diff --git a/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore.fsproj b/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore.fsproj
index c12ce2e62..81c566f15 100644
--- a/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore.fsproj
+++ b/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore.fsproj
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
diff --git a/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore/GraphQLRequest.fs b/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore/GraphQLRequest.fs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec09ffd2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore/GraphQLRequest.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+namespace FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore
+open System
+open System.IO
+open System.Text.Json
+open System.Text.Json.Serialization
+open System.Threading.Tasks
+open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
+open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
+open Microsoft.Extensions.Options
+open FSharp.Data.GraphQL
+open FsToolkit.ErrorHandling
+open FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server
+/// Provides logic to parse and execute GraphQL request
+type GraphQLRequest<'Root> (
+ httpContextAccessor : IHttpContextAccessor,
+ options : IOptionsMonitor>,
+ logger : ILogger>
+) =
+ let ctx = httpContextAccessor.HttpContext
+ let toResponse { DocumentId = documentId; Content = content; Metadata = metadata } =
+ let serializeIndented value =
+ let jsonSerializerOptions = options.Get(GraphQLOptions.IndentedOptionsName).SerializerOptions
+ JsonSerializer.Serialize(value, jsonSerializerOptions)
+ match content with
+ | Direct(data, errs) ->
+ logger.LogDebug(
+ $"Produced direct GraphQL response with documentId = '{{documentId}}' and metadata:\n{{metadata}}",
+ documentId,
+ metadata
+ )
+ if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
+ logger.LogTrace($"GraphQL response data:\n:{{data}}", serializeIndented data)
+ GQLResponse.Direct(documentId, data, errs)
+ | Deferred(data, errs, deferred) ->
+ logger.LogDebug(
+ $"Produced deferred GraphQL response with documentId = '{{documentId}}' and metadata:\n{{metadata}}",
+ documentId,
+ metadata
+ )
+ if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Debug then
+ deferred
+ |> Observable.add (function
+ | DeferredResult(data, path) ->
+ logger.LogDebug(
+ "Produced GraphQL deferred result for path: {path}",
+ path |> Seq.map string |> Seq.toArray |> Path.Join
+ )
+ if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
+ logger.LogTrace(
+ $"GraphQL deferred data:\n{{data}}",
+ serializeIndented data
+ )
+ | DeferredErrors(null, errors, path) ->
+ logger.LogDebug(
+ "Produced GraphQL deferred errors for path: {path}",
+ path |> Seq.map string |> Seq.toArray |> Path.Join
+ )
+ if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
+ logger.LogTrace($"GraphQL deferred errors:\n{{errors}}", errors)
+ | DeferredErrors(data, errors, path) ->
+ logger.LogDebug(
+ "Produced GraphQL deferred result with errors for path: {path}",
+ path |> Seq.map string |> Seq.toArray |> Path.Join
+ )
+ if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
+ logger.LogTrace(
+ $"GraphQL deferred errors:\n{{errors}}\nGraphQL deferred data:\n{{data}}",
+ errors,
+ serializeIndented data
+ ))
+ GQLResponse.Direct(documentId, data, errs)
+ | Stream stream ->
+ logger.LogDebug(
+ $"Produced stream GraphQL response with documentId = '{{documentId}}' and metadata:\n{{metadata}}",
+ documentId,
+ metadata
+ )
+ if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Debug then
+ stream
+ |> Observable.add (function
+ | SubscriptionResult data ->
+ logger.LogDebug("Produced GraphQL subscription result")
+ if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
+ logger.LogTrace(
+ $"GraphQL subscription data:\n{{data}}",
+ serializeIndented data
+ )
+ | SubscriptionErrors(null, errors) ->
+ logger.LogDebug("Produced GraphQL subscription errors")
+ if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
+ logger.LogTrace($"GraphQL subscription errors:\n{{errors}}", errors)
+ | SubscriptionErrors(data, errors) ->
+ logger.LogDebug("Produced GraphQL subscription result with errors")
+ if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
+ logger.LogTrace(
+ $"GraphQL subscription errors:\n{{errors}}\nGraphQL deferred data:\n{{data}}",
+ errors,
+ serializeIndented data
+ ))
+ GQLResponse.Stream documentId
+ | RequestError errs ->
+ logger.LogWarning(
+ $"Produced request error GraphQL response with documentId = '{{documentId}}' and metadata:\n{{metadata}}",
+ documentId,
+ metadata
+ )
+ GQLResponse.RequestError(documentId, errs)
+ /// Checks if the request contains a body
+ let checkIfHasBody (request: HttpRequest) = task {
+ if request.Body.CanSeek then
+ return (request.Body.Length > 0L)
+ else
+ request.EnableBuffering()
+ let body = request.Body
+ let buffer = Array.zeroCreate 1
+ let! bytesRead = body.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, 1)
+ body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) |> ignore
+ return bytesRead > 0
+ }
+ /// Execute default or custom introspection query
+ let executeIntrospectionQuery (executor: Executor<_>) (ast: Ast.Document voption) : Task = task {
+ let! result =
+ match ast with
+ | ValueNone -> executor.AsyncExecute IntrospectionQuery.Definition
+ | ValueSome ast -> executor.AsyncExecute ast
+ let response = result |> toResponse
+ return (TypedResults.Ok response) :> IResult
+ }
+ /// Check if the request is an introspection query
+ /// by first checking on such properties as `GET` method or `empty request body`
+ /// and lastly by parsing document AST for introspection operation definition.
+ ///
+ /// Result of check of
+ let checkOperationType () = taskResult {
+ let checkAnonymousFieldsOnly (ctx: HttpContext) = taskResult {
+ let! gqlRequest = ctx.TryBindJsonAsync(GQLRequestContent.expectedJSON)
+ let! ast = Parser.parseOrIResult ctx.Request.Path.Value gqlRequest.Query
+ let operationName = gqlRequest.OperationName |> Skippable.toOption
+ let createParsedContent() = {
+ Query = gqlRequest.Query
+ Ast = ast
+ OperationName = gqlRequest.OperationName
+ Variables = gqlRequest.Variables
+ }
+ if ast.IsEmpty then
+ logger.LogTrace(
+ "Request is not GET, but 'query' field is an empty string. Must be an introspection query"
+ )
+ return IntrospectionQuery <| ValueNone
+ else
+ match Ast.tryFindOperationByName operationName ast with
+ | None ->
+ logger.LogTrace "Document has no operation"
+ return IntrospectionQuery <| ValueNone
+ | Some op ->
+ if not (op.OperationType = Ast.Query) then
+ logger.LogTrace "Document operation is not of type Query"
+ return createParsedContent () |> OperationQuery
+ else
+ let hasNonMetaFields =
+ Ast.containsFieldsBeyond
+ Ast.metaTypeFields
+ (fun x ->
+ logger.LogTrace($"Operation Selection in Field with name: {{fieldName}}", x.Name))
+ (fun _ -> logger.LogTrace "Operation Selection is non-Field type")
+ op
+ if hasNonMetaFields then
+ return createParsedContent() |> OperationQuery
+ else
+ return IntrospectionQuery <| ValueSome ast
+ }
+ let request = ctx.Request
+ if HttpMethods.Get = request.Method then
+ logger.LogTrace("Request is GET. Must be an introspection query")
+ return IntrospectionQuery <| ValueNone
+ else
+ let! hasBody = checkIfHasBody request
+ if not hasBody then
+ logger.LogTrace("Request is not GET, but has no body. Must be an introspection query")
+ return IntrospectionQuery <| ValueNone
+ else
+ return! checkAnonymousFieldsOnly ctx
+ }
+ abstract ExecuteOperation<'Root> : Executor<'Root> -> ParsedGQLQueryRequestContent -> Task
+ /// Execute the operation for given request
+ default _.ExecuteOperation<'Root> (executor: Executor<'Root>) content = task {
+ let operationName = content.OperationName |> Skippable.filter (not << isNull) |> Skippable.toOption
+ let variables = content.Variables |> Skippable.filter (not << isNull) |> Skippable.toOption
+ operationName
+ |> Option.iter (fun on -> logger.LogTrace("GraphQL operation name: '{operationName}'", on))
+ logger.LogTrace($"Executing GraphQL query:\n{{query}}", content.Query)
+ variables
+ |> Option.iter (fun v -> logger.LogTrace($"GraphQL variables:\n{{variables}}", v))
+ let root = options.CurrentValue.RootFactory ctx
+ let! result =
+ Async.StartAsTask(
+ executor.AsyncExecute(content.Ast, root, ?variables = variables, ?operationName = operationName),
+ cancellationToken = ctx.RequestAborted
+ )
+ let response = result |> toResponse
+ return (TypedResults.Ok response) :> IResult
+ }
+ member request.HandleAsync () : Task> = taskResult {
+ if ctx.RequestAborted.IsCancellationRequested then
+ return TypedResults.Empty
+ else
+ let executor = options.CurrentValue.SchemaExecutor
+ match! checkOperationType () with
+ | IntrospectionQuery optionalAstDocument -> return! executeIntrospectionQuery executor optionalAstDocument
+ | OperationQuery content -> return! request.ExecuteOperation executor content
+ }
diff --git a/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.Giraffe/HttpHandlers.fs b/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.Giraffe/HttpHandlers.fs
index b349aa96f..ebad0e0d0 100644
--- a/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.Giraffe/HttpHandlers.fs
+++ b/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.Giraffe/HttpHandlers.fs
@@ -1,21 +1,12 @@
namespace FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore.Giraffe
-open System
-open System.IO
-open System.Text.Json
-open System.Text.Json.Serialization
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
open Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
-open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
-open Microsoft.Extensions.Options
open FsToolkit.ErrorHandling
open Giraffe
-open FSharp.Data.GraphQL
-open FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Ast
-open FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server
open FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore
type HttpHandler = HttpFunc -> HttpContext -> HttpFuncResult
@@ -36,236 +27,8 @@ module HttpHandlers =
|> ofTaskIResult ctx
let private handleGraphQL<'Root> (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) =
- let sp = ctx.RequestServices
- let logger = sp.CreateLogger moduleType
- let options = sp.GetRequiredService>> ()
- let toResponse { DocumentId = documentId; Content = content; Metadata = metadata } =
- let serializeIndented value =
- let jsonSerializerOptions = options.Get(GraphQLOptions.IndentedOptionsName).SerializerOptions
- JsonSerializer.Serialize (value, jsonSerializerOptions)
- match content with
- | Direct (data, errs) ->
- logger.LogDebug (
- $"Produced direct GraphQL response with documentId = '{{documentId}}' and metadata:\n{{metadata}}",
- documentId,
- metadata
- )
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
- logger.LogTrace ($"GraphQL response data:\n:{{data}}", serializeIndented data)
- GQLResponse.Direct (documentId, data, errs)
- | Deferred (data, errs, deferred) ->
- logger.LogDebug (
- $"Produced deferred GraphQL response with documentId = '{{documentId}}' and metadata:\n{{metadata}}",
- documentId,
- metadata
- )
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Debug then
- deferred
- |> Observable.add (function
- | DeferredResult (data, path) ->
- logger.LogDebug ("Produced GraphQL deferred result for path: {path}", path |> Seq.map string |> Seq.toArray |> Path.Join)
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
- logger.LogTrace ($"GraphQL deferred data:\n{{data}}", serializeIndented data)
- | DeferredErrors (null, errors, path) ->
- logger.LogDebug ("Produced GraphQL deferred errors for path: {path}", path |> Seq.map string |> Seq.toArray |> Path.Join)
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
- logger.LogTrace ($"GraphQL deferred errors:\n{{errors}}", errors)
- | DeferredErrors (data, errors, path) ->
- logger.LogDebug (
- "Produced GraphQL deferred result with errors for path: {path}",
- path |> Seq.map string |> Seq.toArray |> Path.Join
- )
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
- logger.LogTrace (
- $"GraphQL deferred errors:\n{{errors}}\nGraphQL deferred data:\n{{data}}",
- errors,
- serializeIndented data
- ))
- GQLResponse.Direct (documentId, data, errs)
- | Stream stream ->
- logger.LogDebug (
- $"Produced stream GraphQL response with documentId = '{{documentId}}' and metadata:\n{{metadata}}",
- documentId,
- metadata
- )
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Debug then
- stream
- |> Observable.add (function
- | SubscriptionResult data ->
- logger.LogDebug ("Produced GraphQL subscription result")
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
- logger.LogTrace ($"GraphQL subscription data:\n{{data}}", serializeIndented data)
- | SubscriptionErrors (null, errors) ->
- logger.LogDebug ("Produced GraphQL subscription errors")
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
- logger.LogTrace ($"GraphQL subscription errors:\n{{errors}}", errors)
- | SubscriptionErrors (data, errors) ->
- logger.LogDebug ("Produced GraphQL subscription result with errors")
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
- logger.LogTrace (
- $"GraphQL subscription errors:\n{{errors}}\nGraphQL deferred data:\n{{data}}",
- errors,
- serializeIndented data
- ))
- GQLResponse.Stream documentId
- | RequestError errs ->
- let noExceptionsFound =
- errs
- |> Seq.map
- (fun x ->
- x.Exception |> ValueOption.iter (fun ex ->
- logger.LogError (ex, "Error while processing request that generated response with documentId '{documentId}'", documentId)
- )
- x.Exception.IsNone
- )
- |> Seq.forall id
- if noExceptionsFound then
- logger.LogWarning (
- ("Produced request error GraphQL response with:\n"
- + "- documentId: '{documentId}'\n"
- + "- error(s):\n {requestError}\n"
- + "- metadata:\n {metadata}\n"),
- documentId,
- errs,
- metadata
- )
- GQLResponse.RequestError (documentId, errs)
- /// Checks if the request contains a body
- let checkIfHasBody (request : HttpRequest) = task {
- if request.Body.CanSeek then
- return (request.Body.Length > 0L)
- else
- request.EnableBuffering ()
- let body = request.Body
- let buffer = Array.zeroCreate 1
- let! bytesRead = body.ReadAsync (buffer, 0, 1)
- body.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin) |> ignore
- return bytesRead > 0
- }
- /// Check if the request is an introspection query
- /// by first checking on such properties as `GET` method or `empty request body`
- /// and lastly by parsing document AST for introspection operation definition.
- ///
- /// Result of check of
- let checkOperationType (ctx : HttpContext) = taskResult {
- let checkAnonymousFieldsOnly (ctx : HttpContext) = taskResult {
- let! gqlRequest = ctx.TryBindJsonAsync (GQLRequestContent.expectedJSON)
- let! ast = Parser.parseOrIResult ctx.Request.Path.Value gqlRequest.Query
- let operationName = gqlRequest.OperationName |> Skippable.toOption
- let createParsedContent () = {
- Query = gqlRequest.Query
- Ast = ast
- OperationName = gqlRequest.OperationName
- Variables = gqlRequest.Variables
- }
- if ast.IsEmpty then
- logger.LogTrace ("Request is not GET, but 'query' field is an empty string. Must be an introspection query")
- return IntrospectionQuery <| ValueNone
- else
- match Ast.tryFindOperationByName operationName ast with
- | None ->
- logger.LogTrace "Document has no operation"
- return IntrospectionQuery <| ValueNone
- | Some op ->
- if not (op.OperationType = Ast.Query) then
- logger.LogTrace "Document operation is not of type Query"
- return createParsedContent () |> OperationQuery
- else
- let hasNonMetaFields =
- Ast.containsFieldsBeyond
- Ast.metaTypeFields
- (fun x -> logger.LogTrace ($"Operation Selection in Field with name: {{fieldName}}", x.Name))
- (fun _ -> logger.LogTrace "Operation Selection is non-Field type")
- op
- if hasNonMetaFields then
- return createParsedContent () |> OperationQuery
- else
- return IntrospectionQuery <| ValueSome ast
- }
- let request = ctx.Request
- if HttpMethods.Get = request.Method then
- logger.LogTrace ("Request is GET. Must be an introspection query")
- return IntrospectionQuery <| ValueNone
- else
- let! hasBody = checkIfHasBody request
- if not hasBody then
- logger.LogTrace ("Request is not GET, but has no body. Must be an introspection query")
- return IntrospectionQuery <| ValueNone
- else
- return! checkAnonymousFieldsOnly ctx
- }
- /// Execute default or custom introspection query
- let executeIntrospectionQuery (executor : Executor<_>) (ast : Ast.Document voption) = task {
- let! result =
- match ast with
- | ValueNone -> executor.AsyncExecute IntrospectionQuery.Definition
- | ValueSome ast -> executor.AsyncExecute ast
- let response = result |> toResponse
- return Results.Ok response
- }
- /// Execute the operation for given request
- let executeOperation (executor: Executor<_>) content = task {
- let operationName = content.OperationName |> Skippable.filter (not << isNull) |> Skippable.toOption
- let variables = content.Variables |> Skippable.filter (not << isNull) |> Skippable.toOption
- operationName
- |> Option.iter (fun on -> logger.LogTrace ("GraphQL operation name: '{operationName}'", on))
- logger.LogTrace ($"Executing GraphQL query:\n{{query}}", content.Query)
- variables
- |> Option.iter (fun v -> logger.LogTrace ($"GraphQL variables:\n{{variables}}", v))
- let root = options.CurrentValue.RootFactory ctx
- let! result =
- Async.StartAsTask (
- executor.AsyncExecute (content.Ast, root, ?variables = variables, ?operationName = operationName),
- cancellationToken = ctx.RequestAborted
- )
- let response = result |> toResponse
- return Results.Ok response
- }
- if ctx.RequestAborted.IsCancellationRequested then
- Task.FromResult None
- else
- taskResult {
- let executor = options.CurrentValue.SchemaExecutor
- match! checkOperationType ctx with
- | IntrospectionQuery optionalAstDocument -> return! executeIntrospectionQuery executor optionalAstDocument
- | OperationQuery content -> return! executeOperation executor content
- }
- |> ofTaskIResult2 ctx
+ let request = ctx.RequestServices.GetRequiredService>()
+ request.HandleAsync () |> ofTaskIResult2 ctx
let graphQL<'Root> : HttpHandler = choose [ POST; GET ] >=> handleGraphQL<'Root>
diff --git a/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.Oxpecker/HttpEndpoints.fs b/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.Oxpecker/HttpEndpoints.fs
index 04ee52b6d..5d0b98060 100644
--- a/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.Oxpecker/HttpEndpoints.fs
+++ b/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.Oxpecker/HttpEndpoints.fs
@@ -1,264 +1,25 @@
namespace FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore.Giraffe
-open System
-open System.IO
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
-open System.Text.Json
-open System.Text.Json.Serialization
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
open Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
-open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
-open Microsoft.Extensions.Options
open FsToolkit.ErrorHandling
open Oxpecker
-open FSharp.Data.GraphQL
-open FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Ast
-open FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server
open FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore
module HttpEndpoints =
- let rec private moduleType = getModuleType <@ moduleType @>
let internal writeIResult2 (ctx : HttpContext) (taskRes: Task>) : Task = task {
let! result = taskRes |> TaskResult.defaultWith id
do! ctx.Write result
let private handleGraphQL<'Root> (ctx : HttpContext) : Task =
- let sp = ctx.RequestServices
- let logger = sp.CreateLogger moduleType
- let options = sp.GetRequiredService>>()
- let toResponse { DocumentId = documentId; Content = content; Metadata = metadata } =
- let serializeIndented value =
- let jsonSerializerOptions = options.Get(GraphQLOptions.IndentedOptionsName).SerializerOptions
- JsonSerializer.Serialize(value, jsonSerializerOptions)
- match content with
- | Direct(data, errs) ->
- logger.LogDebug(
- $"Produced direct GraphQL response with documentId = '{{documentId}}' and metadata:\n{{metadata}}",
- documentId,
- metadata
- )
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
- logger.LogTrace($"GraphQL response data:\n:{{data}}", serializeIndented data)
- GQLResponse.Direct(documentId, data, errs)
- | Deferred(data, errs, deferred) ->
- logger.LogDebug(
- $"Produced deferred GraphQL response with documentId = '{{documentId}}' and metadata:\n{{metadata}}",
- documentId,
- metadata
- )
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Debug then
- deferred
- |> Observable.add (function
- | DeferredResult(data, path) ->
- logger.LogDebug(
- "Produced GraphQL deferred result for path: {path}",
- path |> Seq.map string |> Seq.toArray |> Path.Join
- )
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
- logger.LogTrace(
- $"GraphQL deferred data:\n{{data}}",
- serializeIndented data
- )
- | DeferredErrors(null, errors, path) ->
- logger.LogDebug(
- "Produced GraphQL deferred errors for path: {path}",
- path |> Seq.map string |> Seq.toArray |> Path.Join
- )
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
- logger.LogTrace($"GraphQL deferred errors:\n{{errors}}", errors)
- | DeferredErrors(data, errors, path) ->
- logger.LogDebug(
- "Produced GraphQL deferred result with errors for path: {path}",
- path |> Seq.map string |> Seq.toArray |> Path.Join
- )
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
- logger.LogTrace(
- $"GraphQL deferred errors:\n{{errors}}\nGraphQL deferred data:\n{{data}}",
- errors,
- serializeIndented data
- ))
- GQLResponse.Direct(documentId, data, errs)
- | Stream stream ->
- logger.LogDebug(
- $"Produced stream GraphQL response with documentId = '{{documentId}}' and metadata:\n{{metadata}}",
- documentId,
- metadata
- )
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Debug then
- stream
- |> Observable.add (function
- | SubscriptionResult data ->
- logger.LogDebug("Produced GraphQL subscription result")
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
- logger.LogTrace(
- $"GraphQL subscription data:\n{{data}}",
- serializeIndented data
- )
- | SubscriptionErrors(null, errors) ->
- logger.LogDebug("Produced GraphQL subscription errors")
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
- logger.LogTrace($"GraphQL subscription errors:\n{{errors}}", errors)
- | SubscriptionErrors(data, errors) ->
- logger.LogDebug("Produced GraphQL subscription result with errors")
- if logger.IsEnabled LogLevel.Trace then
- logger.LogTrace(
- $"GraphQL subscription errors:\n{{errors}}\nGraphQL deferred data:\n{{data}}",
- errors,
- serializeIndented data
- ))
- GQLResponse.Stream documentId
- | RequestError errs ->
- logger.LogWarning(
- $"Produced request error GraphQL response with documentId = '{{documentId}}' and metadata:\n{{metadata}}",
- documentId,
- metadata
- )
- GQLResponse.RequestError(documentId, errs)
- /// Checks if the request contains a body
- let checkIfHasBody (request: HttpRequest) = task {
- if request.Body.CanSeek then
- return (request.Body.Length > 0L)
- else
- request.EnableBuffering()
- let body = request.Body
- let buffer = Array.zeroCreate 1
- let! bytesRead = body.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, 1)
- body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) |> ignore
- return bytesRead > 0
- }
- /// Check if the request is an introspection query
- /// by first checking on such properties as `GET` method or `empty request body`
- /// and lastly by parsing document AST for introspection operation definition.
- ///
- /// Result of check of
- let checkOperationType (ctx: HttpContext) = taskResult {
- let checkAnonymousFieldsOnly (ctx: HttpContext) = taskResult {
- let! gqlRequest = ctx.TryBindJsonAsync(GQLRequestContent.expectedJSON)
- let! ast = Parser.parseOrIResult ctx.Request.Path.Value gqlRequest.Query
- let operationName = gqlRequest.OperationName |> Skippable.toOption
- let createParsedContent() = {
- Query = gqlRequest.Query
- Ast = ast
- OperationName = gqlRequest.OperationName
- Variables = gqlRequest.Variables
- }
- if ast.IsEmpty then
- logger.LogTrace(
- "Request is not GET, but 'query' field is an empty string. Must be an introspection query"
- )
- return IntrospectionQuery <| ValueNone
- else
- match Ast.tryFindOperationByName operationName ast with
- | None ->
- logger.LogTrace "Document has no operation"
- return IntrospectionQuery <| ValueNone
- | Some op ->
- if not (op.OperationType = Ast.Query) then
- logger.LogTrace "Document operation is not of type Query"
- return createParsedContent () |> OperationQuery
- else
- let hasNonMetaFields =
- Ast.containsFieldsBeyond
- Ast.metaTypeFields
- (fun x ->
- logger.LogTrace($"Operation Selection in Field with name: {{fieldName}}", x.Name))
- (fun _ -> logger.LogTrace "Operation Selection is non-Field type")
- op
- if hasNonMetaFields then
- return createParsedContent() |> OperationQuery
- else
- return IntrospectionQuery <| ValueSome ast
- }
- let request = ctx.Request
- if HttpMethods.Get = request.Method then
- logger.LogTrace("Request is GET. Must be an introspection query")
- return IntrospectionQuery <| ValueNone
- else
- let! hasBody = checkIfHasBody request
- if not hasBody then
- logger.LogTrace("Request is not GET, but has no body. Must be an introspection query")
- return IntrospectionQuery <| ValueNone
- else
- return! checkAnonymousFieldsOnly ctx
- }
- /// Execute default or custom introspection query
- let executeIntrospectionQuery (executor: Executor<_>) (ast: Ast.Document voption) = task {
- let! result =
- match ast with
- | ValueNone -> executor.AsyncExecute IntrospectionQuery.Definition
- | ValueSome ast -> executor.AsyncExecute ast
- let response = result |> toResponse
- return Results.Ok response
- }
- /// Execute the operation for given request
- let executeOperation (executor: Executor<_>) content = task {
- let operationName = content.OperationName |> Skippable.filter (not << isNull) |> Skippable.toOption
- let variables = content.Variables |> Skippable.filter (not << isNull) |> Skippable.toOption
- operationName
- |> Option.iter (fun on -> logger.LogTrace("GraphQL operation name: '{operationName}'", on))
- logger.LogTrace($"Executing GraphQL query:\n{{query}}", content.Query)
- variables
- |> Option.iter (fun v -> logger.LogTrace($"GraphQL variables:\n{{variables}}", v))
- let root = options.CurrentValue.RootFactory ctx
- let! result =
- Async.StartAsTask(
- executor.AsyncExecute(content.Ast, root, ?variables = variables, ?operationName = operationName),
- cancellationToken = ctx.RequestAborted
- )
- let response = result |> toResponse
- return Results.Ok response
- }
- if ctx.RequestAborted.IsCancellationRequested then
- Task.CompletedTask
- else
- taskResult {
- let executor = options.CurrentValue.SchemaExecutor
- match! checkOperationType ctx with
- | IntrospectionQuery optionalAstDocument -> return! executeIntrospectionQuery executor optionalAstDocument
- | OperationQuery content -> return! executeOperation executor content
- }
- |> writeIResult2 ctx
+ let request = ctx.RequestServices.GetRequiredService>()
+ request.HandleAsync () |> writeIResult2 ctx
let graphQL<'Root> (route, [] configure) : Endpoint = SimpleEndpoint(Verbs [HttpVerb.GET; HttpVerb.POST], route, handleGraphQL<'Root>, configure)
diff --git a/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.fsproj b/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.fsproj
index bfb262467..3ad275cc7 100644
--- a/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.fsproj
+++ b/src/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server/FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.fsproj
@@ -24,10 +24,7 @@
- <_Parameter1>FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.Giraffe
- <_Parameter1>FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.Oxpecker
+ <_Parameter1>FSharp.Data.GraphQL.Server.AspNetCore