This project if just for learning purpose.
It's a CLI that simulates task processing through a json files provided as an argument.
A task has and ID
, a Description
, a Status
and A Duration
You must have Go install on your machine.
Once Go
is install, build the program so that you may have an executable by runing :
go build main.go
: buid the program for your operating system.
./main -help
: to view all the commands proposed by the program -
./main -list
: to view all the tasks. Add-n=<number_tasks_to_list>
to list a specific number of task. -
./main -status=<STATUS>
: to list tasks with specific with a specific status- 1(not started) , 2(in progress), 3(done). Ex: -status=1
./main -process
: to process all the tasks that are not yet done.