Releases: fstwn/pyembroideryGH
pyembroideryGH v0.3.0.0-rc
Completely restructured code. Almost everything inside the components has been updated with a much better and simpler logic. This also respects the inner workings of Grasshopper a lot more now.
I strongly recommend updating all of the UserObjects. Please be aware that v0.2 UserObjects and v0.3 UserObjects will most likely not work well together! Best practice is probably to either re-build existing definitions with the new components or leave old definitions as-is and use the new components for new projects.
This is a pre-release / release candidate. Some new functionality is still in development and thus not included here. There will be a proper v0.3 release once these implementations are complete (rather sooner than later, I promise!).
The archive contains everything you need to use pyembroideryGH inside Grasshopper as well as some installation instructions and the example file(s).