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Crosswalk 9 release notes

baleboy edited this page Oct 1, 2014 · 5 revisions

Rebased to Chromium 38 (38.0.2125.66), bringing: Element File constructor JS iterators (ES6) Map (ES6) Math functions (ES6) Screen Orientation API Set (ES6) Symbols (ES6) Unscopables (ES6) image-rendering: pixelated

Crosswalk on Android

* [XWALK-1638] - Enable shared mode for Crosswalk core.
* [XWALK-1914] - Implement the changes in SIMD.JS according to API spec change
* [XWALK-1930] - Add Crosswalk library to the Maven repository (still pending one change)
* [XWALK-1947] - Packaging enhancement for external extensions  ( )
* [XWALK-2376] - Embedding API: Preference value
* [XWALK-2378] -  Add a new onNewIntent method that users can override to handle a new Intent
* [XWALK-2391] - Crosswalk script should be runnable from any location
* [XWALK-2394] - Temporary build directories should be in system "temp" location
* [XWALK-1655] - Improve the usability of embedding API for IA and ARM
* Embedding API version 3.0 (docs)

Crosswalk on Tizen

* [XWALK-865] - [Tizen] Vehicle Signals API - get, zones, subscribe and unsubscribe
* [XWALK-1065] - [Tizen][IVI] Bluetooth API
* [XWALK-1070] - [Tizen][IVI] Download API
* [XWALK-1171] - [Feature] Widget Signature 
* [XWALK-1195] - [Tizen] DLNA Media Renderer API
* [XWALK-1491] - [Feature] 0230.Tizen Settings 
* [XWALK-1492] - [Feature] 0240.Tizen Hosted Web Application 
* [XWALK-1497] - [Feature] 0320.The WRT MUST suspend JavaScript execution and rendering
* [XWALK-1498] - [Festure] 0330.For applications whose execution was suspended...
* [XWALK-1499] - [Feature] 0340.The WRT MUST NOT suspend the Web Application execution...
* [XWALK-1507] - [Feature] 0610.The WRT MUST support widget signature processing as defined in the W3C XML Digital Signatures for Widgets. 
* [XWALK-1508] - [Feature] 0620.If the Web Application is signed with a valid Tizen distributor...
* [XWALK-1509] - [Feature] 0630.If the Web Application is signed with an invalid signature (author or distributor), the WRT MUST not allow it to be installed. 
* [XWALK-1510] - [Feature] 0640.If a Web Application package does not contain a valid Tizen
* [XWALK-1565] - [Feature] 0100.If the WRT fails to install the Web Application due to a power failure...
* [XWALK-1649] - Multi User architecture compliant (pending confirmation)
* [XWALK-1668] - Policy integration for web applications (audio tag)
* [XWALK-1877] - WebAPI needed for Single Signon

Notable Bug Fixes (Android)

* [XWALK-1664] - Unable to save the image in Capture component on Cordova 3.5.0
* [XWALK-2150] - Fail to switch to Full Screen mode when tapping "Request" button in Webapi Usecase/Full Screen Test
* [XWALK-2154] - Unable to get cpu/storage/memory/display/avcodecs info of the device and system in Webapi/DeviceCapabilities on Android
* [XWALK-2188] - [Android] XWalkView will display a short white screen when press home button
* [XWALK-2417] - CordovaCrossWalk - onPause javascript code not executed until onresume
* [XWALK-2432] - [Android] Crash on
* [XWALK-2462] - [REG] Fail to run Cordova remote debug testing in chrome browser
* [XWALK-2051] - screen.orientation.type is undefined when running “W3C/ScreenOrientation” on Android OS
* [XWALK-1321] - No words show in the text area when running “Usecase/WebSpeech” on Android OS
* [XWALK-2229] - White Flash between application transitions

Notable Bug Fixes (Tizen)

* [XWALK-2160] - WebRTC does not work on Tizen with Chromium 37
* [XWALK-2262] - [REG]No voice when playing the video on Tizen IVI 
* [XWALK-2265] - [REG]The screen displayed abnormally when playing mp4 format video on Tizen IVI
* [XWALK-2267] - nfc attribute does not exist in Navigator when running the "WebAPI/NFC" on IVI
* [XWALK-1054] - Fail to get correct value of TCPSocket.addressReuse when running the "WebAPI/Rawsockets" on IVI
* [XWALK-1056] - Fail to call the method 'append' of "initBlobBuilder()" when running the "W3C/FileAPI" on IVI
* [XWALK-1145] - [REG]Fail to get correct value of div “column-rule-width” when running “WebAPI/muticolumn” on IVI
* [XWALK-1247] - [REG]Fail to get correct value of "box-decoration-break" when running the "WebAPI/Backgrounds" component on IVI
* [XWALK-1270] - Fail to get test result when  running "tct-power-tizen-tests" component on IVI
* [XWALK-1323] - Full Screen mode function does not work well when running the "WebAPI/UseCase/FullScreen" component on IVI
* [XWALK-1439] - No popup menu when running "WebAPI/Usecase/Clipboard" on IVI
* [XWALK-1440] - The webapp should not be installed when manifest name include `"` parameter
* [XWALK-1450] - Virtual keyboard does not work when launching web page on Tizen common
* [XWALK-1535] - Fail to connect RTC connection when running “WebAPI/UseCase/WebRTC” on IVI
* [XWALK-1651] - CLONE - [REG] Unable to run the Cordova API test on Cordova Canary
* [XWALK-1784] - No response after clicking the "unlockorientation" button when running the "WebAPI/Usecase/ScreenOrientation" on IVI
* [XWALK-1983] - [REG] The "tizen.application.getCurrentApplication()" is undefined when running the "Tizen/Application" on IVI
* [XWALK-2014] - Fail to execute “screen.lockOrientation(null)” when running “WebAPI/screenorientation” on IVI
* [XWALK-2042] - [xwalkdriver] xwalkdriver quit throw exception
* [XWALK-2045] - screen.orientation.type and screen.orientation.angle are undefined when running the "W3C/Screenorientation" on IVI
* [XWALK-2095] - screen.orientation.type is undefined when running “W3C/ScreenOrientation” on IVI
* [XWALK-2110] - [REG]Fails to get return value when invoking the "tizen.application.getAppMetaData" method in the "Web/Runtime/ConfigExtension" on IVI
* [XWALK-2126] - Returning current screen orientation returns undefined when using Crosswalk Cordova 
* [XWALK-2150] - Fail to switch to Full Screen mode when tapping "Request" button in Webapi Usecase/Full Screen Test
* [XWALK-2156] - ContactManager does not work for Crosswalk Cordova on Android ARM device
* [XWALK-2161] - Fail to initialize notificationDict when running Tizen/Notification(wgt format) test suite on Tizen IVI
* [XWALK-2164] - Fail to get wgt-package/wgt-private/wgt-private-tmp storage when running Tizen/Filesystem(wgt format) on Tizen IVI
* [XWALK-2171] - [REG]Fail to launch url with "xwalk-launcher URL" on Tizen IVI 
* [XWALK-2221] - [REG]"Deprecated key 'version' found" occurred when installing/listing/uninstalling xpk on Tizen IVI
* [XWALK-2236] - [REG]The "RTCPeerConnection()" method does not work when running the "WebAPI/WebRTC" on IVI
* [XWALK-2237] - [REG]Bluetooth call getDefaultAdapter fails on IVI
* [XWALK-2253] - [REG] failed to run out test results and just loaded html file contents after tapping run button in Android/webapi/noneservice test
* [XWALK-2256] - [REG]The most functions of tizen.application got undefined when running the "Tizen/Application" on IVI
* [XWALK-2260] - [REG]Webapp cache file does not be deleted after uninstalling webapp on Tizen IVI
* [XWALK-2268] - Crash occurred when invoking the getIdentity method in "Tizen/Usecase/SSO" on IVI
* [XWALK-2276] - Crosswalk crash when running the "Webapi/Mediarenderer" on IVI
* [XWALK-2277] - Fail to found the test case when running the "WebAPI/SSO" on IVI
* [XWALK-2295] - [REG]All of the "Link" are opened in the default browser when running the test case "setting-an-one" on IVI
* [XWALK-2297] - [REG] Error: NaCl module load failed with crosswalk on IVI
* [XWALK-2311] - NFC interfaces do not full implement its attributes
* [XWALK-2385] - [REG] FAILED to pack app with crosswalk-cordova-9.37.195/196.0
* [XWALK-2386] - [REG]nfc attribute does not exist in Navigator when running the "WebAPI/NFC" on IVI
* [XWALK-2403] - crosswalk installer should stop to install package if the package is valid
* [XWALK-2445] - Fail to launch the app without reboot ivi after installing crosswalk on Tizen IVI image 20140826.3
* [XWALK-2446] - [REG] Fail to test remote debugging in chrome browser
* [XWALK-2447] - [REG]Fail to launch app/url for the first time after reboot ivi with crosswalk on Tizen IVI image 20140826.3
* [XWALK-2454] - [REG]Fail to list installed app with crosswalk on Tizen IVI and Common image
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