diff --git a/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server/Values.fs b/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server/Values.fs
index 4a4af46a..8f93e8bf 100644
--- a/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server/Values.fs
+++ b/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server/Values.fs
@@ -317,6 +317,13 @@ let rec internal compileByType
| _ -> Ok null
| List (Input innerDef) ->
+ match innerDef with
+ | InputObject inputObjDef
+ | Nullable (InputObject inputObjDef) ->
+ let inner = compileByType inputObjectPath inputSource (inputDef, innerDef)
+ inputObjDef.ExecuteInput <- inner
+ | _ -> ()
let isArray = inputDef.Type.IsArray
// TODO: Improve creation of inner
let inner index = compileByType ((box index) :: inputObjectPath) inputSource (innerDef, innerDef)
diff --git a/tests/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Tests/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Tests.fsproj b/tests/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Tests/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Tests.fsproj
index c5613e69..10ef9d6c 100644
--- a/tests/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Tests/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Tests.fsproj
+++ b/tests/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Tests/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Tests.fsproj
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
diff --git a/tests/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Tests/Variables and Inputs/InputRecordListTests.fs b/tests/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Tests/Variables and Inputs/InputRecordListTests.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..149005f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Tests/Variables and Inputs/InputRecordListTests.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+// The MIT License (MIT)
+module FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Tests.InputRecordListTests
+#nowarn "25"
+open Xunit
+open System.Collections.Immutable
+open System.Text.Json
+open System.Text.Json.Serialization
+open FSharp.Data.GraphQL
+open FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Types
+open FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Parser
+open FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Tests.InputRecordTests
+let schema verify =
+ let schema =
+ Schema (
+ query =
+ Define.Object (
+ "Query",
+ [ Define.Field (
+ "recordInputs",
+ StringType,
+ [ Define.Input ("records", ListOf InputRecordType)
+ Define.Input ("recordsOptional", Nullable (ListOf (Nullable InputRecordOptionalType)))
+ Define.Input ("recordsNested", ListOf (Nullable InputRecordNestedType)) ],
+ (fun ctx name ->
+ let _ = ctx.Arg "records"
+ let _ = ctx.TryArg> "recordsOptional"
+ let recordNested =
+ ctx.Arg> "recordsNested"
+ |> List.tryHead
+ |> Option.flatten
+ match verify, recordNested with
+ | Nothing, _ -> ()
+ | AllInclude, Some recordNested -> recordNested.s |> ValueOption.iter _.VerifyAllInclude
+ | AllSkip, Some recordNested -> recordNested.s |> ValueOption.iter _.VerifyAllSkip
+ | SkipAndIncludeNull, Some recordNested -> recordNested.s |> ValueOption.iter _.VerifySkipAndIncludeNull
+ | _ -> ()
+ stringifyInput ctx name
+ )
+ ) // TODO: add all args stringificaiton
+ Define.Field (
+ "objectInputs",
+ StringType,
+ [ Define.Input ("object", InputObjectType)
+ Define.Input ("objectOptional", Nullable InputObjectOptionalType) ],
+ stringifyInput
+ ) ] // TODO: add all args stringificaiton
+ )
+ )
+ Executor schema
+let ``Execute handles creation of inline empty input records list`` () =
+ let query =
+ """{
+ recordInputs(
+ records: [],
+ recordsOptional: [],
+ recordsNested: []
+ )
+ }"""
+ let result = sync <| (schema AllInclude).AsyncExecute(parse query)
+ ensureDirect result <| fun data errors -> empty errors
+let ``Execute handles creation of inline input records list with all fields`` () =
+ let query =
+ """{
+ recordInputs(
+ records: [{ a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" }],
+ recordsOptional: [{ a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" }],
+ recordsNested: [{
+ a: { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" },
+ b: { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" },
+ c: { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" },
+ s: { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" },
+ l: [{ a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" }]
+ }]
+ )
+ }"""
+ let result = sync <| (schema AllInclude).AsyncExecute(parse query)
+ ensureDirect result <| fun data errors -> empty errors
+let ``Execute handles creation of inline input records list with optional null fields`` () =
+ let query =
+ """{
+ recordInputs(
+ records: [{ a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" }],
+ recordsOptional: [null],
+ recordsNested: [{ a: { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" }, b: null, c: null, s: null, l: [] }]
+ )
+ }"""
+ let result = sync <| (schema Nothing).AsyncExecute(parse query)
+ ensureDirect result <| fun data errors -> empty errors
+let ``Execute handles creation of inline input records list with mandatory only fields`` () =
+ let query =
+ """{
+ recordInputs(
+ records: [{ a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" }],
+ recordsNested: [{ a: { a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" }, l: [{ a: "a", b: "b", c: "c" }] }]
+ )
+ }"""
+ let result = sync <| (schema Nothing).AsyncExecute(parse query)
+ ensureDirect result <| fun data errors -> empty errors
+let variablesWithAllInputs (record, optRecord, skippable) =
+ $"""
+ {{
+ "records":[%s{record}],
+ "optRecords":[%s{optRecord}],
+ "nestedRecords":[ {{ "a": {record}, "b": {optRecord}, "c": {optRecord}, "s": {skippable}, "l": [{record}] }}]
+ }}
+let paramsWithValues variables =
+ JsonDocument
+ .Parse(variables : string)
+ .RootElement.Deserialize> (serializerOptions)
+let ``Execute handles creation of input records list from variables with all fields`` () =
+ let query =
+ """query (
+ $records: [InputRecord!]!,
+ $optRecords: [InputRecordOptional],
+ $nestedRecords: [InputRecordNested]!
+ ) {
+ recordInputs(
+ records: $records,
+ recordsOptional: $optRecords,
+ recordsNested: $nestedRecords
+ )
+ }"""
+ let testInputObject = """{"a":"a","b":"b","c":"c"}"""
+ let params' =
+ variablesWithAllInputs(testInputObject, testInputObject, testInputObject) |> paramsWithValues
+ let result = sync <| (schema AllInclude).AsyncExecute(parse query, variables = params')
+ //let expected = NameValueLookup.ofList [ "recordInputs", upcast testInputObject ]
+ ensureDirect result <| fun data errors ->
+ empty errors
+ //data |> equals (upcast expected)
+let ``Execute handles creation of input records list from variables with optional null fields`` () =
+ let query =
+ """query (
+ $records: [InputRecord!]!,
+ $optRecords: [InputRecordOptional],
+ $nestedRecords: [InputRecordNested]!
+ ) {
+ recordInputs(
+ records: $records,
+ recordsOptional: $optRecords,
+ recordsNested: $nestedRecords
+ )
+ }"""
+ let testInputObject = """{"a":"a","b":"b","c":"c"}"""
+ let testInputSkippable = """{ "a": null, "b": null, "c": null }"""
+ let params' = variablesWithAllInputs(testInputObject, "null", testInputSkippable) |> paramsWithValues
+ let result = sync <| (schema SkipAndIncludeNull).AsyncExecute(parse query, variables = params')
+ ensureDirect result <| fun data errors -> empty errors
+let ``Execute handles creation of input records from variables with mandatory only fields`` () =
+ let variablesWithAllInputs (record) =
+ $"""
+ {{
+ "record":%s{record},
+ "list":[%s{record}]
+ }}
+ """
+ let query =
+ """query ($record: InputRecord!, $list: [InputRecord!]!){
+ recordInputs(
+ records: [$record],
+ recordsNested: [{ a: $record, l: $list }]
+ )
+ }"""
+ let testInputObject = """{"a":"a","b":"b","c":"c"}"""
+ let params' = variablesWithAllInputs testInputObject |> paramsWithValues
+ let result = sync <| (schema AllSkip).AsyncExecute(parse query, variables = params')
+ ensureDirect result <| fun data errors -> empty errors