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The AWS DeepRacer Event Manager (DREM) is used to run and manage all aspects of in-person events for AWS DeepRacer, an autonomous 1/18th scale race car designed to test reinforcement learning (RL) models by racing on a physical track.


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Welcome to AWS DeepRacer Event Manager (DREM)


The AWS DeepRacer Event Manager (DREM) is used to run and manage all aspects of in-person events for AWS DeepRacer, an autonomous 1/18th scale race car designed to test reinforcement learning (RL) models by racing on a physical track.

DREM offers event organizers tools for managing users, models, cars and fleets, events, as well as time recording and leaderboards. Race participants also use DREM to upload their RL models.

Architectural overview

Note: DREM is designed for use with AWS DeepRacer cars running firmware version 20.04 and above. Earlier firmware versions are not supported. If you need to update your device, see Update and restore your AWS DeepRacer device


Deployment prerequisites

The deployment requires the following tools:

  • Docker with ARM build support
  • AWS CLI *
  • AWS CDK with Typescript support (Tested with 2.6.0) *
  • Node.js version 18.x *
  • (Optional) Make buildtool. We provide a Makefile with all required targets for easy use. We recommend installing Make. *

* Included if you use docker compose

Supported regions

The deployment is currently supported in theses regions:

US East (N. Virginia)
US East (Ohio)
US West (Oregon)
Europe (Frankfurt)
Europe (Stockholm)
Europe (Ireland)
Europe (London)
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
Asia Pacific (Singapore)
Asia Pacific (Sydney)

Deployment overview

Please note: It takes approximately an hour for all of the DREM resources to be deployed.

  1. Create an S3 bucket to act as the source for the codepipeline The bucket must have versioning enabled e.g. drem-pipeline-zip-123456789012-eu-west-1 (replace 123456789012 with your account ID to ensure the name is unique)
  2. Create a Parameter Store key called '/drem/S3RepoBucket' with a string value of the S3 Bucket ARN for the codepipeline source, for example, arn:aws:s3:::drem-pipeline-zip-123456789012-eu-west-1
  3. Install build dependencies
  4. Create required build.config (if using Make)
  5. Bootstrap AWS CDK
  6. Install DREM
  7. Accessing DREM
  8. Setup Amazon Cognito to use Amazon SES for email sending (optional)

Option 1. Deploy DREM for use at an event

If you are deploying DREM for use to support your AWS DeepRacer event(s)

Step 1: Setup environment and create S3 bucket and enable versioning

In your terminal of command line, enter the following commands:

# Bucket used to put deep racer event manager assets
export BUCKET=<your-source-bucket-name>
# Region where you wish to deploy
export REGION=<your-region>
# Your e-mail
export EMAIL=<your-email>

# Optional (if you have AWS CLI configured with you credentials already)
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret>
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=<token>

# Setting variables we can do automatically.
export BRANCH=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)
export ACCOUNT=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
# Bucket creation
aws s3 mb s3://$BUCKET --region $REGION
# Versioning activation on the bucket
aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket $BUCKET --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled

Step 2: Create a Parameter Store key

aws ssm put-parameter --name /drem/S3RepoBucket --value arn:aws:s3:::$BUCKET --type String --region $REGION

Step 3: Install build dependencies

npm install

Step 4: Create the build config for Make

Note. This step is only required if Make is used for the later steps.

Build your build.config file

echo "region=$REGION" >> build.config
echo "email=$EMAIL" >> build.config
echo "account_id=$ACCOUNT" >> build.config
echo "branch=$BRANCH" >> build.config

Step 5: Bootstrap AWS CDK

In this step, you bootstrap the CDK. Two options are listed below.

Using make
make bootstrap
cdk bootstrap -c email=$EMAIL -c account=$ACCOUNT -c region=$REGION -c branch=$BRANCH

Step 6: Install DREM

This command uploads all required files into the specified S3 bucket and then creates a CodePipeline pipeline. This pipeline coordinates the build and deployment of all required DREM services.

Using make


make install

Create a zip of DREM

zip -r . -x ./.venv/\* ./.git/\* ./website/build/\* ./website/node_modules/\* ./node_modules/\* ./cdk.out/\* ./website-leaderboard/build/\* ./website-leaderboard/node_modules/\* ./website-stream-overlays/build/\* ./website-stream-overlays/node_modules/\*

Copy to the S3 bucket created earlier using the key in parameter store for the bucket name subsituting <branch> for the branch name (usually main)

aws s3 cp s3://$(aws ssm get-parameter --name '/drem/S3RepoBucket' --output text --query 'Parameter.Value' --region $REGION| cut -d ':' -f 6)/<branch>/)


npx cdk deploy -c email=<admin-email> -c account=1234567890 -c region=<optional> -c branch=<optional>

Step 7: Accessing DREM

The deployment of DREM through the pipeline will take approximately 1 hour. You can monitor the progress of the deployment by accessing the AWS Account you are deploying DREM into and going into AWS CodePipeline and reviewing the pipeline. As part of the deployment, the email address provided will become the admin user for DREM. An email with temporary credentials to access DREM as well as the a link will be sent to the email address provided. Note: The link won't work until the codepipeline has fully finished. When logging in for first time, the username is admin and the user will be prompted to change the temporary password.

Step 8: Setup Amazon Cognito to use Amazon SES for email sending (optional)

In the default configuration Amazon Cognito only supports 50 signups a day due to a hard limit on the number of signup emails it is allowed to send. To resolve this you must enable the integration with Amazon SES.

To manually enable this integration, you can follow these steps:

  1. Purchase/Register your domain in Route 53
    • you can use other DNS providers but those steps are not detailed here
  2. Add the domain to the verified identities in Amazon SES
  3. Take the SES account out of sandbox mode
  4. Navigate to your Amazon Cognito User Pool
  5. Click Edit in Messaging, Email
  6. Switch the configuration to Send email with Amazon SES and complete the rest of the email configuration appropriately
  7. Click Save changes

### Option 2. Deploy DREM as a developer / contributor

Development prerequisites

As per the deployment prerequisites with the following additional tools

A number of plugins are recommended when contributing code to DREM. VSCode will prompt you to install these plugins when you open the source code for the first time.

We recommend that you use the Makefile based commands to simplify the steps required when developing code for DREM.

If you plan to help develop DREM and contribute code, the initial deployment of DREM is the same as above. Once DREM has deployed, to make the deployed DREM stack available for local development, run the following commands, alternatively the stack can be run using docker compose to create containers for each of the three react applications that make up DREM:

Local development

Running all resources and installing all dependencies on the local machine

Install local dependencies

make local.install

Configure the local development environment

Note: You will need to have your local development environment setup/authenticated with AWS

make local.config

Run the frontend locally

To run the main DREM application


To run the DREM leaderboard application


To run the DREM streaming overlays


Docker compose based local development

Using docker compose to build and run containers for each of the react applications that make up DREM.

Configure the local development environment

Note: You will need to have your local development environment setup/authenticated with AWS

make local.config.docker

Start Docker

With docker running on your machine, use the following commands to build and start the containers. Builds the containers if they aren't already built and runs them in 'detached' mode

docker compose up -d

To access the logs as the containers are running

docker compose logs -f

To stop the containers

docker compose down

To rebuild a container

docker compose build --no-cache <container name>

To restart a container

docker compose restart <container name>

To run a command in a new container instance

docker compose run <container name> /bin/sh

To execute a command in a running container

docker compose run <container name> <command>


When you have finished using DREM for your event, the application can be removed using either Makefile based commands or manually.

Step 1: Remove the pipeline

Using make

make clean


npx cdk destroy -c email=$EMAIL -c account=$ACCOUNT -c region=$REGION -c branch=$BRANCH

Step 2: Remove the infrastructure stack

Using make

make drem.clean-infrastructure


aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name drem-backend-$BRANCH-infrastructure --REGION $REGION

Manual clean up

Not all of the elements from the stack are able to be deleted in an automated manner and so once the initial attempt at deleting the stack has failed with DELETE_FAILED status you need to manually delete the stack using the console and retain the resources that can't be automatically delete. Once the stack has been deleted the retained resources can be manually deleted


(Known issue - we are looking to resolve this with an updated version of how we use ClamScanAV within DREM)

Step 3: Remove the base stack

Using make

make drem.clean-base


aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name drem-backend-<branch-name>-base

Manual clean up

Not all of the elements from the stack are able to be deleted in an automated manner and so once the initial attempt at deleting the stack has failed with DELETE_FAILED status you need to manually delete the stack using the console and retain the resources that can't be automatically delete. Once the stack has been deleted the retained resources can be manually deleted


Step 4: Remove S3 deployment bucket

Using the console remove the S3 bucket created in step 1 of deploying DREM.

Step 5: Remove SSM parameter

aws ssm delete-parameter --name /drem/S3RepoBucket --region $REGION

## Sample models

DREM has sample models trained used the reward functions in the AWS DeepRacer console that are available to load on to cars at events.

  • AtoZ Speedway clockwise
    • AtoZ-CW-Centerline-tracking.tar.gz
    • AtoZ-CW-Steering-penalty.tar.gz
    • AtoZ-CW-Throttle-penalty.tar.gz
  • AtoZ Speedway counter clockwise
    • AtoZ-CCW-Centerline-tracking.tar.gz
    • AtoZ-CCW-Steering-penalty.tar.gz
    • AtoZ-CCW-Throttle-penalty.tar.gz

They were trained for 12 hours using the PPO training algorithm, default discrete action space and the Hyperparameters:

  • Gradient descent batch size: 64
  • Number of epochs: 10
  • Learning rate: 0.0003
  • Entropy: 0.01
  • Discount factor: 0.95
  • Loss type: Huber
  • Number of experience episodes between each policy-updating iteration: 20

These models can be found in lib/default_models


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


The AWS DeepRacer Event Manager (DREM) is used to run and manage all aspects of in-person events for AWS DeepRacer, an autonomous 1/18th scale race car designed to test reinforcement learning (RL) models by racing on a physical track.



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