A passionate python developer from Kazakhstan. Strong junior backend developer with 1.6 years of experience. Currently trying other fields System Design and ML/DS. My goal is to become a Solution Architect
- 📫 How to reach me miras.duzhassarov@gmail.com
- 🌱 Currently learning System Design, a bit of ML/DS
- Algorithms - solutions for LeetCode problems and algorithm implementations using Python
- ML/DS - playground of ML. Implemented basic regression, linear, classification models and learned some techniques like transfer learning, data augmentation, dropout reguleration etc. using Tensorflow and Keras
- CryptoMarket - market where users can buy and sell (not real) coins. Implemented document check for only 1 account per human and engine for buy/sell matching. Used FastAPI, Postgres, RMQ, Docker
- Blog - simple blog with authentication, posts and users. Used Django and PostgresSQL
- BadApple - small project for recreating videos with symbols in terminal using OpenCV