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File metadata and controls

391 lines (269 loc) · 12.7 KB

The CompMusic Browser


Dunya is a prototype being developed in the context of CompMusic, a research project that studies several world music traditions from the point of view of the information technologies, with the aim to facilitate the cataloging and discovery of music recordings within large repositories. For more information:


Dunya is Copyright 2013 Music Technology Group - Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Dunya is released under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (v3 or later). See the COPYING file for more information.

If you would prefer to get a (non FOSS) commercial license, please contact us at


On ubuntu-like machines you can run bash to install dependencies from apt, create symlinks into the python environment, and install all python packages. Otherwise, read on


sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib libsndfile1-dev lame libjpeg8-dev
  • Create a virtualenv

      virtualenv --no-site-packages env
      source env/bin/activate
      pip install --upgrade distribute
      pip install -r requirements
  • Also install essentia + python libraries

We install essentia into the virtualenv that we created for python. This lets the automatic celery jobs upgrade essentia when we make changes to it without needing root.

    git clone
    cd essentia
    git checkout -t origin/deploy
    sudo apt-get install build-essential libyaml-dev libfftw3-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev python-dev libsamplerate0-dev libtag1-dev python-numpy-dev python-numpy
    ./waf configure --mode=release --with-python --prefix=/srv/dunya/env
    sudo ./waf install
  • Using essentia, numpy, and scipy in virtualenv

      ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/essentia/ env/lib/python2.7/site-packages
      ln -s /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy* env/lib/python2.7/site-packages
      ln -s /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy* env/lib/python2.7/site-packages
  • Installing Pillow with jpeg support

      sudo apt-get install libjpeg8-dev
      ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* env/lib
      ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* env/lib
      ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* env/lib
      pip install pillow
  • If you install matplotlib with apt:

      pip install python-dateutil
      ln -s /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib* env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
      ln -s /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/pylab* env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/


Copy the file dunya/ to dunya/ and edit it to point to your database. We currently use postgres for its unaccent support.

Create the database:

createdb dunya

and also create the unaccent extension:

echo 'create extension unaccent;' | psql dunya

To add tables to the database run

fab setupdb

Alternatively, you may want to create a postgres dump, since the django json dump is over 500mb. Set up postgres and run

# on the server
pg_dump -O dunya > dunya_pg.sql

# on the new machine
psql dunya < dunya_pg.sql

Where dunya is the name of the database

  • If you want to manually add data to an empty database, follow these steps:
    1. To setup and configure your database, run: fab setupdb

    2. Inside your database, add a row to the django_site table: Example: id | domain | name 1 | |

    3. You need to have a collection of albums and audio files somewhere on your drive. You will need to enter the path to this folder. You can download sample collections from one of 'kora' if you have access to it.

    4. Assuming you have a MusicBrainz account, create a public collection and make sure the name contains the name of the music style that the collection is related to. For example, for Carnatic style the word 'carnatic' should be included somewhere in the collection name (ie 'carnatic_coll_23423') Add the releases for which you have a copy (step 3) into this collection.

    5. Run the development server and direct your browser to localhost:XXXX/dashboard

    6. Enter the corresponding data for the 'add collection' form.

      • You can retrieve the collection id from the link of the page ({collection_id}) Note: At the moment, if you are adding a collection for Carnatic style, you can choose all the checkers except the ones containing Makam.
    7. Click on Submit.

Updating file locations

Dunya has files in 3 locations:

  • Audio files
  • Derived files (images, wav files, features)
  • Media files (see below section)

The database stores the location of all files in docserver. If you copied audio and derived files from the server then you need to update the location. Run

python moveaudiodata <collectionid> <audiodir>

where collectionid is the musicbrainz id of the collection and audiodir is the location where the audio now lives. This takes a while (For just carnatic we have close to 1.5m rows to update). In the future we may suggest a method that accesses the database directly instead of using django.

Media files (entity images)

On the server, these files are stored in /mnt/compmusic/compmusicweb/dunya. You need to copy the directory to the MEDIA_ROOT location in


This is not needed if you don't want to use the extractors.

We use rabbitmq for sending job commands to workers. On the server you will need to run (password values aren't important)

rabbitmqctl add_user dunyauser dunyapassword
rabbitmqctl add_vhost CompMusic
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p CompMusic dunyauser ".*" ".*" ".*"
  • Rabbitmq configuration

In dunya/ you will need to add connection details:

BROKER_URL = 'amqp://'


This is not needed if you are not developing search. You can use the main solr server configured in

Search, search autocompletion, and similar concerts use solr to make things faster

Download the solr package from

Copy in the configuration files from dunya/solr


mvn jetty:run-war

To import data into solr

python solrdelete
python solrimport

Modify SOLR_URL in to point to your solr server. For example, if you are running solr on port 8080 in your localhost:

SOLR_URL = 'http://localhost:8080'

Less stylesheets

We use the less css compiler for stylesheets. You'll need lessc installed in order to update them. This might be as simple as one of these:

npm install -g less
sudo apt-get install node-less

You can also install node and less directly into your virtualenv if system versions of node are too old:

tar xfz node-v0.10.25.tar.gz
cd node-v0.10.25
./configure --prefix=/srv/dunya/env
make && make install
hash -r
npm install -g less

Compile all the less files to css by running

fab lesscompress


To run the server:

source env/bin/activate
fab up

To run jobs, make sure rabbitmq is running on the server

And on each client you run celery, either for executing the feature processing algorithms or the information import from MusicBrainz.

celery -A dunya worker -l info

celery -A dunya worker -l info -Q import

To make a complete dump of the database to a file called dunya_data.json or to load it again, run

fab dumpdata
fab loaddata

Updating Fixtures

Some data in Dunya should only rarely change (e.g., Raaga, Taala, Form, Location, Language lists). We store this data in fixtures, and it is automatically loaded when you create a new database. Fixure files are in fixtures/initial_data.json in the app (e.g., data and carnatic).

If you make a new fixture table, you can easily import data into it by creating a CSV file with the data in the first column and running

python tools/ -t <fixturename> <csvfile>

You'll need to edit to tell it about your table. You should then dump the fixtures to file and commit them for other people to use (you'll need to edit the dumpfixture method in to tell it about the new fixture, too.

fab dumpfixture:carnatic


In the data module there are 5 abstract classes:

  • Artist
  • Composer
  • Work
  • Concert
  • Recording

These classes store fields that are common to all cultures.

They also store lookup properties that are common over all styles, e.g., concert.performers()

Each style has replicas of these classes that can inherit from these abstract classes.

The abstract classes also provide the get_absolute_url() method, to be used when referring to an object.

both get_absolute_url and property lookups require data (class names, url fragments) that are common to the specific culture. Because of this, you need to create a StyleBase class which implements two methods. Here is an example:

class CarnaticBase(object):
    def get_style(self):
        return "carnatic"
    def get_object_map(self):
        return {"performance": InstrumentPerformance,
                "concert": Concert

You need an object map for each of the abstract classes.

A specific culture has a concrete class inheriting from the base class ''first'' and then the abstract data class

class Concert(CarnaticBase, data.models.BaseConcert):

Any fields that are specific to this culture can be added to this specific class.


To get the application chrome, add this to the top of the template

{% extends "browse/base.html" %}

and put the contents of the template inside

{% block wrap %}
{% endblock %}

Template files should be saved in modulename/templates/modulename/templatename.html and can be refered to in a view as modulename/templatename.html

Template fragments

Commonly used parts of code are added to template fragments.

We need a better description about how to name these and what the arguments should be.

Inline links

When linking to an entity, never construct a link manually. Instead, make sure the template contains

{% load extras %}

and use the provided {% inline_x thex %} methods. These will automatically create a link and the best form of the objects name.

Server configuration

Find an nginx configuration file in the admin/ directory. Use this configuration for supervisor.

command=/srv/dunya/env/bin/python runfcgi daemonize=false socket=/tmp/dunya.sock


Dunya must also be installed on worker machines to run remote processes. This machine will need access to the main database, configured in

Essentia should be installed into the virtual environment, /srv/dunya/env. The whole dunya directory should be owned by a user that has write permission to the directory. Celery should run as this user too.

You need to make sure that this user can connect to github via ssh. Either log in as the use and run ssh, or use https.

The celery configuration should have a queue and hostname configured that are the same (-Q and -n). These settings are needed for remote control of a single worker. The machines must also listen on the standard celery queue for all other work.

# We need to set the path to include the virtualenv so that e.g. essentia gets the right pythonpath
# Supervisor doesn't overwrite HOME or USER, so we need to add it so that os.path.expanduser works
# set LD_LIBRARY_PATH so the python module can find
command=/srv/dunya/env/bin/celery -A dunya -n kora worker -l info -Q kora,celery

One machine must listen on the import queue. This is used for processes that run from the dashboard.