and setup. Use auto_app.utils.generate_secret_key() to generate a key using for encrypting your Bluesky username & password. And get a Django secret key using Django shell, add all those in .env.example

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd autoblue
  1. Set up a virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
  1. Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the development server:
export DJANGO_ENV=development
celery -A auto_app.celery:app worker --loglevel=info
python migrate
python runserver
  1. Set up postgres db, add your credentianls in .env.example
  2. Access the app at


Navigate to the homepage and log in. Use the interface to add your Bluesky logins, create posts or delete posts.


  • Star the project :)