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Crosswalk Command Line Options

townxelliot edited this page Sep 17, 2014 · 5 revisions

This page is intended to document the command line options specific to Crosswalk.

Note that when you build a Crosswalk application for Android, you can define command-line options for the runtime when building the package with

xwalk command line options

In the examples below, the Crosswalk binary is denoted with xwalk. On Windows, the executable is called xwalk.exe. On Tizen, it is in /usr/lib/xwalk/xwalk; but Crosswalk applications are typically launched via the Crosswalk service, defined in /usr/lib/systemd/user/xwalk.service.

Name Description Example
--app-icon Specify the icon file path for the app window; supports both ICO and PNG file formats. xwalk --app-icon=XXX.png
--data-path Specify the folder name to use for the web app's configuration. This folder will be added under the system configuration folder. On Linux, the system configuration folder is $HOME/.config; on Windows, it is $USER/AppData/Local xwalk --data-path=myapp
Data goes into a new directory named myapp under the system configuration folder.
--fullscreen Launch the application in a fullscreen window. xwalk --fullscreen
Launch Crosswalk in full screen mode.
--remote-debugging-port Enable remote debugging on the given localhost port. xwalk --remote-debugging-port=9222
Access 'http://localhost:9222' in a Chrome browser to see all inspectable pages running under Crosswalk.
--list-features-flags List all the feature flags for Crosswalk. xwalk --list-features-flags
Display a list of all the feature flags for Crosswalk and the command line argument to switch them on or off.

xwalkctl command line options

Name Description Example
--install Install/update an application xwalkctl --install xxx.wgt
--uninstall Uninstall an application by appid/pkgid xwalkctl --uninstall appid
--debugging_port Enable remote debugging mode (passing --debugging_port=0 disables debugging) xwalkctl --debugging_port=9222
Access 'http://localhost:9222' in a Chrome browser to see all inspectable pages for applications which can be debugged.
--continue Continue unfinished tasks xwalkctl --continue
Any aborted install or update tasks will continue from where they left off.

xwalk-launcher command line options

Name Description Example
--running Check whether an application is running xwalk-launcher --running appid
--fullscreen Run an application in a fullscreen window xwalk-launcher --fullscreen appid
--debugging_port Enable remote debugging for an application xwalk-launcher --debugging_port appid
The application will be launched in debug mode.
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