Useful hooks for ReactFlow
A version of reactflow's useNode
hook that throws an error if not called within a node instead of returning null
function useAssertNodeId(): string | never;
A hook that returns the current node without subscribing to changes.
function useNode<T = any>(): Node<T> | never;
A hook that returns actions that can be performed on the current node.
interface NodeActions {
deleteNode: () => void;
function useNodeActions<T = any>(): NodeActions<T> | never;
A hook that subscribes to changes in the current node's state.
function useNodeState<T = any, U = Node<T>>(
selector?: (node: Node<T>) => U,
equalityFn?: (a: U, b: U) => boolean
): U | never;
A hook that subscribes specifically to changes in the current node's data.
function useNodeData<T, U = T>(
selector?: (data: T) => U,
equalityFn?: (a: U, b: U) => boolean
): U | never;
A hook that returns the ingoing edges of the current node.
function useIngressEdges<T = any>(): ReactFlow.Edge<T>[] | never;
A hook that returns the outgoing edges of the current node.
function useEgressEdges<T = any>(): ReactFlow.Edge<T>[] | never;
A hook that returns the source nodes of the current node, i.e. the nodes that have an outgoing edge to the current node.
function useSourceNodes<T = any>(): ReactFlow.Node<T>[] | never;
A hook that returns the target nodes of the current node, i.e. the nodes that have an ingoing edge from the current node.
function useTargetNodes<T = any>(): ReactFlow.Node<T>[] | never;
A subscribing hook that returns whether a given input handle of the current node is connected.
function useIsInputConnected(inputId: string): boolean | never;
A subscribing hook that returns whether a given output handle of the current node is connected.
function useIsOutputConnected(outputId: string): boolean | never;
A subscribing hook that returns whether a given handle of the current node is connected.
function useIsHandleConnected(handleId: string, handleType: HandleType): boolean | never;
npm install reactflow-hooks
bun install reactflow-hooks