This repository contains python scripts and Jupyter notebooks with the results use on the Radio SOMA paper III (in prep) and my 2022 CASSUM project as part of my work with the SOFIA Massive (SOMA) Star Formation Survey.
Radio SOMA III: "The SOMA Radio Survey. III. Extended Spectral Energy Distributions of Intermediate Protostars"
In this project we analyze VLA radio continuum observations of seven intermediate and high-mass regions that are part of the SOFIA Massive (SOMA) Star Formation Survey. Using 1.3 cm (K band) and 6 cm (C band) data, we built extended spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for twelve sources, and we also studied multiplicity, morphology, and the spectral index of the centimeter continuum data of these sources.
This plot is from source IRAS 22198 showing the IR data (37 micron) with VLA contours of the combined radio maps overlaid.
CASSUM Project: "The Final Stages of Massive Star Formation - Infrared Characterization of Ultra-Compact HII Regions"
In this project we analyzed over 350 regions from the CORNISH UCHII catalogue at different wavelengths to try to expand the SOMA sample with evolved sources.
This plot uses radio luminosity at 5 GHz and the bolometric luminosity to determine the nature of the source given the position of the data points in the plot.
Plot showing the SOMA sample, the UCHII sources and some evolutionary tracks.